GNU Emacs NEWS -- history of user-visible changes.Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.See the end of the file for license conditions.Please send Emacs bug reports to possible, use M-x report-emacs-bug.This file is about changes in Emacs version 23.See files NEWS.22, NEWS.21, NEWS.20, NEWS.19, NEWS.18, and NEWS.1-17for changes in older Emacs versions.You can narrow news to a specific version by calling `view-emacs-news'with a prefix argument or by typing C-u C-h C-n.Temporary note: +++ indicates that the appropriate manual has already been updated. --- means no change in the manuals is called for.When you add a new item, please add it without either +++ or ---so we will look at it and add it to the manual.* About external Lisp packages* Installation Changes in Emacs 23.1** The default X toolkit is now Gtk+, rather than Lucid.** configure now checks for libgif before libungif when searching fora GIF library.* Changes in Emacs 23.1** Emacs now supports the SVG image format through librsvg2.** If you set find-file-confirm-nonexistent-file to t, then C-x C-frequires confirmation before opening a non-existent file.** If the gpm mouse server is running and t-mouse-mode enabled, Emacs uses aUnix socket in a GNU/Linux console to talk to server, rather than faking eventsusing the client program mev. This C level approach provides mousehighlighting, and help echoing in the minibuffer.** The new variable next-error-recenter specifies how next-error shouldrecenter the visited source file. Its value can be a number (for example,0 for top line, -1 for bottom line), or nil for no recentering.** The mode-line display a `@' if the default-directory for the current bufferis on a remote machine, or a hyphen otherwise.** The new command balance-window-area balances windows both verticallyand horizontally.** The new command close-display-connection can be used to close a connectionto a remote display, e.g. because the display is about to become unreachable.* Startup Changes in Emacs 23.1** New user option `initial-buffer-choice' specifies what to displayafter starting Emacs: startup screen, *scratch* buffer, visiting afile or directory.* Incompatible Editing Changes in Emacs 23.1* Editing Changes in Emacs 23.1** New command kill-matching-buffers kills buffers whose name matches a regexp.** Minibuffer changes:*** isearch started in the minibuffer searches in the minibuffer history.Reverse isearch commands (C-r, C-M-r) search in previous minibufferhistory elements, and forward isearch commands (C-s, C-M-s) search innext history elements. When the reverse search reaches the first historyelement, it wraps to the last history element, and the forward searchwraps to the first history element. When the search is terminated, thehistory element containing the search string becomes the current.* New Modes and Packages in Emacs 23.1** minibuffer-indicate-depth-mode shows the minibuffer depth in the prompt.* Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 23.1** compilation-auto-jump-to-first-error tells `compile' to jump tothe first error encountered during compilations.** In the `copyright' package, you can specify your copyright holders's names.Only copyright lines with holders matching copyright-names-regexp will beconsidered for update.** VC*** Clicking on the VC mode-line entry now pops the VC menu.*** The VC mode-line entry now has a tooltip.*** VC backends can provide extra menu entries to be added to the "Version Control" menu.This can be used to add menu entries for backend specific functions.** sgml-electric-tag-pair-mode lets you simultaneously edit matched tag pairs.** BibTeX mode:*** New `bibtex-entry-format' options `whitespace', `braces', and`string', disabled by default.*** New variable `bibtex-cite-matcher-alist' contains rules toidentify cited keys in BibTeX entries, used by `bibtex-find-crossref.*** Command `bibtex-url' now allows multiple URLs per entry.+++** Tramp*** New connection methods.The new methods "plinkx", "plink2", "psftp", "sftp" and "fish" havebeen introduced. There are also new so-called gateway methods"tunnel" and "socks".*** Multihop syntax has been removed.The pseudo-method "multi" has been removed. Instead of, multi hopscan be specified by the new variable `tramp-default-proxies-alist'.*** More default settings.Default values can be set via the variables `tramp-default-user',`tramp-default-user-alist' and `tramp-default-host'.*** Connection information is cached.In order to reduce connection setup, information about usedconnections are kept persistent in a file. The name of this file isdefined in the variable `tramp-persistency-file-name'.*** Control of remote processes.Running processes on a remote host can be controlled by settings in`tramp-remote-path' and `tramp-remote-process-environment'.*** Success of remote copy is checked.When the variable `file-precious-flag' is set, the success of a remotefile copy is checked via the file's checksum.** Miscellaneous programming mode changes*** The variable `fortran-line-length' can change the fixed-form line-length.** Miscellaneous*** comint-mode uses `start-file-process' now (see Lisp Changes).If `default-directory' is a remote file name, subprocesses are startedon the corresponding remote system.*** C-x C-q in dired-mode now runs the command wdired-change-to-wdired-mode,and C-x C-q in wdired-mode exits it with asking a question aboutsaving changes.* Changes in Emacs 23.1 on non-free operating systems---** IPv6 is supported on MS-Windows.Emacs now supports IPv6 on Windows XP and later, and earlier versionsof Windows with third party IPv6 stacks installed. Previously IPv6 wassupported on other platforms, but not on Windows due to using the winsock1.1 header file, even though Emacs was linking to the winsock 2 library.* Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 23.1+++** The function `dired-call-process' has been removed.* Lisp Changes in Emacs 23.1** Non-breaking space now acts as whitespace.+++** In `condition-case', a handler can specify "let the debugger run first".You do this by writing `debug' in the list of conditions to be handled,like this: (condition-case nil (foo bar) ((debug error) nil))** The `require-match' argument to `completing-read' accepts a new value`confirm-only'.+++** The regexp form \(?<num>:<regexp>\) specifies the group number explicitly.+++** New variable `user-emacs-directory'.Use this instead of "~/.emacs.d".+++** The new function `start-file-process is similar to `start-process',but obeys file handlers. The file handler is chosen based on`default-directory'. The functions `start-file-process-shell-command'and `process-file-shell-command' are also new; they call internally`start-file-process and `process-file', respectively.+++** `file-remote-p' has new optional parameters IDENTIFICATION and CONNECTED.IDENTIFICATION specifies which part of the remote identifier has to bereturned. With CONNECTED passed non-nil, it is checked whether aremote connection has been established already.** The two new functions `looking-at-p' and `string-match-p' can dothe same matching as `looking-at' and `string-match' without changingthe match data.** The interactive-form of a function can be added post-facto via the`interactive-form' symbol property. Mostly useful to add complex interactiveforms to subroutines.* New Packages for Lisp Programming in Emacs 23.1----------------------------------------------------------------------This file is part of GNU Emacs.GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)any later version.GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to theFree Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.Local variables:mode: outlineparagraph-separate: "[ ]*$"end:arch-tag: e759449d-88b3-4de4-9900-3a6c3dfa23e2