/* Definitions file for GNU Emacs running on Data General's DG/UX version 5.4 Release 3.00 and above. Copyright (C) 1994, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This file is part of GNU Emacs.GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)any later version.GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write tothe Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *//* NOTE: DGUX5.4R3.00 will not build with the delivered gcc-2.4.5 compiler. You must upgraded to at least gcc-2.5.8. If you are running DGUX 5.4R3.00 check on the system dg-rtp.dg.com:/pub/gnu for gcc-2.5.8 or later compiler. -pmr@pajato.com */#include "dgux5-4r2.h"/* DGUX 5.4R3.00 brought the definition of `struct inet_addr' into compliance with the majority of Unix systems. The workaround introduced in 5.4R2 is no longer necessary. */#ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_INET_ADDR#undef HAVE_BROKEN_INET_ADDR#endif/* The `stop on tty output' problem which occurs when using INTERRUPT_INPUT and when Emacs is invoked under X11 using a job control shell (csh, ksh, etc.) in the background has not been fixed in DGUX 5.4R3.00. -pmr@pajato.com */#if 0#ifdef BROKEN_FIONREAD#undef BROKEN_FIONREAD#endif#ifndef INTERRUPT_INPUT#define INTERRUPT_INPUT#endif#endif/* Under DGUX 5.4R3.00, getting a debuggable executable has been greatly simplified and applies to either COFF or ELF environments. */#ifdef C_DEBUG_SWITCH#undef C_DEBUG_SWITCH#define C_DEBUG_SWITCH -g#endif/* This is needed according to Ehud Karni <ehud@unix.simonwiesel.co.il> for m88k-dg-dgux5.4R3.10. */#undef BSD_PGRPS/* arch-tag: c11938c9-0cb0-4652-88aa-7eb80bf1cda9 (do not change this comment) */