;;; viper-util.el --- Utilities used by viper.el;; Copyright (C) 1994, 95, 96, 97, 99, 2000, 01, 02 Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: Michael Kifer <kifer@cs.stonybrook.edu>;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option);; any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.;;; Commentary:;;; Code:;; Compiler pacifier(defvar viper-overriding-map)(defvar pm-color-alist)(defvar zmacs-region-stays)(defvar viper-minibuffer-current-face)(defvar viper-minibuffer-insert-face)(defvar viper-minibuffer-vi-face)(defvar viper-minibuffer-emacs-face)(defvar viper-replace-overlay-face)(defvar viper-fast-keyseq-timeout)(defvar ex-unix-type-shell)(defvar ex-unix-type-shell-options)(defvar viper-ex-tmp-buf-name)(defvar viper-syntax-preference)(defvar viper-saved-mark)(require 'cl)(require 'ring)(if noninteractive (eval-when-compile (let ((load-path (cons (expand-file-name ".") load-path))) (or (featurep 'viper-init) (load "viper-init.el" nil nil 'nosuffix)) )));; end pacifier(require 'viper-init);; A fix for NeXT Step;; Should go away, when NS people fix the design flaw, which leaves the;; two x-* functions undefined.(if (and (not (fboundp 'x-display-color-p)) (fboundp 'ns-display-color-p)) (fset 'x-display-color-p (symbol-function 'ns-display-color-p)))(if (and (not (fboundp 'x-color-defined-p)) (fboundp 'ns-color-defined-p)) (fset 'x-color-defined-p (symbol-function 'ns-color-defined-p)));;; XEmacs support(viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs (progn ; xemacs (fset 'viper-overlay-p (symbol-function 'extentp)) (fset 'viper-make-overlay (symbol-function 'make-extent)) (fset 'viper-overlay-live-p (symbol-function 'extent-live-p)) (fset 'viper-move-overlay (symbol-function 'set-extent-endpoints)) (fset 'viper-overlay-start (symbol-function 'extent-start-position)) (fset 'viper-overlay-end (symbol-function 'extent-end-position)) (fset 'viper-overlay-get (symbol-function 'extent-property)) (fset 'viper-overlay-put (symbol-function 'set-extent-property)) (fset 'viper-read-event (symbol-function 'next-command-event)) (fset 'viper-characterp (symbol-function 'characterp)) (fset 'viper-int-to-char (symbol-function 'int-to-char)) (if (viper-window-display-p) (fset 'viper-iconify (symbol-function 'iconify-frame))) (cond ((viper-has-face-support-p) (fset 'viper-get-face (symbol-function 'get-face)) (fset 'viper-color-defined-p (symbol-function 'valid-color-name-p)) ))) (progn ; emacs (fset 'viper-overlay-p (symbol-function 'overlayp)) (fset 'viper-make-overlay (symbol-function 'make-overlay)) (fset 'viper-overlay-live-p (symbol-function 'overlayp)) (fset 'viper-move-overlay (symbol-function 'move-overlay)) (fset 'viper-overlay-start (symbol-function 'overlay-start)) (fset 'viper-overlay-end (symbol-function 'overlay-end)) (fset 'viper-overlay-get (symbol-function 'overlay-get)) (fset 'viper-overlay-put (symbol-function 'overlay-put)) (fset 'viper-read-event (symbol-function 'read-event)) (fset 'viper-characterp (symbol-function 'integerp)) (fset 'viper-int-to-char (symbol-function 'identity)) (if (viper-window-display-p) (fset 'viper-iconify (symbol-function 'iconify-or-deiconify-frame))) (cond ((viper-has-face-support-p) (fset 'viper-get-face (symbol-function 'internal-get-face)) (fset 'viper-color-defined-p (symbol-function 'x-color-defined-p)) ))) );; CHAR is supposed to be a char or an integer (positive or negative);; LIST is a list of chars, nil, and negative numbers;; Check if CHAR is a member by trying to convert in characters, if necessary.;; Introduced for compatibility with XEmacs, where integers are not the same as;; chars.(defun viper-memq-char (char list) (cond ((and (integerp char) (>= char 0)) (memq (viper-int-to-char char) list)) ((memq char list))));; Check if char-or-int and char are the same as characters(defun viper-char-equal (char-or-int char) (cond ((and (integerp char-or-int) (>= char-or-int 0)) (= (viper-int-to-char char-or-int) char)) ((eq char-or-int char))));; Like =, but accommodates null and also is t for eq-objects(defun viper= (char char1) (cond ((eq char char1) t) ((and (viper-characterp char) (viper-characterp char1)) (= char char1)) (t nil)))(defsubst viper-color-display-p () (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs (eq (device-class (selected-device)) 'color) ; xemacs (x-display-color-p) ; emacs ))(defsubst viper-get-cursor-color () (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs ;; xemacs (color-instance-name (frame-property (selected-frame) 'cursor-color)) (cdr (assoc 'cursor-color (frame-parameters))) ; emacs ));; OS/2(cond ((eq (viper-device-type) 'pm) (fset 'viper-color-defined-p (lambda (color) (assoc color pm-color-alist)))));; cursor colors(defun viper-change-cursor-color (new-color) (if (and (viper-window-display-p) (viper-color-display-p) (stringp new-color) (viper-color-defined-p new-color) (not (string= new-color (viper-get-cursor-color)))) (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs (set-frame-property (selected-frame) 'cursor-color (make-color-instance new-color)) (modify-frame-parameters (selected-frame) (list (cons 'cursor-color new-color))) ) ));; By default, saves current frame cursor color in the;; viper-saved-cursor-color-in-replace-mode property of viper-replace-overlay(defun viper-save-cursor-color (before-which-mode) (if (and (viper-window-display-p) (viper-color-display-p)) (let ((color (viper-get-cursor-color))) (if (and (stringp color) (viper-color-defined-p color) (not (string= color viper-replace-overlay-cursor-color))) (modify-frame-parameters (selected-frame) (list (cons (if (eq before-which-mode 'before-replace-mode) 'viper-saved-cursor-color-in-replace-mode 'viper-saved-cursor-color-in-insert-mode) color))) ))))(defsubst viper-get-saved-cursor-color-in-replace-mode () (or (funcall (if viper-emacs-p 'frame-parameter 'frame-property) (selected-frame) 'viper-saved-cursor-color-in-replace-mode) viper-vi-state-cursor-color))(defsubst viper-get-saved-cursor-color-in-insert-mode () (or (funcall (if viper-emacs-p 'frame-parameter 'frame-property) (selected-frame) 'viper-saved-cursor-color-in-insert-mode) viper-vi-state-cursor-color));; restore cursor color from replace overlay(defun viper-restore-cursor-color(after-which-mode) (if (viper-overlay-p viper-replace-overlay) (viper-change-cursor-color (if (eq after-which-mode 'after-replace-mode) (viper-get-saved-cursor-color-in-replace-mode) (viper-get-saved-cursor-color-in-insert-mode)) )));; Check the current version against the major and minor version numbers;; using op: cur-vers op major.minor If emacs-major-version or;; emacs-minor-version are not defined, we assume that the current version;; is hopelessly outdated. We assume that emacs-major-version and;; emacs-minor-version are defined. Otherwise, for Emacs/XEmacs 19, if the;; current minor version is < 10 (xemacs) or < 23 (emacs) the return value;; will be nil (when op is =, >, or >=) and t (when op is <, <=), which may be;; incorrect. However, this gives correct result in our cases, since we are;; testing for sufficiently high Emacs versions.(defun viper-check-version (op major minor &optional type-of-emacs) (if (and (boundp 'emacs-major-version) (boundp 'emacs-minor-version)) (and (cond ((eq type-of-emacs 'xemacs) viper-xemacs-p) ((eq type-of-emacs 'emacs) viper-emacs-p) (t t)) (cond ((eq op '=) (and (= emacs-minor-version minor) (= emacs-major-version major))) ((memq op '(> >= < <=)) (and (or (funcall op emacs-major-version major) (= emacs-major-version major)) (if (= emacs-major-version major) (funcall op emacs-minor-version minor) t))) (t (error "%S: Invalid op in viper-check-version" op)))) (cond ((memq op '(= > >=)) nil) ((memq op '(< <=)) t))))(defun viper-get-visible-buffer-window (wind) (if viper-xemacs-p (get-buffer-window wind t) (get-buffer-window wind 'visible)));; Return line position.;; If pos is 'start then returns position of line start.;; If pos is 'end, returns line end. If pos is 'mid, returns line center.;; Pos = 'indent returns beginning of indentation.;; Otherwise, returns point. Current point is not moved in any case."(defun viper-line-pos (pos) (let ((cur-pos (point)) (result)) (cond ((equal pos 'start) (beginning-of-line)) ((equal pos 'end) (end-of-line)) ((equal pos 'mid) (goto-char (+ (viper-line-pos 'start) (viper-line-pos 'end) 2))) ((equal pos 'indent) (back-to-indentation)) (t nil)) (setq result (point)) (goto-char cur-pos) result));; Emacs counts each multibyte character as several positions in the buffer, so;; we use Emacs' chars-in-region. XEmacs is counting each char as just one pos,;; so we can simply subtract. (defun viper-chars-in-region (beg end &optional preserve-sign) (let ((count (abs (if (fboundp 'chars-in-region) (chars-in-region beg end) (- end beg))))) (if (and (< end beg) preserve-sign) (- count) count)));; Test if POS is between BEG and END(defsubst viper-pos-within-region (pos beg end) (and (>= pos (min beg end)) (>= (max beg end) pos)));; Like move-marker but creates a virgin marker if arg isn't already a marker.;; The first argument must eval to a variable name.;; Arguments: (var-name position &optional buffer).;; ;; This is useful for moving markers that are supposed to be local.;; For this, VAR-NAME should be made buffer-local with nil as a default.;; Then, each time this var is used in `viper-move-marker-locally' in a new;; buffer, a new marker will be created.(defun viper-move-marker-locally (var pos &optional buffer) (if (markerp (eval var)) () (set var (make-marker))) (move-marker (eval var) pos buffer));; Print CONDITIONS as a message.(defun viper-message-conditions (conditions) (let ((case (car conditions)) (msg (cdr conditions))) (if (null msg) (message "%s" case) (message "%s: %s" case (mapconcat 'prin1-to-string msg " "))) (beep 1)));;; List/alist utilities;; Convert LIST to an alist(defun viper-list-to-alist (lst) (let ((alist)) (while lst (setq alist (cons (list (car lst)) alist)) (setq lst (cdr lst))) alist)) ;; Convert ALIST to a list.(defun viper-alist-to-list (alst) (let ((lst)) (while alst (setq lst (cons (car (car alst)) lst)) (setq alst (cdr alst))) lst));; Filter ALIST using REGEXP. Return alist whose elements match the regexp.(defun viper-filter-alist (regexp alst) (interactive "s x") (let ((outalst) (inalst alst)) (while (car inalst) (if (string-match regexp (car (car inalst))) (setq outalst (cons (car inalst) outalst))) (setq inalst (cdr inalst))) outalst)) ;; Filter LIST using REGEXP. Return list whose elements match the regexp.(defun viper-filter-list (regexp lst) (interactive "s x") (let ((outlst) (inlst lst)) (while (car inlst) (if (string-match regexp (car inlst)) (setq outlst (cons (car inlst) outlst))) (setq inlst (cdr inlst))) outlst)) ;; Append LIS2 to LIS1, both alists, by side-effect and returns LIS1;; LIS2 is modified by filtering it: deleting its members of the form;; \(car elt\) such that (car elt') is in LIS1.(defun viper-append-filter-alist (lis1 lis2) (let ((temp lis1) elt) ;;filter-append the second list (while temp ;; delete all occurrences (while (setq elt (assoc (car (car temp)) lis2)) (setq lis2 (delq elt lis2))) (setq temp (cdr temp))) (nconc lis1 lis2)));;; Support for :e, :r, :w file globbing;; Glob the file spec.;; This function is designed to work under Unix. It might also work under VMS.(defun viper-glob-unix-files (filespec) (let ((gshell (cond (ex-unix-type-shell shell-file-name) ((memq system-type '(vax-vms axp-vms)) "*dcl*") ; VAX VMS (t "sh"))) ; probably Unix anyway (gshell-options ;; using cond in anticipation of further additions (cond (ex-unix-type-shell-options) )) (command (cond (viper-ms-style-os-p (format "\"ls -1 -d %s\"" filespec)) (t (format "ls -1 -d %s" filespec)))) status) (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create viper-ex-tmp-buf-name)) (erase-buffer) (setq status (if gshell-options (call-process gshell nil t nil gshell-options "-c" command) (call-process gshell nil t nil "-c" command))) (goto-char (point-min)) ;; Issue an error, if no match. (if (> status 0) (save-excursion (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\j") (if (looking-at "ls:") (viper-forward-Word 1)) (error "%s: %s" (if (stringp gshell) gshell "shell") (buffer-substring (point) (viper-line-pos 'end))) )) (goto-char (point-min)) (viper-get-filenames-from-buffer 'one-per-line)) ));; Interpret the stuff in the buffer as a list of file names;; return a list of file names listed in the buffer beginning at point;; If optional arg is supplied, assume each filename is listed on a separate;; line(defun viper-get-filenames-from-buffer (&optional one-per-line) (let ((skip-chars (if one-per-line "\t\n" " \t\n")) result fname delim) (skip-chars-forward skip-chars) (while (not (eobp)) (if (cond ((looking-at "\"") (setq delim ?\") (re-search-forward "[^\"]+" nil t)) ; noerror ((looking-at "'") (setq delim ?') (re-search-forward "[^']+" nil t)) ; noerror (t (re-search-forward (concat "[^" skip-chars "]+") nil t))) ;noerror (setq fname (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))) (if delim (forward-char 1)) (skip-chars-forward " \t\n") (setq result (cons fname result))) result));; convert MS-DOS wildcards to regexp(defun viper-wildcard-to-regexp (wcard) (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create viper-ex-tmp-buf-name)) (erase-buffer) (insert wcard) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) (skip-chars-forward "^*?.\\\\") (cond ((eq (char-after (point)) ?*) (insert ".")(forward-char 1)) ((eq (char-after (point)) ?.) (insert "\\")(forward-char 1)) ((eq (char-after (point)) ?\\) (insert "\\")(forward-char 1)) ((eq (char-after (point)) ??) (delete-char 1)(insert "."))) ) (buffer-string) ));; glob windows files;; LIST is expected to be in reverse order(defun viper-glob-mswindows-files (filespec) (let ((case-fold-search t) tmp tmp2) (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create viper-ex-tmp-buf-name)) (erase-buffer) (insert filespec) (goto-char (point-min)) (setq tmp (viper-get-filenames-from-buffer)) (while tmp (setq tmp2 (cons (directory-files ;; the directory part (or (file-name-directory (car tmp)) "") t ; return full names ;; the regexp part: globs the file names (concat "^" (viper-wildcard-to-regexp (file-name-nondirectory (car tmp))) "$")) tmp2)) (setq tmp (cdr tmp))) (reverse (apply 'append tmp2)))));;; Insertion ring;; Rotate RING's index. DIRection can be positive or negative.(defun viper-ring-rotate1 (ring dir) (if (and (ring-p ring) (> (ring-length ring) 0)) (progn (setcar ring (cond ((> dir 0) (ring-plus1 (car ring) (ring-length ring))) ((< dir 0) (ring-minus1 (car ring) (ring-length ring))) ;; don't rotate if dir = 0 (t (car ring)))) (viper-current-ring-item ring) )))(defun viper-special-ring-rotate1 (ring dir) (if (memq viper-intermediate-command '(repeating-display-destructive-command repeating-insertion-from-ring)) (viper-ring-rotate1 ring dir) ;; don't rotate otherwise (viper-ring-rotate1 ring 0)));; current ring item; if N is given, then so many items back from the;; current(defun viper-current-ring-item (ring &optional n) (setq n (or n 0)) (if (and (ring-p ring) (> (ring-length ring) 0)) (aref (cdr (cdr ring)) (mod (- (car ring) 1 n) (ring-length ring)))));; Push item onto ring. The second argument is a ring-variable, not value.(defun viper-push-onto-ring (item ring-var) (or (ring-p (eval ring-var)) (set ring-var (make-ring (eval (intern (format "%S-size" ring-var)))))) (or (null item) ; don't push nil (and (stringp item) (string= item "")) ; or empty strings (equal item (viper-current-ring-item (eval ring-var))) ; or old stuff ;; Since viper-set-destructive-command checks if we are inside ;; viper-repeat, we don't check whether this-command-keys is a `.'. The ;; cmd viper-repeat makes a call to the current function only if `.' is ;; executing a command from the command history. It doesn't call the ;; push-onto-ring function if `.' is simply repeating the last ;; destructive command. We only check for ESC (which happens when we do ;; insert with a prefix argument, or if this-command-keys doesn't give ;; anything meaningful (in that case we don't know what to show to the ;; user). (and (eq ring-var 'viper-command-ring) (string-match "\\([0-9]*\e\\|^[ \t]*$\\|escape\\)" (viper-array-to-string (this-command-keys)))) (viper-ring-insert (eval ring-var) item)) );; removing elts from ring seems to break it(defun viper-cleanup-ring (ring) (or (< (ring-length ring) 2) (null (viper-current-ring-item ring)) ;; last and previous equal (if (equal (viper-current-ring-item ring) (viper-current-ring-item ring 1)) (viper-ring-pop ring))));; ring-remove seems to be buggy, so we concocted this for our purposes.(defun viper-ring-pop (ring) (let* ((ln (ring-length ring)) (vec (cdr (cdr ring))) (veclen (length vec)) (hd (car ring)) (idx (max 0 (ring-minus1 hd ln))) (top-elt (aref vec idx))) ;; shift elements (while (< (1+ idx) veclen) (aset vec idx (aref vec (1+ idx))) (setq idx (1+ idx))) (aset vec idx nil) (setq hd (max 0 (ring-minus1 hd ln))) (if (= hd (1- ln)) (setq hd 0)) (setcar ring hd) ; move head (setcar (cdr ring) (max 0 (1- ln))) ; adjust length top-elt ))(defun viper-ring-insert (ring item) (let* ((ln (ring-length ring)) (vec (cdr (cdr ring))) (veclen (length vec)) (hd (car ring)) (vecpos-after-hd (if (= hd 0) ln hd)) (idx ln)) (if (= ln veclen) (progn (aset vec hd item) ; hd is always 1+ the actual head index in vec (setcar ring (ring-plus1 hd ln))) (setcar (cdr ring) (1+ ln)) (setcar ring (ring-plus1 vecpos-after-hd (1+ ln))) (while (and (>= idx vecpos-after-hd) (> ln 0)) (aset vec idx (aref vec (1- idx))) (setq idx (1- idx))) (aset vec vecpos-after-hd item)) item));;; String utilities;; If STRING is longer than MAX-LEN, truncate it and print ...... instead;; PRE-STRING is a string to prepend to the abbrev string.;; POST-STRING is a string to append to the abbrev string.;; ABBREV_SIGN is a string to be inserted before POST-STRING;; if the orig string was truncated. (defun viper-abbreviate-string (string max-len pre-string post-string abbrev-sign) (let (truncated-str) (setq truncated-str (if (stringp string) (substring string 0 (min max-len (length string))))) (cond ((null truncated-str) "") ((> (length string) max-len) (format "%s%s%s%s" pre-string truncated-str abbrev-sign post-string)) (t (format "%s%s%s" pre-string truncated-str post-string)))));; tells if we are over a whitespace-only line(defsubst viper-over-whitespace-line () (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at "^[ \t]*$")));;; Saving settings in custom file;; Save the current setting of VAR in CUSTOM-FILE.;; If given, MESSAGE is a message to be displayed after that.;; This message is erased after 2 secs, if erase-msg is non-nil.;; Arguments: var message custom-file &optional erase-message(defun viper-save-setting (var message custom-file &optional erase-msg) (let* ((var-name (symbol-name var)) (var-val (if (boundp var) (eval var))) (regexp (format "^[^;]*%s[ \t\n]*[a-zA-Z---_']*[ \t\n)]" var-name)) (buf (find-file-noselect (substitute-in-file-name custom-file))) ) (message message) (save-excursion (set-buffer buf) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (re-search-forward regexp nil t) (let ((reg-end (1- (match-end 0)))) (search-backward var-name) (delete-region (match-beginning 0) reg-end) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (insert (format "%s '%S" var-name var-val))) (goto-char (point-max)) (if (not (bolp)) (insert "\n")) (insert (format "(setq %s '%S)\n" var-name var-val))) (save-buffer)) (kill-buffer buf) (if erase-msg (progn (sit-for 2) (message ""))) ));; Save STRING in CUSTOM-FILE. If PATTERN is non-nil, remove strings that;; match this pattern.(defun viper-save-string-in-file (string custom-file &optional pattern) (let ((buf (find-file-noselect (substitute-in-file-name custom-file)))) (save-excursion (set-buffer buf) (let (buffer-read-only) (goto-char (point-min)) (if pattern (delete-matching-lines pattern)) (goto-char (point-max)) (if string (insert string)) (save-buffer))) (kill-buffer buf) ));; define remote file test(or (fboundp 'viper-file-remote-p) ; user supplied his own function: use it (defun viper-file-remote-p (file-name) (car (cond ((featurep 'efs-auto) (efs-ftp-path file-name)) ((fboundp 'file-remote-p) (file-remote-p file-name)) (t (require 'ange-ftp) ;; Can happen only in Emacs, since XEmacs has file-remote-p (ange-ftp-ftp-name file-name))))));; This is a simple-minded check for whether a file is under version control.;; If file,v exists but file doesn't, this file is considered to be not checked;; in and not checked out for the purpose of patching (since patch won't be;; able to read such a file anyway).;; FILE is a string representing file name;;(defun viper-file-under-version-control (file);; (let* ((filedir (file-name-directory file));; (file-nondir (file-name-nondirectory file));; (trial (concat file-nondir ",v"));; (full-trial (concat filedir trial));; (full-rcs-trial (concat filedir "RCS/" trial)));; (and (stringp file);; (file-exists-p file);; (or;; (and;; (file-exists-p full-trial);; ;; in FAT FS, `file,v' and `file' may turn out to be the same!;; ;; don't be fooled by this!;; (not (equal (file-attributes file);; (file-attributes full-trial))));; ;; check if a version is in RCS/ directory;; (file-exists-p full-rcs-trial)));; ))(defsubst viper-file-checked-in-p (file) (and (featurep 'vc-hooks) ;; CVS files are considered not checked in (not (memq (vc-backend file) '(nil CVS))) (if (fboundp 'vc-state) (and (not (memq (vc-state file) '(edited needs-merge))) (not (stringp (vc-state file)))) ;; XEmacs has no vc-state (not (vc-locking-user file))) ));; checkout if visited file is checked in(defun viper-maybe-checkout (buf) (let ((file (expand-file-name (buffer-file-name buf))) (checkout-function (key-binding "\C-x\C-q"))) (if (and (viper-file-checked-in-p file) (or (beep 1) t) (y-or-n-p (format "File %s is checked in. Check it out? " (viper-abbreviate-file-name file)))) (with-current-buffer buf (command-execute checkout-function)))));;; Overlays(defun viper-put-on-search-overlay (beg end) (if (viper-overlay-p viper-search-overlay) (viper-move-overlay viper-search-overlay beg end) (setq viper-search-overlay (viper-make-overlay beg end (current-buffer))) (viper-overlay-put viper-search-overlay 'priority viper-search-overlay-priority)) (viper-overlay-put viper-search-overlay 'face viper-search-face));; Search(defun viper-flash-search-pattern () (if (not (viper-has-face-support-p)) nil (viper-put-on-search-overlay (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)) (sit-for 2) (viper-overlay-put viper-search-overlay 'face nil)))(defun viper-hide-search-overlay () (if (not (viper-overlay-p viper-search-overlay)) (progn (setq viper-search-overlay (viper-make-overlay (point-min) (point-min) (current-buffer))) (viper-overlay-put viper-search-overlay 'priority viper-search-overlay-priority))) (viper-overlay-put viper-search-overlay 'face nil));; Replace state(defsubst viper-move-replace-overlay (beg end) (viper-move-overlay viper-replace-overlay beg end))(defun viper-set-replace-overlay (beg end) (if (viper-overlay-live-p viper-replace-overlay) (viper-move-replace-overlay beg end) (setq viper-replace-overlay (viper-make-overlay beg end (current-buffer))) ;; never detach (viper-overlay-put viper-replace-overlay (if viper-emacs-p 'evaporate 'detachable) nil) (viper-overlay-put viper-replace-overlay 'priority viper-replace-overlay-priority) ;; If Emacs will start supporting overlay maps, as it currently supports ;; text-property maps, we could do away with viper-replace-minor-mode and ;; just have keymap attached to replace overlay. ;;(viper-overlay-put ;; viper-replace-overlay ;; (if viper-xemacs-p 'keymap 'local-map) ;; viper-replace-map) ) (if (viper-has-face-support-p) (viper-overlay-put viper-replace-overlay 'face viper-replace-overlay-face)) (viper-save-cursor-color 'before-replace-mode) (viper-change-cursor-color viper-replace-overlay-cursor-color) )(defun viper-set-replace-overlay-glyphs (before-glyph after-glyph) (or (viper-overlay-live-p viper-replace-overlay) (viper-set-replace-overlay (point-min) (point-min))) (if (or (not (viper-has-face-support-p)) viper-use-replace-region-delimiters) (let ((before-name (if viper-xemacs-p 'begin-glyph 'before-string)) (after-name (if viper-xemacs-p 'end-glyph 'after-string))) (viper-overlay-put viper-replace-overlay before-name before-glyph) (viper-overlay-put viper-replace-overlay after-name after-glyph))))(defun viper-hide-replace-overlay () (viper-set-replace-overlay-glyphs nil nil) (viper-restore-cursor-color 'after-replace-mode) (viper-restore-cursor-color 'after-insert-mode) (if (viper-has-face-support-p) (viper-overlay-put viper-replace-overlay 'face nil)))(defsubst viper-replace-start () (viper-overlay-start viper-replace-overlay))(defsubst viper-replace-end () (viper-overlay-end viper-replace-overlay));; Minibuffer(defun viper-set-minibuffer-overlay () (viper-check-minibuffer-overlay) (if (viper-has-face-support-p) (progn (viper-overlay-put viper-minibuffer-overlay 'face viper-minibuffer-current-face) (viper-overlay-put viper-minibuffer-overlay 'priority viper-minibuffer-overlay-priority) ;; never detach (viper-overlay-put viper-minibuffer-overlay (if viper-emacs-p 'evaporate 'detachable) nil) ;; make viper-minibuffer-overlay open-ended ;; In emacs, it is made open ended at creation time (if viper-xemacs-p (progn (viper-overlay-put viper-minibuffer-overlay 'start-open nil) (viper-overlay-put viper-minibuffer-overlay 'end-open nil))) )))(defun viper-check-minibuffer-overlay () (if (viper-overlay-live-p viper-minibuffer-overlay) (viper-move-overlay viper-minibuffer-overlay (if (fboundp 'minibuffer-prompt-end) (minibuffer-prompt-end) 1) (1+ (buffer-size))) (setq viper-minibuffer-overlay (if viper-xemacs-p (viper-make-overlay 1 (1+ (buffer-size)) (current-buffer)) ;; make overlay open-ended (viper-make-overlay (if (fboundp 'minibuffer-prompt-end) (minibuffer-prompt-end) 1) (1+ (buffer-size)) (current-buffer) nil 'rear-advance))) ))(defsubst viper-is-in-minibuffer () (save-match-data (string-match "\*Minibuf-" (buffer-name))));;; XEmacs compatibility(defun viper-abbreviate-file-name (file) (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs ;; XEmacs requires addl argument (abbreviate-file-name file t) ;; emacs (abbreviate-file-name file) ));; Sit for VAL milliseconds. XEmacs doesn't support the millisecond arg ;; in sit-for, so this function smoothes out the differences.(defsubst viper-sit-for-short (val &optional nodisp) (if viper-xemacs-p (sit-for (/ val 1000.0) nodisp) (sit-for 0 val nodisp)));; EVENT may be a single event of a sequence of events(defsubst viper-ESC-event-p (event) (let ((ESC-keys '(?\e (control \[) escape)) (key (viper-event-key event))) (member key ESC-keys)));; checks if object is a marker, has a buffer, and points to within that buffer(defun viper-valid-marker (marker) (if (and (markerp marker) (marker-buffer marker)) (let ((buf (marker-buffer marker)) (pos (marker-position marker))) (save-excursion (set-buffer buf) (and (<= pos (point-max)) (<= (point-min) pos))))))(defsubst viper-mark-marker () (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs (mark-marker t) ; xemacs (mark-marker) ; emacs ));; like (set-mark-command nil) but doesn't push twice, if (car mark-ring);; is the same as (mark t).(defsubst viper-set-mark-if-necessary () (setq mark-ring (delete (viper-mark-marker) mark-ring)) (set-mark-command nil) (setq viper-saved-mark (point)));; In transient mark mode (zmacs mode), it is annoying when regions become;; highlighted due to Viper's pushing marks. So, we deactivate marks, unless;; the user explicitly wants highlighting, e.g., by hitting '' or ``(defun viper-deactivate-mark () (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs (zmacs-deactivate-region) (deactivate-mark) ))(defsubst viper-leave-region-active () (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs (setq zmacs-region-stays t) nil ));; Check if arg is a valid character for register;; TYPE is a list that can contain `letter', `Letter', and `digit'.;; Letter means lowercase letters, Letter means uppercase letters, and;; digit means digits from 1 to 9.;; If TYPE is nil, then down/uppercase letters and digits are allowed.(defun viper-valid-register (reg &optional type) (or type (setq type '(letter Letter digit))) (or (if (memq 'letter type) (and (<= ?a reg) (<= reg ?z))) (if (memq 'digit type) (and (<= ?1 reg) (<= reg ?9))) (if (memq 'Letter type) (and (<= ?A reg) (<= reg ?Z))) ));; it is suggested that an event must be copied before it is assigned to;; last-command-event in XEmacs(defun viper-copy-event (event) (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs (copy-event event) ; xemacs event ; emacs ));; Uses different timeouts for ESC-sequences and others(defsubst viper-fast-keysequence-p () (not (viper-sit-for-short (if (viper-ESC-event-p last-input-event) viper-ESC-keyseq-timeout viper-fast-keyseq-timeout) t)));; like read-event, but in XEmacs also try to convert to char, if possible(defun viper-read-event-convert-to-char () (let (event) (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs (progn (setq event (next-command-event)) (or (event-to-character event) event)) (read-event) ) ));; Viperized read-key-sequence(defun viper-read-key-sequence (prompt &optional continue-echo) (let (inhibit-quit event keyseq) (setq keyseq (read-key-sequence prompt continue-echo)) (setq event (if viper-xemacs-p (elt keyseq 0) ; XEmacs returns vector of events (elt (listify-key-sequence keyseq) 0))) (if (viper-ESC-event-p event) (let (unread-command-events) (if (viper-fast-keysequence-p) (let ((viper-vi-global-user-minor-mode nil) (viper-vi-local-user-minor-mode nil) (viper-vi-intercept-minor-mode nil) (viper-insert-intercept-minor-mode nil) (viper-replace-minor-mode nil) ; actually unnecessary (viper-insert-global-user-minor-mode nil) (viper-insert-local-user-minor-mode nil)) ;; Note: set unread-command-events only after testing for fast ;; keysequence. Otherwise, viper-fast-keysequence-p will be ;; always t -- whether there is anything after ESC or not (viper-set-unread-command-events keyseq) (setq keyseq (read-key-sequence nil))) (viper-set-unread-command-events keyseq) (setq keyseq (read-key-sequence nil))))) keyseq));; This function lets function-key-map convert key sequences into logical;; keys. This does a better job than viper-read-event when it comes to kbd;; macros, since it enables certain macros to be shared between X and TTY modes;; by correctly mapping key sequences for Left/Right/... (one an ascii;; terminal) into logical keys left, right, etc.(defun viper-read-key () (let ((overriding-local-map viper-overriding-map) (inhibit-quit t) help-char key) (use-global-map viper-overriding-map) (unwind-protect (setq key (elt (viper-read-key-sequence nil) 0)) (use-global-map global-map)) key));; Emacs has a bug in eventp, which causes (eventp nil) to return (nil);; instead of nil, if '(nil) was previously inadvertently assigned to;; unread-command-events(defun viper-event-key (event) (or (and event (eventp event)) (error "viper-event-key: Wrong type argument, eventp, %S" event)) (when (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs (or (key-press-event-p event) (mouse-event-p event)) ; xemacs t ; emacs ) (let ((mod (event-modifiers event)) basis) (setq basis (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs ;; XEmacs (cond ((key-press-event-p event) (event-key event)) ((button-event-p event) (concat "mouse-" (prin1-to-string (event-button event)))) (t (error "viper-event-key: Unknown event, %S" event))) ;; Emacs doesn't handle capital letters correctly, since ;; \S-a isn't considered the same as A (it behaves as ;; plain `a' instead). So we take care of this here (cond ((and (viper-characterp event) (<= ?A event) (<= event ?Z)) (setq mod nil event event)) ;; Emacs has the oddity whereby characters 128+char ;; represent M-char *if* this appears inside a string. ;; So, we convert them manually to (meta char). ((and (viper-characterp event) (< ?\C-? event) (<= event 255)) (setq mod '(meta) event (- event ?\C-? 1))) ((and (null mod) (eq event 'return)) (setq event ?\C-m)) ((and (null mod) (eq event 'space)) (setq event ?\ )) ((and (null mod) (eq event 'delete)) (setq event ?\C-?)) ((and (null mod) (eq event 'backspace)) (setq event ?\C-h)) (t (event-basic-type event))) ) ; viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs ) (if (viper-characterp basis) (setq basis (if (viper= basis ?\C-?) (list 'control '\?) ; taking care of an emacs bug (intern (char-to-string basis))))) (if mod (append mod (list basis)) basis))))(defun viper-key-to-emacs-key (key) (let (key-name char-p modifiers mod-char-list base-key base-key-name) (cond (viper-xemacs-p key) ((symbolp key) (setq key-name (symbol-name key)) (cond ((= (length key-name) 1) ; character event (string-to-char key-name)) ;; Emacs doesn't recognize `return' and `escape' as events on ;; dumb terminals, so we translate them into characters ((and viper-emacs-p (not (viper-window-display-p)) (string= key-name "return")) ?\C-m) ((and viper-emacs-p (not (viper-window-display-p)) (string= key-name "escape")) ?\e) ;; pass symbol-event as is (t key))) ((listp key) (setq modifiers (subseq key 0 (1- (length key))) base-key (viper-seq-last-elt key) base-key-name (symbol-name base-key) char-p (= (length base-key-name) 1)) (setq mod-char-list (mapcar '(lambda (elt) (upcase (substring (symbol-name elt) 0 1))) modifiers)) (if char-p (setq key-name (car (read-from-string (concat "?\\" (mapconcat 'identity mod-char-list "-\\") "-" base-key-name)))) (setq key-name (intern (concat (mapconcat 'identity mod-char-list "-") "-" base-key-name)))))) ));; LIS is assumed to be a list of events of characters(defun viper-eventify-list-xemacs (lis) (mapcar (lambda (elt) (cond ((viper-characterp elt) (character-to-event elt)) ((eventp elt) elt) (t (error "viper-eventify-list-xemacs: can't convert to event, %S" elt)))) lis));; Smoothes out the difference between Emacs' unread-command-events;; and XEmacs unread-command-event. Arg is a character, an event, a list of;; events or a sequence of keys.;;;; Due to the way unread-command-events in Emacs (not XEmacs), a non-event;; symbol in unread-command-events list may cause Emacs to turn this symbol;; into an event. Below, we delete nil from event lists, since nil is the most;; common symbol that might appear in this wrong context.(defun viper-set-unread-command-events (arg) (if viper-emacs-p (setq unread-command-events (let ((new-events (cond ((eventp arg) (list arg)) ((listp arg) arg) ((sequencep arg) (listify-key-sequence arg)) (t (error "viper-set-unread-command-events: Invalid argument, %S" arg))))) (if (not (eventp nil)) (setq new-events (delq nil new-events))) (append new-events unread-command-events))) ;; XEmacs (setq unread-command-events (append (cond ((viper-characterp arg) (list (character-to-event arg))) ((eventp arg) (list arg)) ((stringp arg) (mapcar 'character-to-event arg)) ((vectorp arg) (append arg nil)) ; turn into list ((listp arg) (viper-eventify-list-xemacs arg)) (t (error "viper-set-unread-command-events: Invalid argument, %S" arg))) unread-command-events))));; Check if vec is a vector of key-press events representing characters;; XEmacs only(defun viper-event-vector-p (vec) (and (vectorp vec) (eval (cons 'and (mapcar '(lambda (elt) (if (eventp elt) t)) vec)))));; check if vec is a vector of character symbols(defun viper-char-symbol-sequence-p (vec) (and (sequencep vec) (eval (cons 'and (mapcar (lambda (elt) (and (symbolp elt) (= (length (symbol-name elt)) 1))) vec)))))(defun viper-char-array-p (array) (eval (cons 'and (mapcar 'viper-characterp array))));; Args can be a sequence of events, a string, or a Viper macro. Will try to;; convert events to keys and, if all keys are regular printable;; characters, will return a string. Otherwise, will return a string;; representing a vector of converted events. If the input was a Viper macro,;; will return a string that represents this macro as a vector.(defun viper-array-to-string (event-seq) (let (temp temp2) (cond ((stringp event-seq) event-seq) ((viper-event-vector-p event-seq) (setq temp (mapcar 'viper-event-key event-seq)) (cond ((viper-char-symbol-sequence-p temp) (mapconcat 'symbol-name temp "")) ((and (viper-char-array-p (setq temp2 (mapcar 'viper-key-to-character temp)))) (mapconcat 'char-to-string temp2 "")) (t (prin1-to-string (vconcat temp))))) ((viper-char-symbol-sequence-p event-seq) (mapconcat 'symbol-name event-seq "")) ((and (vectorp event-seq) (viper-char-array-p (setq temp (mapcar 'viper-key-to-character event-seq)))) (mapconcat 'char-to-string temp "")) (t (prin1-to-string event-seq)))))(defun viper-key-press-events-to-chars (events) (mapconcat (viper-cond-compile-for-xemacs-or-emacs (lambda (elt) (char-to-string (event-to-character elt))) ; xemacs 'char-to-string ; emacs ) events ""))(defun viper-read-char-exclusive () (let (char (echo-keystrokes 1)) (while (null char) (condition-case nil (setq char (read-char)) (error ;; skip event if not char (viper-read-event)))) char));; key is supposed to be in viper's representation, e.g., (control l), a;; character, etc.(defun viper-key-to-character (key) (cond ((eq key 'space) ?\ ) ((eq key 'delete) ?\C-?) ((eq key 'return) ?\C-m) ((eq key 'backspace) ?\C-h) ((and (symbolp key) (= 1 (length (symbol-name key)))) (string-to-char (symbol-name key))) ((and (listp key) (eq (car key) 'control) (symbol-name (nth 1 key)) (= 1 (length (symbol-name (nth 1 key))))) (read (format "?\\C-%s" (symbol-name (nth 1 key))))) (t key)))(defun viper-setup-master-buffer (&rest other-files-or-buffers) "Set up the current buffer as a master buffer.Arguments become related buffers. This function should normally be used inthe `Local variables' section of a file." (setq viper-related-files-and-buffers-ring (make-ring (1+ (length other-files-or-buffers)))) (mapcar '(lambda (elt) (viper-ring-insert viper-related-files-and-buffers-ring elt)) other-files-or-buffers) (viper-ring-insert viper-related-files-and-buffers-ring (buffer-name)) );;; Movement utilities;; Characters that should not be considered as part of the word, in reformed-vi;; syntax mode.(defconst viper-non-word-characters-reformed-vi "!@#$%^&*()-+=|\\~`{}[];:'\",<.>/?");; These are characters that are not to be considered as parts of a word in;; Viper.;; Set each time state changes and at loading time(viper-deflocalvar viper-non-word-characters nil);; must be buffer-local(viper-deflocalvar viper-ALPHA-char-class "w" "String of syntax classes characterizing Viper's alphanumeric symbols.In addition, the symbol `_' may be considered alphanumeric if`viper-syntax-preference' is `strict-vi' or `reformed-vi'.")(defconst viper-strict-ALPHA-chars "a-zA-Z0-9_" "Regexp matching the set of alphanumeric characters acceptable to strictVi.")(defconst viper-strict-SEP-chars " \t\n" "Regexp matching the set of alphanumeric characters acceptable to strictVi.")(defconst viper-strict-SEP-chars-sans-newline " \t" "Regexp matching the set of alphanumeric characters acceptable to strictVi.")(defconst viper-SEP-char-class " -" "String of syntax classes for Vi separators.Usually contains ` ', linefeed, TAB or formfeed.");; Set Viper syntax classes and related variables according to;; `viper-syntax-preference'. (defun viper-update-syntax-classes (&optional set-default) (let ((preference (cond ((eq viper-syntax-preference 'emacs) "w") ; Viper words have only Emacs word chars ((eq viper-syntax-preference 'extended) "w_") ; Viper words have Emacs word & symbol chars (t "w"))) ; Viper words are Emacs words plus `_' (non-word-chars (cond ((eq viper-syntax-preference 'reformed-vi) (viper-string-to-list viper-non-word-characters-reformed-vi)) (t nil)))) (if set-default (setq-default viper-ALPHA-char-class preference viper-non-word-characters non-word-chars) (setq viper-ALPHA-char-class preference viper-non-word-characters non-word-chars)) ));; SYMBOL is used because customize requires it, but it is ignored, unless it;; is `nil'. If nil, use setq.(defun viper-set-syntax-preference (&optional symbol value) "Set Viper syntax preference.If called interactively or if SYMBOL is nil, sets syntax preference in currentbuffer. If called non-interactively, preferably via the customization widget,sets the default value." (interactive) (or value (setq value (completing-read "Viper syntax preference: " '(("strict-vi") ("reformed-vi") ("extended") ("emacs")) nil 'require-match))) (if (stringp value) (setq value (intern value))) (or (memq value '(strict-vi reformed-vi extended emacs)) (error "Invalid Viper syntax preference, %S" value)) (if symbol (setq-default viper-syntax-preference value) (setq viper-syntax-preference value)) (viper-update-syntax-classes))(defcustom viper-syntax-preference 'reformed-vi "*Syntax type characterizing Viper's alphanumeric symbols.Affects movement and change commands that deal with Vi-style words.Works best when set in the hooks to various major modes.`strict-vi' means Viper words are (hopefully) exactly as in Vi.`reformed-vi' means Viper words are like Emacs words \(as determined usingEmacs syntax tables, which are different for different major modes\) with twoexceptions: the symbol `_' is always part of a word and typical Vi non-wordsymbols, such as `,',:,\",),{, etc., are excluded.This behaves very close to `strict-vi', but also works well with non-ASCIIcharacters from various alphabets.`extended' means Viper word constituents are symbols that are marked as beingparts of words OR symbols in Emacs syntax tables.This is most appropriate for major modes intended for editing programs.`emacs' means Viper words are the same as Emacs words as specified by Emacssyntax tables.This option is appropriate if you like Emacs-style words." :type '(radio (const strict-vi) (const reformed-vi) (const extended) (const emacs)) :set 'viper-set-syntax-preference :group 'viper)(make-variable-buffer-local 'viper-syntax-preference);; addl-chars are characters to be temporarily considered as alphanumerical(defun viper-looking-at-alpha (&optional addl-chars) (or (stringp addl-chars) (setq addl-chars "")) (if (eq viper-syntax-preference 'reformed-vi) (setq addl-chars (concat addl-chars "_"))) (let ((char (char-after (point)))) (if char (if (eq viper-syntax-preference 'strict-vi) (looking-at (concat "[" viper-strict-ALPHA-chars addl-chars "]")) (or ;; or one of the additional chars being asked to include (viper-memq-char char (viper-string-to-list addl-chars)) (and ;; not one of the excluded word chars (note: ;; viper-non-word-characters is a list) (not (viper-memq-char char viper-non-word-characters)) ;; char of the Viper-word syntax class (viper-memq-char (char-syntax char) (viper-string-to-list viper-ALPHA-char-class)))))) ))(defun viper-looking-at-separator () (let ((char (char-after (point)))) (if char (if (eq viper-syntax-preference 'strict-vi) (viper-memq-char char (viper-string-to-list viper-strict-SEP-chars)) (or (eq char ?\n) ; RET is always a separator in Vi (viper-memq-char (char-syntax char) (viper-string-to-list viper-SEP-char-class))))) ))(defsubst viper-looking-at-alphasep (&optional addl-chars) (or (viper-looking-at-separator) (viper-looking-at-alpha addl-chars)))(defun viper-skip-alpha-forward (&optional addl-chars) (or (stringp addl-chars) (setq addl-chars "")) (viper-skip-syntax 'forward (cond ((eq viper-syntax-preference 'strict-vi) "") (t viper-ALPHA-char-class)) (cond ((eq viper-syntax-preference 'strict-vi) (concat viper-strict-ALPHA-chars addl-chars)) (t addl-chars))))(defun viper-skip-alpha-backward (&optional addl-chars) (or (stringp addl-chars) (setq addl-chars "")) (viper-skip-syntax 'backward (cond ((eq viper-syntax-preference 'strict-vi) "") (t viper-ALPHA-char-class)) (cond ((eq viper-syntax-preference 'strict-vi) (concat viper-strict-ALPHA-chars addl-chars)) (t addl-chars))));; weird syntax tables may confuse strict-vi style(defsubst viper-skip-all-separators-forward (&optional within-line) (if (eq viper-syntax-preference 'strict-vi) (if within-line (skip-chars-forward viper-strict-SEP-chars-sans-newline) (skip-chars-forward viper-strict-SEP-chars)) (viper-skip-syntax 'forward viper-SEP-char-class (or within-line "\n") (if within-line (viper-line-pos 'end)))))(defsubst viper-skip-all-separators-backward (&optional within-line) (if (eq viper-syntax-preference 'strict-vi) (if within-line (skip-chars-backward viper-strict-SEP-chars-sans-newline) (skip-chars-backward viper-strict-SEP-chars)) (viper-skip-syntax 'backward viper-SEP-char-class (or within-line "\n") (if within-line (viper-line-pos 'start)))))(defun viper-skip-nonseparators (direction) (viper-skip-syntax direction (concat "^" viper-SEP-char-class) nil (viper-line-pos (if (eq direction 'forward) 'end 'start))));; skip over non-word constituents and non-separators(defun viper-skip-nonalphasep-forward () (if (eq viper-syntax-preference 'strict-vi) (skip-chars-forward (concat "^" viper-strict-SEP-chars viper-strict-ALPHA-chars)) (viper-skip-syntax 'forward (concat "^" viper-ALPHA-char-class viper-SEP-char-class) ;; Emacs may consider some of these as words, but we don't want them viper-non-word-characters (viper-line-pos 'end))))(defun viper-skip-nonalphasep-backward () (if (eq viper-syntax-preference 'strict-vi) (skip-chars-backward (concat "^" viper-strict-SEP-chars viper-strict-ALPHA-chars)) (viper-skip-syntax 'backward (concat "^" viper-ALPHA-char-class viper-SEP-char-class) ;; Emacs may consider some of these as words, but we don't want them viper-non-word-characters (viper-line-pos 'start))));; Skip SYNTAX like skip-syntax-* and ADDL-CHARS like skip-chars-*;; Return the number of chars traveled.;; Both SYNTAX or ADDL-CHARS can be strings or lists of characters.;; When SYNTAX is "w", then viper-non-word-characters are not considered to be;; words, even if Emacs syntax table says they are.(defun viper-skip-syntax (direction syntax addl-chars &optional limit) (let ((total 0) (local 1) (skip-chars-func (if (eq direction 'forward) 'skip-chars-forward 'skip-chars-backward)) (skip-syntax-func (if (eq direction 'forward) 'viper-forward-char-carefully 'viper-backward-char-carefully)) char-looked-at syntax-of-char-looked-at negated-syntax) (setq addl-chars (cond ((listp addl-chars) (viper-charlist-to-string addl-chars)) ((stringp addl-chars) addl-chars) (t ""))) (setq syntax (cond ((listp syntax) syntax) ((stringp syntax) (viper-string-to-list syntax)) (t nil))) (if (memq ?^ syntax) (setq negated-syntax t)) (while (and (not (= local 0)) (cond ((eq direction 'forward) (not (eobp))) (t (not (bobp))))) (setq char-looked-at (viper-char-at-pos direction) ;; if outside the range, set to nil syntax-of-char-looked-at (if char-looked-at (char-syntax char-looked-at))) (setq local (+ (if (and (cond ((and limit (eq direction 'forward)) (< (point) limit)) (limit ; backward & limit (> (point) limit)) (t t)) ; no limit ;; char under/before cursor has appropriate syntax (if negated-syntax (not (memq syntax-of-char-looked-at syntax)) (memq syntax-of-char-looked-at syntax)) ;; if char-syntax class is "word", make sure it is not one ;; of the excluded characters (if (and (eq syntax-of-char-looked-at ?w) (not negated-syntax)) (not (viper-memq-char char-looked-at viper-non-word-characters)) t)) (funcall skip-syntax-func 1) 0) (funcall skip-chars-func addl-chars limit))) (setq total (+ total local))) total ))(provide 'viper-util);;; Local Variables:;;; eval: (put 'viper-deflocalvar 'lisp-indent-hook 'defun);;; End:;;; viper-util.el ends here