## Top level makefile for building GNU Emacs on Windows NT## This file is part of GNU Emacs.# # GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)# any later version.# # GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU General Public License for more details.# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.## Geoff Voelker (voelker@cs.washington.edu) 11-20-93# 9-6-94!include makefile.defALL = $(BLD)\addpm.exe $(BLD)\ddeclient.exe $(BLD)\runemacs.exe $(BLD)\cmdproxy.exe!if $(MSVCNT11)TRES = $(BLD)\emacs.res!elseTRES = $(BLD)\emacs.rbj!endif.c{$(BLD)}.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$@ $<addpm: $(BLD) $(BLD)\addpm.exe$(BLD)\addpm.obj: addpm.c$(BLD)\addpm.exe: $(BLD)\addpm.obj $(LINK) -out:$@ -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup \ $(SYS_LDFLAGS) $** $(BASE_LIBS) $(ADVAPI32) user32.libddeclient: $(BLD) $(BLD)\ddeclient.exe$(BLD)\ddeclient.obj: ddeclient.c$(BLD)\ddeclient.exe: $(BLD)\ddeclient.obj $(LINK) -out:$@ -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup \ $(SYS_LDFLAGS) $** $(BASE_LIBS) $(ADVAPI32) user32.libcmdproxy: $(BLD) $(BLD)\cmdproxy.exe$(BLD)\cmdproxy.obj: cmdproxy.c$(BLD)\cmdproxy.exe: $(BLD)\cmdproxy.obj $(LINK) -out:$@ -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup \ $(SYS_LDFLAGS) $** $(BASE_LIBS) user32.lib## The resource file. NT 3.10 requires the use of cvtres; even though# it is not necessary on later versions, it is still ok to use it.#$(TRES): emacs.rc $(RC) -Fo$(BLD)\emacs.res $**!if !$(MSVCNT11) $(CVTRES) -r -$(ARCH) -o $@ $(BLD)\emacs.res!endifrunemacs: $(BLD) $(BLD)\runemacs.exe$(BLD)\runemacs.obj: runemacs.c$(BLD)\runemacs.exe: $(BLD)\runemacs.obj $(TRES) $(LINK) -out:$@ -subsystem:windows -entry:WinMainCRTStartup \ $(SYS_LDFLAGS) $** $(BASE_LIBS) $(ADVAPI32) user32.lib# Since Windows 95 does not support multiple commands on one command line# (e.g., in for loops), we cannot use for loops any more.# SUBDIRS = lib-src src lisp## Build emacs#BUILD_CMD = $(MAKE) -f makefile.nt allall: $(BLD) $(ALL) cd ..\lib-src $(BUILD_CMD) cd ..\src $(BUILD_CMD) cd ..\lisp $(BUILD_CMD) cd ..\nt$(INSTALL_DIR)\bin: - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin$(INSTALL_DIR)\bin\emacs.bat: emacs.bat.in echo @echo off > $@ echo REM !!! Warning: This file automatically generated !!! >> emacs.bat echo set emacs_dir=$(INSTALL_DIR)>> $@ type emacs.bat.in >> $@$(INSTALL_DIR)\bin\debug.bat: debug.bat.in echo @echo off > $@ echo REM !!! Warning: This file automatically generated !!! >> debug.bat echo set emacs_dir=$(INSTALL_DIR)>> $@ type debug.bat.in >> $@batch_files: $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin \ $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin\emacs.bat \ $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin\debug.bat## Build and install emacs in INSTALL_DIR#INSTALL_CMD = $(MAKE) -f makefile.nt installinstall: all batch_files - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR) cd ..\lib-src $(INSTALL_CMD) cd ..\src $(INSTALL_CMD) cd ..\lisp $(INSTALL_CMD) cd ..\nt - $(CP) $(BLD)\addpm.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin - $(CP) $(BLD)\ddeclient.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin - $(CP) $(BLD)\cmdproxy.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin - $(CP) $(BLD)\runemacs.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin - $(ADDPM) $(INSTALL_DIR) - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst echo SameDirTest > $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(MAKE) -f makefile.nt real_install - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst## This installs executables from ..\bin into the installation directory# without building anything.#fast_install: batch_files - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\data $(CP) ..\lib-src\DOC $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin - $(CP) $(BLD)\addpm.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin - $(CP) $(BLD)\runemacs.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst echo SameDirTest > $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(CP) ..\bin\emacs.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(CP) ..\bin\etags.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(CP) ..\bin\ctags.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin if not exist ..\same-dir.tst nmake -f $(MAKE) real_install - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tstreal_install: - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst echo SameDirTest > $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\info - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\lock - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\data - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\site-lisp if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(CP_DIR) ..\etc $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(CP_DIR) ..\info $(INSTALL_DIR)\info - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst## Maintenance# CLEAN_CMD = $(MAKE) -f makefile.nt cleanclean:; - $(DEL) *~ *.pdb - $(DEL) *.orig - $(DEL) *.rej - $(DEL) *.crlf - $(DEL_TREE) deleted - $(DEL_TREE) obj - $(DEL_TREE) obj-spd - $(DEL_TREE) ..\bin - $(DEL) ..\etc\DOC ..\etc\DOC-X - $(DEL) emacs.bat - $(DEL) debug.bat cd ..\lib-src $(CLEAN_CMD) cd ..\src $(CLEAN_CMD) cd ..\lisp $(CLEAN_CMD) cd ..\nt