In addition to the folks listed in ../AUTHORS responsible for GNU Emacs itself,the NeXTstep port owes to the following people:Carl Edman original author and maintainer, mainly UIMichael Brouwer heavy contributor, input handling and other areasChristian Limpach help / maintenance on NeXTstepScott Bender OpenStep, Rhapsody portsChristophe de Dinechin MacOS X portAdrian Robert GNUstep port, update Emacs 20 -> 21+Joe Reiss popup menu, dialog boxes; iconsAndrew Athan font panel integrationScott Byer improved rendering codeScott Hess keyboard handling suggestionsRahul Abrol "hide others" patchAdam Ratcliffe preferences panel documentationPeter Dyballa assistance with non-ASCII rendering and keyboard handlingDavid M. Cooke fix to XPM crash bugCarsten Bormann initial patch and assistance getting dired working for non-ASCII filenamesAndrew Moore assistance on ns-mark-nav extensionThe GNUstep port was made possible through the assistance of AdamFedor, Fred Kiefer, M. Uli Klusterer, Alexander Malmberg, JonasMatton, and Riccardo Mottola. Leigh Smith maintained the SourceForgeproject for a period.Suggestions from Darcy Brockbank, Timothy Bissell, Scott Byer, DavidGriffiths, Scott Hess, Eberhard Mandler, John C. Randolph, and BradleyTaylor all helped things along at one point or another. Axel Seibert<> and Paul J. Sanchez<> offered their time and machines to make abinary release possible.We would also like to thank a number of people who kept up theconstant supply of bug reports, suggested features and praise: HardyMayer, Gisli Ottarsson, Anthony Heading, David Bau, Jamie Zawinski,Martin Moncrieffe, Simson L. Garfinkel, Richard Stallman, StephenAnderson, Ivo Welch, Magnus Nordborg, Tom Epperly, Andreas Koenig,Yves Arrouye, Anil Somayaji, Gregor Hoffleit; and the few hundredother people on the mailing list from whom we didn't hear much, butthe presence of which assured us that maybe this project was actuallyworth doing.