@c This is part of the Emacs manual.@c Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2002, 2003,@c 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.@c See file emacs.texi for copying conditions.@iftex@chapter Characters, Keys and Commands This chapter explains the character sets used by Emacs for inputcommands and for the contents of files, and also explains the conceptsof @dfn{keys} and @dfn{commands}, which are fundamental for understandinghow Emacs interprets your keyboard and mouse input.@end iftex@ifnottex@raisesections@end ifnottex@node User Input, Keys, Screen, Top@section Kinds of User Input@cindex input with the keyboard@cindex keyboard input@cindex character set (keyboard)@cindex @acronym{ASCII}@cindex C-@cindex Control@cindex control characters GNU Emacs uses an extension of the @acronym{ASCII} character set for keyboardinput; it also accepts non-character input events including functionkeys and mouse button actions. @acronym{ASCII} consists of 128 character codes. Some of these codes areassigned graphic symbols such as @samp{a} and @samp{=}; the rest arecontrol characters, such as @kbd{Control-a} (usually written @kbd{C-a}for short). @kbd{C-a} gets its name from the fact that you type it byholding down the @key{CTRL} key while pressing @kbd{a}. Some @acronym{ASCII} control characters have special names, and most terminalshave special keys you can type them with: for example, @key{RET},@key{TAB}, @key{DEL} and @key{ESC}. The space character is usuallyreferred to below as @key{SPC}, even though strictly speaking it is agraphic character whose graphic happens to be blank. Some keyboardshave a key labeled ``linefeed'' which is an alias for @kbd{C-j}. Emacs extends the @acronym{ASCII} character set with thousands more printingcharacters (@pxref{International}), additional control characters, and afew more modifiers that can be combined with any character. On @acronym{ASCII} terminals, there are only 32 possible control characters.These are the control variants of letters and @samp{@@[]\^_}. Inaddition, the shift key is meaningless with control characters:@kbd{C-a} and @kbd{C-A} are the same character, and Emacs cannotdistinguish them. But the Emacs character set has room for control variants of allprinting characters, and for distinguishing between @kbd{C-a} and@kbd{C-A}. The X Window System makes it possible to enter all thesecharacters. For example, @kbd{C--} (that's Control-Minus) and @kbd{C-5}are meaningful Emacs commands under X. Another Emacs character-set extension is additional modifier bits.Only one modifier bit is commonly used; it is called Meta. Everycharacter has a Meta variant; examples include @kbd{Meta-a} (normallywritten @kbd{M-a}, for short), @kbd{M-A} (not the same character as@kbd{M-a}, but those two characters normally have the same meaning inEmacs), @kbd{M-@key{RET}}, and @kbd{M-C-a}. For reasons of tradition,we usually write @kbd{C-M-a} rather than @kbd{M-C-a}; logicallyspeaking, the order in which the modifier keys @key{CTRL} and @key{META}are mentioned does not matter.@cindex Meta@cindex M-@cindex @key{ESC} replacing @key{META} key Some terminals have a @key{META} key, and allow you to type Metacharacters by holding this key down. Thus, @kbd{Meta-a} is typed byholding down @key{META} and pressing @kbd{a}. The @key{META} keyworks much like the @key{SHIFT} key. Such a key is not always labeled@key{META}, however, as this function is often a special option for akey with some other primary purpose. Sometimes it is labeled@key{ALT} or @key{EDIT}; on a Sun keyboard, it may have a diamond onit. If there is no @key{META} key, you can still type Meta charactersusing two-character sequences starting with @key{ESC}. Thus, you canenter @kbd{M-a} by typing @kbd{@key{ESC} a}. You can enter@kbd{C-M-a} by typing @kbd{@key{ESC} C-a}. Unlike @key{META}, whichmodifies other characters, @key{ESC} is a separate character. Youdon't hold down @key{ESC} while typing the next character; instead,you press it and release it, then you enter the next character.@key{ESC} is allowed on terminals with @key{META} keys, too, in caseyou have formed a habit of using it. The X Window System provides several other modifier keys that can beapplied to any input character. These are called @key{SUPER},@key{HYPER} and @key{ALT}. We write @samp{s-}, @samp{H-} and @samp{A-}to say that a character uses these modifiers. Thus, @kbd{s-H-C-x} isshort for @kbd{Super-Hyper-Control-x}. Not all X terminals actuallyprovide keys for these modifier flags---in fact, many terminals have akey labeled @key{ALT} which is really a @key{META} key. The standardkey bindings of Emacs do not include any characters with thesemodifiers. But you can assign them meanings of your own by customizingEmacs. If your keyboard lacks one of these modifier keys, you can enter itusing @kbd{C-x @@}: @kbd{C-x @@ h} adds the ``hyper'' flag to the nextcharacter, @kbd{C-x @@ s} adds the ``super'' flag, and @kbd{C-x @@ a}adds the ``alt'' flag. For instance, @kbd{C-x @@ h C-a} is a way toenter @kbd{Hyper-Control-a}. (Unfortunately there is no way to addtwo modifiers by using @kbd{C-x @@} twice for the same character,because the first one goes to work on the @kbd{C-x}.) Keyboard input includes keyboard keys that are not characters at all:for example function keys and arrow keys. Mouse buttons are alsooutside the gamut of characters. You can modify these events with themodifier keys @key{CTRL}, @key{META}, @key{SUPER}, @key{HYPER} and@key{ALT}, just like keyboard characters.@cindex input event Input characters and non-character inputs are collectively called@dfn{input events}. @xref{Input Events,,, elisp, The Emacs LispReference Manual}, for more information. If you are not doing Lispprogramming, but simply want to redefine the meaning of some charactersor non-character events, see @ref{Customization}. @acronym{ASCII} terminals cannot really send anything to the computer except@acronym{ASCII} characters. These terminals use a sequence of characters torepresent each function key. But that is invisible to the Emacs user,because the keyboard input routines recognize these special sequencesand convert them to function key events before any other part of Emacsgets to see them.@node Keys, Commands, User Input, Top@section Keys@cindex key sequence@cindex key A @dfn{key sequence} (@dfn{key}, for short) is a sequence of inputevents that are meaningful as a unit---as ``a single command.'' SomeEmacs command sequences are just one character or one event; forexample, just @kbd{C-f} is enough to move forward one character in thebuffer. But Emacs also has commands that take two or more events toinvoke.@cindex complete key@cindex prefix key If a sequence of events is enough to invoke a command, it is a@dfn{complete key}. Examples of complete keys include @kbd{C-a},@kbd{X}, @key{RET}, @key{NEXT} (a function key), @key{DOWN} (an arrowkey), @kbd{C-x C-f}, and @kbd{C-x 4 C-f}. If it isn't long enough to becomplete, we call it a @dfn{prefix key}. The above examples show that@kbd{C-x} and @kbd{C-x 4} are prefix keys. Every key sequence is eithera complete key or a prefix key. Most single characters constitute complete keys in the standard Emacscommand bindings. A few of them are prefix keys. A prefix key combineswith the following input event to make a longer key sequence, which mayitself be complete or a prefix. For example, @kbd{C-x} is a prefix key,so @kbd{C-x} and the next input event combine to make a two-eventkey sequence. Most of these key sequences are complete keys, including@kbd{C-x C-f} and @kbd{C-x b}. A few, such as @kbd{C-x 4} and @kbd{C-xr}, are themselves prefix keys that lead to three-event keysequences. There's no limit to the length of a key sequence, but inpractice people rarely use sequences longer than four events. By contrast, you can't add more events onto a complete key. Forexample, the two-event sequence @kbd{C-f C-k} is not a key, becausethe @kbd{C-f} is a complete key in itself. It's impossible to give@kbd{C-f C-k} an independent meaning as a command. @kbd{C-f C-k} is twokey sequences, not one.@refill All told, the prefix keys in Emacs are @kbd{C-c}, @kbd{C-h},@kbd{C-x}, @kbd{C-x @key{RET}}, @kbd{C-x @@}, @kbd{C-x a}, @kbd{C-xn}, @w{@kbd{C-x r}}, @kbd{C-x v}, @kbd{C-x 4}, @kbd{C-x 5}, @kbd{C-x 6},@key{ESC}, @kbd{M-o} and @kbd{M-g}. (@key{F1} and @key{F2} are aliases for@kbd{C-h} and @kbd{C-x 6}.) But this list is not cast in concrete; itis just a matter of Emacs's standard key bindings. If you customizeEmacs, you can make new prefix keys, or eliminate these. @xref{KeyBindings}. If you do make or eliminate prefix keys, that changes the set ofpossible key sequences. For example, if you redefine @kbd{C-f} as aprefix, @kbd{C-f C-k} automatically becomes a key (complete, unless youdefine that too as a prefix). Conversely, if you remove the prefixdefinition of @kbd{C-x 4}, then @kbd{C-x 4 f} (or @kbd{C-x 4@var{anything}}) is no longer a key. Typing the help character (@kbd{C-h} or @key{F1}) after a prefixkey displays a list of the commands starting with that prefix.There are a few prefix keys for which @kbd{C-h} does notwork---for historical reasons, they have other meanings for @kbd{C-h}which are not easy to change. But @key{F1} should work for all prefixkeys.@node Commands, Text Characters, Keys, Top@section Keys and Commands@cindex binding@cindex command@cindex function definition This manual is full of passages that tell you what particular keysdo. But Emacs does not assign meanings to keys directly. Instead,Emacs assigns meanings to named @dfn{commands}, and then gives keystheir meanings by @dfn{binding} them to commands. Every command has a name chosen by a programmer. The name is usuallymade of a few English words separated by dashes; for example,@code{next-line} or @code{forward-word}. A command also has a@dfn{function definition} which is a Lisp program; this is what makesthe command do what it does. In Emacs Lisp, a command is actually aspecial kind of Lisp function; one which specifies how to read argumentsfor it and call it interactively. For more information on commands andfunctions, see @ref{What Is a Function,, What Is a Function, elisp, TheEmacs Lisp Reference Manual}. (The definition we use in this manual issimplified slightly.) The bindings between keys and commands are recorded in various tablescalled @dfn{keymaps}. @xref{Keymaps}. When we say that ``@kbd{C-n} moves down vertically one line'' we areglossing over a distinction that is irrelevant in ordinary use but is vitalin understanding how to customize Emacs. It is the command@code{next-line} that is programmed to move down vertically. @kbd{C-n} hasthis effect @emph{because} it is bound to that command. If you rebind@kbd{C-n} to the command @code{forward-word} then @kbd{C-n} will moveforward by words instead. Rebinding keys is a common method ofcustomization.@refill In the rest of this manual, we usually ignore this distinction tokeep things simple. We will often speak of keys like @kbd{C-n} ascommands, even though strictly speaking a key is bound to somecommand. To give the information needed for customization, we statethe name of the command which really does the work in parenthesesafter mentioning the key that runs it. For example, we will say that``The command @kbd{C-n} (@code{next-line}) moves point verticallydown,'' meaning that @code{next-line} is a command that movesvertically down, and @kbd{C-n} is a key that is normally bound to it. While we are on the subject of information for customization only,it's a good time to tell you about @dfn{variables}. Often thedescription of a command will say, ``To change this, set the variable@code{mumble-foo}.'' A variable is a name used to remember a value.Most of the variables documented in this manual exist just to facilitatecustomization: some command or other part of Emacs examines the variableand behaves differently according to the value that you set. Until youare interested in customizing, you can ignore the information aboutvariables. When you are ready to be interested, read the basicinformation on variables, and then the information on individualvariables will make sense. @xref{Variables}.@node Text Characters, Entering Emacs, Commands, Top@section Character Set for Text@cindex characters (in text) Text in Emacs buffers is a sequence of 8-bit bytes. Each byte canhold a single @acronym{ASCII} character. Both @acronym{ASCII} control characters (octalcodes 000 through 037, and 0177) and @acronym{ASCII} printing characters (codes040 through 0176) are allowed; however, non-@acronym{ASCII} control characterscannot appear in a buffer. The other modifier flags used in keyboardinput, such as Meta, are not allowed in buffers either. Some @acronym{ASCII} control characters serve special purposes in text, and havespecial names. For example, the newline character (octal code 012) isused in the buffer to end a line, and the tab character (octal code 011)is used for indenting to the next tab stop column (normally every 8columns). @xref{Text Display}. Non-@acronym{ASCII} printing characters can also appear in buffers. Whenmultibyte characters are enabled, you can use any of the non-@acronym{ASCII}printing characters that Emacs supports. They have character codesstarting at 256, octal 0400, and each one is represented as a sequenceof two or more bytes. @xref{International}. Single-byte characterswith codes 128 through 255 can also appear in multibyte buffers. If you disable multibyte characters, then you can use only onealphabet of non-@acronym{ASCII} characters, but they all fit in one byte. Theyuse codes 0200 through 0377. @xref{Single-Byte Character Support}.@ifnottex@lowersections@end ifnottex@ignore arch-tag: 9be43eef-d1f4-4d03-a916-c741ea713a45@end ignore