view lisp/cedet/ede/files.el @ 108038:763c361da2e2

Merge from mainline.
author Katsumi Yamaoka <>
date Thu, 01 Apr 2010 21:55:28 +0000
parents 4cf58c2379f4
children b150a06c6999
line wrap: on
line source

;;; ede/files.el --- Associate projects with files and directories.

;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <>

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:
;; Directory and File scanning and matching functions.
;; Basic Model:
;; A directory belongs to a project if a ede-project-autoload structure
;; matches your directory.
;; A toplevel project is one where there is no active project above
;; it.  Finding the toplevel project involves going up a directory
;; till no ede-project-autoload structure matches.

(require 'ede)

(declare-function ede-locate-file-in-hash "ede/locate")
(declare-function ede-locate-add-file-to-hash "ede/locate")
(declare-function ede-locate-file-in-project "ede/locate")

(defvar ede--disable-inode nil
  "Set to 't' to simulate systems w/out inode support.")

;;; Code:
(defun ede-find-file (file)
  "Find FILE in project.  FILE can be specified without a directory.
There is no completion at the prompt.  FILE is searched for within
the current EDE project."
  (interactive "sFile: ")
  (let ((fname (ede-expand-filename (ede-current-project) file))
    (unless fname
      (error "Could not find %s in %s"
	     (ede-project-root-directory (ede-current-project))))
    (find-file fname)))

;;; Placeholders for ROOT directory scanning on base objects
(defmethod ede-project-root ((this ede-project-placeholder))
  "If a project knows it's root, return it here.
Allows for one-project-object-for-a-tree type systems."
  (oref this rootproject))

(defmethod ede-project-root-directory ((this ede-project-placeholder)
				       &optional file)
  "If a project knows it's root, return it here.
Allows for one-project-object-for-a-tree type systems.
Optional FILE is the file to test.  It is ignored in preference
of the anchor file for the project."
  (file-name-directory (expand-file-name (oref this file))))

(defmethod ede-project-root ((this ede-project-autoload))
  "If a project knows it's root, return it here.
Allows for one-project-object-for-a-tree type systems."

(defmethod ede-project-root-directory ((this ede-project-autoload)
				       &optional file)
  "If a project knows it's root, return it here.
Allows for one-project-object-for-a-tree type systems.
Optional FILE is the file to test.  If there is no FILE, use
the current buffer."
  (when (not file)
    (setq file default-directory))
  (when (slot-boundp this :proj-root)
    (let ((rootfcn (oref this proj-root)))
      (when rootfcn
	(condition-case nil
	    (funcall rootfcn file)
	   (funcall rootfcn)))

(defmethod ede--project-inode ((proj ede-project-placeholder))
  "Get the inode of the directory project PROJ is in."
  (if (slot-boundp proj 'dirinode)
      (oref proj dirinode)
    (oset proj dirinode (ede--inode-for-dir (oref proj :directory)))))

(defmethod ede-find-subproject-for-directory ((proj ede-project-placeholder)
  "Find a subproject of PROJ that corresponds to DIR."
  (if ede--disable-inode
      (let ((ans nil))
	;; Try to find the right project w/out inodes.
	 (lambda (SP)
	   (when (not ans)
	     (if (string= (file-truename dir) (oref SP :directory))
		 (setq ans SP)
	       (ede-find-subproject-for-directory SP dir)))))
    ;; We can use inodes, so lets try it.
    (let ((ans nil)
	  (inode (ede--inode-for-dir dir)))
       (lambda (SP)
	 (when (not ans)
	   (if (equal (ede--project-inode SP) inode)
	       (setq ans SP)
	     (ede-find-subproject-for-directory SP dir)))))

;; These routines match some directory name to one of the many pre-existing
;; open projects.  This should avoid hitting the disk, or asking lots of questions
;; if used throughout the other routines.
(defvar ede-inode-directory-hash (make-hash-table
				  ;; Note on test.  Can we compare inodes or something?
				  :test 'equal)
  "A hash of directory names and inodes.")

(defun ede--put-inode-dir-hash (dir inode)
  "Add to the EDE project hash DIR associated with INODE."
  (when (fboundp 'puthash)
    (puthash dir inode ede-inode-directory-hash)

(defun ede--get-inode-dir-hash (dir)
  "Get the EDE project hash DIR associated with INODE."
  (when (fboundp 'gethash)
    (gethash dir ede-inode-directory-hash)

(defun ede--inode-for-dir (dir)
  "Return the inode for the directory DIR."
  (let ((hashnode (ede--get-inode-dir-hash (expand-file-name dir))))
    (or hashnode
	(if ede--disable-inode
	    (ede--put-inode-dir-hash dir 0)
	  (let ((fattr (file-attributes dir)))
	    (ede--put-inode-dir-hash dir (nth 10 fattr))

(defun ede-directory-get-open-project (dir &optional rootreturn)
  "Return an already open project that is managing DIR.
Optional ROOTRETURN specifies a symbol to set to the root project.
If DIR is the root project, then it is the same."
  (let* ((inode (ede--inode-for-dir dir))
	 (ft (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name dir)))
	 (proj (ede--inode-get-toplevel-open-project inode))
	 (ans nil))
    ;; Try file based search.
    (when (not proj)
      (setq proj (ede-directory-get-toplevel-open-project ft)))
    ;; Default answer is this project
    (setq ans proj)
    ;; Save.
    (when rootreturn (set rootreturn proj))
    ;; Find subprojects.
    (when (and proj (or ede--disable-inode
			(not (equal inode (ede--project-inode proj)))))
      (setq ans (ede-find-subproject-for-directory proj ft)))

(defun ede--inode-get-toplevel-open-project (inode)
  "Return an already open toplevel project that is managing INODE.
Does not check subprojects."
  (when (or (and (numberp inode) (/= inode 0))
	    (consp inode))
    (let ((all ede-projects)
	  (found nil)
      (while (and all (not found))
	(when (equal inode (ede--project-inode (car all)))
	  (setq found (car all)))
	(setq all (cdr all)))

(defun ede-directory-get-toplevel-open-project (dir)
  "Return an already open toplevel project that is managing DIR."
  (let ((ft (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name dir)))
	(all ede-projects)
	(ans nil))
    (while (and all (not ans))
      ;; Do the check.
      (let ((pd (oref (car all) :directory))
	 ;; Exact text match.
	 ((string= pd ft)
	  (setq ans (car all)))
	 ;; Some sub-directory
	 ((string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote pd)) ft)
	  (setq ans (car all)))
	 ;; Exact inode match.  Useful with symlinks or complex automounters.
	 ((let ((pin (ede--project-inode (car all)))
		(inode (ede--inode-for-dir dir)))
	    (and (not (eql pin 0)) (equal pin inode)))
	  (setq ans (car all)))
	 ;; Subdir via truename - slower by far, but faster than a traditional lookup.
	 ((let ((ftn (file-truename ft))
		(ptd (file-truename (oref (car all) :directory))))
	    (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote ptd)) ftn))
	  (setq ans (car all)))
      (setq all (cdr all)))

;; For a fresh buffer, or for a path w/ no open buffer, use this
;; routine to determine if there is a known project type here.
(defvar ede-project-directory-hash (make-hash-table
				    ;; Note on test.  Can we compare inodes or something?
				    :test 'equal)
  "A hash of directory names and associated EDE objects.")

(defun ede-project-directory-remove-hash (dir)
  "Reset the directory hash for DIR.
Do this whenever a new project is created, as opposed to loaded."
  ;; TODO - Use maphash, and delete by regexp, not by dir searching!

  (when (fboundp 'remhash)
    (remhash (file-name-as-directory dir) ede-project-directory-hash)
    ;; Look for all subdirs of D, and remove them.
    (let ((match (concat "^" (regexp-quote dir))))
      (maphash (lambda (K O)
		 (when (string-match match K)
		   (remhash K ede-project-directory-hash)))

(defun ede-directory-project-from-hash (dir)
  "If there is an already loaded project for DIR, return it from the hash."
  (when (fboundp 'gethash)
    (gethash dir ede-project-directory-hash nil)))

(defun ede-directory-project-add-description-to-hash (dir desc)
  "Add to the EDE project hash DIR associated with DESC."
  (when (fboundp 'puthash)
    (puthash dir desc ede-project-directory-hash)

(defun ede-directory-project-p (dir &optional force)
  "Return a project description object if DIR has a project.
Optional argument FORCE means to ignore a hash-hit of 'nomatch.
This depends on an up to date `ede-project-class-files' variable."
  (let* ((dirtest (expand-file-name dir))
	 (match (ede-directory-project-from-hash dirtest)))
     ((and (eq match 'nomatch) (not force))
     ((and match (not (eq match 'nomatch)))
      (let ((types ede-project-class-files)
	    (ret nil))
	;; Loop over all types, loading in the first type that we find.
	(while (and types (not ret))
	  (if (ede-dir-to-projectfile (car types) dirtest)
		;; We found one!  Require it now since we will need it.
		(require (oref (car types) file))
		(setq ret (car types))))
	  (setq types (cdr types)))
	(ede-directory-project-add-description-to-hash dirtest (or ret 'nomatch))

;; These utilities will identify the "toplevel" of a project.
(defun ede-toplevel-project-or-nil (dir)
  "Starting with DIR, find the toplevel project directory, or return nil.
nil is returned if the current directory is not a part of a project."
  (let* ((ans (ede-directory-get-toplevel-open-project dir)))
    (if ans
	(oref ans :directory)
      (if (ede-directory-project-p dir)
	  (ede-toplevel-project dir)

(defun ede-toplevel-project (dir)
  "Starting with DIR, find the toplevel project directory."
  (if (and (string= dir default-directory)
      ;; Try the local buffer cache first.
      (oref ede-object-root-project :directory)
    ;; Otherwise do it the hard way.
    (let* ((thisdir (ede-directory-project-p dir))
	   (ans (ede-directory-get-toplevel-open-project dir)))
      (if (and ans ;; We have an answer
	       (or (not thisdir) ;; this dir isn't setup
		   (and (object-of-class-p ;; Same as class for this dir?
			 ans (oref thisdir :class-sym)))
	  (oref ans :directory)
	(let* ((toppath (expand-file-name dir))
	       (newpath toppath)
	       (proj (ede-directory-project-p dir))
	       (ans nil))
	  (if proj
	      ;; If we already have a project, ask it what the root is.
	      (setq ans (ede-project-root-directory proj)))

	  ;; If PROJ didn't know, or there is no PROJ, then

	  ;; Loop up to the topmost project, and then load that single
	  ;; project, and it's sub projects.  When we are done, identify the
	  ;; sub-project object belonging to file.
	  (while (and (not ans) newpath proj)
	    (setq toppath newpath
		  newpath (ede-up-directory toppath))
	    (when newpath
	      (setq proj (ede-directory-project-p newpath)))

	    (when proj
	      ;; We can home someone in the middle knows too.
	      (setq ans (ede-project-root-directory proj)))
	  (or ans toppath))))))

;; The toplevel project is a way to identify the EDE structure that belongs
;; to the top of a project.

(defun ede-toplevel (&optional subproj)
  "Return the ede project which is the root of the current project.
Optional argument SUBPROJ indicates a subproject to start from
instead of the current project."
  (or ede-object-root-project
      (let* ((cp (or subproj (ede-current-project)))
	(or (and cp (ede-project-root cp))
	      (while (ede-parent-project cp)
		(setq cp (ede-parent-project cp)))

(defmethod ede-convert-path ((this ede-project) path)
  "Convert path in a standard way for a given project.
Default to making it project relative.
Argument THIS is the project to convert PATH to."
  (let ((pp (ede-project-root-directory this))
	(fp (expand-file-name path)))
    (if (string-match (regexp-quote pp) fp)
	(substring fp (match-end 0))
      (let ((pptf (file-truename pp))
	    (fptf (file-truename fp)))
	(if (string-match (regexp-quote pptf) fptf)
	    (substring fptf (match-end 0))
	  (error "Cannot convert relativize path %s" fp))))))

(defmethod ede-convert-path ((this ede-target) path)
  "Convert path in a standard way for a given project.
Default to making it project relative.
Argument THIS is the project to convert PATH to."
  (let ((proj (ede-target-parent this)))
    (if proj
	(let ((p (ede-convert-path proj path))
	      (lp (or (oref this path) "")))
	  ;; Our target THIS may have path information.
	  ;; strip this out of the conversion.
	  (if (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote lp)) p)
	      (substring p (length lp))
      (error "Parentless target %s" this))))

(defun ede-get-locator-object (proj)
  "Get the locator object for project PROJ.
Get it from the toplevel project.  If it doesn't have one, make one."
  ;; Make sure we have a location object available for
  ;; caching values, and for locating things more robustly.
  (let ((top (ede-toplevel proj)))
    (when (not (slot-boundp top 'locate-obj))
      (ede-enable-locate-on-project top))
    (oref top locate-obj)

(defmethod ede-expand-filename ((this ede-project) filename &optional force)
  "Return a fully qualified file name based on project THIS.
FILENAME should be just a filename which occurs in a directory controlled
by this project.
Optional argument FORCE forces the default filename to be provided even if it
doesn't exist.
If FORCE equals 'newfile, then the cache is ignored."
  (require 'ede/locate)
  (let* ((loc (ede-get-locator-object this))
	 (ha (ede-locate-file-in-hash loc filename))
	 (ans nil)
    ;; NOTE: This function uses a locator object, which keeps a hash
    ;; table of files it has found in the past.  The hash table is
    ;; used to make commonly found file very fast to location.  Some
    ;; complex routines, such as smart completion asks this question
    ;; many times, so doing this speeds things up, especially on NFS
    ;; or other remote file systems.

    ;; As such, special care is needed to use the hash, and also obey
    ;; the FORCE option, which is needed when trying to identify some
    ;; new file that needs to be created, such as a Makefile.
     ;; We have a hash-table match, AND that match wasn't the 'nomatch
     ;; flag, we can return it.
     ((and ha (not (eq ha 'nomatch)))
      (setq ans ha))
     ;; If we had a match, and it WAS no match, then we need to look
     ;; at the force-option to see what to do.  Since ans is already
     ;; nil, then we do nothing.
     ((and (eq ha 'nomatch) (not (eq force 'newfile)))
     ;; We had no hash table match, so we have to look up this file
     ;; using the usual EDE file expansion rules.
      (let ((calc (ede-expand-filename-impl this filename)))
	(if calc
	      (ede-locate-add-file-to-hash loc filename calc)
	      (setq ans calc))
	  ;; If we failed to calculate something, we
	  ;; should add it to the hash, but ONLY if we are not
	  ;; going to FORCE the file into existence.
	  (when (not force)
	    (ede-locate-add-file-to-hash loc filename 'nomatch))))
    ;; Now that all options have been queried, if the FORCE option is
    ;; true, but ANS is still nil, then we can make up a file name.

    ;; Is it forced?
    (when (and force (not ans))
      (let ((dir (ede-project-root-directory this)))
	(setq ans (expand-file-name filename dir))))


(defmethod ede-expand-filename-impl ((this ede-project) filename &optional force)
  "Return a fully qualified file name based on project THIS.
FILENAME should be just a filename which occurs in a directory controlled
by this project.
Optional argument FORCE forces the default filename to be provided even if it
doesn't exist."
  (let ((loc (ede-get-locator-object this))
	(path (ede-project-root-directory this))
	(proj (oref this subproj))
	(found nil))
    ;; find it Locally.
    (setq found
	  (cond ((file-exists-p (expand-file-name filename path))
		 (expand-file-name filename path))
		((file-exists-p (expand-file-name  (concat "include/" filename) path))
		 (expand-file-name (concat "include/" filename) path))
		 (while (and (not found) proj)
		   (setq found (when (car proj)
				 (ede-expand-filename (car proj) filename))
			 proj (cdr proj)))
    ;; Use an external locate tool.
    (when (not found)
      (require 'ede/locate)
      (setq found (car (ede-locate-file-in-project loc filename))))
    ;; Return it

(defmethod ede-expand-filename ((this ede-target) filename &optional force)
  "Return a fully qualified file name based on target THIS.
FILENAME should be a filename which occurs in a directory in which THIS works.
Optional argument FORCE forces the default filename to be provided even if it
doesn't exist."
  (ede-expand-filename (ede-target-parent this) filename force))


(defun ede-up-directory (dir)
  "Return a dir that is up one directory.
Argument DIR is the directory to trim upwards."
  (let* ((fad (directory-file-name dir))
	 (fnd (file-name-directory fad)))
    (if (string= dir fnd) ; This will catch the old string-match against
			  ; c:/ for DOS like systems.

(provide 'ede/files)

;; Local variables:
;; generated-autoload-file: "loaddefs.el"
;; generated-autoload-load-name: "ede/files"
;; End:

;; arch-tag: 28e17358-0208-4678-828c-23fb0e783fd6
;;; ede/files.el ends here