;;; ob-latex.el --- org-babel functions for latex "evaluation";; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: Eric Schulte;; Keywords: literate programming, reproducible research;; Homepage: http://orgmode.org;; Version: 7.01;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or;; (at your option) any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.;;; Commentary:;; Org-Babel support for evaluating LaTeX source code.;;;; Currently on evaluation this returns raw LaTeX code, unless a :file;; header argument is given in which case small png or pdf files will;; be created directly form the latex source code.;;; Code:(require 'ob)(declare-function org-create-formula-image "org" (string tofile options buffer))(declare-function org-splice-latex-header "org" (tpl def-pkg pkg snippets-p &optional extra))(declare-function org-export-latex-fix-inputenc "org-latex" ())(add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '("latex" . "tex"))(defvar org-babel-default-header-args:latex '((:results . "latex") (:exports . "results")) "Default arguments to use when evaluating a LaTeX source block.")(defun org-babel-expand-body:latex (body params &optional processed-params) "Expand BODY according to PARAMS, return the expanded body." (mapc (lambda (pair) ;; replace variables (setq body (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote (format "%S" (car pair))) (if (stringp (cdr pair)) (cdr pair) (format "%S" (cdr pair))) body))) (nth 1 (org-babel-process-params params))) body)(defvar org-format-latex-options)(defvar org-export-latex-packages-alist)(defun org-babel-execute:latex (body params) "Execute a block of Latex code with Babel.This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'." (setq body (org-babel-expand-body:latex body params)) (if (cdr (assoc :file params)) (let ((out-file (cdr (assoc :file params))) (tex-file (make-temp-file "org-babel-latex" nil ".tex")) (pdfheight (cdr (assoc :pdfheight params))) (pdfwidth (cdr (assoc :pdfwidth params))) (in-buffer (not (string= "no" (cdr (assoc :buffer params))))) (org-export-latex-packages-alist (append (cdr (assoc :packages params)) org-export-latex-packages-alist))) (cond ((string-match "\\.png$" out-file) (org-create-formula-image body out-file org-format-latex-options in-buffer)) ((string-match "\\.pdf$" out-file) (org-babel-latex-body-to-tex-file tex-file body pdfheight pdfwidth) (when (file-exists-p out-file) (delete-file out-file)) (rename-file (org-babel-latex-tex-to-pdf tex-file) out-file)) ((string-match "\\.\\([^\\.]+\\)$" out-file) (error "can not create %s files, please specify a .png or .pdf file" (match-string 1 out-file)))) out-file) body))(defvar org-format-latex-header)(defvar org-format-latex-header-extra)(defvar org-export-latex-packages-alist)(defvar org-export-latex-default-packages-alist)(defun org-babel-latex-body-to-tex-file (tex-file body &optional height width) "Place the contents of BODY into TEX-FILE.Extracted from `org-create-formula-image' in org.el." (with-temp-file tex-file (insert (org-splice-latex-header org-format-latex-header (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (el) (unless (and (listp el) (string= "hyperref" (cadr el))) el)) org-export-latex-default-packages-alist)) org-export-latex-packages-alist org-format-latex-header-extra) (if height (concat "\n" (format "\\pdfpageheight %s" height)) "") (if width (concat "\n" (format "\\pdfpagewidth %s" width)) "") (if org-format-latex-header-extra (concat "\n" org-format-latex-header-extra) "") "\n\\begin{document}\n" body "\n\\end{document}\n") (org-export-latex-fix-inputenc)))(defvar org-export-pdf-logfiles)(defvar org-latex-to-pdf-process)(defvar org-export-pdf-remove-logfiles)(defun org-babel-latex-tex-to-pdf (tex-file) "Generate a pdf file according to the contents TEX-FILE.Extracted from `org-export-as-pdf' in org-latex.el." (let* ((wconfig (current-window-configuration)) (default-directory (file-name-directory tex-file)) (base (file-name-sans-extension tex-file)) (pdffile (concat base ".pdf")) (cmds org-latex-to-pdf-process) (outbuf (get-buffer-create "*Org PDF LaTeX Output*")) cmd) (if (and cmds (symbolp cmds)) (funcall cmds tex-file) (while cmds (setq cmd (pop cmds)) (while (string-match "%b" cmd) (setq cmd (replace-match (save-match-data (shell-quote-argument base)) t t cmd))) (while (string-match "%s" cmd) (setq cmd (replace-match (save-match-data (shell-quote-argument tex-file)) t t cmd))) (shell-command cmd outbuf outbuf))) (if (not (file-exists-p pdffile)) (error "PDF file was not produced from %s" tex-file) (set-window-configuration wconfig) (when org-export-pdf-remove-logfiles (dolist (ext org-export-pdf-logfiles) (setq tex-file (concat base "." ext)) (and (file-exists-p tex-file) (delete-file tex-file)))) pdffile)))(defun org-babel-prep-session:latex (session params) "Return an error because LaTeX doesn't support sesstions." (error "LaTeX does not support sessions"))(provide 'ob-latex);; arch-tag: 1f13f7e2-26de-4c24-9274-9f331d4c6ff3;;; ob-latex.el ends here