Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. See end for copying conditions.Two Volume Cross References===========================12 June 2007 (karl)For lispref 2.9 (for Emacs 22, June 2007), I created a very uglyMakefile, in the file two-volume.make, to encapsulate all the stepsbelow, without manual intervention. In theory, simply running "make -ftwo-volume.make" should create a vol1.pdf and vol2.pdf with all theniceties worked out.One issue not explicitly discussed below is getting page numbers right.It's not enough to go through the whole process. You have to go throughthe whole process twice -- otherwise, some index entries and/or tocentries will be off by one. See two-volume.make for a few more comments.For future editions, it should suffice to update the usual things invol[12].texi (as well as elisp.texi). That was my hope, anyway.18 March 1992 (bob)This enables you to create manuals in *two* volumes, with tables ofcontents, cross references, and indices in each volume referring to*both* volumes.The procedure is tedious. However, the resulting two volumes areconveniently organized. Each has an index of the whole two volumes.Each volume starts with page 1. (I don't like multi-volume workswhere each volume starts with a higher page number since I find itharder to go to the right place in the volume.)References to the same volume are just the page number; references tothe other volume are a volumne number (in Roman numerals) precedingthe page number.For example, in Volume I: list length ......... 90 list motion ......II:117and in Volume II: list length ....... I:90 list motion .........117All other references and the table of contents work the same way. Ifind this *very* helpful.In brief: you run tex on a .texi file with a. redefined @contents and @summarycontents inputting elisp-toc-2vol.toc file b. redone .aux file c. redone .fns fileHere are the steps in detail:% tex vol1.texi% texindex vol1.??% tex vol1.texi% tex vol2.texi% texindex vol2.??% tex vol2.texi### Create .aux files with volume numbers for other volume.% cp vol1.aux elisp1-aux% cp vol2.aux elisp2-aux% cp vol1.aux elisp1-aux-vol-added% cp vol2.aux elisp2-aux-vol-addedon elisp1-aux-vol-number-added(volume-aux-markup 1) see defun for volume-aux-markup create elisp1-aux-vol-addedon elisp2-aux-vol-number-added(volume-aux-markup 2)to create elisp2-aux-vol-addedinsert elisp2-aux-vol-added into vol1.aux (append)insert elisp1-aux-vol-added into vol2.aux (prepend)(so you dont have to do it again)% cp vol1.aux elisp1-aux-ready% cp vol2.aux elisp2-aux-ready### Create .fn files with volume numbers for other volume.% cp vol1.fn elisp1-fn% cp vol2.fn elisp2-fn% cp vol1.fn elisp1-fn-vol-number-added% cp vol2.fn elisp2-fn-vol-number-addedon elisp1-fn-vol-number-added(volume-index-markup "I")to create elisp1-fn-vol-number-addedon elisp2-fn-vol-number-added(volume-index-markup "II")to create elisp2-fn-vol-number-addedinsert elisp2-fn-vol-number-added into vol1.fn: do following `cat'insert elisp1-fn-vol-number-added into vol2.fn: do following `cat'% cat elisp2-fn-vol-number-added >> vol1.fn% cat elisp1-fn-vol-number-added >> vol2.fnBe sure to handle special case entries by hand.Be sure that .fn file has no blank lines.% texindex vol1.fn% texindex vol2.fn(so you dont have to do it again)% cp vol1.fns elisp1-fns-2vol-ready% cp vol2.fns elisp2-fns-2vol-ready### Create merged .toc file with volume number headings.append vol2.toc to vol1.toc with following `cat'% cat vol1.toc vol2.toc > elisp-toc-2vol.tocand edit in Volume titles\unnumbchapentry {Volume 1}{}\unnumbchapentry {}{}\unnumbchapentry {Index}{295}\unnumbchapentry {}{}\unnumbchapentry {Volume 2}{}\unnumbchapentry {}{}If you want to put in volume numbers for TOC, then do this:Create volume specific .toc files with volume numbers in them.% cp elisp-toc-2vol.toc elisp1-toc.toc% cp elisp-toc-2vol.toc elisp2-toc.tocUse keyboard macro to put I: in first half of elisp1-toc.toc andII: in first half of elisp2-toc.tocCopy the tocs to something you can remember more easily% cp elisp2-toc.toc elisp1-toc-ready.toc% cp elisp1-toc.toc elisp2-toc-ready.tocThen, edit vol1.texi to input elisp1-toc-ready.tocand vol2.texi to input elisp2-toc-ready.toc### Now format the two volumes:% cp elisp1-aux-2vol-ready vol1.aux% cp elisp2-aux-2vol-ready vol2.aux% tex vol1.texi% tex vol2.texiFor every additional run:### recopy aux files so the correct ones are read:% cp elisp1-aux-2vol-ready vol1.aux% cp elisp2-aux-2vol-ready vol2.auxDo not run texindex. Then proper sorted index will stay. else do: % cp elisp2-fns-2vol-ready vol2.fnsDo not change the .texi files; they will call the elisp-toc-2vol.toc file.% tex vol1.texi% tex vol2.texi================================================================(defun volume-aux-markup (arg) "Append `vol. NUMBER' to page number.Apply to aux file that you save.Then insert marked file into other volume's .aux file." (interactive "sType volume number, 1 or 2: " ) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward "-pg" nil t) (end-of-line 1) (delete-backward-char 1 nil) (insert ", vol.'tie" arg "}")))(defun volume-index-markup (arg) "Prepend `NUMBER:' to page number. Use Roman Numeral.Apply only to unsorted index file,Then insert marked file into other volume's unsorted index file.Then run texindex on that file and save." (interactive "sType volume number, roman number I or II: " ) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward "\\entry" nil t) (search-forward "}{" (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) nil) (insert arg ":")))================================================================The steps:1. Run TeX, texindex and TeX on file1.2. Run TeX, texindex and TeX on file2.3. Copy both .aux files into specially named files4. In the case of the elisp ref manual, copy the *unsorted* function index files into specially named files (no other index used in elisp ref manual)5. For aux files: Run a function on the specially named .aux files to label each entry according to volume. Save these files. i.e., convert 'xrdef {Special-pg}{7} to 'xrdef {Special-pg}{7, vol.'tie1}5a.Insert each specially named .aux file into the regular .aux file of the other volume.6. For index files: Run a function on the specially named unsorted index files to label each entry according to volume. Save these files.6b.Insert each specially named marked unsorted index file into the regular unsorted file of the other volume. Run texindex on this7. Insert the other volumes .toc file into the .toc, edit, and rename to elisp-toc-2vol.toc7a. insert special @contents and @summarycontents defs into .texi files.8. Run TeX on each .texi file.================Here is the discursive commentary:I've been running some small test files, called test1.texi andtest2.texi. As far as I can see, if we run tex on the two test files,tex creates a .aux for each that includes the names of all the nodesin that file. The node names are used for cross references.If you insert the .aux file for the second test file, test2.aux, intothe .aux file for the first test file, test1.aux, then when you nextrun TeX on the first test file, test1.texi, the second volume crossreferences are inserted.You can edit the text of the cross reference in test2.aux to includethe volume number.For example, you can take the following two lines from test1.texi andinsert them into test2.texi: 'xrdef {Special-pg}{7} 'xrdef {Special-snt}{Section'tie1.6}You can re-edit this to show that the page is in volume 1: 'xrdef {Special-pg}{7, vol.'tie1} 'xrdef {Special-snt}{Section'tie1.6}(The 'tie is a TeX special command to keep the number tied on oneline to the previous word. I don't know if it works after a period inthe "vol." but figure it is worth trying. {The ' is the @ of .aux files.}Apparently 'tie is like the tilde in plain tex; in texinfo.tex, thedefinition for 'tie is the following: \def\tie{\penalty 10000\ } % Save plain tex definition of ~.)After running tex on the test2.texi file with the augmented test2.auxfile, you can see the following in the resulting DVI file: See Section 1.6 [Special], page 7, vol. 1Note that TeX rewrites the .aux file each time TeX is run, so afterrunning Tex using an .aux file augmented with the .aux file from theother volume, the new .aux file will *lack* the other volumes crossreferences. Save your augmented .aux file in some other name foranother run!COPYING CONDITIONSThis file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with this file. If not, see <>.