;;; dabbrev.el --- dynamic abbreviation package;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1992, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: Don Morrison;; Maintainer: Lars Lindberg <Lars.Lindberg@sypro.cap.se>;; Created: 16 Mars 1992;; Lindberg's last update version: 5.7;; Keywords: abbrev expand completion;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option);; any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.;;; Commentary:;; The purpose with this package is to let you write just a few;; characters of words you've written earlier to be able to expand;; them.;;;; To expand a word, just put the point right after the word and press;; M-/ (dabbrev-expand) or M-C-/ (dabbrev-completion).;;;; Check out the customizable variables below to learn about all the;; features of this package.;;; Hints and tips for major modes writers:;; Recommended values C/Lisp etc text;; dabbrev-case-fold-search nil t;; dabbrev-case-replace nil t;;;; Set the variables you want special for your mode like this:;; (set (make-local-variable 'dabbrev-case-replace) nil);; Then you don't interfere with other modes.;;;; If your mode handles buffers that refers to other buffers;; (i.e. compilation-mode, gud-mode), then try to set;; `dabbrev-select-buffers-function' or `dabbrev-friend-buffer-function';; to a function that point out those buffers.;; Same goes for major-modes that are connected to other modes. There;; are for instance a number of mail-modes. One for reading, one for;; creating a new mail etc. Maybe those should be connected.;; Example for GNUS (when we write a reply, we want dabbrev to look in;; the article for expansion):;; (set (make-local-variable 'dabbrev-friend-buffer-function);; (lambda (buffer);; (save-excursion;; (set-buffer buffer);; (memq major-mode '(news-reply-mode gnus-article-mode)))));; Known bugs and limitations.;; - Possible to do several levels of `dabbrev-completion' in the;; minibuffer.;; - dabbrev-completion doesn't handle resetting the globals variables;; right. It resets them after finding the abbrev.;; Future enhancements;; - Check the tags-files? Like tags-complete?;; - Add the possibility of searching both forward and backward to;; the nearest expansion.;; - Check the kill-ring when everything else fails. (Maybe something;; for hippie-expand?). [Bng] <boris@cs.rochester.edu>;;; These people gave suggestions:;; [hymie] Hyman Rosen <marks!hymie@jyacc.jyacc.com>;; [burgett] Steve Burgett <burgett@bizet.eecs.berkeley.edu>;; [jules] Julian Gosnell <jules@x.co.uk>;; [kifer] Michael Kifer <kifer@sbcs.sunysb.edu>;; [ake] Ake Stenhoff <extaksf@aom.ericsson.se>;; [alon] Alon Albert <al%imercury@uunet.uu.net>;; [tromey] Tom Tromey <tromey@busco.lanl.gov>;; [Rolf] Rolf Schreiber <rolf@mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de>;; [Petri] Petri Raitio <per@tekla.fi>;; [ejb] Jay Berkenbilt <ejb@ERA.COM>;; [hawley] Bob Hawley <rth1@quartet.mt.att.com>;; ... and to all the people who have participated in the beta tests.;;; Code:;;----------------------------------------------------------------;; Customization variables;;----------------------------------------------------------------(defgroup dabbrev nil "Dynamic Abbreviations" :tag "Dynamic Abbreviations" :group 'abbrev)(defcustom dabbrev-backward-only nil "*If non-nil, `dabbrev-expand' only looks backwards." :type 'boolean :group 'dabbrev)(defcustom dabbrev-limit nil "*Limits region searched by `dabbrev-expand' to this many chars away." :type '(choice (const :tag "off" nil) integer) :group 'dabbrev)(defcustom dabbrev-abbrev-skip-leading-regexp nil "*Regexp for skipping leading characters of an abbreviation.Example: Set this to \"\\\\$\" for programming languagesin which variable names may appear with or without a leading `$'.\(For example, in Makefiles. :type 'regexp :group 'dabbrev))Set this to nil if no characters should be skipped." :type '(choice regexp (const :tag "off" nil)) :group 'dabbrev)(defcustom dabbrev-case-fold-search 'case-fold-search "*Control whether dabbrev searches should ignore case.A value of nil means case is significant.A value of `case-fold-search' means case is significant if `case-fold-search' is nil.Any other non-nil version means case is not significant." :type '(choice (const :tag "off" nil) (const :tag "on" t) (const :tag "like search" 'case-fold-search)) :group 'dabbrev)(defcustom dabbrev-upcase-means-case-search nil "*The significance of an uppercase character in an abbreviation.nil means case fold search, non-nil means case sensitive search.This variable has an effect only when the value of`dabbrev-case-fold-search' says to ignore case." :type 'boolean :group 'dabbrev)(defcustom dabbrev-case-replace 'case-replace "*Controls whether dabbrev preserves case when expanding the abbreviation.A value of nil means preserve case.A value of `case-replace' means preserve case if `case-replace' is nil.Any other non-nil version means do not preserve case.This variable has an effect only when the value of`dabbrev-case-fold-search' specifies to ignore case." :type '(choice (const :tag "off" nil) (const :tag "on" t) (const :tag "like M-x query-replace" 'case-replace)) :group 'dabbrev)(defcustom dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp nil "*Regexp to recognize a character in an abbreviation or expansion.This regexp will be surrounded with \\\\( ... \\\\) when actually used.Set this variable to \"\\\\sw\" if you want ordinary words or\"\\\\sw\\\\|\\\\s_\" if you want symbols (including characters whosesyntax is \"symbol\" as well as those whose syntax is \"word\".The value nil has a special meaning: the abbreviation is from point toprevious word-start, but the search is for symbols.For instance, if you are programming in Lisp, `yes-or-no-p' is a symbol,while `yes', `or', `no' and `p' are considered words. If thisvariable is nil, then expanding `yes-or-no-' looks for a symbolstarting with or containing `no-'. If you set this variable to\"\\\\sw\\\\|\\\\s_\", that expansion looks for a symbol starting with`yes-or-no-'. Finally, if you set this variable to \"\\\\sw\", thenexpanding `yes-or-no-' signals an error because `-' is not part of a word;but expanding `yes-or-no' looks for a word starting with `no'.The recommended value is \"\\\\sw\\\\|\\\\s_\"." :type '(choice (const nil) regexp) :group 'dabbrev)(defcustom dabbrev-check-all-buffers t "*Non-nil means dabbrev package should search *all* buffers.Dabbrev always searches the current buffer first. Then, if`dabbrev-check-other-buffers' says so, it searches the buffersdesignated by `dabbrev-select-buffers-function'.Then, if `dabbrev-check-all-buffers' is non-nil, dabbrev searchesall the other buffers." :type 'boolean :group 'dabbrev)(defcustom dabbrev-check-other-buffers t "*Should \\[dabbrev-expand] look in other buffers?\nil: Don't look in other buffers.t: Also look for expansions in the buffers pointed out by `dabbrev-select-buffers-function'.Anything else: When we can't find any more expansions inthe current buffer, then ask the user whether to look in otherbuffers too.The default value is t." :type '(choice (const :tag "off" nil) (const :tag "on" t) (const :tag "ask" other)) :group 'dabbrev);; I guess setting this to a function that selects all C- or C++-;; mode buffers would be a good choice for a debugging buffer,;; when debugging C- or C++-code.(defvar dabbrev-select-buffers-function 'dabbrev--select-buffers "A function that selects buffers that should be searched by dabbrev.The function should take no arguments and return a list of buffers tosearch for expansions. Have a look at `dabbrev--select-buffers' foran example.A mode setting this variable should make it buffer local.")(defcustom dabbrev-friend-buffer-function 'dabbrev--same-major-mode-p "*A function to decide whether dabbrev should search OTHER-BUFFER.The function should take one argument, OTHER-BUFFER, and returnnon-nil if that buffer should be searched. Have a look at`dabbrev--same-major-mode-p' for an example.The value of `dabbrev-friend-buffer-function' has an effect only ifthe value of `dabbrev-select-buffers-function' uses it. The function`dabbrev--select-buffers' is one function you can use here.A mode setting this variable should make it buffer local." :type 'function :group 'dabbrev)(defcustom dabbrev-search-these-buffers-only nil "If non-nil, a list of buffers which dabbrev should search.If this variable is non-nil, dabbrev will only look in these buffers.It will not even look in the current buffer if it is not a member ofthis list.");;----------------------------------------------------------------;; Internal variables;;----------------------------------------------------------------;; Last obarray of completions in `dabbrev-completion'(defvar dabbrev--last-obarray nil);; Table of expansions seen so far(defvar dabbrev--last-table nil);; Last string we tried to expand.(defvar dabbrev--last-abbreviation nil);; Location last abbreviation began(defvar dabbrev--last-abbrev-location nil);; Direction of last dabbrevs search(defvar dabbrev--last-direction 0);; Last expansion of an abbreviation.(defvar dabbrev--last-expansion nil);; Location the last expansion was found.(defvar dabbrev--last-expansion-location nil);; The list of remaining buffers with the same mode as current buffer.(defvar dabbrev--friend-buffer-list nil);; The buffer we looked in last.(defvar dabbrev--last-buffer nil);; The buffer we found the expansion last time.(defvar dabbrev--last-buffer-found nil);; The buffer we last did a completion in.(defvar dabbrev--last-completion-buffer nil);; Non-nil means we should upcase;; when copying successive words.(defvar dabbrev--last-case-pattern nil);; Same as dabbrev-check-other-buffers, but is set for every expand.(defvar dabbrev--check-other-buffers dabbrev-check-other-buffers);; The regexp for recognizing a character in an abbreviation.(defvar dabbrev--abbrev-char-regexp nil);;----------------------------------------------------------------;; Macros;;----------------------------------------------------------------;;; Get the buffer that mini-buffer was activated from(defsubst dabbrev--minibuffer-origin () (car (cdr (buffer-list))));; Make a list of some of the elements of LIST.;; Check each element of LIST, storing it temporarily in the;; variable ELEMENT, and include it in the result;; if CONDITION evaluates non-nil.(defmacro dabbrev-filter-elements (element list condition) (` (let (dabbrev-result dabbrev-tail (, element)) (setq dabbrev-tail (, list)) (while dabbrev-tail (setq (, element) (car dabbrev-tail)) (if (, condition) (setq dabbrev-result (cons (, element) dabbrev-result))) (setq dabbrev-tail (cdr dabbrev-tail))) (nreverse dabbrev-result))));;----------------------------------------------------------------;; Exported functions;;----------------------------------------------------------------;;;###autoload(define-key esc-map "/" 'dabbrev-expand);;;??? Do we want this?;;;###autoload(define-key esc-map [?\C-/] 'dabbrev-completion);;;###autoload(defun dabbrev-completion (&optional arg) "Completion on current word.Like \\[dabbrev-expand] but finds all expansions in the current bufferand presents suggestions for completion.With a prefix argument, it searches all buffers accepted by thefunction pointed out by `dabbrev-friend-buffer-function' to find thecompletions.If the prefix argument is 16 (which comes from C-u C-u),then it searches *all* buffers.With no prefix argument, it reuses an old completion listif there is a suitable one already." (interactive "*P") (dabbrev--reset-global-variables) (let* ((dabbrev-check-other-buffers (and arg t)) (dabbrev-check-all-buffers (and arg (= (prefix-numeric-value arg) 16))) (abbrev (dabbrev--abbrev-at-point)) (ignore-case-p (and (if (eq dabbrev-case-fold-search 'case-fold-search) case-fold-search dabbrev-case-fold-search) (or (not dabbrev-upcase-means-case-search) (string= abbrev (downcase abbrev))))) (my-obarray dabbrev--last-obarray) init) (save-excursion (if (and (null arg) my-obarray (or (eq dabbrev--last-completion-buffer (current-buffer)) (and (window-minibuffer-p (selected-window)) (eq dabbrev--last-completion-buffer (dabbrev--minibuffer-origin)))) dabbrev--last-abbreviation (>= (length abbrev) (length dabbrev--last-abbreviation)) (string= dabbrev--last-abbreviation (substring abbrev 0 (length dabbrev--last-abbreviation))) (setq init (try-completion abbrev my-obarray))) ;; We can reuse the existing completion list. nil ;;-------------------------------- ;; New abbreviation to expand. ;;-------------------------------- (setq dabbrev--last-abbreviation abbrev) ;; Find all expansion (let ((completion-list (dabbrev--find-all-expansions abbrev ignore-case-p)) (completion-ignore-case ignore-case-p)) ;; Make an obarray with all expansions (setq my-obarray (make-vector (length completion-list) 0)) (or (> (length my-obarray) 0) (error "No dynamic expansion for \"%s\" found%s" abbrev (if dabbrev--check-other-buffers "" " in this-buffer"))) (cond ((or (not ignore-case-p) (not dabbrev-case-replace)) (mapcar (function (lambda (string) (intern string my-obarray))) completion-list)) ((string= abbrev (upcase abbrev)) (mapcar (function (lambda (string) (intern (upcase string) my-obarray))) completion-list)) ((string= (substring abbrev 0 1) (upcase (substring abbrev 0 1))) (mapcar (function (lambda (string) (intern (capitalize string) my-obarray))) completion-list)) (t (mapcar (function (lambda (string) (intern (downcase string) my-obarray))) completion-list))) (setq dabbrev--last-obarray my-obarray) (setq dabbrev--last-completion-buffer (current-buffer)) ;; Find the longest common string. (setq init (try-completion abbrev my-obarray))))) ;;-------------------------------- ;; Let the user choose between the expansions ;;-------------------------------- (or (stringp init) (setq init abbrev)) (cond ;; * Replace string fragment with matched common substring completion. ((and (not (string-equal init "")) (not (string-equal (downcase init) (downcase abbrev)))) (if (> (length (all-completions init my-obarray)) 1) (message "Repeat `%s' to see all completions" (key-description (this-command-keys))) (message "The only possible completion")) (dabbrev--substitute-expansion nil abbrev init)) (t ;; * String is a common substring completion already. Make list. (message "Making completion list...") (with-output-to-temp-buffer " *Completions*" (display-completion-list (all-completions init my-obarray))) (message "Making completion list...done"))) (and (window-minibuffer-p (selected-window)) (message nil))));;;###autoload(defun dabbrev-expand (arg) "Expand previous word \"dynamically\".Expands to the most recent, preceding word for which this is a prefix.If no suitable preceding word is found, words following point areconsidered. If still no suitable word is found, then look in thebuffers accepted by the function pointed out by variable`dabbrev-friend-buffer-function'.A positive prefix argument, N, says to take the Nth backward *distinct*possibility. A negative argument says search forward.If the cursor has not moved from the end of the previous expansion andno argument is given, replace the previously-made expansionwith the next possible expansion not yet tried.The variable `dabbrev-backward-only' may be used to limit thedirection of search to backward if set non-nil.See also `dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp' and \\[dabbrev-completion]." (interactive "*P") (let (abbrev record-case-pattern expansion old direction (orig-point (point))) ;; abbrev -- the abbrev to expand ;; expansion -- the expansion found (eventually) or nil until then ;; old -- the text currently in the buffer ;; (the abbrev, or the previously-made expansion) (save-excursion (if (and (null arg) (markerp dabbrev--last-abbrev-location) (marker-position dabbrev--last-abbrev-location) (or (eq last-command this-command) (and (window-minibuffer-p (selected-window)) (= dabbrev--last-abbrev-location (point))))) ;; Find a different expansion for the same abbrev as last time. (progn (setq abbrev dabbrev--last-abbreviation) (setq old dabbrev--last-expansion) (setq direction dabbrev--last-direction)) ;; If the user inserts a space after expanding ;; and then asks to expand again, always fetch the next word. (if (and (eq (preceding-char) ?\ ) (markerp dabbrev--last-abbrev-location) (marker-position dabbrev--last-abbrev-location) (= (point) (1+ dabbrev--last-abbrev-location))) (progn ;; The "abbrev" to expand is just the space. (setq abbrev " ") (save-excursion (if dabbrev--last-buffer (set-buffer dabbrev--last-buffer)) ;; Find the end of the last "expansion" word. (if (or (eq dabbrev--last-direction 1) (and (eq dabbrev--last-direction 0) (< dabbrev--last-expansion-location (point)))) (setq dabbrev--last-expansion-location (+ dabbrev--last-expansion-location (length dabbrev--last-expansion)))) (goto-char dabbrev--last-expansion-location) ;; Take the following word, with intermediate separators, ;; as our expansion this time. (re-search-forward (concat "\\(\\(" dabbrev--abbrev-char-regexp "\\)+\\)")) (setq expansion (buffer-substring-no-properties dabbrev--last-expansion-location (point))) (if dabbrev--last-case-pattern (setq expansion (upcase expansion))) ;; Record the end of this expansion, in case we repeat this. (setq dabbrev--last-expansion-location (point))) ;; Indicate that dabbrev--last-expansion-location is ;; at the end of the expansion. (setq dabbrev--last-direction -1)) ;; We have a different abbrev to expand. (dabbrev--reset-global-variables) (setq direction (if (null arg) (if dabbrev-backward-only 1 0) (prefix-numeric-value arg))) (setq abbrev (dabbrev--abbrev-at-point)) (setq record-case-pattern t) (setq old nil))) ;;-------------------------------- ;; Find the expansion ;;-------------------------------- (or expansion (setq expansion (dabbrev--find-expansion abbrev direction (and (if (eq dabbrev-case-fold-search 'case-fold-search) case-fold-search dabbrev-case-fold-search) (or (not dabbrev-upcase-means-case-search) (string= abbrev (downcase abbrev)))))))) (cond ((not expansion) (dabbrev--reset-global-variables) (if old (save-excursion (setq buffer-undo-list (cons orig-point buffer-undo-list)) ;; Put back the original abbrev with its original case pattern. (search-backward old) (insert abbrev) (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (length old))))) (error "No%s dynamic expansion for `%s' found" (if old " further" "") abbrev)) (t (if (not (eq dabbrev--last-buffer dabbrev--last-buffer-found)) (progn (message "Expansion found in '%s'" (buffer-name dabbrev--last-buffer)) (setq dabbrev--last-buffer-found dabbrev--last-buffer)) (message nil)) (if (and (or (eq (current-buffer) dabbrev--last-buffer) (null dabbrev--last-buffer)) (numberp dabbrev--last-expansion-location) (and (> dabbrev--last-expansion-location (point)))) (setq dabbrev--last-expansion-location (copy-marker dabbrev--last-expansion-location))) ;; Success: stick it in and return. (setq buffer-undo-list (cons orig-point buffer-undo-list)) (dabbrev--substitute-expansion old abbrev expansion) ;; If we are not copying successive words now, ;; set dabbrev--last-case-pattern. (and record-case-pattern (setq dabbrev--last-case-pattern (and (if (eq dabbrev-case-fold-search 'case-fold-search) case-fold-search dabbrev-case-fold-search) (not dabbrev-upcase-means-case-search) (equal abbrev (upcase abbrev))))) ;; Save state for re-expand. (setq dabbrev--last-expansion expansion) (setq dabbrev--last-abbreviation abbrev) (setq dabbrev--last-abbrev-location (point-marker))))));;----------------------------------------------------------------;; Local functions;;----------------------------------------------------------------;;; Checks if OTHER-BUFFER has the same major mode as current buffer.(defun dabbrev--same-major-mode-p (other-buffer) (eq major-mode (save-excursion (set-buffer other-buffer) major-mode)));;; Back over all abbrev type characters and then moves forward over;;; all skip characters.(defun dabbrev--goto-start-of-abbrev () ;; Move backwards over abbrev chars (save-match-data (if (not (bobp)) (progn (forward-char -1) (while (and (looking-at dabbrev--abbrev-char-regexp) (not (bobp))) (forward-char -1)) (or (looking-at dabbrev--abbrev-char-regexp) (forward-char 1)))) (and dabbrev-abbrev-skip-leading-regexp (while (looking-at dabbrev-abbrev-skip-leading-regexp) (forward-char 1)))));;; Extract the symbol at point to serve as abbreviation.(defun dabbrev--abbrev-at-point () ;; Check for error (if (bobp) (error "No possible abbreviation preceding point")) ;; Return abbrev at point (save-excursion ;; Record the end of the abbreviation. (setq dabbrev--last-abbrev-location (point)) ;; If we aren't right after an abbreviation, ;; move point back to just after one. ;; This is so the user can get successive words ;; by typing the punctuation followed by M-/. (save-match-data (if (save-excursion (forward-char -1) (not (looking-at (concat "\\(" (or dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp "\\sw\\|\\s_") "\\)+")))) (if (re-search-backward (or dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp "\\sw\\|\\s_") nil t) (forward-char 1) (error "No possible abbreviation preceding point")))) ;; Now find the beginning of that one. (dabbrev--goto-start-of-abbrev) (buffer-substring-no-properties dabbrev--last-abbrev-location (point))));;; Initializes all global variables(defun dabbrev--reset-global-variables () ;; dabbrev--last-obarray and dabbrev--last-completion-buffer ;; must not be reset here. (setq dabbrev--last-table nil dabbrev--last-abbreviation nil dabbrev--last-abbrev-location nil dabbrev--last-direction nil dabbrev--last-expansion nil dabbrev--last-expansion-location nil dabbrev--friend-buffer-list nil dabbrev--last-buffer nil dabbrev--last-buffer-found nil dabbrev--abbrev-char-regexp (or dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp "\\sw\\|\\s_") dabbrev--check-other-buffers dabbrev-check-other-buffers));;; Find all buffers that are considered "friends" according to the;;; function pointed out by dabbrev-friend-buffer-function.(defun dabbrev--select-buffers () (save-excursion (and (window-minibuffer-p (selected-window)) (set-buffer (dabbrev--minibuffer-origin))) (let ((orig-buffer (current-buffer))) (dabbrev-filter-elements buffer (buffer-list) (and (not (eq orig-buffer buffer)) (boundp 'dabbrev-friend-buffer-function) (funcall dabbrev-friend-buffer-function buffer))))));;; Search for ABBREV, N times, normally looking forward,;;; but looking in reverse instead if REVERSE is non-nil.(defun dabbrev--try-find (abbrev reverse n ignore-case) (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (let ((expansion nil)) (and dabbrev--last-expansion-location (goto-char dabbrev--last-expansion-location)) (let ((case-fold-search ignore-case) (count n)) (while (and (> count 0) (setq expansion (dabbrev--search abbrev reverse ignore-case))) (setq count (1- count)))) (and expansion (setq dabbrev--last-expansion-location (point))) expansion))));;; Find all expansions of ABBREV(defun dabbrev--find-all-expansions (abbrev ignore-case) (let ((all-expansions nil) expansion) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (setq expansion (dabbrev--find-expansion abbrev -1 ignore-case)) (setq all-expansions (cons expansion all-expansions)))) all-expansions))(defun dabbrev--scanning-message () (message "Scanning `%s'" (buffer-name (current-buffer))));;; Find one occasion of ABBREV.;;; DIRECTION > 0 means look that many times backwards.;;; DIRECTION < 0 means look that many times forward.;;; DIRECTION = 0 means try both backward and forward.;;; IGNORE-CASE non-nil means ignore case when searching.(defun dabbrev--find-expansion (abbrev direction ignore-case) (let (expansion) (save-excursion (cond (dabbrev--last-buffer (set-buffer dabbrev--last-buffer) (dabbrev--scanning-message)) ((and (not dabbrev-search-these-buffers-only) (window-minibuffer-p (selected-window))) (set-buffer (dabbrev--minibuffer-origin)) ;; In the minibuffer-origin buffer we will only search from ;; the top and down. (goto-char (point-min)) (setq direction -1) (dabbrev--scanning-message))) (cond ;; ------------------------------------------ ;; Look backwards ;; ------------------------------------------ ((and (not dabbrev-search-these-buffers-only) (>= direction 0) (setq dabbrev--last-direction (min 1 direction)) (setq expansion (dabbrev--try-find abbrev t (max 1 direction) ignore-case))) expansion) ;; ------------------------------------------ ;; Look forward ;; ------------------------------------------ ((and (or (not dabbrev-search-these-buffers-only) dabbrev--last-buffer) (<= direction 0) (setq dabbrev--last-direction -1) (setq expansion (dabbrev--try-find abbrev nil (max 1 (- direction)) ignore-case))) expansion) ;; ------------------------------------------ ;; Look in other buffers. ;; Start at (point-min) and look forward. ;; ------------------------------------------ (t (setq dabbrev--last-direction -1) ;; Make sure that we should check other buffers (or dabbrev--friend-buffer-list dabbrev--last-buffer (setq dabbrev--friend-buffer-list (mapcar (function get-buffer) dabbrev-search-these-buffers-only)) (not dabbrev--check-other-buffers) (not (or (eq dabbrev--check-other-buffers t) (progn (setq dabbrev--check-other-buffers (y-or-n-p "Scan other buffers also? "))))) (let* (friend-buffer-list non-friend-buffer-list) (setq dabbrev--friend-buffer-list (funcall dabbrev-select-buffers-function)) (if dabbrev-check-all-buffers (setq non-friend-buffer-list (nreverse (dabbrev-filter-elements buffer (buffer-list) (not (memq buffer dabbrev--friend-buffer-list)))) dabbrev--friend-buffer-list (append dabbrev--friend-buffer-list non-friend-buffer-list))))) ;; Move buffers that are visible on the screen ;; to the front of the list. (if dabbrev--friend-buffer-list (let ((w (next-window (selected-window)))) (while (not (eq w (selected-window))) (setq dabbrev--friend-buffer-list (cons (window-buffer w) (delq (window-buffer w) dabbrev--friend-buffer-list))) (setq w (next-window w))))) ;; Walk through the buffers (while (and (not expansion) dabbrev--friend-buffer-list) (setq dabbrev--last-buffer (car dabbrev--friend-buffer-list)) (setq dabbrev--friend-buffer-list (cdr dabbrev--friend-buffer-list)) (set-buffer dabbrev--last-buffer) (dabbrev--scanning-message) (setq dabbrev--last-expansion-location (point-min)) (setq expansion (dabbrev--try-find abbrev nil 1 ignore-case))) expansion)))))(defun dabbrev--safe-replace-match (string &optional fixedcase literal) (if (eq major-mode 'picture-mode) (picture-replace-match string fixedcase literal) (replace-match string fixedcase literal)));;;----------------------------------------------------------------;;; Substitute the current string in buffer with the expansion;;; OLD is nil or the last expansion substring.;;; ABBREV is the abbreviation we are working with.;;; EXPANSION is the expansion substring.(defun dabbrev--substitute-expansion (old abbrev expansion) ;;(undo-boundary) (let ((use-case-replace (and (if (eq dabbrev-case-fold-search 'case-fold-search) case-fold-search dabbrev-case-fold-search) (or (not dabbrev-upcase-means-case-search) (string= abbrev (downcase abbrev))) (if (eq dabbrev-case-replace 'case-replace) case-replace dabbrev-case-replace)))) (and nil use-case-replace (setq old (concat abbrev (or old ""))) (setq expansion (concat abbrev expansion))) ;; If the expansion has mixed case ;; and it is not simply a capitalized word, ;; or if the abbrev has mixed case, ;; and if the given abbrev's case pattern ;; matches the start of the expansion, ;; copy the expansion's case ;; instead of downcasing all the rest. (let ((expansion-rest (substring expansion 1))) (if (and (not (and (or (string= expansion-rest (downcase expansion-rest)) (string= expansion-rest (upcase expansion-rest))) (or (string= abbrev (downcase abbrev)) (string= abbrev (upcase abbrev))))) (string= abbrev (substring expansion 0 (length abbrev)))) (setq use-case-replace nil))) (if (equal abbrev " ") (setq use-case-replace nil)) (if use-case-replace (setq expansion (downcase expansion))) (if old (save-excursion (search-backward old)) ;;(store-match-data (list (point-marker) (point-marker))) (search-backward abbrev)) ;; Make case of replacement conform to case of abbreviation ;; provided (1) that kind of thing is enabled in this buffer ;; and (2) the replacement itself is all lower case. (dabbrev--safe-replace-match expansion (not use-case-replace) t)));;;----------------------------------------------------------------;;; Search function used by dabbrevs library.;;; ABBREV is string to find as prefix of word. Second arg, REVERSE,;;; is t for reverse search, nil for forward. Variable dabbrev-limit;;; controls the maximum search region size. Third argument IGNORE-CASE;;; non-nil means treat case as insignificant while looking for a match;;; and when comparing with previous matches. Also if that's non-nil;;; and the match is found at the beginning of a sentence and is in;;; lower case except for the initial then it is converted to all lower;;; case for return.;;; Table of expansions already seen is examined in buffer;;; `dabbrev--last-table' so that only distinct possibilities are found;;; by dabbrev-re-expand.;;; Value is the expansion, or nil if not found.(defun dabbrev--search (abbrev reverse ignore-case) (save-match-data (let ((pattern1 (concat (regexp-quote abbrev) "\\(" dabbrev--abbrev-char-regexp "\\)")) (pattern2 (concat (regexp-quote abbrev) "\\(\\(" dabbrev--abbrev-char-regexp "\\)+\\)")) (found-string nil)) ;; Limited search. (save-restriction (and dabbrev-limit (narrow-to-region dabbrev--last-expansion-location (+ (point) (if reverse (- dabbrev-limit) dabbrev-limit)))) ;;-------------------------------- ;; Look for a distinct expansion, using dabbrev--last-table. ;;-------------------------------- (while (and (not found-string) (if reverse (re-search-backward pattern1 nil t) (re-search-forward pattern1 nil t))) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) ;; In case we matched in the middle of a word, ;; back up to start of word and verify we still match. (dabbrev--goto-start-of-abbrev) (if (not (looking-at pattern1)) nil ;; We have a truly valid match. Find the end. (re-search-forward pattern2) (setq found-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))) (and ignore-case (setq found-string (downcase found-string))) ;; Ignore this match if it's already in the table. (if (dabbrev-filter-elements table-string dabbrev--last-table (string= found-string table-string)) (setq found-string nil))) ;; Prepare to continue searching. (if reverse (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (goto-char (match-end 0)))) ;; If we found something, use it. (if found-string ;; Put it into `dabbrev--last-table' ;; and return it (either downcased, or as is). (let ((result (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))) (setq dabbrev--last-table (cons found-string dabbrev--last-table)) (if (and ignore-case (eval dabbrev-case-replace)) result result)))))))(provide 'dabbrev);;; dabbrev.el ends here