view lisp/net/tramp-cache.el @ 98007:883843ca3292

* verilog-mode.el (verilog-library-extensions): Enable .sv filename extensions to call verilog-mode. (verilog-auto, verilog-auto-inst, verilog-faq) (verilog-submit-bug-report): Update author support URLs. (verilog-delete-auto, verilog-auto-inout-module) (verilog-auto-inout-comp, verilog-auto): Add AUTOINOUTCOMP for creating complemented testbench modules. Suggested by Yishay Belkind. (verilog-auto-inst-port, verilog-simplify-range-expression): When verilog-auto-inst-param-value is set, don't require a AUTO_TEMPLATE to expand parameter substitutions. Suggested by Yishay Belkind. (verilog-auto-inst-param-value): Add safe variable. (verilog-re-search-forward, verilog-re-search-backward): Fix returning wrong search results on Emacs 22.1. (verilog-modi-cache-results, verilog-auto): Fix warning message about "toggling font-lock-mode." (verilog-auto): Fix loosing font-lock on errors. (verilog-auto-inst-param-value, verilog-mode-version) (verilog-mode-version-date, verilog-read-inst-param-value) (verilog-auto-inst, verilog-auto-inst-param) (verilog-auto-inst-port, verilog-simplify-range-expression): Allow parameters to be replaced with their values, on the expansion of an AUTOINST with Verilog 2001 style parameter settings. Suggested by David Rogoff. * verilog-mode.el (verilog-beg-block-re-ordered, verilog-calc-1): Better support for the property statement. Sometimes this keyword introduces a statement which requires an endproperty keyword, and sometimes it doesn't, dependening on the work before the property word. If property is prefixed with assert, assume or cover keyword, then the statement is ended with a ';' Otherwise, property is like task or specify, and is followed by some number of statements, which are ended with an endproperty keyword. (electric-verilog-tab): Support Emacs 22.2 style handling of tab in a highlighted region: indent each line in region according to mode. Supply this so it works in XEmacs and older Emacs.
author Dan Nicolaescu <>
date Fri, 05 Sep 2008 22:13:55 +0000
parents 2570e504f856
children cc6585cecaaf
line wrap: on
line source

;;; tramp-cache.el --- file information caching for Tramp

;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Daniel Pittman <>
;;         Michael Albinus <>
;; Keywords: comm, processes

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:

;; An implementation of information caching for remote files.

;; Each connection, identified by a vector [method user host
;; localname] or by a process, has a unique cache. We distinguish 3
;; kind of caches, depending on the key:
;; - localname is NIL.  This are reusable properties.  Examples:
;;   "remote-shell" identifies the POSIX shell to be called on the
;;   remote host, or "perl" is the command to be called on the remote
;;   host, when starting a Perl script.  These properties are saved in
;;   the file `tramp-persistency-file-name'.
;; - localname is a string.  This are temporary properties, which are
;;   related to the file localname is referring to.  Examples:
;;   "file-exists-p" is t or nile, depending on the file existence, or
;;   "file-attributes" caches the result of the function
;;  `file-attributes'.
;; - The key is a process.  This are temporary properties related to
;;   an open connection.  Examples: "scripts" keeps shell script
;;   definitions already sent to the remote shell, "last-cmd-time" is
;;   the time stamp a command has been sent to the remote process.

;;; Code:

;; Pacify byte-compiler.
  (require 'cl)
  (autoload 'tramp-message "tramp")
  (autoload 'tramp-tramp-file-p "tramp")
  ;; We cannot autoload macro `with-parsed-tramp-file-name', it
  ;; results in problems of byte-compiled code.
  (autoload 'tramp-dissect-file-name "tramp")
  (autoload 'tramp-file-name-method "tramp")
  (autoload 'tramp-file-name-user "tramp")
  (autoload 'tramp-file-name-host "tramp")
  (autoload 'tramp-file-name-localname "tramp")
  (autoload 'time-stamp-string "time-stamp"))

;;; -- Cache --

(defvar tramp-cache-data (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
  "Hash table for remote files properties.")

(defcustom tramp-persistency-file-name
   ;; GNU Emacs.
   ((and (boundp 'user-emacs-directory)
	 (stringp (symbol-value 'user-emacs-directory))
	 (file-directory-p (symbol-value 'user-emacs-directory)))
    (expand-file-name "tramp" (symbol-value 'user-emacs-directory)))
   ((and (not (featurep 'xemacs)) (file-directory-p "~/.emacs.d/"))
   ;; XEmacs.
   ((and (boundp 'user-init-directory)
	 (stringp (symbol-value 'user-init-directory))
	 (file-directory-p (symbol-value 'user-init-directory)))
    (expand-file-name "tramp" (symbol-value 'user-init-directory)))
   ((and (featurep 'xemacs) (file-directory-p "~/.xemacs/"))
   ;; For users without `~/.emacs.d/' or `~/.xemacs/'.
   (t "~/.tramp"))
  "File which keeps connection history for Tramp connections."
  :group 'tramp
  :type 'file)

(defun tramp-get-file-property (vec file property default)
  "Get the PROPERTY of FILE from the cache context of VEC.
Returns DEFAULT if not set."
  ;; Unify localname.
  (setq vec (copy-sequence vec))
  (aset vec 3 (tramp-run-real-handler 'directory-file-name (list file)))
  (let* ((hash (or (gethash vec tramp-cache-data)
		   (puthash vec (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
	 (value (if (hash-table-p hash)
		    (gethash property hash default)
    (tramp-message vec 8 "%s %s %s" file property value)

(defun tramp-set-file-property (vec file property value)
  "Set the PROPERTY of FILE to VALUE, in the cache context of VEC.
Returns VALUE."
  ;; Unify localname.
  (setq vec (copy-sequence vec))
  (aset vec 3 (tramp-run-real-handler 'directory-file-name (list file)))
  (let ((hash (or (gethash vec tramp-cache-data)
		  (puthash vec (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
    (puthash property value hash)
    (tramp-message vec 8 "%s %s %s" file property value)

(defun tramp-flush-file-property (vec file)
  "Remove all properties of FILE in the cache context of VEC."
  ;; Unify localname.
  (setq vec (copy-sequence vec))
  (aset vec 3 (tramp-run-real-handler 'directory-file-name (list file)))
  (tramp-message vec 8 "%s" file)
  (remhash vec tramp-cache-data))

(defun tramp-flush-directory-property (vec directory)
  "Remove all properties of DIRECTORY in the cache context of VEC.
Remove also properties of all files in subdirectories."
  (let ((directory (tramp-run-real-handler
		    'directory-file-name (list directory))))
  (tramp-message vec 8 "%s" directory)
     '(lambda (key value)
	(when (and (stringp key)
		   (string-match directory (tramp-file-name-localname key)))
	  (remhash key tramp-cache-data)))

;; Reverting or killing a buffer should also flush file properties.
;; They could have been changed outside Tramp.  In eshell, "ls" would
;; not show proper directory contents when a file has been copied or
;; deleted before.
(defun tramp-flush-file-function ()
  "Flush all Tramp cache properties from `buffer-file-name'."
  (let ((bfn (if (stringp (buffer-file-name))
    (when (tramp-tramp-file-p bfn)
      (let* ((v (tramp-dissect-file-name bfn))
	     (localname (tramp-file-name-localname v)))
	(tramp-flush-file-property v localname)))))

(add-hook 'before-revert-hook 'tramp-flush-file-function)
(add-hook 'eshell-pre-command-hook 'tramp-flush-file-function)
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'tramp-flush-file-function)
(add-hook 'tramp-cache-unload-hook
	  '(lambda ()
	     (remove-hook 'before-revert-hook
	     (remove-hook 'eshell-pre-command-hook
	     (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook

;;; -- Properties --

(defun tramp-get-connection-property (key property default)
  "Get the named PROPERTY for the connection.
KEY identifies the connection, it is either a process or a vector.
If the value is not set for the connection, returns DEFAULT."
  ;; Unify key by removing localname from vector.  Work with a copy in
  ;; order to avoid side effects.
  (when (vectorp key)
    (setq key (copy-sequence key))
    (aset key 3 nil))
  (let* ((hash (gethash key tramp-cache-data))
	 (value (if (hash-table-p hash)
		   (gethash property hash default)
    (tramp-message key 7 "%s %s" property value)

(defun tramp-set-connection-property (key property value)
  "Set the named PROPERTY of a connection to VALUE.
KEY identifies the connection, it is either a process or a vector.
PROPERTY is set persistent when KEY is a vector."
  ;; Unify key by removing localname from vector.  Work with a copy in
  ;; order to avoid side effects.
  (when (vectorp key)
    (setq key (copy-sequence key))
    (aset key 3 nil))
  (let ((hash (or (gethash key tramp-cache-data)
		  (puthash key (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
    (puthash property value hash)
    ;; This function is called also during initialization of
    ;; tramp-cache.el.  `tramp-message´ is not defined yet at this
    ;; time, so we ignore the corresponding error.
    (condition-case nil
	(tramp-message key 7 "%s %s" property value)
      (error nil))

(defun tramp-flush-connection-property (key)
  "Remove all properties identified by KEY.
KEY identifies the connection, it is either a process or a vector."
  ;; Unify key by removing localname from vector.  Work with a copy in
  ;; order to avoid side effects.
  (when (vectorp key)
    (setq key (copy-sequence key))
    (aset key 3 nil))
  (remhash key tramp-cache-data))

(defun tramp-cache-print (table)
  "Print hash table TABLE."
  (when (hash-table-p table)
    (let (result)
       '(lambda (key value)
	  (let ((tmp (format
		      "(%s %s)"
		      (if (processp key)
			  (prin1-to-string (prin1-to-string key))
			(prin1-to-string key))
		      (if (hash-table-p value)
			  (tramp-cache-print value)
			(if (bufferp value)
			    (prin1-to-string (prin1-to-string value))
			  (prin1-to-string value))))))
	    (setq result (if result (concat result " " tmp) tmp))))

(defun tramp-list-connections ()
  "Return a list of all known connection vectors according to `tramp-cache'."
    (let (result)
       '(lambda (key value)
	  (when (and (vectorp key) (null (aref key 3)))
	    (add-to-list 'result key)))

(defun tramp-dump-connection-properties ()
  "Write persistent connection properties into file `tramp-persistency-file-name'."
  ;; We shouldn't fail, otherwise (X)Emacs might not be able to be closed.
  (condition-case nil
      (when (and (hash-table-p tramp-cache-data)
		 (not (zerop (hash-table-count tramp-cache-data)))
		 (stringp tramp-persistency-file-name))
	(let ((cache (copy-hash-table tramp-cache-data)))
	  ;; Remove temporary data.
	   '(lambda (key value)
	      (if (and (vectorp key) (not (tramp-file-name-localname key)))
		    (remhash "process-name" value)
		    (remhash "process-buffer" value))
		(remhash key cache)))
	  ;; Dump it.
	     ";; -*- emacs-lisp -*-"
	     ;; `time-stamp-string' might not exist in all (X)Emacs flavors.
	     (condition-case nil
		    " <%s %s>\n"
		    (time-stamp-string "%02y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%02S")
	       (error "\n"))
	     ";; Tramp connection history.  Don't change this file.\n"
	     ";; You can delete it, forcing Tramp to reapply the checks.\n\n"
	       (pp (read (format "(%s)" (tramp-cache-print cache))))))
	     (point-min) (point-max) tramp-persistency-file-name))))
    (error nil)))

(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'tramp-dump-connection-properties)
(add-hook 'tramp-cache-unload-hook
	  '(lambda ()
	     (remove-hook 'kill-emacs-hook

(defun tramp-parse-connection-properties (method)
  "Return a list of (user host) tuples allowed to access for METHOD.
This function is added always in `tramp-get-completion-function'
for all methods.  Resulting data are derived from connection history."
  (let (res)
     '(lambda (key value)
	(if (and (vectorp key)
		 (string-equal method (tramp-file-name-method key))
		 (not (tramp-file-name-localname key)))
	    (push (list (tramp-file-name-user key)
			(tramp-file-name-host key))

;; Read persistent connection history.
(when (and (stringp tramp-persistency-file-name)
	   (zerop (hash-table-count tramp-cache-data)))
  (condition-case err
	(insert-file-contents tramp-persistency-file-name)
	(let ((list (read (current-buffer)))
	      element key item)
	  (while (setq element (pop list))
	    (setq key (pop element))
	    (while (setq item (pop element))
	      (tramp-set-connection-property key (pop item) (car item))))))
     ;; Most likely because the file doesn't exist yet.  No message.
     (clrhash tramp-cache-data))
     ;; File is corrupted.
     (message "Tramp persistency file '%s' is corrupted: %s"
	      tramp-persistency-file-name (error-message-string err))
     (clrhash tramp-cache-data))))

(provide 'tramp-cache)

;; arch-tag: ee1739b7-7628-408c-9b96-d11a74b05d26
;;; tramp-cache.el ends here