view src/hftctl.c @ 36150:46e59561af4c

Display Vars node renamed Display Custom. Include info there about customizing cursor appearance. Clean up aggressive scrolling. Clarify horizontal scrolling discussion. Fix index entries for line number mode.
author Richard M. Stallman <>
date Sat, 17 Feb 2001 16:45:37 +0000
parents 872ca4a12e3d
children 23a1cea22d13
line wrap: on
line source

/* IBM has disclaimed copyright on this module.  */

/*                                                             */
/* Function: hftctl                                            */
/*                                                             */
/* Syntax:                                                     */
/*    #include <sys/ioctl.h>                                   */
/*    #include <sys/hft.h>                                     */
/*                                                             */
/*    int hftctl(fildes, request, arg )                        */
/*    int fildes, request;                                     */
/*    char *arg;                                               */
/*                                                             */
/* Description:                                                */
/*                                                             */
/*    Does the following:                                      */
/*      1. determines if fildes is pty                         */
/*         does normal ioctl it is not                         */
/*      2. places fildes into raw mode                         */
/*      3. converts ioctl arguments to datastream              */
/*      4. waits for 2 secs for acknowledgement before         */
/*         timing out.                                         */
/*      5. places response in callers buffer ( just like       */
/*         ioctl.                                              */
/*      6. returns fildes to its original mode                 */
/*                                                             */
/*    User of this program should review steps 1,4, and 3.     */
/*    hftctl makes no check on the request type. It must be    */
/*    a HFT ioctl that is supported remotely.                  */
/*    This program will use the SIGALRM and alarm(2).  Any     */
/*    Previous alarms are lost.                                */
/*                                                             */
/*    Users of this program are free to modify it any way      */
/*    they want.                                               */
/*                                                             */
/* Return Value:                                               */
/*                                                             */
/*    If ioctl fails, a value of -1 is returned and errno      */
/*    is set to indicate the error.                            */
/*                                                             */

#include <config.h>
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/devinfo.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <termio.h>
#include <sys/hft.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/tty.h>
/* #include <sys/pty.h> */

#define REMOTE 0x01

#undef ioctl
static char     SCCSid[] = "com/gnuemacs/src,3.1,9021-90/05/03-5/3/90";

/*************** LOCAL DEFINES **********************************/


#ifndef TCGETS 
#ifndef TCSETS

/*************** EXTERNAL / GLOBAL DATA AREA ********************/

static int              hfqry();
static int              hfskbd();
       char            *xmalloc();

extern int              errno;
static jmp_buf          hftenv;
static int              is_ack_vtd;
static SIGTYPE             (*sav_alrm) ();
static struct hfctlreq  req =
			{ 0x1b,'[','x',0,0,0,21,HFCTLREQCH,HFCTLREQCL};
static struct hfctlack  ACK =
			{ 0x1b,'[','x',0,0,0,21,HFCTLACKCH,HFCTLACKCL};

       /* FUNC             signal(); */

/*************** LOCAL MACROS ***********************************/

#define HFTYPE(p)   ((p->hf_typehi<<8)|(p->hf_typelo))

#define BYTE4(p)    ((p)[0]<<24 | (p)[1]<<16 | (p)[2]<<8 | (p)[3])

					/* read a buffer        */
#define RD_BUF(f,p,l) \
        while ((l)) \
          if ((j = emacs_read (f, p, l)) < 0) \
             if (errno != EINTR) return (-1); \
             else continue; \
          else { (l) -= j; (p) += j; }

/*************** function prototypes ***************************/
static GT_ACK (int fd, int req, char *buf);
static WR_REQ (int fd, int request, int cmdlen, char *cmd, int resplen);
static void hft_alrm(int sig);
static GT_ACK ();
static WR_REQ ();
static void hft_alrm ();

/*************** HFTCTL FUNCTION *******************************/

hftctl (fd, request, arg)
     int     fd;
     int     request;
     union {
       struct hfintro *intro;
       struct hfquery *query;
       char           *c;
     } arg;

  int             i;
  int             fd_flag;	/* fcntl flags          */
  register union {
    struct hfintro         *cmd; /* p.cmd - intro des.   */
    struct hfqphdevc       *ph;	/*  - physical dev.*/
    char            *c;		/* p.c   - char ptr     */
  }               p;		/* general pointer      */
  int             pty_new;	/* pty modes            */
  int             pty_old;
  int             retcode;
  struct termios   term_new;	/* terminal attributes  */
  struct termios   term_old;
  struct devinfo	devInfo; /* defined in sys/devinfo.h */

  if (ioctl (fd, IOCINFO, &devInfo) == -1) return(-1);

  if (devInfo.devtype != DD_PSEU) /* is it a pty? */
    return (ioctl(fd, request, arg)); /* no, do IOCTL */

  /******* START PTY **************/
  /**  Pty found, possible HFT    */
  /** set new file des as raw     */
  /** as you can.                 */

  /* Get current state of file    */
  /* descriptor & save            */
  if ((fd_flag = fcntl (fd, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1) return (-1);
  if (ioctl (fd, TCGETS, &term_old) == -1) return (-1);
  /* set terminal attr to raw     */
  /* and to delay on read         */
  pty_new = pty_old | REMOTE;
  memcpy (&term_new, &term_old, sizeof (term_new));
  term_new.c_iflag = 0;
  term_new.c_oflag = 0;
  term_new.c_lflag = 0;
  /* term_new.c_line  = 0; */
  for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
    term_new.c_cc[i] = 0;
  term_new.c_cc[0] = -1;
  ioctl (fd, TCSETS, &term_new);
  if (fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, fd_flag & ~O_NDELAY) == -1)
  /* call spacific function       */
  if (request == HFSKBD)
    retcode = hfskbd (fd, request, arg.c);
  else				/* assume HFQUERY */
    retcode = hfqry (fd, request, arg.c);

  fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, fd_flag); /* reset terminal to original   */
  ioctl (fd, TCSETS, &term_old);

  return (retcode);             /* return error                 */

/*************** HFSKBD  FUNCTION ******************************/
static int
hfskbd (fd, request, arg)
        int     fd;
        int     request;
        struct hfbuf *arg;
  WR_REQ(fd, request, arg->hf_buflen, arg->hf_bufp,0);
  return (GT_ACK(fd, request, arg->hf_bufp));

/*************** HFQUERY FUNCTION ******************************/
static int
hfqry (fd, request, arg)
        int     fd;
        int     request;
        struct hfquery *arg;
  WR_REQ(fd, request, arg->hf_cmdlen, arg->hf_cmd, arg->hf_resplen);
  return (GT_ACK(fd, request, arg->hf_resp));

/*************** GT_ACK FUNCTION ******************************/
static int
GT_ACK (fd, req, buf)
        int     fd;
        int     req;
        char   *buf;
  struct hfctlack ack;
  int             i = sizeof (ack);
  int             j = 0;
  union {
    char            *c;
    struct hfctlack *ack;
  }               p;

  is_ack_vtd = 0;		/* flag no ACT VTD yet         */

  if (setjmp (hftenv))		/* set environment in case     */
    {				/* of time out                 */
      errno = ENODEV;		/* if time out, set errno      */
      return (-1);		/* flag error                  */

  alarm(3);			/* time out in 3 secs          */
  sav_alrm = signal (SIGALRM, hft_alrm); /* prepare to catch time out   */

  p.ack = &ack;
  while (! is_ack_vtd)		/* do until valid ACK VTD      */
      RD_BUF(fd, p.c, i);	/* read until a ACK VTD is fill*/

      if (! memcmp (&ack, &ACK, sizeof (HFINTROSZ)) /* the ACK intro &  */
	  && (ack.hf_request == req)) /* is it the response we want ?*/
	{			/* yes, ACK VTD found          */
	  is_ack_vtd = 1;	/* quickly, flag it            */
	  break;		/* get the %$%#@ out of here   */

      p.ack = &ack;		/* no, then skip 1st           */
      ++p.c;			/* char and start over         */
      i = sizeof (ack) - 1;	/* one less ESC to cry over    */

      while ((*p.c != 0x1b) && i) /* scan for next ESC           */
	{ ++p.c; --i; }		/* if any                      */

      (i ? memcpy (&ack, p.c, i) : 0); /* if any left over, then move */
      p.ack = &ack;		/* ESC to front of ack struct  */
      p.c += i;			/* skip over whats been read   */
      i = sizeof (ack) - i;	/* set whats left to be read   */
    }				/***** TRY AGAIN               */

  alarm(0);			/* ACK VTD received, reset alrm*/
  signal (SIGALRM, sav_alrm);	/* reset signal                */

  if (i = ack.hf_arg_len)	/* any data following ?        */
    {				/* yes,                        */
      RD_BUF(fd,buf,i);		/* read until it is received   */

  if (errno = ack.hf_retcode)	/* set errno based on returned */
    return (-1);		/* code, if 0, then no error   */
    return (0);			/* if set, then error returned */

/*************** HFT_ALRM FUNCTION ******************************/
static void
hft_alrm (sig)                  /* Function hft_alrm - handle */
     int sig;			/* alarm signal		      */
  signal (SIGALRM, sav_alrm);	/* reset to previous          */

  if (is_ack_vtd)		/* has ack vtd arrived ?      */
    return;			/* yes, then continue         */
  else				/* no, then return with error */
    longjmp (hftenv, -1);


/***                                                               ***/
/***  NOTE: Both the HFCTLREQ and the arg structure should be      ***/
/***        sent in one io write operation.  If terminal           ***/
/***        emulators are in NODELAY mode then multiple writes     ***/
/***        may cause bogus information to be read by the emulator ***/
/***        depending on the timing.                               ***/
/***                                                               ***/

static int
WR_REQ (fd, request, cmdlen, cmd, resplen)
	int             fd;
	int             request;
	int             cmdlen;
	char           *cmd;
	int             resplen;
  struct {
    char            *c;
    struct hfctlreq *req;
  }              p;
  int            size;

  req.hf_request = request;
  req.hf_arg_len = cmdlen;
  req.hf_rsp_len = resplen;

  if (cmdlen)			/* if arg structure to pass    */
      size = sizeof (struct hfctlreq) + cmdlen;
      if ((p.c = xmalloc(size)) == NULL) /* malloc one area            */
	return (-1);

      memcpy (p.c, &req, sizeof (req)); /* copy CTL REQ struct         */
      memcpy (p.c + sizeof (req), cmd, cmdlen); /* copy arg struct     */
      p.req = &req;		/* otherwise use only CTL REQ  */
      size = sizeof (req);

  /* write request to terminal   */
  if (emacs_write (fd, p.c, size) == -1) return (-1);
  if (p.req != &req)		/* free if allocated           */
    xfree (p.c);
  return (0);
