Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr at> (tiny change)
(sendmail-send-it): `call-process-region' can return a string. (Bug#2428)
line source
;;; mule-conf.el --- configure multilingual environment
;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
;; 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
;; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
;; Registration Number H14PRO021
;; Copyright (C) 2003
;; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
;; Registration Number H13PRO009
;; Keywords: i18n, mule, multilingual, character set, coding system
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This file defines the Emacs charsets and some basic coding systems.
;; Other coding systems are defined in the files in directory
;; lisp/language.
;;; Code:
;;; Remarks
;; The ISO-IR registry is at
;; Standards docs equivalent to iso-2022 and iso-8859 are at
;; FWIW, lists the following for
;; MS Windows, which are presumably the only charsets we really need
;; to worry about on such systems:
;; `OEM codepages': 437, 720, 737, 775, 850, 852, 855, 857, 858, 862, 866
;; `Windows codepages': 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257,
;; 1258, 874, 932, 936, 949, 950
;;; Definitions of character sets.
;; The charsets `ascii', `unicode' and `eight-bit' are already defined
;; in charset.c as below:
;; (define-charset 'ascii
;; ""
;; :dimension 1
;; :code-space [0 127]
;; :iso-final-char ?B
;; :ascii-compatible-p t
;; :emacs-mule-id 0
;; :code-offset 0)
;; (define-charset 'unicode
;; ""
;; :dimension 3
;; :code-space [0 255 0 255 0 16]
;; :ascii-compatible-p t
;; :code-offset 0)
;; (define-charset 'emacs
;; ""
;; :dimension 3
;; :code-space [0 255 0 255 0 63]
;; :ascii-compatible-p t
;; :supplementary-p t
;; :code-offset 0)
;; (define-charset 'eight-bit
;; ""
;; :dimension 1
;; :code-space [128 255]
;; :code-offset #x3FFF80)
;; We now set :docstring, :short-name, and :long-name properties.
'ascii :docstring "ASCII (ISO646 IRV)")
'ascii :short-name "ASCII")
'ascii :long-name "ASCII (ISO646 IRV)")
'iso-8859-1 :docstring "Latin-1 (ISO/IEC 8859-1)")
'iso-8859-1 :short-name "Latin-1")
'iso-8859-1 :long-name "Latin-1")
'unicode :docstring "Unicode (ISO10646)")
'unicode :short-name "Unicode")
'unicode :long-name "Unicode (ISO10646)")
'emacs :docstring "Full Emacs charset (excluding eight bit chars)")
'emacs :short-name "Emacs")
'emacs :long-name "Emacs")
(put-charset-property 'eight-bit :docstring "Raw bytes 128-255")
(put-charset-property 'eight-bit :short-name "Raw bytes")
(define-charset-alias 'ucs 'unicode)
(define-charset 'latin-iso8859-1
"Right-Hand Part of ISO/IEC 8859/1 (Latin-1): ISO-IR-100"
:short-name "RHP of Latin-1"
:long-name "RHP of ISO/IEC 8859/1 (Latin-1): ISO-IR-100"
:iso-final-char ?A
:emacs-mule-id 129
:code-space [32 127]
:code-offset 160)
;; Name perhaps not ideal, but is XEmacs-compatible.
(define-charset 'control-1
"8-bit control code (0x80..0x9F)"
:short-name "8-bit control code"
:code-space [128 159]
:code-offset 128)
(define-charset 'eight-bit-control
"Raw bytes in the range 0x80..0x9F (usually produced from invalid encodings)"
:short-name "Raw bytes 0x80..0x9F"
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [128 159]
:code-offset #x3FFF80) ; see character.h
(define-charset 'eight-bit-graphic
"Raw bytes in the range 0xA0..0xFF (usually produced from invalid encodings)"
:short-name "Raw bytes 0xA0..0xFF"
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [160 255]
:code-offset #x3FFFA0) ; see character.h
(defmacro define-iso-single-byte-charset (symbol iso-symbol name nickname
iso-ir iso-final
emacs-mule-id map)
(define-charset ,symbol
:short-name ,nickname
:long-name ,name
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map ,map)
(if ,iso-symbol
(define-charset ,iso-symbol
(if ,iso-ir
(format "Right-Hand Part of %s (%s): ISO-IR-%d"
,name ,nickname ,iso-ir)
(format "Right-Hand Part of %s (%s)" ,name ,nickname))
:short-name (format "RHP of %s" ,name)
:long-name (format "RHP of %s (%s)" ,name ,nickname)
:iso-final-char ,iso-final
:emacs-mule-id ,emacs-mule-id
:code-space [32 127]
:subset (list ,symbol 160 255 -128)))))
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-2 'latin-iso8859-2
"ISO/IEC 8859/2" "Latin-2" 101 ?B 130 "8859-2")
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-3 'latin-iso8859-3
"ISO/IEC 8859/3" "Latin-3" 109 ?C 131 "8859-3")
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-4 'latin-iso8859-4
"ISO/IEC 8859/4" "Latin-4" 110 ?D 132 "8859-4")
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-5 'cyrillic-iso8859-5
"ISO/IEC 8859/5" "Latin/Cyrillic" 144 ?L 140 "8859-5")
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-6 'arabic-iso8859-6
"ISO/IEC 8859/6" "Latin/Arabic" 127 ?G 135 "8859-6")
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-7 'greek-iso8859-7
"ISO/IEC 8859/7" "Latin/Greek" 126 ?F 134 "8859-7")
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-8 'hebrew-iso8859-8
"ISO/IEC 8859/8" "Latin/Hebrew" 138 ?H 136 "8859-8")
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-9 'latin-iso8859-9
"ISO/IEC 8859/9" "Latin-5" 148 ?M 141 "8859-9")
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-10 'latin-iso8859-10
"ISO/IEC 8859/10" "Latin-6" 157 ?V nil "8859-10")
;; says this is tis-620
;; plus nbsp
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-11 'thai-iso8859-11
"ISO/IEC 8859/11" "Latin/Thai" 166 ?T nil "8859-11")
;; 8859-12 doesn't (yet?) exist.
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-13 'latin-iso8859-13
"ISO/IEC 8859/13" "Latin-7" 179 ?Y nil "8859-13")
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-14 'latin-iso8859-14
"ISO/IEC 8859/14" "Latin-8" 199 ?_ 143 "8859-14")
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-15 'latin-iso8859-15
"ISO/IEC 8859/15" "Latin-9" 203 ?b 142 "8859-15")
(define-iso-single-byte-charset 'iso-8859-16 'latin-iso8859-16
"ISO/IEC 8859/16" "Latin-10" 226 ?f nil "8859-16")
;; No point in keeping it around.
(fmakunbound 'define-iso-single-byte-charset)
;; Can this be shared with 8859-11?
;; N.b. not all of these are defined unicodes.
(define-charset 'thai-tis620
:short-name "TIS620.2533"
:iso-final-char ?T
:emacs-mule-id 133
:code-space [32 127]
:code-offset #x0E00)
;; Fixme: doc for this, c.f. above
(define-charset 'tis620-2533
:short-name "TIS620.2533"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:superset '(ascii eight-bit-control (thai-tis620 . 128)))
(define-charset 'jisx0201
:short-name "JISX0201"
:code-space [0 #xDF]
:map "JISX0201")
(define-charset 'latin-jisx0201
"Roman Part of JISX0201.1976"
:short-name "JISX0201 Roman"
:long-name "Japanese Roman (JISX0201.1976)"
:iso-final-char ?J
:emacs-mule-id 138
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [33 126]
:subset '(jisx0201 33 126 0))
(define-charset 'katakana-jisx0201
"Katakana Part of JISX0201.1976"
:short-name "JISX0201 Katakana"
:long-name "Japanese Katakana (JISX0201.1976)"
:iso-final-char ?I
:emacs-mule-id 137
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [33 126]
:subset '(jisx0201 161 254 -128))
(define-charset 'chinese-gb2312
"GB2312 Chinese simplified: ISO-IR-58"
:short-name "GB2312"
:long-name "GB2312: ISO-IR-58"
:iso-final-char ?A
:emacs-mule-id 145
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x110000
:unify-map "GB2312")
(define-charset 'chinese-gbk
"GBK Chinese simplified."
:short-name "GBK"
:code-space [#x40 #xFE #x81 #xFE]
:code-offset #x160000
:unify-map "GBK")
(define-charset-alias 'cp936 'chinese-gbk)
(define-charset-alias 'windows-936 'chinese-gbk)
(define-charset 'chinese-cns11643-1
"CNS11643 Plane 1 Chinese traditional: ISO-IR-171"
:short-name "CNS11643-1"
:long-name "CNS11643-1 (Chinese traditional): ISO-IR-171"
:iso-final-char ?G
:emacs-mule-id 149
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x114000
:unify-map "CNS-1")
(define-charset 'chinese-cns11643-2
"CNS11643 Plane 2 Chinese traditional: ISO-IR-172"
:short-name "CNS11643-2"
:long-name "CNS11643-2 (Chinese traditional): ISO-IR-172"
:iso-final-char ?H
:emacs-mule-id 150
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x118000
:unify-map "CNS-2")
(define-charset 'chinese-cns11643-3
"CNS11643 Plane 3 Chinese Traditional: ISO-IR-183"
:short-name "CNS11643-3"
:long-name "CNS11643-3 (Chinese traditional): ISO-IR-183"
:iso-final-char ?I
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:emacs-mule-id 246
:code-offset #x11C000
:unify-map "CNS-3")
(define-charset 'chinese-cns11643-4
"CNS11643 Plane 4 Chinese Traditional: ISO-IR-184"
:short-name "CNS11643-4"
:long-name "CNS11643-4 (Chinese traditional): ISO-IR-184"
:iso-final-char ?J
:emacs-mule-id 247
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x120000
:unify-map "CNS-4")
(define-charset 'chinese-cns11643-5
"CNS11643 Plane 5 Chinese Traditional: ISO-IR-185"
:short-name "CNS11643-5"
:long-name "CNS11643-5 (Chinese traditional): ISO-IR-185"
:iso-final-char ?K
:emacs-mule-id 248
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x124000
:unify-map "CNS-5")
(define-charset 'chinese-cns11643-6
"CNS11643 Plane 6 Chinese Traditional: ISO-IR-186"
:short-name "CNS11643-6"
:long-name "CNS11643-6 (Chinese traditional): ISO-IR-186"
:iso-final-char ?L
:emacs-mule-id 249
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x128000
:unify-map "CNS-6")
(define-charset 'chinese-cns11643-7
"CNS11643 Plane 7 Chinese Traditional: ISO-IR-187"
:short-name "CNS11643-7"
:long-name "CNS11643-7 (Chinese traditional): ISO-IR-187"
:iso-final-char ?M
:emacs-mule-id 250
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x12C000
:unify-map "CNS-7")
(define-charset 'big5
"Big5 (Chinese traditional)"
:short-name "Big5"
:code-space [#x40 #xFE #xA1 #xFE]
:code-offset #x130000
:unify-map "BIG5")
;; Fixme: AKA cp950 according to
;; <URL:>. Is
;; that correct?
(define-charset 'chinese-big5-1
"Frequently used part (A141-C67E) of Big5 (Chinese traditional)"
:short-name "Big5 (Level-1)"
:long-name "Big5 (Level-1) A141-C67F"
:iso-final-char ?0
:emacs-mule-id 152
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [#x21 #x7E #x21 #x7E]
:code-offset #x135000
:unify-map "BIG5-1")
(define-charset 'chinese-big5-2
"Less frequently used part (C940-FEFE) of Big5 (Chinese traditional)"
:short-name "Big5 (Level-2)"
:long-name "Big5 (Level-2) C940-FEFE"
:iso-final-char ?1
:emacs-mule-id 153
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [#x21 #x7E #x21 #x7E]
:code-offset #x137800
:unify-map "BIG5-2")
(define-charset 'japanese-jisx0208
"JISX0208.1983/1990 Japanese Kanji: ISO-IR-87"
:short-name "JISX0208"
:long-name "JISX0208.1983/1990 (Japanese): ISO-IR-87"
:iso-final-char ?B
:emacs-mule-id 146
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x140000
:unify-map "JISX0208")
(define-charset 'japanese-jisx0208-1978
"JISX0208.1978 Japanese Kanji (so called \"old JIS\"): ISO-IR-42"
:short-name "JISX0208.1978"
:long-name "JISX0208.1978 (JISC6226.1978): ISO-IR-42"
:iso-final-char ?@
:emacs-mule-id 144
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x144000
:unify-map "JISC6226")
(define-charset 'japanese-jisx0212
"JISX0212 Japanese supplement: ISO-IR-159"
:short-name "JISX0212"
:long-name "JISX0212 (Japanese): ISO-IR-159"
:iso-final-char ?D
:emacs-mule-id 148
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x148000
:unify-map "JISX0212")
;; Note that jisx0213 contains characters not in Unicode (3.2?). It's
;; arguable whether it should have a unify-map.
(define-charset 'japanese-jisx0213-1
"JISX0213.2000 Plane 1 (Japanese)"
:short-name "JISX0213-1"
:iso-final-char ?O
:emacs-mule-id 151
:unify-map "JISX2131"
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x14C000)
(define-charset 'japanese-jisx0213-2
"JISX0213.2000 Plane 2 (Japanese)"
:short-name "JISX0213-2"
:iso-final-char ?P
:emacs-mule-id 254
:unify-map "JISX2132"
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x150000)
(define-charset 'japanese-jisx0213-a
"JISX0213.2004 adds these characters to JISX0213.2000."
:short-name "JISX0213A"
:dimension 2
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:supplementary-p t
:map "JISX213A")
(define-charset 'japanese-jisx0213.2004-1
"JISX0213.2004 Plane1 (Japanese)"
:short-name "JISX0213.2004-1"
:dimension 2
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:iso-final-char ?Q
:superset '(japanese-jisx0213-a japanese-jisx0213-1))
(define-charset 'katakana-sjis
"Katakana part of Shift-JIS"
:dimension 1
:code-space [#xA1 #xDF]
:subset '(jisx0201 #xA1 #xDF 0)
:supplementary-p t)
(define-charset 'cp932-2-byte
"2-byte part of CP932"
:dimension 2
:map "CP932-2BYTE"
:code-space [#x40 #xFC #x81 #xFC]
:supplementary-p t)
(define-charset 'cp932
"CP932 (Microsoft shift-jis)"
:code-space [#x00 #xFF #x00 #xFE]
:short-name "CP932"
:superset '(ascii katakana-sjis cp932-2-byte))
(define-charset 'korean-ksc5601
"KSC5601 Korean Hangul and Hanja: ISO-IR-149"
:short-name "KSC5601"
:long-name "KSC5601 (Korean): ISO-IR-149"
:iso-final-char ?C
:emacs-mule-id 147
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x279f94 ; ... #x27c217
:unify-map "KSC5601")
(define-charset 'big5-hkscs
"Big5-HKSCS (Chinese traditional, Hong Kong supplement)"
:short-name "Big5"
:code-space [#x40 #xFE #xA1 #xFE]
:code-offset #x27c218 ; ... #x280839
:unify-map "BIG5-HKSCS")
;; Fixme: Korean cp949/UHC
(define-charset 'chinese-sisheng
"SiSheng characters for PinYin/ZhuYin"
:short-name "SiSheng"
:long-name "SiSheng (PinYin/ZhuYin)"
:iso-final-char ?0
:emacs-mule-id 160
:code-space [33 126]
:unify-map "MULE-sisheng"
:supplementary-p t
:code-offset #x200000)
;; A subset of the 1989 version of IPA. It consists of the consonant
;; signs used in English, French, German and Italian, and all vowels
;; signs in the table. [says old MULE doc]
(define-charset 'ipa
"IPA (International Phonetic Association)"
:short-name "IPA"
:iso-final-char ?0
:emacs-mule-id 161
:unify-map "MULE-ipa"
:code-space [32 127]
:supplementary-p t
:code-offset #x200080)
(define-charset 'viscii
:short-name "VISCII"
:long-name "VISCII 1.1"
:code-space [0 255]
:map "VISCII")
(define-charset 'vietnamese-viscii-lower
"VISCII1.1 lower-case"
:short-name "VISCII lower"
:long-name "VISCII lower-case"
:iso-final-char ?1
:emacs-mule-id 162
:code-space [32 127]
:code-offset #x200200
:supplementary-p t
:unify-map "MULE-lviscii")
(define-charset 'vietnamese-viscii-upper
"VISCII1.1 upper-case"
:short-name "VISCII upper"
:long-name "VISCII upper-case"
:iso-final-char ?2
:emacs-mule-id 163
:code-space [32 127]
:code-offset #x200280
:supplementary-p t
:unify-map "MULE-uviscii")
(define-charset 'vscii
"VSCII1.1 (TCVN-5712 VN1)"
:short-name "VSCII"
:code-space [0 255]
:map "VSCII")
(define-charset-alias 'tcvn-5712 'vscii)
;; Fixme: see note in about combining characters
(define-charset 'vscii-2
"VSCII-2 (TCVN-5712 VN2)"
:code-space [0 255]
:map "VSCII-2")
(define-charset 'koi8-r
:short-name "KOI8-R"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "KOI8-R")
(define-charset-alias 'koi8 'koi8-r)
(define-charset 'alternativnyj
:short-name "alternativnyj"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
(define-charset 'cp866
:short-name "cp866"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "IBM866")
(define-charset-alias 'ibm866 'cp866)
(define-charset 'koi8-u
:short-name "KOI8-U"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "KOI8-U")
(define-charset 'koi8-t
:short-name "KOI8-T"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "KOI8-T")
(define-charset 'georgian-ps
:short-name "GEORGIAN-PS"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "KA-PS")
(define-charset 'georgian-academy
:short-name "GEORGIAN-ACADEMY"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "KA-ACADEMY")
(define-charset 'windows-1250
"WINDOWS-1250 (Central Europe)"
:short-name "WINDOWS-1250"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "CP1250")
(define-charset-alias 'cp1250 'windows-1250)
(define-charset 'windows-1251
"WINDOWS-1251 (Cyrillic)"
:short-name "WINDOWS-1251"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "CP1251")
(define-charset-alias 'cp1251 'windows-1251)
(define-charset 'windows-1252
"WINDOWS-1252 (Latin I)"
:short-name "WINDOWS-1252"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "CP1252")
(define-charset-alias 'cp1252 'windows-1252)
(define-charset 'windows-1253
"WINDOWS-1253 (Greek)"
:short-name "WINDOWS-1253"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "CP1253")
(define-charset-alias 'cp1253 'windows-1253)
(define-charset 'windows-1254
"WINDOWS-1254 (Turkish)"
:short-name "WINDOWS-1254"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "CP1254")
(define-charset-alias 'cp1254 'windows-1254)
(define-charset 'windows-1255
"WINDOWS-1255 (Hebrew)"
:short-name "WINDOWS-1255"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "CP1255")
(define-charset-alias 'cp1255 'windows-1255)
(define-charset 'windows-1256
"WINDOWS-1256 (Arabic)"
:short-name "WINDOWS-1256"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "CP1256")
(define-charset-alias 'cp1256 'windows-1256)
(define-charset 'windows-1257
"WINDOWS-1257 (Baltic)"
:short-name "WINDOWS-1257"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "CP1257")
(define-charset-alias 'cp1257 'windows-1257)
(define-charset 'windows-1258
"WINDOWS-1258 (Viet Nam)"
:short-name "WINDOWS-1258"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "CP1258")
(define-charset-alias 'cp1258 'windows-1258)
(define-charset 'next
:short-name "NEXT"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "NEXTSTEP")
(define-charset 'cp1125
:short-name "CP1125"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "CP1125")
(define-charset-alias 'ruscii 'cp1125)
;; Original name for cp1125, says Serhii Hlodin <>
(define-charset-alias 'cp866u 'cp1125)
;; Fixme: C.f. iconv,
;; shows this as not ASCII comptaible, with various graphics in
;; 0x01-0x1F.
(define-charset 'cp437
"CP437 (MS-DOS United States, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa)"
:short-name "CP437"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM437")
(define-charset 'cp720
"CP720 (Arabic)"
:short-name "CP720"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "CP720")
(define-charset 'cp737
"CP737 (PC Greek)"
:short-name "CP737"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "CP737")
(define-charset 'cp775
"CP775 (PC Baltic)"
:short-name "CP775"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "CP775")
(define-charset 'cp851
"CP851 (Greek)"
:short-name "CP851"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM851")
(define-charset 'cp852
"CP852 (MS-DOS Latin-2)"
:short-name "CP852"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM852")
(define-charset 'cp855
"CP855 (IBM Cyrillic)"
:short-name "CP855"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM855")
(define-charset 'cp857
"CP857 (IBM Turkish)"
:short-name "CP857"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM857")
(define-charset 'cp858
"CP858 (Multilingual Latin I + Euro)"
:short-name "CP858"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "CP858")
(define-charset-alias 'cp00858 'cp858) ; IANA has IBM00858/CP00858
(define-charset 'cp860
"CP860 (MS-DOS Portuguese)"
:short-name "CP860"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM860")
(define-charset 'cp861
"CP861 (MS-DOS Icelandic)"
:short-name "CP861"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM861")
(define-charset 'cp862
"CP862 (PC Hebrew)"
:short-name "CP862"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM862")
(define-charset 'cp863
"CP863 (MS-DOS Canadian French)"
:short-name "CP863"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM863")
(define-charset 'cp864
"CP864 (PC Arabic)"
:short-name "CP864"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM864")
(define-charset 'cp865
"CP865 (MS-DOS Nordic)"
:short-name "CP865"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM865")
(define-charset 'cp869
"CP869 (IBM Modern Greek)"
:short-name "CP869"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM869")
(define-charset 'cp874
"CP874 (IBM Thai)"
:short-name "CP874"
:code-space [0 255]
:ascii-compatible-p t
:map "IBM874")
;; For Arabic, we need three different types of character sets.
;; Digits are of direction left-to-right and of width 1-column.
;; Others are of direction right-to-left and of width 1-column or
;; 2-column.
(define-charset 'arabic-digit
"Arabic digit"
:short-name "Arabic digit"
:iso-final-char ?2
:emacs-mule-id 164
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [34 42]
:code-offset #x0600)
(define-charset 'arabic-1-column
"Arabic 1-column"
:short-name "Arabic 1-col"
:long-name "Arabic 1-column"
:iso-final-char ?3
:emacs-mule-id 165
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [33 126]
:code-offset #x200100)
(define-charset 'arabic-2-column
"Arabic 2-column"
:short-name "Arabic 2-col"
:long-name "Arabic 2-column"
:iso-final-char ?4
:emacs-mule-id 224
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [33 126]
:code-offset #x200180)
;; Lao script.
;; Codes 0x21..0x7E are mapped to Unicode U+0E81..U+0EDF.
;; Not all of them are defined unicodes.
(define-charset 'lao
"Lao characters (ISO10646 0E81..0EDF)"
:short-name "Lao"
:iso-final-char ?1
:emacs-mule-id 167
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [33 126]
:code-offset #x0E81)
(define-charset 'mule-lao
"Lao characters (ISO10646 0E81..0EDF)"
:short-name "Lao"
:code-space [0 255]
:supplementary-p t
:superset '(ascii eight-bit-control (lao . 128)))
;; Indian scripts. Symbolic charset for data exchange. Glyphs are
;; not assigned. They are automatically converted to each Indian
;; script which IS-13194 supports.
(define-charset 'indian-is13194
"Generic Indian charset for data exchange with IS 13194"
:short-name "IS 13194"
:long-name "Indian IS 13194"
:iso-final-char ?5
:emacs-mule-id 225
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [33 126]
:code-offset #x180000)
(let ((code-offset #x180100))
(dolist (script '(devanagari sanskrit bengali tamil telugu assamese
oriya kannada malayalam gujarati punjabi))
(define-charset (intern (format "%s-cdac" script))
(format "Glyphs of %s script for CDAC font. Subset of `indian-glyph'."
(capitalize (symbol-name script)))
:short-name (format "CDAC %s glyphs" (capitalize (symbol-name script)))
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:code-offset code-offset)
(setq code-offset (+ code-offset #x100)))
(dolist (script '(devanagari bengali punjabi gujarati
oriya tamil telugu kannada malayalam))
(define-charset (intern (format "%s-akruti" script))
(format "Glyphs of %s script for AKRUTI font. Subset of `indian-glyph'."
(capitalize (symbol-name script)))
:short-name (format "AKRUTI %s glyphs" (capitalize (symbol-name script)))
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:code-offset code-offset)
(setq code-offset (+ code-offset #x100))))
(define-charset 'indian-glyph
"Glyphs for Indian characters."
:short-name "Indian glyph"
:iso-final-char ?4
:emacs-mule-id 240
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [32 127 32 127]
:code-offset #x180100)
;; Actual Glyph for 1-column width.
(define-charset 'indian-1-column
"Indian charset for 1-column width glyphs."
:short-name "Indian 1-col"
:long-name "Indian 1 Column"
:iso-final-char ?6
:emacs-mule-id 251
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x184000)
;; Actual Glyph for 2-column width.
(define-charset 'indian-2-column
"Indian charset for 2-column width glyphs."
:short-name "Indian 2-col"
:long-name "Indian 2 Column"
:iso-final-char ?5
:emacs-mule-id 251
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x184000)
(define-charset 'tibetan
"Tibetan characters"
:iso-final-char ?7
:short-name "Tibetan 2-col"
:long-name "Tibetan 2 column"
:iso-final-char ?7
:emacs-mule-id 252
:unify-map "MULE-tibetan"
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [33 126 33 37]
:code-offset #x190000)
(define-charset 'tibetan-1-column
"Tibetan 1 column glyph"
:short-name "Tibetan 1-col"
:long-name "Tibetan 1 column"
:iso-final-char ?8
:emacs-mule-id 241
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [33 126 33 37]
:code-offset #x190000)
;; Subsets of Unicode.
(define-charset 'mule-unicode-2500-33ff
"Unicode characters of the range U+2500..U+33FF."
:short-name "Unicode subset 2"
:long-name "Unicode subset (U+2500..U+33FF)"
:iso-final-char ?2
:emacs-mule-id 242
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [#x20 #x7f #x20 #x47]
:code-offset #x2500)
(define-charset 'mule-unicode-e000-ffff
"Unicode characters of the range U+E000..U+FFFF."
:short-name "Unicode subset 3"
:long-name "Unicode subset (U+E000+FFFF)"
:iso-final-char ?3
:emacs-mule-id 243
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [#x20 #x7F #x20 #x75]
:code-offset #xE000
:max-code 30015) ; U+FFFF
(define-charset 'mule-unicode-0100-24ff
"Unicode characters of the range U+0100..U+24FF."
:short-name "Unicode subset"
:long-name "Unicode subset (U+0100..U+24FF)"
:iso-final-char ?1
:emacs-mule-id 244
:supplementary-p t
:code-space [#x20 #x7F #x20 #x7F]
:code-offset #x100)
(define-charset 'unicode-bmp
"Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane (U+0000..U+FFFF)"
:short-name "Unicode BMP"
:code-space [0 255 0 255]
:code-offset 0)
(define-charset 'unicode-smp
"Unicode Supplementary Multilingual Plane (U+10000..U+1FFFF)"
:short-name "Unicode SMP "
:code-space [0 255 0 255]
:code-offset #x10000)
(define-charset 'unicode-sip
"Unicode Supplementary Ideographic Plane (U+20000..U+2FFFF)"
:short-name "Unicode SIP"
:code-space [0 255 0 255]
:code-offset #x20000)
(define-charset 'unicode-ssp
"Unicode Supplementary Special-purpose Plane (U+E0000..U+EFFFF)"
:short-name "Unicode SSP"
:code-space [0 255 0 255]
:code-offset #xE0000)
(define-charset 'ethiopic
"Ethiopic characters for Amharic and Tigrigna."
:short-name "Ethiopic"
:long-name "Ethiopic characters"
:iso-final-char ?3
:emacs-mule-id 245
:supplementary-p t
:unify-map "MULE-ethiopic"
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x1A0000)
(define-charset 'mac-roman
"Mac Roman charset"
:short-name "Mac Roman"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
;; Fixme: modern EBCDIC variants, e.g. IBM00924?
(define-charset 'ebcdic-us
"US version of EBCDIC"
:short-name "EBCDIC-US"
:code-space [0 255]
:mime-charset 'ebcdic-us
:map "EBCDICUS")
(define-charset 'ebcdic-uk
"UK version of EBCDIC"
:short-name "EBCDIC-UK"
:code-space [0 255]
:mime-charset 'ebcdic-uk
:map "EBCDICUK")
(define-charset 'ibm1047
;; Says groff:
"IBM1047, `EBCDIC Latin 1/Open Systems' used by OS/390 Unix."
:short-name "IBM1047"
:code-space [0 255]
:mime-charset 'ibm1047
:map "IBM1047")
(define-charset-alias 'cp1047 'ibm1047)
(define-charset 'hp-roman8
"Encoding used by Hewlet-Packard printer software"
:short-name "HP-ROMAN8"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "HP-ROMAN8")
;; To make a coding system with this, a pre-write-conversion should
;; account for the commented-out multi-valued code points in
(define-charset 'adobe-standard-encoding
"Adobe `standard encoding' used in PostScript"
:code-space [#x20 255]
:map "stdenc")
(define-charset 'symbol
"Adobe symbol encoding used in PostScript"
:short-name "ADOBE-SYMBOL"
:code-space [#x20 255]
:map "symbol")
(define-charset 'ibm850
"DOS codepage 850 (Latin-1)"
:short-name "IBM850"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "IBM850")
(define-charset-alias 'cp850 'ibm850)
(define-charset 'mik
"Bulgarian DOS codepage"
:short-name "MIK"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:map "MIK")
(define-charset 'ptcp154
"`Paratype' codepage (Asian Cyrillic)"
:short-name "PT154"
:ascii-compatible-p t
:code-space [0 255]
:mime-charset 'pt154
:map "PTCP154")
(define-charset-alias 'pt154 'ptcp154)
(define-charset-alias 'cp154 'ptcp154)
(define-charset 'gb18030-2-byte
"GB18030 2-byte (0x814E..0xFEFE)"
:code-space [#x40 #xFE #x81 #xFE]
:supplementary-p t
:map "GB180302")
(define-charset 'gb18030-4-byte-bmp
"GB18030 4-byte for BMP (0x81308130-0x8431A439)"
:code-space [#x30 #x39 #x81 #xFE #x30 #x39 #x81 #x84]
:supplementary-p t
:map "GB180304")
(define-charset 'gb18030-4-byte-smp
"GB18030 4-byte for SMP (0x90308130-0xE3329A35)"
:code-space [#x30 #x39 #x81 #xFE #x30 #x39 #x90 #xE3]
:min-code '(#x9030 . #x8130)
:max-code '(#xE332 . #x9A35)
:supplementary-p t
:code-offset #x10000)
(define-charset 'gb18030-4-byte-ext-1
"GB18030 4-byte (0x8431A530-0x8F39FE39)"
:code-space [#x30 #x39 #x81 #xFE #x30 #x39 #x84 #x8F]
:min-code '(#x8431 . #xA530)
:max-code '(#x8F39 . #xFE39)
:supplementary-p t
:code-offset #x200000 ; ... #x22484B
(define-charset 'gb18030-4-byte-ext-2
"GB18030 4-byte (0xE3329A36-0xFE39FE39)"
:code-space [#x30 #x39 #x81 #xFE #x30 #x39 #xE3 #xFE]
:min-code '(#xE332 . #x9A36)
:max-code '(#xFE39 . #xFE39)
:supplementary-p t
:code-offset #x22484C ; ... #x279f93
(define-charset 'gb18030
:code-space [#x00 #xFF #x00 #xFE #x00 #xFE #x00 #xFE]
:min-code 0
:max-code '(#xFE39 . #xFE39)
:superset '(ascii gb18030-2-byte
gb18030-4-byte-bmp gb18030-4-byte-smp
gb18030-4-byte-ext-1 gb18030-4-byte-ext-2))
(define-charset 'chinese-cns11643-15
"CNS11643 Plane 15 Chinese Traditional"
:short-name "CNS11643-15"
:long-name "CNS11643-15 (Chinese traditional)"
:code-space [33 126 33 126]
:code-offset #x27A000)
(unify-charset 'chinese-gb2312)
(unify-charset 'chinese-gbk)
(unify-charset 'chinese-cns11643-1)
(unify-charset 'chinese-cns11643-2)
(unify-charset 'chinese-cns11643-3)
(unify-charset 'chinese-cns11643-4)
(unify-charset 'chinese-cns11643-5)
(unify-charset 'chinese-cns11643-6)
(unify-charset 'chinese-cns11643-7)
(unify-charset 'big5)
(unify-charset 'chinese-big5-1)
(unify-charset 'chinese-big5-2)
(unify-charset 'big5-hkscs)
(unify-charset 'korean-ksc5601)
(unify-charset 'vietnamese-viscii-lower)
(unify-charset 'vietnamese-viscii-upper)
(unify-charset 'chinese-sisheng)
(unify-charset 'ipa)
(unify-charset 'tibetan)
(unify-charset 'ethiopic)
(unify-charset 'japanese-jisx0208-1978)
(unify-charset 'japanese-jisx0208)
(unify-charset 'japanese-jisx0212)
(unify-charset 'japanese-jisx0213-1)
(unify-charset 'japanese-jisx0213-2)
;; These are tables for translating characters on decoding and
;; encoding.
;; Fixme: these aren't used now -- should they be?
(setq standard-translation-table-for-decode nil)
(setq standard-translation-table-for-encode nil)
;;; Make fundamental coding systems.
;; The coding system `no-conversion' and `undecided' are already
;; defined in coding.c as below:
;; (define-coding-system 'no-conversion
;; "..."
;; :coding-type 'raw-text
;; ...)
;; (define-coding-system 'undecided
;; "..."
;; :coding-type 'undecided
;; ...)
(define-coding-system-alias 'binary 'no-conversion)
(define-coding-system-alias 'unix 'undecided-unix)
(define-coding-system-alias 'dos 'undecided-dos)
(define-coding-system-alias 'mac 'undecided-mac)
(define-coding-system 'raw-text
"Raw text, which means text contains random 8-bit codes.
Encoding text with this coding system produces the actual byte
sequence of the text in buffers and strings. An exception is made for
characters from the `eight-bit' character set. Each of them is encoded
into a single byte.
When you visit a file with this coding, the file is read into a
unibyte buffer as is (except for EOL format), thus each byte of a file
is treated as a character."
:coding-type 'raw-text
:for-unibyte t
:mnemonic ?t)
(define-coding-system 'no-conversion-multibyte
"Like `no-conversion' but don't read a file into a unibyte buffer."
:coding-type 'raw-text
:eol-type 'unix
:mnemonic ?=)
(define-coding-system 'iso-latin-1
"ISO 2022 based 8-bit encoding for Latin-1 (MIME:ISO-8859-1)."
:coding-type 'charset
:mnemonic ?1
:charset-list '(iso-8859-1)
:mime-charset 'iso-8859-1)
(define-coding-system-alias 'iso-8859-1 'iso-latin-1)
(define-coding-system-alias 'latin-1 'iso-latin-1)
;; Coding systems not specific to each language environment.
(define-coding-system 'emacs-mule
"Emacs 21 internal format used in buffer and string."
:coding-type 'emacs-mule
:charset-list 'emacs-mule
:mnemonic ?M)
(define-coding-system 'utf-8
"UTF-8 (no signature (BOM))"
:coding-type 'utf-8
:mnemonic ?U
:charset-list '(unicode)
:mime-charset 'utf-8)
(define-coding-system 'utf-8-with-signature
"UTF-8 (with signature (BOM))"
:coding-type 'utf-8
:mnemonic ?U
:charset-list '(unicode)
:bom t)
(define-coding-system 'utf-8-auto
"UTF-8 (auto-detect signature (BOM))"
:coding-type 'utf-8
:mnemonic ?U
:charset-list '(unicode)
:bom '(utf-8-with-signature . utf-8))
(define-coding-system-alias 'mule-utf-8 'utf-8)
(define-coding-system 'utf-8-emacs
"Support for all Emacs characters (including non-Unicode characters)."
:coding-type 'utf-8
:mnemonic ?U
:charset-list '(emacs))
;; The encoding used internally. This encoding is meant to be able to save
;; any multibyte buffer without losing information. It can change between
;; Emacs releases, tho, so should only be used for internal files.
(define-coding-system-alias 'emacs-internal 'utf-8-emacs-unix)
(define-coding-system 'utf-16le
"UTF-16LE (little endian, no signature (BOM))."
:coding-type 'utf-16
:mnemonic ?U
:charset-list '(unicode)
:endian 'little
:mime-text-unsuitable t
:mime-charset 'utf-16le)
(define-coding-system 'utf-16be
"UTF-16BE (big endian, no signature (BOM))."
:coding-type 'utf-16
:mnemonic ?U
:charset-list '(unicode)
:endian 'big
:mime-text-unsuitable t
:mime-charset 'utf-16be)
(define-coding-system 'utf-16le-with-signature
"UTF-16 (little endian, with signature (BOM))."
:coding-type 'utf-16
:mnemonic ?U
:charset-list '(unicode)
:bom t
:endian 'little
:mime-text-unsuitable t
:mime-charset 'utf-16)
(define-coding-system 'utf-16be-with-signature
"UTF-16 (big endian, with signature)."
:coding-type 'utf-16
:mnemonic ?U
:charset-list '(unicode)
:bom t
:endian 'big
:mime-text-unsuitable t
:mime-charset 'utf-16)
(define-coding-system 'utf-16
"UTF-16 (detect endian on decoding, use big endian on encoding with BOM)."
:coding-type 'utf-16
:mnemonic ?U
:charset-list '(unicode)
:bom '(utf-16le-with-signature . utf-16be-with-signature)
:endian 'big
:mime-text-unsuitable t
:mime-charset 'utf-16)
;; Backwards compatibility (old names, also used by Mule-UCS). We
;; prefer the MIME names.
(define-coding-system-alias 'utf-16-le 'utf-16le-with-signature)
(define-coding-system-alias 'utf-16-be 'utf-16be-with-signature)
(define-coding-system 'iso-2022-7bit
"ISO 2022 based 7-bit encoding using only G0."
:coding-type 'iso-2022
:mnemonic ?J
:charset-list 'iso-2022
:designation [(ascii t) nil nil nil]
:flags '(short ascii-at-eol ascii-at-cntl 7-bit designation composition))
(define-coding-system 'iso-2022-7bit-ss2
"ISO 2022 based 7-bit encoding using SS2 for 96-charset."
:coding-type 'iso-2022
:mnemonic ?$
:charset-list 'iso-2022
:designation [(ascii 94) nil (nil 96) nil]
:flags '(short ascii-at-eol ascii-at-cntl 7-bit
designation single-shift composition))
(define-coding-system 'iso-2022-7bit-lock
"ISO-2022 coding system using Locking-Shift for 96-charset."
:coding-type 'iso-2022
:mnemonic ?&
:charset-list 'iso-2022
:designation [(ascii 94) (nil 96) nil nil]
:flags '(ascii-at-eol ascii-at-cntl 7-bit
designation locking-shift composition))
(define-coding-system-alias 'iso-2022-int-1 'iso-2022-7bit-lock)
(define-coding-system 'iso-2022-7bit-lock-ss2
"Mixture of ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-KR, and ISO-2022-CN."
:coding-type 'iso-2022
:mnemonic ?i
:charset-list '(ascii
japanese-jisx0208 japanese-jisx0208-1978 latin-jisx0201
chinese-cns11643-1 chinese-cns11643-2 chinese-cns11643-3
chinese-cns11643-4 chinese-cns11643-5 chinese-cns11643-6
:designation [(ascii 94)
(nil korean-ksc5601 chinese-gb2312 chinese-cns11643-1 96)
(nil chinese-cns11643-2)
(nil chinese-cns11643-3 chinese-cns11643-4 chinese-cns11643-5
chinese-cns11643-6 chinese-cns11643-7)]
:flags '(short ascii-at-eol ascii-at-cntl 7-bit locking-shift
single-shift init-bol))
(define-coding-system-alias 'iso-2022-cjk 'iso-2022-7bit-lock-ss2)
(define-coding-system 'iso-2022-8bit-ss2
"ISO 2022 based 8-bit encoding using SS2 for 96-charset."
:coding-type 'iso-2022
:mnemonic ?@
:charset-list 'iso-2022
:designation [(ascii 94) nil (nil 96) nil]
:flags '(ascii-at-eol ascii-at-cntl designation single-shift composition))
(define-coding-system 'compound-text
"Compound text based generic encoding for decoding unknown messages.
This coding system does not support extended segments of CTEXT."
:coding-type 'iso-2022
:mnemonic ?x
:charset-list 'iso-2022
:designation [(ascii 94) (latin-iso8859-1 katakana-jisx0201 96) nil nil]
:flags '(ascii-at-eol ascii-at-cntl long-form
designation locking-shift single-shift composition)
;; Fixme: this isn't a valid MIME charset and has to be
;; special-cased elsewhere -- fx
:mime-charset 'x-ctext)
(define-coding-system-alias 'x-ctext 'compound-text)
(define-coding-system-alias 'ctext 'compound-text)
;; Same as compound-text, but doesn't produce composition escape
;; sequences. Used in post-read and pre-write conversions of
;; compound-text-with-extensions, see mule.el. Note that this should
;; not have a mime-charset property, to prevent it from showing up
;; close to the beginning of coding systems ordered by priority.
(define-coding-system 'ctext-no-compositions
"Compound text based generic encoding for decoding unknown messages.
Like `compound-text', but does not produce escape sequences for compositions."
:coding-type 'iso-2022
:mnemonic ?x
:charset-list 'iso-2022
:designation [(ascii 94) (latin-iso8859-1 katakana-jisx0201 96) nil nil]
:flags '(ascii-at-eol ascii-at-cntl
designation locking-shift single-shift))
(define-coding-system 'compound-text-with-extensions
"Compound text encoding with ICCCM Extended Segment extensions.
See the variable `ctext-non-standard-encodings-alist' for the
detail about how extended segments are handled.
This coding system should be used only for X selections. It is inappropriate
for decoding and encoding files, process I/O, etc."
:coding-type 'iso-2022
:mnemonic ?x
:charset-list 'iso-2022
:designation [(ascii 94) (latin-iso8859-1 katakana-jisx0201 96) nil nil]
:flags '(ascii-at-eol ascii-at-cntl long-form
designation locking-shift single-shift)
:post-read-conversion 'ctext-post-read-conversion
:pre-write-conversion 'ctext-pre-write-conversion)
'x-ctext-with-extensions 'compound-text-with-extensions)
'ctext-with-extensions 'compound-text-with-extensions)
(define-coding-system 'us-ascii
"Encode ASCII as-is and encode non-ASCII characters to `?'."
:coding-type 'charset
:mnemonic ?-
:charset-list '(ascii)
:default-char ??
:mime-charset 'us-ascii)
(define-coding-system-alias 'iso-safe 'us-ascii)
(define-coding-system 'utf-7
"UTF-7 encoding of Unicode (RFC 2152)."
:coding-type 'utf-8
:mnemonic ?U
:mime-charset 'utf-7
:charset-list '(unicode)
:pre-write-conversion 'utf-7-pre-write-conversion
:post-read-conversion 'utf-7-post-read-conversion)
(define-coding-system 'utf-7-imap
"UTF-7 encoding of Unicode, IMAP version (RFC 2060)"
:coding-type 'utf-8
:mnemonic ?u
:charset-list '(unicode)
:pre-write-conversion 'utf-7-imap-pre-write-conversion
:post-read-conversion 'utf-7-imap-post-read-conversion)
;; Use us-ascii for terminal output if some other coding system is not
;; specified explicitly.
(set-safe-terminal-coding-system-internal 'us-ascii)
;; The other coding-systems are defined in each language specific
;; files under lisp/language.
;; Normally, set coding system to `undecided' before reading a file.
;; Compiled Emacs Lisp files (*.elc) are not decoded at all,
;; but we regard them as containing multibyte characters.
;; Tar files are not decoded at all, but we treat them as raw bytes.
(setq file-coding-system-alist
'(("\\.elc\\'" . utf-8-emacs)
("\\.utf\\(-8\\)?\\'" . utf-8)
("\\.xml\\'" . xml-find-file-coding-system)
;; We use raw-text for reading loaddefs.el so that if it
;; happens to have DOS or Mac EOLs, they are converted to
;; newlines. This is required to make the special treatment
;; of the "\ newline" combination in loaddefs.el, which marks
;; the beginning of a doc string, work.
("\\(\\`\\|/\\)loaddefs.el\\'" . (raw-text . raw-text-unix))
("\\.tar\\'" . (no-conversion . no-conversion))
( "\\.po[tx]?\\'\\|\\.po\\." . po-find-file-coding-system)
("\\.\\(tex\\|ltx\\|dtx\\|drv\\)\\'" . latexenc-find-file-coding-system)
("" . (undecided . nil))))
;;; Setting coding categories and their priorities.
;; This setting is just to read an Emacs Lisp source files which
;; contain multilingual text while dumping Emacs. More appropriate
;; values are set by the command `set-language-environment' for each
;; language environment.
;;; Miscellaneous settings.
;; Make all multibyte characters self-insert.
(set-char-table-range (nth 1 global-map)
(cons 128 (max-char))
(aset latin-extra-code-table ?\221 t)
(aset latin-extra-code-table ?\222 t)
(aset latin-extra-code-table ?\223 t)
(aset latin-extra-code-table ?\224 t)
(aset latin-extra-code-table ?\225 t)
(aset latin-extra-code-table ?\226 t)
;; The old code-pages library is obsoleted by coding systems based on
;; the charsets defined in this file but might be required by user
;; code.
(provide 'code-pages)
;; Local variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:
;; arch-tag: 7d5fed55-b6df-42f6-8d3d-0011190551f5
;;; mule-conf.el ends here