;;; gnus-edit.el --- Gnus SCORE file editing;; Copyright (C) 1995,96 Free Software Foundation, Inc.;;;; Author: Per Abrahamsen <abraham@iesd.auc.dk>;; Keywords: news, help;; Version: 0.2;;; Commentary:;;;; Type `M-x gnus-score-customize RET' to invoke.;;; Code:(require 'custom)(require 'gnus-score)(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))(defconst gnus-score-custom-data '((tag . "Score") (doc . "Customization of Gnus SCORE files.SCORE files allow you to assign a score to each article when you entera group, and automatically mark the articles as read or delete thembased on the score. In the summary buffer you can use the score tosort the articles by score (`C-c C-s C-s') or to jump to the unreadarticle with the highest score (`,').") (type . group) (data "\n" ((header . nil) (doc . "Name of SCORE file to customize.Enter the name in the `File' field, then push the [Load] button toload it. When done editing, push the [Save] button to save the file.Several score files may apply to each group, and several groups mayuse the same score file. This is controlled implicitly by the name ofthe score file and the value of the global variable`gnus-score-find-score-files-function', and explicitly by the the`Files' and `Exclude Files' entries.") (compact . t) (type . group) (data ((tag . "Load") (type . button) (query . gnus-score-custom-load)) ((tag . "Save") (type . button) (query . gnus-score-custom-save)) ((name . file) (tag . "File") (directory . gnus-kill-files-directory) (default-file . "SCORE") (type . file)))) ((name . files) (tag . "Files") (doc . "\List of score files to load when the the current score file is loaded.You can use this to share score entries between multiple score files.Push the `[INS]' button add a score file to the list, or `[DEL]' todelete a score file from the list.") (type . list) (data ((type . repeat) (header . nil) (data (type . file) (directory . gnus-kill-files-directory))))) ((name . exclude-files) (tag . "Exclude Files") (doc . "\List of score files to exclude when the the current score file is loaded.You can use this if you have a score file you want to share between anumber of newsgroups, except for the newsgroup this score filematches. [ Did anyone get that? ]Push the `[INS]' button add a score file to the list, or `[DEL]' todelete a score file from the list.") (type . list) (data ((type . repeat) (header . nil) (data (type . file) (directory . gnus-kill-files-directory))))) ((name . mark) (tag . "Mark") (doc . "\Articles below this score will be automatically marked as read.This means that when you enter the summary buffer, the articles willbe shown but will already be marked as read. You can then press `x'to get rid of them entirely.By default articles with a negative score will be marked as read. Tochange this, push the `Mark' button, and choose `Integer'. You canthen enter a value in the `Mark' field.") (type . gnus-score-custom-maybe-type)) ((name . expunge) (tag . "Expunge") (doc . "\Articles below this score will not be shown in the summary buffer.") (type . gnus-score-custom-maybe-type)) ((name . mark-and-expunge) (tag . "Mark and Expunge") (doc . "\Articles below this score will be marked as read, but not shown.Someone should explain me the difference between this and `expunge'alone or combined with `mark'.") (type . gnus-score-custom-maybe-type)) ((name . eval) (tag . "Eval") (doc . "\Evaluate this lisp expression when the entering summary buffer.") (type . sexp)) ((name . read-only) (tag . "Read Only") (doc . "Read-only score files will not be updated or saved.Except from this buffer, of course!") (type . toggle)) ((type . doc) (doc . "\Each news header has an associated list of score entries. You can use the [INS] buttons to add new score entries anywhere in thelist, or the [DEL] buttons to delete specific score entries.Each score entry should specify a string that should be matched withthe content actual header in order to determine whether the entryapplies to that header. Enter that string in the `Match' field.If the score entry matches, the articles score will be adjusted withsome amount. Enter that amount in the in the `Score' field. Youshould specify a positive amount for score entries that matchesarticles you find interesting, and a negative amount for score entriesmatching articles you would rather avoid. The final score for thearticle will be the sum of the score of all score entries that matchthe article. The score entry can be either permanent or expirable. To make theentry permanent, push the `Date' button and choose the `Permanent'entry. To make the entry expirable, choose instead the `Integer'entry. After choosing the you can enter the date the score entry waslast matched in the `Date' field. The date will be automaticallyupdated each time the score entry matches an article. When the datebecome too old, the the score entry will be removed.For your convenience, the date is specified as the number of dayselapsed since the (imaginary) Gregorian date Sunday, December 31, 1BC.Finally, you can choose what kind of match you want to perform bypushing the `Type' button. For most entries you can choose between`Exact' which mean the header content must be exactly identical to thematch string, or `Substring' meaning the match string should besomewhere in the header content, or even `Regexp' to use Emacs regularexpression matching. The last choice is `Fuzzy' which is like `Exact'except that whitespace derivations, a beginning `Re:' or a terminatingparenthetical remark are all ignored. Each of the four types have avariant which will ignore case in the comparison. That variant isindicated with a `(fold)' after its name.")) ((name . from) (tag . "From") (doc . "Scoring based on the authors email address.") (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type)) ((name . subject) (tag . "Subject") (doc . "Scoring based on the articles subject.") (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type)) ((name . followup) (tag . "Followup") (doc . "Scoring based on who the article is a followup to.If you want to see all followups to your own articles, add an entrywith a positive score matching your email address here. You can alsoput an entry with a negative score matching someone who is so annoyingthat you don't even want to see him quoted in followups.") (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type)) ((name . xref) (tag . "Xref") (doc . "Scoring based on article crossposting.If you want to score based on which newsgroups an article is postedto, this is the header to use. The syntax is a little different fromthe `Newsgroups' header, but scoring in `Xref' is much faster. As anexample, to match all crossposted articles match on `:.*:' using the`Regexp' type.") (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type)) ((name . references) (tag . "References") (doc . "Scoring based on article references.The `References' header gives you an alternative way to score onfollowups. If you for example want to see follow all discussionswhere people from `iesd.auc.dk' school participate, you can add asubstring match on `iesd.auc.dk>' on this header.") (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type)) ((name . message-id) (tag . "Message-ID") (doc . "Scoring based on the articles message-id.This isn't very useful, but Lars like completeness. You can use it tomatch all messaged generated by recent Gnus version with a `Substring'match on `.fsf@'.") (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type)) ((type . doc) (doc . "\WARNING: Scoring on the following three pseudo headers is very slow!Scoring on any of the real headers use a technique that avoidsscanning the entire article, only the actual headers you score on arescanned, and this scanning has been heavily optimized. Using just asingle entry for one the three pseudo-headers `Head', `Body', and`All' will require GNUS to retrieve and scan the entire article, whichcan be very slow on large groups. However, if you add one entry forany of these headers, you can just as well add several. Eachsubsequent entry cost relatively little extra time.")) ((name . head) (tag . "Head") (doc . "Scoring based on the article header.Instead of matching the content of a single header, the entire headersection of the article is matched. You can use this to match onarbitrary headers, foe example to single out TIN lusers, use a substringmatch on `Newsreader: TIN'. That should get 'em!") (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type)) ((name . body) (tag . "Body") (doc . "Scoring based on the article body.If you think any article that mentions `Kibo' is inherentlyinteresting, do a substring match on His name. You Are Allowed.") (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type)) ((name . all) (tag . "All") (doc . "Scoring based on the whole article.") (type . gnus-score-custom-string-type)) ((name . date) (tag . "Date") (doc . "Scoring based on article date.You can change the score of articles that have been posted before,after, or at a specific date. You should add the date in the `Match'field, and then select `before', `after', or `at' by pushing the`Type' button. Imagine you want to lower the score of very oldarticles, or want to raise the score of articles from the future (suchthings happen!). Then you can't use date scoring for that. In fact,I can't imagine anything you would want to use this for. For your convenience, the date is specified in Usenet date format.") (type . gnus-score-custom-date-type)) ((type . doc) (doc . "\The Lines and Chars headers use integer based scoring. This means that you should write an integer in the `Match' field, andthe push the `Type' field to if the `Chars' or `Lines' header shouldbe larger, equal, or smaller than the number you wrote in the matchfield.")) ((name . chars) (tag . "Characters") (doc . "Scoring based on the number of characters in the article.") (type . gnus-score-custom-integer-type)) ((name . lines) (tag . "Lines") (doc . "Scoring based on the number of lines in the article.") (type . gnus-score-custom-integer-type)) ((name . orphan) (tag . "Orphan") (doc . "Score to add to articles with no parents.") (type . gnus-score-custom-maybe-type)) ((name . adapt) (tag . "Adapt") (doc . "Adapting the score files to your newsreading habits.When you have finished reading a group GNUS can automatically createnew score entries based on which articles you read and which youskipped. This is normally controlled by the two global variables`gnus-use-adaptive-scoring' and `gnus-default-adaptive-score-alist',The first determines whether adaptive scoring should be enabled ornot, while the second determines what score entries should be created.You can overwrite the setting of `gnus-use-adaptive-scoring' byselecting `Enable' or `Disable' by pressing the `Adapt' button.Selecting `Custom' will allow you to specify the exact adaptationrules (overwriting `gnus-default-adaptive-score-alist').") (type . choice) (data ((tag . "Default") (default . nil) (type . const)) ((tag . "Enable") (default . t) (type . const)) ((tag . "Disable") (default . ignore) (type . const)) ((tag . "Custom") (doc . "Customization of adaptive scoring.Each time you read an article it will be marked as read. Likewise, ifyou delete it it will be marked as deleted, and if you tick it it willbe marked as ticked. When you leave a group, GNUS can automaticallycreate score file entries based on these marks, so next time you enterthe group articles with subjects that you read last time have higherscore and articles with subjects that deleted will have lower score. Below is a list of such marks. You can insert new marks to the listby pushing on one of the `[INS]' buttons in the left margin to createa new entry and then pushing the `Mark' button to select the mark.For each mark there is another list, this time of article headers,which determine how the mark should affect that header. The `[INS]'buttons of this list are indented to indicate that the belong to themark above. Push the `Header' button to choose a header, and thenenter a score value in the `Score' field. For each article that are marked with `Mark' when you leave thegroup, a temporary score entry for the articles `Header' with thevalue of `Score' will be added the adapt file. If the score entryalready exists, `Score' will be added to its value. If you understoodthat, you are smart.You can select the special value `Other' when pressing the `Mark' or`Header' buttons. This is because Lars might add more useful valuesthere. If he does, it is up to you to figure out what they are named.") (type . list) (default . ((__uninitialized__))) (data ((type . repeat) (header . nil) (data . ((type . list) (header . nil) (compact . t) (data ((type . choice) (tag . "Mark") (data ((tag . "Unread") (default . gnus-unread-mark) (type . const)) ((tag . "Ticked") (default . gnus-ticked-mark) (type . const)) ((tag . "Dormant") (default . gnus-dormant-mark) (type . const)) ((tag . "Deleted") (default . gnus-del-mark) (type . const)) ((tag . "Read") (default . gnus-read-mark) (type . const)) ((tag . "Expirable") (default . gnus-expirable-mark) (type . const)) ((tag . "Killed") (default . gnus-killed-mark) (type . const)) ((tag . "Kill-file") (default . gnus-kill-file-mark) (type . const)) ((tag . "Low-score") (default . gnus-low-score-mark) (type . const)) ((tag . "Catchup") (default . gnus-catchup-mark) (type . const)) ((tag . "Ancient") (default . gnus-ancient-mark) (type . const)) ((tag . "Canceled") (default . gnus-canceled-mark) (type . const)) ((prompt . "Other") (default . ??) (type . sexp)))) ((type . repeat) (prefix . " ") (data . ((type . list) (compact . t) (data ((tag . "Header") (type . choice) (data ((tag . "Subject") (default . subject) (type . const)) ((prompt . "From") (tag . "From ") (default . from) (type . const)) ((prompt . "Other") (width . 7) (default . nil) (type . symbol)))) ((tag . "Score") (type . integer)))))))))))))) ((name . local) (tag . "Local") (doc . "\List of local variables to set when this score file is loaded.Using this entry can provide a convenient way to set variables thatwill affect the summary mode for only some specific groups, i.e. thosegroups matched by the current score file.") (type . list) (data ((type . repeat) (header . nil) (data . ((type . list) (compact . t) (data ((tag . "Name") (width . 26) (type . symbol)) ((tag . "Value") (width . 26) (type . sexp)))))))))))(defconst gnus-score-custom-type-properties '((gnus-score-custom-maybe-type (type . choice) (data ((type . integer) (default . 0)) ((tag . "Default") (type . const) (default . nil)))) (gnus-score-custom-string-type (type . list) (data ((type . repeat) (header . nil) (data . ((type . list) (compact . t) (data ((tag . "Match") (width . 59) (type . string)) "\n " ((tag . "Score") (type . integer)) ((tag . "Date") (type . choice) (data ((type . integer) (default . 0) (width . 9)) ((tag . "Permanent") (type . const) (default . nil)))) ((tag . "Type") (type . choice) (data ((tag . "Exact") (default . E) (type . const)) ((tag . "Substring") (default . S) (type . const)) ((tag . "Regexp") (default . R) (type . const)) ((tag . "Fuzzy") (default . F) (type . const)) ((tag . "Exact (fold)") (default . e) (type . const)) ((tag . "Substring (fold)") (default . s) (type . const)) ((tag . "Regexp (fold)") (default . r) (type . const)) ((tag . "Fuzzy (fold)") (default . f) (type . const)))))))))) (gnus-score-custom-integer-type (type . list) (data ((type . repeat) (header . nil) (data . ((type . list) (compact . t) (data ((tag . "Match") (type . integer)) ((tag . "Score") (type . integer)) ((tag . "Date") (type . choice) (data ((type . integer) (default . 0) (width . 9)) ((tag . "Permanent") (type . const) (default . nil)))) ((tag . "Type") (type . choice) (data ((tag . "<") (default . <) (type . const)) ((tag . ">") (default . >) (type . const)) ((tag . "=") (default . =) (type . const)) ((tag . ">=") (default . >=) (type . const)) ((tag . "<=") (default . <=) (type . const)))))))))) (gnus-score-custom-date-type (type . list) (data ((type . repeat) (header . nil) (data . ((type . list) (compact . t) (data ((tag . "Match") (width . 59) (type . string)) "\n " ((tag . "Score") (type . integer)) ((tag . "Date") (type . choice) (data ((type . integer) (default . 0) (width . 9)) ((tag . "Permanent") (type . const) (default . nil)))) ((tag . "Type") (type . choice) (data ((tag . "Before") (default . before) (type . const)) ((tag . "After") (default . after) (type . const)) ((tag . "At") (default . at) (type . const))))))))))))(defvar gnus-score-custom-file nil "Name of SCORE file being customized.")(defun gnus-score-customize () "Create a buffer for editing gnus SCORE files." (interactive) (let (gnus-score-alist) (custom-buffer-create "*Score Edit*" gnus-score-custom-data gnus-score-custom-type-properties 'gnus-score-custom-set 'gnus-score-custom-get 'gnus-score-custom-save)) (make-local-variable 'gnus-score-custom-file) (setq gnus-score-custom-file (expand-file-name "SCORE" gnus-kill-files-directory)) (make-local-variable 'gnus-score-alist) (setq gnus-score-alist nil) (custom-reset-all))(defun gnus-score-custom-get (name) (if (eq name 'file) gnus-score-custom-file (let ((entry (assoc (symbol-name name) gnus-score-alist))) (if entry (mapcar 'gnus-score-custom-sanify (cdr entry)) (setq entry (assoc name gnus-score-alist)) (if (or (memq name '(files exclude-files local)) (and (eq name 'adapt) (not (symbolp (car (cdr entry)))))) (cdr entry) (car (cdr entry)))))))(defun gnus-score-custom-set (name value) (cond ((eq name 'file) (setq gnus-score-custom-file value)) ((assoc (symbol-name name) gnus-score-alist) (if value (setcdr (assoc (symbol-name name) gnus-score-alist) value) (setq gnus-score-alist (delq (assoc (symbol-name name) gnus-score-alist) gnus-score-alist)))) ((assoc (symbol-name name) gnus-header-index) (if value (setq gnus-score-alist (cons (cons (symbol-name name) value) gnus-score-alist)))) ((assoc name gnus-score-alist) (cond ((null value) (setq gnus-score-alist (delq (assoc name gnus-score-alist) gnus-score-alist))) ((and (listp value) (not (eq name 'eval))) (setcdr (assoc name gnus-score-alist) value)) (t (setcdr (assoc name gnus-score-alist) (list value))))) ((null value)) ((and (listp value) (not (eq name 'eval))) (setq gnus-score-alist (cons (cons name value) gnus-score-alist))) (t (setq gnus-score-alist (cons (cons name (list value)) gnus-score-alist)))))(defun gnus-score-custom-sanify (entry) (list (nth 0 entry) (or (nth 1 entry) gnus-score-interactive-default-score) (nth 2 entry) (cond ((null (nth 3 entry)) 's) ((memq (nth 3 entry) '(before after at >= <=)) (nth 3 entry)) (t (intern (substring (symbol-name (nth 3 entry)) 0 1))))))(defvar gnus-score-cache nil)(defun gnus-score-custom-load () (interactive) (let ((file (custom-name-value 'file))) (if (eq file custom-nil) (error "You must specify a file name")) (setq file (expand-file-name file gnus-kill-files-directory)) (gnus-score-load file) (setq gnus-score-custom-file file) (custom-reset-all) (gnus-message 4 "Loaded")))(defun gnus-score-custom-save () (interactive) (custom-apply-all) (gnus-score-remove-from-cache gnus-score-custom-file) (let ((file gnus-score-custom-file) (score gnus-score-alist) emacs-lisp-mode-hook) (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Score*")) (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer)) (erase-buffer) (pp score (current-buffer)) (gnus-make-directory (file-name-directory file)) (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file nil 'silent) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))) (gnus-message 4 "Saved"))(provide 'gnus-edit);;; gnus-edit.el end here