view lisp/calc/calc-fin.el @ 40819:668787248f9b

* dired.el (dired-move-to-filename-regexp): Do not distinguish between ASCII letters and non-ASCII characters. Don't allow comma except in the form "month day, year". Don't allow space between month name and comma. Clean up the code that checks for trailing period, comma, and space. Remove now-obsolete comments, and add more commentary about Japanese dates. Always gobble up trailing spaces, instead of doing it only sometimes.
author Paul Eggert <>
date Wed, 07 Nov 2001 21:59:39 +0000
parents 2fb9d407ae73
children 73f364fd8aaa
line wrap: on
line source

;; Calculator for GNU Emacs, part II [calc-fin.el]
;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Written by Dave Gillespie,

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

;; This file is autoloaded from calc-ext.el.
(require 'calc-ext)

(require 'calc-macs)

(defun calc-Need-calc-fin () nil)

;;; Financial functions.

(defun calc-fin-pv ()
   (if (calc-is-hyperbolic)
       (calc-enter-result 3 "pvl" (cons 'calcFunc-pvl (calc-top-list-n 3)))
     (if (calc-is-inverse)
	 (calc-enter-result 3 "pvb" (cons 'calcFunc-pvb (calc-top-list-n 3)))
       (calc-enter-result 3 "pv" (cons 'calcFunc-pv (calc-top-list-n 3))))))

(defun calc-fin-npv (arg)
  (interactive "p")
   (if (calc-is-inverse)
       (calc-vector-op "npvb" 'calcFunc-npvb (1+ arg))
     (calc-vector-op "npv" 'calcFunc-npv (1+ arg))))

(defun calc-fin-fv ()
   (if (calc-is-hyperbolic)
       (calc-enter-result 3 "fvl" (cons 'calcFunc-fvl (calc-top-list-n 3)))
     (if (calc-is-inverse)
	 (calc-enter-result 3 "fvb" (cons 'calcFunc-fvb (calc-top-list-n 3)))
       (calc-enter-result 3 "fv" (cons 'calcFunc-fv (calc-top-list-n 3))))))

(defun calc-fin-pmt ()
   (if (calc-is-hyperbolic)
       (calc-enter-result 3 "fvl" (cons 'calcFunc-fvl (calc-top-list-n 3)))
     (if (calc-is-inverse)
	 (calc-enter-result 3 "pmtb" (cons 'calcFunc-pmtb (calc-top-list-n 3)))
       (calc-enter-result 3 "pmt" (cons 'calcFunc-pmt (calc-top-list-n 3))))))

(defun calc-fin-nper ()
   (if (calc-is-hyperbolic)
       (calc-enter-result 3 "nprl" (cons 'calcFunc-nperl (calc-top-list-n 3)))
     (if (calc-is-inverse)
	 (calc-enter-result 3 "nprb" (cons 'calcFunc-nperb
					   (calc-top-list-n 3)))
       (calc-enter-result 3 "nper" (cons 'calcFunc-nper
					 (calc-top-list-n 3))))))

(defun calc-fin-rate ()
   (calc-pop-push-record 3
			 (if (calc-is-hyperbolic) "ratl"
			   (if (calc-is-inverse) "ratb" "rate"))
			   (cons (if (calc-is-hyperbolic) 'calcFunc-ratel
				   (if (calc-is-hyperbolic) 'calcFunc-rateb
				 (calc-top-list-n 3))))))

(defun calc-fin-irr (arg)
  (interactive "P")
   (if (calc-is-inverse)
       (calc-vector-op "irrb" 'calcFunc-irrb arg)
     (calc-vector-op "irr" 'calcFunc-irr arg)))

(defun calc-fin-sln ()
   (calc-enter-result 3 "sln" (cons 'calcFunc-sln (calc-top-list-n 3))))

(defun calc-fin-syd ()
   (calc-enter-result 4 "syd" (cons 'calcFunc-syd (calc-top-list-n 4))))

(defun calc-fin-ddb ()
   (calc-enter-result 4 "ddb" (cons 'calcFunc-ddb (calc-top-list-n 4))))

(defun calc-to-percentage (x)
  (cond ((Math-objectp x)
	 (setq x (math-mul x 100))
	 (if (Math-num-integerp x)
	     (setq x (math-trunc x)))
	 (list 'calcFunc-percent x))
	((Math-vectorp x)
	 (cons 'vec (mapcar 'calc-to-percentage (cdr x))))
	(t x))

(defun calc-convert-percent ()
   (calc-pop-push-record 1 "c%" (calc-to-percentage (calc-top-n 1))))

(defun calc-percent-change ()
   (let ((res (calc-normalize (cons 'calcFunc-relch (calc-top-list 2)))))
     (calc-pop-push-record 2 "%ch" (calc-to-percentage res))))

;;; Financial functions.

(defun calcFunc-pv (rate num amount &optional lump)
  (math-check-financial rate num)
  (math-with-extra-prec 2
    (let ((p (math-pow (math-add 1 rate) num)))
      (math-add (math-mul amount
			  (math-div (math-sub 1 (math-div 1 p))
		(math-div (or lump 0) p))))
(put 'calcFunc-pv 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-pvl (rate num amount)
  (calcFunc-pv rate num 0 amount)
(put 'calcFunc-pvl 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-pvb (rate num amount &optional lump)
  (math-check-financial rate num)
  (math-with-extra-prec 2
    (let* ((p (math-pow (math-add 1 rate) num)))
      (math-add (math-mul amount
			  (math-div (math-mul (math-sub 1 (math-div 1 p))
					      (math-add 1 rate))
		(math-div (or lump 0) p))))
(put 'calcFunc-pvb 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-npv (rate &rest flows)
  (math-check-financial rate 1)
  (math-with-extra-prec 2
    (let* ((flat (math-flatten-many-vecs flows))
	   (pp (math-add 1 rate))
	   (p pp)
	   (accum 0))
      (while (setq flat (cdr flat))
	(setq accum (math-add accum (math-div (car flat) p))
	      p (math-mul p pp)))
(put 'calcFunc-npv 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-npvb (rate &rest flows)
  (math-check-financial rate 1)
  (math-with-extra-prec 2
    (let* ((flat (math-flatten-many-vecs flows))
	   (pp (math-add 1 rate))
	   (p 1)
	   (accum 0))
      (while (setq flat (cdr flat))
	(setq accum (math-add accum (math-div (car flat) p))
	      p (math-mul p pp)))
(put 'calcFunc-npvb 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-fv (rate num amount &optional initial)
  (math-check-financial rate num)
  (math-with-extra-prec 2
    (let ((p (math-pow (math-add 1 rate) num)))
      (math-add (math-mul amount
			  (math-div (math-sub p 1)
		(math-mul (or initial 0) p))))
(put 'calcFunc-fv 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-fvl (rate num amount)
  (calcFunc-fv rate num 0 amount)
(put 'calcFunc-fvl 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-fvb (rate num amount &optional initial)
  (math-check-financial rate num)
  (math-with-extra-prec 2
    (let ((p (math-pow (math-add 1 rate) num)))
      (math-add (math-mul amount
			  (math-div (math-mul (math-sub p 1)
					      (math-add 1 rate))
		(math-mul (or initial 0) p))))
(put 'calcFunc-fvb 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-pmt (rate num amount &optional lump)
  (math-check-financial rate num)
  (math-with-extra-prec 2
    (let ((p (math-pow (math-add 1 rate) num)))
      (math-div (math-mul (math-sub amount
				    (math-div (or lump 0) p))
		(math-sub 1 (math-div 1 p)))))
(put 'calcFunc-pmt 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-pmtb (rate num amount &optional lump)
  (math-check-financial rate num)
  (math-with-extra-prec 2
    (let ((p (math-pow (math-add 1 rate) num)))
      (math-div (math-mul (math-sub amount (math-div (or lump 0) p)) rate)
		(math-mul (math-sub 1 (math-div 1 p))
			  (math-add 1 rate)))))
(put 'calcFunc-pmtb 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-nper (rate pmt amount &optional lump)
  (math-compute-nper rate pmt amount lump nil)
(put 'calcFunc-nper 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-nperb (rate pmt amount &optional lump)
  (math-compute-nper rate pmt amount lump 'b)
(put 'calcFunc-nperb 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-nperl (rate pmt amount)
  (math-compute-nper rate pmt amount nil 'l)
(put 'calcFunc-nperl 'math-expandable t)

(defun math-compute-nper (rate pmt amount lump bflag)
  (and lump (math-zerop lump)
       (setq lump nil))
  (and lump (math-zerop pmt)
       (setq amount lump
	     lump nil
	     bflag 'l))
  (or (math-objectp rate) (and math-expand-formulas (null lump))
      (math-reject-arg rate 'numberp))
  (and (math-zerop rate)
       (math-reject-arg rate 'nonzerop))
  (or (math-objectp pmt) (and math-expand-formulas (null lump))
      (math-reject-arg pmt 'numberp))
  (or (math-objectp amount) (and math-expand-formulas (null lump))
      (math-reject-arg amount 'numberp))
  (if lump
	(or (math-objectp lump)
	    (math-reject-arg lump 'numberp))
	(let ((root (math-find-root (list 'calcFunc-eq
					  (list (if bflag
						'(var DUMMY var-DUMMY)
				    '(var DUMMY var-DUMMY)
				    '(intv 3 0 100)
	  (if (math-vectorp root)
	      (nth 1 root)
    (math-with-extra-prec 2
      (let ((temp (if (eq bflag 'l)
		      (math-div amount pmt)
		    (math-sub 1 (math-div (math-mul amount rate)
					  (if bflag
					      (math-mul pmt (math-add 1 rate))
	(if (or (math-posp temp) math-expand-formulas)
	    (math-neg (calcFunc-log temp (math-add 1 rate)))
	  (math-reject-arg pmt "*Payment too small to cover interest rate")))))

(defun calcFunc-rate (num pmt amount &optional lump)
  (math-compute-rate num pmt amount lump 'calcFunc-pv)

(defun calcFunc-rateb (num pmt amount &optional lump)
  (math-compute-rate num pmt amount lump 'calcFunc-pvb)

(defun math-compute-rate (num pmt amount lump func)
  (or (math-objectp num)
      (math-reject-arg num 'numberp))
  (or (math-objectp pmt)
      (math-reject-arg pmt 'numberp))
  (or (math-objectp amount)
      (math-reject-arg amount 'numberp))
  (or (null lump)
      (math-objectp lump)
      (math-reject-arg lump 'numberp))
  (let ((root (math-find-root (list 'calcFunc-eq
				    (list func
					  '(var DUMMY var-DUMMY)
					  (or lump 0))
			      '(var DUMMY var-DUMMY)
			      '(intv 3 (float 1 -4) 1)
    (if (math-vectorp root)
	(nth 1 root)

(defun calcFunc-ratel (num pmt amount)
  (or (math-objectp num) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg num 'numberp))
  (or (math-objectp pmt) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg pmt 'numberp))
  (or (math-objectp amount) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg amount 'numberp))
  (math-with-extra-prec 2
    (math-sub (math-pow (math-div pmt amount) (math-div 1 num)) 1))

(defun calcFunc-irr (&rest vecs)
  (math-compute-irr vecs 'calcFunc-npv)

(defun calcFunc-irrb (&rest vecs)
  (math-compute-irr vecs 'calcFunc-npvb)

(defun math-compute-irr (vecs func)
  (let* ((flat (math-flatten-many-vecs vecs))
	 (root (math-find-root (list func
				     '(var DUMMY var-DUMMY)
			       '(var DUMMY var-DUMMY)
			       '(intv 3 (float 1 -4) 1)
    (if (math-vectorp root)
	(nth 1 root)

(defun math-check-financial (rate num)
  (or (math-objectp rate) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg rate 'numberp))
  (and (math-zerop rate)
       (math-reject-arg rate 'nonzerop))
  (or (math-objectp num) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg num 'numberp))

(defun calcFunc-sln (cost salvage life &optional period)
  (or (math-realp cost) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg cost 'realp))
  (or (math-realp salvage) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg salvage 'realp))
  (or (math-realp life) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg life 'realp))
  (if (math-zerop life) (math-reject-arg life 'nonzerop))
  (if (and period
	   (if (math-num-integerp period)
	       (or (Math-lessp life period) (not (math-posp period)))
	     (math-reject-arg period 'integerp)))
    (math-div (math-sub cost salvage) life))
(put 'calcFunc-sln 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-syd (cost salvage life period)
  (or (math-realp cost) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg cost 'realp))
  (or (math-realp salvage) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg salvage 'realp))
  (or (math-realp life) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg life 'realp))
  (if (math-zerop life) (math-reject-arg life 'nonzerop))
  (or (math-realp period) math-expand-formulas
      (math-reject-arg period 'realp))
  (if (or (Math-lessp life period) (not (math-posp period)))
    (math-div (math-mul (math-sub cost salvage)
			(math-add (math-sub life period) 1))
	      (math-div (math-mul life (math-add life 1)) 2)))
(put 'calcFunc-syd 'math-expandable t)

(defun calcFunc-ddb (cost salvage life period)
  (if (math-messy-integerp period) (setq period (math-trunc period)))
  (or (integerp period) (math-reject-arg period 'fixnump))
  (or (math-realp cost) (math-reject-arg cost 'realp))
  (or (math-realp salvage) (math-reject-arg salvage 'realp))
  (or (math-realp life) (math-reject-arg life 'realp))
  (if (math-zerop life) (math-reject-arg life 'nonzerop))
  (if (or (Math-lessp life period) (<= period 0))
    (let ((book cost)
	  (res 0))
      (while (>= (setq period (1- period)) 0)
	(setq res (math-div (math-mul book 2) life)
	      book (math-sub book res))
	(if (Math-lessp book salvage)
	    (setq res (math-add res (math-sub book salvage))
		  book salvage)))