line source
;;; quail/greek.el -- Quail package for inputting Greek
;; Copyright (C) 1997 Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN.
;; Licensed to the Free Software Foundation.
;; Keywords: multilingual, input method, Greek
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Code:
(require 'quail)
"greek-jis" "Greek" "$B&8(B" nil
"$B&%&K&K&G&M&I&J&A(B: Greek keyboard layout (JIS X0208.1983)
The layout is same as greek, but uses JIS characters.
Sorry, accents and terminal sigma are not supported in JIS."
nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
("1" ?$B#1(B)
("2" ?$B#2(B)
("3" ?$B#3(B)
("4" ?$B#4(B)
("5" ?$B#5(B)
("6" ?$B#6(B)
("7" ?$B#7(B)
("8" ?$B#8(B)
("9" ?$B#9(B)
("0" ?$B#0(B)
("-" ?$B!](B)
("=" ?$B!a(B)
("`" ?$B!F(B)
("q" ?$B!&(B)
("w" ?$B&R(B)
("e" ?$B&E(B)
("r" ?$B&Q(B)
("t" ?$B&S(B)
("y" ?$B&T(B)
("u" ?$B&H(B)
("i" ?$B&I(B)
("o" ?$B&O(B)
("p" ?$B&P(B)
("[" ?\$B!N(B)
("]" ?\$B!O(B)
("a" ?$B&A(B)
("s" ?$B&R(B)
("d" ?$B&D(B)
("f" ?$B&U(B)
("g" ?$B&C(B)
("h" ?$B&G(B)
("j" ?$B&N(B)
("k" ?$B&J(B)
("l" ?$B&K(B)
(";" ?$B!G(B)
("'" ?$B!G(B)
("\\" ?$B!@(B)
("z" ?$B&F(B)
("x" ?$B&V(B)
("c" ?$B&W(B)
("v" ?$B&X(B)
("b" ?$B&B(B)
("n" ?$B&M(B)
("m" ?$B&L(B)
("," ?, )
("." ?. )
("/" ?$B!?(B)
("!" ?$B!*(B)
("@" ?$B!w(B)
("#" ?$B!t(B)
("$" ?$B!t(B)
("%" ?$B!s(B)
("^" ?$B!0(B)
("&" ?$B!u(B)
("*" ?$B!v(B)
("(" ?\$B!J(B)
(")" ?\$B!K(B)
("_" ?$B!2(B)
("+" ?$B!\(B)
("~" ?$B!1(B)
("Q" ?$B!](B)
("W" ?$B&2(B)
("E" ?$B&%(B)
("R" ?$B&1(B)
("T" ?$B&3(B)
("Y" ?$B&4(B)
("U" ?$B&((B)
("I" ?$B&)(B)
("O" ?$B&/(B)
("P" ?$B&1(B)
("{" ?\$B!P(B)
("}" ?\$B!Q(B)
("A" ?$B&!(B)
("S" ?$B&2(B)
("D" ?$B&$(B)
("F" ?$B&5(B)
("G" ?$B&#(B)
("H" ?$B&'(B)
("J" ?$B&.(B)
("K" ?$B&*(B)
("L" ?$B&+(B)
(":" ?$B!I(B)
("\"" ?$B!I(B)
("|" ?$B!C(B)
("Z" ?$B&&(B)
("X" ?$B&6(B)
("C" ?$B&7(B)
("V" ?$B&8(B)
("B" ?$B&"(B)
("N" ?$B&-(B)
("M" ?$B&,(B)
("<" ?$B!((B)
(">" ?$B!'(B)
("?" ?$B!)(B))
"greek" "Greek" ",FY(B" nil
",FEkkgmij\(B: Greek keyboard layout (ISO 8859-7)
In the right of ,Fk(B key is a combination key, where
,F4(B acute
,F((B diaresis
,Fa(B + ,F4(B -> ,F\(B
,Fi(B + ,F((B -> ,Fz(B
,Fi(B + ,F((B + ,F4(B -> ,F@(B"
nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) -_ =+ `~
;; ,F7/(B ,FrS(B ,FeE(B ,FqQ(B ,FtT(B ,FuU(B ,FhH(B ,FiI(B ,FoO(B ,FpP(B [{ ]}
;; ,FaA(B ,FsS(B ,FdD(B ,FvV(B ,FcC(B ,FgG(B ,FnN(B ,FjJ(B ,FkK(B ,F4((B '" \|
;; ,FfF(B ,FwW(B ,FxX(B ,FyY(B ,FbB(B ,FmM(B ,FlL(B ,; .: /?
("1" ?1)
("2" ?2)
("3" ?3)
("4" ?4)
("5" ?5)
("6" ?6)
("7" ?7)
("8" ?8)
("9" ?9)
("0" ?0)
("-" ?-)
("=" ?=)
("`" ?`)
("q" ?,F7(B)
("w" ?,Fr(B)
("e" ?,Fe(B)
("r" ?,Fq(B)
("t" ?,Ft(B)
("y" ?,Fu(B)
("u" ?,Fh(B)
("i" ?,Fi(B)
("o" ?,Fo(B)
("p" ?,Fp(B)
("[" ?\[)
("]" ?\])
("a" ?,Fa(B)
("s" ?,Fs(B)
("d" ?,Fd(B)
("f" ?,Fv(B)
("g" ?,Fc(B)
("h" ?,Fg(B)
("j" ?,Fn(B)
("k" ?,Fj(B)
("l" ?,Fk(B)
(";" ?,F4(B)
("'" ?')
("\\" ?\\)
("z" ?,Ff(B)
("x" ?,Fw(B)
("c" ?,Fx(B)
("v" ?,Fy(B)
("b" ?,Fb(B)
("n" ?,Fm(B)
("m" ?,Fl(B)
("," ?,)
("." ?.)
("/" ?/)
("!" ?!)
("@" ?@)
("#" ?#)
("$" ?$)
("%" ?%)
("^" ?^)
("&" ?&)
("*" ?*)
("(" ?\()
(")" ?\))
("_" ?_)
("+" ?+)
("~" ?~)
("Q" ?,F/(B)
("W" ?,FS(B)
("E" ?,FE(B)
("R" ?,FQ(B)
("T" ?,FT(B)
("Y" ?,FU(B)
("U" ?,FH(B)
("I" ?,FI(B)
("O" ?,FO(B)
("P" ?,FP(B)
("{" ?{)
("}" ?})
("A" ?,FA(B)
("S" ?,FS(B)
("D" ?,FD(B)
("F" ?,FV(B)
("G" ?,FC(B)
("H" ?,FG(B)
("J" ?,FN(B)
("K" ?,FJ(B)
("L" ?,FK(B)
(":" ?,F((B)
("\"" ?\")
("|" ?|)
("Z" ?,FF(B)
("X" ?,FW(B)
("C" ?,FX(B)
("V" ?,FY(B)
("B" ?,FB(B)
("N" ?,FM(B)
("M" ?,FL(B)
("<" ?\;)
(">" ?:)
("?" ??)
("a;" ?,F\(B)
("e;" ?,F](B)
("h;" ?,F^(B)
("i;" ?,F_(B)
("o;" ?,F|(B)
("y;" ?,F}(B)
("v;" ?,F~(B)
("A;" ?,F6(B)
("E;" ?,F8(B)
("H;" ?,F9(B)
("I;" ?,F:(B)
("O;" ?,F<(B)
("Y;" ?,F>(B)
("V;" ?,F?(B)
("i:" ?,Fz(B)
("y:" ?,F{(B)
("I:" ?,FZ(B)
("Y:" ?,F[(B)
("i:;" ?,F@(B)
("y:;" ?,F`(B))