\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-@setfilename ../info/message@settitle Message 5.9.0 Manual@synindex fn cp@synindex vr cp@synindex pg cp@copyingThis file documents Message, the Emacs message composition mode.Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc.@quotationPermission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this documentunder the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 orany later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with noInvariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts being ``A GNUManual'', and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of thelicense is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free DocumentationLicense'' in the Emacs manual.(a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: ``You have freedom to copy and modifythis GNU Manual, like GNU software. Copies published by the FreeSoftware Foundation raise funds for GNU development.''This document is part of a collection distributed under the GNU FreeDocumentation License. If you want to distribute this documentseparately from the collection, you can do so by adding a copy of thelicense to the document, as described in section 6 of the license.@end quotation@end copying@dircategory Emacs@direntry* Message: (message). Mail and news composition mode that goes with Gnus.@end direntry@iftex@finalout@end iftex@setchapternewpage odd@titlepage@title Message 5.9.0 Manual@author by Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen@page@vskip 0pt plus 1filll@insertcopying@end titlepage@page@node Top@top MessageAll message composition from Gnus (both mail and news) takes place inMessage mode buffers.@menu* Interface:: Setting up message buffers.* Commands:: Commands you can execute in message mode buffers.* Variables:: Customizing the message buffers.* Compatibility:: Making Message backwards compatible.* Appendices:: More technical things.* Index:: Variable, function and concept index.* Key Index:: List of Message mode keys.@end menuThis manual corresponds to Message 5.9.0. Message is distributed withthe Gnus distribution bearing the same version number as this manual.@node Interface@chapter InterfaceWhen a program (or a person) wants to respond to a message -- reply,follow up, forward, cancel -- the program (or person) should just putpoint in the buffer where the message is and call the required command.@code{Message} will then pop up a new @code{message} mode buffer withappropriate headers filled out, and the user can edit the message beforesending it.@menu* New Mail Message:: Editing a brand new mail message.* New News Message:: Editing a brand new news message.* Reply:: Replying via mail.* Wide Reply:: Responding to all people via mail.* Followup:: Following up via news.* Canceling News:: Canceling a news article.* Superseding:: Superseding a message.* Forwarding:: Forwarding a message via news or mail.* Resending:: Resending a mail message.* Bouncing:: Bouncing a mail message.@end menu@node New Mail Message@section New Mail Message@findex message-mailThe @code{message-mail} command pops up a new message buffer.Two optional parameters are accepted: The first will be used as the@code{To} header and the second as the @code{Subject} header. If theseare @code{nil}, those two headers will be empty.@node New News Message@section New News Message@findex message-newsThe @code{message-news} command pops up a new message buffer.This function accepts two optional parameters. The first will be usedas the @code{Newsgroups} header and the second as the @code{Subject}header. If these are @code{nil}, those two headers will be empty.@node Reply@section Reply@findex message-replyThe @code{message-reply} function pops up a message buffer that's areply to the message in the current buffer.@vindex message-reply-to-functionMessage uses the normal methods to determine where replies are to go(@pxref{Responses}), but you can change the behavior to suit your needsby fiddling with the @code{message-reply-to-function} variable.If you want the replies to go to the @code{Sender} instead of the@code{From}, you could do something like this:@lisp(setq message-reply-to-function (lambda () (cond ((equal (mail-fetch-field "from") "somebody") (list (cons 'To (mail-fetch-field "sender")))) (t nil))))@end lispThis function will be called narrowed to the head of the article that isbeing replied to.As you can see, this function should return a string if it has anopinion as to what the To header should be. If it does not, it shouldjust return @code{nil}, and the normal methods for determining the Toheader will be used.This function can also return a list. In that case, each list elementshould be a cons, where the car should be the name of an header(eg. @code{Cc}) and the cdr should be the header value(eg. @samp{larsi@@ifi.uio.no}). All these headers will be inserted intothe head of the outgoing mail.@node Wide Reply@section Wide Reply@findex message-wide-replyThe @code{message-wide-reply} pops up a message buffer that's a widereply to the message in the current buffer. A @dfn{wide reply} is areply that goes out to all people listed in the @code{To}, @code{From}(or @code{Reply-to}) and @code{Cc} headers.@vindex message-wide-reply-to-functionMessage uses the normal methods to determine where wide replies are to go,but you can change the behavior to suit your needs by fiddling with the@code{message-wide-reply-to-function}. It is used in the same way as@code{message-reply-to-function} (@pxref{Reply}).@findex message-dont-reply-to-namesAddresses that match the @code{message-dont-reply-to-names} regularexpression will be removed from the @code{Cc} header.@node Followup@section Followup@findex message-followupThe @code{message-followup} command pops up a message buffer that's afollowup to the message in the current buffer.@vindex message-followup-to-functionMessage uses the normal methods to determine where followups are to go,but you can change the behavior to suit your needs by fiddling with the@code{message-followup-to-function}. It is used in the same way as@code{message-reply-to-function} (@pxref{Reply}).@vindex message-use-followup-toThe @code{message-use-followup-to} variable says what to do about@code{Followup-To} headers. If it is @code{use}, always use the value.If it is @code{ask} (which is the default), ask whether to use thevalue. If it is @code{t}, use the value unless it is @samp{poster}. Ifit is @code{nil}, don't use the value.@node Canceling News@section Canceling News@findex message-cancel-newsThe @code{message-cancel-news} command cancels the article in thecurrent buffer.@node Superseding@section Superseding@findex message-supersedeThe @code{message-supersede} command pops up a message buffer that willsupersede the message in the current buffer.@vindex message-ignored-supersedes-headersHeaders matching the @code{message-ignored-supersedes-headers} areremoved before popping up the new message buffer. The default is@*@samp{^Path:\\|^Date\\|^NNTP-Posting-Host:\\|^Xref:\\|^Lines:\\|@*^Received:\\|^X-From-Line:\\|Return-Path:\\|^Supersedes:}.@node Forwarding@section Forwarding@findex message-forwardThe @code{message-forward} command pops up a message buffer to forwardthe message in the current buffer. If given a prefix, forward usingnews.@table @code@item message-forward-ignored-headers@vindex message-forward-ignored-headersAll headers that match this regexp will be deleted when forwarding a message.@item message-make-forward-subject-function@vindex message-make-forward-subject-functionA list of functions that are called to generate a subject header forforwarded messages. The subject generated by the previous function ispassed into each successive function.The provided functions are:@table @code@item message-forward-subject-author-subject@findex message-forward-subject-author-subjectSource of article (author or newsgroup), in brackets followed by thesubject.@item message-forward-subject-fwdSubject of article with @samp{Fwd:} prepended to it.@end table@item message-wash-forwarded-subjects@vindex message-wash-forwarded-subjectsIf this variable is @code{t}, the subjects of forwarded messages havethe evidence of previous forwards (such as @samp{Fwd:}, @samp{Re:},@samp{(fwd)}) removed before the new subject isconstructed. The default value is @code{nil}.@item message-forward-as-mime@vindex message-forward-as-mimeIf this variable is @code{t} (the default), forwarded messages areincluded as inline MIME RFC822 parts. If it's @code{nil}, forwardedmessages will just be copied inline to the new message, like previous,non MIME-savvy versions of gnus would do.@end table@node Resending@section Resending@findex message-resendThe @code{message-resend} command will prompt the user for an addressand resend the message in the current buffer to that address.@vindex message-ignored-resent-headersHeaders that match the @code{message-ignored-resent-headers} regexp willbe removed before sending the message. The default is@samp{^Return-receipt}.@node Bouncing@section Bouncing@findex message-bounceThe @code{message-bounce} command will, if the current buffer contains abounced mail message, pop up a message buffer stripped of the bounceinformation. A @dfn{bounced message} is typically a mail you've sentout that has been returned by some @code{mailer-daemon} asundeliverable.@vindex message-ignored-bounced-headersHeaders that match the @code{message-ignored-bounced-headers} regexpwill be removed before popping up the buffer. The default is@samp{^\\(Received\\|Return-Path\\):}.@node Commands@chapter Commands@menu* Buffer Entry:: Commands after entering a Message buffer.* Header Commands:: Commands for moving to headers.* Movement:: Moving around in message buffers.* Insertion:: Inserting things into message buffers.* MIME:: @sc{mime} considerations.* Various Commands:: Various things.* Sending:: Actually sending the message.* Mail Aliases:: How to use mail aliases.* Spelling:: Having Emacs check your spelling.@end menu@node Buffer Entry@section Buffer Entry@cindex undo@kindex C-_You most often end up in a Message buffer when responding to some othermessage of some sort. Message does lots of handling of quoted text, andmay remove signatures, reformat the text, or the like---depending onwhich used settings you're using. Message usually gets things right,but sometimes it stumbles. To help the user unwind these stumblings,Message sets the undo boundary before each major automatic action ittakes. If you press the undo key (usually located at @kbd{C-_}) a fewtimes, you will get back the un-edited message you're responding to.@node Header Commands@section Header CommandsAll these commands move to the header in question. If it doesn't exist,it will be inserted.@table @kbd@item C-c ?@kindex C-c ?@findex message-goto-toDescribe the message mode.@item C-c C-f C-t@kindex C-c C-f C-t@findex message-goto-toGo to the @code{To} header (@code{message-goto-to}).@item C-c C-f C-b@kindex C-c C-f C-b@findex message-goto-bccGo to the @code{Bcc} header (@code{message-goto-bcc}).@item C-c C-f C-w@kindex C-c C-f C-w@findex message-goto-fccGo to the @code{Fcc} header (@code{message-goto-fcc}).@item C-c C-f C-c@kindex C-c C-f C-c@findex message-goto-ccGo to the @code{Cc} header (@code{message-goto-cc}).@item C-c C-f C-s@kindex C-c C-f C-s@findex message-goto-subjectGo to the @code{Subject} header (@code{message-goto-subject}).@item C-c C-f C-r@kindex C-c C-f C-r@findex message-goto-reply-toGo to the @code{Reply-To} header (@code{message-goto-reply-to}).@item C-c C-f C-n@kindex C-c C-f C-n@findex message-goto-newsgroupsGo to the @code{Newsgroups} header (@code{message-goto-newsgroups}).@item C-c C-f C-d@kindex C-c C-f C-d@findex message-goto-distributionGo to the @code{Distribution} header (@code{message-goto-distribution}).@item C-c C-f C-f@kindex C-c C-f C-f@findex message-goto-followup-toGo to the @code{Followup-To} header (@code{message-goto-followup-to}).@item C-c C-f C-k@kindex C-c C-f C-k@findex message-goto-keywordsGo to the @code{Keywords} header (@code{message-goto-keywords}).@item C-c C-f C-u@kindex C-c C-f C-u@findex message-goto-summaryGo to the @code{Summary} header (@code{message-goto-summary}).@end table@node Movement@section Movement@table @kbd@item C-c C-b@kindex C-c C-b@findex message-goto-bodyMove to the beginning of the body of the message(@code{message-goto-body}).@item C-c C-i@kindex C-c C-i@findex message-goto-signatureMove to the signature of the message (@code{message-goto-signature}).@end table@node Insertion@section Insertion@table @kbd@item C-c C-y@kindex C-c C-y@findex message-yank-originalYank the message that's being replied to into the message buffer(@code{message-yank-original}).@item C-c C-M-y@kindex C-c C-M-y@findex message-yank-bufferPrompt for a buffer name and yank the contents of that buffer into themessage buffer (@code{message-yank-buffer}).@item C-c C-q@kindex C-c C-q@findex message-fill-yanked-messageFill the yanked message (@code{message-fill-yanked-message}). Warning:Can severely mess up the yanked text if its quoting conventions arestrange. You'll quickly get a feel for when it's safe, though. Anyway,just remember that @kbd{C-x u} (@code{undo}) is available and you'll beall right.@item C-c C-w@kindex C-c C-w@findex message-insert-signatureInsert a signature at the end of the buffer(@code{message-insert-signature}).@item C-c M-h@kindex C-c M-h@findex message-insert-headersInsert the message headers (@code{message-insert-headers}).@end table@table @code@item message-ignored-cited-headers@vindex message-ignored-cited-headersAll headers that match this regexp will be removed from yankedmessages. The default is @samp{.}, which means that all headers will beremoved.@item message-citation-line-function@vindex message-citation-line-functionFunction called to insert the citation line. The default is@code{message-insert-citation-line}, which will lead to citation linesthat look like:@exampleHallvard B Furuseth <h.b.furuseth@@usit.uio.no> writes:@end examplePoint will be at the beginning of the body of the message when thisfunction is called.@item message-yank-prefix@vindex message-yank-prefix@cindex yanking@cindex quotingWhen you are replying to or following up an article, you normally wantto quote the person you are answering. Inserting quoted text is done by@dfn{yanking}, and each quoted line you yank will have@code{message-yank-prefix} prepended to it. The default is @samp{> }.@item message-indentation-spaces@vindex message-indentation-spacesNumber of spaces to indent yanked messages.@item message-cite-function@vindex message-cite-function@findex message-cite-original@findex sc-cite-original@findex message-cite-original-without-signature@cindex SuperciteFunction for citing an original message. The default is@code{message-cite-original}, which simply inserts the original messageand prepends @samp{> } to each line.@code{message-cite-original-without-signature} does the same, but elidesthe signature. You can also set it to @code{sc-cite-original} to useSupercite.@item message-indent-citation-function@vindex message-indent-citation-functionFunction for modifying a citation just inserted in the mail buffer.This can also be a list of functions. Each function can find thecitation between @code{(point)} and @code{(mark t)}. And each functionshould leave point and mark around the citation text as modified.@item message-signature@vindex message-signatureString to be inserted at the end of the message buffer. If @code{t}(which is the default), the @code{message-signature-file} file will beinserted instead. If a function, the result from the function will beused instead. If a form, the result from the form will be used instead.If this variable is @code{nil}, no signature will be inserted at all.@item message-signature-file@vindex message-signature-fileIf non-@code{nil} the name of a file containing the signature to beinserted at the end of the buffer. This is ignored if the filedoesn't exist. The default is @samp{~/.signature}.@end tableNote that RFC1036bis says that a signature should be preceded by the threecharacters @samp{-- } on a line by themselves. This is to make iteasier for the recipient to automatically recognize and process thesignature. So don't remove those characters, even though you might feelthat they ruin your beautiful design, like, totally.Also note that no signature should be more than four lines long.Including ASCII graphics is an efficient way to get everybody to believethat you are silly and have nothing important to say.@node MIME@section MIME@cindex MML@cindex MIME@cindex multipart@cindex attachmentMessage is a @sc{mime}-compliant posting agent. The user generallydoesn't have to do anything to make the @sc{mime} happen---Message willautomatically add the @code{Content-Type} and@code{Content-Transfer-Encoding} headers.The most typical thing users want to use the multipart things in@sc{mime} for is to add ``attachments'' to mail they send out. This canbe done with the @code{C-c C-a} command, which will prompt for a filename and a @sc{mime} type.You can also create arbitrarily complex multiparts using the MMLlanguage (@pxref{Composing, , Composing, emacs-mime, The Emacs MIMEManual}).@node Various Commands@section Various Commands@table @kbd@item C-c C-r@kindex C-c C-r@findex message-caesar-buffer-bodyCaesar rotate (aka. rot13) the current message(@code{message-caesar-buffer-body}). If narrowing is in effect, justrotate the visible portion of the buffer. A numerical prefix says howmany places to rotate the text. The default is 13.@item C-c C-e@kindex C-c C-e@findex message-elide-regionElide the text between point and mark (@code{message-elide-region}).The text is killed and replaced with the contents of the variable@code{message-elide-ellipsis}. The default value is to use an ellipsis(@samp{[...]}).@item C-c C-z@kindex C-c C-x@findex message-kill-to-signatureKill all the text up to the signature, or if that's missing, up to theend of the message (@code{message-kill-to-signature}).@item C-c C-v@kindex C-c C-v@findex message-delete-not-regionDelete all text in the body of the message that is outside the region(@code{message-delete-not-region}).@item M-RET@kindex M-RET@kindex message-newline-and-reformatInsert four newlines, and then reformat if inside quoted text.Here's an example:@example> This is some quoted text. And here's more quoted text.@end exampleIf point is before @samp{And} and you press @kbd{M-RET}, you'll get:@example> This is some quoted text.*> And here's more quoted text.@end example@samp{*} says where point will be placed.@item C-c C-t@kindex C-c C-t@findex message-insert-toInsert a @code{To} header that contains the @code{Reply-To} or@code{From} header of the message you're following up(@code{message-insert-to}).@item C-c C-n@kindex C-c C-n@findex message-insert-newsgroupsInsert a @code{Newsgroups} header that reflects the @code{Followup-To}or @code{Newsgroups} header of the article you're replying to(@code{message-insert-newsgroups}).@item C-c M-r@kindex C-c M-r@findex message-rename-bufferRename the buffer (@code{message-rename-buffer}). If given a prefix,prompt for a new buffer name.@end table@node Sending@section Sending@table @kbd@item C-c C-c@kindex C-c C-c@findex message-send-and-exitSend the message and bury the current buffer(@code{message-send-and-exit}).@item C-c C-s@kindex C-c C-s@findex message-sendSend the message (@code{message-send}).@item C-c C-d@kindex C-c C-d@findex message-dont-sendBury the message buffer and exit (@code{message-dont-send}).@item C-c C-k@kindex C-c C-k@findex message-kill-bufferKill the message buffer and exit (@code{message-kill-buffer}).@end table@node Mail Aliases@section Mail Aliases@cindex mail aliases@cindex aliases@vindex message-mail-alias-typeThe @code{message-mail-alias-type} variable controls what type of mailalias expansion to use. Currently only one form is supported---Messageuses @code{mailabbrev} to handle mail aliases. If this variable is@code{nil}, no mail alias expansion will be performed.@code{mailabbrev} works by parsing the @file{/etc/mailrc} and@file{~/.mailrc} files. These files look like:@examplealias lmi "Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <larsi@@ifi.uio.no>"alias ding "ding@@ifi.uio.no (ding mailing list)"@end exampleAfter adding lines like this to your @file{~/.mailrc} file, you shouldbe able to just write @samp{lmi} in the @code{To} or @code{Cc} (and soon) headers and press @kbd{SPC} to expand the alias.No expansion will be performed upon sending of the message---allexpansions have to be done explicitly.@node Spelling@section Spelling@cindex spelling@findex ispell-messageThere are two popular ways to have Emacs spell-check your messages:@code{ispell} and @code{flyspell}. @code{ispell} is the older andprobably more popular package. You typically first write the message,and then run the entire thing through @code{ispell} and fix all thetypos. To have this happen automatically when you send a message, putsomething like the following in your @file{.emacs} file:@lisp(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'ispell-message)@end lisp@vindex ispell-message-dictionary-alistIf you're in the habit of writing in different languages, this can becontrolled by the @code{ispell-message-dictionary-alist} variable:@lisp(setq ispell-message-dictionary-alist '(("^Newsgroups:.*\\bde\\." . "deutsch8") (".*" . "default")))@end lisp@code{ispell} depends on having the external @samp{ispell} commandinstalled.The other popular method is using @code{flyspell}. This package checksyour spelling while you're writing, and marks any mis-spelled words invarious ways.To use @code{flyspell}, put something like the following in your@file{.emacs} file:@lisp(defun my-message-setup-routine () (flyspell-mode 1))(add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'my-message-setup-routine)@end lisp@code{flyspell} depends on having the external @samp{ispell} commandinstalled.@node Variables@chapter Variables@menu* Message Headers:: General message header stuff.* Mail Headers:: Customizing mail headers.* Mail Variables:: Other mail variables.* News Headers:: Customizing news headers.* News Variables:: Other news variables.* Various Message Variables:: Other message variables.* Sending Variables:: Variables for sending.* Message Buffers:: How Message names its buffers.* Message Actions:: Actions to be performed when exiting.@end menu@node Message Headers@section Message HeadersMessage is quite aggressive on the message generation front. It has tobe -- it's a combined news and mail agent. To be able to send combinedmessages, it has to generate all headers itself (instead of letting themail/news system do it) to ensure that mail and news copies of messageslook sufficiently similar.@table @code@item message-generate-headers-first@vindex message-generate-headers-firstIf non-@code{nil}, generate all required headers before starting tocompose the message.The variables @code{message-required-mail-headers} and@code{message-required-news-headers} specify which headers are required.@item message-from-style@vindex message-from-styleSpecifies how @code{From} headers should look. There are four validvalues:@table @code@item nilJust the address -- @samp{king@@grassland.com}.@item parens@samp{king@@grassland.com (Elvis Parsley)}.@item angles@samp{Elvis Parsley <king@@grassland.com>}.@item defaultLook like @code{angles} if that doesn't require quoting, and@code{parens} if it does. If even @code{parens} requires quoting, use@code{angles} anyway.@end table@item message-deletable-headers@vindex message-deletable-headersHeaders in this list that were previously generated by Message will bedeleted before posting. Let's say you post an article. Then you decideto post it again to some other group, you naughty boy, so you jump backto the @code{*post-buf*} buffer, edit the @code{Newsgroups} line, andship it off again. By default, this variable makes sure that the oldgenerated @code{Message-ID} is deleted, and a new one generated. Ifthis isn't done, the entire empire would probably crumble, anarchy wouldprevail, and cats would start walking on two legs and rule the world.Allegedly.@item message-default-headers@vindex message-default-headersThis string is inserted at the end of the headers in all messagebuffers.@item message-subject-re-regexp@vindex message-subject-re-regexpResponses to messages have subjects that start with @samp{Re: }. Thisis @emph{not} an abbreviation of the English word ``response'', but isLatin, and means ``in response to''. Some illiterate nincompoops havefailed to grasp this fact, and have ``internationalized'' their softwareto use abominations like @samp{Aw: } (``antwort'') or @samp{Sv: }(``svar'') instead, which is meaningless and evil. However, you mayhave to deal with users that use these evil tools, in which case you mayset this variable to a regexp that matches these prefixes. Myself, Ijust throw away non-compliant mail.@item message-alternative-emails@vindex message-alternative-emailsA regexp to match the alternative email addresses. The first matchedaddress (not primary one) is used in the @code{From} field.@end table@node Mail Headers@section Mail Headers@table @code@item message-required-mail-headers@vindex message-required-mail-headers@xref{News Headers}, for the syntax of this variable. It is@code{(From Date Subject (optional . In-Reply-To) Message-ID Lines(optional . User-Agent))} by default.@item message-ignored-mail-headers@vindex message-ignored-mail-headersRegexp of headers to be removed before mailing. The default is@samp{^[GF]cc:\|^Resent-Fcc:\|^Xref:}.@item message-default-mail-headers@vindex message-default-mail-headersThis string is inserted at the end of the headers in all messagebuffers that are initialized as mail.@end table@node Mail Variables@section Mail Variables@table @code@item message-send-mail-function@vindex message-send-mail-functionFunction used to send the current buffer as mail. The default is@code{message-send-mail-with-sendmail}. If you prefer using MHinstead, set this variable to @code{message-send-mail-with-mh}.@item message-mh-deletable-headers@vindex message-mh-deletable-headersMost versions of MH doesn't like being fed messages that contain theheaders in this variable. If this variable is non-@code{nil} (which isthe default), these headers will be removed before mailing when sendingmessages via MH. Set it to @code{nil} if your MH can handle theseheaders.@item message-send-mail-partially-limit@vindex message-send-mail-partially-limitThe limit on the size of messages sent as @samp{message/partial}.This is the minimum message size in characters beyond which themessage should be sent in several parts. If it is @code{nil}, thesize is unlimited.@end table@node News Headers@section News Headers@vindex message-required-news-headers@code{message-required-news-headers} a list of header symbols. Theseheaders will either be automatically generated, or, if that'simpossible, they will be prompted for. The following symbols are valid:@table @code@item From@cindex From@findex user-full-name@findex user-mail-addressThis required header will be filled out with the result of the@code{message-make-from} function, which depends on the@code{message-from-style}, @code{user-full-name},@code{user-mail-address} variables.@item Subject@cindex SubjectThis required header will be prompted for if not present already.@item Newsgroups@cindex NewsgroupsThis required header says which newsgroups the article is to be postedto. If it isn't present already, it will be prompted for.@item Organization@cindex organizationThis optional header will be filled out depending on the@code{message-user-organization} variable.@code{message-user-organization-file} will be used if this variable is@code{t}. This variable can also be a string (in which case this stringwill be used), or it can be a function (which will be called with noparameters and should return a string to be used).@item Lines@cindex LinesThis optional header will be computed by Message.@item Message-ID@cindex Message-ID@vindex mail-host-address@findex system-name@cindex SunThis required header will be generated by Message. A unique ID will becreated based on the date, time, user name and system name. Messagewill use @code{system-name} to determine the name of the system. Ifthis isn't a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), Message will use@code{mail-host-address} as the FQDN of the machine.@item User-Agent@cindex User-AgentThis optional header will be filled out according to the@code{message-newsreader} local variable.@item In-Reply-ToThis optional header is filled out using the @code{Date} and @code{From}header of the article being replied to.@item Expires@cindex ExpiresThis extremely optional header will be inserted according to the@code{message-expires} variable. It is highly deprecated and shouldn'tbe used unless you know what you're doing.@item Distribution@cindex DistributionThis optional header is filled out according to the@code{message-distribution-function} variable. It is a deprecated andmuch misunderstood header.@item Path@cindex pathThis extremely optional header should probably never be used.However, some @emph{very} old servers require that this header ispresent. @code{message-user-path} further controls how this@code{Path} header is to look. If it is @code{nil}, use the server nameas the leaf node. If it is a string, use the string. If it is neithera string nor @code{nil}, use the user name only. However, it is highlyunlikely that you should need to fiddle with this variable at all.@end table@findex yow@cindex Mime-VersionIn addition, you can enter conses into this list. The car of this consshould be a symbol. This symbol's name is the name of the header, andthe cdr can either be a string to be entered verbatim as the value ofthis header, or it can be a function to be called. This function shouldreturn a string to be inserted. For instance, if you want to insert@code{Mime-Version: 1.0}, you should enter @code{(Mime-Version . "1.0")}into the list. If you want to insert a funny quote, you could entersomething like @code{(X-Yow . yow)} into the list. The function@code{yow} will then be called without any arguments.If the list contains a cons where the car of the cons is@code{optional}, the cdr of this cons will only be inserted if it isnon-@code{nil}.Other variables for customizing outgoing news articles:@table @code@item message-syntax-checks@vindex message-syntax-checksControls what syntax checks should not be performed on outgoing posts.To disable checking of long signatures, for instance, add@lisp(signature . disabled)@end lispto this list.Valid checks are:@table @code@item subject-cmsgCheck the subject for commands.@item sender@cindex SenderInsert a new @code{Sender} header if the @code{From} header looks odd.@item multiple-headersCheck for the existence of multiple equal headers.@item sendsys@cindex sendsysCheck for the existence of version and sendsys commands.@item message-idCheck whether the @code{Message-ID} looks ok.@item fromCheck whether the @code{From} header seems nice.@item long-lines@cindex long linesCheck for too long lines.@item control-charsCheck for invalid characters.@item sizeCheck for excessive size.@item new-textCheck whether there is any new text in the messages.@item signatureCheck the length of the signature.@item approved@cindex approvedCheck whether the article has an @code{Approved} header, which issomething only moderators should include.@item emptyCheck whether the article is empty.@item invisible-textCheck whether there is any invisible text in the buffer.@item empty-headersCheck whether any of the headers are empty.@item existing-newsgroupsCheck whether the newsgroups mentioned in the @code{Newsgroups} and@code{Followup-To} headers exist.@item valid-newsgroupsCheck whether the @code{Newsgroups} and @code{Followup-to} headersare valid syntactically.@item repeated-newsgroupsCheck whether the @code{Newsgroups} and @code{Followup-to} headerscontains repeated group names.@item shorten-followup-toCheck whether to add a @code{Followup-to} header to shorten the numberof groups to post to.@end tableAll these conditions are checked by default.@item message-ignored-news-headers@vindex message-ignored-news-headersRegexp of headers to be removed before posting. The default is@*@samp{^NNTP-Posting-Host:\\|^Xref:\\|^[BGF]cc:\\|^Resent-Fcc:}.@item message-default-news-headers@vindex message-default-news-headersThis string is inserted at the end of the headers in all messagebuffers that are initialized as news.@end table@node News Variables@section News Variables@table @code@item message-send-news-function@vindex message-send-news-functionFunction used to send the current buffer as news. The default is@code{message-send-news}.@item message-post-method@vindex message-post-methodGnusish @dfn{select method} (see the Gnus manual for details) used forposting a prepared news message.@end table@node Various Message Variables@section Various Message Variables@table @code@item message-default-charset@vindex message-default-charset@cindex charsetSymbol naming a @sc{mime} charset. Non-ASCII characters in messages areassumed to be encoded using this charset. The default is @code{nil},which means ask the user. (This variable is used only on non-@sc{mule}Emacsen.@xref{Charset Translation, , Charset Translation, emacs-mime, Emacs MIME Manual}, for details on the @sc{mule}-to-@sc{mime}translation process.@item message-signature-separator@vindex message-signature-separatorRegexp matching the signature separator. It is @samp{^-- *$} bydefault.@item mail-header-separator@vindex mail-header-separatorString used to separate the headers from the body. It is @samp{--textfollows this line--} by default.@item message-directory@vindex message-directoryDirectory used by many mailey things. The default is @file{~/Mail/}.@item message-signature-setup-hook@vindex message-signature-setup-hookHook run when initializing the message buffer. It is run after theheaders have been inserted but before the signature has been inserted.@item message-setup-hook@vindex message-setup-hookHook run as the last thing when the message buffer has been initialized,but before yanked text is inserted.@item message-header-setup-hook@vindex message-header-setup-hookHook called narrowed to the headers after initializing the headers.For instance, if you're running Gnus and wish to insert a@samp{Mail-Copies-To} header in all your news articles and all messagesyou send to mailing lists, you could do something like the following:@lisp(defun my-message-header-setup-hook () (let ((group (or gnus-newsgroup-name ""))) (when (or (message-fetch-field "newsgroups") (gnus-group-find-parameter group 'to-address) (gnus-group-find-parameter group 'to-list)) (insert "Mail-Copies-To: never\n"))))(add-hook 'message-header-setup-hook 'my-message-header-setup-hook)@end lisp@item message-send-hook@vindex message-send-hookHook run before sending messages.If you want to add certain headers before sending, you can use the@code{message-add-header} function in this hook. For instance:@findex message-add-header@lisp(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'my-message-add-content)(defun my-message-add-content () (message-add-header "X-In-No-Sense: Nonsense") (message-add-header "X-Whatever: no"))@end lispThis function won't add the header if the header is already present.@item message-send-mail-hook@vindex message-send-mail-hookHook run before sending mail messages.@item message-send-news-hook@vindex message-send-news-hookHook run before sending news messages.@item message-sent-hook@vindex message-sent-hookHook run after sending messages.@item message-mode-syntax-table@vindex message-mode-syntax-tableSyntax table used in message mode buffers.@item message-send-method-alist@vindex message-send-method-alistAlist of ways to send outgoing messages. Each element has the form@lisp(TYPE PREDICATE FUNCTION)@end lisp@table @var@item typeA symbol that names the method.@item predicateA function called without any parameters to determine whether themessage is a message of type @var{type}.@item functionA function to be called if @var{predicate} returns non-@code{nil}.@var{function} is called with one parameter -- the prefix.@end table@lisp((news message-news-p message-send-via-news) (mail message-mail-p message-send-via-mail))@end lisp@end table@node Sending Variables@section Sending Variables@table @code@item message-fcc-handler-function@vindex message-fcc-handler-functionA function called to save outgoing articles. This function will becalled with the name of the file to store the article in. The defaultfunction is @code{message-output} which saves in inbox format.@item message-courtesy-message@vindex message-courtesy-messageWhen sending combined messages, this string is inserted at the start ofthe mailed copy. If the string contains the format spec @samp{%s}, thenewsgroups the article has been posted to will be inserted there. Ifthis variable is @code{nil}, no such courtesy message will be added.The default value is @samp{"The following message is a courtesy copy ofan article\nthat has been posted to %s as well.\n\n"}.@end table@node Message Buffers@section Message BuffersMessage will generate new buffers with unique buffer names when yourequest a message buffer. When you send the message, the buffer isn'tnormally killed off. Its name is changed and a certain number of oldmessage buffers are kept alive.@table @code@item message-generate-new-buffers@vindex message-generate-new-buffersIf non-@code{nil}, generate new buffers. The default is @code{t}. Ifthis is a function, call that function with three parameters: The type,the to address and the group name. (Any of these may be @code{nil}.)The function should return the new buffer name.@item message-max-buffers@vindex message-max-buffersThis variable says how many old message buffers to keep. If there aremore message buffers than this, the oldest buffer will be killed. Thedefault is 10. If this variable is @code{nil}, no old message bufferswill ever be killed.@item message-send-rename-function@vindex message-send-rename-functionAfter sending a message, the buffer is renamed from, for instance,@samp{*reply to Lars*} to @samp{*sent reply to Lars*}. If you don'tlike this, set this variable to a function that renames the buffer in amanner you like. If you don't want to rename the buffer at all, you cansay:@lisp(setq message-send-rename-function 'ignore)@end lisp@item message-kill-buffer-on-exit@findex message-kill-buffer-on-exitIf non-@code{nil}, kill the buffer immediately on exit.@end table@node Message Actions@section Message ActionsWhen Message is being used from a news/mail reader, the reader is likelyto want to perform some task after the message has been sent. Perhapsreturn to the previous window configuration or mark an article asreplied.@vindex message-kill-actions@vindex message-postpone-actions@vindex message-exit-actions@vindex message-send-actionsThe user may exit from the message buffer in various ways. The mostcommon is @kbd{C-c C-c}, which sends the message and exits. Otherpossibilities are @kbd{C-c C-s} which just sends the message, @kbd{C-cC-d} which postpones the message editing and buries the message buffer,and @kbd{C-c C-k} which kills the message buffer. Each of these actionshave lists associated with them that contains actions to be executed:@code{message-send-actions}, @code{message-exit-actions},@code{message-postpone-actions}, and @code{message-kill-actions}.Message provides a function to interface with these lists:@code{message-add-action}. The first parameter is the action to beadded, and the rest of the arguments are which lists to add this actionto. Here's an example from Gnus:@lisp (message-add-action `(set-window-configuration ,(current-window-configuration)) 'exit 'postpone 'kill)@end lispThis restores the Gnus window configuration when the message buffer iskilled, postponed or exited.An @dfn{action} can be either: a normal function, or a list where the@code{car} is a function and the @code{cdr} is the list of arguments, ora form to be @code{eval}ed.@node Compatibility@chapter Compatibility@cindex compatibilityMessage uses virtually only its own variables---older @code{mail-}variables aren't consulted. To force Message to take those variablesinto account, you can put the following in your @code{.emacs} file:@lisp(require 'messcompat)@end lispThis will initialize many Message variables from the values in thecorresponding mail variables.@node Appendices@chapter Appendices@menu* Responses:: Standard rules for determining where responses go.@end menu@node Responses@section ResponsesTo determine where a message is to go, the following algorithm is usedby default.@table @dfn@item replyA @dfn{reply} is when you want to respond @emph{just} to the person whosent the message via mail. There will only be one recipient. Todetermine who the recipient will be, the following headers areconsulted, in turn:@table @code@item Reply-To@item From@end table@item wide replyA @dfn{wide reply} is a mail response that includes @emph{all} entitiesmentioned in the message you are responded to. All mailboxes from thefollowing headers will be concatenated to form the outgoing@code{To}/@code{Cc} headers:@table @code@item From(unless there's a @code{Reply-To}, in which case that is used instead).@item Cc@item To@end tableIf a @code{Mail-Copies-To} header is present, it will also be includedin the list of mailboxes. If this header is @samp{never}, that meansthat the @code{From} (or @code{Reply-To}) mailbox will be suppressed.@item followupA @dfn{followup} is a response sent via news. The following headers(listed in order of precedence) determine where the response is to besent:@table @code@item Followup-To@item Newsgroups@end tableIf a @code{Mail-Copies-To} header is present, it will be used as thebasis of the new @code{Cc} header, except if this header is@samp{never}.@end table@node Index@chapter Index@printindex cp@node Key Index@chapter Key Index@printindex ky@summarycontents@contents@bye@c End: