(flyspell-word, flyspell-correct-word)
(flyspell-auto-correct-word): Make ispell-filter local to these functions.
Check that ispell-filter has new stuff before calling ispell-parse-output.
;;; crm.el --- read multiple strings with completion;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,;; 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: Sen Nagata <sen@eccosys.com>;; Keywords: completion, minibuffer, multiple elements;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option);; any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.;;; Commentary:;; This code defines a function, `completing-read-multiple', which;; provides the ability to read multiple strings in the minibuffer,;; with completion.;; By using this functionality, a user may specify multiple strings at;; a single prompt, optionally using completion.;; Multiple strings are specified by separating each of the strings;; with a prespecified separator character. For example, if the;; separator character is a comma, the strings 'alice', 'bob', and;; 'eve' would be specified as 'alice,bob,eve'.;; The default value for the separator character is the value of;; `crm-default-separator' (comma). The separator character may be;; changed by modifying the value of `crm-separator'.;; Contiguous strings of non-separator-characters are referred to as;; 'elements'. In the aforementioned example, the elements are:;; 'alice', 'bob', and 'eve'.;; Completion is available on a per-element basis. For example, if;; the contents of the minibuffer are 'alice,bob,eve' and point is;; between 'l' and 'i', pressing TAB operates on the element 'alice'.;; For the moment, I have decided to not bind any special behavior to;; the separator key. In the future, the separator key might be used;; to provide completion in certain circumstances. One of the reasons;; why this functionality is not yet provided is that it is unclear to;; the author what the precise circumstances are, under which;; separator-invoked completion should be provided.;; Design note: `completing-read-multiple' is modeled after;; `completing-read'. They should be similar -- it was intentional.;; Some of this code started out as translation from C code in;; src/minibuf.c to Emacs Lisp code.;; Thanks to Richard Stallman for all of his help (many of the good;; ideas in here are from him), Gerd Moellmann for his attention,;; Stefan Monnier for responding with a code sample and comments very;; early on, and Kai Grossjohann & Soren Dayton for valuable feedback.;;; Questions and Thoughts:;; -the author has gone through a number of test-and-fix cycles w/;; this code, so it should be usable. please let me know if you find;; any problems.;; -should `completing-read-multiple' allow a trailing separator in;; a return value when REQUIRE-MATCH is t? if not, should beep when a user;; tries to exit the minibuffer via RET?;; -TODO: possibly make return values from `crm-do-completion' into constants;; -TODO: find out whether there is an appropriate way to distinguish between;; functions intended for internal use and those that aren't.;; -tip: use M-f and M-b for ease of navigation among elements.;;; History:;;;; 2000-04-10:;;;; first revamped version;;; Code:(defconst crm-default-separator "," "Default separator for `completing-read-multiple'.")(defvar crm-separator crm-default-separator "Separator used for separating strings in `completing-read-multiple'.It should be a single character string that doesn't appear in the list ofcompletion candidates. Modify this value to make `completing-read-multiple'use a separator other than `crm-default-separator'.");; actual filling in of these maps occurs below via `crm-init-keymaps'(defvar crm-local-completion-map nil "Local keymap for minibuffer multiple input with completion.Analog of `minibuffer-local-completion-map'.")(defvar crm-local-must-match-map nil "Local keymap for minibuffer multiple input with exact match completion.Analog of `minibuffer-local-must-match-map' for crm.")(defvar crm-completion-table nil "An alist whose elements' cars are strings, or an obarray.This is a table used for completion by `completing-read-multiple' and itssupporting functions.");; this is supposed to be analogous to last_exact_completion in src/minibuf.c(defvar crm-last-exact-completion nil "Completion string if last attempt reported \"Complete, but not unique\".")(defvar crm-left-of-element nil "String to the left of the current element.")(defvar crm-current-element nil "The current element.")(defvar crm-right-of-element nil "String to the right of the current element.")(defvar crm-beginning-of-element nil "Buffer position representing the beginning of the current element.")(defvar crm-end-of-element nil "Buffer position representing the end of the current element.");; emulates temp_echo_area_glyphs from src/minibuf.c(defun crm-temp-echo-area-glyphs (message-string) "Temporarily display MESSAGE-STRING in echo area.After user-input or 2 seconds, erase the displayed string." (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (insert message-string) (sit-for 2) (backward-char (length message-string)) (delete-char (length message-string))));; this function evolved from a posting by Stefan Monnier(defun crm-collection-fn (string predicate flag) "Function used by `completing-read-multiple' to compute completion values.The value of STRING is the string to be completed.The value of PREDICATE is a function to filter possible matches, ornil if none.The value of FLAG is used to specify the type of completion operation.A value of nil specifies `try-completion'. A value of t specifies`all-completions'. A value of lambda specifes a test for an exact match.For more information on STRING, PREDICATE, and FLAG, see the ElispReference sections on 'Programmed Completion' and 'Basic CompletionFunctions'." (let ((lead "")) (when (string-match (concat ".*" crm-separator) string) (setq lead (substring string 0 (match-end 0))) (setq string (substring string (match-end 0)))) (if (eq flag 'lambda) ;; return t for exact match, nil otherwise (let ((result (try-completion string crm-completion-table predicate))) (if (stringp result) nil (if result t nil)))) (if flag ;; called via (all-completions string 'crm-completion-fn predicate)? (all-completions string crm-completion-table predicate) ;; called via (try-completion string 'crm-completion-fn predicate)? (let ((result (try-completion string crm-completion-table predicate))) (if (stringp result) (concat lead result) result)))))(defun crm-find-current-element () "Parse the minibuffer to find the current element.If no element can be found, return nil.If an element is found, bind: -the variable `crm-current-element' to the current element, -the variables `crm-left-of-element' and `crm-right-of-element' to the strings to the left and right of the current element, respectively, and -the variables `crm-beginning-of-element' and `crm-end-of-element' to the buffer positions of the beginning and end of the current element respectively,and return t." (let* ((prompt-end (minibuffer-prompt-end)) (minibuffer-string (buffer-substring prompt-end (point-max))) (end-index (or (string-match "," minibuffer-string (- (point) prompt-end)) (- (point-max) prompt-end))) (target-string (substring minibuffer-string 0 end-index)) (index (or (string-match (concat crm-separator "\\([^" crm-separator "]*\\)$") target-string) (string-match (concat "^\\([^" crm-separator "]*\\)$") target-string)))) (if (not (numberp index)) ;; no candidate found nil (progn ;; (setq crm-beginning-of-element (match-beginning 1)) (setq crm-end-of-element (+ end-index prompt-end)) ;; string to the left of the current element (setq crm-left-of-element (substring target-string 0 (match-beginning 1))) ;; the current element (setq crm-current-element (match-string 1 target-string)) ;; string to the right of the current element (setq crm-right-of-element (substring minibuffer-string end-index)) t))))(defun crm-test-completion (candidate) "Return t if CANDIDATE is an exact match for a valid completion." (let ((completions ;; TODO: verify whether the arguments are appropriate (all-completions candidate crm-completion-table minibuffer-completion-predicate))) (if (member candidate completions) t nil)))(defun crm-minibuffer-completion-help () "Display a list of possible completions of the current minibuffer element." (interactive) (message "Making completion list...") (if (not (crm-find-current-element)) nil (let ((completions (all-completions crm-current-element minibuffer-completion-table minibuffer-completion-predicate))) (message nil) (if (null completions) (crm-temp-echo-area-glyphs " [No completions]") (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Completions*" (display-completion-list (sort completions 'string-lessp) crm-current-element))))) nil)(defun crm-do-completion () "This is the internal completion engine.This function updates the text in the minibufferto complete the current string, and returns a number between 0 and 6.The meanings of the return values are: 0 - the string has no possible completion 1 - the string is already a valid and unique match 2 - not used 3 - the string is already a valid match (but longer matches exist too) 4 - the string was completed to a valid match 5 - some completion has been done, but the result is not a match 6 - no completion was done, and the string is not an exact match" (if (not (crm-find-current-element)) nil (let (last completion completedp) (setq completion (try-completion crm-current-element minibuffer-completion-table minibuffer-completion-predicate)) (setq last crm-last-exact-completion) (setq crm-last-exact-completion nil) (catch 'crm-exit (if (null completion) ; no possible completion (progn (crm-temp-echo-area-glyphs " [No match]") (throw 'crm-exit 0))) (if (eq completion t) ; was already an exact and unique completion (throw 'crm-exit 1)) (setq completedp (null (string-equal completion crm-current-element))) (if completedp (progn (delete-region (minibuffer-prompt-end) (point-max)) (insert crm-left-of-element completion) ;; (if crm-complete-up-to-point ;; (insert crm-separator)) (insert crm-right-of-element) (backward-char (length crm-right-of-element)) ;; TODO: is this correct? (setq crm-current-element completion))) (if (null (crm-test-completion crm-current-element)) (progn (if completedp ; some completion happened (throw 'crm-exit 5) (if completion-auto-help (crm-minibuffer-completion-help) (crm-temp-echo-area-glyphs " [Next char not unique]"))) (throw 'crm-exit 6)) (if completedp (throw 'crm-exit 4))) (setq crm-last-exact-completion completion) (if (not (null last)) (progn (if (not (null (equal crm-current-element last))) (crm-minibuffer-completion-help)))) ;; returning -- was already an exact completion (throw 'crm-exit 3)))))(defun crm-minibuffer-complete () "Complete the current element.If no characters can be completed, display a list of possible completions.Return t if the current element is now a valid match; otherwise return nil." (interactive) ;; take care of scrolling if necessary -- completely cribbed from minibuf.c (if (not (eq last-command this-command)) ;; ok? (setq minibuffer-scroll-window nil)) (let ((window minibuffer-scroll-window)) (if (and (not (null window)) ;; ok? (not (null (window-buffer window)))) (let (tem) (set-buffer (window-buffer window)) ;; ok? (setq tem (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-max) window)) (if (not (null tem)) ;; ok? (set-window-start window (point-min) nil) (scroll-other-window nil)) ;; reaching here means exiting the function w/ return value of nil nil) (let* ( ;(crm-end-of-element nil) (result (crm-do-completion))) (cond ((eq 0 result) nil) ((eq 1 result) ;; adapted from Emacs 21 (if (not (eq (point) crm-end-of-element)) (goto-char (+ 1 crm-end-of-element))) (crm-temp-echo-area-glyphs " [Sole completion]") t) ((eq 3 result) ;; adapted from Emacs 21 (if (not (eq (point) crm-end-of-element)) (goto-char (+ 1 crm-end-of-element))) (crm-temp-echo-area-glyphs " [Complete, but not unique]") t))))));; i love traffic lights...but only when they're green(defun crm-find-longest-completable-substring (string) "Determine the longest completable (left-anchored) substring of STRING.The description \"left-anchored\" means the positions of the charactersin the substring must be the same as those of the corresponding charactersin STRING. Anchoring is what `^' does in a regular expression.The table and predicate used for completion are`minibuffer-completion-table' and `minibuffer-completion-predicate',respectively.A non-nil return value means that there is some substring which iscompletable. A return value of t means that STRING itself iscompletable. If a string value is returned it is the longestcompletable proper substring of STRING. If nil is returned, STRINGdoes not have any non-empty completable substrings.Remember: \"left-anchored\" substring" (let* ((length-of-string (length string)) (index length-of-string) (done (if (> length-of-string 0) nil t)) (first t) ; ugh, special handling for first time through... goal-string result) ;; loop through left-anchored substrings in order of descending length, ;; find the first substring that is completable (while (not done) (setq result (try-completion (substring string 0 index) minibuffer-completion-table minibuffer-completion-predicate)) (if result ;; found completable substring (progn (setq done t) (if (and (eq result t) first) ;; exactly matching string first time through (setq goal-string t) ;; fully-completed proper substring (setq goal-string (substring string 0 index))))) (setq index (1- index)) (if first (setq first nil)) (if (<= index 0) (setq done t))) ;; possible values include: t, nil, some string goal-string));; TODO: decide whether trailing separator is allowed. current;; implementation appears to allow it(defun crm-strings-completed-p (separated-string) "Verify that strings in SEPARATED-STRING are completed strings.A return value of t means that all strings were verified. A number isreturned if verification was unsuccessful. This number represents theposition in SEPARATED-STRING up to where completion was successful." (let ((strings (split-string separated-string crm-separator)) ;; buffers start at 1, not 0 (current-position 1) current-string result done) (while (and strings (not done)) (setq current-string (car strings) result (try-completion current-string minibuffer-completion-table minibuffer-completion-predicate)) (if (eq result t) (setq strings (cdr strings) current-position (+ current-position (length current-string) ;; automatically adding 1 for separator ;; character 1)) ;; still one more case of a match (if (stringp result) (let ((string-list (all-completions result minibuffer-completion-table minibuffer-completion-predicate))) (if (member result string-list) ;; ho ho, code duplication... (setq strings (cdr strings) current-position (+ current-position (length current-string) 1)) (progn (setq done t) ;; current-string is a partially-completed string (setq current-position (+ current-position (length current-string)))))) ;; current-string cannot be completed (let ((completable-substring (crm-find-longest-completable-substring current-string))) (setq done t) (setq current-position (+ current-position (length completable-substring))))))) ;; return our result (if (null strings) t current-position)));; try to complete candidate, then check all separated strings. move;; point to problem position if checking fails for some string. if;; checking succeeds for all strings, exit.(defun crm-minibuffer-complete-and-exit () "If all of the minibuffer elements are valid completions then exit.All elements in the minibuffer must match. If there is a mismatch, move pointto the location of mismatch and do not exit.This function is modeled after `minibuffer_complete_and_exit' in src/minibuf.c" (interactive) (if (not (crm-find-current-element)) nil (let (result) (setq result (catch 'crm-exit (if (eq (minibuffer-prompt-end) (point-max)) (throw 'crm-exit t)) ;; TODO: this test is suspect? (if (not (null (crm-test-completion crm-current-element))) (throw 'crm-exit "check")) ;; TODO: determine how to detect errors (let ((result (crm-do-completion))) (cond ((or (eq 1 result) (eq 3 result)) (throw 'crm-exit "check")) ((eq 4 result) (if (not (null minibuffer-completion-confirm)) (progn (crm-temp-echo-area-glyphs " [Confirm]") nil) (throw 'crm-exit "check"))) (nil))))) (if (null result) nil (if (equal result "check") (let ((check-strings (crm-strings-completed-p (buffer-substring (minibuffer-prompt-end) (point-max))))) ;; check all of minibuffer (if (eq check-strings t) (throw 'exit nil) (if (numberp check-strings) (progn (goto-char check-strings) (crm-temp-echo-area-glyphs " [An element did not match]")) (message "Unexpected error")))) (if (eq result t) (throw 'exit nil) (message "Unexpected error")))))))(defun crm-init-keymaps () "Initialize the keymaps used by `completing-read-multiple'.Two keymaps are used depending on the value of the REQUIRE-MATCHargument of the function `completing-read-multiple'.If REQUIRE-MATCH is nil, the keymap `crm-local-completion-map' is used.This keymap inherits from the keymap named `minibuffer-local-completion-map'.The only difference is that TAB is bound to `crm-minibuffer-complete' inthe inheriting keymap.If REQUIRE-MATCH is non-nil, the keymap `crm-local-must-match-map' is used.This keymap inherits from the keymap named `minibuffer-local-must-match-map'.The inheriting keymap binds RET to `crm-minibuffer-complete-and-exit'and TAB to `crm-minibuffer-complete'." (unless crm-local-completion-map (setq crm-local-completion-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (set-keymap-parent crm-local-completion-map minibuffer-local-completion-map) ;; key definitions (define-key crm-local-completion-map (kbd "TAB") (function crm-minibuffer-complete))) (unless crm-local-must-match-map (setq crm-local-must-match-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (set-keymap-parent crm-local-must-match-map minibuffer-local-must-match-map) ;; key definitions (define-key crm-local-must-match-map (kbd "RET") (function crm-minibuffer-complete-and-exit)) (define-key crm-local-must-match-map (kbd "TAB") (function crm-minibuffer-complete))))(crm-init-keymaps);; superemulates behavior of completing_read in src/minibuf.c;;;###autoload(defun completing-read-multiple (prompt table &optional predicate require-match initial-input hist def inherit-input-method) "Read multiple strings in the minibuffer, with completion.By using this functionality, a user may specify multiple strings at asingle prompt, optionally using completion.Multiple strings are specified by separating each of the strings witha prespecified separator character. For example, if the separatorcharacter is a comma, the strings 'alice', 'bob', and 'eve' would bespecified as 'alice,bob,eve'.The default value for the separator character is the value of`crm-default-separator' (comma). The separator character may bechanged by modifying the value of `crm-separator'.Contiguous strings of non-separator-characters are referred to as'elements'. In the aforementioned example, the elements are: 'alice','bob', and 'eve'.Completion is available on a per-element basis. For example, if thecontents of the minibuffer are 'alice,bob,eve' and point is between'l' and 'i', pressing TAB operates on the element 'alice'.The return value of this function is a list of the read strings.See the documentation for `completing-read' for details on the arguments:PROMPT, TABLE, PREDICATE, REQUIRE-MATCH, INITIAL-INPUT, HIST, DEF, andINHERIT-INPUT-METHOD." (let* ((minibuffer-completion-table (function crm-collection-fn)) (minibuffer-completion-predicate predicate) ;; see completing_read in src/minibuf.c (minibuffer-completion-confirm (unless (eq require-match t) require-match)) (crm-completion-table table) crm-last-exact-completion crm-current-element crm-left-of-element crm-right-of-element crm-beginning-of-element crm-end-of-element (map (if require-match crm-local-must-match-map crm-local-completion-map)) ;; If the user enters empty input, read-from-minibuffer returns ;; the empty string, not DEF. (input (read-from-minibuffer prompt initial-input map nil hist def inherit-input-method))) (and def (string-equal input "") (setq input def)) (split-string input crm-separator)));; testing and debugging;; (defun crm-init-test-environ ();; "Set up some variables for testing.";; (interactive);; (setq my-prompt "Prompt: ");; (setq my-table;; '(("hi") ("there") ("man") ("may") ("mouth") ("ma");; ("a") ("ab") ("abc") ("abd") ("abf") ("zab") ("acb");; ("da") ("dab") ("dabc") ("dabd") ("dabf") ("dzab") ("dacb");; ("fda") ("fdab") ("fdabc") ("fdabd") ("fdabf") ("fdzab") ("fdacb");; ("gda") ("gdab") ("gdabc") ("gdabd") ("gdabf") ("gdzab") ("gdacb");; ));; (setq my-separator ","));(completing-read-multiple my-prompt my-table);(completing-read-multiple my-prompt my-table nil t);(completing-read-multiple my-prompt my-table nil "match");(completing-read my-prompt my-table nil t);(completing-read my-prompt my-table nil "match")(provide 'crm);;; arch-tag: db1911d9-86c6-4a42-b32a-4910701b15a6;;; crm.el ends here