README for Edition 2.3 of the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.* This directory contains the texinfo source files for the ReferenceManual, make-permuted-index, and the latest version of texinfo.tex,which handles forms that cannot be handled by the older versions oftexinfo.tex. Also, it contains makeinfo.c.* Report Lisp Manual bugs to Wedon't read these bug reports until it's time for a new edition. Toreport other Emacs bugs, use ask questions, use the newsgroup* The Emacs Lisp Reference Manual is quite large. It totals around700 pages in smallbook format; the info files total almost twomegabytes.* You can format this manual either for Info or for printing hardcopyusing TeX. * You can buy nicely printed copies from the Free Software Foundation.For info, send mail to or phone 617-876-3296.Buying a manual from the Free Software Foundation helps support ourGNU development work.** This distribution contains a Makefile that you can use with GNU Make.Otherwise, here are detailed instructions:** HARDCOPY: A copy of the version of `texinfo.tex' that formats thismanual is included in this distribution.The master file for formatting this manual for Tex is called`elisp.texi'. It contains @include commands to include all thechapters that make up the manual. In addition, `elisp.texi' hasthe title page in a new format designed by Karl Berry, using the@titlespec command.To create a DVI file with a sorted index, execute the followingcommands in the shell:% make index.texi% make elisp.dvi*** To create a DVI file with a permuted index, you may experimentwith `make-permuted-index'. ** INFO: A copy of makeinfo.c that will format this manual for Info isincluded in this distribution. This program is written in C and canbe used separately from Emacs. `makeinfo' produces much better errormessages than the old `texinfo-format-buffer'. You can run `makeinfo'it on the `elisp.texi' file.