;;; isearchb --- a marriage between iswitchb and isearch;; Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 John Wiegley;; Author: John Wiegley <johnw@gnu.org>;; Created: 16 Apr 2004;; Version: 1.5;; Keywords: lisp;; X-URL: http://www.newartisans.com/johnw/emacs.html;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option);; any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.;;; Commentary:;; This module allows you to switch to buffers even faster than with;; iswitchb! It is not intended to replace it, however, as it works;; well only with buffers whose names don't typically overlap. You'll;; have to try it first, and see how your mileage varies.;;;; The first way to use isearchb is by holding down a modifier key, in;; which case every letter you type while holding it searches for any;; buffer matching what you're typing (using the same ordering scheme;; employed by iswitchb). To use it this way, add to your .emacs:;;;; (isearchb-set-keybindings 'super) ; s-x s-y s-z now finds "xyz";;;; The other way is by using a command that puts you into "search";; mode, just like with isearch. I use C-z for this. The binding in;; my .emacs looks like:;;;; (define-key global-map [(control ?z)] 'isearchb-activate);;;; Now, after pressing C-z (for example), each self-inserting;; character thereafter will search for a buffer containing those;; characters. For instance, typing "C-z xyz" will switch to the;; first buffer containing "xyz". Once you press a non-self-inserting;; character (such as any control key sequence), the search will end.;;;; C-z after C-z toggles between the previously selected buffer and;; the current one.;;;; C-g aborts the search and returns you to your original buffer.;;;; TAB, after typing in a few characters (after C-z), will jump into;; iswitchb, using the prefix you've typed so far. This is handy when;; you realize that isearchb is not powerful enough to find the buffer;; you're looking for.;;;; C-s and C-r move forward and backward in the buffer list. If;; `isearchb-show-completions' is non-nil (the default), the list of;; possible completions is shown in the minibuffer.;;;; If `isearchb-idle-timeout' is set to a number, isearchb will quit;; after that many seconds of idle time. I recommend trying it set to;; one or two seconds. Then, if you switch to a buffer and wait for;; that amount of time, you can start typing without manually exiting;; isearchb.;; TODO:;; C-z C-z is broken;; killing iswitchb.el and then trying to switch back is broken;; make sure TAB isn't broken(require 'iswitchb)(defgroup isearchb nil "Switch between buffers using a mechanism like isearch." :group 'iswitchb)(defcustom isearchb-idle-timeout nil "*Number of idle seconds before isearchb turns itself off.If nil, don't use a timeout." :type '(choice (integer :tag "Seconds") (const :tag "Disable" nil)) :group 'isearchb)(defcustom isearchb-show-completions t "*If non-nil, show possible completions in the minibuffer." :type 'boolean :group 'isearchb)(defvar isearchb-start-buffer nil)(defvar isearchb-last-buffer nil)(defvar isearchb-idle-timer nil)(defun isearchb-stop (&optional return-to-buffer ignore-command) "Called by isearchb to terminate a search in progress." (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'isearchb-follow-char) (if return-to-buffer (switch-to-buffer isearchb-start-buffer) (setq isearchb-last-buffer isearchb-start-buffer)) (when isearchb-idle-timer (cancel-timer isearchb-idle-timer) (setq isearchb-idle-timer nil)) (if ignore-command (setq this-command 'ignore last-command 'ignore)) (message nil))(defun isearchb-iswitchb () "isearchb's custom version of the `iswitchb' command.It's purpose is to pass different call arguments to`iswitchb-read-buffer'." (interactive) (let* ((prompt "iswitch ") (iswitchb-method 'samewindow) (buf (iswitchb-read-buffer prompt nil nil iswitchb-text t))) (if (eq iswitchb-exit 'findfile) (call-interactively 'find-file) (when buf (if (get-buffer buf) ;; buffer exists, so view it and then exit (iswitchb-visit-buffer buf) ;; else buffer doesn't exist (iswitchb-possible-new-buffer buf))))))(defun isearchb () "Switch to buffer matching a substring, based on chars typed." (interactive) (unless (eq last-command 'isearchb) (setq iswitchb-text nil)) (unless iswitchb-text (setq iswitchb-text "") (iswitchb-make-buflist nil)) (if last-command-char (setq iswitchb-rescan t iswitchb-text (concat iswitchb-text (char-to-string last-command-char)))) (iswitchb-set-matches) (let* ((match (car iswitchb-matches)) (buf (and match (get-buffer match)))) (if (null buf) (progn (isearchb-stop t) (isearchb-iswitchb)) (switch-to-buffer buf) (if isearchb-show-completions (message "isearchb: %s%s" iswitchb-text (iswitchb-completions iswitchb-text)) (if (= 1 (length iswitchb-matches)) (message "isearchb: %s (only match)" iswitchb-text) (message "isearchb: %s" iswitchb-text))))))(defun isearchb-set-keybindings (modifier) "Setup isearchb on the given MODIFIER." (dotimes (i 128) (if (eq 'self-insert-command (lookup-key global-map (vector i))) (define-key global-map (vector (list modifier i)) 'isearchb))))(defun isearchb-follow-char () "Function added to post-command-hook to handle the isearchb \"mode\"." (let (keys) (if (not (and (memq last-command '(isearchb isearchb-activate)) (setq keys (this-command-keys)) (= 1 (length keys)))) (isearchb-stop) (cond ((or (equal keys "\C-h") (equal keys "\C-?") (equal keys [backspace]) (equal keys [delete])) (setq iswitchb-text (substring iswitchb-text 0 (1- (length iswitchb-text)))) (if (= 0 (length iswitchb-text)) (isearchb-stop t t) (setq last-command-char nil) (setq this-command 'isearchb))) ((or (equal keys "\C-i") (equal keys [tab])) (setq this-command 'isearchb-iswitchb)) ((equal keys "\C-s") (iswitchb-next-match) (setq last-command-char nil) (setq this-command 'isearchb)) ((equal keys "\C-r") (iswitchb-prev-match) (setq last-command-char nil) (setq this-command 'isearchb)) ((equal keys "\C-g") (ding) (isearchb-stop t t)) ((eq (lookup-key global-map keys) 'self-insert-command) (setq this-command 'isearchb))) (if (and isearchb-idle-timeout (null isearchb-idle-timer)) (setq isearchb-idle-timer (run-with-idle-timer isearchb-idle-timeout nil 'isearchb-stop))))));;;###autoload(defun isearchb-activate () "Active isearchb mode for subsequent alphanumeric keystrokes.Executing this command again will terminate the search; or, ifthe search has not yet begun, will toggle to the last bufferaccessed via isearchb." (interactive) (cond ((eq last-command 'isearchb) (isearchb-stop nil t)) ((eq last-command 'isearchb-activate) (if isearchb-last-buffer (switch-to-buffer isearchb-last-buffer) (error "isearchb: There is no previous buffer to toggle to")) (isearchb-stop nil t)) (t (message "isearchb: ") (setq iswitchb-text nil isearchb-start-buffer (current-buffer)) (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'isearchb-follow-char))))(provide 'isearchb);;; arch-tag: 9277523f-a624-4aa0-ba10-b89eeb7b6e99;;; isearchb.el ends here