#ifndef LWLIB_H#define LWLIB_H#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>/*** Widget values depend on the Widget type:**** widget: (name value key enabled data contents/selected)**** label: ("name" "string" NULL NULL NULL NULL)** button: ("name" "string" "key" T/F data <default-button-p>)** button w/menu:** ("name" "string" "key" T/F data (label|button|button w/menu...))** menubar: ("name" NULL NULL T/F data (button w/menu))** selectable thing:** ("name" "string" "key" T/F data T/F)** checkbox: selectable thing** radio: ("name" NULL NULL T/F data (selectable thing...))** strings: ("name" NULL NULL T/F data (selectable thing...))** text: ("name" "string" <ign> T/F data)** main: ("name")*/typedef unsigned long LWLIB_ID;typedef enum _change_type{ NO_CHANGE = 0, INVISIBLE_CHANGE = 1, VISIBLE_CHANGE = 2, STRUCTURAL_CHANGE = 3} change_type;enum button_type{ BUTTON_TYPE_NONE, BUTTON_TYPE_TOGGLE, BUTTON_TYPE_RADIO};/* Menu separator types. */enum menu_separator{ /* These values are Motif compatible. */ SEPARATOR_NO_LINE, SEPARATOR_SINGLE_LINE, SEPARATOR_DOUBLE_LINE, SEPARATOR_SINGLE_DASHED_LINE, SEPARATOR_DOUBLE_DASHED_LINE, SEPARATOR_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN, SEPARATOR_SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT, SEPARATOR_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN_DASH, SEPARATOR_SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT_DASH, /* The following are supported by Lucid menus. */ SEPARATOR_SHADOW_DOUBLE_ETCHED_IN, SEPARATOR_SHADOW_DOUBLE_ETCHED_OUT, SEPARATOR_SHADOW_DOUBLE_ETCHED_IN_DASH, SEPARATOR_SHADOW_DOUBLE_ETCHED_OUT_DASH};typedef struct _widget_value{ /* name of widget */ Lisp_Object lname; char* name; /* value (meaning depend on widget type) */ char* value; /* keyboard equivalent. no implications for XtTranslations */ Lisp_Object lkey; char* key; /* Help string or nil if none. GC finds this string through the frame's menu_bar_vector or through menu_items. */ Lisp_Object help; /* true if enabled */ Boolean enabled; /* true if selected */ Boolean selected; /* true if was edited (maintained by get_value) */ Boolean edited; /* The type of a button. */ enum button_type button_type; /* true if has changed (maintained by lw library) */ change_type change; /* true if this widget itself has changed, but not counting the other widgets found in the `next' field. */ change_type this_one_change; /* Contents of the sub-widgets, also selected slot for checkbox */ struct _widget_value* contents; /* data passed to callback */ XtPointer call_data; /* next one in the list */ struct _widget_value* next; /* slot for the toolkit dependent part. Always initialize to NULL. */ void* toolkit_data; /* tell us if we should free the toolkit data slot when freeing the widget_value itself. */ Boolean free_toolkit_data; /* we resource the widget_value structures; this points to the next one on the free list if this one has been deallocated. */ struct _widget_value *free_list;} widget_value;typedef void (*lw_callback) __P ((Widget w, LWLIB_ID id, void* data));void lw_register_widget __P ((char* type, char* name, LWLIB_ID id, widget_value* val, lw_callback pre_activate_cb, lw_callback selection_cb, lw_callback post_activate_cb, lw_callback highlight_cb));Widget lw_get_widget __P ((LWLIB_ID id, Widget parent, Boolean pop_up_p));Widget lw_make_widget __P ((LWLIB_ID id, Widget parent, Boolean pop_up_p));Widget lw_create_widget __P ((char* type, char* name, LWLIB_ID id, widget_value* val, Widget parent, Boolean pop_up_p, lw_callback pre_activate_cb, lw_callback selection_cb, lw_callback post_activate_cb, lw_callback highlight_cb));LWLIB_ID lw_get_widget_id __P ((Widget w));int lw_modify_all_widgets __P ((LWLIB_ID id, widget_value* val, Boolean deep_p));void lw_destroy_widget __P ((Widget w));void lw_destroy_all_widgets __P ((LWLIB_ID id));void lw_destroy_everything __P ((void));void lw_destroy_all_pop_ups __P ((void));Widget lw_raise_all_pop_up_widgets __P ((void));widget_value* lw_get_all_values __P ((LWLIB_ID id));Boolean lw_get_some_values __P ((LWLIB_ID id, widget_value* val));void lw_pop_up_all_widgets __P ((LWLIB_ID id));void lw_pop_down_all_widgets __P ((LWLIB_ID id));widget_value *malloc_widget_value ();void free_widget_value __P ((widget_value *));void lw_popup_menu __P ((Widget, XEvent *));/* Toolkit independent way of focusing on a Widget at the Xt level. */void lw_set_keyboard_focus __P ((Widget parent, Widget w));/* Silly Energize hack to invert the "sheet" button */void lw_show_busy __P ((Widget w, Boolean busy));/* Silly hack to assist with Lucid/Athena geometry management. */void lw_refigure_widget __P ((Widget w, Boolean doit));/* Toolkit independent way of determining if an event occurred on a menubar. */Boolean lw_window_is_in_menubar __P ((Window win, Widget menubar_widget));/* Manage resizing: TRUE permits resizing widget w; FALSE disallows it. */void lw_allow_resizing __P ((Widget w, Boolean flag));/* Set up the main window. */void lw_set_main_areas __P ((Widget parent, Widget menubar, Widget work_area));/* Value is non-zero if LABEL is a menu separator. If it is, *TYPE is set to an appropriate enumerator of type enum menu_separator. MOTIF_P non-zero means map separator types not supported by Motif to similar ones that are supported. */int lw_separator_p __P ((char *label, enum menu_separator *type, int motif_p));void lwlib_bcopy __P ((char*, char*, int));#endif /* LWLIB_H *//* arch-tag: 44d818d5-7eb2-4d87-acd7-b992bb0d5d20 (do not change this comment) */