view lispref/ @ 24225:985eb547550f

Document scoring functionality. (gametree-score-regexp): Add optional plus sign. (gametree-score-opener): Replace `:' with `=' as the former conflicts with gametree-half-ply-regexp. (gametree-transpose-following-leaves): Add. (gametree-insert-new-leaf): Make modifying commands barf in read-only buffers. (gametree-break-line-here): Add a call to `gametree-transpose-following-leaves'. This maintains the necessary invariant that on each level all leaf children precede all nonleaf children. This has always been implied, but left to the user, and, unfortunately, undocumented.
author Richard M. Stallman <>
date Sat, 30 Jan 1999 07:20:18 +0000
parents d2f7ed631ea7
children fed6ebbe8644
line wrap: on
line source

# Makefile for the   GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.
# 11 August 1990

# Redefine `TEX' if `tex' does not invoke plain TeX. For example:
# TEX=platex

INSTALL_INFO = install-info

# Where the TeX macros are kept:
texmacrodir = /usr/local/lib/tex/macros

# Standard configure variables.
prefix = @prefix@
infodir = @infodir@

# The name of the manual:

manual = elisp-manual-20-$(VERSION)

# Uncomment this line for permuted index.
# permuted_index = 1 

# List of all the texinfo files in the manual:

srcs = elisp.texi back.texi \
  abbrevs.texi advice.texi anti.texi backups.texi locals.texi buffers.texi \
  calendar.texi commands.texi compile.texi control.texi customize.texi \
  debugging.texi display.texi edebug.texi errors.texi eval.texi files.texi \
  frames.texi functions.texi help.texi hooks.texi \
  internals.texi intro.texi keymaps.texi lists.texi \
  loading.texi macros.texi maps.texi markers.texi \
  minibuf.texi modes.texi nonascii.texi numbers.texi objects.texi \
  os.texi positions.texi processes.texi searching.texi \
  sequences.texi streams.texi strings.texi symbols.texi \
  syntax.texi text.texi tips.texi variables.texi \
  windows.texi \
  index.unperm index.perm

.PHONY: elisp.dvi clean

# The info file is named `elisp'.

elisp: $(srcs) index.texi
	rm -f elisp-*
	makeinfo elisp.texi

elisp.dvi: $(srcs) index.texi
	# Avoid losing old contents of aux file entirely.
	-mv elisp.aux elisp.oaux
	# First shot to define xrefs:
	$(TEX) elisp.texi
	if [ a${permuted_index} != a ]; \
	then \
	  ./permute-index; \
	  mv permuted.fns elisp.fns; \
	  texindex; \
	else \
	  texindex elisp.??; \
	$(TEX) elisp.texi

	if [ a${permuted_index} != a ]; \
	then \
	  ln -s index.perm index.texi; \
	else \
	  ln -s index.unperm index.texi; \

install: elisp
	./mkinstalldirs $(infodir)
	cp elisp elisp-* $(infodir)
	${INSTALL_INFO} --dir-file=${infodir}/dir --info-file=${infodir}/elisp

installall: install
	install -c texinfo.tex $(texmacrodir)

	rm -f *.toc *.aux *.log *.cp *.cps *.fn *.fns *.tp *.tps \
              *.vr *.vrs *.pg *.pgs *.ky *.kys
	rm -f make.out core 
	rm -f index.texi

maintainer-clean: clean
	rm -f elisp elisp-*

	-rm -rf temp
	-mkdir temp
	-mkdir temp/$(manual)
	-ln README configure permute-index $(srcs) \
 texinfo.tex elisp.dvi elisp.aux elisp.??s elisp elisp-[0-9] elisp-[0-9][0-9] \
	-(cd temp/$(manual); rm -f mkinstalldirs)
	cp mkinstalldirs temp/$(manual)
	(cd temp/$(manual); rm -f *~)
	(cd temp; tar chf - $(manual)) | gzip > $(manual).tar.gz
	-rm -rf temp