Tasks needed before the next release.* TO BE DONE SHORTLY BEFORE RELEASE** Check for widow and orphan lines in manuals;make sure all the pages really look ok in the manual as formatted.** Check for text in manuals that assumes current version is 21.** Update AUTHORS.[Done 2006-10-03]** Regenerate the postscript files of the reference cards in etc.** Ask maintainers of refcard translations to update them.Requests to have been sent out on 2006-05-23 (Reiner Steib).LANG Translator Statuscs Pavel Jan鱈k Can't work on it now.de Sven Joachim Donefr Eric Jacoboni Done (layout might be improved)pl W�odek Bzyl Donept-br Rodrigo Real Doneru Alex Ott Donesk Miroslav Va邸ko No responseReminders sent out on 2006-06-08.** Send an email to the various distributions, including the GNOMEand KDE projects, to use the new Emacs icons in etc/images/icons.* WINDOWS SUPPORT BUGS.These don't need to be fixed to start pretest, but we call theattention of Windows users to fixing them.** Drew Adams 12 Aug bug rpt: overlay display artifact: trace left behindWindows only bug. Bug appears only when Cleartype enabled, probably relatedto the hack introduced on 2005-07-01 to fix some other Cleartype problem.** henman@it.to-be.co.jp 09 Aug 2006: ispell.el problem on Cygwin. (Did we decide that is unreproducible?)* BUGS** triska@gmx.at, Nov 2: EMACS environment variable.** ich@frank-schmitt.net, Oct 30: Build failure under Suse 10.0** offby1@blarg.net, Nov 5: calendar gets wrong end for Daylight Savings Time** Slowness of remove-overlays.* DOCUMENTATION** Check the Emacs Tutorial.The first line of every tutorial must begin with text ending in aperiod (".", ASCII 0x2E) saying "Emacs Tutorial" in the respectivelanguage. This should be followed by "See end for copyingconditions", likewise in the respective language.After each file name, on the same line or the following line, come thenames of the people who have checked it.SECTION READERS----------------------------------etc/TUTORIAL rmsetc/TUTORIAL.bg Ognyan Kulev <ogi@fmi.uni-sofia.bg>etc/TUTORIAL.cnetc/TUTORIAL.cs Pavel Jan鱈k <Pavel@Janik.cz>etc/TUTORIAL.de Werner LEMBERG <wl@gnu.org>etc/TUTORIAL.es Marcelo Toledoetc/TUTORIAL.fr ttnetc/TUTORIAL.it ttnetc/TUTORIAL.ja Kenichi Handa <handa@m17n.org>etc/TUTORIAL.koetc/TUTORIAL.nl Lute Kamstraetc/TUTORIAL.pl Slawomir Nowaczyk <slawek@cs.lth.se>etc/TUTORIAL.pt_BR Marcelo Toledoetc/TUTORIAL.roetc/TUTORIAL.ru Alex Ott <alexott@gmail.com>etc/TUTORIAL.sk Pavel Jan鱈k <Pavel@Janik.cz>etc/TUTORIAL.sl Primoz PETERLIN <primoz.peterlin@biofiz.mf.uni-lj.si>etc/TUTORIAL.sv Mats Lidell <matsl@contactor.se>etc/TUTORIAL.th Virach Sornlertlamvanich <virach@tcllab.org>etc/TUTORIAL.zhLocal variables:mode: outlinecoding: utf-8end: