view lisp/calc/calc-maint.el @ 46205:6676ac71682b

Update mouse button info. Don't give the names of Emacs commands that the characters run. Clarify what SPC and DEL do. Clarify the description of the minibuffer. Wording change for completion. Explain Mouse-2 better.
author Richard M. Stallman <>
date Sun, 07 Jul 2002 11:31:31 +0000
parents fef73ecd984e
children f4d68f97221e
line wrap: on
line source

;;; calc-maint.el --- maintenance routines for Calc

;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: David Gillespie <>
;; Maintainer: Colin Walters <>

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(defun calc-compile ()
  "Compile all parts of Calc.
Unix usage:
     emacs -batch -l calc-maint -f calc-compile"
  (if (equal (user-full-name) "David Gillespie")
      (load "~/lisp/newbytecomp"))
  (setq byte-compile-verbose t)
  (if noninteractive
      (let ((old-message (symbol-function 'message))
	    (old-write-region (symbol-function 'write-region))
	    (comp-was-func nil)
	    (comp-len 0))
	      (fset 'message (symbol-function 'calc-compile-message))
	      (fset 'write-region (symbol-function 'calc-compile-write-region))
	  (fset 'message old-message)
	  (fset 'write-region old-write-region)))

(defun calc-do-compile ()
  (let ((make-backup-files nil)
	(changed-rules nil)
	(changed-units nil)
	(message-bug (string-match "^18.\\([0-4][0-9]\\|5[0-6]\\)"
    (setq max-lisp-eval-depth (max 400 max-lisp-eval-depth))
    ;; Enable some irrelevant warnings to avoid compiler bug in 19.29:
    (setq byte-compile-warnings (and (string-match "^19.29" emacs-version)

    ;; Make sure we're in the right directory.
    (find-file "calc.el")
    (if (= (buffer-size) 0)
	(error "This command must be used in the Calc source directory"))

    ;; Make sure current directory is in load-path.
    (setq load-path (cons default-directory load-path))
    (load "calc-macs.el" nil t t)
    (provide 'calc)
    (provide 'calc-ext)

    ;; Compile all the source files.
    (let ((files (append
		  '("calc.el" "calc-ext.el")
		  (sort (directory-files
			 default-directory nil
      (while files
	(if (file-newer-than-file-p (car files) (concat (car files) "c"))
	      (if (string-match "calc-rules" (car files))
		  (setq changed-rules t))
	      (if (string-match "calc-units" (car files))
		  (setq changed-units t))
	      (or message-bug (message ""))
	      (byte-compile-file (car files)))
	  (message "File %s is up to date" (car files)))
	(if (string-match "calc\\(-ext\\)?.el" (car files))
	    (load (concat (car files) "c") nil t t))
	(setq files (cdr files))))

    (if (or changed-units changed-rules)
	(condition-case err

	      ;; Pre-build the units table.
	      (if (and changed-units
		       (not (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version)))
		    (or message-bug (message ""))
		    (find-file "calc-units.elc")
		    (goto-char (point-max))
		    (insert "\n(setq math-units-table '"
			    (prin1-to-string math-units-table)

	      ;; Pre-build rewrite rules for j D, j M, etc.
	      (if (and changed-rules (not (string-match "^19" emacs-version)))
		  (let ((rules nil))
		    (or message-bug (message ""))
		    (find-file "calc-rules.elc")
		    (goto-char (point-min))
		    (while (re-search-forward "defun calc-\\([A-Za-z]*Rules\\)"
					      nil t)
		      (setq rules (cons (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
							  (match-end 1))
		    (goto-char (point-min))
		    (re-search-forward "\n(defun calc-[A-Za-z]*Rules")
		    (delete-region (point) (point-max))
		    (mapcar (function
			     (lambda (v)
			       (let* ((vv (intern (concat "var-" v)))
				      (val (save-excursion
					     (calc-var-value vv))))
				 (insert "\n(defun calc-" v " () '"
					 (prin1-to-string val) ")\n"))))
			    (sort rules 'string<))
	  (error (message "Unable to pre-build tables %s" err))))
    (message "Done.  Don't forget to install with \"make public\" or \"make private\"")))

(defun calc-compile-message (fmt &rest args)
  (cond ((and (= (length args) 2)
	      (stringp (car args))
	      (string-match ".elc?\\'" (car args))
	      (symbolp (nth 1 args)))
	 (let ((name (symbol-name (nth 1 args))))
	   (princ (if comp-was-func ", " "  "))
	   (if (and comp-was-func (eq (string-match comp-was-func name) 0))
	       (setq name (substring name (1- (length comp-was-func))))
	     (setq comp-was-func (if (string-match "\\`[a-zA-Z]+-" name)
				     (substring name 0 (match-end 0))
				   " ")))
	   (if (> (+ comp-len (length name)) 75)
		 (princ "\n  ")
		 (setq comp-len 0)))
	   (princ name)
	   (send-string-to-terminal "")  ; cause an fflush(stdout)
	   (setq comp-len (+ comp-len 2 (length name)))))
	((and (setq comp-was-func nil
		    comp-len 0)
	      (= (length args) 1)
	      (stringp (car args))
	      (string-match ".elc?\\'" (car args)))
	 (unless (string-match "Saving file %s..." fmt)
	   (funcall old-message fmt (file-name-nondirectory (car args)))))
	((string-match "\\(Preparing\\|Building\\).*\\.\\.\\.$" fmt)
	 (send-string-to-terminal (apply 'format fmt args)))
	((string-match "\\(Preparing\\|Building\\).*\\.\\.\\. *done$" fmt)
	 (send-string-to-terminal "done\n"))
	(t (apply old-message fmt args))))

(defun calc-compile-write-region (start end filename &optional append visit &rest rest)
  (if (eq visit t)
  (if (and (string-match "\\.elc" filename)
	   (= start (point-min))
	   (= end (point-max)))
	(goto-char (point-min))
	(if (search-forward "\n(require (quote calc-macs))\n" nil t)
	    (replace-match ""))
	(setq end (point-max))))
  (apply old-write-region start end filename append 'quietly rest)
  (message "Wrote %s" filename)

(defun calc-split-tutorial (&optional force)
  (interactive "P")
  (calc-split-manual force 1))

(defun calc-split-reference (&optional force)
  (interactive "P")
  (calc-split-manual force 2))

(defun calc-split-manual (&optional force part)
  "Split the Calc manual into separate Tutorial and Reference manuals.
Use this if your TeX installation is too small-minded to handle
calc.texinfo all at once.
Usage:  C-x C-f calc.texinfo RET
        M-x calc-split-manual RET"
  (interactive "P")
  (or (let ((case-fold-search t))
	(string-match "calc\\.texi" (buffer-name)))
      (error "This command should be used in the calc.texi buffer"))
  (let ((srcbuf (current-buffer))
	tutpos refpos endpos (maxpos (point-max)))
    (goto-char 1)
    (search-forward "@c [tutorial]")
    (setq tutpos (point))
    (search-forward "@c [reference]")
    (setq refpos (point))
    (search-forward "@c [end]")
    (setq endpos (point))
    (or (eq part 2)
	  (find-file "calctut.tex")
	  (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf 1 refpos)
	  (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf endpos maxpos)
	  (calc-split-volume "I" "ref" "Tutorial" "Reference")
    (or (eq part 1)
	  (find-file "calcref.tex")
	  (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf 1 tutpos)
	  (insert "\n@tex\n\\global\\advance\\chapno by 1\n@end tex\n")
	  (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf refpos maxpos)
	  (calc-split-volume "II" "tut" "Reference" "Tutorial")
    (switch-to-buffer srcbuf)
    (goto-char 1))
  (message (cond ((eq part 1) "Wrote file calctut.tex")
		 ((eq part 2) "Wrote file calcref.tex")
		 (t "Wrote files calctut.tex and calcref.tex"))))

(defun calc-split-volume (number fix name other-name)
  (goto-char 1)
  (search-forward "@c [title]\n")
  (search-forward "Manual")
  (delete-backward-char 6)
  (insert name)
  (search-forward "@c [volume]\n")
  (insert "@sp 1\n@center Volume " number ": " name "\n")
  (let ((pat (format "@c \\[fix-%s \\(.*\\)\\]\n" fix)))
    (while (re-search-forward pat nil t)
      (let ((topic (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
	(re-search-forward "@\\(p?xref\\){[^}]*}")
	(let ((cmd (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
	  (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
	  (insert (if (equal cmd "pxref") "see" "See")
		  " ``" topic "'' in @emph{the Calc "
		  other-name "}")))))
  (goto-char 1)
  (while (search-forward "@c [when-split]\n" nil t)
    (while (looking-at "@c ")
      (delete-char 3)
      (forward-line 1)))
  (goto-char 1)
  (while (search-forward "@c [not-split]\n" nil t)
    (while (not (looking-at "@c"))
      (insert "@c ")
      (forward-line 1))))

(defun calc-inline-summary ()
  "Make a special \"calcsum.tex\" file to be used with main manual."
  (calc-split-summary nil t))

(defun calc-split-summary (&optional force in-line)
  "Make a special \"calcsum.tex\" file with just the Calc summary."
  (interactive "P")
  (or (let ((case-fold-search t))
	(string-match "calc\\.texinfo" (buffer-name)))
      (error "This command should be used in the calc.texinfo buffer"))
  (let ((srcbuf (current-buffer))
	begpos sumpos endpos midpos)
    (goto-char 1)
    (search-forward "{Calc Manual}")
    (backward-char 1)
    (delete-backward-char 6)
    (insert "Summary")
    (search-forward "@c [begin]")
    (setq begpos (point))
    (search-forward "@c [summary]")
    (setq sumpos (point))
    (search-forward "@c [end-summary]")
    (setq endpos (point))
    (find-file "calcsum.tex")
    (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf 1 begpos)
    (insert "@tex\n"
	    "\\gdef\\xref#1.{See ``#1.''}\n")
    (setq midpos (point))
    (insert "@end tex\n")
    (insert-buffer-substring srcbuf sumpos endpos)
    (insert "@bye\n")
    (goto-char 1)
    (if (search-forward "{. a b c" nil t)
	(replace-match "{... a b c"))
    (goto-char 1)
    (if in-line
	(let ((buf (current-buffer))
	      (page nil))
	  (find-file "calc.aux")
	  (if (> (buffer-size) 0)
		(goto-char 1)
		(re-search-forward "{Summary-pg}{\\([0-9]+\\)}")
		(setq page (string-to-int (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
							    (match-end 1))))))
	  (switch-to-buffer buf)
	  (if page
		(message "Adjusting starting page number to %d" page)
		(goto-char midpos)
		(insert (format "\\global\\pageno=%d\n" page)))
	    (message "Unable to find page number from calc.aux")))
      (if (search-forward "@c smallbook" nil t)
	  (progn   ; activate "smallbook" format for compactness
	    (forward-char 1)
	    (delete-char 2))))
    (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
      (find-file "")
      (if (> (buffer-size) 0)
	  (let ((ibuf (current-buffer)))
	    (message "Mixing in page numbers from Key Index (")
	    (switch-to-buffer buf)
	    (goto-char 1)
	    (search-forward "notes at the end")
	    (insert "; the number in italics is\n"
		    "the page number where the command is described")
	    (while (re-search-forward
		    "@r{.*@: *\\([^ ]\\(.*[^ ]\\)?\\) *@:.*@:.*@:\\(.*\\)@:.*}"
		    nil t)
	      (let ((key (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
		    (pos (match-beginning 3))
		(set-buffer ibuf)
		(goto-char 1)
		(let ((p '( ( "I H " . "H I " )  ; oops!
			    ( "@@ ' \"" . "@@" ) ( "h m s" . "@@" )
			    ( "\\\\" . "{\\tt\\indexbackslash }" )
			    ( "_" . "{\\_}" )
			    ( "\\^" . "{\\tt\\hat}" )
			    ( "<" . "{\\tt\\less}" )
			    ( ">" . "{\\tt\\gtr}" )
			    ( "\"" ) ( "@{" ) ( "@}" )
			    ( "~" ) ( "|" ) ( "@@" )
			    ( "\\+" . "{\\tt\\char43}" )
			    ( "# l" . "# L" )
			    ( "I f I" . "f I" ) ( "I f Q" . "f Q" )
			    ( "V &" . "&" ) ( "C-u " . "" ) ))
		      (case-fold-search nil))
		  (while p
		    (if (string-match (car (car p)) key)
			(setq key (concat (substring key 0 (match-beginning 0))
					  (or (cdr (car p))
					      (format "{\\tt\\char'%03o}"
						      (aref key (1- (match-end
					  (substring key (match-end 0)))))
		    (setq p (cdr p)))
		  (setq num (and (search-forward (format "\\entry {%s}{" key)
						 nil t)
				 (looking-at "[0-9]+")
				 (buffer-substring (point) (match-end 0)))))
		(set-buffer buf)
		(goto-char pos)
		(insert "@pgref{" (or num "") "}")))
	    (goto-char midpos)
	    (insert "\\gdef\\pgref#1{\\hbox to 2em{\\indsl\\hss#1}\\ \\ }\n"))
	 "Unable to find Key Index (; no page numbers inserted"))
      (switch-to-buffer buf))
  (message "Wrote file calcsum.tex"))

;;; calc-maint.el ends here