This directory contains LEIM files.LEIM stands for Libraries of Emacs Input Methods.Contents of subdirectories are as follows.CXTERM-DIC:This directory contains source dictionaries (TIT format) for Chineseinput method distributed with cxterm (Chinese version xterm). Thesedictionaries are automatically converted to Quail packages (Emacs Lispsource files) by `make'.MISC-DIC:This directory contains various dictionaries for Chinese inputmethods. These dictionaries are automatically converted to Quailpackages (Emacs Lisp source files) by `make'.quail:This directory contains Emacs Lisp source files for Quail packages.SKK-DIC:This directory contains source dictionary for Japanese input methoddistributed with SKK (Japanese input method run with Mule). But, youdon't need this file because we distribute an Emacs Lisp source fileja-dic/ja-dic.el which has already been converted from the sourcedictionary (See below).ja-dic:This directory contains Emacs Lisp source file ja-dic.el which isgenerated from a source dictionary in SKK-DIC directory. In addition,it contains a byte compiled file ja-dic.elc for users conveniencebecause it takes rather long time to byte-compile ja-dic.el.