GNU Emacs NEWS -- history of user-visible changes.Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.See the end of the file for license conditions.Please send Emacs bug reports to possible, use M-x report-emacs-bug.This file is about changes in Emacs version 23.See files NEWS.22, NEWS.21, NEWS.20, NEWS.19, NEWS.18, and NEWS.1-17for changes in older Emacs versions.You can narrow news to a specific version by calling `view-emacs-news'with a prefix argument or by typing C-u C-h C-n.Temporary note: +++ indicates that the appropriate manual has already been updated. --- means no change in the manuals is called for.When you add a new item, please add it without either +++ or ---so we will look at it and add it to the manual.* About external Lisp packages* Installation Changes in Emacs 23.1** The default X toolkit is now Gtk+, rather than Lucid.The configure option `--with-gtk' has been removed. Gtk is now thedefault toolkit, but you can use --with-x-toolkit=gtk if necessary.** New font code.Fonts are handled by new code capable of dealing with multiple fontbackends. This uses the freetype and fontconfig libraries.+++*** Emacs now accepts font names supplied in the fontconfig format(e.g. "monospace-12:bold") and GTK format (e.g. "Monospace Bold 12").*** Added support for local fonts (fonts installed on the machinewhere Emacs is running).*** Added support for the Xft library for antialiasing.*** Added support for the otf library for complex text layout byOpenType fonts.*** Added support for the m17n library for text shaping.** Changes to image support---*** configure now checks for libgif before libungif when searching fora GIF library.+++*** Emacs now supports the SVG image format through librsvg2.*** Emacs now supports multi-page TIFF images.** New NeXTSTEP-based portThis provides support for GNUstep (via the GNUstep libraries) and MacOS X (via the Cocoa libraries).Specify --with-ns to configure for this. By default, a self-containedapp will be built (containing all lisp). To install/share lisp withother emacsen (e.g. X11 build) use --disable-ns-self-contained. Seenextstep/README and nextstep/INSTALL in the Emacs source directory.** Mac OS X is no longer supported via Carbon.Use the NeXTSTEP port, described above.** The new configuration option "--with-dbus" enables D-Bus languagebindings for Emacs.** Support for many obsolete platforms has been removed.See the list at the end of etc/MACHINES for details.---*** Support for systems without alloca has been removed.---*** Support for Sun windows has been removed.---*** The `emacstool' utility has been removed.** The following platforms will be removed in a future Emacs version:If you are still using Emacs on one of these platforms, please to inform the Emacs developers.*** Old GNU/Linux systems based on libc version 5.*** Old FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD systems based on the COFF executable format.*** Solaris versions 2.6 and below.*** Solaris on IBM RS6000 machines.*** UNIX System V (the original SysV, not later platforms based on it).*** Unixware on non-x86 machines.*** Platforms not supporting shared libraries (i.e., requiring theNO_SHARED_LIBS compilation flag).---** The configure options `--with-gcc', `--without-gcc' have been removed.Configure will use gcc by default. Set the CC environment variable ifyou need control over which C compiler is used.** The refcards are now shipped as PDF files.---** The manuals are now licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License v1.3,or any later version.---** Emacs 23 comes with a new set of default icons.Various resolutions are available as etc/images/icons/hicolor/*/apps/emacs.png.The Emacs 22 icon is available as `emacs22.png' in the same location.* Changes in Emacs 23.1** Improved X Window System support+++*** Emacs now supports using both X displays and ttys in one session.With an Emacs server active (M-x server-start), `emacsclient -t'creates a tty frame connected to the running emacs server. You canuse any number of different ttys. `emacsclient -c' creates a new X11frame on the current $DISPLAY (or a tty frame if $DISPLAY is not set).You can test for the presence of this feature in your Lisp code bytesting for the `multi-tty' feature.+++*** Emacs can now start in background, as a daemon when using the--daemon command line argument. It disconnects from the terminal andstarts the server. Clients can connect and create graphical orterminal frames using emacsclient.**** emacsclient starts emacs in daemon mode and connects to it when--alternate-editor="" is used (or when the evironment variableALTERNATE_EDITOR is set to "") and emacsclient cannot connect to anemacs server.*** The new command close-display-connection closes a connection to aremote display. There are some bugs for Gtk+. See etc/PROBLEMS.*** Emacs now supports the XEmbed specification.You can embed Emacs in another application on X11. The new command lineoption --parent-id is used to pass the parent window id to Emacs. See details about XEmbed.+++*** Emacs can now set the frame opacity.The opacity of a frame can be controlled by setting the `alpha' frameparameter. This only takes effect on a compositing window manager forthe X Window System, such as Compiz, Beryl and Compiz Fusion, on MacOS X, or on Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows.The alpha parameter should be an integer between 0 (transparent) and100 (opaque), or a float number between 0.0 and 1.0. It can also be acons cell (ACTIVE . INACTIVE), where ACTIVE is the opacity of anactive frame and INACTIVE is the opactity of non-active frames.The variable `frame-alpha-lower-limit' defines a lower bound for theopacity; the default is 20.** Internationalization changes*** The Emacs character set is now a superset of Unicode.(It has about four times the code space, which should be plenty).The internal encoding used for buffers and strings is nowUnicode-based and called `utf-8-emacs'. This encoding is backwardscompatible with Unicode's UTF-8 encoding. The internal encodingpreviously used by Emacs, `emacs-mule', is still available.During byte-compilation, Emacs 23 uses `utf-8-emacs' to write files.As a result, byte-compiled files containing non-ASCII characters can'tbe read by earlier versions of Emacs. Files compiled by Emacs 20, 21,or 22 are loaded correctly as emacs-mule (whether or not they containmultibyte characters). This takes somewhat more time, so it may beworth recompiling existing .elc files which don't need to be sharedwith older Emacsen.*** There are new coding systems/aliases; see M-x list-coding-systems.*** There is a new charset implementation with many new charsets.See M-x list-character-sets. New charsets can be defined convenientlyas tables of unicodes.**** The dimension of a charset is now 1, 2, 3, or 4, and the size ofeach dimension is no longer limited to 94 or 96.**** A dynamic charset priority list is used to infer the charset ofcharacters for display.*** There are new language environments for Chinese-GBK,Chinese-GB18030, Khmer, Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati, Oriya, Telugu,Sinhala, and TaiViet.*** The minor modes unify-8859-on-encoding-mode andunify-8859-on-decoding-mode are obsolete.*** `ucs-insert' is bound to `C-x 8 RET' and in addition to hex numbersaccepts numbers in hash notation (e.g. #o21430 for octal, or #10r8984 fordecimal). It also accepts Unicode character names with completion.*** The `cyrillic-translit' input method supports many new characters.Common typographical characters available from Unicode were added to`cyrillic-translit': punctuation marks, accented characters, fractions,and others.** Emacs now supports serial port access on GNU/Linux, Unix, andWindows. The new command `serial-term' starts an interactive terminalon a serial port. The serial port can be configured at runtime withthe mode-line mouse menu.** Menu Bar changes---*** In the Options menu, the "Set Default Font" item applies theselected font to the `default' face on all frames, not just thecurrent frame. Furthermore, if Emacs is compiled with both GTK andFontconfig support, the "Set Default Font" item uses the GTK fontselection dialog instead of an Emacs pop-up menu.---*** The font setting chosen by "Set Default Font" is saved if the"Save Options" item is used.*** The Tools menu contains a new Encryption/Decryption submenu.This contains commands provided by EasyPG, the newly-includedinterface to GnuPG (see New Modes and Packages).---*** In the Options menu, the "Truncate Long Lines in the Buffer" entryhas been replaced with a submenu offering three different ways tohandle long lines: truncation, continuation at the window edge, andthe new word wrapping behavior (see Editing Changes, below).---*** Improvements to menus for major and minor modesMore major and minor modes now have a mode specific menu, and existingmode menus have been improved to include more functionality.** Mode-line changes+++*** The mode-line displays a `@', instead of `-', if thedefault-directory for the current buffer is on a remote machine.---*** The mode-line displays a mode menu when mouse-1 is clicked on aminor mode, in the same way as it already did for major modes.---*** The `mode-line-emphasis' face is used to highlight certainmode-line information (e.g. waiting for a VC command to finish).---*** The mode-line tooltips have been improved to provide more details.+++*** The VC, line/colum number and minor mode indicators on the modeline are now interactive: mouse-1 can be used on them to pop up a menu.+++** File deletion can make use of the Recycle Bin or system Trash folder.Set `delete-by-moving-to-trash' non-nil to use this. Deleted filesand directories will then be sent to the Recycle Bin on Windows, andto `trash-directory' on other systems.+++** Directory-local variables can now be defined.By default, Emacs looks in .dir-locals.el for directory-localvariables. For more information, see `dir-locals-set-directory-class'and `dir-locals-set-class-variables'.** Emacs can now use `auth-source' for authentication.`smtpmail' and `url' (Tramp and Gnus also) use `auth-source' to obtainlogin names and passwords. The match, if found, is reportedin *Messages* with the password blanked out.** `where-is-preferred-modifier' can specify your favorite modifier.* Startup Changes in Emacs 23.1+++** The option `inhibit-startup-screen' (with aliases to old names`inhibit-splash-screen' and `inhibit-startup-message') doesn't inhibitdisplay of the initial message in the *scratch* buffer. If you don'twant to display the initial message in the *scratch* buffer at startup,you can set the option `initial-scratch-message' to nil.** New user option `initial-buffer-choice' specifies what to displayafter starting Emacs: startup screen, *scratch* buffer, visiting afile or directory.** New alias `argv' for `command-line-args-left'This is a convenience alias, so that one can write `(pop argv)'inside of --eval command line arguments in order to accessfollowing arguments.+++** The abbrev file is no longer read at startup in batch mode.** Emacs now supports invocation by an X session manager.It can save a session and restore it later. See the documentation ofthe functions `emacs-session-save' and `emacs-session-restore'.(Actually, this feature was introduced with Emacs 22, but it was notdocumented.)* Incompatible Editing Changes in Emacs 23.1+++** In Dired, `dired-flag-garbage-files' is rebound from `&' to `%&'on the regexp command prefix map.+++** In Dired-x, all command guesses for ! are now added to the defaultlist accessible by M-n instead of pushing all guesses temporarily intothe history list.+++** In Isearch mode, a special case of typing `C-w' at the beginning ofthe minibuffer that toggles word search (i.e. using key sequences`C-s RET C-w' or `C-s M-e C-w') is obsolete. You can use the global key`M-s w' to start word search, or type `M-s w' in Isearch mode totoggle word search. To start nonincremental word search you can now use`M-s w RET' and `M-s w C-r RET' instead of `C-s RET C-w' and `C-r RET C-w'.+++** In Info, `Info-search' is unbound from `M-s' to allow using `M-s w'for word search as well as other search commands from the global prefixkey `M-s'. `Info-search' is still bound to `s', and also incrementalsearch commands `C-s', `C-M-s', `C-r', `C-M-r' are available for searchingthrough multiple Info nodes, together with their nonincremental versions`C-s RET', `C-r RET', `C-M-s RET', `C-M-r RET', `M-s w RET'.---** In Text mode, `center-line' and `center-paragraph' are reboundfrom `M-s' and `M-S' to global keys `M-o M-s' and `M-o M-S' on theglobal prefix map `M-o' intended for such formatting commands.---** The following input methods were removed in Emacs 22.2, but this wasnot advertised: danish-alt-postfix, esperanto-alt-postfix,finnish-alt-postfix, german-alt-postfix, icelandic-alt-postfix,norwegian-alt-postfix, scandinavian-alt-postfix, spanish-alt-postfix,and swedish-alt-postfix. Use the versions without "alt-", which areidentical.+++** If a function in write-region-annotate-functions returns with adifferent buffer current, Emacs no longer kills that bufferautomatically. This behavior existed in previous versions of Emacs,but was undocumented. To kill a buffer after write-region, give thevariable `write-region-post-annotation-function' a buffer-local valueof `kill-buffer'.* Editing Changes in Emacs 23.1+++** The C-n and C-p line-motion commands now move by screen lines,taking continued lines and variable-width characters into account.Setting `line-move-visual' to nil reverts this to the previousbehavior (motion by logical lines based on buffer contents alone).+++** C-x C-c now invokes `save-buffers-kill-terminal', and C-z nowinvokes `suspend-frame'. This change is for compatibility with thenew multi-tty support (see `Improved X Window System support' above).** Mark changes+++*** Transient Mark mode is now on by default.+++*** mark-even-if-inactive now defaults to t+++*** When Transient Mark mode is on, C-SPC C-SPC pushes a mark withoutactivating it.+++*** When Transient Mark mode is on, M-q now fills the region if theregion is active. Otherwise, it fills the current paragraph.+++*** When Transient Mark mode is on, M-$ now checks spelling of theregion if the region is active. Otherwise, it checks spelling of theword at point.+++*** When Transient Mark mode is on, TAB now indents the region if theregion is active.+++*** `use-empty-active-region' controls whether an empty active regionin Transient Mark mode should make commands operate on that emptyregion.** Temporarily active regions+++*** The new variable shift-select-mode, non-nil by default, controlsshift-selection. When Shift Select mode is on, shift-translatedmotion keys (e.g. S-left and S-down) activate and extend a temporaryregion, similar to mouse-selection.+++*** Temporarily active regions, created using shift-selection ormouse-selection, are not necessarily deactivated in the next command.They are only deactivated after point motion commands that are notshift-translated, or after commands that would ordinarily deactivatethe mark in Transient Mark mode (e.g., any command that modifies thebuffer).** Minibuffer and completion changes+++*** Emacs may ask for confirmation before opening a non-existent fileor buffer. By default, Emacs requests confirmation if you type RETimmediately after TAB, and the resulting input is not an existing fileor buffer; this usually happens when the minibuffer input did notcomplete far enough and you entered RET by mistake. In that case,Emacs puts the message "[Confirm]" in the minibuffer; type RET againto create the file or buffer.The new variable confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer determines whetherEmacs asks for confirmation. The default value is `after-completion'.If you change it to t, Emacs always asks for confirmation; if youchange it to nil, Emacs never asks for confirmation.+++*** When M-n in the minibuffer reaches the end of the list of defaults,it adds the completion list to the end, so next M-n continues puttingcompletion items to the minibuffer. The same principle applies toincremental search commands as well: C-s or C-M-s starts searchingthe default values and after the end of defaults they continuesearching minibuffer completion items.---*** Minibuffer input of shell commands now comes with completion.+++*** In the `C-x d' (Dired) prompt, typing M-n gives the visited filename of the current buffer.*** In the M-! (shell-command) prompt, M-n provides some default commands.These are guessed using the file extension of the current file, basedon the file-handlers specified in the operating system's `mailcap'file. The ! command in Dired (dired-do-shell-command) workssimilarly, using the file displayed on the current line.*** A list of regexp default values is available via M-n for `occur',`keep-lines', `flush-lines' and `how-many'. This list includes the activeregion in transient-mark-mode, the word under the cursor, the last Isearchregexp, the last Isearch string and the last replacement regexp.---*** When enable-recursive-minibuffers is non-nil, operations which useswitch-to-buffer (such as C-x b and C-x C-f) do not fail any more whenused in a minibuffer or a dedicated window. Instead, they fallback onusing pop-to-buffer, which will use some other window. This changehas no effect when enable-recursive-minibuffers is nil (the default).+++*** Isearch started in the minibuffer searches in the minibuffer history.Reverse Isearch commands (C-r, C-M-r) search in previous minibufferhistory elements, and forward Isearch commands (C-s, C-M-s) search innext history elements. When the reverse search reaches the first historyelement, it wraps to the last history element, and the forward searchwraps to the first history element. When the search is terminated, thehistory element containing the search string becomes the current.*** The variable read-file-name-completion-ignore-case overridescompletion-ignore-case for file name completion.*** The variable read-buffer-completion-ignore-case overridescompletion-ignore-case for buffer name completion.---*** `completion-styles' can be customized to choose your favoritecompletion style.---*** The default completion styles include a form of partial-completion.---*** The new command `minibuffer-force-complete' chooses one of thepossible completions, rather than stopping at the common prefix.+++*** If `completion-auto-help' is `lazy', Emacs shows the completionsbuffer only on the second attempt to complete. This was alreadysupported in `partial-completion-mode'.** Face changes+++*** S-down-mouse-1 now pops up a menu for changing the font and textsize of the default face in the current buffer. The face is changedvia face remapping (see Lisp changes, below).+++*** New commands to change the default face size in the current buffer.To increase it, type `C-x C-+' or `C-x C-='. To decrease it, type`C-x C--'. To restore the default (global) face size, type `C-x C-0'.These work via Text Scale mode, a new minor mode.The final key in the above commands may be repeated without theleading `C-x', e.g. `C-x C-= C-= C-=' increases the face height bythree steps. Each step scales the height of the default face by thevalue of the variable `text-scale-mode-step'.*** The command `buffer-face-mode' prompts for a face name, and remapsthe default face in the current buffer to that specified face. Thecommand `variable-pitch-mode' turns on Buffer Face mode for the`variable-pitch' face.** Primary selection changes+++*** If `select-active-regions' is t, setting the mark automaticallymakes the new region into the primary selection (for interaction withother window applications). If you enable this, you might want tobind `mouse-yank-primary' to Mouse-2.+++*** You can disable kill ring commands from accessing the primaryselection by setting `x-select-enable-primary' to nil.---** Continuation lines can now be wrapped at word boundaries(word-wrapping). This is controlled by the new per-buffer variable`word-wrap'. Word wrapping does not take place if continuation linesare not shown, e.g. if truncate-lines is non-nil. The most convenientway to enable word-wrapping is using the new minor mode Visual Linemode; in addition to setting `word-wrap' to t, this rebinds someediting commands to work on screen lines rather than text lines. SeeNew Modes and Packages, below.** Window management changes+++*** truncate-partial-width-windows now accepts integer values, whichspecify a minimum window width for partial-width windows, below whichlines are truncated. The default has been changed to 50.*** The new command balance-windows-area balances windows bothvertically and horizontally.---*** pop-to-buffer now always sets input focus when the popped-to windowis on a different frame.** Miscellaneous changes:+++*** C-l is bound to the new command recenter-top-bottom, rather than recenter.This moves the current line to window center, top and bottom onsuccessive invokations.+++*** scroll-preserve-screen-position also preserves the column position.+++*** If `yank-pop-change-selection' is t, rotating the kill ring alsoupdates the selection or clipboard to the current yank, just as M-wwould do so with the text it copies to the kill ring.+++*** C-M-% now shows replacement as it would look in the buffer, with`\N' and `\&' substituted according to the match. Old behavior can berestored by customizing `query-replace-show-replacement'.*** The command shell prompts for the default directory, when it iscalled with a prefix and the default directory is a remote file name.This is because some file name handlers (like ange-ftp) are not able torun processes remotely.+++*** The new command kill-matching-buffers kills buffers whose namematches a regexp.*** The new commands `pp-macroexpand-expression' and`pp-macroexpand-last-sexp' pretty-print macro expansions.+++*** The new command `set-file-modes' allows to set file's mode bits.The mode bits can be specified in symbolic notation, like with GNUCoreutils, in addition to an octal number. `chmod' is a newconvenience alias for this function.*** `next-error-recenter' specifies how next-error should recenter thevisited source file. Its value can be a number (for example, 0 fortop line, -1 for bottom line), or nil for no recentering.+++*** When typing in a password in the echo area, C-y yanks the currentkill into the password.*** `mkdir' is a new convenience alias for `make-directory'.* New Modes and Packages in Emacs 23.1** FIXME add details of new packages imported from lisp/gnus.[Maybe some information from doc/misc/gnus-coding.texi can be reused]** Auto Composition Mode is a minor mode that composes charactersautomatically when they are displayed. It is globally on by default.It uses `auto-composition-function' (default `auto-compose-chars').** Bubbles, a new game, is similar to SameGame.---** butterfly flips the desired bit on the drive platter.See** bug-reference.el provides clickable links to bug reports.** dbus.el provides D-Bus language bindings.D-Bus is an inter-process communication mechanism for applicationsresiding on the same host. See the manual for details.+++** DocView mode allows viewing of PDF, PostScript and DVI documents.One can also search for a regular expression in the document. Fordetails, see the commentary in doc-view.el.PDF and DVI files are now opened in Doc View mode by default.In Postcript mode, C-c C-c launches Doc View minor mode for viewingthe postscript file.** EasyPG provides an interface to the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG).It includes a GnuPG keyring browser, cryptographic operations onregions and files, and automatic encryption of *.gpg files. Fordetails, see the EasyPG Assistant User's Manual.** json.el is a library for parsing and generating JSON(JavaScript Object Notation), a lightweight data-interchange format.+++** linum.el is a new minor mode to display line numbers for thecurrent buffer.** mairix.el is an interface to mairix, a free tool for indexing andsearching locally stored mail. It allows you to query mairix anddisplay the search results with Rmail, Gnus and VM. Note that thereis an existing Gnus back end, nnmairix.el, which should be used withMaildir/MH setups.** minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode shows the minibuffer depth in the prompt.+++** nXML ModeThis is a new mode for editing XML documents. It allows a schema tobe associated with the XML document being edited, using Relax NG asthe schema language. The schema is used to provide two key features:*** Continuous validation. nXML validates as you type, highlightingany invalid parts of your document.*** Completion. nXML can assist you in entering an element name,attribute name or data value by using information about what isallowed by the schema in that context.** proced.el provides a Dired-like interface for operating onprocesses. Proced makes an Emacs buffer containing a listing of thecurrent processes. You can use the normal Emacs commands to movearound in this buffer, and special Proced commands to operate on theprocesses listed. It is currently only functional on GNU/Linux,MS-Windows and Solaris.** Remember Mode is a mode for jotting down things to remember.Notes can be saved to a Diary file. For details, see the RememberManual.** RST mode is a major mode for editing reStructuredText files.+++** Ruby mode is a major mode for Ruby files.+++** Visual Line mode provides support for editing by visual lines.It turns on word-wrapping in the current buffer, and rebinds C-a, C-e,and C-k to commands that operate by visual lines instead of logicallines. This is a more reliable replacement for longlines-mode.This can also be turned on using the menu bar, viaOptions -> Line Wrapping in this Buffer -> Word Wrap** xesam.el is an implementation of Xesam, an interface to (desktop)search engines like Beagle, Strigi, and Tracker. The Xesam APIrequires D-Bus for communication.** zeroconf.el offers service discovery and service publishinginterfaces according to the zeroconf specification. It communicateswith Avahi, a zeroconf implementation, via D-Bus messages on systemswhich have installed this software.** There is a new `whitespace' package.(The pre-existing one has been renamed to `old-whitespace'.)Now, besides reporting bogus blanks, the whitespace package has aminor mode and a global minor mode to visualize blanks (TAB, (HARD)SPACE and NEWLINE). The visualization is made via faces and/or displaytable. It can also indicate lines that extend beyond a given column,trailing blanks, and empty lines at the start or end of a buffer.See `whitespace-style' for more details. The `whitespace-action' optionspecifies what to do when a buffer is visited, killed, or written.* Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 23.1** Abbrev has been rewritten in Elisp and extended with more flexibility.*** New functions: abbrev-get, abbrev-put, abbrev-table-get, abbrev-table-put, abbrev-table-p, abbrev-insert, abbrev-table-menu.*** Special hook `abbrev-expand-functions' obsoletes `pre-abbrev-expand-hook'.*** `make-abbrev-table', `define-abbrev', `define-abbrev-table' all take extra arguments for arbitrary properties.*** New variable `abbrev-minor-mode-table-alist'.*** `local-abbrev-table' can hold a list of abbrev-tables.*** Abbrevs have now the following special properties: `:count', `:system', `:enable-function', `:case-fixed'.*** Abbrev-tables have now the following special properties: `:parents', `:case-fixed', `:enable-function', `:regexp', `abbrev-table-modiff'.** Apropos*** `apropos-library' describes the elements defined in a given library.*** Set `apropos-compact-layout' is you want a more compact (but wider) layout.+++** Archive Mode has basic support to browse Rar archives.Note, however, that the free version of the unrar command only handlesversions 1 and 2 of the Rar format.---** BibTeX mode*** New command `bibtex-initialize' (re)initializes BibTeX buffers.*** New `bibtex-entry-format' options `whitespace', `braces', and`string', disabled by default.*** New variable `bibtex-cite-matcher-alist' contains rules toidentify cited keys in BibTeX entries, used by `bibtex-find-crossref'.*** Command `bibtex-url' allows multiple URLs per entry.** Calendar and diary+++*** There is a new date style, `iso', essentially year/month/day.The variable `european-calendar-style' is obsolete - use `calendar-date-style'.Similarly, the commands `american-calendar' and `european-calendar'should be replaced by `calendar-set-date-style'.+++*** The calendar namespace has been rationalized.All functions and variables now begin with a `calendar-', `diary-', or`holiday-' prefix. The various calendar systems have secondaryprefixes, eg `calendar-french-'. The old names you are likely to usedirectly still exist, for the time being, as aliases, but please startusing the new names.+++*** The whitespace in the calendar layout can be customized.See the variables:calendar-left-margin, calendar-intermonth-spacing, calendar-column-width,calendar-day-header-width, and calendar-day-digit-width.+++*** Text (e.g. ISO weeks) can be displayed between the calendar months.See the variables calendar-intermonth-header and calendar-intermonth-text.+++*** The function `holiday-chinese' computes holidays on the Chinese calendar.It has been used to add items to the list `holiday-oriental-holidays'.---*** `diary-remind' accepts a negative number -DAYS as a shorthand forthe list (1 2 ... DAYS).** Change Log mode*** The new command C-c C-f (change-log-find-file) finds the fileassociated with the current log entry.*** The new command C-c C-c (change-log-goto-source) goes to thesource code associated with a log entry.** Compile and grep modes---*** The mode-line entry for the *compilation* and *grep* buffer is color coded.It has different colors for to show that: (a) the command is stillrunning, (b) successful completion, (c) error.+++*** compilation-auto-jump-to-first-error tells `compile' to jump tothe first error encountered during compilations.+++*** compilation-scroll-output accepts a new value, `first-error', whichsays to stop auto scrolling at the first error that occurs.---*** The `cc' alias for C++ files in `grep-file-aliases' has beenimproved. `hh' can be used to match C++ header files and `cchh' bothC++ sources and headers.** Copyright*** You can specify your copyright holders' names.Only copyright lines with holders matching `copyright-names-regexp' areconsidered for update.*** Copyrights can be at the end of the buffer.This is controlled by `copyright-at-end-flag' (used by, e.g., change-log-mode).** Custom+++*** defcustom accepts new keyword arguments, `:safe' and `:risky', whichset a variable's `safe-local-variable' and `risky-local-variable' property.** Diff mode+++*** diff-refine-hunk highlights word-level details of changes in a diff hunk.It's used automatically as you move through hunks, seediff-auto-refine-mode. It is bound to `C-c C-b'.+++*** diff-add-change-log-entries-other-window iterates through the diffbuffer and tries to create ChangeLog entries for each change.It is bound to `C-x 4 A'.+++*** Turning on `whitespace-mode' in a diff buffer will show trailingwhitespace problems in the modified lines.** Dired+++*** In Dired, C-x C-q now runs the command wdired-change-to-wdired-mode,and C-x C-q in wdired-mode exits it with asking a question aboutsaving changes.+++*** `&' runs the command `dired-do-async-shell-command' that executesthe command asynchronously without the need to manually add ampersandto the end of the command. Its output appears in the buffer `*Async ShellCommand*'.+++*** `M-s f C-s' and `M-s f M-C-s' run Isearch that matches only at file names.When a new user option `dired-isearch-filenames' is t, then even ordinaryIsearch started with `C-s' and `C-M-s' matches only at file names in theDired buffer. When `dired-isearch-filenames' is `dwim' then activation offile name Isearch depends on the position of point - if point is on a filename initially, then Isearch matches only file names, otherwise it matcheseverywhere in the Dired buffer. You can toggle file names matching on oroff by typing `M-s f' in Isearch mode.+++*** `M-s a C-s' and `M-s a M-C-s' run multi-file Isearch on the marked files.They visit the first marked file in the sequence and display the usual Isearchprompt for a string or a regexp where all Isearch commands are available.---*** `Q' in Dired provides two new keys for multi-file replacement.The upper case key `Y' replaces all remaining matches in all remaining fileswith no more questions. The upper case key `N' stops doing replacementsin the current file and skips to the next file. These multi-file keysare available for all commands that use `tags-query-replace'including `dired-do-query-replace-regexp', `vc-dir-query-replace-regexp',`reftex-query-replace-document'.** Fortran+++*** The line length of fixed-form Fortran is not fixed at 72 any more.Customize the variable `fortran-line-length' to change it.+++*** In Fortran mode, M-; is now bound to the standard comment-dwim,rather than fortran-indent-comment.+++*** (The increasingly misnamed) F90 mode supports Fortran 2003 syntax.** Gnus*** The Gnus package has been updatedThere are many news features, bug fixes and improvements; see the fileGNUS-NEWS or the node "No Gnus" in the Gnus manual for details.*** In Emacs 23, Gnus uses Emacs' new internal coding system `utf-8-emacs' forsaving articles drafts and ~/.newsrc.eld. These file may not be readcorrectly in Emacs 22 and below. If you want to Gnus across different Emacsversions, you may set `mm-auto-save-coding-system' to `emacs-mule'.*** Password are consistently loaded through `auth-source'Gnus can use `auth-source' for POP and IMAP passwords. Also see that`smtpmail' and `url' support `auth-source' for SMTP and HTTP/HTTPS/RSSauthentication respectively.** Help mode*** New macro `with-help-window' should set up help windows betterthan `with-output-to-temp-buffer' with `print-help-return-message'.*** New option `help-window-select' permits to customize whether helpwindow shall be automatically selected when invoking help.*** New variable `help-window-point-marker' permits to specify newposition of point in help window (for example in `view-lossage').** Isearch+++*** New command `isearch-forward-word' bound globally to `M-s w' startsincremental word search. New command `isearch-toggle-word' bound to thesame key `M-s w' in Isearch mode toggles word searching on or offwhile Isearch is active.*** New command `isearch-highlight-regexp' bound to `M-s h r' in Isearchmode runs `highlight-regexp' (`hi-lock-face-buffer') with the currentsearch string as its regexp argument. The same key `M-s h r' andother keys on the `M-s h' prefix are bound globally to the command`highlight-regexp' and other hi-lock commands.+++*** New command `isearch-occur' bound to `M-s o' in Isearch moderuns `occur' with the current search string. The same key `M-s o'is bound globally to the command `occur'.---*** Isearch can now search through multiple ChangeLog files.When running Isearch in a ChangeLog file, if the search fails,then another C-s tries searching the previous ChangeLog,if there is one (e.g. go from ChangeLog to ChangeLog.12).This is enabled if multi-isearch-search is non-nil.*** Two new commands to start Isearch on a list of marked buffersfor buff-menu.el and ibuffer.el are bound to the keys `M-s a C-s' and`M-s a M-C-s'.+++*** The part of an Isearch that failed to match is highlighted in`isearch-fail' face.*** `C-h C-h' in Isearch mode displays isearch-specific Help screen,`C-h b' displays all Isearch key bindings, `C-h k' displays the fulldocumentation of the given Isearch key sequence, `C-h m' displaysdocumentation of Isearch mode. All the rest Help commands exit Isearch modeand execute their global definitions.+++*** When started in the minibuffer, Isearch searches in the minibufferhistory. See `Minibuffer changes', above.+++** MH-E*** Upgraded to MH-E version 8.1. See MH-E-NEWS for details.** Python*** The file etc/ now supports both Python 2 and 3, meaningthat either version can be used as inferior Python by python.el.*** Python mode now has `pdbtrack' functionality. When using pdb todebug a Python program, pdbtrack notices the pdb prompt and displaysthe source file and line that the program is stopped at, much the sameway as gud-mode does for debugging C programs with gdb.** Recentf*** The default value of `recentf-keep' prevents from checking ofremote files, if there is no established connection to thecorresponding remote host.** Rmail*** Rmail no longer converts the messages to Babyl format.Instead, it keeps them in their original mbox format, both on disk andin Rmail buffers, and does conversion and decoding when a message isdisplayed.First time you visit an Rmail file in Babyl format, Rmailautomatically converts it to mbox format. This is a one-timeconversion, but it can take a few minutes, depending on how fast isyour machine and on the size of the file. You should find the rest ofRmail usage unaltered.FIXME: Add more mbox merge details** TeX modes---*** New option latex-indent-within-escaped-parenspermits to customize indentation of LaTeX environments delimitedby escaped parens.** T-mouse Mode---*** If the gpm mouse server is running and t-mouse-mode is enabled,Emacs uses a Unix socket in a GNU/Linux console to talk to server,rather than faking events using the client program mev. This C levelapproach provides mouse highlighting and help echoing in theminibuffer.+++** Tramp*** New connection methods.The new methods "plinkx", "plink2", "psftp", "sftp" and "fish" havebeen introduced. There are also new so-called gateway methods"tunnel" and "socks".*** IPv6 addresses.IPv6 addresses are supported now as host names. They must be embeddedin square brackets, like in "/ssh:[::1]:".*** Multihop syntax has been removed.The pseudo-method "multi" has been removed. Instead of, multi hopscan be specified by the new variable `tramp-default-proxies-alist'.*** More default settings.Default values can be set via the variables `tramp-default-user',`tramp-default-user-alist' and `tramp-default-host'.*** Connection information is cached.In order to reduce connection setup, information about usedconnections are kept persistent in a file. The name of this file isdefined in the variable `tramp-persistency-file-name'.*** Control of remote processes.Running processes on a remote host can be controlled by settings in`tramp-remote-path' and `tramp-remote-process-environment'.*** Success of remote copy is checked.When the variable `file-precious-flag' is set, the success of a remotefile copy is checked via the file's checksum.*** Passwords can be read from an authentification file.Tramp uses the package `auth-source' to read passwords from a file, ifnecessary.** VC and related modes+++*** VC now supports applying VC operations to a set of files at a time.This enables VC to work much more effectively with changeset-orientedversion-control systems such as Subversion, GNU Arch, Mercurial, Gitand Bzr. VC will now pass a multiple-file commit to these systems asa single changeset.+++*** vc-dir is a new command that displays file names and their VCstatus. It allows to apply various VC operations to a file, adirectory or a set of files/directories.+++*** VC switches are no longer appended, rather the first non-nil value is used.(This was for the most part true in Emacs 22, but was not advertised).This is because there is an increasing variety of VC systems, and theydo not all accept the same "common" options. For example, a CVS diffcommand used to append the values of `vc-cvs-diff-switches',`vc-diff-switches', and `diff-switches'. Now the first non-nil valuefrom that sequence is used. The special value `t' means "no switches".+++*** Clicking on the VC mode-line entry now pops the VC menu.+++*** The VC mode-line entry now has a tooltip that explains the VC file status.+++*** In VC Annotate mode, for VC systems that support changesets, you cansee the diff for the whole changeset (not only for the current file)by typing the D key. Using the "Show changeset diff of revision atline" menu entry does the same thing.+++*** In VC Annotate mode, you can type v to toggle the annotation visibility.+++*** In VC Annotate mode, you can type f to show the file revision onthe current line.---*** Asynchronous VC commands display [Waiting...] in the mode-lineof the corresponding buffer as long as the asynchronous process isactive.+++*** Log entries can be modified using the key "e" in log-view.For now only CVS, RCS, SCCS and SVN support this functionality.This is done by the `modify-change-comment' backend function.+++*** In log-view-mode, for VC systems that support changesets, you cansee the diff for the whole changeset (not only for the current file)by typing the D key or using the "Changeset Diff" menu entry.+++*** In Log Edit mode, C-c C-d now shows the diff for the files involved.*** vc-git supports the "git grep" command.+++*** VC Support for Meta-CVS has been removed for lack of maintainer ableto update it to the new VC.** Miscellaneous*** comint-mode uses `start-file-process' now (see Lisp Changes).If `default-directory' is a remote file name, subprocesses are startedon the corresponding remote system.---*** Eldoc highlights the function argument under pointwith the face `eldoc-highlight-function-argument'.+++*** In Etags, the --members option is now the default.Use --no-members if you want the old default behavior of not taggingstruct members in C, members variables in C++ and variables in PHP.+++*** The `gdb' command only works with the graphical interface now.Use `gud-gdb' if you want the (old) text command mode.*** goto-address.el provides two new minor modes, goto-address-mode andgoto-address-prog-mode, which buttonize URLS and email addresses.*** The new command `eshell/info' runs info in an eshell buffer.*** The new variable `ffap-rfc-directories' specifies a list of localdirectories in which `ffap-rfc' will first search for RFCs.+++*** hide-ifdef-mode allows shadowing ifdef-blocks instead of hiding them.See option `hide-ifdef-shadow' and function `hide-ifdef-toggle-shadowing'.*** `icomplete-prospects-height' now supercedes `icomplete-prospects-length'.*** Info displays breadcrumbs in the header of the page.See Info-breadcrumbs-depth to control it.*** net-utils has an `iwconfig' command, similar to the existing `ifconfig'.It is used to configure wireless interfaces.*** The pcmpl-unix package supports hostname completion for ssh and scp.*** sgml-electric-tag-pair-mode lets you simultaneously edit matched tag pairs.*** smerge-refine highlights word-level details of changes in conflict.It's used automatically as you move through conflicts, seesmerge-auto-refine-mode.*** talk.el has been extended for multiple tty support.*** A new command `display-time-world' has been added to the Timepackage. It creates a buffer with an updating time display usingseveral time zones.*** The appearance of superscript and subscript in TeX is more customizable.See the documentation of the variables: tex-fontify-script,tex-font-script-display, tex-suscript-height-ratio, andtex-suscript-height-minimum.*** view-remove-frame-by-deleting is now by default tsince users found iconification of view-mode frames distracting.---*** WoMan tries to add locale-specific manual page directories to thesearch path. This can be disabled by setting `woman-locale' to nil.* Changes in Emacs 23.1 on non-free operating systems** Case is now considered significant in completion on MS-Windows.The default value of `completion-ignore-case' is now nil onMS-Windows, the same as it is for other operating systems. Thevariable doesn't apply to reading a file name -- in that case Emacsheeds `read-file-name-completion-ignore-case' instead.---** IPv6 is supported on MS-Windows.Emacs now supports IPv6 on Windows XP and later, and earlier versionsof Windows with third party IPv6 stacks installed. In Emacs 22, IPv6 wassupported on other platforms, but not on Windows due to using the winsock1.1 header file, even though Emacs was linking to the winsock 2 library.---** Busy cursor (hourglass) now displays on MS-Windows.When Emacs is busy, an hourglass mouse cursor is displayed on Windows.In Emacs 22 only X supported the busy cursor.---** Battery status is available on MS-WindowsEmacs can now display the battery status in the mode-line when enabled withdisplay-battery-mode or from the Options menu. More verbose batteryinformation is also available with the command `battery'. In Emacs 22battery status was supported only on GNU/Linux and Mac.** More keys available on MS-Windows.Keys normally associated with IMEs, and some exotic keys not normally foundon standard keyboards have been given names so they can be bound to functionsinside Emacs. If there are keys on your keyboard that have not been exposedto Emacs in the past, try C-h k to see if they are available now.Emacs can now bind functions to the extra buttons for media player andbrowser control present on some keyboards. These buttons are disabledby default, since enabling them prevents their system-wide use whenEmacs has focus. To enable them, set the variablew32-pass-multimedia-buttons to nil. See the doc string of that variablefor the list of extra keys that are available.** BDF fonts no longer supported on MS-Windows.The font backend was completely rewritten for this release. The focuson Windows has been getting acceptable performance and full unicodesupport, including complex script shaping for native Windows fonts. Arewrite of the BDF font support has not happened due to lack of timeand developers. If demand still exists for such a backend even withthe improved language support for native Windows fonts, futuredevelopment in this direction will most likely be based on thefreetype library, giving access to a wider range of font formats.* Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 23.1+++** Variables cannot be both buffer-local and frame-local any more.+++** `functionp' returns nil for special forms.I.e., it only returns t for objects that can be passed to `funcall'.+++** The behavior of map-char-table has changed. It may call thespecified function with a cons (FROM . TO) as a key if characters inthat range have the same value.** Process changes+++*** The function `dired-call-process' has been removed.+++*** The multibyteness of process filters is now determined by thecoding-system used for decoding. The functions`process-filter-multibyte-p' and `set-process-filter-multibyte' areobsolete.---** The variable `byte-compile-warnings' can now be a list starting with `not',meaning to disable the specified warnings. The meaning of this listmay therefore be the reverse of what you expect (of course, this isonly an issue if you make use of the new `not' syntax). Rather thanchecking/manipulating elements directly, use the new functions`byte-compile-warning-enabled-p', `byte-compile-disable-warning', and`byte-compile-enable-warning.'+++** `mode-name' is no longer guaranteed to be a string.Use `(format-mode-line mode-name)' to ensure a string value.+++** The function x-font-family-list has been removed.Use the new function font-family-list (see Lisp Changes, below).** Internationalization changes*** The value of the function `charset-id' is now always 0.*** The functions `register-char-codings' and `coding-system-spec'have been removed.*** The cpXXX coding systems are now supported automatically.The functions cp-...-codepage, which you had to use in Emacs 22 toenable support for these coding systems, have been deleted.*** The following features have been removed. They were used fordisplaying various scripts with specific fonts, and are no longerneeded now that OpenType font support is available:**** `devanagari' and `devan-util', and all associated devanagari-* anddev-* functions and variables (formerly used for Devanagari script).**** `kannada' and `knd-util', and all associated kannada-* and knd-*functions and variables (formerly used for Kannada script).**** `malayalam' and `mlm-util', and all associated malayalam-* andmlm-* functions and variables (formerly used for Malayalam script).**** `tamil' and `tml-util, and all associated tamil-* and tml-*functions and variables (formerly used for Tamil script).** The variable temp-file-name-pattern has been removed.This variable was only used by call-process-region, which now usestemporary-file-directory instead.* Lisp Changes in Emacs 23.1** New coding system alias `emacs-internal'.+++** The new variable `generate-autoload-cookie' controls the magic commentstring used by `update-file-autoloads' to find autoloaded forms. Thevariable `generated-autoload-file' similarly controls the name of thefile where `update-file-autoloads' writes the calls to `autoload'.The default values are ";;;###autoload" and `loaddefs.el',respectively.+++** New primitives `list-system-processes' and `system-process-attributes'let Lisp programs access the processes that are running on the localmachine. See the doc strings of these functions for more details.Not all platforms support accessing this information; on those thatdon't, these primitives will return nil.+++** New variable `user-emacs-directory'.Use this instead of "~/.emacs.d".+++** If a local hook function has a non-nil `permanent-local-hook'property, `kill-all-local-variables' does not remove it from the localvalue of the hook variable; it remains even if you change major modes.+++** `frame-inherited-parameters' lets new frames inherit parameters fromthe selected frame.+++** New keymap `input-decode-map' overrides like key-translation-map, butapplies before function-key-map. Also it is terminal-local contrary tokey-translation-map. Terminal-specific key-sequences are generally added tothis map rather than to function-key-map now.+++** `ignore-errors' is now a standard macro (does not require the CL package).+++** `interprogram-paste-function' can now return one string or a listof strings. In the latter case, Emacs puts the second and followingstrings on the kill ring.+++** In `condition-case', a handler can specify "let the debugger run first".You do this by writing `debug' in the list of conditions to be handled,like this: (condition-case nil (foo bar) ((debug error) nil))+++** clone-indirect-buffer now runs the clone-indirect-buffer-hook.+++** `beginning-of-defun-function' now takes one argument, the countgiven to `beginning-of-defun'.+++** `file-remote-p' has new optional parameters IDENTIFICATION and CONNECTED.IDENTIFICATION specifies which part of the remote identifier has to bereturned. With CONNECTED passed non-nil, it is checked whether aremote connection has been established already.+++** The new macro `declare-function' suppresses compiler warnings aboutundefined functions.** Changes to interactive function handling+++*** The new interactive spec code ^ says to first callhandle-shift-selection if shift-select-mode is non-nil, before readingthe command arguments. This is used for shift-selection (see above).+++*** Built-in functions can now have an interactive specification thatis not a prompt string. If the `intspec' parameter of a `DEFUN'starts with a `(', the string is evaluated as a Lisp form.+++*** The interactive-form of a function can be added post-facto via the`interactive-form' symbol property. Mostly useful to add complexinteractive forms to subroutines.** Region changes+++*** Commands should use `use-region-p' to test whether there isan active region that they should operate on.*** `region-active-p' returns non-nil when Transient Mark mode isenabled and the mark is active. Most commands that act specially onthe active region in Transient Mark mode should use `use-region-p'instead of `region-active-p', because `use-region-p' obeys the newuser option `use-empty-active-region' (see Editing Changes, above).+++*** If a command sets `transient-mark-mode' to (only . OLDVAL), thatmeans to activate transient-mark-mode temporarily, until the nextunshifted point motion command or mark deactivation. Afterwards,reset transient-mark-mode to the value OLDVAL. The values `only' and`identity', introduced in Emacs 22, are now deprecated.** Emacs session information+++*** The new variables `before-init-time' and `after-init-time' record thevalue of `current-time' before and after Emacs loads the init files.+++*** The new function `emacs-uptime' returns the uptime of an Emacs instance.+++*** The new function `emacs-init-time' returns the duration of theEmacs initialization.** Changes affecting display-buffer+++*** New value nil for split-height-threshold inhibits vertical splittingunless there's no other window.+++*** New option split-width-threshold controls horizontal splitting.+++*** A window can be split horizontally even when it's not full-width.+++*** New option split-window-preferred-function can be set to a functionto override the default splitting mechanism of display-buffer.+++*** If pop-up-frames has the value `graphic-only', display-buffer onlymakes a separate frame on graphic displays.+++*** select-frame and set-frame-selected-window have new optionalargument NORECORD. If non-nil, this will avoid messing with the orderof recently selected windows and the buffer list.** Window parameters can now be defined.These are analogous to frame parameters, but are associated withindividual windows.+++*** The new functions window-parameters, window-parameter, andset-window-parameter are used to query and set window parameters.** Minibuffer and completion changes+++*** A list of default values can be specified for the DEFAULT argument offunctions `read-from-minibuffer', `read-string', `read-command',`read-variable', `read-buffer', `completing-read'. Elements of this listare available for inserting into the minibuffer by typing `M-n'.For empty input these functions return the first element of this list.+++*** New function `read-regexp' uses the regexp history and some usefulregexp defaults (string at point, last Isearch/replacement regexp/string)via M-n when reading a regexp in the minibuffer.+++*** minibuffer-local-must-match-filename-map is now namedminibuffer-local-filename-must-match-map.+++*** The `require-match' argument to `completing-read' accepts the newvalues `confirm-only' and `confirm-after-completion'.** Search and replacement changes+++*** The regexp form \(?<num>:<regexp>\) specifies the group number explicitly.+++*** New function `match-substitute-replacement' returns the result of`replace-match' without actually using it in the buffer.+++*** The new variable `replace-search-function' determines the functionto use for searching in query-replace and replace-string. Thefunction it specifies is called by `perform-replace' when its 4thargument is nil.+++*** The new variable `replace-re-search-function' determines thefunction to use for searching in `query-replace-regexp',`replace-regexp', `query-replace-regexp-eval', and`map-query-replace-regexp'. The function it specifies is called by`perform-replace' when its 4th argument is non-nil.+++*** New keymap `search-map' bound to `M-s' provides global bindingsfor search related commands.+++*** New keymap `multi-query-replace-map' contains additonal keys boundto `automatic-all' and `exit-current' for multi-buffer interactive replacement.---*** The variable `inhibit-changing-match-data', if non-nil, preventsthe search and match primitives from changing the match data.---*** New functions `word-search-forward-lax' and `word-search-backward-lax'.These are like `word-search-forward and `word-search-backward', exceptthat the end of the search string need not match a word boundary,unless it ends in whitespace.** File handling changes+++*** set-file-modes is now interactive and can take the mode value insymbolic notation thanks to auxiliary functions.+++*** file-local-variables-alist stores an alist of file-localvariables defined in the current buffer.** Face-remapping+++*** Each face can be remapped to a different face definition using thevariable `face-remapping-alist'. This is an alist that maps faces toreplacement definitions (which can be face names, lists of face names,or attribute/value plists. If this variable is buffer-local, theremapping occurs only in that buffer.*** text-scale-mode remaps the default face to a larger or smallersize in the current buffer. This feature is used by the Buffer Facemenu and the new `C-x C-+', `C-x C--', and `C-x C-0' commands (seeEditing Changes, above).*** New functions:+++**** `face-remap-add-relative' adds a face remapping entry to thecurrent buffer.+++**** ``face-remap-remove-relative' removes a face remapping entry fromthe current buffer.+++**** `face-remap-reset-base' restores a face to its global definition.+++**** `face-remap-set-base' sets the base remapping of a face.** Process changes+++*** The new function `start-file-process' is similar to `start-process',but obeys file handlers. The file handler is chosen based on`default-directory'. The functions `start-file-process-shell-command'and `process-file-shell-command' are also new; they call internally`start-file-process' and `process-file', respectively.+++*** The new function `process-lines' executes an external program andreturns its output as a list of lines.** Character code, representation, and charset changes.+++The character code space is now 0x0..0x3FFFFF with no gap.Characters of code 0x0..0x10FFFF are Unicode characters of the same code points.Characters of code 0x3FFF80..0x3FFFFF are raw 8-bit bytes.+++Generic characters no longer exist.+++In buffers and strings, characters are represented by UTF-8 bytesequences in a multibyte buffer/string.+++The concept of a charset has changed. A single character may belongto multiple charsets (e.g. a-grave, U+00E0, belongs to charsetsunicode, iso-8859-1, iso-8859-3, etc).---*** The functions `split-char' and `make-char' now accept up to 4positional codes instead of just 2.+++*** The functions `encode-char' and `decode-char' now accept any character sets.---*** The function `define-charset' now accepts a completely differentform of arguments (old-style arguments still work).+++*** The value of the function `char-charset' depends on the currentpriorities of charsets.+++*** The function get-char-code-property now accepts many Unicode basecharacter properties. They are `name', `general-category',`canonical-combining-class', `bidi-class', `decomposition',`decimal-digit-value', `digit-value', `numeric-value', `mirrored',`old-name', `iso-10646-comment', `uppercase', `lowercase', and`titlecase'.*** The functions `modify-syntax-entry' and `modify-category-entry' nowaccept a cons of characters as the first argument, and modify allentries in that range of characters.+++*** `translation-table-for-input' is now obsolete.*** New functions:+++**** `characterp' returns t if and only if the argument is a character.This replaces `char-valid-p', which is now obsolete.+++**** `max-char' returns the maximum character code (currently #x3FFFFF).---**** `define-charset-alias' defines an alias of a charset.+++**** `set-charset-priority' sets priorities of charsets.+++**** `charset-priority-list' returns a prioritized list of charsets.+++**** `unibyte-string' makes a unibyte string from bytes.---**** `define-char-code-property' defines a character code property.+++**** `char-code-property-description' returns the description string ofa character code property.*** New variables:**** `find-word-boundary-function-table' is a char-table of functions tosearch for a word boundary.+++**** `char-script-table' is a char-table of script names.+++**** `char-width-table' is a char-table of character widths.---**** `print-charset-text-property' controls how to handle `charset' textproperty on printing a string.+++**** `printable-chars' is a char-table of printable characters.** Code conversion changes---*** The new function `define-coding-system' should be used to define acoding system instead of `make-coding-system' (which is now obsolete).+++*** The functions `encode-coding-region' and `decode-coding-region'have an optional 4th argument to specify where the result ofconversion should go.+++*** The functions `encode-coding-string' and `decode-coding-string'have an optional 4th argument specifying a buffer to store the resultof conversion.+++*** The new variable `inhibit-null-byte-detection' controls whether toconsider text with null bytes as binary data. By default, it is`nil', and Emacs uses `no-conversion' for any text containing nullbytes.---*** The functions `set-coding-priority' and `make-coding-system' are obsolete.*** New functions:+++**** `with-coding-priority' executes Lisp code using the specifiedcoding system priority order.+++**** `check-coding-systems-region' checks if the text in the region isencodable by the specified coding systems.+++**** `coding-system-aliases' returns a list of aliases of a coding system.+++**** `coding-system-charset-list' returns a list of charsets supportedby a coding system.+++**** `coding-system-priority-list' returns a list of coding systemsordered by their priorities.+++**** `set-coding-system-priority' sets priorities of coding systems.**** `coding-system-from-name' returns a coding system matching withthe argument name.** There is a new input method, Robin, different from Quail.It has three functionalities: i) a simple input method (converts an ASCII sequence into a string).ii) converts an existing buffer substring into another stringiii) reverse conversion (each character produced by arobin rule can hold the original ASCII sequence as a char-code-property)*** The new function `robin-define-package' defines a Robin package.*** The new function `robin-modify-package' modifies an existing Robin package.*** The new function `robin-use-package' starts using a Robin packageas an input method.+++*** The new function `string-to-unibyte' is like `string-as-unibyte'but signals an error if STRING contains a non-ASCII, non-eight-bitcharacter.** Changes related to the new font backendWhich font backends to use can be specified by the X resource "FontBackend".For instance, to use both X core fonts and Xft fonts:Emacs.FontBackend: x,xftIf this resource is not set, Emacs tries to use all font backendsavailable on your graphic device.*** New frame parameter `font-backend' specifies a list offont-backends supported by the frame's graphic device. On X, they arecurrently `x' and `xft'.*** The function `set-fontset-font' now accepts a script name as thesecond argument, and has an optional 5th argument to control how toset the font.*** New functions:+++**** `fontp' checks if the argument is a font-spec or font-entity.+++**** `font-spec' creates a new font-spec object.+++**** `font-get' returns a font property value.+++**** `font-put' sets a font property value.+++**** `font-face-attributes' returns a plist of face attributes set by a font.+++**** `list-fonts' returns a list of font-entities matching a font spec.+++**** `find-font' returns the font-entity best matching the given font spec.+++**** `font-family-list' returns a list of family names of available fonts.+++**** `font-xlfd-name' returns an XLFD name of a given font spec, fontentity, or font object.---**** `clear-font-cache' clears all font caches.** Changes related to multiple-terminal (multi-tty) support---*** $TERM is now set to `dumb' for subprocesses. If you want to know the$TERM inherited by Emacs you will have to look inside initial-environment.---*** $DISPLAY is now dynamically inherited from the frame's `display'.+++*** The `window-system' variable is now frame-local. The new`initial-window-system' variable contains the `window-system' valuefor the first frame. `window-system' is also now a function thattakes a frame argument.+++*** The `keyboard-translate-table' variable and the terminal andkeyboard coding systems are now terminal-local.---*** You can specify a terminal device (`tty' parameter) and a terminaltype (`tty-type' parameter) to `make-terminal-frame'.---*** The function `make-frame-on-display' now works during a ttysession.+++*** A new `terminal' data type.The functions `get-device-terminal', `terminal-parameters',`terminal-parameter', `set-terminal-parameter' use this data type.+++*** Function key sequences are now mapped using `local-function-key-map',a new variable. This inherits from the global variable function-key-map,which is not used directly any more.*** New hooks:+++**** before-hack-local-variables-hook is called after setting newvariable file-local-variables-alist, and before actually applying thefile-local variables.+++**** `suspend-tty-functions' and `resume-tty-functions' are calledafter a tty frame has been suspended or resumed, respectively. Thefunctions are called with the terminal id of the frame beingsuspended/resumed as a parameter.+++**** The special hook `delete-terminal-functions' is called beforedeleting a terminal.*** New functions:+++**** `delete-terminal'+++**** `suspend-tty'+++**** `resume-tty'.+++*** `initial-environment' holds the environment inherited from Emacs's parent.** Redisplay changes*** For underlined characters, the distance between the underline andthe baseline is controlled by a new variable, `underline-minimum-offset'.*** You can now pass the value of the `invisible' property toinvisible-p to check whether it would cause the text to be invisible.Convenient when checking invisibility of text with no buffer position(e.g. in before/after-strings).+++*** `clear-image-cache' can be told to flush only images of a specific file.*** `vertical-motion' can now be given a goal column.It now accepts a cons cell (COLS . LINES) in its first argument, whichsays to stop, where possible, at a pixel x-position equal to COLStimes the default column width.+++*** redisplay-end-trigger-functions, set-window-redisplay-end-trigger,and window-redisplay-end-trigger are obsolete. Use `jit-lock-register'instead.** The Lisp interpreter now treats non-breaking space as whitespace.** Miscellaneous new functions+++*** `format-seconds' converts a number of seconds into a readablestring of days, hours, etc.+++*** `apply-partially' performs a "curried" application of a function.+++*** `read-shell-command' does what its name says, with completion. Ituses the minibuffer-local-shell-command-map for that.+++*** `buffer-swap-text' swaps text between two buffers. This can beuseful for modes such as tar-mode, archive-mode, RMAIL.*** New variable `buffer-swapped-with' lets the modes that use`buffer-swap-text' arrange to save the file from the proper buffer.+++*** `read-color' reads a color name using the minibuffer.+++*** `face-all-attributes' returns an alist describing all the basicattributes of a given face.+++*** `split-string-and-unquote' splits a string into a list of substringson the boundaries of a given delimiter, and unquotes the substrings thatare quoted. Useful for taking apart shell commands.+++*** `combine-and-quote-strings' produces a single string from a list of stringssticking a separator string in between each pair, and quoting thosestrings that include the separator as their substring. Useful forconsing shell command lines from the individual arguments.+++*** `image-refresh' refreshes all images associated with a given imagespecification.+++*** The two new functions `looking-at-p' and `string-match-p' can dothe same matching as `looking-at' and `string-match' without changingthe match data.+++*** The two new functions `make-serial-process' and`serial-process-configure' provide a Lisp interface to the new serialport support (see Emacs changes, above).*** `locate-user-emacs-file' helps packages to select the appropriateplace to save user-specific files. It defaults to `user-emacs-directory'unless the file already exists at $HOME.** Miscellaneous new variables+++*** `this-command-keys-shift-translated' is non-nil if the keysequence invoking the current command was found by shift-translation.*** `window-point-insertion-type' determines the insertion-type of themarker used for window-point.---*** bookmark provides `bookmark-make-record-function' so special majormodes like Info can teach bookmark.el how to save and restore therelevant data.*** `fill-forward-paragraph-function' specifies which function thefilling code should use to find paragraph boundaries.*** `custom-note-var-changed' tells Custom to treat the change in acertain variable as having been made within Custom.* New Packages for Lisp Programming in Emacs 23.1** The new package avl-tree.el deals with the AVL tree data structure.+++** The new package check-declare.el verifies the accuracy ofdeclare-function macros (see Lisp Changes, above).** find-cmd.el can build `find' commands using lisp syntax.** The package misearch.el has been added. It allows Isearch to searchthrough multiple buffers. A variable `multi-isearch-next-buffer-function'defines the function to call to get the next buffer to search in the seriesof multiple buffers. Top-level commands `multi-isearch-buffers',`multi-isearch-buffers-regexp', `multi-isearch-files' and`multi-isearch-files-regexp' accept a single argument that specifiesa list of buffers/files to search for a string/regexp.** The new major mode `special-mode' is intended as a parent formajor modes such as those that set the "'mode-class 'special" property.----------------------------------------------------------------------This file is part of GNU Emacs.GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.Local variables:mode: outlineparagraph-separate: "[ ]*$"end:arch-tag: e759449d-88b3-4de4-9900-3a6c3dfa23e2