view info/dir @ 63308:51d38cfbe542

Warn about using "cvs up -kb" if one intends to commit changes. Add a pointer to another site with detailed configure and build instructions. Suggest to look at config.log when configure fails. Add MinGW Make 3.80 to the list of successful combinations.
author Eli Zaretskii <>
date Sat, 11 Jun 2005 11:31:29 +0000
parents ffc1d534a278
children 42e9220a8c60
line wrap: on
line source

-*- Text -*-
This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the topmost node of the
Info hierarchy.  The first time you invoke Info you start off
looking at that node, which is (dir)Top.

File: dir	Node: Top	This is the top of the INFO tree

The Info Directory

  The Info Directory is the top-level menu of major Info topics.
  Type "d" in Info to return to the Info Directory.  Type "q" to exit Info.
  Type "?" for a list of Info commands, or "h" to visit an Info tutorial.
  Type "m" to choose a menu item--for instance,
    "mEmacs<Return>" visits the Emacs manual.
  In Emacs Info, you can click mouse button 2 on a menu item
  or cross reference to follow it to its target.
  Each menu line that starts with a * is a topic you can select with "m".
  Every third topic has a red * to help pick the right number to type.

* Menu:

* Info: (info).		How to use the documentation browsing system.

* Emacs: (emacs).	The extensible self-documenting text editor.
* Emacs FAQ: (efaq).	Frequently Asked Questions about Emacs.
* Emacs Lisp Introduction: (eintr).
  			A simple introduction to Emacs Lisp programming.
* Elisp: (elisp).	The Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.

* CL: (cl).		Partial Common Lisp support for Emacs Lisp.
* Dired-X: (dired-x).   Dired Extra Features.
* Ediff: (ediff).	A visual interface for comparing and merging programs.
* Emacs-Xtra: (emacs-xtra).    Specialized Emacs features.
* Org Mode: (org).	Outline-based notes management and organizer.
* PCL-CVS: (pcl-cvs).	Emacs front-end to CVS.
* Speedbar: (speedbar).	File/Tag summarizing utility.

* Ada mode: (ada-mode). Emacs mode for editing Ada code.
* CC mode: (ccmode).	Emacs mode for editing C, C++, Objective-C,
			  Java, Pike, and IDL code.
* Ebrowse: (ebrowse).	A C++ class browser for Emacs.
* Flymake: (flymake).   An on-the-fly syntax checker for Emacs.
* IDLWAVE: (idlwave).	Major mode and shell for IDL and WAVE/CL files.

* Gnus: (gnus).		The news reader Gnus.
* Message: (message).	Mail and news composition mode that goes with Gnus.
* MH-E: (mh-e).		Emacs interface to the MH mail system.
* MIME: (emacs-mime).   Emacs MIME de/composition library.
* PGG: (pgg).   	Emacs interface to various PGP implementations.
* SC: (sc).		Supercite lets you cite parts of messages you're
			  replying to, in flexible ways.
* SMTP: (smtpmail).     Emacs library for sending mail via SMTP.
* Sieve: (sieve).       Managing Sieve scripts in Emacs.

* Autotype: (autotype). Convenient features for text that you enter frequently
                          in Emacs.
* Calc: (calc). 	Advanced desk calculator and mathematical tool.
* Eshell: (eshell).	A command shell implemented in Emacs Lisp.
* EUDC: (eudc).		An Emacs client for directory servers (LDAP, PH).
* Forms: (forms).	Emacs package for editing data bases
			  by filling in forms.
* RefTeX: (reftex).	Emacs support for LaTeX cross-references and citations.
* SES: (ses).           Simple Emacs Spreadsheet
* Tramp: (tramp).	Transparent Remote (file) Access, Multiple Protocol.
                          Edit remote files via a remote shell (rsh,
                          ssh, telnet).
* URL: (url).           URL loading package.
* Widget: (widget).     The "widget" package used by the Emacs Customization
* WoMan: (woman).       Browse UN*X Manual Pages "Wo (without) Man".

* VIPER: (viper).       The newest Emacs VI-emulation mode.
                          (also, A VI Plan for Emacs Rescue
                           or the VI PERil.)
* VIP: (vip).		An older VI-emulation for Emacs.