view lisp/calc/macedit.el @ 40819:668787248f9b

* dired.el (dired-move-to-filename-regexp): Do not distinguish between ASCII letters and non-ASCII characters. Don't allow comma except in the form "month day, year". Don't allow space between month name and comma. Clean up the code that checks for trailing period, comma, and space. Remove now-obsolete comments, and add more commentary about Japanese dates. Always gobble up trailing spaces, instead of doing it only sometimes.
author Paul Eggert <>
date Wed, 07 Nov 2001 21:59:39 +0000
parents 2fb9d407ae73
line wrap: on
line source

;; Keyboard macro editor for GNU Emacs.  Version 1.05.
;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Written by Dave Gillespie,

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

;; Installation:
;;   (autoload 'edit-kbd-macro "macedit" "Edit a named keyboard macro" t)
;;   (autoload 'edit-last-kbd-macro "macedit" "Edit a keyboard macro" t)
;;   (autoload 'read-kbd-macro "macedit" "Parse region as keyboard macro" t)

;; To use, type `M-x edit-last-kbd-macro' to edit the most recently
;; defined keyboard macro.  If you have used `M-x name-last-kbd-macro'
;; to give a keyboard macro a name, type `M-x edit-kbd-macro' to edit
;; the macro by name.  When you are done editing, type `C-c C-c' to
;; record your changes back into the original keyboard macro.

;;; The user-level commands for editing macros.

(defun edit-last-kbd-macro (&optional prefix buffer hook)
  "Edit the most recently defined keyboard macro."
  (interactive "P")
  (MacEdit-edit-macro last-kbd-macro
		      (function (lambda (x arg) (setq last-kbd-macro x)))
		      prefix buffer hook)

(defun edit-kbd-macro (cmd &optional prefix buffer hook in-hook out-hook)
  "Edit a keyboard macro which has been assigned a name by name-last-kbd-macro.
\(See also edit-last-kbd-macro.)"
  (interactive "CCommand name: \nP")
  (and cmd
       (MacEdit-edit-macro (if in-hook
			       (funcall in-hook cmd)
			     (symbol-function cmd))
			   (or out-hook
			       (list 'lambda '(x arg)
				     (list 'fset
					   (list 'quote cmd)
			   prefix buffer hook cmd))

(defun read-kbd-macro (start &optional end)
  "Read the region as a keyboard macro definition.
The region is interpreted as spelled-out keystrokes, e.g., `M-x abc RET'.
The resulting macro is installed as the \"current\" keyboard macro.

Symbols:  RET, SPC, TAB, DEL, LFD, NUL; C-key; M-key.  (Must be uppercase.)
          REM marks the rest of a line as a comment.
          Whitespace is ignored; other characters are copied into the macro."
  (interactive "r")
  (if (stringp start)
      (setq last-kbd-macro (MacEdit-parse-keys start))
    (setq last-kbd-macro (MacEdit-parse-keys (buffer-substring start end)))
    (if (and (string-match "\\`\C-x(" last-kbd-macro)
	     (string-match "\C-x)\\'" last-kbd-macro))
	(setq last-kbd-macro (substring last-kbd-macro 2 -2))))

;;; Formatting a keyboard macro as human-readable text.

(defun MacEdit-print-macro (macro-str local-map)
  (let ((save-map (current-local-map))
	(print-escape-newlines t)
	key-symbol key-str key-last prefix-arg this-prefix)
	  (use-local-map local-map)
	  (while (MacEdit-peek-char)
	    (setq this-prefix prefix-arg)
	    (or (memq key-symbol '(digit-argument
		(null prefix-arg)
		  (cond ((consp prefix-arg)
			 (insert (format "prefix-arg (%d)\n"
					 (car prefix-arg))))
			((eq prefix-arg '-)
			 (insert "prefix-arg -\n"))
			((numberp prefix-arg)
			 (insert (format "prefix-arg %d\n" prefix-arg))))
		  (setq prefix-arg nil)))
	    (cond ((null key-symbol)
		   (insert "type \"")
		   (MacEdit-insert-string macro-str)
		   (insert "\"\n")
		   (setq macro-str ""))
		  ((stringp key-symbol)   ; key defined by another kbd macro
		   (insert "type \"")
		   (MacEdit-insert-string key-symbol)
		   (insert "\"\n"))
		  ((eq key-symbol 'digit-argument)
		   (MacEdit-prefix-arg key-last nil prefix-arg))
		  ((eq key-symbol 'negative-argument)
		   (MacEdit-prefix-arg ?- nil prefix-arg))
		  ((eq key-symbol 'universal-argument)
		   (let* ((c-u 4) (argstartchar key-last)
			  (char (MacEdit-read-char)))
		     (while (= char argstartchar)
		       (setq c-u (* 4 c-u)
			     char (MacEdit-read-char)))
		     (MacEdit-prefix-arg char c-u nil)))
		  ((eq key-symbol 'self-insert-command)
		   (insert "insert ")
		   (if (and (>= key-last 32) (<= key-last 126))
		       (let ((str ""))
			 (while (or (and (eq key-symbol
					 (< (length str) 60)
					 (>= key-last 32)
					 (<= key-last 126))
				    (and (memq key-symbol
					 (> (length str) 0)))
			   (if (eq key-symbol 'self-insert-command)
			       (setq str (concat str
						 (char-to-string key-last)))
			     (setq str (substring str 0 -1)))
			 (insert "\"" str "\"\n")
			 (MacEdit-unread-chars key-str))
		     (insert "\"")
		     (MacEdit-insert-string (char-to-string key-last))
		     (insert "\"\n")))
		  ((and (eq key-symbol 'quoted-insert)
		   (insert "quoted-insert\n")
		   (let ((ch (MacEdit-read-char))
		     (if (and (>= ch ?0) (<= ch ?7))
			   (setq ch (- ch ?0)
				 ch2 (MacEdit-read-char))
			   (if ch2
			       (if (and (>= ch2 ?0) (<= ch2 ?7))
				     (setq ch (+ (* ch 8) (- ch2 ?0))
					   ch2 (MacEdit-read-char))
				     (if ch2
					 (if (and (>= ch2 ?0) (<= ch2 ?7))
					     (setq ch (+ (* ch 8) (- ch2 ?0)))
					   (MacEdit-unread-chars ch2))))
				 (MacEdit-unread-chars ch2)))))
		     (if (or (and (>= ch ?0) (<= ch ?7))
			     (< ch 32) (> ch 126))
			 (insert (format "type \"\\%03o\"\n" ch))
		       (insert "type \"" (char-to-string ch) "\"\n"))))
		  ((memq key-symbol '(isearch-forward
		   (insert (symbol-name key-symbol) "\n")
		  ((eq key-symbol 'execute-extended-command)
		   (MacEdit-read-argument obarray 'commandp))
		   (let ((cust (get key-symbol 'MacEdit-print)))
		     (if cust
			 (funcall cust)
		       (insert (symbol-name key-symbol))
		       (indent-to 30)
		       (insert " # ")
		       (MacEdit-insert-string key-str)
		       (insert "\n")
		       (let ((int (MacEdit-get-interactive key-symbol)))
			 (if (string-match "\\`\\*" int)
			     (setq int (substring int 1)))
			 (while (> (length int) 0)
			   (cond ((= (aref int 0) ?a)
				   obarray nil))
				 ((memq (aref int 0) '(?b ?B ?D ?f ?F ?n
							  ?s ?S ?x ?X))
				 ((and (= (aref int 0) ?c)
				  (insert "type \"")
				  (insert "\"\n"))
				 ((= (aref int 0) ?C)
				   obarray 'commandp))
				 ((= (aref int 0) ?k)
				  (if key-symbol
					(insert "type \"")
					(MacEdit-insert-string key-str)
					(insert "\"\n"))
				    (MacEdit-unread-chars key-str)))
				 ((= (aref int 0) ?N)
				  (or this-prefix
				 ((= (aref int 0) ?v)
				   obarray 'user-variable-p)))
			   (let ((nl (string-match "\n" int)))
			     (setq int (if nl
					   (substring int (1+ nl))
      (use-local-map save-map)))

(defun MacEdit-prefix-arg (char c-u value)
  (let ((sign 1))
    (if (and (numberp value) (< value 0))
	(setq sign -1 value (- value)))
    (if (eq value '-)
	(setq sign -1 value nil))
    (while (and char (= ?- char))
      (setq sign (- sign) c-u nil)
      (setq char (MacEdit-read-char)))
    (while (and char (>= char ?0) (<= char ?9))
      (setq value (+ (* (if (numberp value) value 0) 10) (- char ?0)) c-u nil)
      (setq char (MacEdit-read-char)))
    (setq prefix-arg
	  (cond (c-u (list c-u))
		((numberp value) (* value sign))
		((= sign -1) '-)))
    (MacEdit-unread-chars char))

(defun MacEdit-insert-string (str)
  (let ((i 0) j ch)
    (while (< i (length str))
      (if (and (> (setq ch (aref str i)) 127)
	       (< ch 160))
	    (setq ch (- ch 128))
	    (insert "\\M-")))
      (if (< ch 32)
	  (cond ((= ch 8)  (insert "\\b"))
		((= ch 9)  (insert "\\t"))
		((= ch 10) (insert "\\n"))
		((= ch 13) (insert "\\r"))
		((= ch 27) (insert "\\e"))
		(t (insert "\\C-" (char-to-string (downcase (+ ch 64))))))
	(if (< ch 127)
	    (if (or (= ch 34) (= ch 92))
		(insert "\\" (char-to-string ch))
	      (setq j i)
	      (while (and (< (setq i (1+ i)) (length str))
			  (>= (setq ch (aref str i)) 32)
			  (/= ch 34) (/= ch 92)
			  (< ch 127)))
	      (insert (substring str j i))
	      (setq i (1- i)))
	  (if (memq ch '(127 255))
	      (insert (format "\\%03o" ch))
	    (insert "\\M-" (char-to-string (- ch 128))))))
      (setq i (1+ i))))

(defun MacEdit-lookup-key (map)
  (let ((loc (and map (lookup-key map macro-str)))
	(glob (lookup-key (current-global-map) macro-str))
	(loc-str macro-str)
	(glob-str macro-str))
    (and (integerp loc)
	 (setq loc-str (substring macro-str 0 loc)
	       loc (lookup-key map loc-str)))
    (and (consp loc)
	 (setq loc nil))
    (or loc
	(setq loc-str ""))
    (and (integerp glob)
	 (setq glob-str (substring macro-str 0 glob)
	       glob (lookup-key (current-global-map) glob-str)))
    (and (consp glob)
	 (setq glob nil))
    (or glob
	(setq glob-str ""))
    (if (> (length glob-str) (length loc-str))
	(setq key-symbol glob
	      key-str glob-str)
      (setq key-symbol loc
	    key-str loc-str))
    (setq key-last (and (> (length key-str) 0)
			(logand (aref key-str (1- (length key-str))) 127)))

(defun MacEdit-read-argument (&optional obarray pred)   ;; currently ignored
  (let ((str "")
	(min-bsp 0)
	(exec (eq key-symbol 'execute-extended-command))
    (while (progn
	     (MacEdit-lookup-key (current-global-map))
	     (or (and (eq key-symbol 'self-insert-command)
		      (< (length str) 60))
		 (memq key-symbol
		 (eq key-last 9)))
      (setq macro-str (substring macro-str (length key-str)))
      (or (and (eq key-last 9)
	       (let ((comp (try-completion str obarray pred)))
		 (and (stringp comp)
		      (> (length comp) (length str))
		      (setq str comp))))
	  (if (or (eq key-symbol 'self-insert-command)
		  (and (or (eq key-last 9)
			   (<= (length str) min-bsp))
		       (setq min-bsp (+ (length str) (length key-str)))))
	      (setq str (concat str key-str))
	    (setq str (substring str 0 -1)))))
    (setq str-base str
	  str (concat str key-str)
	  macro-str (substring macro-str (length key-str)))
    (if exec
	(let ((comp (try-completion str-base obarray pred)))
	  (if (if (stringp comp)
		  (and (commandp (intern comp))
		       (setq str-base comp))
		(commandp (intern str-base)))
	      (insert str-base "\n")
	    (insert "execute-extended-command\n")
	    (insert "type \"")
	    (MacEdit-insert-string str)
	    (insert "\"\n")))
      (if (> (length str) 0)
	    (insert "type \"")
	    (MacEdit-insert-string str)
	    (insert "\"\n")))))

(defun MacEdit-isearch-argument ()
  (let ((str "")
	(min-bsp 0)
    (while (and (setq ch (MacEdit-read-char))
		(or (<= ch 127) (not search-exit-option))
		(not (eq ch search-exit-char))
		(or (eq ch search-repeat-char)
		    (eq ch search-reverse-char)
		    (eq ch search-delete-char)
		    (eq ch search-yank-word-char)
		    (eq ch search-yank-line-char)
		    (eq ch search-quote-char)
		    (eq ch ?\r)
		    (eq ch ?\t)
		    (not search-exit-option)
		    (and (/= ch 127) (>= ch 32))))
      (if (and (eq ch search-quote-char)
	  (setq str (concat str (char-to-string ch)
			    (char-to-string (MacEdit-read-char)))
		min-bsp (length str))
	(if (or (and (< ch 127) (>= ch 32))
		(eq ch search-yank-word-char)
		(eq ch search-yank-line-char)
		(and (or (not (eq ch search-delete-char))
			 (<= (length str) min-bsp))
		     (setq min-bsp (1+ (length str)))))
	    (setq str (concat str (char-to-string ch)))
	  (setq str (substring str 0 -1)))))
    (if (eq ch search-exit-char)
	(if (= (length str) 0)  ;; non-incremental search
	      (setq str (concat str (char-to-string ch)))
	      (and (eq (MacEdit-peek-char) ?\C-w)
		     (setq str (concat str "\C-w"))
	      (if (> (length str) 0)
		    (insert "type \"")
		    (MacEdit-insert-string str)
		    (insert "\"\n")))
	      (setq str "")))
      (MacEdit-unread-chars ch))
    (if (> (length str) 0)
	  (insert "type \"")
	  (MacEdit-insert-string str)
	  (insert "\\e\"\n"))))

;;; Get the next keystroke-sequence from the input stream.
;;; Sets key-symbol, key-str, and key-last as a side effect.
(defun MacEdit-read-key ()
  (MacEdit-lookup-key (current-local-map))
  (and key-symbol
       (setq macro-str (substring macro-str (length key-str))))

(defun MacEdit-peek-char ()
  (and (> (length macro-str) 0)
       (aref macro-str 0))

(defun MacEdit-read-char ()
  (and (> (length macro-str) 0)
	   (aref macro-str 0)
	 (setq macro-str (substring macro-str 1))))

(defun MacEdit-unread-chars (chars)
  (and (integerp chars)
       (setq chars (char-to-string chars)))
  (and chars
       (setq macro-str (concat chars macro-str)))

(defun MacEdit-dump (mac)
  (set-mark-command nil)
  (insert "\n\n")
  (MacEdit-print-macro mac (current-local-map))

;;; Parse a string of spelled-out keystrokes, as produced by key-description.

(defun MacEdit-parse-keys (str)
  (let ((pos 0)
	(mac "")
    (while (and (< pos (length str))
		(string-match "[^ \t\n]+" str pos))
      (setq pos (match-end 0)
	    part (substring str (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
	    mac (concat mac
			(if (and (> (length part) 2)
				 (= (aref part 1) ?-)
				 (= (aref part 0) ?M))
			      (setq part (substring part 2))
			  (if (and (> (length part) 4)
				   (= (aref part 0) ?C)
				   (= (aref part 1) ?-)
				   (= (aref part 2) ?M)
				   (= (aref part 3) ?-))
				(setq part (concat "C-" (substring part 4)))
			(or (cdr (assoc part '( ( "NUL" . "\0" )
						( "RET" . "\r" )
						( "LFD" . "\n" )
						( "TAB" . "\t" )
						( "ESC" . "\e" )
						( "SPC" . " " )
						( "DEL" . "\177" )
						( "C-?" . "\177" )
						( "C-2" . "\0" )
						( "C-SPC" . "\0") )))
			    (and (equal part "REM")
				 (setq pos (or (string-match "\n" str pos)
					       (length str)))
			    (and (= (length part) 3)
				 (= (aref part 0) ?C)
				 (= (aref part 1) ?-)
				 (char-to-string (logand (aref part 2) 31)))

;;; Parse a keyboard macro description in MacEdit-print-macro's format.

(defun MacEdit-read-macro (&optional map)
  (or map (setq map (current-local-map)))
  (let ((macro-str ""))
    (while (not (progn
		  (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
      (cond ((looking-at "#"))   ;; comment
	    ((looking-at "prefix-arg[ \t]*-[ \t]*\n")
	     (MacEdit-append-chars "\C-u-"))
	    ((looking-at "prefix-arg[ \t]*\\(-?[0-9]+\\)[ \t]*\n")
	     (MacEdit-append-chars (concat "\C-u" (MacEdit-match-string 1))))
	    ((looking-at "prefix-arg[ \t]*(\\([0-9]+\\))[ \t]*\n")
	     (let ((val (string-to-int (MacEdit-match-string 1))))
	       (while (> val 1)
		 (or (= (% val 4) 0)
		     (error "Bad prefix argument value"))
		 (MacEdit-append-chars "\C-u")
		 (setq val (/ val 4)))))
	    ((looking-at "prefix-arg")
	     (error "Bad prefix argument syntax"))
	    ((looking-at "insert ")
	     (forward-char 7)
	     (MacEdit-append-chars (read (current-buffer)))
	     (if (< (current-column) 7)
		 (forward-line -1)))
	    ((looking-at "type ")
	     (forward-char 5)
	     (MacEdit-append-chars (read (current-buffer)))
	     (if (< (current-column) 5)
		 (forward-line -1)))
	    ((looking-at "keys \\(.*\\)\n")
	     (goto-char (1- (match-end 0)))
	     (MacEdit-append-chars (MacEdit-parse-keys
				    (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
						      (match-end 1)))))
	    ((looking-at "\\([-a-zA-z0-9_]+\\)[ \t]*\\(.*\\)\n")
	     (let* ((func (intern (MacEdit-match-string 1)))
		    (arg (MacEdit-match-string 2))
		    (cust (get func 'MacEdit-read)))
	       (if cust
		   (funcall cust arg)
		 (or (commandp func)
		     (error "Not an Emacs command"))
		 (or (equal arg "")
		     (string-match "\\`#" arg)
		     (error "Unexpected argument to command"))
		 (let ((keys
			(or (where-is-internal func map t)
			    (where-is-internal func (current-global-map) t))))
		   (if keys
		       (MacEdit-append-chars keys)
		     (MacEdit-append-chars (concat "\ex"
						   (symbol-name func)
	    (t (error "Syntax error")))
      (forward-line 1))

(defun MacEdit-append-chars (chars)
  (setq macro-str (concat macro-str chars))

(defun MacEdit-match-string (n)
  (if (match-beginning n)
      (buffer-substring (match-beginning n) (match-end n))

(defun MacEdit-get-interactive (func)
  (if (symbolp func)
      (let ((cust (get func 'MacEdit-interactive)))
	(if cust
	  (MacEdit-get-interactive (symbol-function func))))
    (or (and (eq (car-safe func) 'lambda)
	     (let ((int (if (consp (nth 2 func))
			    (nth 2 func)
			  (nth 3 func))))
	       (and (eq (car-safe int) 'interactive)
		    (stringp (nth 1 int))
		    (nth 1 int))))

(put 'search-forward           'MacEdit-interactive "s")
(put 'search-backward          'MacEdit-interactive "s")
(put 'word-search-forward      'MacEdit-interactive "s")
(put 'word-search-backward     'MacEdit-interactive "s")
(put 're-search-forward        'MacEdit-interactive "s")
(put 're-search-backward       'MacEdit-interactive "s")
(put 'switch-to-buffer         'MacEdit-interactive "B")
(put 'kill-buffer              'MacEdit-interactive "B")
(put 'rename-buffer            'MacEdit-interactive "B\nB")
(put 'goto-char                'MacEdit-interactive "N")
(put 'global-set-key           'MacEdit-interactive "k\nC")
(put 'global-unset-key         'MacEdit-interactive "k")
(put 'local-set-key            'MacEdit-interactive "k\nC")
(put 'local-unset-key          'MacEdit-interactive "k")

;;; Think about kbd-macro-query

;;; Edit a keyboard macro in another buffer.
;;; (Prefix argument is currently ignored.)

(defun MacEdit-edit-macro (mac repl &optional prefix buffer hook arg)
  (or (stringp mac)
      (error "Not a keyboard macro"))
  (let ((oldbuf (current-buffer))
	(from-calc (and (get-buffer-window "*Calculator*")
			(eq (lookup-key (current-global-map) "\e#")
	(local (current-local-map))
	(buf (get-buffer-create (or buffer "*Edit Macro*"))))
    (set-buffer buf)
    (use-local-map MacEdit-mode-map)
    (setq buffer-read-only nil)
    (setq major-mode 'MacEdit-mode)
    (setq mode-name "Edit Macro")
    (make-local-variable 'MacEdit-original-buffer)
    (setq MacEdit-original-buffer oldbuf)
    (make-local-variable 'MacEdit-replace-function)
    (setq MacEdit-replace-function repl)
    (make-local-variable 'MacEdit-replace-argument)
    (setq MacEdit-replace-argument arg)
    (make-local-variable 'MacEdit-finish-hook)
    (setq MacEdit-finish-hook hook)
    (insert "# Keyboard Macro Editor.  Press "
	    (if from-calc "M-# M-#" "C-c C-c")
	    " to finish; press "
	    (if from-calc "M-# x" "C-x k RET")
	    " to cancel.\n")
    (insert "# Original keys: " (key-description mac) "\n\n")
    (message "Formatting keyboard macro...")
    (MacEdit-print-macro mac local)
    (switch-to-buffer buf)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (forward-line 3)
    (recenter '(4))
    (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
    (message "Formatting keyboard macro...done")
    (run-hooks 'MacEdit-format-hook))

(defun MacEdit-finish-edit ()
  (or (and (boundp 'MacEdit-original-buffer)
	   (boundp 'MacEdit-replace-function)
	   (boundp 'MacEdit-replace-argument)
	   (boundp 'MacEdit-finish-hook)
	   (eq major-mode 'MacEdit-mode))
      (error "This command is valid only in buffers created by edit-kbd-macro."))
  (let ((buf (current-buffer))
	(str (buffer-string))
	(func MacEdit-replace-function)
	(arg MacEdit-replace-argument)
	(hook MacEdit-finish-hook))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (and (buffer-modified-p)
	   (message "Compiling keyboard macro...")
	   (run-hooks 'MacEdit-compile-hook)
	   (let ((mac (MacEdit-read-macro
		       (and (buffer-name MacEdit-original-buffer)
			      (set-buffer MacEdit-original-buffer)
	     (and (buffer-name MacEdit-original-buffer)
		  (switch-to-buffer MacEdit-original-buffer))
	     (funcall func mac arg))
	   (message "Compiling keyboard macro...done")))
    (kill-buffer buf)
    (if hook
	(funcall hook arg)))

(defun MacEdit-cancel-edit ()
  (if (eq major-mode 'MacEdit-mode)
      (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
  (message "(Cancelled)")

(defun MacEdit-mode ()
  "Keyboard Macro Editing mode.  Press C-c C-c to save and exit.
To abort the edit, just kill this buffer with C-x k RET.

The keyboard macro is represented as a series of M-x style command names.
Keystrokes which do not correspond to simple M-x commands are written as
\"type\" commands.  When you press C-c C-c, MacEdit converts each command
back into a suitable keystroke sequence; \"type\" commands are converted
directly back into keystrokes."
  (error "This mode can be enabled only by edit-kbd-macro or edit-last-kbd-macro.")
(put 'MacEdit-mode 'mode-class 'special)

(defvar MacEdit-mode-map nil)
(if MacEdit-mode-map
  (setq MacEdit-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
  (define-key MacEdit-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'MacEdit-finish-edit)