;;; eudcb-ldap.el --- Emacs Unified Directory Client - LDAP Backend;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: Oscar Figueiredo <oscar@xemacs.org>;; Maintainer: Oscar Figueiredo <oscar@xemacs.org>;; Keywords: help;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option);; any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.;;; Commentary:;; This library provides specific LDAP protocol support for the ;; Emacs Unified Directory Client package;;; Installation:;; Install EUDC first. See EUDC documentation.;;; Code:(require 'eudc)(require 'ldap);;{{{ Internal cooking(eval-and-compile (if (fboundp 'ldap-get-host-parameter) (fset 'eudc-ldap-get-host-parameter 'ldap-get-host-parameter) (defun eudc-ldap-get-host-parameter (host parameter) "Get the value of PARAMETER for HOST in `ldap-host-parameters-alist'." (plist-get (cdr (assoc host ldap-host-parameters-alist)) parameter))))(defvar eudc-ldap-attributes-translation-alist '((name . sn) (firstname . givenname) (email . mail) (phone . telephonenumber)) "Alist mapping EUDC attribute names to LDAP names.")(eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-query-function 'eudc-ldap-simple-query-internal 'ldap)(eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-list-attributes-function 'eudc-ldap-get-field-list 'ldap)(eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-protocol-attributes-translation-alist 'eudc-ldap-attributes-translation-alist 'ldap)(eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-bbdb-conversion-alist 'eudc-ldap-bbdb-conversion-alist 'ldap)(eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-protocol-has-default-query-attributes nil 'ldap)(eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-attribute-display-method-alist '(("jpegphoto" . eudc-display-jpeg-inline) ("labeledurl" . eudc-display-url) ("audio" . eudc-display-sound) ("labeledurl" . eudc-display-url) ("url" . eudc-display-url)) 'ldap)(eudc-protocol-set 'eudc-switch-to-server-hook '(eudc-ldap-check-base) 'ldap)(defun eudc-ldap-cleanup-record-simple (record) "Do some cleanup in a RECORD to make it suitable for EUDC." (mapcar (function (lambda (field) (cons (intern (car field)) (if (cdr (cdr field)) (cdr field) (car (cdr field)))))) record))(defun eudc-filter-$ (string) (mapconcat 'identity (split-string string "\\$") "\n"));; Cleanup a LDAP record to make it suitable for EUDC:;; Make the record a cons-cell instead of a list if the it's single-valued;; Filter the $ character in addresses into \n if not done by the LDAP lib(defun eudc-ldap-cleanup-record-filtering-addresses (record) (mapcar (function (lambda (field) (let ((name (intern (car field))) (value (cdr field))) (if (memq name '(postaladdress registeredaddress)) (setq value (mapcar 'eudc-filter-$ value))) (cons name (if (cdr value) value (car value)))))) record))(defun eudc-ldap-simple-query-internal (query &optional return-attrs) "Query the LDAP server with QUERY.QUERY is a list of cons cells (ATTR . VALUE) where ATTRs should be valid LDAP attribute names. RETURN-ATTRS is a list of attributes to return, defaulting to `eudc-default-return-attributes'." (let ((result (ldap-search (eudc-ldap-format-query-as-rfc1558 query) eudc-server (if (listp return-attrs) (mapcar 'symbol-name return-attrs)))) final-result) (if (or (not (boundp 'ldap-ignore-attribute-codings)) ldap-ignore-attribute-codings) (setq result (mapcar 'eudc-ldap-cleanup-record-filtering-addresses result)) (setq result (mapcar 'eudc-ldap-cleanup-record-simple result))) (if (and eudc-strict-return-matches return-attrs (not (eq 'all return-attrs))) (setq result (eudc-filter-partial-records result return-attrs))) ;; Apply eudc-duplicate-attribute-handling-method (if (not (eq 'list eudc-duplicate-attribute-handling-method)) (mapcar (function (lambda (record) (setq final-result (append (eudc-filter-duplicate-attributes record) final-result)))) result)) final-result))(defun eudc-ldap-get-field-list (dummy &optional objectclass) "Return a list of valid attribute names for the current server.OBJECTCLASS is the LDAP object class for which the validattribute names are returned. Default to `person'" (interactive) (or eudc-server (call-interactively 'eudc-set-server)) (let ((ldap-host-parameters-alist (list (cons eudc-server '(scope subtree sizelimit 1))))) (mapcar 'eudc-ldap-cleanup-record (ldap-search (eudc-ldap-format-query-as-rfc1558 (list (cons "objectclass" (or objectclass "person")))) eudc-server nil t))))(defun eudc-ldap-escape-query-special-chars (string) "Value is STRING with characters forbidden in LDAP queries escaped.";; Note that * should also be escaped but in most situations I suppose ;; the user doesn't want this (eudc-replace-in-string (eudc-replace-in-string (eudc-replace-in-string (eudc-replace-in-string string "\\\\" "\\5c") "(" "\\28") ")" "\\29") (char-to-string ?\0) "\\00"))(defun eudc-ldap-format-query-as-rfc1558 (query) "Format the EUDC QUERY list as a RFC1558 LDAP search filter." (format "(&%s)" (apply 'concat (mapcar '(lambda (item) (format "(%s=%s)" (car item) (eudc-ldap-escape-query-special-chars (cdr item)))) query))));;}}} ;;{{{ High-level interfaces (interactive functions)(defun eudc-ldap-customize () "Customize the EUDC LDAP support." (interactive) (customize-group 'eudc-ldap))(defun eudc-ldap-check-base () "Check if the current LDAP server has a configured search base." (unless (or (eudc-ldap-get-host-parameter eudc-server 'base) ldap-default-base (null (y-or-n-p "No search base defined. Configure it now ?"))) ;; If the server is not in ldap-host-parameters-alist we add it for the ;; user (if (null (assoc eudc-server ldap-host-parameters-alist)) (setq ldap-host-parameters-alist (cons (list eudc-server) ldap-host-parameters-alist))) (customize-variable 'ldap-host-parameters-alist)));;;}}}(eudc-register-protocol 'ldap)(provide 'eudcb-ldap);;; eudcb-ldap.el ends here