view lisp/frame.el @ 775:1ca26ccad38e

*** empty log message ***
author Eric S. Raymond <>
date Tue, 14 Jul 1992 21:51:51 +0000 (1992-07-14)
parents 0276f8eb306f
children c99faf9381bb
line wrap: on
line source
;;; screen.el --- multi-screen management independent of window systems.

;;;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
;;; any later version.
;;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

(defvar screen-creation-function nil
  "Window-system dependent function to call to create a new screen.
The window system startup file should set this to its screen creation
function, which should take an alist of parameters as its argument.")

;;; The default value for this must ask for a minibuffer.  There must
;;; always exist a screen with a minibuffer, and after we delete the
;;; terminal screen, this will be the only screen.
(defvar initial-screen-alist '((minibuffer . nil))
  "Alist of values used when creating the initial emacs text screen.
These may be set in your init file, like this:
 (setq initial-screen-alist '((top . 1) (left . 1) (width . 80) (height . 55)))
These supercede the values given in screen-default-alist.")

(defvar minibuffer-screen-alist nil
  "Alist of values to apply to a minibuffer screen.
These may be set in your init file, like this:
 (setq minibuffer-screen-alist
   '((top . 1) (left . 1) (width . 80) (height . 1)))
These supercede the values given in default-screen-alist.")

(defvar pop-up-screen-alist nil
  "Alist of values used when creating pop-up screens.
Pop-up screens are used for completions, help, and the like.
This variable can be set in your init file, like this:
  (setq pop-up-screen-alist '((width . 80) (height . 20)))
These supercede the values given in default-screen-alist.")

(setq pop-up-screen-function
      (function (lambda ()
		  (new-screen pop-up-screen-alist))))

;;;; Arrangement of screens at startup

;;; 1) Load the window system startup file from the lisp library and read the
;;; high-priority arguments (-q and the like).  The window system startup
;;; file should create any screens specified in the window system defaults.
;;; 2) If no screens have been opened, we open an initial text screen.
;;; 3) Once the init file is done, we apply any newly set parameters
;;; in initial-screen-alist to the screen.

(add-hook 'before-init-hook 'screen-initialize)
(add-hook 'window-setup-hook 'screen-notice-user-settings)

;;; If we create the initial screen, this is it.
(defvar screen-initial-screen nil)

;;; startup.el calls this function before loading the user's init
;;; file - if there is no screen with a minibuffer open now, create
;;; one to display messages while loading the init file.
(defun screen-initialize ()
  ;; Are we actually running under a window system at all?
  (if (and window-system (not noninteractive))
      (let ((screens (screen-list)))
	;; Look for a screen that has a minibuffer.
	(while (and screens
		    (or (eq (car screens) terminal-screen)
			(not (cdr (assq 'minibuffer
					 (car screens)))))))
	  (setq screens (cdr screens)))

	;; If there was none, then we need to create the opening screen.
	(or screens
	    (setq default-minibuffer-screen
		  (setq screen-initial-screen
			(new-screen initial-screen-alist))))
	;; At this point, we know that we have a screen open, so we 
	;; can delete the terminal screen.
	(delete-screen terminal-screen)
	(setq terminal-screen nil))
    ;; No, we're not running a window system.  Arrange to cause errors.
    (setq screen-creation-function
	   (lambda (parameters)
	      "Can't create multiple screens without a window system."))))))
;;; startup.el calls this function after loading the user's init file.
;;; If we created a minibuffer before knowing if we had permission, we
;;; need to see if it should go away or change.  Create a text screen
;;; here.
(defun screen-notice-user-settings ()
  (if screen-initial-screen
	;; If the user wants a minibuffer-only screen, we'll have to
	;; make a new one; you can't remove or add a root window to/from
	;; an existing screen.
	(if (eq (cdr (or (assq 'minibuffer initial-screen-alist)
			 '(minibuffer . t)))
	      (setq default-minibuffer-screen
		     (append initial-screen-alist
			     (screen-parameters screen-initial-screen))))
	      (delete-screen screen-initial-screen))
	  (modify-screen-parameters screen-initial-screen

  ;; Make sure the initial screen can be GC'd if it is ever deleted.
  (makunbound 'screen-initial-screen))

;;;; Creation of additional screens

;;; Return some screen other than the current screen,
;;; creating one if neccessary.  Note that the minibuffer screen, if
;;; separate, is not considered (see next-screen).
(defun get-screen ()
  (let ((s (if (equal (next-screen (selected-screen)) (selected-screen))
	     (next-screen (selected-screen)))))

(defun next-multiscreen-window ()
  "Select the next window, regardless of which screen it is on."
  (select-window (next-window (selected-window)
			      (> (minibuffer-depth) 0)

(defun previous-multiscreen-window ()
  "Select the previous window, regardless of which screen it is on."
  (select-window (previous-window (selected-window)
				  (> (minibuffer-depth) 0)

(defun new-screen (&optional parameters)
  "Create a new screen, displaying the current buffer.

Optional argument PARAMETERS is an alist of parameters for the new
screen.  Specifically, PARAMETERS is a list of pairs, each having one
of the following forms:

(name . STRING)	- The screen should be named STRING.

(height . NUMBER) - The screen should be NUMBER text lines high.  If
	this parameter is present, the width parameter must also be

(width . NUMBER) - The screen should be NUMBER characters in width.
	If this parameter is present, the height parameter must also
	be given.

(minibuffer . t) - the screen should have a minibuffer
(minibuffer . none) - the screen should have no minibuffer
(minibuffer . only) - the screen should contain only a minibuffer
(minibuffer . WINDOW) - the screen should use WINDOW as its minibuffer window.

(NAME . VALUE), specifying the parameter and the value it should have.
NAME should be one of the following symbols:
  name		VALUE 

The documentation for the function x-create-screen describes
additional screen parameters that Emacs will recognize when running
under the X Window System."
  (funcall screen-creation-function parameters))

;;;; Iconification

;;; A possible enhancement for the below: if you iconify a surrogate
;;; minibuffer screen, iconify all of its minibuffer's users too; 
;;; de-iconify them as a group.  This will need to wait until screens
;;; have mapping and unmapping hooks.

(defun iconify ()
  "Iconify or deiconify the selected screen."
  (let ((screen (selected-screen)))
    (if (eq (screen-visible-p screen) t)
	(iconify-screen screen)
      (make-screen-visible screen))))

;;;; Screen configurations

(defun current-screen-configuration ()
  "Return a list describing the positions and states of all screens.
Each element is a list of the form (SCREEN ALIST WINDOW-CONFIG), where
SCREEN is a screen object, ALIST is an association list specifying
some of SCREEN's parameters, and WINDOW-CONFIG is a window
configuration object for SCREEN."
  (mapcar (function
	   (lambda (screen)
	     (list screen
		   (screen-parameters screen)
		   (current-window-configuration screen))))

(defun set-screen-configuration (configuration)
  "Restore the screens to the state described by CONFIGURATION.
Each screen listed in CONFIGURATION has its position, size, window
configuration, and other parameters set as specified in CONFIGURATION."
  (let (screens-to-delete)
    (mapcar (function
	     (lambda (screen)
	       (let ((parameters (assq screen configuration)))
		 (if parameters
		       (modify-screen-parameters screen (nth 1 parameters))
		       (set-window-configuration (nth 2 parameters)))
		   (setq screens-to-delete (cons screen screens-to-delete))))))
    (mapcar 'delete-screen screens-to-delete)))

;;;; Convenience functions for dynamically changing screen parameters

(defun set-screen-height (h)
  (interactive "NHeight: ")
  (let* ((screen (selected-screen))
	 (width (cdr (assoc 'width (screen-parameters (selected-screen))))))
    (set-screen-size (selected-screen) width h)))

(defun set-screen-width (w)
  (interactive "NWidth: ")
  (let* ((screen (selected-screen))
	 (height (cdr (assoc 'height (screen-parameters (selected-screen))))))
    (set-screen-size (selected-screen) w height)))

(defun set-default-font (font-name)
  (interactive "sFont name: ")
  (modify-screen-parameters (selected-screen)
			    (list (cons 'font font-name))))

(defun set-screen-background (color-name)
  (interactive "sColor: ")
  (modify-screen-parameters (selected-screen)
			    (list (cons 'background-color color-name))))

(defun set-screen-foreground (color-name)
  (interactive "sColor: ")
  (modify-screen-parameters (selected-screen)
			    (list (cons 'foreground-color color-name))))

(defun set-cursor-color (color-name)
  (interactive "sColor: ")
  (modify-screen-parameters (selected-screen)
			    (list (cons 'cursor-color color-name))))

(defun set-pointer-color (color-name)
  (interactive "sColor: ")
  (modify-screen-parameters (selected-screen)
			    (list (cons 'mouse-color color-name))))

(defun set-auto-raise (toggle)
  (interactive "xt or nil? ")
  (modify-screen-parameters (selected-screen)
			    (list (cons 'auto-raise toggle))))

(defun set-auto-lower (toggle)
  (interactive "xt or nil? ")
  (modify-screen-parameters (selected-screen)
			    (list (cons 'auto-lower toggle))))

(defun set-vertical-bar (toggle)
  (interactive "xt or nil? ")
  (modify-screen-parameters (selected-screen)
			    (list (cons 'vertical-scroll-bar toggle))))

(defun set-horizontal-bar (toggle)
  (interactive "xt or nil? ")
  (modify-screen-parameters (selected-screen)
			    (list (cons 'horizontal-scroll-bar toggle))))
;;;; Key bindings
(defvar ctl-x-5-map (make-sparse-keymap)
  "Keymap for screen commands.")
(fset 'ctl-x-5-prefix ctl-x-5-map)
(define-key ctl-x-map "5" 'ctl-x-5-prefix)

(define-key ctl-x-5-map "2" 'new-screen)
(define-key ctl-x-5-map "0" 'delete-screen)

(provide 'screen)

;;; screen.el ends here