view leim/CXTERM-DIC/ECDICT.tit @ 29601:9cbfd0ef31df

Changed __W32BDF_H__ to EMACS_W32BDF_H to comply with ISO C spec.
author Jason Rumney <>
date Mon, 12 Jun 2000 19:09:42 +0000 (2000-06-12)
parents 4c1654cc8388
children 695cf19ef79e
line wrap: on
line source
# HANZI input table for cxterm
# Generated from ECDICT.cit by cit2tit
# To be used by cxterm, convert me to .cit format first
# .cit version 1
PROMPT: いゅ翠�J�i�^�~茶��j
COMMENT Copyright 1993 Oct 18 by Nelson Chin. (
COMMENT Last Modified:  1994 Feb 26
COMMENT Permission to use/modify/copy for any purpose is hereby granted.
COMMENT Absolutely no fee and no warranties.
COMMENT use <CTRL-f> to move to the right
COMMENT use <CTRL-b> to move to the left
COMMENT cizu taken from
COMMENT built on top of usercz-b5 from cxterm-nf package
# define keys
VALIDINPUTKEY:	!"\043\040$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@[\134]^_`abcdefghijkl
VALIDINPUTKEY:	mnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
BACKSPACE:	\010\177
DELETEALL:	\015\025
REPEATKEY:	\020\022
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math	∴ ♂ ♀ ° ′ ″ ℃ ¥ 
symbol	¢ $ £ % # & * @ § ☆ ★ ○ ● ◎ ◇ �@ �A �B 
unit	�C �D �E �F �G �H �I �P �Q �R �S �T �U �V �W �X �Y �Z �[ �\ �] �^ �_ �` 
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a 	�@㎎
abacus 	財�L
abalone	�j浬
abandon	�遠
abase 	�S
abash 	�菓�\
abbey 	幸�|
abbot 	�k��D�|�
abbreviate 	�Y�g
abdicate	�h� �遠
abdomen	検魁
abduct	擦�
abductor	擦��
abhor 	櫛�c �h�
abide 	�u㎏
ability	��O
able 	��O�
abnormal	ぃタ�`�
aboard 	�b┏�M餓�W
abolish	��
about	�j�
above	�b“ぇ�W
abrasive	科�F�
abridge	喜ぶ
abroad	�b郁�~
abrupt	��M�
absence	��u ��F
absent	��u�
absolute	鬼刻�
absorb	�lΜ
absorption	�lΜ �Mみ
abstract	��H �j�n
absurd	�i��
abundance	戴�I
abundant	戴�I�
abuse	�h� 摂ノ
academic	焦�N�
academy	�M��|�
accent	⑪Ⅰ 議春
accept	欝�
acceptable	�X�N�
access 	�q侯
accessible	�欝��
accident	�N�~
accidental	�N�~�
acclaim	�w�I 顎�
accommodate	�A棲
accompany	貝�P ��
accomplish	濠� ЧΘ
accord	�M甚 �@�P
accumulate	逸�n �W�[
accuracy 	タ�T 埼�K
accurate 	タ�T�
accusation 	�o� �o�W
accuse 	臼�i ��d
accustom	�貨�D
ace 	�\�I
ache 	�k�h
achieve	ЧΘ
achievement 	Θ�N
acid 	残�
acknowledge 	�{� ��{
acknowledgment 	紀疎
acquaint 	�q�
acquaintance 	儒� �恥
acquire 	栓�o
acquisition 	Μ狸
acre 	�^�a
add 	�[
addict 	Τ団�}�
additional 	��[�
address 	�a�} �t察
adequate 	━員�
adhere 	�吸 �T�u
adieu 	�A�|
adjacent 	欝��
adjective 	��e茶
adjoin 	�s欝 �s�s
adjourn	ヰ�|
adjust 	春障
administer 	剤�z
admirable 	�O�H舘��
admiral	��x�`�q�O
admiration 	�g準
admire 	�q�A �g�
admission 	��{ �\�i
admit 	�e�\ �Μ
adopt 	Μ�i 営ノ
adoption 	Μ�i 営ノ
adore 	�R�
adult 	Θ�H
advance	苅葵 �w�I
advanced 	葵��
advantage 	�u欣 �Q�q
adventure 	�_�I
adverb 	案亨
adversary 	刻к�
adversity 	�f航
advertise 	�n�s�i
advertisement 	�s�i
advice	��i
advise	��i
adviser	�症頴餌
advocate	巧�j�
aeroplane	Ⅳ穣
affair	�ン
affect	�v�T
affection 	�R院
affectionate 	�`�R�
affinity �針
affirm �_┘
afflict ч�i
afford �O━�H圧
afloat �B吸
afraid �`�
after ��
afternoon �Uと
afterwards ぇ�
again �A�@Ω
age �~綴
aged �~ρ�
agency �N�z
agent �N�z�H
aggravate �E�
aggregate �E彊
aggressive �欣���
agitate 斗以
agitation 斗以
ago �H�e
agonize 経�o
agony 経�o
agree �P�N
agreeable �A�N�
agreement ��
agricultural �A�~�
agriculture �A�~
ahead 獅�
aid 刊�U
ail �W�o
ailment �f
aim 刻掲 ヘ�
air ��
airline ��そ�q
airmail ���lン
airplane Ⅳ穣
airport Ⅳ穣兜
airship Ⅳ餓
airy �qⅢ�
aisle �L�D
alarm 諜釜
album 抗�誰
alcohol �s埼
ale 柿�s
alert 諜宇�
algebra �N柴
alien �~郁�
alike ��P
alive �吸
alkali �P
all �Τ�
alley � �p�|
alliance �P嫌
allied �P嫌�
alligator �s浬
allow す�\
allowance �z�K
ally �P嫌
almanac �~轍
almighty �j��
almond �く
almost �X�G
aloft �b葵�B
alone �W��
along �u吸 �@�P
alongside �b“�嫡
aloud 葵�n
alphabet �rダ
alpine 葵�s�
already �w�g
also �] 匝
altar 化沼
alter �э
alteration э怒
alternate 除�y ユ汗
alternative ユ汗�
although 走�M
altitude 葵�
altogether �`�@
aluminum �T
always ッ桟
am �O
amateur �~�l�
amaze 套�_
amazement 套翁
amazing 套�H�
ambassador �j�
amber �[�
ambition 灰み
ambitious Τ強み�
ambulance 穎�@┏
ambush �Iヱ
amen �㌣
amend �タ
amendment �タ
america ��w
amiable �i�R 針ち
amid �b“ぇい
amiss 杉�~�
ammonia �
ammunition �u団 �x�
among �b“ぇい
amount 柴�q
ample 戴�I�
amuse ��T車
amusement �T車 �産
amusing Τ曙�
an �@㎎
analysis だ�R
analyze 狐�R
anatomy 狐㊤焦
ancestor ��
ancestral ���
anchor 巣
ancient �jρ�
and �M
anecdote �c� �_�D
anew ⑪�s
angel ぱ�
anger 自�
angle ┐ ┐�
angrily 自��a
angry 自��
anguish �h�W 経�e
animal 以�
ankle �}緒
annals �s�~�v
annex ��[ �X�
annihilate 契鬼
anniversary �P�~��
announce ��G
announcement �q�i �iボ
annoy �W�o
annoyance 経�o
annual �P�~�
anoint 駆�o�“
another �t�@
anoxia ���g
answer �^紀 紀�
ant 弾
antagonist 刻も 篠も
antarctic �n轡�
antecedent ��
antelope 蝦ο
antenna 腸┐ ぱ�u
anthracite �L系継
anticipate �w� �w�
anticipation 漢掩
antique �j�
antiquity �jⅢ �j�N
anvil �K�z
anxiety �J�
anxious �J��
any ヴ�
anybody ヴ��H
anyhow �L竣�p�
anyone ヴ��H
anything �L竣��
anyway �L竣�p�
anywhere �L竣��B
apart だ�}
apartment そ�J
ape �LЮ戟
aperture ふマ 指�_
apiece �U��a
apologize �D�p
apology �D�p
apostle ��{
apostrophe �欧嘉弦
appall 套�
appalling 套�H�
apparatus 事捷
apparel ��A
apparent �塔�
appeal �W�D
appear �X�{
appearance �X�{ �~�
appendix �雀 ��z
appetite Ⅴ爾
applaud 巧�x �g喚
applause ��n �g�
apple 朝�G
appliance ノ�
applicant ビ出�H
application ビ出�
apply ビ出 棲ノ
appoint ヴ�R ��w
appointment 他� ��|
appreciate �P�E 墾児
appreciation �W㍑ 準恥
apprehend �F狐
apprehension �z狐
apprentice 焦�{
approach 欝�
appropriate �A訣�
appropriation 七ノ
approval 遅Θ �\�i
approve у㏍
approximate �j�
apricot �く
april �|る
apron 樺姑
apt �A訣�
arbitrary �H�N�
arbitration ヲ渠
arbor 褐れ 穣�b
arc � �
arch �� ��
archbishop �j�D頴
archer �}�bも
architect ��v�v
architectural ��v焦�
architecture ��v焦
arctic �_轡
ardent 呪�P�
ardor 呪д
arduous �I�m �x著
are �O
area ⑰�n �d樺
arena �vм兜
argue �竣
argument �G竣
arise �_� �X�{
aristocracy �Q謁��|
aristocrat �Q謁竣�
aristocratic �Q謁て
arithmetic 財�N
ark よ�
arm も�u
armament �x各
armchair �a�I竿
armistice ヰ菖
armor 億ヒ
arms �Z捷
army 外�x �x兇
around �j� ��
arouse 滑数 �E�_
arrange �w影
arrangement 障�z
array 影�C
arrest �e�
arrival ��F
arrive ��F
arrow �b�Y
art 胆�N
artery 以�
article ゅ街
artificial �H�y�
artillery �j�
artisan �u�K
artist 胆�N�a
artistic 胆�N�
as �p
ascend �W�@
ascent �W�@
ascertain �T�w
ash η
ashamed 菓�\�
ashore ��W
asia ��w
aside �b�嫡
ask 維
asleep 採吸�
aspect 舎�l
asphalt �w�C
aspiration ��t
aspire 呪掩
ass �j�l
assail ю聖
assault 擢聖
assay 胡�
assemble 箇�X
assembly 彊�|
assent 遅�P
assert �n�
assertion �_┘
asset 瑚横
assign だ�
assignment ヴ鞍 �J�D
assist 整�U
assistance 刊�U
assistant �Uも
associate �p�Q
association ��|
assume 芦�w
assumption �r旗
assurance �O智
assure �O智
astonish ��Y套
astonishing �i套�
astonishment 套�j
astound 套�j
astray ┼杉
astronomer ぱゅ焦�a
astronomy ぱゅ焦
asylum ��@
at �b
athlete �B以�a
athletic �B以�
atlantic �j��v
atlas �j�a肱
atmosphere �j� ��^
atom ㈹�l
atomic ㈹�l�
attach ��W
attachment �吸
attack ю聖
attain 栓�o
attempt 港胡
attend �X�u
attendance �X�u�
attendant �H∩
attention �`�N
attic 師紗
attire �A庫
attitude �A�
attorney ��v
attract �lま
attraction �lま
attractive ま�H�`�N�
attribute 紬�
auction �醇
audible 泥�o┌�
audience 泥桶 �[桶
august �Kる
aunt �h屑 �屑
austere �Y�F�
australia �D�w
authentic �uタ�
author �@�a
authoritative �v��
authority �v�
authorize 餌�v
auto �T┏
automatic �以�
automobile �T┏
autumn ��u
available �i�o��
avenge �_こ
avenue �j侯
average キА �@�
aviation Ⅳ�
avoid 宋�K
awake 滑数
awaken �s数
award 綬�~
aware �`�N�
away ぃ�b
awful �i��
awkward 佳��
ax ��Y
axis �b
axle 除�b
azure ぱ妥��
baby 畝�
bachelor 焦�h
back �I
backbone �逢
background �I敢
backward �V�
bacon �tψ
bacteria 禾救
bad �a
badge 晴街
badly �D�`�
badminton πを�y
baffle 菓�d �}�a
bag �U�l
baggage ��
bait 紫
bake �M
baker 佃�]�v嚇
baking �M
balance キ薪 �t�B
balcony 凶�O �]�[
bald ��r�r
ball �y
ballad �u�q チ疏
balloon ��y
ballot 随下
balm �o�I
balmy �Ⅶ�
banana Ⅶ深
band �a�l 車兇
bandage �^�a
bandit �j�s �g㈱
bane �r�`
bang ⑪聖
banish ��v 影ジ
banishment �X�v �y�
bank 使� 竃�
banker 使��a
banking 使��~
bankruptcy �}横
banner �X
banquet �b�|
baptism �~則
bar �s�Y 支棚
barbarian 灰�Z�H
barbarous 灰�Z�
barber �z�v�v
bard 菰�H
bare ┴�r�r�
barefoot ┴━
barefooted ┴━�
barely �X�G 業業
bargain �R醇 蝶児
barge 脂餓 �C献
bark 情ブ
barley �j柿
barn �\� 姶�\
barometer �寸�p
baron �k戦
barrack Μ�d�
barrel �j燕 択剤
barren ぃを�
barrier 剃�] 支棚
base 芋側
baseball 肝�y
basement �a�U�
bashful �菓�
basic 芋セ�
basin �� ��a
basis �セ
basket �x�l
basketball �x�y
bass �CⅠ
bat �y肝 戎住
bath �N�D �D�
bathe �~飾
bathroom �D�
battalion �x兇
batter �s聖
battery �q� ��O
battle 菖�
battleship �D�O張
bawl �I額
bay ��W
bayonet ��M
bazaar カ兜
be �O
beach ��y
bead �]�l
beak 馨�L
beam 嬢邪 ��
bean ├�l
bear 叉 г�
beard �G貼
bearer �t鍾�
bearing �A� ��m
beast 灰�~
beat �Vゴ 候以
beaten �h称 �}英
beating �@ゴ ��
beau ��n�
beautiful ��R�
beauty ��H
beaver ��W
because �]�
beckon �I�Y��I
become 怒Θ
bed �
bedroom ��
bedside �絢
bedtime �N轟�供
bee 諺
beech �れ
beef �ψ
beer 萎�s
beet 旺究
beetle ヒ体
befall �D�J ⑯�{
before �H�e
beforehand �w�
befriend 刊�U
beg 正�D
beggar �^あ
begin �}�l
beginner �焦�
beginning �}�Y
behalf �Q�q
behave �|以
behavior ��
behead 悦Ⅵ
behind �b�
behold �`鋸
being ネ�R �s�b
belief �Hヴ
believe ��H
believer �H�{
bell 珍
belle ��H
bellow ��q
bellows Ⅲ�c
belly 検魁
belong 紬�
belongings �Τ�
beloved み�R�
below �b“ぇ�U
belt �a�l
bench �竿
bend �sΡ
beneath �b�Uよ
beneficial Τ�Q�
benefit �Q�q
benevolent く�O�
bent �sΡ
bequeath 崇蜘
berry 爵�G
berth ��
beseech 出�@
beset �]樺
beside �b“ぇ�
besides ��~
besiege 樺ю
best 殻�n�
bestow 餌�P
bet ゴ巡
betray �X醇 �I�q
better 勾�n�
between �b“ぇ供
betwixt い供
beverage 脅�
bewail �d勺
beware �pみ
bewilder �x�b
bewitch �g�b
beyond �W�L
bias 鮎�t
bib 樺安
bible �t�g
bicycle ��┏
bid �X児
big �j�
bill �b恰 �r下
billiards �p柴�
billion �Q歯
billow �j�
bin �c�l
bind �]河
binding ��
biography 暁�O
biology ネ�焦
birch 場れ
bird 馨
birth �Xネ
birthday ネら
birthplace �Xネ�a
birthright ネΤ�v
biscuit 紙握
bishop �D頴
bit �@�I
bite �r
bitter �W�
bituminous �w�C�
black 饗�
blackberry 饗悔�l
blackboard 饗�O
blacksmith �K�K
blade �M賢
blame �d各
blank �フ�
blanket を巌
blast �eⅢ �z�
blaze ��K
bleach �}フ
bleed �y�
blend �V�X
bless �O�
blessed �砦�
blessing �砦
blind �M�
blink �K牡
blister ��w
block れ喰 挙�q
blockade �題
blond ��v�
blood �
bloody 丸г�
bloom ��}
blossom �s�
blot γ鴎
blouse �W�m
blow �j
blue 妥�
bluff 糾�i�n欣
blunder �j杉
blunt �w�
blur �a�g
blush �`菓
boar そ殉
board �O
boarder �H�Jネ
boast �誇
boat �p餓
body ┃悼
boil �N儒 �N�}
bold �j�x�
bolt ��
bomb ��u
bond 智�
bone 逢
bonnet 潮�汀�U
bonus ��Q
book �
bookcase ��[
bookkeeper �O�b∩
booklet �p�U�l
bookseller ��
boot ��u
booth �u�l
border 嫡�
bore �pふ
born ぱ��
borough 囲
borrow ㍗
bosom �
boss �W�q
botanical 貫��
botany 貫�焦
both ���
bother 経�Z
bottle �~�l
bottom �
boulder 玖ホ�Y
bounce 驚候,�h下
boundary �⑬
bouquet ��
bow �}
bowel �z
bowl �@�J
box �c
boxing �聖
boy �k��l
boyish ��l�
brace や�W
bracelet も�N
bracket Λ�[
brag �j�
braid �v�|
brain 牽
branch だ�K や�
brand 尉斜
brass 鏡刺
brave �i官
bravery �^�i
bread 佃�]
breadth 聡�
break ゴ�}
breakfast Ν�\
breast �
breath ��
breathe �I�l
breathless �掛掛�
breed �~斎
breeding 劫て
breeze �MⅢ
brew �C�y
bribe 語妓
brick �j
bride �s�Q
bridegroom �s⑥
bridge 浄
brief �u族�
briefly 族恰�a
brigade 兇
bright ��G�
brightness ��G
brilliant �{�G,�~�
bring 亭�a
brisk �錫�
bristle ㊧を
brittle ��H�
broad 聡�
broadcast �s悉
broil �N
broken �}�
broker �g��H
bronze �C刺
brooch ��w
brook �p�e
broom 噂�
broth �M幾
brother �S�
brow �
brown 重�
bruise ゴ極
brush を�
brutal �~��
brute �L�z��
bubble ��w
buck 強垣
bucket �燕
buckle �a皆
bud �
budget �w財
buff �L鏡�
buffalo ��
bug Ⅳ体
build ��v
building ��v�
bulb �q�O�w
bulge 吉�_
bulk �j魁�
bull そ�
bulldog ��Y�
bullet �l�u
bulletin そ釜
bullion �使喰
bump �I鴫
bun 玖�佃�]
bunch �
bundle � �
bungalow キ�
bunk ��Q
bunny �巷
buoy �B斜
burden �t⑪鍾
bureau Ы 魁 �B
burglar 菟�s
burial 軒則
burn �N
burst �}虚
bury �I軒
bus そ�@�T┏
bush 堤れ
business 尉�~
busy Γ
but ��O
butcher �Oひ
butler 仰�H獅�Z
butter ��o
butterfly 醜什
button 皆�l
buy �R
buzz �q顧�a�n
by �g �b�
cab �pⅧ┏
cabbage ヌ妥究
cabin �p�
cabinet �p��d�o
cable �q釜
cafe �@椅�
cage 馨鄭
cake �繊
calcium �t
calculate �p財
calculation �p財
calendar ら鞘
calf �p�
call 額,�s
calm �N�R
calorie �d
camel �d�m
camera 罫�穣
camp �S仙
campaign �v随�以
campus �狗
can �
canada �[��j
canal �B�e
canary �儀涯
cancel ��
cancer 煎
candidate ㎏随�H
candle 艇宣
candor ��w�a�N
candy �}�G
cane ヌ秋 も�
cannon �j�
cannot ぃ�
canoe �Wれ�
canopy ぱ�O �黒
canto �g街
canton 囲 �p
canvas �|ガ
canyon �l└
cap �K�U �M�l
capable Τ�~�F�
capacity �e�q ��O
cape �┐
caper 生�
capital Ⅵ械 瑚セ
capitalist 瑚セ�a
captain 獅兇
captive �R幻
captivity �}�T
capture 幻栓
car �T┏
caramel �J�}
caravan 尉兇
carbon 銃�g�
carbonic �t災�
carcass 丸�e
card �d� ��P
cardinal �D�n�
care 罫�U 賞み
career 他�~ �g醸
careful �pみ�
careless 科み�
caress 湿�
cargo 餓�f
carnival 硬�~仇�|
carol �|�q
carp �U浬
carpenter れ�K
carpet �a巌
carriage 姶┏ ┏�[
carrier ��ダ張
carrot �土蹴
carry �h�B
cart も�┏
carve �J�
cascade �p�rガ
case 屋�l ��l
casement 機�l
cash �{韓
cashier �X�∩
cask れ燕
casket �pれ屋
cast � щ
castle �鎌
casual �DタΑ�
cat 厨
catalog ヘ雀
cataract �x�y �k牡
catastrophe �a著 �d�@
catch ��
catcher �も
category だ寵
caterpillar を体
cathedral �j頴鰯
catholic ぱ�D頴
cattle � �a�b
cause �zパ ヘ斜
caution �pみ 諜�i
cautious �pみ�
cavalier �M�h 雑�L
cavalry �M�L
cave �}マ
cavern �j�a�}
cavity �W�}
cease 葦ゎ
cedar ��v�
ceiling ぱ��O
celebrate �y�
celebrated 吸�W�
celebration �則
celery �究
celestial ぱ�W�
cell 禾�M �K�
cellar �a�U�
celluloid 芦�H�
cement ��d
cemetery 荒�a
censure �d著
census �H�f春�d
cent �@だ椙
center いみ
centigram 吏�J
centiliter 吏ど
centimeter 吏μ
central いみ�
century �@�
cereal �\寵
ceremony �則
certain �T濠
certainly ゲ�M�a
certainty �@�L挫維
certificate 享�
chain 柱�l
chair 竿�l
chairman �D�u �|�
chalk �祈
challenge �D菖
chamber �供 蝶�|
chamberlain ず�
champion �a�x
chance 穣�|
chancellor �j�
chandelier �Q�O
change э怒
channel ��l �~�|
chant �q疏
chaos №驚
chap �aル �r虚
chapel �p則�鰯
chaplain ��v
chapter �g街 だ�|
character ��
characteristic �S�x
charcoal れ�
charge 臼�i �O�b
charger �R�q捷
chariot �|除姶┏
charitable く�O�
charity �O欺穣�c
charm �y�O
charming �g�H�
chart �a肱 肱�
charter �S�\�
chase �l�v
chasm 虚鴎
chaste Τ�D�w�
chat 侠粛
chatter 潟潟ぃヰ
chauffeur �q穣
cheap �K�y�
cheat 館�F
check �b恰 惜�d
cheek �y�U
cheer �w�I 顎�
cheerful �rе�
cheerily �rе�a
cheery е車�
cheese 握�T
chemical て焦�
chemise �kノず�
chemist て焦�a
chemistry て焦
cherish ��R
cherry 偵�
chess ��v観
chest �魁
chestnut ��l
chew �C�Z
chick �p茸
chicken 茸
chide 顎�w
chief 獅�S
chiefly �h�b�a
child �p�
childhood 毅�~
childish ��l��
chill �H�N
chilly �H�N�
chime �M珍
chimney 系�w
chin �Uぺ
china い郁
china 押捷
chinese い郁�H
chink 虚�_
chip �H�
chirp 体馨�s�n
chisel �w�l
chivalry �M�h�熊
chocolate ォ�J�O
choice 随詳
choir 異菰�Z
choke 何�
cholera �N驚
choose 随詳
chop � �
chord �^�
chorus �X異肯
chosen 埼随�
christ 芋捲
christian 芋捲頴�{
christmas �t熟�`
chronicle �s�~�v
chuckle ���
church 頴鰯
churchman 頴�h ��v
churchyard 頴鰯荒�a
cider �Gツ �G�s
cigar 碍�X系
cigaret �系
cinder 継�h
cinema �q�v�|
cinnamon ψ�
circle 玖
circuit �q侯
circular 玖�
circulate �`泉
circulation �o��B
circumference 玖�P
circumstance 航�J
circus 姶生肯
cite ま智
citizen そチ
city カ
civic カチ�
civil チ��
civilian キチ
civilization ゅ�
civilize ゅ�て
claim �淳
clam �F
clan ん謁
clap �も
class 斎寵 焦�
classic �j���
classical �j��
classification だ寵
classify だ寵
classmate �P�Z�P焦
classroom 頴�
clause �u�y
claw �
clay �d�g
clean �M寂
cleaner �M寂捷
clear �M掘
clearly �塔�a
cleave �A�}
clergy 頴�h
clergyman ��v
clerk ��O
clever �o�
client �U�
cliff �a�
climate �㎏
climax 鎧�I
climb �
cling �H�
clinic �E�
clip �Ж
cloak ゆ�O
cloakroom ��U供
clock 珍
cloister �x�|
close 猪階
closet 樟�o
cloth ガ
clothes ��A
clothing ��A
cloud 恭
cloudy 咳ぱ�
clown �pぁ
club 諌肝
clumsy 佳��
cluster �
coach �┏
coal 継
coarse 科�H�
coast ��
coat �~�M
cobweb �j居柵
cock そ茸
cocktail 茸Ю�s
cocoa �i�i
coconut 窪�l
code 欧�X
coffee �@椅
coffin 潅�
coil 渦
coin �w鵠
coincidence ォ�X
cold �N 極Ⅲ
collapse 愚�U �Y殊
collar �w獅
colleague �P�
collect Μ彊
collection �唾
college 焦�|
colonel 外�x�W�
colonial 含チ�
colony 含チ�a
color �C�
colorful �I��m�
colt �p姶
column 玖�W
comb �
combat 菖茜
combination 飢�X
combine 飢�X
combustion �U�N
come �
comedy 樫�@
comet �k�P
comfort �w滋
comfortable 砧�A�
comforter 間�Q
comic �s泉肱
comical 憩�]�
coming ��{
comma �r�I
command �R�O
commander �冠�x
commandment з�
commence �}�l 吸も
commencement �}�l
commend 雲陀
comment 漁狐
commentary 魚漁
commerce �T�
commercial 尉鞍�
commission ��
commissioner �e∩
commit �eヴ 妻�T
committee �e∩�|
commodity 尉�~
common �@�P�
commonplace キ�Z�
commonwealth �p┨
commotion 蕊驚 以煽
commune �K粛
communicate 珪�q
communication �p妓
communion ユ祝
communism �@横�D�q
communist �@横漬∩
community �囲 悼肯
compact 昨�K �p�
companion �P�
companionship ね祝
company そ�q 貝�
comparable �iゑ�
comparative ゑ勾�
comparatively ゑ勾�a
compare ゑ勾
comparison ゑ誓
compartment 供�j
compass 湛�L �P樺
compassion �P院
compel �j②
compensate 淳�v
compensation 淳�v�
compete �v�
competent ��F�
competition ゑ蘇
competitive �v��
competitor 刻も
compile �s粋
complain ��
complaint ㈹�i
complement ��[�
complete ��
completion ЧΘ
complex 銃�X�
complexion �� �欣
complicate �cて
complicated 銃鐸�a
complication ��
compliment 細�g �D�P
comply �P�N
compose 箇Θ
composed �w�M�
composer �@�a
composition �@ゅ
composure 瀧�R
compound 銃�X
comprehend �F狐
comprehensive �s�x�
compress 寸昨
comprise �]�t
compromise Т�
compulsory �j②�
compute �p財
computer �q牽
comrade �P�
conceal 藻唾
concede ��{ 統�B
conceit ��t �N�
conceivable �i�Q抗�
conceive �c�Q ��F
concentrate �Mみ �@�Y
concentrate 彊い �Mみ
concentration �Mみ �@�Y
conception �Q抗�O
concern 猪�`
concerned 云��
concerning 猪�
concert Ⅰ車�|
concession 統�B
concise 族��
conclude 飢�
conclusion 飢竣 飢Ы
concord �M甚
concrete 濠�b�
condemn は刻
condense 昨�Y
condition 汚ン ��p
conduct �B�z ま症
conductor �冠�
cone 玖�@悼
confederacy �P嫌
confederate �P嫌�
confederation �P嫌郁
confer �{宜
conference ��Q�|
confess ��{ �b�
confession �フ�
confide �H逗
confidence ��H ��K
confident �T�H�
confidential 穣�K�
confine ⑬�
confirm 智濠
confirmation 智�
confiscate �SΜ
conflict 縦�
conform 嘉�X
confound 套�Y
confront ⑰刻
confuse �V驚
confusion �g驚
congenial �N��щ�
congratulate ��P
congratulate �y�P
congratulation ��P
congregation 彊�X
congress 郁�|
congressman 郁�|蝶∩
conjecture 雲旗
conjugation �s�X
conjunction �s欝亨
conjure ��]�k
connect �s欝
connection �p担
conquer ��A
conqueror ��A�
conquest 較�Q
conscience �}み
conscientious Τ�}み�
conscious Τ�N恥�
consciousness �N恥
consecrate �^�m
consent �P�N
consequence 飢�G
consequent ��
consequently �]�
conservation �O�@囲
conservative �O�u�
conserve �O�s
consider σ�{
considerable ㍑�oσ�{�
considerably �D�`�a
considerate 悼�K�
consideration �U�{
considering �N“τ┘
consign 仮ユ
consist �]�t
consistent �@�P�
consolation 滋打
console �w滋
consolidate �d�T
consonant �lⅠ
consort �t宛
conspicuous �塔�
conspiracy 咳壬
conspire 肱壬
constable 諜�x
constancy ��[�
constant ぃ怒�
constantly �挺�a
constellation �P�y
constituent Τ随�|�v�
constitute 箇Θ
constitution �c�y
constitution 硝�k
constraint ��T
construct �cΘ
construction ��v
constructive ��]��
consul 獅�
consult 出頴 尉�q
consultation �|蝶
consume ��
consumer ��O�
consummate ЧΘ
consumption ���q
contact 欝腸
contagious �|暁�V�
contain �e�
contemplate �`鋸 �H�
contemplation �H� 漢掩
contemporary �P��N�
contempt 惨鋸
contemptuous 惨鋸�
contend �v� �竣
content �此�N
contented 此━�
contention �竣�I
contentment 此━
contest �v�
continent �j外
continental �j外�
continual ぃ�_�
continuation �~挺
continue �~挺
continuous �s挺�
contract ��
contraction �Y�u
contractor ��]�H
contradict �腸
contrary �は
contrast 刻罫
contribute щ�Z �^�m
contribution �蜘
control 臼�
controversy 竣�
convenience �K�Q
convenient �K�Q�
convent �k��D
convention �|蝶
conventional �D��
conversation 粛顧
conversion 怒勧
convert 退勧
convey 暁�F
convict �w�o �}デ
conviction ��o
convince ��H�A
convincing ��H�H�A�
cook �N �p�q
cookery �i春�N
cookie 紙握
cool �Dе
cooperate �X�O
cooperation �X�@
cooperative �X�@�
coordinate �y斜
cope 棲�I
copper 刺
copy 銃セ �┤
copyright ��v
coral �隙
cord 歎�l
core �み
cork �nれ矩
corn ド絃響
corner ┐絹
corporal ψ悼�
corporation Τ⑬そ�q
corps �x肯
corpse �悼
correct 刻�
correction эタ
correctly タ�T�a
correspond �棲 �q�H
correspondent �q�H �@�P
corridor ┼�Y
corrupt 英�a�
corruption �G英
cost Θセ
costly ��Q�
costume �A庫
cot �T�
cottage �T�
cotton 間
couch 採竿
cough �y溝
council 魚蝶�|
counselor �U維
count �p財
countenance �e鯖
counter �d�O
counterfeit ラ�y�
countless 柴ぃ塞�
country 郁
county �p
couple �@刻
courage �i�
courageous Τ�x�q�
course 侯�{
court �k�|
courteous Τ則鯖�
courtesy 則鯖
courtyard い�x
cousin 鰯 �針
covenant �t�
cover 対�\
cow ダ�
coward 清ひ
cowardice �x�p
cowboy ��J
cozy 砧�A�
crab 檀
crack �z虚
cracker �zλ
crackle 虚�
cradle �n�x
craft も胆
crafty �撃�
cram 具此 ��O
cramp Ж�l
crane �_⑪穣
crash ��H
crate 汚�O�c
crave ち掩
crawl �
crayon 艇祈
craze �g呪
crazy �o�g�
cream イ�o
create 覚�y
creation 覚�@
creature 以�
credit �Hノ
creditor 凝�v�H
creed 頴�q
creep �
crescent �sる
crest 茸�a
crew �悼�H∩
cricket 禅銭
crime デ�o
criminal �oデ
crimson �A��
cripple ┃悼支�`�
crisis �M穣
crisp ��
critic у魚�a
critical �M��
criticism 魚竣
criticize �D蝶
crocodile �s浬
crook �}Ρ,�F�l
crop �A�@�
cross ユ�e
crow �Q�~
crowd �s桶
crowded 蕉製�
crown ��a
crude 科�W�
cruel 丸仕�
cruelty 丸仕
cruise ┻�|
crumb �h
crumble ��H
crumple ��K
crusade �Q�r�x
crush 寸�H
crust 佃�]ブ
cry ∵ 額
crystal �換
cub ギ�~
cube ミよ悼
cubic ミよ悼�
cuckoo ��Y馨
cucumber 鏡ナ
cuff �S�f
cultivate �i含
cultivation �i含
culture ゅて
cunning �撃�
cup ��M
cupboard �J�d
curb 侯嫡
cure �v臓
curiosity �n�_み
curious Τ�n�_み�
curl 渦Ρ
curly 渦Ρ�
currency �f鵠
current �{��
curse �A�G
curtail ㊨砿
curtain 機�
curve �sΡ
cushion 行�l
custody �O剤
custom 貨�D Ⅲ�U
customary 貨�D��
customer �U�
cut ち
cute �i�R�
cycle �g漢 �M┏
cylinder 玖�W
cynical 稚殺�
cypress 儀�f
dad ��
daffodil 鰍�z��P
dagger �u�C
dahlia ぱ��dう
daily �Cら�
dainty 葵峡�
dairy �T�A�~
daisy 諾汲
dam 湯
damage �l�`
dame �Q淫�H
damn �G�|
damp 守雪
dance 候�R
dancer �R双�a
dancing �R双
danger �M�I
dangerous �M�I�
dangle �Q吸
dare 官
daring �x�j�
dark 饗�t�
darken 怒�t 怒饗
darkly 饗�t�a
darkness 饗�t
darling み�R��H
darn �_孤
dart 註 щ�g
dash 縦鴫
data 瑚� 柴証
date ら漢 ��|
daughter �k�
dawn 召�
day ら フぱ
daybreak 召� �}上
daylight フ厭
daytime ら供
daze �w�t
dazzle 庁牡
dead ��
deadly �P��
deaf 鼎�
deafen �φ鼎
deal ユ� �Aの
dealer ユ��
dealing 棲刻 ユ�
dean �|�
dear 針�R�
dearly 針�R�a
death ��`
debate �G竣
debt 凝鞍
debtor 凝鞍�H
decade �Q�~
decagram �Q�J
decaliter そゆ
decameter そ�V
decay �I英
decease ��`
deceased ��`�
deceit 五�p
deceive 館�F
december �Q�Gる
decency タ訣��
decent �X�A�
decide �M�w
decided �T�w�
decigram そ大
decimeter そ�o
decision �M�w
decisive �M�w��
deck ヒ�O
declaration �n�
declare ��G
decline �U⑯
decompose �I絹
decorate 庫喉
decorative 庫喉�
decrease 喜ぶ
decree �k�O
dedicate �^�m
deed �証
deem �H�
deep �`�
deepen �[�`
deeply �b�`�B
deer 垣
defeat ゴ英
defect �Lア
defective ぃЧ��
defence ┥�m
defend ┥�u
defendant �Q�i
defender ┥�u�
defense ┥�m
defensive �獣�
defer ��w
deferent �橋�
defiance �D菖
deficiency ��F
deficient ��F�
defile �甜
define �U�w�q
definite ��w�
definition �w�q
deformity 丸�o
defy ぃ�A
degenerate �h�B
degradation �K他
degrade ⑯�
degree �柴 汽�
deity �
delay �漢
delegate �N�
delegation �N�肯
deliberate 待�V�
deliberation 儒�
delicacy 埼�P
delicate 埼��
delicious ���
delight 車曙
delightful �rе�
deliver 暁�e 欝ネ
deliverance 沈�
delivery 暁�e だ�Y
dell �└
delta �T┐�w
deluge �x�
delusion ほ�Q
demand �n�D
demeanor �A�
democracy チ�D�F�v
democrat チ�D�D�q�
democratic チ�D�F�v�
demon �c�]
demonstrate ボ�d ボ�
demonstration ボ�d ボ�
den �~マ
denial �_�{
denomination �W細 ��O
denote �ボ �ボ
denounce そ�}��d
dense �Y�K�
density �K�
dental �商�
dentist ��代ネ
deny �_�{
depart 託�}
department 魁� ��t
departure 衛�{
depend ��a
dependence �紬
dependent �逗�
depict �y�z
deplore �d�h
depose �K他
deposit �s�
depot ��w
depress ⑯�C �S㍑
depression ぃ敢�
deprive ㊨砿
depth �`�
deputy 案�
derision �M�
derive 栓�o �_圭
descend �U⑯
descendant �固
descent ⑯絹 �歌
describe �y�z 識�e
description 鋭�z
desert �F�z
deserve 棲�o
design �]�p 肱�
designate ��w
desirability �i�ぇ�B
desirable �X�N�
desire 漢掩
desirous 忌掩�
desk ��
desolate ��D�
desolation �疹
despair ア掩
despairing ア掩�
despatch �o�e 狐�M
desperate �D�`�
desperation 鬼掩
despise 惨鋸
despite ぃ剤
dessert 旺�I
destination ヘ��a
destine �w�w 漁�w
destiny �R�B
destitute ��F
destroy �}�a
destruction 郡�a
destructive �}�a�
detach だ�}
detachment だ�}
detail 禾�`
detain ��d
detect 飴�d
detective 飴唄
determination �Mみ
determine �U�Mみ
determined Τ�Mみ�
detest 示�
devastate 郡�a
develop �o�i
development �o�i
device 庫�m �]各
devil �]悪
devise �]�p
devote �^�m
devoted �雇�
devotion 呪雇
devour �]Ⅴ
dew �S�
dewy �a�S�
dexterity �F��
diagram 肱�
dial 七弦
dialect よ┘
dialogue 刻顧
diameter ��|
diamond �pホ
diary ら�O
dice 視�l
dictate 泥�g
dictation 泥�g
dictator �W渠�
diction ノ�r
dictionary �r�
die �
diet 脅Ⅴ潜�i
difference �t�O
difficult �x著�
diffuse �X寛
dig �
digest �て
digestion �て
digestive �て�
dignify �葵�Q
dignity �L�Y
dilate �娠吉
dilemma �i�h�著
diligence 斤�j
diligent 斤�j�
dim 咳�t�
dime �@┐使鵠
dimension �j�p
diminish �Y�p
diminutive �p��
dimple �s裁
dine ノ侵
dinner 円�\
dip ��@�U
diplomacy �~ユ
diplomatic �~ユも誼�
direct �冠 �欝
direction �ボ
directly �欝�a
director �冠 験�
director �冠�
dirt 甜�F�
dirty 甜
disable ��L�
disadvantage ぃ�Q
disagree ぃ�P�N
disagreeable ぃ�rе�
disappear ア�a,�ア
disappoint �ア掩
disappointment ア掩
disapproval ぃ遅Θ
disapprove ぃ遅Θ
disarm �o娃�x各
disarmament 渠�x
disaster �G�
disastrous ぃ��
discard �遠
discern 恥�O
discharge 影�X
disciple ��{
discipline �W�
disclose 侃�o
discomfort ぃ�w
discontent ぃ此
discord ぃ春�M
discount чΙ
discourage �ゎ
discover �o�{
discovery �s�o�{
discreet 待�V
discretion �V⑪
discuss 尉粛
discussion �Q竣
disdain 惨衆
disease �f
disfigure 怒操
disgrace ��d
disguise 旭庫
disgust �構経
dish �L 歳
dishonest ぃ雇濠�
dishonor ぃ�W�A��
disk 玖�L
dislike 櫛�c
dismiss 狐寛
dismount �U姶
disobey ぃ泥�R
disorder �V驚
dispatch �S�
dispense だ�t �t団
disperse �X寛
displace 勧�m
display 劾�C
displease �ネ�
displeasure ぃе
disposal �Bだ
dispose �t�m
disposition �N�V
dispute ��n
disregard �mぇ��~
dissect 狐㊤
dissension �N┌ぃ�X
dissolution 狐娃
dissolve 兄狐 ��
distance �Z託
distant 桟�
distill �]�H
distinct ぃ�P�
distinction ��V
distinctive �W�S�
distinctly �塔�a
distinguish 囲�O
distort ��n
distract だ寛�`�N
distress �W�o
distribute だ�o
distribution だ�o
district �a囲
distrust ぃ�Hノ
disturb 斗驚
disturbance 通以
ditch 珪
dive 主�
diverse �U��U舎
diversity �h舎
divert �退�V
divide だ宜,娃
dividend ��Q
divine ��t�
divinity ��
division 魁� 娃
divorce 託�B
dizzy �Y�w�
do 圧
dock �X�Y
doctor 代�v 閣�h
doctrine 頴�q
document そゅ
dog �
doll �宛
dollar じ
dolly �v��
domain 獅一
dome 玖�鎧
domestic ず魁�
dominant �u欣�
dominate や�t
dominion �D�v
donate �蜘
donation �韓
done ЧΘ�F
donkey �j�l
doom ぃ�
door �
doorway ��f
dormitory �J�
dose �@�A
dot �I
double 濁⑪�
doubt �h挫
doubtful �i挫�
doubtless �L挫�a
dough ネ佃�{
doughnut �o�育紙
dove �F
down �V�U
downfall �S絹
downstairs 紗�U
downtown �x囲
downward �V�U�
dozen �@ゴ
draft ��
drag �,�
dragonfly �f源
drain 影�
drainage 影�企
dramatic 生�@��
drapery �b�
drastic �E�P�
draw � 単�g
drawer ��P
drawing 肱�e
dread �D�`�`�
dreadful �i��
dream 酵
dreary 構㌢�
drench �雪�z
dress ゴш
dressing 春�ツ
dressmaker �k庫渠�_�v
drift �}翫
drill �V�m
drink 脅,顎
drip �w�U
drive �r┏
driver �q穣
droop ��U
drop ��w
drought 握�
drown �慶�
drowsy �Q採�
drug 団�~
druggist 団尉
drum 巧
drunkard �s悪
dry 握
duchess そ戦ひ�H
duck �n
due �|�O
duel �M茜
duke そ戦
dull 瑞�w�
duly 訣�M�a
dumb 易�
dump �遠
duplicate 案セ�
durable Τ�@�[�O�
duration ��[
during �b“漢供
dusk 鏡�
dusky ��t�
dust η腔
dusty 此┃腔�J�
duty �dヴ
dwarf �G�l
dwell �~�
dwelling �J�
dye �V�
dying ���
dynamite �団
dynamo �o�q穣
dynasty �澗
each �C
eager ち掩�
eagle �N
ear φ
earl �B戦
early Ν
earn 組�o
earnest �{�u�
earning Μ�J
earth �a�y �g�[
earthquake �a�_
earthworm �L�C
ease �y侠
easily �e��a
east �F �Fよ
eastern �Fよ�
eastward �V�F�
easy �e��
eat �Y
eaves �嘆
ebb �h守
ebony �Qれ
eccentric �j��
echo �^�n
eclipse ら�k る�k
economic �g碩焦�
economical �`慈�
economics �g碩焦
economist �g碩焦�a
economy �g碩��
ecstasy �g樫
eddy �x希
edge 嫡�t
edifice �j�H
edit �s粋
edition �セ
editor �D�s
editorial �竣
educate 咽�|
education 頴�|
educational 頴�|�
eel 伝浬
effect ��G
effective ��
efficiency ��v
efficient ��
effort �V�O
egg �J
eight �K
eighteen �Q�K
eighteenth 可�Q�K
eighth 可�K
eightieth 可�K�Q
eighty �K�Q
either �G�ぇ�@
elaborate 埼ォ�
elapse �u�h
elastic �P昨�a
elbow も�y
elder �e恕
elderly ρ�~�
eldest 殻�~��
elect 雲随
election 随�|
elector Τ随�|�v�
electric �q�O�
electrical �q�
electricity �q
electron �q�l
elegance 葵峡 �u�
elegant 葵峡�
element じ�
elementary 芋セ�
elephant �H
elevate 苅葵
elevation 葵�
elevator �q沿
eleven �Q�@
eleventh 可�Q�@
elf �p埼�F
eliminate �^�O ��h
elk �G垣
elm 勲情
eloquence �f�~
eloquent 強�G�
else �O�
elsewhere �O�B
embark �fⅧ
embarrass ��x�~
embarrassment �x�~
embassy �j��]
ember �l�u
emblem �H�x
embody ��悼て
embrace 蕉�
embroider �存
embroidery �存�~
emerald �B�A
emerge �X�{
emergency 昨��ン
emigrant 仮チ
eminence ��W�H�h
eminent �D�W�
emit �o�X
emotion 院匙
emotional 院匙て�
emperor ��
emphasis �j春
emphasize �j春
empire �郁
employee 怯∩
employer 怯�D
employment 他�~
empress �k�
empty ��
emulator �v��
enable �“�員
enact ��w ш�t
enamel �e押 �今
encamp 河仙
enchant 奴�b
enchantment �]�k
encircle 泉其
enclose 樺其 ��H
enclosure 樺扇 �ン
encounter �D�J
encourage 巧�y
encyclopedia ��
end 苛�I
endeavor �V�O
ending 飢Ы
endless �L�a�
endow ��U
endurance �@�O
endure ��[
enemy 篠�H
energetic ��O�
energy 埼�O
enforce �j�
enforcement �j�
engage ��w
engagement �q�B
engine ま精
engineer �u�{�v
engineering �u�{焦
england �^郁
english �^ゅ �^郁�H
engrave �n�
enhance 苅葵
enjoy ��
enjoyment 車曙
enlarge �X�R
enlighten 衛�o
enlist �x�l
enmity 篠�N
enormous 轡�j�
enough ━員�
enrage �E�
enrich �“戴�I
enroll �n�O
ensign �X�m
ensue �t�_
entail 症�P
enter �i�J
enterprise ��~
entertain 韓�
entertainment �T車
enthusiasm 呪み
enthusiastic 呪д�
entice 擦�b
entire �魁�
entirely �魁�a
entitle Τ瑚�
entrance �J�f
entreat 正�D
entreaty 正�D
entrust Λ�I
entry �i�f
enumerate �C�|
envelope �H�
envious �r�}
environment 泉航
envy �r�}
epic �v菰
epidemic �y��f
episcopal �D頴�
episode 粥Ρ
epistle ��H
epitaph 荒�x司
epoch ��N
equal �汽
equality キ汽
equally �汽�a
equation よ�{Α
equator ┴�D
equip 庫�m
equipment 庫各
equity そキ
equivalent �汽�
era �じ
eraser 杖ブ�g
ere ぃ�[
erect �ミ�
err デ杉
errand �X�t
error 杉�~
eruption �z�o
escalator �以紗沿
escape �k┼
escort �@�e�
especial �S�O�
esquire �k��L細
essay 竣ゅ
essence セ処
essential �n�
essentially セ処�W
establish �]ミ ��w
establishment ��w �]�I
estate �a横
esteem �L⑪ �{�
estimate ��p
estimation ��p
eternal ッ桟�
eternity ッ�
ether �Hび
ethics ��z
etiquette 則事 則�`
etymology �y圭
europe 借�w
european 借�w�
evade �W宋
evaporate �]�o
evaporation �]�o
eve �e�i
even キ�
evening 劃円,鏡�
evenly キ薪�a
event �ン
eventual 殻��
eventually 苛�
ever 歓�g
evergreen �`搾�
everlasting ッ�[�
evermore �g�`�a
every �C,�C�@
everybody �C㎎�H
everyday �Cぱ�
everyone �C㎎�H
everything �@ち��
everywhere ��B
evidence 智証
evident �塔�
evil ┯�c�a
evolution �iて
evolve ��X呪�M�
ewe ダο
exact 埼�K�
exactly ㊧�n
exaggerate 誇�j
exaggeration 誇�i
exalt 逝哀
examination 惜�d σ胡
examine 惜�d
example �d�
exasperate ��
excavation �姥
exceed �W�L⑬�
exceeding �L��
excel 較�L
excellence ��V
excellent �u�q�
except 娃�Fぇ�~
exception ��~
exceptional 翁�`�
excess �L�q
excessive �L��
exchange 汗勧
excite �E�_
excitement 審渉
exciting �審渉�
exclaim �I額
exclamation �s額
exclude 影娃
exclusive 胃�@�
excursion 桟━
excuse ㈹縮
execute �i�
execution 濠�
executive �D剤�H∩
exempt �K娃
exercise �B以,�V�m
exert ��Bノ
exertion 塞�O
exhaust ノ塞
exhaustion 載塞
exhibit �o冠 劾�C
exhibition �iボ
exile �y�
exist �s�b
existence �s�b
exit �X�f
expand �娠吉
expanse �e聡
expansion 娠吉
expect �w漢
expectation 漢掩
expedient �o訣�
expedition 桟�
expel �v�X
expend ��O
expenditure �}や
expense �Oノ
expensive 葵児�
experience �g島
experienced Τ�g島�
experiment 濠島
experimental 胡島��
expert �M�a
expire 此漢 鬼�
explain 察�
explanation 察�
explode �z�
exploit 庄�Z
exploration 唄�I
explore 唄�I
explorer 唄�I�
explosion �z�o
explosive �z�o�
export 翠�X �X�f
expose �n�S �S�X
exposition �i蹄�|
exposure �n�S
express ��F
expression �院
exquisite 鬼М�
extend ��X ��
extension ��i �漢
extensive �s閣�
extent �{� ⑬�
exterior �~�
external �~ノ�
extinct �w契�
extinguish 唆契
extra �B�~�
extract ま�X ��X
extraordinary �D�`�
extravagance 冠�N�L�
extravagant 冠�N�L��
extreme 轡際�
extremely 轡際�a
extremity ソ際
exultation �j樫
eye 牡
eyebrow �を
eyelid 牡ブ
fable �J┘
fabric �卒�~
fabulous 轡�n�
face �y
facilitate ��e�
facility �]各
fact �濠
faction ��t
factor �n� �]�l
factory �u�t
faculty �~�,頴餌
fade 親�
fail ぃの�
failure ア英
faint 社�k�
fair �M昆�
fairy �P�k
fairyland �P航
faith �Hみ
faithful �濠�
falcon �N
fall 絹�U
false 杉�~�
falsehood 糾旭
falter �n�
fame �n�A
familiar 儒�x�
familiarity 儒�x
family �a�x
famine 挨�
famous �X�W�
fan ��l
fancy ��N�
fantastic �_М�
far 桟
fare �B�O
farewell �e�O
farm �A兜 �兜
farmer �A�H
farmhouse �A�
farmyard �A�a�x�|
faroff 算桟�
farther �桟�
farthest 殻桟�
fascinate �g�
fascination �y�O
fashion �y� ��|
fashionable �y��
fast е�t�
fasten �j�
fat ��D
fatal ぃ��
fate �R�B
father �針
fathom �@
fatigue �h赫
fault �Lア ��I
favor 鮎�R
favorable 硬�\�
favorite 殻樫�R�
fawn �^�
fear �`�
fearful �i��
fearless ぃ��
feast 憶�b �`ら
feat �\�Z
feather πを
feature �S�x �S�g
february �Gる
federal �p┨�
federation �p┨
fee �Oノ
feeble �I�z�
feebly �I�z�a
feed �}�i
feeder �}�i�
feel �P脹�
feeling �P脹 み院
feign 芦庫
fellow �P�
fellowship ね祝
felt �P脹 を赤
female 斯�
feminine 咳��
fence �X�
fencing �C�N
ferment �o暫 掻�C
fern 森寵
ferry 雁�f
fertile ��U�
fertility ネ含�O
fertilize �I�
fertilizer ��
fervor 呪雇
festival �`�y
fetch � �
fetter �}�
feud �@こ
feudal ���
fever �o�N
feverish �o�N�
few ぶ柴�
fickle �h怒�
fiction 糾�c�p察
fiddle �p苅�^
fidelity �雇
field バ灰 菖兜
fiend �c�]
fierce ��r�
fiery �p��
fifteen �Qき
fifteenth 可�Qき
fifth 可き
fiftieth 可き�Q
fifty き�Q
fig �L��G
fight �印 ゴ�M
fighter 菖茜�
fighting 菖�
figure �~� 柴�r
filament 儀��
file 隻�
fill �R此
film 拾�
filter �L
filthy 至甜�
fin 浬�_
final 殻��
finally 殻��a
finance �]�F
financial �]�F�
find т� �o�{
finding �o�{�
fine 埼��
finger も�
finish ЧΘ
fir 遮情
fire �
firefly 臣�体
fireman �┥兇∩
fireplace 樟�l
fireside �l嫡
firework 系�
firm そ�q 壱�T
firmament �aぱ
firmly 壱�T
firmness 壱�T�
first 可�@�
first-class 可�@�y�
fiscal �]�F�
fish 浬
fisher 浬ひ
fisherman 浬ひ
fist ��Y
fit �X�A
fitness �A�X
five き
fix �w庫 ��z
fixed �T�w�
fixture 庫�m�
flag �X�m
flake 繊�
flame ��K
flaming �U�N�
flank 検魁
flannel 騎ガ
flap �ゴ
flare �{�G
flash �{�
flask ��V�~
flat キ�Z�
flatten �キ ゴ㌦
flatter �^�
flatterer �^��
flattery �A亨
flavor ��D
flaw 虚�
flax �蛎
flea 候�D
flee �k┼
fleece οを
fleet 張兇
flesh �ψ
flexible �u��
flicker �{�{
flight ��{
fling � щ
flirt 春院
flit 碓�L
float �}�B
flock �s
flood �x�
floor �a�O
flop ア英 閏絹
flora 貫��s
flounder ゑヘ浬
flour 佃�
flourish 審憶
flow �y以
flower �
flowery �p��
fluffy 輯�P�
fluid �y悼�
flush �o� �T�S
flute �加
flutter �\以
fly Ⅳ犠
flying Ⅳ��
foam �w�j
focus �J�I
fodder ��
foe 篠�H
fog 丁
foggy �U�k
foil �紬繊�
fold �P�|
foliage 賢�l
folk �a�H
follow 交�q
follower �H�{
following �U�C�
folly 程�
fond 樫�R�
fondness 菌�n
food Ⅴ�
fool �b�l
foolish �i��
foot �}
football 擾�V�y
footing �`�b
footstep �}�B
for ��F
forage �}�
forbear �eг
forbid �Tゎ
forbidden �Q�Tゎ�
force �O
forcibly �j��a
ford �A�L
fore �e⑰�
forecast �w旗
forefather ��
forefinger Ⅴ�
forehead �e�B
foreign �~郁�
foreigner �~郁�H
foreman �u�Y
foremost 殻��
foresee �w�
foresight �┌ぇ�
forest 緩�L
foretell �w┘
forever ッ桟�a
forfeit �Q�SΜ
forge ゴ�s
forget а�O
forgive ㈹縮
forgiveness 椎�
fork �e
forlorn 鬼掩�
form �� ��
formal タΑ�
formality タΑ�も挺
formally タΑ�a
formation �Θ
former �H�e�
formerly �q�e
formidable �i�
formula そΑ
formulate ノ�Α�ボ
forsake メ遠
fort 鎌�S
forth �V�e
forthwith ミ�
fortification �v�
fortify �[�j
fortitude 壱гぃ�
fortnight ��P漢
fortress �鎌
fortunate ��B�
fortune �R�B
forty �|�Q
forum そ�}�Q竣�|
forward �b�e
fossil てホ
foster �i�|
foul デ�W�
found 覚ミ
foundation 芋側
founder 覚ミ�
fountain �Q�u
four �|
fourteen �Q�|
fourth 可�|
fowl 灰�V
fox �
fraction だ柴
fracture �}虚
fragile ��H�
fragment �H�
fragrance �Ⅶ
fragrant �Ⅶ�
frail ��z�
frailty ��z
frame ��[
framework 逢�[
franc �k⑥
france �k郁
frank �v��
frankness �Zフ
frantic �g蕊�
fraternity �S��|
fraud 館�F
freak �熟�
freckle 涯干
free �パ
freedom �パ
freely �H�K�a
freeze 〟飢
freight �f��B翠
frequent �g�`�
fresh �s�A�
freshness �s�A
friction 鹿誠
friday �P漢き
friend �Bね
friendliness 針ち
friendly ね�n�
friendship ね祝
fright 套�b
frighten ��b�
frightful �i��
fringe �t喉
frog �C旧
from �q
front �e⑰
frontier 嫡航
frost 送
frosty 送フ�
frown �T��W�y
frozen 〟飢�
frugal �`��
fruit ��G
fruitful 横�q�h�
fruitless ぃ飢�G�
frustrate �英
fry ノ�o�
fuel �U�
fugitive �k�`�
fulfil 濠庶
full 此
fullness �R此
fully ��a
fume ��
fun 生�A
function 穣�
fund 瑚�
fundamental 芋セ�
funeral 軒則
fungus 救寵
funnel �|ゆ
funny Τ曙�
fur �nを
furious �g��
furnace 魂�q�l
furnish �宜
furniture �a㎝
furrow 殴
further �桟
furthermore τ�B
furthest 殻桟�
fury �E�
fuse �O�I儀
fusion 魂狐
fuss �j套�p�
futile �{赫�
future ゼ�
gaiety �w車
gain �o�
gait �Bワ
gale �jⅢ
gall �xツ
gallant �^�i�
gallery �e�Y
gallon �[�[
gallop �e坑
gamble 巡閣
game �C生
gang �@�s
gangster ㈱�{彊肯
gap 供�j
garage ┏�w
garden �狗
gardener 狗�B
gardening 狗胆
garland �泉
garment �庫
garter 訂�a
gas ニ患,�T�o
gaseous �悼�
gasoline �T�o
gasp 掛�
gate �h
gateway �X�J�f
gather 彊�X
gathering �E彊
gauge 斜掲へ�o
gauze �ガ
gay �
gaze 小鋸
gear 商除
gem �_ホ
gender ��O
general �N�x
general �q�`�
generate 横ネ
generation �@�N
generosity �B�n
generous �l�e�j�
genial �M徴�
genius ぱ�~
gentle ゅ峡�
gentleman 稼�h
gentleness 慧�M��~処
gently 惨惨�a
gentry �W�y
genuine �タ�
geographical �a�z�
geography �a�z
geology �a処焦
geometry �X�焦
germ 禾救
germany �w郁
germinate �o�
gerund 以�W亨
gesture �欣
get �o�
ghastly ���
ghost 悪試
giant エ�H
giddy �w�t�
gift 則� ぱ潤
gifted ぱ�~�
gigantic �e�j�
giggle ���
gild 早�
gill �| �l└
gilt 早�
gin ��Q�l�s
ginger 舛
gingerbread 舛紙
gingham ��l間ガ
giraffe ��V垣
gird �昨 樺�
girdle ��y
girl �k�
give 宜 統
giver 蜘�P�
glacier �B�e
glad 葵審�
glade �h�A
gladness �w車
glamour �y�O
glance �@�h
gland 権
glare �j�
glass �周
glaze 庫�周
gleam �@�u�L�
glean Μ彊
glee �w車
glen �U└
glide 憩犠
glider 憩犠穣
glimmer �L�
glimpse �@�h
glint �{庁
glisten �{�G
glitter 千定
globe �y��
gloom ��t
gloomy 咳�{�
glorify �[�a庁�
glorious ��a�
glory ��a
glossy �憩�
glove も�M
glow �K呪
glue 拾
gnat 啾
gnaw �j�r
go �h
goal ヘ斜
goat �sο
gobble �j�Y
goblet 葵�}�M
goblin �pН埼
goddess �k�
godfather 頴�
godmother 頴ダ
going 託�}
gold 鏡�
golden ���
goldfish �浬
goldsmith ��K
golf 葵左ひ�y
gone �L�h�
good �}�n�
goodbye �A┌
goodlooking �鯖�
goodly ��n�
goodnatured �M欺�
goodness ��w
goods �f�
goodwill 針欺
goose �Z
gore �喰
gorge �U侯
gorgeous 仇�R�
gospel 砦Ⅰ
gossip 侠顧
govern �v�z
government �F�
governor �{�
gown ��T
grab ъ�
grace �u峡
graceful �u峡�
gracious 針ち�
grade �~�
gradual �v坤�
graduate 王�~
graduation 王�~�則
graft 欝�K
grain �\寵
gram �J そだ
grammar ゅ�k
gramophone �d�n穣
grand 強斡�
grandeur 葵�Q
grandfather ��
grandma イイ
grandmother �ダ
grandpa 芸芸
grandson �]�l
granite ��^ホ
granny イイ
grant ㏍�\
grape 顕球
grasp ъ昨
grass �C�
grasshopper �K�g
grassy �p��
grate �l�[
grateful �P疎�
gratify �“葵審
gratitude �P疎
grave �J�
gravel �Hホ
gravely �Hホ�
gravitation �aみ�l�O
gravity �UΤま�O
gravy 春�ψツ
gray η�
graze ��
grease �o�
great エ�j�
greatness 斡�j
greedy �gみ�
green 搾��
greet �P�q �欝
greeting 維㎏
greyhound η�y�
grief �d�h
grievance �W航
grieve 極み
grievous �d極�
grim �N仕�
grin �S商τ�
grind �i�H
grip 瓦�
grit 科�
grizzly �
groan �D�u
grocer 鐸�f尉
grocery 鐸�f
groom 姶ロ
groove 煮 珪�D
grope �N�
gross �`柴
grotesque �j��
ground �a
group 肯悼
grouse �Q茸
grove �p情�L
grow ネ�
growl �H�
growth Θ�
grub �I
grudge 崇�
gruff 科�W�
grumble �D�W
grunt �B�P
guarantee �O享�H
guaranty �O享
guard 諜獣
guardian 妻�@�H
guess �q旗
guest ��H
guidance �症
guide ま症
guild そ�|
guilt �o
guilty Τ�o�
guitar �N�L
gulf �W
gulp �脅
gum 拾
gun �j
gunner �も
gunpowder �団
gust �}Ⅲ
gutter 影�珪
guy 鈎ル
gym 悼�|�]
gymnasium 悼�|�]
gymnastic 悼賞�
gymnastics 悼賞
gypsy �N感蘇�H
habit 貨�D
habitation ��
habitual 貨�D�
hack �A
hail �w�I
hair を �Y�v
hairy を���
half �@�b
halfway �b�~
hall �j�U
hallow ��t
halt 葦ゎ
ham ��L
hammer 托
hammock �Q�
hamper Й棚
hand も
handful 此も
handkerchief も�
handle рも
handsome �^�T
handy �Fォ�
hang �a
happen �oネ
happening �ン
happily е車�a
happiness �砦
happy е車
harass ��x�Z
harbor 岩�s
hard 壱�T �w
harden ��wて
hardly �X�Gぃ
hardness �w�
hardship �x航
hardware �K捷
hare 灰�
hark 局泥
harm 極�`
harmful Τ�`�
harmless �L�`�
harmonious 春�M�
harmony 春�M
harness 姶�
harp 楯�^
harrow �
harry 碓砿
harsh �V�
hart �d垣
harvest ΜΘ
has Τ
hasn't �SΤ
haste �^Γ
hasten �P�i
hastily �^Γ�a
hasty �Γ�
hat �U�l
hatch 劫
hatchet ��Y
hate 構�
hateful �i��
hatred 示�
haughty 添尭�
haul ��
haunt �X�S
have Τ
havoc �}�a
hawk �N
hay 握�
hazard �_�I
haze 繊丁
hazel �d
he �L
head �Y魁
headache �Y�h
headlight ┏�e�O
headline 斜�D
headlong �Y�V�e�
headquarters �`魁
heal �_㈹
health 扱�d
healthful 獣ネ�
healthy 扱�d�
heap 逸 �j�q
hear 泥┌
hearer 泥桶
hearing 泥�O
heart み
hearth �l�
hearty 雇正�
heat 呪�O
heater �x�
heath ホ�n情
heathen 翁頴�{
heather ホ�n紬
heave �|�_
heaven ぱ鰯
heavenly ぱ鰯�
heavy �H⑪�
hebrew �Sび�H
hectogram そ�
hectoliter そホ
hectometer そま
hedge 情�X
heed �`�N
heedless ぃ�pみ�
heel �}交
heifer �pι�
height 葵�
heighten �W葵
heir �~Ⅷ�H
hell �a沙
hello ��o
helm 蛾
helmet 億
help 整Γ
helper �Uも
helpful Τ整�U�
helpless �L�U�
hem ��A�_嫡
hemisphere �b�y
hemlock �r��W
hemp �j蛎
hen ダ茸
hence �]�
henceforth �qさ�H�
her �o
herald ��W
herb Ⅶ�
herd �s
here �o弧
hereafter さ�
hereby �S�
hereditary 崇暁�
herein �b��B
heresy 翁頴
heretic 翁頴�{
heretofore ���H�e
heritage 崇横
hermit 藻�h
hero �^強
heroic �^強Α�
heroine �k�^強
heroism �^�i���
heron �a�O
herring �C浬
hers �o�
herself �o��v
hesitate 瑞挫
hesitation 挫�{
hew �ワ
hey 笠
hickory �s�J�れ
hide 効唾
hideous �i��
high 葵�
highland 葵�a
highly 葵��a
highness 葵��a
highway 葵�tそ侯
hike 桟━
hiking �{�B��
hill �p�C
hillside �s�Y
hilltop �s鎧
him �L
himself �L��v
hind �嫡�
hinder �ゎ
hinge 猪槍
hint �tボ
hip �v魁
hire 控ノ
his �L�
hiss �R�R�n
historian 醸�v焦�a
historic 醸�v��
historical 醸�v�W�
history 醸�v�
hit ゴ
hitch �C�
hither ���B
hitherto �さ
hive 諺�
ho �~�n
hoard �y�n
hoarse �R易�n
hobby 菌�n
hockey Ρ諌�y
hoe �S�Y
hog 殉
hoist ど�_
hold 瓦�
holder �Τ�H
hole �}マ
holiday 芦ら
hollow ��
holly �V�C情
holy ��t�
homage ��
home �a狗
homely �a�`�
homemade ��s�
homesick �Q�a
homestead �a狗
homeward �^�a
homework �a�x�@�~
honest 雇濠�
honestly �Zフ�
honesty 雇濠
honey 諺�e �R�H
honeycomb 諺�
honeymoon �eる芦漢
honeysuckle �使�
honor �a�A
honourable 雇濠�
hood 安�U
hoof 吹
hook �_�l
hoop 育��
hoot �s壷 誌�s
hop 候�D
hope �掩
hopeful Τ�掩�
hopeless 鬼掩�
hopely Τ�掩�a
horde �s桶
horizon �aキ�u
horizontal �キ�
horn �Q┐
horrible �i��
horribly �i��a
horrid �Q構�a
horrify 套�~
horror ��
horse 姶
horseback 姶�I
horseman �M�v
horsepower 姶�O
horseshoe 姶吹�K
hose �訂
hospital 代�|
hospitality 針ち
hostess �k�D�H
hostile �h篠�N�
hostility 篠�N
hot 呪
hotel ��]
hound �y�
hour �@�p�
house ��l
household �a謁
housekeeper �k剤�a
housekeeping �a�F
housewife �D淫
housework �a�
hover �r�
how �舎
however �Mτ
howl �g�p
hue �春
hug 昨�
huge エ�j�
hum ∮�n
human �H� �H�
humane Τ�H院�
humanism �H�D�D�q
humanity �H�D
humble 曽珊
humiliate 菓�d
humiliation メ�y
humility 曽珊
humor ��q
humorous ��q�
hundred �@κ
hunger 挨�j
hungry 挨�j�
hunt ゴ�y
hunter �y�H
hurricane 私Ⅲ
hurried ��P�
hurry �Γ
hurt ��極
husband �Vひ
hut �T�
hybrid �V�
hydrogen �B�
hygiene 獣ネ
hymn �t�q
hyphen �s�r嘉弦
hypocrisy 旭欺
hypocrite 旭欺�
hysterical �g驚�
ice �B
ice cream      �B�N�O
iceberg �B�s
icy �B�
idea �D�N
identical ��P�
identify �T�{
idiom Θ�y
idiot フ竪
idle �i�k�
idleness ��k
idol 宛抗
if �p�G
ignorance �L�
ignorant �M�N�
ignore �鋸
ill ネ�f�
illegal ぃ�X�k�
illness �e�f
illuminate 察�
illumination �G�
illusion ほ�H
illustrate 肱狐察�
illustration 粥肱
illustrator �e粥肱�
illustrious 廓�X�
image �抗
imaginary 糾�c�
imagination �Q抗
imaginative �I��Q抗�
imagine �Q抗
imitate 社㍉
imitation 社誓
immediate ミ��
immediately �Y��a
immemorial び�j�
immense �L⑬�
immigrant 仮チ
immigration �E�~仮チ
imminent �Y�N��{�
immortal ぃΥ�
immortality ぃΥ
impair �l�`
impart 暁餌
impartial そキ�
impatience ぃ�@経
impatient ぃ�@経�
impel 雲�i
imperative ゲ�n�
imperfect ぃЧ欺�
imperial �郁�
imperious 尭�C�
impetuous �b痛�
implement 捷�
implore �s�D
imply �tボ
import �i�f
importance ⑪�n�
important ⑪�n�
impose �[“�
imposing 鰯��
impossibility ぃ�i���
impossible ぃ�i��
impress �L抗�`�
impression �L抗
impressive 著а�
imprison �U沙
imprisonment Г�c
improper ぃ�X�A�
improve э�}
improvement э欺
impulse 縦�O
in �b“ぇず
inability �L�
inactive 瑞�y�
inadequate ぃ�A訣�
inasmuch �]“ぇ�G
inaugurate �Nヴ
incapable �L��
incense Ⅶ�
incentive 以穣
incessant ぃ葦�
inch �T
incident �ン
incidentally 宛�M�a
inclination 局�V
incline 局益
inclose ��J
include �]�t
income Μ�J
inconvenience ぃよ�K
inconvenient ぃよ�K�
incorporate 箇Θそ�q
increase �W�[
increasingly �v坤�a
incredible 著�H�m�H�
incur ま�_
indebted �t凝
indeed ��T
indefinite ぃ��T�
independence �Wミ
independent �Wミ�
index �ま
indicate �ボ
indication �ボ
indicative �ボ�
indictment �_�D
indifference ぃ⑪鋸
indifferent �L猪昨�n�
indignant 自自ぃキ
indignation 自�
indigo �Q�C
indirect 供欝�
indispensable ぃ�i�ぶ�
individual ㎎�O�
individuality ㎎�
indoor �ず�
indoors �b�ず
induce ま�_
indulge �ヴ
indulgence 菌�n
industrial �u�~�
industrious 斤�j�
industry �u�~
inert �Lネ�R�
inevitable ゲ�M�
inexpensive �G児�
inexperience �S�g島
infancy 畝�漢
infant 畝�
infantry �B�L
infect 暁�V
infection 暁�V
infer 雲竣
inference 竣�_
inferior �C汽�
infernal �a沙�
infest �Z驚
infinite �L⑬�
infinitive ぃ�w亨
inflame �E�_
inflation �q�f娠吉
inflict �[�H
influence �v�T
influential Τ�v�T�
influenza �y���P�_
inform �q�
informal �DタΑ�
information �� 瑚�
ingenious Τ覚�y�O�
ingenuity 覚�y�O
ingredient Θだ
inhabit �~��
inhabitant �~��
inherit �~�
inheritance �~��v
inheritress �k�~��H
initial 殻��
initiative ��B
injunction �R�O
injure �極�`
injurious Τ�`�
injury �極
injustice ぃそタ
ink 哨�
inkstand 哨��~�[
inland ず�a�
inlet �J�f
inmate �ね
inn ��]
inner ず�b�
inning �@Ы
innocence �L�d
innocent �L�d�
innumerable �L柴�
inquire 互維 春�d
inquiry 互維 �d春
inquisitive �n�_�
insane Τ埼��f�
insanity 埼�杉驚
inscribe ��g
inscription �D�r
insect �体
insensible �SΤ�脹�
inseparable ぃ�iだ託�
insert 粥�J
inside ず魁
insight 牡�
insignificant �L猪昨�n�
insist 壱�
insolent 科灰�
inspect 惜�d
inspection 春�d
inspector 惜�d∩
inspiration �F�P
inspire �E�o
install �w庫
installation 庫�m�
installment だ漢�I韓
instance �智
instant �Y�
instantly �Y��a
instead �N汗
instinct セ�
instinctive �脹�
institute ��s�
institution 肯悼
instruct 頴症
instruction �ボ
instructive 頴�|�
instructor 楚�v
instrument 事捷
insufficient ぃ━�
insult �V�d
insurance �O�I
insure �O�I
intellect �恥��l
intellectual 桓�O�
intelligence 桓�
intelligent 桓�葵�
intend ゴ財
intense 昨�i�
intensity �j�
intent �N肱
intention �N肱
intently �@み�@�N
intercept �I砿
interchange が勧
intercourse ユ欝
interest 審�P
interested Τ審曙�
interesting Τ審曙�
interfere Й棚
interference �z�Z
interior �bず�
interjection �P皇亨
intermediate い供�
internal ず�b�
international 郁孜�
interpret 遜超
interpretation 狐沈
interpreter 遜超�
interrogation 挫維
interrogative 挫維�
interrupt い�_
interruption �z�Z
interval 供�j
intervene �z�A
intervention ざ�J
interview 園⑰
intimacy 針�
intimate 針ち�
into �
intolerable �L�k�
intonation �o�n�k
intoxicate ��K
intricate �抵�
intrigue 咳壬
introduce ざ火
introduction ま症
intrude 製�J
intruder �I�J�
intrusion �I�J
invade �I�Z
invader �I�J�
invalid �f�H
invaluable �L児�
invariably ぃ怒て�a
invasion �I�J
invent �o�
invention �o�
inventor �o��a
invert �A㌦�L�
invest щ瑚
investigate 春�d
investigation 春�d
investigator ��s�
investment щ瑚
investor щ瑚�
invisible 牡�ぃ┌�
invitation 捜出
invite 捜出
involuntary ��Mτ�M�
involve 渦�J
inward いみ�
iris 諮Ю�
iron �K
irony 陣�
irregular ぃ�W�h�
irresistible ぃ��к�
irrigation 堤�@
irritate �E�
irritation ��E
is �O
island �q
isle �p�q
isolate ��tミ
it ウ
itch �o
item 教ヘ
its ウ�
itself ウセ┃
ivory �H�
ivy �`�K鍛
jack �p�_⑪穣
jacket Ж�J
jail 妻沙
jam �G台 �矩
january �@る
japan らセ
jar �
jaw �E
jazz 戦�h�R
jealous Иб�
jealousy Иб
jeer �J�
jelly �G�l〟
jerk �M佳ぇ�H
jersey を卒�B以�m
jest 生�
jet �Q�g
jewel �_ホ
jewelry Ⅵ喉
jingle �m�a
job 他�~
join 欝�X
joint 猪�`
joke �顧
jolly �hе�
journal ら�x
journalism �s�D焦
journalist �s�D�O�
journey ��{
joy 樫�
joyful �w樫�
joyous е車�
judge �k�x 渠�P
judgment �P�_
judicial �q�k�
jug 禾�V�~
juice ツ�G
juicy �h�だ�
july �Cる
jump 候�D
jumpy ��g�L詠�
junction �|�X
june せる
jungle �O�L
junior ���
jurisdiction �q�k�v
jury 貝�f肯
just タ�n
justice タ�q
justification �G�@
justify �G�@
justly そタ�a
jut ��X
juvenile ぶ�~�
kangaroo �U巷
keel �s逢
keen 詠�U�
keep �O� Μ唾
keeper 剤�z�H
keeping �O剤
ken 牡�
kennel ��
kernel 騒寡
kerosene 継�o
kettle �茅
key �_依
kick 署
kid �p�
kidnap �j�[
kidney 鞠
kill 応
kiloliter そ�
kilometer そ┰
kin 針紬
kind く�O 斎寵
kindle �U�N
kindly く�O�a
kindness く�O
kindred 針紬
king 郁�
kingdom �郁
kingly 郁��
kinsman �k�針紬
kiss 欝�k
kitchen �p�
kite Ⅲ阪
kitten �p厨
kitty 厨�}
knave �F�l
knead �b�|
knee 愁�\
kneel �U光
knell 橿珍
knife �M�l
knight �M�h
knighthood �M�hⅢ�
knightly �M�h�
knit �s卒
knob рも
knock �V 鴫
knoll �p�C
knot ゴ飢
know ��
knowing 閣焦�
knowledge �恥
known ��W�
knuckle �猪�`
label 斜賭
labor 赫�u だ�Y
laboratory 濠島�
laborer 赫以�
laborious ┓赫�
lace �嫡
lack ��F
lad �pル�l
ladder 競沿
laden �R此�
lady �k�h
lag 絹�
lair �_マ
lake 嬉
lamb �pο
lame �_━
lament �s吋
lamentable �i�d�
lamentation �s極
lamp �O
lance �ベ
land �g�a
landing 吸外
landlady �k��F
landlord ��F
landmark �斜
landscape Ⅲ敢
lane �p侯
language �y┘
languish ℡疎 蒔�|
lantern �O鄭
lap �j�L ⑪�|
lapse ア�~
lard 殉�o
large �j�
lark 恭涯
larva ギ体
lash 憲を ブ�@
lass �k�
last 殻��
lasting ��[�
latch �⑫
late 瑞�F
lately 殻�
latent 主�b�
later �瑞�
lateral �嫡�
latest 殻瑞�
latitude �n�u
latter ��
laugh �
laughter ��n
launch �o以 覚酔
laundry �~��
laurel る�情
lava �爵
lavender 柁��
lavish ��O�
lavishly �L��a
law �k�
lawful �X�k�
lawless �D�k�
lawn ��a
lawyer ��v
lay �w�m 横�Z
layer �@�h
layman �~��H
lazily �i�v�v�a
lazy �i�k�
lead �] ま症
leader 獅症�
leadership 獅症��O
leading 獅症�
leaf 情賢
leafy �h賢�
league �p嫌
leak �|�|�
lean 局益 �G�
leap 候 �D
learn 焦貨
learned Τ焦維�
learning 焦維
lease ��
least 殻ぶ�
leather ブ⑱
leave �d�U 託�}
leaven 暫ダ
lecture �t楚
lecturer 楚�v
ledge 樟�[ �t�G
lee 宋Ⅲ�B
leech �牛
left オ嫡
leg �L
legal �k��
legally �X�k�a
legend 暁察
legion �x肯
legislation �k�W
legislative ミ�k�
legislature ミ�k穣猪
legitimate �X�k�
leisure 侠�v
leisurely �y侠�
lemon �f�c
lemonade �f�c�
lend ㍗�X
length ��
lengthen �[�
lens 宙�Y
leopard �\�l
less 勾ぶ�
lessen 喜ぶ
lesser ゑ勾ぶ
lesson 述�{
lest �H�K
let 統 芦�w
letter �rダ
lettuce ネ究
level �掲
lever �b煙
levy �xΜ
liability �dヴ
liable Τ�dヴ�
liar 察狙�
liberal �パ��
liberate 沈�
liberty �パ
librarian 肱�剤�z∩
library 肱��]
license 印罫
lichen �C�a
lick �Q
lid �\�l
lie 狙顧
lieutenant 外�xい�L
life ネ�R
lifeless �Lネ�R�
lifetime �@ネ
lift �|�_
light �
lighten 罫�G
lighthouse �O駒
lightly 惨惨�
lightning �{�q
like 樫�w
likelihood �h�b
likely ��\ �i�
likeness 寵�
likewise �P舎�a
liking �R�n
lilac 亀�BⅦ
lily κ�X�
limb も━
lime ホη
limestone ホηホ
limit �d樺
limitation ⑬�
limited Τ⑬�
limp �}�
line �u
linen �蛎ガ
linger �r�
lining 敵弧
link 柱泉
linoleum �oガ
lion 劇�l
lip �B
liquid �G悼
liquor �s埼脅�
list �W恰
listen 局泥
listener 局泥�
liter そど
literal ゅ�r�
literally �罫�r⑰
literary ゅ焦�
literature ゅ胆 ゅ�m
litter 丸�l�
little �p
live �~�
livelihood ネ�p
lively ネ��k�k�
liver �x摘
livery �X�┏
living ネ�
lizard �h�i
load �t厚
loaf �@喰佃
loan ㍗韓
loath 構�c�
loathe 示�c
lobby ヰ��
lobster �s充
local �aよ��
locality ��m
locate �]�m
location 兜�
lock 題
locomotive 穣猪┏
locust 柔体
lodge �p�
lodging ��J
loft 紗�[
lofty 葵桟�
log 玖�れ�
logic 党粋
logical 党粋�
loin �yψ
loiter 侠�V
lone �t恰�
loneliness �t恰
lonely �I号�
lonesome �I号�
long �
longing ち掩
longitude �g�
look �
lookout 卸掩
loom 卒ガ穣
loop 育
loose �P�}�
loosen ��P
lord �Q謁
lordly ���
lordship �Q謁┃�
lorry 厚�f�T┏
lose ア
loss �lア
lost ア�h�
lot �j�q,�aブ
loud 葵�n�
loudly 葵�n�a
loudspeaker 鰍�z
lounge ヰ��
love �R
lovely �i�R�
lover �R�H
loving �R�
low �C�
lower ⑯�U
lowland �C�a
loyal �雇�
loyalty �雇
luck �B�
luckily 庚㌃�a
lucky �n�B�
luggage ��
lullaby 曲�vΡ
lumber れ�
luminous �o��
lump 喰�
lunatic 橿み�f�g�
lunch と�\
luncheon と�\
lung �
lure �lま
lust 爾掩
luster ��A
lute �\�]
luxurious 雑仇�
luxury 因�
lyric �q亨
machine 穣捷
machinery 穣苑庫�m
mad �o�g �o�
madam びび
madame ひ�H
made �s�y�
madly �o�g�a
madman �g�H
madness 再�g
magazine 鐸�x
magic �]�N
magician �]�N�v
magistrate ��F��x
magnet 栽�K
magnetic 栽��
magnificence Ё�R
magnificent Ё�R�
magnify �X�j
magnitude �j�p
mahogany ��みれ
maid ��k
maiden ぶ�k
mail �lン
maim 極�`
main 殻�D�n�
mainland �j外
mainly �D�n�a
maintain 笹�@
maintenance 笹��O
majestic �R葵�
majesty �L�Y
major �D�n �D�
majority �h柴
make �y �o �
maker �s�y�
makeup てЗ�~
malady �e�f
malaria 債�e
male 強��
malice �c�N
malicious �c�r�
mama 屑屑
mamma 屑屑
mammal ∠�以�
man �k�H
manage 剤�z
management 剤�z
manager �g�z
mandate �R�O
mandolin �v�\�]
mane �O
maneuver �t貨 ォ�p
manger Ⅴ煮
mangle 執虚
manhood Θ�H
manifest �褄�
manifestation 智�
manifold �h舎�
mankind �H寵
manly �k�l��
manner �A� よ�k
manor ��a
mansion �j�H
mantle ゆ�O
manual も�U
manufacture �s�y
manufacturer �s�y�~�
manure ��
manuscript も�Z
many �\�h�
map �a肱
maple 桑情
mar �l�a
marble �j�zホ
march �Tる
mare ダ姶
margin 嫡�t
marginal �⑬�
marine �弧�
mariner �も
maritime ��W�
mark 嘉弦
market カ兜
marquis �J戦
marriage �B�
married �w�B�
marrow 逢嶋
marry 飢�B
marsh �h�A
marshal �x�x
mart 尉�~いみ
martial �x��
martyr �P�h
marvel �_� �_敢
marvellous ぃキ�Z�
marvellously ぃキ�Z�a
masculine �k�l��
mash �k
mask ⑰�
mason �d��K
masquerade てЗ�R�|
mass �j�q
massacre �j�O応
massive �j�q�
mast ぱ�u
masterpiece �W吸
mat 行�l
match �� ��t
matchless �Lゑ�
mate �t宛
material �� �処
materially �処�W�
maternal ダ�Y�
mathematic 柴焦�
mathematics 柴焦
matron �k�妻
matter �院
mattress �行
mature Θ儒
maturity Θ儒 �漢
maxim �┘
maximum 殻�h�
may きる �i�
maybe �j熊
mayonnaise ��D棄台
mayor カ�
maze �g�}
me и
mead 諺�e�s
meadow ��a
meager �M�G�
meal 侵Ⅴ
mean �N迅 �[衿
meaning �t�N
means よ�k
meantime �P�
meanwhile �P�
measles 健�l
measure ��q
measurement ��q薪
meat ψ
mechanic м�u
mechanical 穣苑�
mechanically 穣苑�a
mechanism 飢�c
medal 綬街
meddle ざ�J
medicine 団少
medieval い�@��
meditate σ�{
meditation �H�
medium い汽�
meek 曽�M�
meekly 曽�M�a
meet �J┌ �|�X
meeting �|蝶
megaphone �XⅠ捷
melancholy �T匙
mellow Θ儒�
melody 越�
melon ナ
melt 兄て
member �|∩
membership �|ね
membrane 繊修
memoir 春�d釜�i
memorable 著а�
memorandum 各а雀
memorial ��
memorize �O�
memory �O笑
menace ��
mend �孤
mental み�z�
mention 苅�
menu 究恰
mercenary �控�
merchandise 尉�~
merchant 尉�H
merciful く�O�
merciless 丸г�
mercury �使
mercy �O�d
mere 業業�
merely 業業
merge �X�
meridian �lと�u
merit �u�I
merrily е車�a
merriment �w車
merry е車�
mesh 柵ふ
mess 鐸驚
message Ⅰ�H
messenger �H�t
metal �紬
metallic �紬�
meteor �y�P
meter そへ
methinks и�{�
method よ�k
metropolis Ⅵ�
metropolitan �j械�|
mew 厨�s�n
mexican 哨�∑�H
mexico 哨�∑
microphone �XⅠ捷
microscope 塔�L宙
mid い供�
midday タと
middle い供
middleaged い�~�
midnight と�]
midst いァ
midsummer ヲ�L
midway い�~
might �j�v
mighty �j欣�
migrate �E仮
migration �E�~
mild 慧�M�
mildly 慧�M�a
mile �^┰
military �x��
milk �イ
milky �フ��
mill �i�l
miller �i�{�D
milligram �@�J
milliliter そ室
millimeter そ大
million κ�U
millionaire κ�U�I�
millstone �iホ
mince ��H
mind み
mine и�
miner �q�u
mineral �q�
mingle �V�X
miniature �Y�p社�
minimum 殻�C⑬�
mining 営�q
minister 魁�
ministry ��vぇ他
mink �Iブ
minor ゼΘ�~�H
minority ぶ柴チ謁
mint 繊戒
minus 喜�h
minute だ珍
miracle �_苔
miraculous �_苔�
mirror 宙�l
miscellaneous 鐸教�
mischief �c�@�@
mischievous �c�@�@�
miser �[衿
miserable �Y�G�
miserably �i�s�a
misery ぃ�
misfortune ぃ�
mishap ぃ�ぇ�
miss �p�j ア�~
missile Ⅳ�u
mission ヴ鞍
missionary 暁�D��
mist 丁
mistake 杉
mister �ネ
mistress �k�D�H
mistrust ぃ�Hヴ
misty �g拙�
misunderstanding �~�|
misuse �~ノ
mitten も�M
mix �V鐸
mixture �V�X�
moan �d皇
moat �@��e
mob �Q�Xぇ桶
mock �M�
mockery �J�
mode 舎Α
model 社Α
moderate �A訣�
moderately �A��a
moderation �w�M
modern �{�N�
modest 曽糾�
modestly 待�V�a
modesty 曽珊
modification �タ
modify �タ
moist 雪�
moisten 節雪
moisture 雪�
mold 社�l
mole 饗�i
molest ч�i
molten 芯狐
moment 線供
momentary 線供�
monarch �g�D
monarchy �g�D�F�v
monastery ��D�|
monday �P漢�@
money 椙
monk 幸�Q
monkey �U�l
monopoly �b�_�c醇
monotonous 恰春�
monster ��
monstrous ����
month る
monument ���O
monumental 轡��e�j
mood み院
moon る�G
moonlight る�
moose �j垣
mop �р
moral �D�w
morality �D�w
more ��h
moreover ��~
morning Ν堰
morrow �ら
mortal �|��
mortality ��`�v
mortgage ��
mosquito �A�l
moss �a碇
mossy ネ�a�
most 殻�h�
mostly �j魁�
moth 体
mother ダ針
motion �B�
motionless ぃ以�
motive 以穣
motor 姶�F
motorcar �T┏
motorist �`Г�T┏�
motto �y�k司
mound �g逸
mount �M
mountain �s
mountaineer �n�s�a
mountainous �h�s�
mourn �s吋
mournful �d�E�
mouse ρ巷
mouth �Lぺ,�f
mouthful �@�f
movable �i以�
move 仮以
movement �i�
movie �q�v
mow 確�
much �D�`�h
mud �d
muddy 至甜�
muffin �P紙
mug ��M
mulberry �
mule �[
multiplication Ⅷ�k
multiply Ⅷ
multitude �h柴
mummy れ�Dレ
municipal カ�F�
murder 壬応
murderer たも
murmur �p�y
muscle �ψ
muscular �ψ�o�F�
muse �P�Q
museum 閣��]
mushroom 懲弓
music Ⅰ車
musical Ⅰ車�
musician Ⅰ車�a
must �@�w�n
mustache 貼
mustard �ソ
mute 易�
mutiny �q驚
mutter �C�y
mutton οψ
mutual �が�
muzzle 雌�f魁だ
my и�
myself �v
mysterious ���
mystery ��
myth �顧
mythology �顧
nail �ヒ
naked �r�
name �W�r �m
nameless �L�W�
namely �Y
napkin �\�y
narcotic 蛎�K少
narration 鋭�z
narrative �G�
narrow �
nasty γ息�
nation チ謁
national �郁�
nationality 郁�y
native �g吸�
natural ��M�
naturally 訣�M�a
nature ��M
naught �L �s
naughty �xブ�
naval ��x�
navigation ��
navigator ���
navy ��x
nay ぃ
near �
nearby �b��
nearly �X�G
neat 握�b�
neatly 障寂�a
nebula �P恭
necessarily ゲ�M
necessary ゲ�n�
necessitate 旨�n
necessity ゲ旨
neck �V魁
necklace 教槽
need 旨�n
needle �_�w
needless ぃゲ�n�
needy �h�a�
negative �_�w�
neglect 襖�
negligence 襖�
negligent �j�N�
negotiate 粛�P
negotiation 粛�P
neighbor �F�~
neighborhood 挙�{
neighboring ���
neither �]ぃ
nephew �~�c
nerve ��g �x�q
nervous 昨�i
nervously 昨�i�a
nest 裁�_
nestle �姐
net 柵 �b㍑
nettle �C蛎
network �s悉柵
neutral い��
never �q�ぃ
nevertheless �Mτ
new �s�
newcomer �s���H
newly �s�
news �s�D
newspaper 釜�
next �U�@Ω
nibble 惨�r
nice ��n�
nicely �n�n�a
nick ��f
nickel きだ��
nickname �~弦
niece ��k �c�k
nigh �
night �]円
nightfall 鏡�
nightingale �]�a
nightly �C�]
nightmare �c酵
nimble 詠蔚�
nine �E
nineteen �Q�E
nineteenth 可�Q�E
ninetieth 可�E�Q
ninety �E�Q
ninth 可�E
nip �r Ж
nitrogen 玩�
no ぃ�O
nobility �Q謁
noble 葵�Q�
nobleman �Q謁
nobly 葵�|�a
nobody �S�H
nod �I�Y
noise �n�x�n
noiseless �L�n�
noiselessly �L�n�a
noisy �n�x�
nominate 苅�W
nomination 苅�W
nominative �D�
none �SΤ
nonsense �L過
nook ┐絹
noon タと
noonday タと�
nor �]ぃ
normal タ�`�
north �_よ
northeast �F�_よ
northeastern �F�_よ�
northern �_よ�
northward �V�_�a
northwest ��_よ
northwestern ��_よ�
nose 雌�l
nostril 雌ふ
not ぃ ぃ�O
notable 吸�W�
notably 吸�W�a
notch �鴎
note 祈�O
notebook 祈�Oセ
noted 吸�W�
nothing �S�賜
notice �q� �`�N
noticeable ㍑�o�`�N�
notify �q�
notion �[�
notorious �c�W�L骨
notwithstanding 走�M
nought �L
noun �W亨
nourish 棄�i
nourishment 仙�i�~
novel �p察
novelist �p察�a
novelty �s�_���
november �Q�@る
now �{�b
nowadays �pさ
nowhere �L�B
nuclear ��l�
nucleus ��l
nuisance �Q構��F�
numb 蛎れ�
number 柴�r
numeral 柴�r
numerous �L柴�
nun ��k ェ�h
nuptial �B則
nurse �@�h
nursery ��
nut 壱�G
nutrition 仙�i
nylon ェ�s
nymph �k�
oak 杖情
oaken 杖れ�
oar 謝
oasis 搾�w
oat �P柿
oath �}�
oatmeal �P柿軌
obedience �A�q
obedient 橋�q�
obey �A�q
object �ン
objection は刻
objective ヘ斜 ��
obligation �q鞍
oblige �dΘ
oblivion �I�S
obscure �L�W�
obscurity 藻奄 �t�k
observance �^�
observation �[克
observatory ぱゅ�x
observe �[克
observer �[克�
obstacle 支棚
obstinacy �x�T
obstinate �x�T�
obstruct ��j
obstruction 支棚
obtain 栓�o
obvious 塔�M�
obviously 塔�M�a
occasion 兜�X �穣
occasional 宛�M�
occasionally 宛�M�a
occupant �獅�
occupation 他�~
occupy �獅
occur �oネ
occurrence �oネ
ocean ��v
october �Qる
odd �_柴 �s�Y
oddly �j��a
odds �i��
ode �|亨
odor ��
of 紬�
off 猪階 託�}
offend 腸デ
offender �_デ�
offense �Iデ
offensive Τю聖��
offer 苅�
offering �^�{
office 酔そ�
officer �x∩
official そ鞍�
officially �xよ�
offset �z�L��L�
offspring �l�]
often �`�`
oh 畏�r
oil �o
oily �o�o�
ointment 団�I
old ρ�
oldfashioned �L��
oldtime �j��
olive 擾�V情
omen �w�
ominous ぃ�N�Q�
omission �欧
omit 欧�h
omnibus そ�@�T┏
on �b..ぇ�W
once �@Ω
one �@
oneself ��v
onion �v週
only �uΤ
onto �“ぇ�W
onward �e�i
ooze 定�d
opal �Jフホ
open �}
opening 侃黒
openly そ�}�a
opera �q�@
operate 賞�@
operation 以�@ も�N
operator 賞�@�
opinion �N┌
opium �~�
opponent 刻к�
opportunity 穣�|
oppose は刻
opposite �は�
opposition は刻
oppress 寸②
oppression 寸②
optimism 車�[
or ��
oracle �靭
oral �f�Y�
orange 常�l
oration �t察
orator �t察�
orbit �y�D
orchestra 剤�車肯
ordain �R�B漁�w
ordeal σ島
order 橋�
orderly 障飼
ordinal 橋�柴
ordinance �k�O
ordinarily �q�`
ordinary 感�q�
ore �qホ
organ Ⅲ�^
organic 捷�x�
organism Τ穣悼
organization 箇卒
organize 箇卒
orient �Fよ
oriental �Fよ�
origin �_圭
original 殻��
originality 覚�@�O
originally セ�
originate �_�l
ornament 庫喉�
ornamental 庫喉�
orphan �t�
orthodox タ歌�
ostrich �k馨
other �O�
otherwise ぃ�M�顧
ought 棲訣�O
ounce �s�q
our и㌣�
ourself и�セ�H
ourselves и㌣��v
out �~
outbreak �z�o
outburst ��o
outcome 飢�G
outcry �s額
outdoor め�~�
outdoors �bめ�~
outer �b�~�
outfit ��庫各
outlaw �L�k�Lぱ�
outlet �X�f
outline 除腰 ��Z
outlook �i掩
output �X横
outrage �自�n
outrageous 自��
outside �~魁
outskirt ⑤�~
outstanding 塔ヘ�
outward �~魁�
oval 条玖�
ovary �l�
oven �`
over �bぇ�W
overcoat �j�
overcome �J�A
overflow 係�X
overhang �a�
overhead 葵�[�
overhear �L�Nい泥�
overland �g外侯�
overlook ㌔鋸
overnight �q�d
overpower ゴ英
overseas ��~�
oversleep 採�L�Y
overtake �l�W
overthrow ゴ遜
overturn 雲遜
overwhelm 寸㌦
overwhelming 寸㌦��
overwork �u�@�L�
owe ㍗凝
owing 芋�
owl 厨�Y�N
own 蕉Τ
owner ��D
ownership �Τ�v
ox �
oxygen ��
oyster �d禎 �H
pace �Bワ
pacific �Mキ�
pack �]
package �]庫
packet �p�]
pad 敵行
paddle 謝
page Ⅱ
pageant 憶�|
pail 燕
pain �h
painful �h�
painfully �h�W�a
paint �C�
painter �e�a
painting �o�e
pair �@刻
pajamas 採�
pal 郊�
palace �c卦
pale �aフ
palm も�x
palm 環�[
pamphlet �p�U�l
pan キ燥
pancake 繊�N紙
pane 機�周
panel �K�O
panic 套�W
pansy �T�亀湛汀
pant 掛�
panther ��w�\
pants 診
papa ��
paper �
par �P�
parachute ⑯絹格
parade �C�
paradise 車狗
paragraph �q絹
parallel キ��
paralyze �蛎券
paramount �葵�
paraphrase 狐沈
parasite �Hネ�
parasol 凶格
parcel �]�q
parch �M握
parchment οブ�
pardon ㈹縮
pare ㊨閏
parent �ダ針
parenthesis �A弦
parish 頴囲
park そ狗
parliament 郁�|
parliamentary 郁�|�
parrot �x�M
parsley Ⅶ究
parson ��v
part 魁だ
partake だ�
partial 魁だ�
partially 魁だ�a
participate 委�[
participation 委�P
participle だ亨
particular 恰�W�
particularly 恰�W�a
parting だ託
partisan ル�
partition ナだ
partly 魁だ�a
partner �X郊�H
partridge 殿�l
party 彊�| �F漬
party �R�|
pass �q�L
passage �q�D
passenger Ⅷ�
passion 呪院
passionate 呪院�
passionately 呪院�a
passive �轡�
passport �@罫
past �L�h�
paste �k �I
pastime �産
pastor ��v ��H
pastoral ��H�
patron や��
patronage や�
patter ��P�n
pattern 肱� 社�
pause 葦�y
pave �Q�]
pavement 侯⑰
paw ��l
pay �I韓
payment �I韓
pea ├�l
peace �Mキ
peaceable �Mキ�
peaceful �w合�
peach ��l
peacock ふ涯
peak �s�p
peal �T�n
peanut �ネ
pear 甥�l
pearl ��]
peasant �Aひ
pebble �Z�Zホ
peculiar �_�S�
peculiarity �似
peculiarly �_�S�a
peddler �p�c
pedestal �x�y
pedestrian ��H
peel �Gブ
peep 綾�
peer �P恕
peer 禾�
peg れ�v �Ж
pelt をブ
pen 祈
pen 剃育
penalty �g�@
pencil �]祈
pending ゼ�M�w�
pendulum 珍�\
penetrate ��z
peninsula �b�q
penny �@だ椙
pension �iρ�
pensive �s��
people �Hチ チ桶
pepper �J還
perceive �P脹
percent κだぇ“
percentage κだゑ
perceptible �塔�
perception �脹
perch 艦�
perchance ��\
perfect ��
perfection Ч�
perfectly ��a
perform ��t 印�
performance �t�X Θ�Z
perfume Ⅶ�
perhaps �i�
peril �M�I
perilous �M�I�
period �漢 �y弦
periodical 漢�Z
perish 郡契
permanent ッ�[�
permanently ッ�[�a
permission �\�i
permit す�\
perpendicular ���
perpetual ッ�[�
perplex �g�b
perplexity �x�b
persecute ②�`
persecution ②�`
perseverance 杓�O
persevere 壱�
persimmon �U�l
persist 壱�
persistent �T印�
person �H
personage �W�H �e鯖
personal �p�H�
personality ㎎�
personally 針��a
personnel �H�魁�
perspective �z鋸
persuade �U察
persuasion �U察
pertain 紬�
pervade �Mガ
pessimism �d�[
pest �r�
pestilence 暁�V�f
pet �d�
petal �辰
petition 出�@�
petroleum ホ�o
petticoat 敵姑
petty 禾�p�
pew �y�
phantom ほ�v
phase �漢
pheasant �n茸
phenomenon �{�H
philosopher √焦�a
philosophic √焦�W�
philosophy √焦
phone �q顧
phonograph �q異穣
phosphoric �t�M�
photo 罫�
photograph 罫�
phrase ��y
physical ��z�
physically ��z�a
physician 代ネ
physics ��z焦
pianist 菅�^�a
piano 菅�^
piazza ┼�Y
pick �D随
pickle �M鏡ナ
picnic 灰�\
picture 肱�e
picturesque �p�e�
pie �`紙
piece �@� �@喰
pier �X�Y
pierce ��}
piety У橋
pig 殉
pigeon �F�l
pike ��j �|猪
pile �@逸
pilgrim 澗�t�
pilgrimage 澗�t�
pill 団�Y
pillar �W�l
pillow �E�Y
pilot �r�p∩
pin �O�w
pinch �
pine �Q情
pineapple 資甥
pingpong モャ�y
pinion 馨π
pink ���
pint �~我
pioneer �}��
pious �@雇�
pipe 剤
piper �j加�
pirate ��s
pistil 斯振
pistol も�j
piston �矩
pit �W�}
pitch щ
pitcher щも
pitiful �i痔�
pitiless �L院�
pity 痔磁
placard 斜�y�P
place 兜�,�aよ
placid キ�R�
plague ��f
plaid ��l��O
plain 感�q�
plan �p�e
plane �キ⑰
planet ��P
plank �O
plant 貫�
plantation �A狗
planter 斎貫��H
plaster ホ�I
plastic 苦拾
plate �紬�O
plateau 葵㈹
platform �O
platinum フ�,�`
platter �j�L�l
play �C生
player �v蘇�
playful �R�C��
playground �B以兜
playmate �C�
plaything ��
plea 出�@
plead �G�@
pleasant �rе�
pleasantly �rе�a
please �葵審
pleased 葵審�
pleasing �rе�
pleasure �w車
pledge �}�
plentiful �\�h�
plenty ��h
plot 畿欧
plow �p
pluck �K
plug �
plum ��l
plumage πを
plume πを
plunder 碓砿
plunge 候�i
plural 銃柴
plus �[
ply 告�[
pneumonia ��
pocket �f�U
poem 菰
poet 菰�H
poetic 菰�N
poetry 菰
point �I
pointed �y
poison �r
poisonous Τ�r
poke 七�}
pole 肝 �
police 諜克
policeman 諜克
policy �F畿
polish �i�
polite Τ則鯖�
politely �斤�a
politeness Τ則鯖
political �F�v�
politician �F�v�a
politics �F�v焦
poll チ�N旗島
pollen ��
pond �躯
ponder �I�
ponderous 佳⑪�
pony �p姶
pool �
poor �h�a �t�l
pop �z�n
pope 頴�
poplar フ隈
poppy 帳起
populace チ桶
popular ��w��
popularity �y�
population �H�f
populous �H�f�Y�K�
porcelain 押捷
porch 凶�x
porcupine 雑殉
pore を
pork 殉ψ
port 岩�f
portable も苅�
portal タ�
porter 鐸�u
portion �@魁だ
portrait �b┃抗
pose �欣
position ��m
positive �T�w�
positively �T�w�a
possess 蕉Τ
possession �Τ�v
possessive �Τ�
possibility �i��
possible �i��
possibly �i��a
post そ�i �lン
postage �l�O
postal �l�F�
postcard ��H�
poster �釜
posterity ��N
postman �l�t
postoffice �lЫ
postpone �漢
postscript �祈
posture �欣
pot 茅 祷
potato 姶�a薦
potent �j�O�
potential �i��
potter �s崖�u�H
pottery 崖捷
pouch �p�U
poultry �a�V
pound �S �V聖
pour 局㌦
poverty �h�x
powder 禾�
power �O�q �v�O
powerful �j�O�
powerless �L�O�
practicable �i��
practical 濠孜�
practicality 濠孜�
practically 濠孜�a
practice �m貨
prairie �j�㈹
praise �g�
pray �谷
prayer 谷�i
preach 暁頴
preacher 暁�D�
precarious �M�I�
precaution �w┥
precede 苅�e
precedent ��
preceding ��e�
precept �e┘
precinct 囲一
precious �Q⑪�
precipice �a�V
precipitate �H埴 �P�
precise 埼�T�
precisely 埼�T�a
precision 埼�T
predecessor �eヴ �e恕
predicate �z�y
predict �w┘
prediction �w┘
preface � 匙┘
prefecture �aよ�x他�
prefer ゑ勾樫�w
preference 鮎�R �u�f
prefix �rⅥ
prejudice 鮎┌
preliminary ��B�
premier �`�z Ⅵ�
premise �e苅
premium 綬�
preparation �w各
preparatory �w各�
prepare 掲各
preposition ざ�t亨
prerogative �S�v
prescribe �W�w
prescription 団よ �W�w
presence �X�u
present �e�e �{�b
presentation 則� �t�X
presently ぃ�[�a
preservation �O�@
preserve �O�@
preside �D�
presidency �`歌ヴ漢
president �`歌 ��
presidential �`歌�
press 寸 �s�D�
pressure 寸�O
prestige �掩
presumably 芦�w�a
presume 芦�w
pretend 芦庫
pretense 糾旭
pretty �}�G
prevail �y� 菖較
prevailing �y��
prevalent �y��
prevent �ゎ
prevention ┥ゎ
previous ��e�
previously ��e�a
prey �y�
price 児椙
priceless �L児�
pride ��L
priest ��v
primarily �D�n�a
primary ���
prime �D�n�
primitive 芋セ�
primrose 偵��
prince び�l
princely ��a�
princess そ�D
principal �D�n�
principle ㈹�h
print �L�
printer �L��
prior �w��
prism �T�W宙
prison 妻沙
prisoner デ�H
privacy 藻�p
private �p�H�
privately �p�H�a
privilege �S�v
privileged �S�v
prize 綬�~
probability �i��
probable �i� �j熊
probably �j熊�a
problem 維�D
procedure �{�
proceed �i�
proceeding �以
process �L�{
procession ��C
proclaim �n�
proclamation �┘
procure �PΘ
prodigal ��O
prodigious �j�q�
produce ネ横
producer �s�@�
product 横�~
production ネ横
productive ネ横�
profane �@�U�
profess �n�
profession 他�~
professional �M�~�
professor 頴餌
proffer 苅�
proficient �M�a
proficient 埼�q�
profile �~鯖
profit �Q�q
profitable Τ�Q�i肱�
profiteer 栓蕊�Q�
profound �`遇�
profoundly �`遇�a
program �`ヘ
programme �`ヘ
progress �i�B
progressive �i�B�
prohibit �Tゎ
prohibition �Tゎ
project よ�
projection щ�g
prologue �黒
prolong ��
promenade �C�
prominent 吸�W�
promise ��w
promising Τ�掩�
promote ど�E
promotion ど�E
prompt ミ��
promptly ミ��a
prone 局�V�
pronoun �N�W亨
pronounce �oⅠ �n�
pronounced �┘�
pronunciation �oⅠ
proof 享証
propaganda �暁
propagate �s暁
propeller 然越謝
proper �A訣�
properly �A訣�a
property �]横
prophecy �w┘
prophesy �w┘
prophet �w┘�a
prophetic �w┘�
proportion ゑ�v
proposal 苅� �D�B
propose 苅蝶
proposition �D�i
proprietor �Τ�
prose 寛ゅ
prosecute �_�D
prospect 桟敢
prospective Τ�掩�
prosper �c�a
prosperity �c�a
prosperous �c�a�
protect �O�@
protection �O�@
protective �O�@�
protector �O�@�
protein �Jフ処
protest к蝶
protestant �s頴
protoplasm ㈹�処
proud 添尭
proudly 誇庁�a
prove 享�
proverb 仁�y
provide �宜
provided ㏄�Y
province �
provincial ��
provision �棲
provocation 腸�
provoke �自�
prudence 待�V
prudent 待�V�
prune �暗
pry �唄
psalm 菰�g
psychology み�z焦
public そノ�
publication �X�
publicity そ�}
publicly そ�M�a
publish �o�
publisher �X��
pudding ガ�B
puff �@�j
pull �
pulp �Gψ
pulse ��i
pump �A稀
pumpkin �nナ
punch ゴふ捷
punctual �u�
punctuation 斜�I
punish �B�@
punishment �B�@
pup �p�
pupil 焦ネ
puppet れ宛
puppy �p�
purchase 訴�R
purchaser 訴�R�
pure ��
purely �咲�a
purge 蟻�M
purify �bて
purity �M寂
purple 亀��
purpose ヘ�
purse 椙�U
pursue �l�D
pursuit �q�
push 雲
pussy 厨
put ��m
puzzle 著�D
pyramid ��r駒
quack 糠糠
quail �O�L
quaint 託�_Τ曙�
qualification 瑚�
qualify 宜�P瑚�
quality �~処
quantity ��q
quarrel �n�[
quarrelsome 樫�w�n�[�
quarry �wホ兜
quarter �|だぇ�@
quartz ホ�^
queen �k� ��Z
queer �j��
quench 狐忌
query 挫維
quest 唄�
question 維�D
quick е
quicken �[е
quickly �е�a
quicksilver �使
quiet �I�R�
quietly �w�R�a
quill π塊
quilt 間�Q
quit �遠
quite �訣
quiver 展л
quotation まノ�y
quote ま享
rabbit ��l
race �v蘇
racial 斎謁�
rack 柵�[
racket �y�
radar �p�F
radiance �女
radiant 睡�g�
radiate 睡�g
radiator �x�穣
radical �セ�
radio ΜⅠ穣
radium �J
radius �b�|
raft 記
rag �}ガ
rage 自�
ragged �}定�
raid 擢聖
rail 剃�
railing нも
railroad �K侯
railway �y�D
rain �B
rainbow �i
raindrop �B�w
rainfall �B�q
rainy �U�B�
raise ど�_
rally ボ��B以
ram そο
ramble 懇�B
ranch �j�A兜
random ヴ�N
range �d樺
rank 魚児だ寵
ransom 笛�
rap �V聖
rapid ┳�t�
rapidity ┳�t
rapidly ┳�t�a
rapt �g樫�
rapture ��堤�`
rare �}ぶ�
rarely �}ぶ�a
rascal �p�^�
rash �l�l
rat ρ巷
rate ゑ�v 汽�
rather 合�@
ratify у㏍
ratio ゑ�v
rational �X�z�
rattle �o糠糠�n
ravage �}�a
rave ��q
raven �Q�~ 碓砿
ravine �l└
raw ネ�
ray ��u
razor �c�M
reach �F�
react は棲
reaction は棲
reactionary は以だ�l
read �\的
reader 的�
readily �e��a
readiness よ�K
ready 掲各�n�
real �u濠�
reality �{濠
realization 悼�{
realize 悼�{
really �uタ�a
realm �郁
reap Μ確
reaper Μ確�
reappear �A�X�{
rear �⑰ �i�|
reason �zパ
reasonable �X�z�
reasonably �X�z�a
reasoning 雲�z
reassure �A�O享
rebel はк�
rebellion �yは
rebellious は�q�
rebuff �^鬼
rebuild ⑪�
rebuke ��d
recall �l�^ �O�_
recede ⑯�C
receipt Μ証
receive Μ�
receiver 欝��
recent 殻��
recently 殻��a
receptacle �e捷 �Λ
reception ��
recess ヰ韻
reciever 欝Μ捷
recipe Ⅴ弛
reciprocal が�f
recite �I�w
reckless ぃ�U�@ち
reckon �p財
reclaim э�y
recline 嬢�
recognition �{�X
recognize �{�X
recoil ��h
recollect �^笑
recollection �^笑
recommend 雲�
recompense �S疎
reconcile 春葦
reconstruct ⑪�
reconstruction ⑪�
record �O雀 異�
recount 股�z
recovery ⑪栓 �_じ
recreation �T車いみ
recruit �巾
rectangle �よ�
rector ��v
recur ⑪�{
red ��
redbreast ��馨
redden 怒�
reddish �a���
redeem 笛�^
reduction 喜ぶ
reed 暢見
reef �t�G
reel 渦�b
refer �ボ
reference 委σ�
refine 苅繋
refined 埼�s�
refinement 埼�
reflect は�g
reflection は�g
reform э⑱
reformer э⑱�
refrain �Tゎ
refresh ��_
refreshment ┃み�nе
refrigerator �B�c
refuge 宋著�
refugee 著チ
refusal �鬼
refuse �鬼
regain ��_ ⑪�^
regal ���
regard �{�
regardful �pみ�
regarding 猪�
regardless ぃ�U
regent 鶴�F
regime �F�v
regiment �@肯 �@�s
region �a囲
register 漁�U
registration 漁�U
regret ��
regular �q�`�
regularity �W�h
regularly タ�`�a
regulate �タ
regulation �W�h
rein 天歎
reindeer 好垣
reinforce �W刊
reiterate は�_
reject �鬼
rejoice �“葵審
rejoicing 葵審
relate Τ猪�s
relation 猪�Y
relationship 猪�Y
relative 針鵜 �猪
relatively �刻�a
relax ��P
release 沈�
relent �P院
reliable �i�a
relic 崇鯉
relief 狐我
relieve 狐娃
religion �v頴
religious �v頴�
relinquish �遠
relish ��
reluctance �j�j
reluctant �j�j�
reluctantly �j�j�a
rely �Hヴ
remain �O� �d�U
remainder �l柴
remark �`�N 魚漁
remarkable ぃキ�`�
remarkably ぃキ�`�
remedy �v潜 孤穎
remember �O�o
remembrance ��
remind 苅数
remit 琴�H �j�K
remnant 崇�
remodel э庫
remorse ��
remote 算桟�
removal �M娃
remove 仮以
removed 桟託�
renaissance �_審
rend だ虚
render �e�e �yΘ
renew ��s 挺�q
renounce �遠 �_�{
renown �W掩
rent �� �X�
repair ��z
reparation 孤�v
repast �\脅
repeal �M�P
repeat ⑪銃
repeated ⑪銃�
repeatedly ⑪銃�a
repel �X娃 �鬼
repent ��
repentance ��
repetition ⑪銃
replace �勧
replenish 孤�R
reply 紀対
report 釜�i
reporter 営�X�O�
represent �ボ
representation �N�
reproach �w�d
reproduce 銃�s
reproduction 銃�s
reproof �D著
reprove �d各
reptile �体以�
republic �@�M郁
republican �@�M�F悼
repulse �v�h
reputation �n児
repute �W�
request 出�D
require 旨�n
requirement ゲ�n汚ン
requisite ゲ�n�
rescue 穎
research ��s
resemblance 寵��I
resemble 寵�
resent 自�n
resentment 自�n
reservation �w� �O�d
reserve �w�
reservoir �J��B
reside �
residence ��v
resident �~��
resign 茶他
resignation 茶他
resist �к
resistance �к
resolute 壱�w�
resolutely 壱�M�a
resolution �Mみ
resolve �U�Mみ
resolved �M蝶�
resort �T車兜
resource 瑚圭
respect �L�q
respectable �i�L�q�
respectful �ボ�q�N
respectfully �L�q�a
respecting 猪�
respective ㎎�O�
respectively ㎎�O�a
respond �^紀
response は棲
responsibility �dヴ
responsible 棲�t�dヴ�
rest ヰ�
restaurant �\�]
restless ぃ�w�
restoration ��_
restore ��_㈹�
restrain ы�
restraint ы�
restrict ⑬�
restriction ⑬�
result 飢�G
resume ⑪�s�}�l
resurrection �_�
retail �s謂
retain �O�
retard 喜�C�t�
retire �hヰ
retirement �hヰ
retort は脂
retreat �M�h
return �k匝
reveal 塔ボ
revelation 侃�o
revenge 釜こ
revenue 軍�J,Μ�q
revere �L�q
reverence �L�q
reverend 棲�L�q�
reverse �は
revert ��_
review 魚竣
revise ��q
revision ��q
revival �_�d
revive �_�d
revolt 蕊以
revolution ⑱�R
revolutionary ⑱�R�
revolve �j退
revolver オ除も�j
reward 釜�S
rhetoric �茶
rheumatism Ⅲ雪
rhyme �喋
rhythm 越�
rib ω逢
ribbon �v�a
rice μ,矯
rich �I�
rid ��K娃
riddle 措
ride �M Ⅷ
rider �M�h
ridge �I
ridicule �M�
ridiculous �怠�
rifle �砦�j
rig ��庫�m
right タ�T�
righteous タ�q�
righteousness タ�q
rightful タ��
righthand �kも�
rigid �T�w�
rim 嫡
ring з�l
rinse �~紺
riot 蕊以
rip ц虚
ripe Θ儒
ripen Θ儒
ripple 婚根
rise �_� �@�_
rising �k�@�
risk �_�I
rival 刻篠�
rivalry �v�
river �e
rivet ��T�w
road �D侯
roadside 侯嫡
roadway �D侯
roam �r�
roar �H�
roast �M�N
rob �m�T
robber �j�s
robbery 碓砿
robe �~�T
robin ��馨
rock �ホ
rocket ��b
rocky �ホ�
rod 肝 浬�
role ┐�
roll �u以
rollcall �I�W
roller �u稀
romance 妬�R
roof �鎧
room �供
rooster 強茸
root �
rope 歎�
rose 船賎
rosebud 船賎�羨
rosy �z��
rot �G�a
rotate �j退
rotation �j退
rotten �G英�
rouge ��
rough 科�
round 玖�
rouse 滑数
route 侯�u
routine ら�`�u�@
rove 退�退�h
rover �y��
row �@影
royal 郁��
royalty ��v
rub �|
rubber 杖拾
rubbish �o�
ruby ��_ホ
rude �L則�
rudely �L則�a
rug 巌�l
rugged �T穀�
ruin 郡契
rule �W�h
ruler 歌�v�
ruling 渠�w
rum 旺�s
rumble 掌Ⅰ
rumor 疏┘
run �]
runaway �k�`�
runner �]�B�
running �]�
rural �m�U�
rush �t�
rust �K�q
rustic �m��
rusty �G�k�
ruthless �L院�
sable 饗�I
sack �j�U�l
sacred ��t�
sacrifice 帝�
sad �d�s
saddle �b
sadly �d�h�a
sadness �d�s
safe �w�
safeguard �O�@
safely �w��a
safety �w�
sag �PΒ
sage 遵��
sail �|餓
sailor �も
saint �t�H
sake �t�G
salad �F�
salary �~�
sale �P謂
salesman 謂�f∩
salmon �D浬
salon �F�s
salt �Q
salute �q則
salvation 穎�@
same ��P�
sample 舎�~
sanction �㏍
sand �F
sandal �D�c
sandstone �F�
sandwich �T��v
sandy �F�
sane �Y牽�M掘�
sanitary 獣ネ�
sanitation 獣ネ�]各
sardine �F�B浬
sash 喉�a
satellite 獣�P
satin �vガ
satire 陣�
satisfactory 此�N�
satisfy 此�N
saturday �P漢せ
satyr ��T
sauce 春�ツ
saucepan キ�燥
saucer �p歳�l
saucy �Nブ�
sausage Ⅶ�z
savage ぱ�M�
save �@穎
saving �`�
savior �@穎�
savor Ⅲ�
saw 雛�}
say 察
saying �W┘
scald �S極
scale �S�
scalp �Yブ
scamper �e┼
scan 禾�
scandal 操�
scant ��F�
scanty ��F�
scar �鴎
scarce ��F�
scarcely �X�G�SΤ
scarcity ��F
scare �`�
scarecrow �_��H
scarf 樺�y
scarlet �`��
scatter 寛�B
scene 濠�p
scenery 敢�
scenic 敢�
scent ��
scepter �v�
schedule �供�
scheme �p杭
scholar 焦�
scholarship 綬焦�
school 焦�
schoolboy 焦毅
schoolgirl �k焦ネ
schoolhouse ��
schoolmaster ��
schoolroom 頴�
schooner �j�O┏
science �焦
scientific �焦�
scientist �焦�a
scissors 暗�M
scoff �J�
scold �d�|
scoop �@�l
scope 牡�
scorch �N�J
score �oだ
scorn 惨鋸
scornful 惨鋸�
scoundrel �L釘
scour 誠�~
scourge �a�`
scout 毅�l�x
scowl �K��Y
scramble 斗驚
scrap �s�Y 暗釜
scrapbook 暗�K誰
scrape �閏
scratch ъ極
screech �y�s
screen ガ黒 使黒
screw 然儀�v
script も�Z
scripture �g�
scroll ��b
scrub 誠�~
scrub 堤れ�O
scruple �Uб
sculptor �n��a
sculpture �n��~
scurry �e┼
scuttle 継�c
scythe �j�I�M
sea ��v
seacoast ��
seal �L街 �O弦
seal ��\
seam 欝�_
seaman �も
seaport 岩�f
search �j�d
searchlight 唄罫�O
seashore ��
seasick �w餓�
seaside �嫡
season �u�`
seat �y�
seaweed �飾
seclude �j託
second 可�G 遅Θ
secondary Ω�n�
secondhand �Gも�f
secrecy ��K
secret ��K�
secretary ��
sect �v�
section 魁だ
secular �@�U�
secure �O�@
security �w�
see �┌
seed 斎�l
seedling ��]
seeing パ�
seek �M�D
seem ��G
seeming ��G�
seesaw 蓄蓄�O
seethe �_�w�j
segment 魁だ
seize ��
seldom �ぶ
select �D随
selection 随詳
self ��v
selfish ��p�
selfishness ��p
selfsame �P舎�
sell �X謂
seller 醇�D
semblance ��
semicolon だ弦
senate 委蝶�|
senator 委蝶∩
send �e �
senior �~��
sensation �P院
sensational 套�H�
sense �P�x
senseless �L�脹�
sensibility �P�
sensible �塔�
sensitive 詠�P�
sentence �P�M �y�l
sentiment 院匙
sentimental 院匙て�
sentinel ㍼�L
separate だ�}
separation だ託
september �Eる
sepulcher �X荒
sequence 橋�
serenade �p�]Ρ
serene �w股�
serge を考�T
sergeant �x�h 諜�x
series �t�C
serious �Y⑪�
sermon 楚�D
serpent �D
servant 慌�H
serve �㎏
service �A鞍
session �|漢
set �w�m
settle �w�y
settled �T�w�
settlement �M狐
settlement 含チ�a
settler �w�~�
seven �C
seventeen �Q�C
seventeenth 可�Q�C�
seventh 可�C �
seventieth 可�C�Q�
seventy �C�Q
sever ち�_
several �X㎎
severe �Y�F�
severity �Y�F
sew �_�
sewer �U��D
sex ��O
shabby �}詑�
shade 咳�D�B
shadow 咳�v
shadowy Τ咳�v�
shady 咳�D�
shaft �b煙 ベ�`
shaggy を���
shake �n以
shale Ⅱ�
shall �N
shallow �L�
shalt �N
shame 菓�
shameful ぃ悼⑰�
shape ��
shapeless �S���
share ��
shark �T浬
sharp �U�Q�
sharpen �d
sharply �U�Q�a
shatter ゴ�H
shave �
shawl 樺�y
she �o
sheaf �
shear 暗�_
sheath �T
shed 寛�X
sheep ο
sheer ��M�
sheet �恰 �@�i
shelf 請�O
shell 岸
shellfish ┤
shelter 藻唾�B
shepherd �ο�
sheriff �p�v�w�x
shield �
shift 汗勧
shilling ��O
shimmer �H�
shin �~�p�L
shine �o�G
shingle れニ
shiny �o�G�
ship 餓
shipment 庫餓
shipping 庫�f
shipwreck �J著餓
shirt 敵�
shiver �oл
shock �_以
shoe �c
shoemaker ブ�c�K
shoot �g聖
shop �
shopkeeper ��D
shopping 訴�
shore �
short �u
shortage ��F
shorten ��u
shortening ��u
shorthand �t�O
shortly ぃ�[
shortsighted �鋸
shot �o�g
should �N�|
shoulder ��H
shout �s額
shove 雲
shovel 抽�l
show ��t 塔ボ
shower �J�B
shred �Hガ汚
shrewd 詠蔚�
shriek �y�s
shrill �y�U�
shrine ��
shrink �Y�p
shrivel �_�K�
shrub 堤れ
shrug �q�
shudder �oл
shuffle �~��P
shun 効宋
shut 階
shutter κ賢機
shuttle 鉛
shy �`菓
sick �f
sicken ��@甲
sickness �f
side �嫡
sidewalk �H��D
siege 樺�
sieve �z�l
sift �z
sigh 皇�
sight 鋸脹
sign �x,単�W
signal �H弦
signature 単�W
significance ⑪�n�
significant ⑪�n�
signify �ボ
silence �H�q
silent �L�n�
silk 儀
silkworm 答
silly �M程�
silver 使
silvery 抗使�
similar 寵��
simple 族恰�
simplicity 族恰
simplify 族て
simply 族恰�a
simultaneous �P��
sin �o�c
since ��q
sincere �u式�
sincerely 雇式�a
sincerity �u式
sinew �x�l �O�q
sing �q異
singer �qも
single 恰�W�
singular �S��
sinister ┯�c�
sink �H絹 �煮
sinner �o�H
sip 違脅
sir �ネ
sire 師�U
siren 諜釜捷
sister �n�f
sit Г
site ��m
situated ��“
situation 院�p
six せ
sixteen �Qせ
sixteenth 可�Qせ�
sixth 可せ
sixtieth 可せ�Q�
sixty せ�Q
size へ�o �j�p
skate 携�B�c
skeleton 逢�[
skeptical �h挫�
sketch ��Z ��y
ski 憩碍
skill м�
skilled 儒�m�
skillful 儒�m�
skim �J�h
skin ブ洲
skip 候�D
skirmish �p縦�
skirt 姑�l
skull �Y�\逢
skunk ��^
sky ぱ�
skylark 恭涯
skyscraper 鹿ぱ�O
slab ホ� れ�O
slack 継危
slack �w�C�
slacken �w�C
slam �r鴫
slander 准曾
slang �Z�y
slant 局益
slap �x聖
slash 確極
slate ホ�O
slaughter �O応
slave ィ装
slavery ィ装��
slay 応
sled 碍疾
sledge 碍疾 �j争
sleek �憩�
sleep 採脹
sleeper 採�v�
sleeping 採�v
sleepy �Q採�
sleet �B�r
sleeve �S�l
sleigh 碍疾
slender 禾�
slice � ち�
slide 憩絹
slight 惨�L�
slim �G��
sling �u�} �Q歎
slip 憩㌦ 携┼
slipper ��c
slippery 憩携�
slogan �f弦 斜�y
slope 局益
slow �w�C
slug �pを体
slumber 採�v
slump 慨絹
sly 藻�K�
smack 棄� �聖
small �p�
smallpox ぱ�
smart 埼��
smash �o�H
smear �甜
smell �D
smile �L�
smite ゴ聖 �d各
smith �u�K
smock �n�m
smoke 系丁 �系
smoking �_系�
smooth �憩�
smother �e �\
smuggle ┼�p
snail 十�
snake �D
snap ч�_ �m砿
snare 慨╂ 擦慨
snarl ��q �抵
snatch 砿�
sneak 主�
sneer �J�
sneeze ゴ�Q澄
sniff �l�
snore ゴ�I
snort �@∮�n
snow 碍
snowy �碍�
snuff �l�J雌い
snug 砧�A�
so �p�
so-called �迅
soak ��z
soap ��m
soar 葵Ⅳ
sob 吟�|
sober �M数�
soccer ━�y
social ��|�
socialism ��|�D�q
socialist ��|�D�q�
society ��|
sock �u訂
socket 粥�y �W煮
sod ��a
soda �T�
sofa �F�o
soft �X�n�
soften 怒�n
soil �d�g
sojourn 葦�d
solace �w滋
solar び凶
soldier �h�L
sole 恰�@�
solemn �Y蟻�
solemnity �Y蟻
solicit ��v
solid �T悼�
solitary 恰�W�
solitude 恰�W
solo �W異 �W�
solution 狐紀 兄狐
solve 狐�M
somber 咳�t�
some �@�
somebody �Y�H
somehow ぃ���G
someone �Y�H
something �Y�
sometime �Y� ら�
sometimes Τ� ぃ�
somewhat Τ�I
somewhere �Y�B
son ��l
song �qΡ
sonnet �Q�|�菰
soon ぃ�[
soot 継η
soothe �w滋
sordid γ息�
sore �k�h�
sorrow �d極
sorrowful �d極�
sorry ��p
sort 斎寵
soul �F試
sound 扱��
sound 胡唄
sound �nⅠ
soup 端幾
sour 残�
source �圭
south �nよ
southeast �F�n
southern �nよ�
southward �V�n
southwest ��n
southwestward �V��n
sovereign �Τ�D�v�
sovereignty �D�v
sow 悉斎
space �供
spacious �s�
spade 抽�l
span �u�供
spangle ���{�{
spank �@ぺ�x
spare 椎�
spark ��
sparkle ��
sparrow 蛎涯
speak 察
speaker �t察�
spear ベ
special �S�O�
specialist �M�a
specialize �M�て
species 斎寵
specific �S��
specify ��w
specimen 舎�~
speck 干�I
speckle �p干�I
spectacle �_�[ 牡宙
spectacular Ё�[�
spectator �[桶
specter ��F
spectrum �弛
speculate 雲旗
speculation 雲旗
speculative 雲�z�
speech �t楚
speechless 察ぃ�X顧�
speed �t�v
speedy ┳�t�
spell �
spelling ��r
spend ��O
sphere �y�
sphinx �H�Y劇┃
spice Ⅶ�
spider �j居
spike ��v
spill 錫閏
spin �
spinach 虐究
spindle �争
spine �I逢
spinning �卒
spiral 然越�
spire �y駒
spirit 埼�
spiritual み�F�W�
spit �R
splash �q�}
splendid ��V�
splendor ��m
splinter �H�
split Аだ
spoil ��V �d�a
spoke 睡汚
spokesman �o┘�H
sponge �錯
sponsor 遅�U
spontaneous ��M�
spool �u�b
spoon 依
spoonful �@依
sport �B以
sportsman �B以�a
spot �I
spouse �t宛
spout �Q�X
spray �Q�X
spread �蒐�
spring �Kぱ,候
spring �u速
sprinkle �x
sprout �
spy 供尋
square タよ�
squash 寸�
squat 築
squeak �s�s�n
squeal �y�n楽∵
squeeze 寸�
squire �m稼
squirrel �Q巷
stab �
stability �w�w
stable 壱�T�
stack 逸
stadium 悼�|�]
staff 他∩
stag 強垣
stage �O,競�q
stagger 滞�\
stain γ�I
stainless ぃ鎮菅
stair 紗沿
staircase 紗沿
stake 巡�`
stale ぃ�s�A�
stalk 塊
stall 劾�C�O
stammer �f�Y
stamp �l下 �L街
stamp �y━ 瀧寸
stanch ゎ�
stanch 壱�j�
stand ��
standard 斜掲
standing ┃� �a�
standpoint ミ兜
stanza �@�`(菰)
staple �W横 �D�D
staple �v��w
star �P ��P
starch 埴�
stare �`鋸
stark 侍�w�
starry �h�P�
start �X�o �}�l
startle �Y套
startling 套�H�
starvation �j�
starve 挨�j
state �{
state ��p �n�
stately 怪�Y�
statement �n��
statesman �F�v�a
station ┏�
stationary �T�w�
stationer ゅ�尉
stationery ゅ�
statistics 歌�p焦
statue �J抗
stature ┃�
status ��p �a�
statute �k�W
stay 葦�d ��w
steadfast �T�w�
steady 鱈�w�
steak �影 浬影
steal 綾菟
steam �]�T
steamboat �T餓
steamer �]�T穣
steamship �T餓
steed �@姶
steel 菅
steep �I�m�
steeple �y鎧
steer �r�p
stem �ゎ
stem �` �F
stenographer �t�O∩
step �}�B
stepmother �ダ
sterling ��~�
stern �Y��
stew �L
steward �A鞍∩
stewardess �k�A�∩
stick 諌�l 粥�J
sticky 巛巛�
stiff 侍�w�
stiffen 怒�w
stifle 何�
stigma 桁黄
still �Rゎ
stillness �Rゎ
stimulate ��E
stimulus ��E�
sting � �m
stir 斗�
stirrup 姶筑
stitch �w�k
stock �s�f �下
stockholder ��F
stocking �訂
stomach �G
stone ホ�Y
stony ホ��
stool 更�l �j�K
stoop �s�y ��Y
stop 葦ゎ
storage �x唾�
store 尉�
storehouse ��w
storm 蕊Ⅲ�B
stormy 蕊Ⅲ�B�
story �G�
stout �采�
stove �l�_
straight ��
straighten ��
straightway ミ�
strain �歌
strain �昨
strait ��l
strand �@�
strange �_��
stranger ⑮ネ�H
strap ブ�a �ゴ
stratagem �p畿
straw �_� �l剤
strawberry �悔
stray �C榛
streak �u汚
stream 桂�y
streamer 喉�a
street 挙�D
streetcar �q┏
strength �O�
strengthen �[�j
strenuous �O�O�
stress 寸�O ⑪Ⅰ
stretch �i�}
stretcher 鍾�[�
strew 寛悉
stricken �Q�I�`�
strict �Y��
stride �j�B┼
strife ��n
strike ゴ聖 �}�u
striking ま�H�`ヘ�
striking ゴ聖�
string 禾�u 歎�l
strip �汚
strip 我閏
stripe 汚�
striped Τ汚��
strive 渉茜
stroke ゴ聖 いⅢ
stroll ��i 祈�e
strong 壱�j�
stronghold �n矩
structure �c�y
struggle 渉茜 叡ゃ
strut �Ⅵ聡�B
stub �s�
stubble 丸�
stubborn �x�T
stud 喉�v
student 焦ネ
studio �u�@�
study 的�
stuff �F�
stuff 具矩
stumble 果㌦ 滞�\
stump 情捨
stun ヘ穿�f�b
stunt 鬼м
stupendous 套�H�
stupid �M佳�
sturdy �j扱�
style Α舎 Ⅲ�
subdue ��A
subject �ヘ �D亨
subject 苅�X
subjunctive 芦�]�y�
sublime �R葵�
submarine 主�献
submerge �T�S
submission �k橋
submit �蝶
subordinate �紬�
subscribe �q訴
subscriber �q訴�
subscription �p�W �q�\
subsequent ���
subside �h絹
subsist �s�b
substance �処 濠処
substantial �j�q
substitute �N汗�
subtle �L�
subtract 喜閏
suburb ⑤囲
suburban ⑤囲�
subway �a�U�K侯
succeed �~�
success Θ�\
successful Θ�\�
succession �s挺
successive �s挺�
successor �~��
succor 刊も
such �o舎�
suck �l�m
sucker �b�l
sudden ��M�
sue 臼�i
suffer ��W
sufferer �著�
suffering �h�W
sufficient ━員�
suffix �rЮ
suffocate 何�
sugar �}
suggest 苅蝶 �tボ
suggestion �蝶
suicide �応
suit �@�M �D�^
suitable �A�X�
suitcase も苅�c
suite �M�
suitor �_�D�
sulfur 恩�D
sullen �~�{�
sum �`�M
summary �K�n
summer �Lぱ
summit 鎧
summon �l彊
sumptuous 因��
sun び凶
sunbeam 凶�
sunday �P漢ら
sundown ら絹
sunlight 凶�
sunny 憾ぱ
sunrise ら�X
sunset ら絹
sunshine 凶�
superb 轡�n�
superficial �⑰�
superfluous �h�l�
superintendent 妻捲�H
superior �u�V�
superiority �u�V
superlative 殻葵�
superstition �g�H
superstitious �g�H�
supervise 妻捲
supervision 妻捲
supervisor 妻捲�
supper 円�\
supplement 孤�R
supply �宜
support や�
supporter �T┐検�a
suppose 芦�
supposedly 芦�w�
suppress 寸�
supremacy �葵
supreme ��W�
sure ��T
surface �⑰
surge �j�
surgeon �~�代ネ
surgery �~�も�N
surmise 雲旗
surmount 菖較
surname �m
surpass �u�
surplus 角�l
surprise ��Y套
surprisingly �O�H套翁�
surrender �遠 щ⑯
surround 樺�
surrounding 泉航
survey �[克 旗�q
survive ネ�s
survivor ネ匝�
susceptible �e��以�n
suspect �h挫
suspend 屡�葦ゎ
suspense �a挫
suspension �a云
suspicion 挫み
suspicious �i挫�
sustain 笹�
swallow �]
swamp �h�A
swan ぱ�Z
swarm �s
sway �n以
swear �o�}
sweat �o�
sweater を�
sweep ゴ噂
sweeping 欣�p�}λ�
sweet 旺
sweeten �[旺
sweetheart �R�H
sweetness 旺�
swell 墾此
swift е�
swim 翫�a
swine 殉
swing �\以
swirl �x希
switch �}猪 汗勧
swollen 吉�j�
sword �C
syllable Ⅰ�`
symbol �H�x
symmetrical 刻細��
sympathetic Τ�P院み�
sympathize �P院
sympathy �P院
symphony ユ�TΡ
symptom �x� �g�
syndicate �p�X箇卒
synonym �P�q�r
syntax �y�k
syrup �}爵
system �t歌
systematic Τ�t歌�
table ��l
tablet キ�O
tack �j�Y�v
tackle 絵浬ノ�
tact 穣桓
tactics 畿欧
tag 斜賭
tail Юぺ
tailor 渠�_�v
taint γ�I
take �
tale �G�
talent �~�
talk 粛竣
tall 葵
tame 好�A�
tan 鏡重�
tangle �抵
tank 煮
tap 惨ゴ �s�Y
tape 拾�a 渦�a
taper �y禾
tapestry 存�c
tar �J�o
tardy �w�C�
target ヘ斜
tariff 猪�|
tarry �請
tart �G�`紙
task �宜�u�@
tassel �J喉
taste 棄� �~�
tatter �H�
tavern �缶
tawny 鏡重�
tax ��|
taxation 潤�|
taxi �p�{┏
taxpayer ��|�H
tea �
teach 頴症
teacher ρ�v
team 肯兇
tear 牡�\ 執�}
tease ��
teaspoon �依
technical м�N�
technique м�N
tedious �F��
teem �R此
telegram �q釜
telegraph �q釜穣
telephone �q顧
telescope 掩牡宙
tell �i�D
teller �X�∩
temper 喫�
temperament �処
temperance �`�
temperate �`��
temperature 慧�
tempest 蕊Ⅲ�B
temple �x�q
temporary 屡��
tempt つま
temptation 擦�b
tempting �g�H�
ten �Q
tenant ��
tend ┼�V 罫�
tendency 鼠欣
tender 禾項�
tenderness 慧�M�
tenement ��v
tennis 柵�y
tenor �k葵Ⅰ
tense �昨 ��A
tension 寸�O
tent �b�O
tenth 可�Q
term �N�y
terminal 苛�I
terminate 飢�
terrace キ�x
terrible �i��
terribly �i��a
terrific �D�`�
terrify 套�~
territory 獅�g
terror ��
test σ胡
testament 崇淘
testify 智濠
text セゅ
textbook 頴��
textile �卒�~
texture 処�a
than ゑ
thank �P疎
thankful �P疎�
thanksgiving �P�
that ┷㎎
thatch �T�鎧
thaw 狐〟
the �o
theater 生�|
theatrical 生�@て�
thee �A
theft 綾菟
their �L㌣�
theirs �L㌣��F�
them �L㌣
theme �D�D
themselves �L㌣��v
then 訣�
thence �q�
theological �焦�
theology �焦
theory �z竣
there ┷弧
thereabout �b┷��
thereafter �b┷ぇ�
thereby �]�
therefore ��H
therein �b�い
thereof 猪�
thereon �b┷�W⑰
thereupon ミ�
therewith �H�
thermometer 慧��p
these �o�
they �L㌣
thick �p�
thicken 怒�p
thicket �O�L
thickness �p�
thief 菟檎
thigh �j�L
thimble 鎧�w
thin 繊�
thine �A�
thing �F�
think �σ
third 可�T
thirst �f忌
thirsty 忌�
thirteen �Q�T
thirteenth 可�Q�T
thirtieth 可�T�Q
thirty �T�Q
this �o㎎
thistle 選
thither �┷弧
thorn �
thorough ��
those ┷�
thou �A
though 走�M
thought �[�
thoughtful 猪み�
thoughtless ぃ�`�N�
thousand �d
thrash �@ゴ
thread 禾�u
threat ��
threaten ��
three �T
threshold �J�
thrice �T��a
thrift �`慈
thrifty �`慈�
thrill 展л
thrive 審憶
throat 鰹�V
throb 候以
throne ��y
throng �s桶
through �g�L
throughout �Mの
throw メ閏
thrush �e�馨
thrust 粥�J
thumb ��
thump ⑪聖
thunder �p�n
thursday �P漢�|
thus �p�
thwart �蒸
thyself �A��v
tick �w紀�n
ticket 下
tickle �k�o
tide 守α
tidings ��
tidy 障寂�
tie ゴ飢
tiger ρ�
tight 昨�
tighten �昨
tile �jニ
till ��
tilt 局益
timber れ�
time �供
timely の��
timid �x�p�
tin 頗
tinge 惨�V
tingle ��h
tinker �孤�K
tinkle �m彰�n
tint ��m
tiny �Y�p�
tip �p�O
tiptoe �k�y
tire �h㌢
tired �h㌢�
tiresome �Q構
tissue 箇卒 繊�
title 斜�D
to �V �
toad 段熄
toast �N佃�]
tobacco 系�
today さぱ
toe �}�k
together �@�_
toil 赫花
toilet �Z�
token �H�x
tolerable �i�eг�
tolerate �e�e
toll �q��|
tomato 浸�X
tomb �X荒
tomorrow �ぱ
ton 招
tone Ⅰ春
tongs Ж�X
tongue ��Y
tonight さ円
tonnage 招柴
too び
tool �u�
tooth �商
top 鎧
topic 竣�D
torch ��
torment ч�i
torrent ��y
tortoise �t
torture ч�i
toss �Y椙
total �`�p
totally 歌歌
totter 滞�\
touch 腸�N
touching 以�H�
tough �j�w�
tour �P�C
tourist �[��
tournament �vм
tow �┏ �餓
toward 澗�V
towel を�y
tower 駒
towering 葵�q�
town 瀧
township 瀧囲
toy ��
trace 鯉�H
track �]�D
tractor �Σ穣
trade ネ�N
trader 尉�H
tradesman �s謂尉
tradition 暁歌
traditional 暁歌�
traffic ユ�q
tragic �d�@
trail 鯉,�u�
trailer �以��
train �C┏
trainer �V�m�
training �V�m
trait �S�x
traitor �q�f�
tram �q┏
tramp 庶書
trample 庶書
tranquil 合�R�
tranquility 合�R
transact ユ�
transaction ユ�
transfer �E仮
transform 怒勧
transformation 怒勧
transient 屡��H
transit �B翠
transition �L雁�漢
transitive の��
translate 遜超
translation 遜超
transmission 暁�e
transmit 暁�e
transparent �z��
transport 翠�e
transportation 退�B
transverse 嬢�_�
trap 育�M
travel �C醸
traveler ��
traverse 嬢�L
tray �L�l
treachery �I�q
tread 庶書
treason �q�f
treasure �]�_
treasurer �X�∩
treasury �_�w
treat 刻�
treatise 竣�z
treatment ��J
treaty 汚�
treble �T⑪�
tree 情
tremble �oл
tremendous ��j�
tremulous �oл�
trench 企珪
trend 鼠欣
trespass �I�`
trial 胡島,�f�P
triangle �T┐�
tribe 魁絹
tribute �^�
trick ��Z
trickle �w�y
trifle 詐�
trifling ��\�
trim �暗
trinity �T��@悼
trip �� ��{
triple �T��
triumph 獲越
triumphant 栓較�
trivial 詐禾�
trolley も雲┏
troop �x兇
trophy ��綬
tropic 呪�a
tropical 呪�a�
trot е�B�]
trouble �x著
troublesome 蛎経�
trough 煮
trouser 診�l
trout �L浬
truck �d┏
true �u�
truly �u濠�a
trumpet 鰍�z
trunk 貸�F
trust �Hヴ
trustee ��U�H
trusting ��H�
trusty �i�Hヴ�
truth �u�z
truthful 雇濠�
try 胡
trying 著浦�
tub �D�
tube 稀
tuck 製�i
tuesday �P漢�G
tug �j�
tulip �{�Ⅶ
tumble �u絹
tune 春�l
tunnel �G�D
turbulent ぃ鱈�w��y
turf ��a
turn 退以
turnip 疹久
turtle ��t
tutor �a�x頴�v
tweed 益��n�O
twelfth 可�Q�G
twelve �Q�G
twentieth 可�G�Q
twenty �G�Q
twice �Ω
twilight �L�
twin 濁�M�L
twine �X��u
twinkle �{�G
twinkling �{�{�
twist п退
two �G
type 舎Α,ゴ�r
typewriter ゴ�r穣
typhoid 極�H�g
typhoon 私Ⅲ
typical ���
typist ゴ�r∩
tyranny 蕊�F
tyrant 蕊�g
ugly 操�
ultimate 殻��
ultimately 殻�
umpire 渠�P
unable ぃ�
unanimous �兜�@�P�
unarmed ゼ�Z庫�
unaware ぃ脹克�
unbearable ぃ株г��
unbroken Ч障�
uncertainty ぃ�T�w
unchanged ぃ怒�
uncle �B� ��
uncomfortable ぃ砧�A�
uncommon �}Τ�
unconscious ア�h�N恥�
unconsciously �L�N恥�a
uncover 蕊�S
under �b�U
underbrush ��O
undergo �g醸
underground �b�a�U�
underline ��u
underneath �b�U⑰
understand �F狐 �フ
understanding �z狐
undertake �鍾
underwear ず�診
underworld �a沙
undesirable �Q�H構�
undisturbed �w�R�
undo 狐�}
undone ゼЧΘ�
undress 我��A
uneasily ぃ��b�a
uneasiness ぃ��b
uneasy ぃ�w�
unemployment ア�~
unequal ぃキ薪�
uneven ぃキ�
unexpected �N�~�
unfair ぃそキ�
unfavorable ぃ�Q�
unfinished ゼЧΘ�
unfit ぃ�A訣�
unfold �i�}
unfortunate ぃ��
unfortunately ぃ��a
ungrateful �t�q�
uniform ��A
uniformly ��P�a
unimportant ぃ⑪�n�
union �p嫌 �u�|
unique 胃�@�
unit 恰�
unite �p�X
united �p�X�
unity 恰�@ 障悼
universal �t�z�
universally 感�M�a
universe �t�z
university �j焦
unjust ぃそキ
unkind ぃく�
unknown ゼ��
unless 娃�D
unlike ぃ�P�
unlimited �L⑬�
unload ��U
unlock �}題
unlucky ぃ��
unmarried ゼ�B
unmoved ぃ以�n�
unnatural ぃ��M�
unnecessary ぃゲ�n�
unoccupied �S�H��
unpleasant ぃ�rе�
unprecedent ��e�
unreasonable ぃ�X�z�
unrest ぃ�w
unseen �ぃ┌�
unspeakable �L�k��e�
unsuccessful ぃΘ�\�
untie 狐�}
until ��
unto � �
untouched ゼ苅の�
untrue ぃ�T濠�
unusual ぃキ�`�
unwelcome ぃ��w��
unwilling ぃ院�@�
unwise ぃ桓�
unworthy ぃ㍑�o�
up �V�W�a
uphold や� �|�_
upland 葵�a
uplift ��_
upon �b“ぇ�W
upper �W⑰�
upright �ミ�
uprising �q驚
uproar 通以
uproot ��
upset 経�o
upside �W嫡
upward �V�W�a
upwards �V�W�a
urchin �x毅
urge 曲�P
urgent 昨��
urn 逢損
us и㌣
usage ノ�k
use �Qノ
useful Τノ�
useless �Lノ�
usher ��∩
usual キ�`�
usurp �Q�
utensil ノ�
utility そ�q��~
utilize �Qノ
utmost 轡際�
utter ��
utter 察�X
utterance �o┘
vacancy ��
vacant ��
vacation 芦漢
vacuum �u�
vagabond �y��
vagrant �y��
vague �t�k�
vain �L��
vale だ託 �A�|
valiant �^�i�
valley �s└
valor �i�
valuable Τ児㍑�
valuation 魚児
value 児㍑
valve �矩
van �f┏
vanish �ア
vanity �B仇
vanquish ��A
vapor ��]�
variable �|怒�
variation 怒て
varied ぃ�P�
variety 怒て
various ぃ�P�
varnish �o�今
vary э怒
vase ��~
vassal ��e
vast �j�q�
vat �j燕
vault 宍�候
vegetable 臭究
vegetation 貫�
vehemence �r�P
vehement �r�P�
vehicle ┏序
veil ⑰�n
vein �剤
velocity ┳�t
velvet 儀騎
venerable �i�q�
vengeance �_こ
venom �r�
vent �X�f
ventilate �qⅢ
ventilation �qⅢ
venture �_�I
veranda ┼�Y
verb 以亨
verdict �P�M
verge 嫡�t
verify 享濠
verily �uタ�a
verse 喋ゅ
version �セ
vertical ���
very �
vessel �e捷 餓
vest �Iみ
vestige 鴎鯉
veteran �hヮ�x�H
veto �_�M
vex �E�
vexation �W�o
vibrate �_以
vibration �_以
vice �o�c
vicepresident 案�`歌
vicinity ��
vicious ┯�c�
victim ��`�
victor 較�Q�
victory 較�Q
view 敢�
viewpoint �[�I
vigilance 諜з
vigor ��O
vigorous 埼�O�R�K�
vile �c�H�
villa �O講
village �m�
villager �チ
villain �c諌
vine 鍛蒐
vinegar �L
vineyard 顕球狗
violate �Hデ
violation デ�k
violence 蕊驚
violent �j蕊�
violet 亀湛汀�
violin �p苅�^
viper �r�D
virgin �B�k
virtually 濠処�W
virtue �D�w
virtuous �w��
visible ��o┌�
vision 鋸�O
visit �X維
visitor �X維�
visual 鋸脹�
vital ��O�
vitality ネ�R�O
vitamin 笹�L�R
vivid ネ以�
vocabulary �y�J
vocal �o�n�
vogue �詞
voice �nⅠ
void ��
volcanic ��s�
volcano ��s
volleyball 影�y
volume �U
voluntary ��@�
volunteer в�@�
vote щ下
vow �}┘
vowel ダⅠ
voyage ��
vulgar 科�U�競�
wade �b��B�
wafer �Pて紙握
wag �n�\
wage �u瑚 �~�
wager 巡�`
wagon �B�f姶┏
wail �s�_
waist �y
waistcoat �Iみ
wait 汽
waiter ��
waiting 汽㎏
wake 数
waken 数�
walk ┼
wall 扇樟
wallet 椙�U
walnut �J�
wand 肝
wander �r�
wanderer �y��
wane 遷�
war 菖�
ward �f�
warden �沙�
wardrobe ��p
ware 捷�
warehouse ��w
warfare 菖�
warlike �n菖�
warm 慧�x�
warmth 慧�x
warning 諜�i
warp �sΡ
warrant �O智
warrior 菖�h
warship �x張
wary 諜脹�
was �O
wash �~紺
washing �~紺
wasp 鏡諺
waste ��O
wasteful ��O�
watch �`�N�
watchful �`�N�
watchman �も�
water �
waterfall �rガ
waterproof ┥��
waterway �侯
watery �t��
wave �i�
waver �n�\
wax 艇 坤�
way �D醐
wayside 侯嫡
wayward ヴ��
we и㌣
weak 糾�z�
weaken �d�z
weakness 糾�z
wealth �]�I
wealthy �I�
weapon �Z捷
wear ��a
wearily �h赫�a
weariness �h赫
weary �h赫�
weasel 鏡巷�T
weather ぱ�
weave �s卒
weaver �卒�
web �卒�~ 柵
wed �B隅
wedding �B則
wedge 靴��
wednesday �P漢�T
wee 禾�p�
week �P漢
weekday キ�`ら
weekend �Pソ
weep ∵�_
weigh 細⑪
weight ⑪�q
weird �翁�
welcome �w�
welfare 砦�Q
well ��n
wellknown 吸�W�
were �O
west �よ
western �よ�
westward �V��
wet 恵�
whale �H浬
wharf �X�Y
whatever �L竣�p�
wheat �p柿
wheel 除�l
when ��
whence ��B ��H
whenever �L竣��
where ��B
whereas �Mτ
whereby �p�
wherefore ��G
wherein �b�い
whereupon ��O
wherever �L竣��B
whether �O�_
which ��@㎎
whichever �L竣��
while 訣“�
whim ��M���Y
whimper 吟�|
whine �o�c通
whip �@嫁
whir �I�I�n
whirl 越退
whirlwind 越Ⅲ
whisk �噂
whisker 腸貼
whisky ��hб�s
whisper φ�y
whistle �j�f㍼
whit �@�I
white フ�
whiten �}フ
whiteness フ�
whither �V��B
who ��H
whoever �L竣��H
whole �魁�
wholesale у�o
wholesome Τ�q�
wholly ��a
whom 瞬
whoop �I�s�n
whose 瞬�
why �ぐ賜
wicked ┯�c�
wide �e聡
widely �s�x�a
widen �[�e
widespread 感の�
widow 壕淫
width �e�
wife �d�l
wig 芦�v
wigwam �b�O
wild 灰ネ�
wildcat 灰厨
wilderness �灰
will �Nв 崇淘
will �|
willful 院�@�
willing 院�@�
willingness �N�@
willow �h情
wilt �\灸
win 栓較
wince �h宋
wind Ⅲ
wind �sΡ �W架
winding �j越
windmill Ⅲ┏
window 機�l
windy ΤⅢ�
wine ��G�s
wink �w牡建
winner 較�Q�
winning 較�Q�
winter �Vぱ
wintry �H�V�
wipe 誠閏
wire �q�u
wireless �L�u�q�
wiry �紬�u�
wise �o��
wish �@掩
wishful 忌掩�
wit 桓�
witch ��C
witchcraft ��N
with �M
withal �S ��B
withdraw �M�^
wither �\灸
withhold Ι�d
within �b“ぇず
without �SΤ
withstand 刻к
witness 智�H
witty 穣桓�
wizard �k�
woe �d�h
woeful �d�h�
wolf �T
woman �k�H
wonder �_苔
wonderful �_М�
wondrous 套�H�
wont 貨�D�
woo �D�R
wood れ�
wooded �h情れ�
wooden れ�s�
woodland �L�a
woodman 畳ひ
woodpecker 慰れ馨
wool οを
woolen οを�
word ゅ�r
work �u�@
worker �u�H
working �u�@�
workmanship も胆
workshop �u�@�
world �@�
worldly �@�U�
worm 体
worry �経�o
worse ��a�
worship �R�
worshipper �R��
worst 殻�a�
worth ㍑�o
worthless �Lノ�
worthy ㍑�o�
wound 極
wrap �]
wrath 自�
wreath �育
wreathe Θ育
wreck �J著餓
wrench 然越�X
wrest п
wrestle �L┐
wrestling �L┐
wriggle 眺以�e�i
wrinkle �K�
wrist も誼
writ �O�
write �g
writer �@�a
writing 吸�z
wrong 杉
yacht �C献
yard �x�|
yard �X
yarn を�u
yawn �ろ
yea �O�
year �~
yearly �C�~�
yeast 暫ダ
yell �s額
yellow 鏡�
yes �O
yesterday �Qぱ
yet ┫さ
yield 横ネ
yoke �m
yonder ┷嫡
you �A �A㌣
young �~惨�
youngster ぶ�~
your �A�
yourself �A��v
youth �C�~
youthful �~�C�
zeal 呪み
zealous 呪み�
zero �s
zest 呪み
zinc �N
zone �a�a
zoo 以�狗
zoological 以�焦�
zoology 以�焦