view etc/gnu.xpm @ 65689:96187e7edd1b

2005-09-25 Romain Francoise <> * dired-aux.el (dired-copy-file-recursive): * dired.el (dired-delete-file): * ediff-mult.el (ediff-dir-diff-copy-file): * ediff-util.el (ediff-test-save-region): * forms.el (forms-mode): * ido.el (ido-file-internal, ido-delete-file-at-head): * log-edit.el (log-edit-done): * ses.el (ses-yank-resize): * play/gomoku.el (gomoku-human-plays, gomoku) (gomoku-human-resigns, gomoku-prompt-for-other-game) (gomoku-offer-a-draw): * play/landmark.el (lm-human-resigns, lm): * net/eudcb-ldap.el (eudc-ldap-check-base): * play/mpuz.el (mpuz-offer-abort, mpuz-try-letter, mpuz-close-game): * progmodes/ebrowse.el (ebrowse-find-pattern): * progmodes/idlw-shell.el (idlwave-shell-set-bp-check): * textmodes/reftex-index.el (reftex-index-initialize-phrases-buffer): End `yes-or-no-p' and `y-or-n-p' prompts with question mark and space. * vc.el (vc-delete-file): * play/gomoku.el (gomoku-terminate-game, gomoku) (gomoku-prompt-for-move, gomoku-human-takes-back): * play/landmark.el (lm-human-takes-back, lm-prompt-for-move) (lm-start-robot, lm-human-plays): Remove extraneous spaces in messages.
author Romain Francoise <>
date Sat, 24 Sep 2005 23:26:28 +0000
parents 23a1cea22d13
line wrap: on
line source

/* XPM */
/* GNU Emacs bitmap conv. to pixmap by Przemek Klosowski (  */
static char * image_name [] = {
"50 50 7 1",
" 	s mask	c none",
"B      c blue",
"x      c black",
":      c sandy brown",
"+      c saddle brown",
"'      c grey",
".      c white",
"                                                  ",
"                                                  ",
"                                    x             ",
"                                     :x           ",
"                                     :::x         ",
"                                       ::x        ",
"           x                             ::x      ",
"          x:                xxx          :::x     ",
"         x:           xxx xxx:xxx         x::x    ",
"        x::       xxxx::xxx:::::xx        x::x    ",
"       x::       x:::::::xx::::::xx       x::x    ",
"       x::      xx::::::::x:::::::xx     xx::x    ",
"      x::      xx::::::::::::::::::x    xx::xx    ",
"     x::x     xx:::::xxx:::::::xxx:xxx xx:::xx    ",
"    x:::x    xx:::::xx...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:::xx     ",
"    x:::x     ",
"    x:::x    ",
"    x:::xx x:::x::xx.xx..........x.xx.........x   ",
"    x::::xx::xx:::x.xx....''''x'x'x''.xxx.....x   ",
"    xx::::xxxx::xx.xx.xxxx.'''''''.xxx    xxxx    ",
"'''''''''.xx            ",
"'''''.xx           ",
"       xxx::xx...xx.xx.BBBB..xx''''''xx           ",
"        xxxx.....xx.xxBB:BB.xx'''''''xx           ",
"''''''xx           ",
"''''''''''xx           ",
"        x..xxxxxx..x.......x..''''''''xx          ",
"        x.x xxx.x.x.x...xxxx.'''''''''xx          ",
"         x  xxx.x.x.xx...xx..'''''''''xx          ",
"           xx.x..x.x.xx........''''''''x          ",
"          xx'.xx.x.x.x.x.......'''''''''x         ",
"          xx'..xxxx..x...x.......'''''''x         ",
"          xx''.xx.x..xx...x.......'''.xxx         ",
"          xx''..x.x.x.x.x.xx.xxxxx.'.xx+xx        ",
"          xx''..x.xx..xx.x.x.x+++xxxxx+++x        ",
"          xx'''        ",
"           xx''.xx..x..xx.xxxx++x+++x++xxx        ",
"           xx''         ",
"            xx'''.xx.xx..xx.xxxx++x+++xxx         ",
"            xx'''.xxx.xx.xxxxxxxxx++++xxx         ",
"             xx''...xx.xx.xxxxxx++xxxxxxx         ",
"             xx''''          ",
"              xx''''..x..xx..xxxx++++xx           ",
"               xxx'''''x.xx.xxxxxxxxxxx           ",
"                xxx'''''    xxxxx            ",
"                 xxxx''''xxxx                     ",
"                   xxx'''xxx                      ",
"                     xxxxx                        ",
"                                                  ",
"                                                  "