;;; quickurl.el --- insert an URL based on text at point in buffer;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,;; 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: Dave Pearson <davep@davep.org>;; Maintainer: Dave Pearson <davep@davep.org>;; Created: 1999-05-28;; Keywords: hypermedia;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or;; (at your option) any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.;;; Commentary:;;;; This package provides a simple method of inserting an URL based on the;; text at point in the current buffer. This is part of an on-going effort;; to increase the information I provide people while reducing the ammount;; of typing I need to do. No-doubt there are undiscovered Emacs packages;; out there that do all of this and do it better, feel free to point me to;; them, in the mean time I'm having fun playing with Emacs Lisp.;;;; The URLs are stored in an external file as a list of either cons cells,;; or lists. A cons cell entry looks like this:;;;; (<Lookup> . <URL>);;;; where <Lookup> is a string that acts as the keyword lookup and <URL> is;; the URL associated with it. An example might be:;;;; ("GNU" . "http://www.gnu.org/");;;; A list entry looks like:;;;; (<Lookup> <URL> <Comment>);;;; where <Lookup> and <URL> are the same as with the cons cell and <Comment>;; is any text you like that describes the URL. This description will be;; used when presenting a list of URLS using `quickurl-list'. An example;; might be:;;;; ("FSF" "http://www.fsf.org/" "The Free Software Foundation");;;; Given the above, your quickurl file might look like:;;;; (("GNU" . "http://www.gnu.org/");; ("FSF" "http://www.fsf.org/" "The Free Software Foundation");; ("emacs" . "http://www.emacs.org/");; ("davep" "http://www.davep.org/" "Dave's homepage"));;;; In case you're wondering about the mixture of cons cells and lists,;; quickurl started life using just the cons cells, there were no comments.;; URL comments are a later addition and so there is a mixture to keep;; backward compatibility with existing URL lists.;;;; The name and location of the file is up to you, the default name used by;; `quickurl' is stored in `quickurl-url-file'.;;;; quickurl is always available from:;;;; <URL:http://www.davep.org/emacs/quickurl.el>;;; TODO:;;;; o The quickurl-browse-url* functions pretty much duplicate their non;; browsing friends. It would feel better if a more generic solution could;; be found.;;; Code:;; Things we need:(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))(require 'thingatpt)(require 'pp)(require 'browse-url);; Customize options.(defgroup quickurl nil "Insert an URL based on text at point in buffer." :version "21.1" :group 'abbrev :prefix "quickurl-")(defcustom quickurl-url-file (convert-standard-filename "~/.quickurls") "*File that contains the URL list." :type 'file :group 'quickurl)(defcustom quickurl-format-function (lambda (url) (format "<URL:%s>" (quickurl-url-url url))) "*Function to format the URL before insertion into the current buffer." :type 'function :group 'quickurl)(defcustom quickurl-sort-function (lambda (list) (sort list (lambda (x y) (string< (downcase (quickurl-url-description x)) (downcase (quickurl-url-description y)))))) "*Function to sort the URL list." :type 'function :group 'quickurl)(defcustom quickurl-grab-lookup-function #'current-word "*Function to grab the thing to lookup." :type 'function :group 'quickurl)(defcustom quickurl-assoc-function #'assoc-ignore-case "*Function to use for alist lookup into `quickurl-urls'." :type 'function :group 'quickurl)(defcustom quickurl-completion-ignore-case t "*Should `quickurl-ask' ignore case when doing the input lookup?" :type 'boolean :group 'quickurl)(defcustom quickurl-prefix ";; -*- lisp -*-\n\n" "*Text to write to `quickurl-url-file' before writing the URL list." :type 'string :group 'quickurl)(defcustom quickurl-postfix "" "*Text to write to `quickurl-url-file' after writing the URL list.See the constant `quickurl-reread-hook-postfix' for some example text thatcould be used here." :type 'string :group 'quickurl)(defcustom quickurl-list-mode-hook nil "*Hooks for `quickurl-list-mode'." :type 'hook :group 'quickurl);; Constants.;;;###autoload(defconst quickurl-reread-hook-postfix ";; Local Variables:;; eval: (progn (require 'quickurl) (add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks (lambda () (quickurl-read) nil)));; End:" "Example `quickurl-postfix' text that adds a local variable to the`quickurl-url-file' so that if you edit it by hand it will ensure that`quickurl-urls' is updated with the new URL list.To make use of this do something like: (setq quickurl-postfix quickurl-reread-hook-postfix)in your ~/.emacs (after loading/requiring quickurl).");; Non-customize variables.(defvar quickurl-urls nil "URL alist for use with `quickurl' and `quickurl-ask'.")(defvar quickurl-list-mode-map nil "Local keymap for a `quickurl-list-mode' buffer.")(defvar quickurl-list-buffer-name "*quickurl-list*" "Name for the URL listinig buffer.")(defvar quickurl-list-last-buffer nil "`current-buffer' when `quickurl-list' was called.");; Functions for working with an URL entry.(defun quickurl-url-commented-p (url) "Does the URL have a comment?" (listp (cdr url)))(defun quickurl-make-url (keyword url &optional comment) "Create an URL from KEYWORD, URL and (optionaly) COMMENT." (if (and comment (not (zerop (length comment)))) (list keyword url comment) (cons keyword url)))(defun quickurl-url-keyword (url) "Return the keyword for the URL.Note that this function is a setfable place." (car url))(defsetf quickurl-url-keyword (url) (store) `(setf (car ,url) ,store))(defun quickurl-url-url (url) "Return the actual URL of the URL.Note that this function is a setfable place." (if (quickurl-url-commented-p url) (cadr url) (cdr url)))(defsetf quickurl-url-url (url) (store) ` (if (quickurl-url-commented-p ,url) (setf (cadr ,url) ,store) (setf (cdr ,url) ,store)))(defun quickurl-url-comment (url) "Get the comment from an URL.If the URL has no comment an empty string is returned. Also note that thisfunction is a setfable place." (if (quickurl-url-commented-p url) (nth 2 url) ""))(defsetf quickurl-url-comment (url) (store) ` (if (quickurl-url-commented-p ,url) (if (zerop (length ,store)) (setf (cdr ,url) (cadr ,url)) (setf (nth 2 ,url) ,store)) (unless (zerop (length ,store)) (setf (cdr ,url) (list (cdr ,url) ,store)))))(defun quickurl-url-description (url) "Return a description for the URL.If the URL has a comment then this is returned, otherwise the keyword isreturned." (let ((desc (quickurl-url-comment url))) (if (zerop (length desc)) (quickurl-url-keyword url) desc)));; Main code:(defun* quickurl-read (&optional buffer) "`read' the URL list from BUFFER into `quickurl-urls'.BUFFER, if nil, defaults to current buffer.Note that this function moves point to `point-min' before doing the `read'It also restores point after the `read'." (save-excursion (setf (point) (point-min)) (setq quickurl-urls (funcall quickurl-sort-function (read (or buffer (current-buffer)))))))(defun quickurl-load-urls () "Load the contents of `quickurl-url-file' into `quickurl-urls'." (when (file-exists-p quickurl-url-file) (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents quickurl-url-file) (quickurl-read))))(defun quickurl-save-urls () "Save the contents of `quickurl-urls' to `quickurl-url-file'." (with-temp-buffer (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))) (princ quickurl-prefix) (pp quickurl-urls) (princ quickurl-postfix) (write-region (point-min) (point-max) quickurl-url-file nil 0))))(defun quickurl-find-url (lookup) "Return URL associated with key LOOKUP.The lookup is done by looking in the alist `quickurl-urls' and the `cons'for the URL is returned. The actual method used to look into the alistdepends on the setting of the variable `quickurl-assoc-function'." (funcall quickurl-assoc-function lookup quickurl-urls))(defun quickurl-insert (url &optional silent) "Insert URL, formatted using `quickurl-format-function'.Also display a `message' saying what the URL was unless SILENT is non-nil." (insert (funcall quickurl-format-function url)) (unless silent (message "Found %s" (quickurl-url-url url))));;;###autoload(defun* quickurl (&optional lookup) "Insert an URL based on LOOKUP.If not supplied LOOKUP is taken to be the word at point in the currentbuffer, this default action can be modifed via`quickurl-grab-lookup-function'." (interactive) (when (or lookup (setq lookup (funcall quickurl-grab-lookup-function))) (quickurl-load-urls) (let ((url (quickurl-find-url lookup))) (if (null url) (error "No URL associated with \"%s\"" lookup) (when (looking-at "\\w") (skip-syntax-forward "\\w")) (insert " ") (quickurl-insert url)))));;;###autoload(defun quickurl-ask (lookup) "Insert an URL, with `completing-read' prompt, based on LOOKUP." (interactive (list (progn (quickurl-load-urls) (let ((completion-ignore-case quickurl-completion-ignore-case)) (completing-read "Lookup: " quickurl-urls nil t))))) (let ((url (quickurl-find-url lookup))) (when url (quickurl-insert url))))(defun quickurl-grab-url () "Attempt to grab a word/url pair from point in the current buffer.Point should be somewhere on the URL and the word is taken to be the thingthat is returned from calling `quickurl-grab-lookup-function' once a`backward-word' has been issued at the start of the URL.It is assumed that the URL is either \"unguarded\" or is wrapped inside an<URL:...> wrapper." (let ((url (thing-at-point 'url))) (when url (save-excursion (beginning-of-thing 'url) ;; `beginning-of-thing' doesn't take you to the start of a marked-up ;; URL, only to the start of the URL within the "markup". So, we ;; need to do a little more work to get to where we want to be. (when (thing-at-point-looking-at thing-at-point-markedup-url-regexp) (search-backward "<URL:")) (backward-word 1) (let ((word (funcall quickurl-grab-lookup-function))) (when word (quickurl-make-url ;; The grab function may return the word with properties. I don't ;; want the properties. I couldn't find a method of stripping ;; them from a "string" so this will have to do. If you know of ;; a better method of doing this I'd love to know. (with-temp-buffer (insert word) (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))) url)))))));;;###autoload(defun quickurl-add-url (word url comment) "Allow the user to interactively add a new URL associated with WORD.See `quickurl-grab-url' for details on how the default word/url combinationis decided." (interactive (let ((word-url (quickurl-grab-url))) (list (read-string "Word: " (quickurl-url-keyword word-url)) (read-string "URL: " (quickurl-url-url word-url)) (read-string "Comment: " (quickurl-url-comment word-url))))) (if (zerop (length word)) (error "You must specify a WORD for lookup") (quickurl-load-urls) (let* ((current-url (quickurl-find-url word)) (add-it (if current-url (if (interactive-p) (y-or-n-p (format "\"%s\" exists, replace URL? " word)) t) t))) (when add-it (if current-url (progn (setf (quickurl-url-url current-url) url) (setf (quickurl-url-comment current-url) comment)) (push (quickurl-make-url word url comment) quickurl-urls)) (setq quickurl-urls (funcall quickurl-sort-function quickurl-urls)) (quickurl-save-urls) (when (get-buffer quickurl-list-buffer-name) (quickurl-list-populate-buffer)) (when (interactive-p) (message "Added %s" url))))));;;###autoload(defun quickurl-browse-url (&optional lookup) "Browse the URL associated with LOOKUP.If not supplied LOOKUP is taken to be the word at point in thecurrent buffer, this default action can be modifed via`quickurl-grab-lookup-function'." (interactive) (when (or lookup (setq lookup (funcall quickurl-grab-lookup-function))) (quickurl-load-urls) (let ((url (quickurl-find-url lookup))) (if url (browse-url (quickurl-url-url url)) (error "No URL associated with \"%s\"" lookup)))));;;###autoload(defun quickurl-browse-url-ask (lookup) "Browse the URL, with `completing-read' prompt, associated with LOOKUP." (interactive (list (progn (quickurl-load-urls) (completing-read "Browse: " quickurl-urls nil t)))) (let ((url (quickurl-find-url lookup))) (when url (browse-url (quickurl-url-url url)))));;;###autoload(defun quickurl-edit-urls () "Pull `quickurl-url-file' into a buffer for hand editing." (interactive) (find-file quickurl-url-file));; quickurl-list mode.(unless quickurl-list-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (suppress-keymap map t) (define-key map "a" #'quickurl-list-add-url) (define-key map [(control m)] #'quickurl-list-insert-url) (define-key map "u" #'quickurl-list-insert-naked-url) (define-key map " " #'quickurl-list-insert-with-lookup) (define-key map "l" #'quickurl-list-insert-lookup) (define-key map "d" #'quickurl-list-insert-with-desc) (define-key map [(control g)] #'quickurl-list-quit) (define-key map "q" #'quickurl-list-quit) (define-key map [mouse-2] #'quickurl-list-mouse-select) (define-key map "?" #'describe-mode) (setq quickurl-list-mode-map map)))(put 'quickurl-list-mode 'mode-class 'special);;;###autoload(defun quickurl-list-mode () "A mode for browsing the quickurl URL list.The key bindings for `quickurl-list-mode' are:\\{quickurl-list-mode-map}" (interactive) (kill-all-local-variables) (use-local-map quickurl-list-mode-map) (setq major-mode 'quickurl-list-mode mode-name "quickurl list") (run-mode-hooks 'quickurl-list-mode-hook) (setq buffer-read-only t truncate-lines t));;;###autoload(defun quickurl-list () "Display `quickurl-list' as a formatted list using `quickurl-list-mode'." (interactive) (quickurl-load-urls) (unless (string= (buffer-name) quickurl-list-buffer-name) (setq quickurl-list-last-buffer (current-buffer))) (pop-to-buffer quickurl-list-buffer-name) (quickurl-list-populate-buffer) (quickurl-list-mode))(defun quickurl-list-populate-buffer () "Populate the `quickurl-list' buffer." (with-current-buffer (get-buffer quickurl-list-buffer-name) (let ((buffer-read-only nil) (fmt (format "%%-%ds %%s\n" (apply #'max (or (loop for url in quickurl-urls collect (length (quickurl-url-description url))) (list 20)))))) (setf (buffer-string) "") (loop for url in quickurl-urls do (let ((start (point))) (insert (format fmt (quickurl-url-description url) (quickurl-url-url url))) (add-text-properties start (1- (point)) '(mouse-face highlight help-echo "mouse-2: insert this URL")))) (setf (point) (point-min)))))(defun quickurl-list-add-url (word url comment) "Wrapper for `quickurl-add-url' that doesn't guess the parameters." (interactive "sWord: \nsURL: \nsComment: ") (quickurl-add-url word url comment))(defun quickurl-list-quit () "Kill the buffer named `quickurl-list-buffer-name'." (interactive) (kill-buffer quickurl-list-buffer-name) (switch-to-buffer quickurl-list-last-buffer) (delete-other-windows))(defun quickurl-list-mouse-select (event) "Select the URL under the mouse click." (interactive "e") (setf (point) (posn-point (event-end event))) (quickurl-list-insert-url))(defun quickurl-list-insert (type) "Insert the URL under cursor into `quickurl-list-last-buffer'.TYPE dictates what will be inserted, options are: `url' - Insert the URL as <URL:url> `naked-url' - Insert the URL with no formatting `with-lookup' - Insert \"lookup <URL:url>\" `with-desc' - Insert \"description <URL:url>\" `lookup' - Insert the lookup for that URL" (let ((url (nth (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (count-lines (point-min) (point))) quickurl-urls))) (if url (with-current-buffer quickurl-list-last-buffer (insert (case type ('url (funcall quickurl-format-function url)) ('naked-url (quickurl-url-url url)) ('with-lookup (format "%s <URL:%s>" (quickurl-url-keyword url) (quickurl-url-url url))) ('with-desc (format "%S <URL:%s>" (quickurl-url-description url) (quickurl-url-url url))) ('lookup (quickurl-url-keyword url))))) (error "No URL details on that line")) url))(defmacro quickurl-list-make-inserter (type) "Macro to make a key-response function for use in `quickurl-list-mode-map'." `(defun ,(intern (format "quickurl-list-insert-%S" type)) () ,(format "Insert the result of calling `quickurl-list-insert' with `%s'." type) (interactive) (when (quickurl-list-insert ',type) (quickurl-list-quit))))(quickurl-list-make-inserter url)(quickurl-list-make-inserter naked-url)(quickurl-list-make-inserter with-lookup)(quickurl-list-make-inserter with-desc)(quickurl-list-make-inserter lookup)(provide 'quickurl);; arch-tag: a8183ea5-80c2-4082-a7d1-b0fdf2da467e;;; quickurl.el ends here