\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-@comment %**start of header@setfilename ../../info/flymake@set VERSION 0.3@set UPDATED April 2004@settitle GNU Flymake @value{VERSION}@syncodeindex pg cp@comment %**end of header@copyingThis manual is for GNU Flymake (version @value{VERSION}, @value{UPDATED}),which is a universal on-the-fly syntax checker for GNU Emacs.Copyright @copyright{} 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.@quotationPermission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this documentunder the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 orany later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with noInvariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts being ``A GNU Manual,''and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the licenseis included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''in the Emacs manual.(a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: ``You have freedom to copy and modifythis GNU Manual, like GNU software. Copies published by the FreeSoftware Foundation raise funds for GNU development.''This document is part of a collection distributed under the GNU FreeDocumentation License. If you want to distribute this documentseparately from the collection, you can do so by adding a copy of thelicense to the document, as described in section 6 of the license.@end quotation@end copying@dircategory Emacs@direntry* Flymake: (flymake). A universal on-the-fly syntax checker.@end direntry@titlepage@title GNU Flymake@subtitle for version @value{VERSION}, @value{UPDATED}@author Pavel Kobiakov(@email{pk_at_work@@yahoo.com})@page@vskip 0pt plus 1filll@insertcopying@end titlepage@contents@ifnottex@node Top@top GNU Flymake@end ifnottex@menu* Overview of Flymake::* Installing Flymake::* Using Flymake::* Configuring Flymake::* Flymake Implementation::* GNU Free Documentation License::* Index::@end menu@node Overview of Flymake@chapter Overview@cindex Overview of FlymakeFlymake is a universal on-the-fly syntax checker implemented as anEmacs minor mode. Flymake runs the pre-configured syntax check tool(compiler for C++ files, @code{perl} for perl files, etc.) in thebackground, passing it a temporary copy of the current buffer, andparses the output for known error/warning message patterns. Flymakethen highlights erroneous lines (i.e. lines for which at least oneerror or warning has been reported by the syntax check tool), anddisplays an overall buffer status in the mode line. Status informationdisplayed by Flymake contains total number of errors and warningsreported for the buffer during the last syntax check.@code{flymake-goto-next-error} and @code{flymake-goto-prev-error}functions allow for easy navigation to the next/previous erroneousline, respectively.Calling @code{flymake-display-err-menu-for-current-line} will popup amenu containing error messages reported by the syntax check tool forthe current line. Errors/warnings belonging to another file, such as a@code{.h} header file included by a @code{.c} file, are shown in thecurrent buffer as belonging to the first line. Menu items for suchmessages also contain a filename and a line number. Selecting such amenu item will automatically open the file and jump to the line witherror.Syntax check is done 'on-the-fly'. It is started whenever@itemize @bullet@item buffer is loaded@item a newline character is added to the buffer@item some changes were made to the buffer more than @code{0.5} seconds ago (thedelay is configurable).@end itemizeFlymake is a universal syntax checker in the sense that it's easilyextended to support new syntax check tools and error messagepatterns. @xref{Configuring Flymake}.@node Installing Flymake@chapter Installing@cindex Installing FlymakeFlymake is packaged in a single file, @code{flymake.el}.To install/update Flymake, place @code{flymake.el} to a directorysomewhere on Emacs load path. You might also want to byte-compile@code{flymake.el} to improve performance.Also, place the following line in the @code{.emacs} file.@lisp(require 'flymake)@end lispYou might also map the most frequently used Flymake functions, such as@code{flymake-goto-next-error}, to some keyboard shortcuts:@lisp(global-set-key [f3] 'flymake-display-err-menu-for-current-line)(global-set-key [f4] 'flymake-goto-next-error)@end lisp@node Using Flymake@chapter Using Flymake@cindex Using Flymake@menu* Flymake mode::* Running the syntax check::* Navigating to error lines::* Viewing error messages::* Syntax check statuses::* Troubleshooting::@end menu@node Flymake mode@section Flymake mode@cindex flymake-modeFlymake is an Emacs minor mode. To use Flymake, youmust first activate @code{flymake-mode} by using the@code{flymake-mode} function.Instead of manually activating @code{flymake-mode}, you can configureFlymake to automatically enable @code{flymake-mode} upon opening anyfile for which syntax check is possible. To do so, place the followingline in @code{.emacs}:@lisp(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'flymake-find-file-hook)@end lisp@node Running the syntax check@section Running the syntax check@cindex Manually starting the syntax checkWhen @code{flymake-mode} is active, syntax check is startedautomatically on any of the three conditions mentioned above. Syntaxcheck can also be started manually by using the@code{flymake-start-syntax-check-for-current-buffer} function. Thiscan be used, for example, when changes were made to some other bufferaffecting the current buffer.@node Navigating to error lines@section Navigating to error lines@cindex Navigating to error linesAfter syntax check is completed, lines for which at least one error orwarning has been reported are highlighted, and total number of errorsand warning is shown in the mode line. Use the following functions tonavigate the highlighted lines.@multitable @columnfractions 0.25 0.75@item @code{flymake-goto-next-error}@tab Moves point to the next erroneous line, if any.@item @code{flymake-goto-prev-error}@tab Moves point to the previous erroneous line.@end multitableThese functions treat erroneous lines as a linked list. Therefore,@code{flymake-goto-next-error} will go to the first erroneous linewhen invoked in the end of the buffer.@node Viewing error messages@section Viewing error messages@cindex Viewing error messagesTo view error messages belonging to the current line, use the@code{flymake-display-err-menu-for-current-line} function. If there'sat least one error or warning reported for the current line, thisfunction will display a popup menu with error/warning texts.Selecting the menu item whose error belongs to another file bringsforward that file with the help of the@code{flymake-goto-file-and-line} function.@node Syntax check statuses@section Syntax check statuses@cindex Syntax check statusesAfter syntax check is finished, its status is displayed in the mode line.The following statuses are defined.@multitable @columnfractions 0.25 0.75@item Flymake* or Flymake:E/W*@tab Flymake is currently running. For the second case, E/W contains the error and warning count for the previous run.@item Flymake@tab Syntax check is not running. Usually this means syntax check was successfully passed (no errors, no warnings). Other possibilities are: syntax check was killed as a result of executing @code{flymake-compile}, or syntax check cannot start as compilation is currently in progress.@item Flymake:E/W@tab Number of errors/warnings found by the syntax check process.@item Flymake:!@tab Flymake was unable to find master file for the current buffer.@end multitableThe following errors cause a warning message and switch flymake modeOFF for the buffer.@multitable @columnfractions 0.25 0.75@item CFGERR@tab Syntax check process returned nonzero exit code, but no errors/warnings were reported. This indicates a possible configuration error (for example, no suitable error message patterns for the syntax check tool).@item NOMASTER@tab Flymake was unable to find master file for the current buffer.@item NOMK@tab Flymake was unable to find a suitable buildfile for the current buffer.@item PROCERR@tab Flymake was unable to launch a syntax check process.@end multitable@node Troubleshooting@section Troubleshooting@cindex Logging@cindex TroubleshootingFlymake uses a simple logging facility for indicating important pointsin the control flow. The logging facility sends logging messages tothe @code{*Messages*} buffer. The information logged can be used forresolving various problems related to Flymake.Logging output is controlled by the @code{flymake-log-level}variable. @code{3} is the most verbose level, and @code{-1} switcheslogging off.@node Configuring Flymake@chapter Configuring and Extending Flymake@cindex Configuring and Extending Flymake@menu* Customizable variables::* Adding support for a new syntax check tool::@end menuFlymake was designed to be easily extended for supporting new syntaxcheck tools and error message patterns.@node Customizable variables@section Customizable variables@cindex Customizable variablesThis section summarizes variables used for Flymakeconfiguration.@table @code@item flymake-log-levelControls logging output, see @ref{Troubleshooting}.@item flymake-allowed-file-name-masksA list of @code{(filename-regexp, init-function, cleanup-functiongetfname-function)} for configuring syntax check tools. @xref{Addingsupport for a new syntax check tool}.@item flymake-buildfile-dirsA list of directories (relative paths) for searching abuildfile. @xref{Locating the buildfile}.@item flymake-master-file-dirsA list of directories for searching a master file. @xref{Locating amaster file}.@item flymake-get-project-include-dirs-functionA function used for obtaining a list of project include dirs (C/C++specific). @xref{Getting the include directories}.@item flymake-master-file-count-limit@itemx flymake-check-file-limitUsed when looking for a master file. @xref{Locating a master file}.@item flymake-err-line-patternsPatterns for error/warning messages in the form @code{(regexp file-idxline-idx col-idx err-text-idx)}. @xref{Parsing the output}.@item flymake-compilation-prevents-syntax-checkA flag indicating whether compilation and syntax check of the samefile cannot be run simultaneously.@item flymake-no-changes-timeoutIf any changes are made to the buffer, syntax check is automaticallystarted after @code{flymake-no-changes-timeout} seconds.@item flymake-gui-warnings-enabledA boolean flag indicating whether Flymake will show message boxes fornon-recoverable errors. If @code{flymake-gui-warnings-enabled} is@code{nil}, these errors will only be logged to the @code{*Messages*}buffer.@item flymake-start-syntax-check-on-newlineA boolean flag indicating whether to start syntax check after anewline character is added to the buffer.@item flymake-errlineA custom face for highlighting lines for which at least one error hasbeen reported.@item flymake-warnlineA custom face for highlighting lines for which at least one warningand no errors have been reported.@end table@node Adding support for a new syntax check tool@section Adding support for a new syntax check tool@cindex Adding support for a new syntax check tool@menu* Example -- Configuring a tool called directly::* Example -- Configuring a tool called via make::@end menuSyntax check tools are configured using the@code{flymake-allowed-file-name-masks} list. Each item of this listhas the following format:@lisp(filename-regexp, init-function, cleanup-function, getfname-function)@end lisp@table @code@item filename-regexpThis field is used as a key for locating init/cleanup/getfnamefunctions for the buffer. Items in@code{flymake-allowed-file-name-masks} are searched sequentially. Thefirst item with @code{filename-regexp} matching buffer filename isselected. If no match is found, @code{flymake-mode} is switched off.@item init-function@code{init-function} is required to initialize the syntax check,usually by creating a temporary copy of the buffer contents. Thefunction must return @code{(list cmd-name arg-list)}. If@code{init-function} returns null, syntax check is aborted, by@code{flymake-mode} is not switched off.@item cleanup-function@code{cleanup-function} is called after the syntax check process iscomplete and should take care of proper deinitialization, which isusually deleting a temporary copy created by the @code{init-function}.@item getfname-functionThis function is used for translating filenames reported by the syntaxcheck tool into ``real'' filenames. Filenames reported by the toolwill be different from the real ones, as actually the tool works withthe temporary copy. In most cases, the default implementationprovided by Flymake, @code{flymake-get-real-file-name}, can be used as@code{getfname-function}.@end tableTo add support for a new syntax check tool, write corresponding@code{init-function}, and, optionally @code{cleanup-function} and@code{getfname-function}. If the format of error messages reported bythe new tool is not yet supported by Flymake, add a new entry tothe @code{flymake-err-line-patterns} list.The following sections contain some examples of configuring Flymakesupport for various syntax check tools.@node Example -- Configuring a tool called directly@subsection Example -- Configuring a tool called directly@cindex Adding support for perlIn this example, we will add support for @code{perl} as a syntax checktool. @code{perl} supports the @code{-c} option which does syntaxchecking.First, we write the @code{init-function}:@lisp(defun flymake-perl-init () (let* ((temp-file (flymake-init-create-temp-buffer-copy 'flymake-create-temp-inplace)) (local-file (file-relative-name temp-file (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)))) (list "perl" (list "-wc " local-file))))@end lisp@code{flymake-perl-init} creates a temporary copy of the buffercontents with the help of@code{flymake-init-create-temp-buffer-copy}, and builds an appropriatecommand line.Next, we add a new entry to the@code{flymake-allowed-file-name-masks}:@lisp(setq flymake-allowed-file-name-masks (cons '(".+\\.pl$" flymake-perl-init flymake-simple-cleanup flymake-get-real-file-name) flymake-allowed-file-name-masks))@end lispNote that we use standard @code{cleanup-function} and@code{getfname-function}.Finally, we add an entry to @code{flymake-err-line-patterns}:@lisp(setq flymake-err-line-patterns (cons '("\\(.*\\) at \\([^ \n]+\\) line \\([0-9]+\\)[,.\n]" 2 3 nil 1) flymake-err-line-patterns))@end lisp@node Example -- Configuring a tool called via make@subsection Example -- Configuring a tool called via make@cindex Adding support for C (gcc+make)In this example we will add support for C files syntax checked by@code{gcc} called via @code{make}.We're not required to write any new functions, as Flymake already hasfunctions for @code{make}. We just add a new entry to the@code{flymake-allowed-file-name-masks}:@lisp(setq flymake-allowed-file-name-masks (cons '(".+\\.c$" flymake-simple-make-init flymake-simple-cleanup flymake-get-real-file-name) flymake-allowed-file-name-masks))@end lisp@code{flymake-simple-make-init} builds the following @code{make}command line:@lisp(list "make" (list "-s" "-C" base-dir (concat "CHK_SOURCES=" source) "SYNTAX_CHECK_MODE=1" "check-syntax"))@end lisp@code{base-dir} is a directory containing @code{Makefile}, see @ref{Locating the buildfile}.Thus, @code{Makefile} must contain the @code{check-syntax} target. Inour case this target might look like this:@verbatimcheck-syntax: gcc -o nul -S ${CHK_SOURCES}@end verbatimThe format of error messages reported by @code{gcc} is alreadysupported by Flymake, so we don't have to add a new entry to@code{flymake-err-line-patterns}.@node Flymake Implementation@chapter Flymake Implementation@cindex Implementation details@menu* Determining whether syntax check is possible::* Making a temporary copy::* Locating a master file::* Getting the include directories::* Locating the buildfile::* Starting the syntax check process::* Parsing the output::* Highlighting erroneous lines::* Interaction with other modes::@end menuSyntax check is started by calling @code{flymake-start-syntax-check-for-current-buffer}.Flymake first determines whether it is able to do syntaxcheck. It then saves a copy of the buffer in a temporary file in thebuffer's directory (or in the system temp directory -- for javafiles), creates a syntax check command and launches a process withthis command. The output is parsed using a list of error message patterns,and error information (file name, line number, type and text) issaved. After the process has finished, Flymake highlights erroneouslines in the buffer using the accumulated error information.@node Determining whether syntax check is possible@section Determining whether syntax check is possible@cindex Syntax check models@cindex Master fileSyntax check is considered possible if there's an entry in@code{flymake-allowed-file-name-masks} matching buffer's filename andits @code{init-function} returns non-@code{nil} value.Two syntax check modes are distinguished:@enumerate@itemBuffer can be syntax checked in a standalone fashion, that is, thefile (its temporary copy, in fact) can be passed over to the compiler todo the syntax check. Examples are C/C++ (.c, .cpp) and Java (.java)sources.@itemBuffer can be syntax checked, but additional file, called master file,is required to perform this operation. A master file is a file thatincludes the current file, so that running a syntax check tool on itwill also check syntax in the current file. Examples are C/C++ (.h,.hpp) headers.@end enumerateThese modes are handled inside init/cleanup/getfname functions, see@ref{Adding support for a new syntax check tool}.Flymake contains implementations of all functionality required tosupport different syntax check modes described above (makingtemporary copies, finding master files, etc.), as well as sometool-specific (routines for @code{make}, @code{Ant}, etc.) code.@node Making a temporary copy@section Making a temporary copy@cindex Temporary copy of the buffer@cindex Master fileAfter the possibility of the syntax check has been determined, atemporary copy of the current buffer is made so that the most recentunsaved changes could be seen by the syntax check tool. Making a copyis quite straightforward in a standalone case (mode @code{1}), as it'sjust saving buffer contents to a temporary file.Things get trickier, however, when master file is involved, as itrequires to@itemize @bullet@item locate a master file@item patch it to include the current file using its new (temporary)name.@end itemizeLocating a master file is discussed in the following section.Patching just changes all appropriate lines of the master file so that theyuse the new (temporary) name of the current file. For example, suppose currentfile name is @code{file.h}, the master file is @code{file.cpp}, andit includes current file via @code{#include "file.h"}. Current file's copyis saved to file @code{file_flymake.h}, so the include line must bechanged to @code{#include "file_flymake.h"}. Finally, patched master fileis saved to @code{file_flymake_master.cpp}, and the last one is passed tothe syntax check tool.@node Locating a master file@section Locating a master file@cindex Master fileMaster file is located in two steps.First, a list of possible master files is built. A simple namematching is used to find the files. For a C++ header @code{file.h},Flymake searches for all @code{.cpp} files in the directories whose relative paths arestored in a customizable variable @code{flymake-master-file-dirs}, whichusually contains something like @code{("." "./src")}. No more than@code{flymake-master-file-count-limit} entries is added to the master filelist. The list is then sorted to move files with names @code{file.cpp} tothe top.Next, each master file in a list is checked to contain the appropriateinclude directives. No more than @code{flymake-check-file-limit} of eachfile are parsed.For @code{file.h}, the include directives to look for are@code{#include "file.h"}, @code{#include "../file.h"}, etc. Eachinclude is checked against a list of include directories(see @ref{Getting the include directories}) to be sure it points to thecorrect @code{file.h}.First matching master file found stops the search. The master file is thenpatched and saved to disk. In case no master file is found, syntax check isaborted, and corresponding status (!) is reported in the mode line.@node Getting the include directories@section Getting the include directories@cindex Include directories (C/C++ specific)Two sets of include directories are distinguished: system include directoriesand project include directories. The former is just the contents of the@code{INCLUDE} environment variable. The latter is not so easy to obtain,and the way it can be obtained can vary greatly for different projects.Therefore, a customizable variable@code{flymake-get-project-include-dirs-function} is used to provide theway to implement the desired behavior.The default implementation, @code{flymake-get-project-include-dirs-imp},uses a @code{make} call. This requires a correct base directory, that is, adirectory containing a correct @code{Makefile}, to be determined.As obtaining the project include directories might be a costly operation, itsreturn value is cached in the hash table. The cache is cleared in the beginningof every syntax check attempt.@node Locating the buildfile@section Locating the buildfile@cindex Locating the buildfile@cindex buildfile, locating@cindex Makefile, locatingFlymake can be configured to use different tools for performing syntaxchecks. For example, it can use direct compiler call to syntax check a perlscript or a call to @code{make} for a more complicated case of a@code{C/C++} source. The general idea is that simple files, like perlscripts and html pages, can be checked by directly invoking acorresponding tool. Files that are usually more complex and generallyused as part of larger projects, might require non-trivial options tobe passed to the syntax check tool, like include directories forC++. The latter files are syntax checked using some build tool, like@code{make} or @code{Ant}.All @code{make} configuration data is usually stored in a file called@code{Makefile}. To allow for future extensions, flymake uses a notion ofbuildfile to reference the 'project configuration' file.Special function, @code{flymake-find-buildfile} is provided for locating buildfiles.Searching for a buildfile is done in a manner similar to that of searchingfor possible master files. A customizable variable@code{flymake-buildfile-dirs} holds a list of relative paths to thebuildfile. They are checked sequentially until a buildfile is found. In casethere's no build file, syntax check is aborted.Buildfile values are also cached.@node Starting the syntax check process@section Starting the syntax check process@cindex Syntax check processThe command line (command name and the list of arguments) for launching a process is returned by theinitialization function. Flymake then just calls @code{start-process}to start an asynchronous process and configures process filter andsentinel which is used for processing the output of the syntax checktool.@node Parsing the output@section Parsing the output@cindex Parsing the outputThe output generated by the syntax check tool is parsed in the processfilter/sentinel using the error message patterns stored in the@code{flymake-err-line-patterns} variable. This variable contains alist of items of the form @code{(regexp file-idx line-idxerr-text-idx)}, used to determine whether a particular line is anerror message and extract file name, line number and error text,respectively. Error type (error/warning) is also guessed by matchingerror text with the '@code{^[wW]arning}' pattern. Anything that was notclassified as a warning is considered an error. Type is then used tosort error menu items, which shows error messages first.Flymake is also able to interpret error message patterns missing err-text-idxinformation. This is done by merely taking the rest of the matched line(@code{(substring line (match-end 0))}) as error text. This trick allowsto make use of a huge collection of error message line patterns from@code{compile.el}. All these error patterns are appended tothe end of @code{flymake-err-line-patterns}.The error information obtained is saved in a buffer localvariable. The buffer for which the process output belongs isdetermined from the process-id@w{}->@w{}buffer mapping updatedafter every process launch/exit.@node Highlighting erroneous lines@section Highlighting erroneous lines@cindex Erroneous lines, facesHighlighting is implemented with overlays and happens in the processsentinel, after calling the cleanup function. Two customizable facesare used: @code{flymake-errline} and@code{flymake-warnline}. Errors belonging outside the currentbuffer are considered to belong to line 1 of the current buffer.@node Interaction with other modes@section Interaction with other modes@cindex Interaction with other modes@cindex Interaction with compile modeThe only mode flymake currently knows about is @code{compile}.Flymake can be configured to not start syntax check if it thinks thecompilation is in progress. The check is made by the@code{flymake-compilation-is-running}, which tests the@code{compilation-in-progress} variable. The reason why this might beuseful is saving CPU time in case both syntax check and compilationare very CPU intensive. The original reason for adding this feature,though, was working around a locking problem with MS Visual C++ compiler.Flymake also provides an alternative command for starting compilation,@code{flymake-compile}:@lisp(defun flymake-compile () "Kill all flymake syntax checks then start compilation." (interactive) (flymake-stop-all-syntax-checks) (call-interactively 'compile))@end lispIt just kills all the active syntax check processes before calling@code{compile}.@node GNU Free Documentation License@appendix GNU Free Documentation License@include doclicense.texi@node Index@unnumbered Index@printindex cp@bye@ignore arch-tag: 9f0db077-5598-49ab-90b9-8df9248a63ec@end ignore