\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-@c %**start of header@setfilename ../../info/woman@settitle WoMan: Browse Unix Manual Pages ``W.O. (without) Man''@c FIXME@c Manual last updated:@set UPDATED Time-stamp: <2009-02-16 09:25:50 karl>@c Software version:@set VERSION 0.54 (beta)@afourpaper@c With different size paper the printed page breaks will need attention!@c Look for @page and @need commands.@setchapternewpage off@paragraphindent 0@c %**end of header@copyingThis file documents WoMan: A program to browse Unix manual pages `W.O.(without) man'.Copyright @copyright{} 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.@quotationPermission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this documentunder the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 orany later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with noInvariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts being ``A GNU Manual,''and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the licenseis included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License.''(a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: ``You have the freedom to copy andmodify this GNU manual. Buying copies from the FSF supports it indeveloping GNU and promoting software freedom.''@end quotation@end copying@dircategory Emacs@direntry* WoMan: (woman). Browse UN*X Manual Pages "W.O. (without) Man".@end direntry@finalout@titlepage@title WoMan@subtitle Browse Unix Manual Pages ``W.O. (without) Man''@subtitle Software Version @value{VERSION}@author Francis J. Wright@sp 2@author School of Mathematical Sciences@author Queen Mary and Westfield College@author (University of London)@author Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK@author @email{F.J.Wright@@qmul.ac.uk}@author @uref{http://centaur.maths.qmw.ac.uk/}@c He no longer maintains this manual.@sp 2@author Manual Last Updated @value{UPDATED}@comment The following two commands start the copyright page.@page@vskip 0pt plus 1filll@insertcopying@end titlepage@contents@c ===================================================================@ifnottex@node Top, Introduction, (dir), (dir)@comment node-name, next, previous, up@top WoMan: Browse Unix Manual Pages ``W.O. (without) Man''@displaySoftware Version @value{VERSION}Manual Last Updated @value{UPDATED}@email{F.J.Wright@@qmw.ac.uk, Francis J. Wright}@uref{http://centaur.maths.qmw.ac.uk/, School of Mathematical Sciences}Queen Mary and Westfield College (University of London)Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK@end display@insertcopying@end ifnottex@menu* Introduction:: Introduction* Background:: Background* Finding:: Finding and Formatting Man Pages* Browsing:: Browsing Man Pages* Customization:: Customization* Log:: The *WoMan-Log* Buffer* Technical:: Technical Details* Bugs:: Reporting Bugs* Acknowledgements:: Acknowledgements* GNU Free Documentation License:: The license for this documentation.* Command Index:: Command Index* Variable Index:: Variable Index* Keystroke Index:: Keystroke Index* Concept Index:: Concept Index@end menu@c ===================================================================@node Introduction, Background, Top, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@chapter Introduction@cindex introductionThis version of WoMan should run with GNU Emacs 20.3 or later on anyplatform. It has not been tested, and may not run, with any otherversion of Emacs. It was developed primarily on various versions ofMicrosoft Windows, but has also been tested on MS-DOS, and variousversions of UNIX and GNU/Linux.WoMan is distributed with GNU Emacs. In addition, the current sourcecode and documentation files are available from@uref{http://centaur.maths.qmw.ac.uk/Emacs/WoMan/, the WoMan webserver}.WoMan implements a subset of the formatting performed by the Emacs@code{man} (or @code{manual-entry}) command to format a Unix-style@dfn{manual page} (usually abbreviated to @dfn{man page}) for display,but without calling any external programs. It is intended to emulatethe whole of the @code{roff -man} macro package, plus those @code{roff}requests (@pxref{Background, , Background}) that are most commonly usedin man pages. However, the emulation is modified to include thereformatting done by the Emacs @code{man} command. No hyphenation isperformed.@table @b@item AdvantagesMuch more direct, does not require any external programs. Supportscompletion on man page names.@item DisadvantagesNot a complete emulation. Currently no support for @code{eqn} or@code{tbl}. Slightly slower for large man pages (but usually faster forsmall- and medium-size pages).@end tableThis browser works quite well on simple well-written man files. Itworks less well on idiosyncratic files that ``break the rules'' or usethe more obscure @code{roff} requests directly. Current test resultsare available in the file@uref{http://centaur.maths.qmw.ac.uk/Emacs/WoMan/files/woman.status,@file{woman.status}}.WoMan supports the use of compressed man files via@code{auto-compression-mode} by turning it on if necessary. But you mayneed to adjust the user option @code{woman-file-compression-regexp}.@xref{Interface Options, , Interface Options}.Brief help on the WoMan interactive commands and user options, all ofwhich begin with the prefix @code{woman-} (or occasionally@code{WoMan-}), is available most easily by loading WoMan and theneither running the command @code{woman-mini-help} or selecting the WoManmenu option @samp{Mini Help}.WoMan is (of course) still under development! Please@email{F.J.Wright@@qmw.ac.uk, let me know} what doesn't work---I amadding and improving functionality as testing shows that it isnecessary. Guidance on reporting bugs is given below. @xref{Bugs, ,Reporting Bugs}.@c ===================================================================@node Background, Finding, Introduction, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@chapter Background@cindex backgroundWoMan is a browser for traditional Unix-style manual page documentation.Each such document is conventionally referred to as a @dfn{manual page},or @dfn{man page} for short, even though some are very much longer thanone page. A man page is a document written using the Unix ``man''macros, which are themselves written in the nroff/troff text processingmarkup language. @code{nroff} and @code{troff} are text processorsoriginally written for the UNIX operating system by Joseph F. Ossanna atBell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA@. They are closelyrelated, and except in the few cases where the distinction between themis important I will refer to them both ambiguously as @code{roff}.@code{roff} markup consists of @dfn{requests} and @dfn{escapesequences}. A request occupies a complete line and begins with either aperiod or a single forward quote. An escape sequences is embeddedwithin the input text and begins (by default) with a backslash. Theoriginal man macro package defines 20 new @code{roff} requestsimplemented as macros, which were considered to be sufficient forwriting man pages. But whilst in principle man pages use only the manmacros, in practice a significant number use many other @code{roff}requests.The distinction between @code{troff} and @code{nroff} is that@code{troff} was designed to drive a phototypesetter whereas@code{nroff} was designed to produce essentially @acronym{ASCII} output for acharacter-based device similar to a teletypewriter (usually abbreviatedto ``teletype'' or ``tty''). Hence, @code{troff} supports much finercontrol over output positioning than does @code{nroff} and can be seenas a forerunner of @TeX{}. Traditionally, man pages are eitherformatted by @code{troff} for typesetting or by @code{nroff} forprinting on a character printer or displaying on a screen. Of course,over the last 25 years or so, the distinction between typeset output onpaper and characters on a screen has become blurred by the fact thatmost screens now support bit-mapped displays, so that any informationthat can be printed can also be rendered on screen, the only differencebeing the resolution.Nevertheless, Unix-style manual page documentation is still normallybrowsed on screen by running a program called @code{man}. This programlooks in a predefined set of directories for the man page matching aspecified topic, then either formats the source file by running@code{nroff} or recovers a pre-formatted file, and displays it via apager such as @code{more}. @code{nroff} normally formats for a printer,so it paginates the output, numbers the pages, etc., most of which isirrelevant when the document is browsed as a continuous scrollabledocument on screen. The only concession to on-screen browsing normallyimplemented by the @code{man} program is to squeeze consecutive blanklines into a single blank line.For some time, Emacs has offered an improved interface for browsing manpages in the form of the Emacs @code{man} (or @code{manual-entry})command, see @ref{Documentation, man, Documentation Commands, emacs, GNUEmacs Manual}.This command runs @code{man} as described above, perhaps inthe background, and then post-processes the output to remove much of the@code{nroff} pagination such as page headers and footers, and places theresult into an Emacs buffer. It puts this buffer into a special majormode, which is tailored for man page browsing, and provides a number ofuseful navigation commands, support for following references, etc. Itprovides some support for special display faces (fonts), but no specialmenu or mouse support. The Emacs man package appears to have beendeveloped over about 10 years, from the late 1980s to the late 1990s.There is considerable inefficiency in having @code{nroff} paginate adocument and then removing most of the pagination!WoMan is an Emacs Lisp library that provides an emulation of thefunctionality of the Emacs @code{man} command, the main difference beingthat WoMan does not use any external programs. The only situation inwhich WoMan might use an external program is when the source file iscompressed, when WoMan will use the standard Emacs automaticdecompression facility, which does call an external program.I began developing WoMan in the Spring of 1997 and the first version wasreleased in May 1997. The original motivation for WoMan was the factthat many GNU and Unix programs are ported to other platforms and comewith Unix-style manual page documentation. This may be difficult toread because ports of the Unix-style @code{man} program can be a littleawkward to set up. I decided that it should not be too hard to emulatethe 20 @code{man} macros directly, without treating them as macros andlargely ignoring the underlying @code{roff} requests, given the textprocessing capabilities of Emacs. This proved to be essentially true,and it did not take a great deal of work to be able to format simple manpages acceptably.One problem arose with the significant number of man pages that use@code{roff} requests in addition to the @code{man} macros, and sincereleasing the first version of WoMan I have been continually extendingit to support more @code{roff} requests. WoMan can now format asignificant proportion of the man pages that I have tested, either wellor at least readably. However, I have added capabilities partly bymaking additional passes through the document, a design that isfundamentally flawed. This can only be solved by a major re-design ofWoMan to handle the major formatting within a single recursive pass,rather than the present multiple passes without any significantrecursion. There are some @code{roff} requests that cannot be handledsatisfactorily within the present design. Some of these are currentlyhandled by kludges that ``usually more or less work.''The principle advantage of WoMan is that it does not require @code{man},and indeed the name WoMan is a contraction of ``without man.'' But ithas other advantages. It does not paginate the document, so it does notneed to un-paginate it again, thereby saving time. It could take fulladvantage of the display capabilities available to it, and I hope todevelop WoMan to take advantage of developments in Emacs itself. Atpresent, WoMan uses several display faces to support bold and italictext, to indicate other fonts, etc. The default faces are alsocolored, but the choice of faces is customizable. WoMan provides menusupport for navigation and mouse support for following references, inaddition to the navigation facilities provided by @code{man} mode.WoMan has (this) texinfo documentation!WoMan @emph{does not} replace @code{man}, although it does use a numberof the facilities implemented in the Emacs @code{man} library. WoManand man can happily co-exist, which is very useful for comparison anddebugging purposes.@code{nroff} simulates non-@acronym{ASCII} characters by using one or more@acronym{ASCII} characters. WoMan should be able to do much better thanthis. I have recently begun to add support for WoMan to use more of thecharacters in its default font and to use a symbol font, and it is anaspect that I intend to develop further in the near future. It shouldbe possible to move WoMan from an emulation of @code{nroff} to anemulation of @code{troff} as GNU Emacs moves to providing bit-mappeddisplay facilities.@node Finding, Browsing, Background, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@chapter Finding and Formatting Man Pages@cindex using, finding man pages@cindex using, formatting man pages@cindex finding man pages@cindex formatting man pages@cindex man pages, finding@cindex man pages, formattingWoMan provides three user interfaces for finding and formatting man pages:@itemize @bullet@itema topic interface similar to that provided by the standard Emacs@code{man} command;@itema family of filename interfaces analogous to the standard Emacs@code{view-file} command;@iteman automatic interface that detects the file type from its contents.(This is currently neither well tested, well supported nor recommended!)@end itemizeThe topic and filename interfaces support completion in the usual way.The topic interface is generally the most convenient for regular use,although it may require some special setup, especially if your machinedoes not already have a conventional @code{man} installation (whichWoMan tries to detect).The simplest filename interface command @code{woman-find-file} canalways be used with no setup at all (provided WoMan is installed andloaded or set up to autoload).The automatic interface always requires special setup.@heading Case-Dependence of Filenames@cindex case-sensitivity@vindex w32-downcase-file-namesBy default, WoMan ignores case in file pathnames only when it seemsappropriate. Microsoft Windows users who want complete caseindependence should set the special NTEmacs variable@code{w32-downcase-file-names} to @code{t} and use all lower case whensetting WoMan file paths.@menu* Topic:: Topic Interface* Filename:: Filename Interface* Automatic:: Automatic Interface@end menu@node Topic, Filename, Finding, Finding@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Topic Interface@cindex topic interfaceThe topic interface is accessed principally via the command@code{woman}. The same command can be accessed via the menu item@samp{Help->Manuals->Read Man Page (WoMan)...} once WoMan has beenloaded. The command reads a manual topic in the minibuffer, which canbe the @dfn{basename} of a man file anywhere in the man filestructure. The ``basename'' in this context means the filenamewithout any directory component and without any extension or suffixcomponents that relate to the file type. So, for example, if there isa compressed source file in Chapter 5 of the UNIX Programmer's Manualwith the full pathname @file{/usr/local/man/man5/man.conf.5.gz} thenthe topic is @code{man.conf}. Provided WoMan is configured correctly,this topic will appear among the completions offered by @code{woman}.If more than one file has the same topic name then WoMan will promptfor which file to format. Completion of topics is case insensitive.Clearly, @code{woman} has to know where to look for man files and thereare two customizable user options that store this information:@code{woman-manpath} and @code{woman-path}. @xref{Interface Options, ,Interface Options}. If @code{woman-manpath} is not set explicitly thenWoMan tries to pick up the information that would be used by the@code{man} command, as follows. If the environment variable@code{MANPATH} is set, which seems to be the standard mechanism underUNIX, then WoMan parses that. Otherwise, if WoMan can find aconfiguration file named (by default) @file{man.conf} (or something verysimilar), which seems to be the standard mechanism under GNU/Linux, thenit parses that. To be precise, ``something very similar'' meansstarting with @samp{man} and ending with @samp{.conf} and possibly morelowercase letters, e.g.@: @file{manual.configuration}.The search path and/or precise full path name for this file are set bythe value of the customizable user option @code{woman-man.conf-path}.If all else fails, WoMan uses a plausible default man search path.If the above default configuration does not work correctly for anyreason then simply customize the value of @code{woman-manpath}. Toaccess man files that are not in a conventional man file hierarchy,customize the value of @code{woman-path} to include the directoriescontaining the files. In this way, @code{woman} can access manual files@emph{anywhere} in the entire file system.There are two differences between @code{woman-manpath} and@code{woman-path}. Firstly, the elements of @code{woman-manpath} mustbe directories that contain @emph{directories of} man files, whereas theelements of @code{woman-path} must be directories that contain man files@emph{directly}. Secondly, the last directory component of each elementof @code{woman-path} is treated as a regular (Emacs) match expressionrather than a fixed name, which allows collections of relateddirectories to be specified succinctly. Also, elements of@code{woman-manpath} can be conses, indicating a mapping from@samp{PATH} environment variable components to man directoryhierarchies.For topic completion to work, WoMan must build a list of all the manualfiles that it can access, which can be very slow, especially if anetwork is involved. For this reason, it caches various amounts ofinformation, after which retrieving it from the cache is very fast. Ifthe cache ever gets out of synchronism with reality, running the@code{woman} command with a prefix argument (e.g.@: @kbd{C-u M-x woman})will force it to rebuild its cache. This is necessary only if the namesor locations of any man files change; it is not necessary if only theircontents change. It would always be necessary if such a change occurredwhilst Emacs were running and after WoMan has been loaded. It may benecessary if such a change occurs between Emacs sessions and persistentcaching is used, although WoMan can detect some changes that invalidateits cache and rebuild it automatically.Customize the variable @code{woman-cache-filename} to save the cachebetween Emacs sessions. This is recommended only if the @code{woman}command is too slow the first time it is run in an Emacs session, whileit builds its cache in main memory, which @emph{may} be @emph{very}slow. @xref{Cache, , The WoMan Topic Cache}, for further details.@menu* Cache:: The WoMan Topic Cache* Word at point:: Using the ``Word at Point'' as a Topic Suggestion@end menu@node Cache, Word at point, Topic, Topic@comment node-name, next, previous, up@subsection The WoMan Topic Cache@cindex topic cache@cindex cache, topicThe amount of information that WoMan caches (in main memory and,optionally, saved to disc) is controlled by the user option@code{woman-cache-level}. There is a trade-off between the speed withwhich WoMan can find a file and the size of the cache, and the defaultsetting gives a reasonable compromise.The @code{woman} command always performs a certain amount of caching inmain memory, but it can also write its cache to the filestore as apersistent cache under control of the user option@code{woman-cache-filename}. If persistent caching is turned on thenWoMan re-loads its internal cache from the cache file almostinstantaneously, so that there is never any perceptible start-up delay@emph{except} when WoMan rebuilds its cache. Persistent caching iscurrently turned off by default. This is because users with persistentcaching turned on may overlook the need to force WoMan to rebuild itscache the first time they run it after they have installed new manfiles; with persistent caching turned off, WoMan automatically rebuildsits cache every time it is run in a new Emacs session.A prefix argument always causes the @code{woman} command (only) torebuild its topic cache, and to re-save it to@code{woman-cache-filename} if this variable has a non-@code{nil} value. Thisis necessary if the @emph{names} of any of the directories or files inthe paths specified by @code{woman-manpath} or @code{woman-path} change.If WoMan user options that affect the cache are changed then WoMan willautomatically update its cache file on disc (if one is in use) the nexttime it is run in a new Emacs session.@node Word at point, , Cache, Topic@comment node-name, next, previous, up@subsection Using the ``Word at Point'' as a Topic Suggestion@cindex word at point@cindex point, word atBy default, the @code{woman} command uses the word nearest to point inthe current buffer as a suggestion for the topic to look up, if itexists as a valid topic. The topic can be confirmed or edited in theminibuffer.You can also bind the variable @code{woman-use-topic-at-point} locallyto a non-@code{nil} value (using @code{let}), in which case@code{woman} will can use the suggested topic without confirmation ifpossible. This may be useful to provide special private key bindings,e.g.@: this key binding for @kbd{C-c w} runs WoMan on the topic atpoint without seeking confirmation:@lisp(global-set-key "\C-cw" (lambda () (interactive) (let ((woman-use-topic-at-point t)) (woman))))@end lisp@node Filename, Automatic, Topic, Finding@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Filename Interface@cindex filename interfaceThe commands in this family are completely independent of the topicinterface, caching mechanism, etc.@findex woman-find-fileThe filename interface is accessed principally via the extended command@code{woman-find-file}, which is available without any configuration atall (provided WoMan is installed and loaded or set up to autoload).This command can be used to browse any accessible man file, regardlessof its filename or location. If the file is compressed then automaticfile decompression must already be turned on (e.g.@: see the@samp{Help->Options} submenu)---it is turned on automatically only bythe @code{woman} topic interface.@findex woman-dired-find-fileOnce WoMan is loaded (or if specially set up), various additionalcommands in this family are available. In a dired buffer, the command@code{woman-dired-find-file} allows the file on the same line as pointto be formatted and browsed by WoMan. It is bound to the key @kbd{W} inthe dired mode map and added to the dired major mode menu. It may alsobe bound to @kbd{w}, unless this key is bound by another library, whichit is by @code{dired-x}, for example. Because it is quite likely thatother libraries will extend the capabilities of such a commonly usedmode as dired, the precise key bindings added by WoMan to the dired modemap are controlled by the user option @code{woman-dired-keys}.@findex woman-tar-extract-fileWhen a tar (Tape ARchive) file is visited in Emacs, it is opened in tarmode, which parses the tar file and shows a dired-like view of itscontents. The WoMan command @code{woman-tar-extract-file} allows thefile on the same line as point to be formatted and browsed by WoMan. Itis bound to the key @kbd{w} in the tar mode map and added to the tarmajor mode menu.The command @code{woman-reformat-last-file}, which is bound to the key@kbd{R} in WoMan mode and available on the major mode menu, reformatsthe last file formatted by WoMan. This may occasionally be useful ifformatting parameters, such as the fill column, are changed, or perhapsif the buffer is somehow corrupted.@findex woman-decode-bufferThe command @code{woman-decode-buffer} can be used to decode and browsethe current buffer if it is visiting a man file, although it isprimarily used internally by WoMan.@node Automatic, , Filename, Finding@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Automatic Interface@cindex automatic interfaceEmacs provides an interface to detect automatically the format of a fileand decode it when it is visited. It is used primarily by thefacilities for editing rich (i.e.@: formatted) text, as a way to storeformatting information transparently as @acronym{ASCII} markup. WoMan can inprinciple use this interface, but it must be configured explicitly.This use of WoMan does not seem to be particularly advantageous, so itis not really supported. It originated during early experiments on howbest to implement WoMan, before I implemented the current topicinterface, and I subsequently stopped using it. I might revive it as amechanism for storing pre-formatted WoMan files, somewhat analogous tothe standard Unix @code{catman} facility. In the meantime, it existsfor anyone who wants to experiment with it. Once it is set up it issimply a question of visiting the file and there is no WoMan-specificuser interface!To use it, put something like this in your @file{.emacs} file. [Thecall to @code{set-visited-file-name} is to avoid font-locking triggeredby automatic major mode selection.]@lisp(autoload 'woman-decode-region "woman")(add-to-list 'format-alist '(man "Unix man-page source format" "\\.\\(TH\\|ig\\) " woman-decode-region nil nil (lambda (arg) set-visited-file-name (file-name-sans-extension buffer-file-name))))@end lisp@c ===================================================================@node Browsing, Customization, Finding, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@chapter Browsing Man Pages@cindex using, browsing man pages@cindex browsing man pages@cindex man pages, browsingOnce a man page has been found and formatted, WoMan provides a browsinginterface that is essentially the same as that provided by the standardEmacs @code{man} command (and much of the code is inherited from the@code{man} library, which WoMan currently requires). Many WoManfacilities can be accessed from the WoMan major mode menu as well as viakey bindings, etc.WoMan does not produce any page breaks or page numbers, and in fact doesnot paginate the man page at all, since this is not appropriate forcontinuous online browsing. It produces a document header line that isconstructed from the standard man page header and footer. Apart fromthat, the appearance of the formatted man page should be almostidentical to what would be produced by @code{man}, with consecutiveblank lines squeezed to a single blank line.@menu* Fonts:: Fonts and Faces* Navigation:: Navigation* References:: Following References* Changing:: Changing the Current Man Page* Convenience:: Convenience Key Bindings* Imenu:: Imenu Support; Contents Menu@end menu@node Fonts, Navigation, Browsing, Browsing@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Fonts and Faces@cindex fonts@cindex facesFonts used by @code{roff} are handled by WoMan as faces, the details ofwhich are customizable. @xref{Faces, , Faces}. WoMan supports both theitalic and bold fonts normally used in man pages, together with a singleface to represent all unknown fonts (which are occasionally used in``non-standard'' man pages, usually to represent a ``typewriter'' font)and a face to indicate additional symbols introduced by WoMan. Thiscurrently means the characters ^ and _ used to indicate super- andsub-scripts, which are not displayed well by WoMan.@node Navigation, References, Fonts, Browsing@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Navigation@cindex navigationMan (and hence WoMan) mode can be thought of as a superset of view mode.The buffer cannot be edited, so keys that would normally self-insert areused for navigation. The WoMan key bindings are a minor modification ofthe @code{man} key bindings.@table @kbd@item @key{SPC}@kindex SPC@findex scroll-upScroll the man page up the window (@code{scroll-up}).@item @key{DEL}@kindex DEL@findex scroll-downScroll the man page down the window (@code{scroll-down}).@item n@kindex n@findex Man-next-sectionMove point to the Nth next section---default 1 (@code{Man-next-section}).@item p@kindex p@findex Man-previous-sectionMove point to Nth previous section---default 1(@code{Man-previous-section}).@item g@kindex g@findex Man-goto-sectionMove point to the specified section (@code{Man-goto-section}).@item s@kindex s@findex Man-goto-see-also-sectionMove point to the ``SEE ALSO'' section(@code{Man-goto-see-also-section}). Actually the section moved to isdescribed by @code{Man-see-also-regexp}.@end table@node References, Changing, Navigation, Browsing@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Following References@cindex following references@cindex referencesMan pages usually contain a ``SEE ALSO'' section containing referencesto other man pages. If these man pages are installed then WoMan caneasily be directed to follow the reference, i.e.@: to find and format theman page. When the mouse is passed over a correctly formatted referenceit is highlighted, in which case clicking the middle button@kbd{Mouse-2} will cause WoMan to follow the reference. Alternatively,when point is over such a reference the key @key{RET} will follow thereference.Any word in the buffer can be used as a reference by clicking@kbd{Mouse-2} over it provided the Meta key is also used (although ingeneral such a ``reference'' will not lead to a man page).Alternatively, the key @kbd{r} allows completion to be used to select areference to follow, based on the word at point as default.@table @kbd@item @kbd{Mouse-2}@kindex Mouse-2@findex woman-mouse-2Run WoMan with word under mouse as topic (@code{woman-mouse-2}). Theword must be mouse-highlighted unless @code{woman-mouse-2} is used withthe Meta key.@item @key{RET}@kindex RET@findex man-followGet the man page for the topic under (or nearest to) point(@code{man-follow}).@item r@kindex r@findex Man-follow-manual-referenceGet one of the man pages referred to in the ``SEE ALSO'' section(@code{Man-follow-manual-reference}). Specify which reference to use;default is based on word at point.@end table@node Changing, Convenience, References, Browsing@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Changing the Current Man Page@cindex changing current man page@cindex current man page, changingThe man page currently being browsed by WoMan can be changed in severalways. The command @code{woman} can be invoked to format another manpage, or the current WoMan buffer can be buried or killed. WoManmaintains a ring of formatted man pages, and it is possible to moveforwards and backwards in this ring by moving to the next or previousman page. It is sometimes useful to reformat the current page, forexample after the right margin (the wrap column) or some otherformatting parameter has been changed.Buffers formatted by Man and WoMan are completely unrelated, even thoughsome of the commands to manipulate them are superficially the same (andshare code).@table @kbd@item m@kindex m@findex manRun the command @code{man} to get a Un*x manual page and put it in abuffer. This command is the top-level command in the man package. Itruns a Un*x command to retrieve and clean a man page in the backgroundand places the results in a Man mode (man page browsing) buffer. If aman buffer already exists for this man page, it will displayimmediately. This works exactly the same if WoMan is loaded, exceptthat the formatting time is displayed in the mini-buffer.@item w@kindex w@findex womanRun the command @code{woman} exactly as if the extended command or menuitem had been used.@item q@kindex q@findex Man-quitBury the buffer containing the current man page (@code{Man-quit}),i.e.@: move it to the bottom of the buffer stack.@item k@kindex k@findex Man-killKill the buffer containing the current man page (@code{Man-kill}),i.e.@: delete it completely so that it can be retrieved only by formattingthe page again.@item M-p@kindex M-p@findex WoMan-previous-manpageFind the previous WoMan buffer (@code{WoMan-previous-manpage}).@item M-n@kindex M-n@findex WoMan-next-manpageFind the next WoMan buffer (@code{WoMan-next-manpage}).@item R@kindex R@findex woman-reformat-last-fileCall WoMan to reformat the last man page formatted by WoMan(@code{woman-reformat-last-file}), e.g.@: after changing the fill column.@end table@node Convenience, Imenu, Changing, Browsing@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Convenience Key Bindings@cindex convenience key bindings@cindex key bindings, convenience@table @kbd@item -@kindex -@findex negative-argumentBegin a negative numeric argument for the next command(@code{negative-argument}).@item 0 .. 9@kindex 0 .. 9@findex digit-argumentPart of the numeric argument for the next command(@code{digit-argument}).@item <@kindex <@itemx .@kindex .@findex beginning-of-bufferMove point to the beginning of the buffer; leave mark at previousposition (@code{beginning-of-buffer}).@item >@kindex >@findex end-of-bufferMove point to the end of the buffer; leave mark at previous position(@code{end-of-buffer}).@item ?@kindex ?@findex describe-modeDisplay documentation of current major mode and minor modes(@code{describe-mode}). The major mode description comes first,followed by the minor modes, each on a separate page.@end table@node Imenu, , Convenience, Browsing@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Imenu Support; Contents Menu@cindex imenu support@cindex contents menuThe WoMan menu provides an option to make a contents menu for thecurrent man page (using @code{imenu}). Alternatively, if you customizethe option @code{woman-imenu} to @code{t} then WoMan will do itautomatically for every man page. The menu title is set by the option@code{woman-imenu-title}, which is ``CONTENTS'' by default. The menushows manual sections and subsections by default, but you can changethis by customizing @code{woman-imenu-generic-expression}.WoMan is configured not to replace spaces in an imenu@code{*Completion*} buffer. For further documentation on the use ofimenu, such as menu sorting, see the source file @file{imenu.el}, whichis distributed with GNU Emacs.@c ===================================================================@node Customization, Log, Browsing, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@chapter Customization@cindex customizationAll WoMan user options are customizable, and it is recommended tochange them only via the standard Emacs customization facilities.WoMan defines a top-level customization group called @code{WoMan}under the parent group @code{Help}. It can be accessed either via thestandard Emacs facilities, e.g.@: via the @samp{Help->Customize}submenu, or via the WoMan major mode menu.The top-level WoMan group contains only a few general options and threesubgroups. The hooks are provided only for special purposes that, forexample, require code to be executed, and should be changed only via@code{Customization} or the function @code{add-hook}. Mostcustomization should be possible via existing user options.@vtable @code@item woman-show-logA boolean value that defaults to @code{nil}. If non-@code{nil} then show the@code{*WoMan-Log*} buffer if appropriate, i.e.@: if any warning messagesare written to it. @xref{Log, , The *WoMan-Log* Buffer}.@item woman-pre-format-hookA hook run immediately before formatting a buffer. It might, forexample, be used for face customization. @xref{Faces, , Faces},however.@item woman-post-format-hookA hook run immediately after formatting a buffer. It might, forexample, be used for installing a dynamic menu using @code{imenu}.(However. in this case it is better to use the built-in WoMan@code{imenu} support. @xref{Imenu, , Imenu Support; Contents Menu}.)@end vtable@heading Customization Subgroups@table @code@item WoMan InterfaceThese options control the process of locating the appropriate file tobrowse, and the appearance of the browsing interface.@item WoMan FormattingThese options control the layout that WoMan uses to format the man page.@item WoMan FacesThese options control the display faces that WoMan uses to format theman page.@end table@menu* Interface Options::* Formatting Options::* Faces::* Special symbols::@end menu@node Interface Options, Formatting Options, Customization, Customization@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Interface Options@cindex interface optionsThese options control the process of locating the appropriate file tobrowse, and the appearance of the browsing interface.@vtable @code@item woman-man.conf-pathA list of strings representing directories to search and/or files to tryfor a man configuration file. The default is@lisp("/etc" "/usr/local/lib")@end lisp@noindent[for GNU/Linux and Cygwin respectively.] A trailing separator (@file{/}for UNIX etc.) on directories is optional and the filename matched if adirectory is specified is the first to match the regexp@code{man.*\.conf}. If the environment variable @code{MANPATH} is notset but a configuration file is found then it is parsed instead (or aswell) to provide a default value for @code{woman-manpath}.@item woman-manpathA list of strings representing @emph{directory trees} to search for Unixmanual files. Each element should be the name of a directory thatcontains subdirectories of the form @file{man?}, or more preciselysubdirectories selected by the value of @code{woman-manpath-man-regexp}.Non-directory and unreadable files are ignored. This can also containconses, with the car indicating a @code{PATH} variable component mappedto the directory tree given in the cdr.@cindex @code{MANPATH}, environment variableIf not set then the environment variable @code{MANPATH} is used. If nosuch environment variable is found, the default list is determined byconsulting the man configuration file if found. By default this isexpected to be either @file{/etc/man.config} or@file{/usr/local/lib/man.conf}, which is controlled by the user option@code{woman-man.conf-path}. An empty substring of @code{MANPATH}denotes the default list. Otherwise, the default value of this variableis@lisp("/usr/man" "/usr/local/man")@end lispAny environment variables (names of which must have the Unix-style form@code{$NAME}, e.g.@: @code{$HOME}, @code{$EMACSDATA}, @code{$EMACS_DIR},regardless of platform) are evaluated first but each element mustevaluate to a @emph{single} directory name. Trailing @file{/}s areignored. (Specific directories in @code{woman-path} are also searched.)On Microsoft platforms I recommend including drive letters explicitly,e.g.@lisp("C:/Cygwin/usr/man" "C:/usr/man" "C:/usr/local/man")@end lisp@cindex directory separator character@cindex @code{MANPATH}, directory separatorThe @code{MANPATH} environment variable may be set using DOSsemi-colon-separated or Unix-style colon-separated syntax (but notmixed).@item woman-manpath-man-regexpA regular expression to match man directories @emph{under} the@code{woman-manpath} directories. These normally have names of the form@file{man?}. Its default value is @code{"[Mm][Aa][Nn]"}, which iscase-insensitive mainly for the benefit of Microsoft platforms. Itspurpose is to avoid directories such as @file{cat?}, @file{.},@file{..}, etc.@item woman-pathA list of strings representing @emph{specific directories} to search forUnix manual files. For example@lisp("/emacs/etc")@end lispThese directories are searched in addition to the directory treesspecified in @code{woman-manpath}. Each element should be a directorystring or @code{nil}, which represents the current directory when thepath is expanded and cached. However, the last component (only) of eachdirectory string is treated as a regexp (Emacs, not shell) and thestring is expanded into a list of matching directories. Non-directoryand unreadable files are ignored. The default value on MS-DOS is@lisp("$DJDIR/info" "$DJDIR/man/cat[1-9onlp]")@end lisp@noindentand on other platforms is @code{nil}.Any environment variables (names of which must have the Unix-style form@code{$NAME}, e.g.@: @code{$HOME}, @code{$EMACSDATA}, @code{$EMACS_DIR},regardless of platform) are evaluated first but each element mustevaluate to a @emph{single} directory name (regexp, see above). Forexample@lisp("$EMACSDATA")@end lisp@noindentor equivalently@lisp("$EMACS_DIR/etc")@end lisp@noindentTrailing @file{/}s are discarded. (The directory trees in@code{woman-manpath} are also searched.) On Microsoft platforms Irecommend including drive letters explicitly.@item woman-cache-levelA positive integer representing the level of topic caching:@enumerate@itemcache only the topic and directory lists (uses minimal memory, but notrecommended);@itemcache also the directories for each topic (faster, without using muchmore memory);@itemcache also the actual filenames for each topic (fastest, but uses twiceas much memory).@end enumerateThe default value is currently 2, a good general compromise. If the@code{woman} command is slow to find files then try 3, which may beparticularly beneficial with large remote-mounted man directories. Runthe @code{woman} command with a prefix argument or delete the cache file@code{woman-cache-filename} for a change to take effect. (Values < 1behave like 1; values > 3 behave like 3.)@item woman-cache-filenameEither a string representing the full pathname of the WoMan directoryand topic cache file, or @code{nil}. It is used to save and restore thecache between Emacs sessions. This is especially useful withremote-mounted man page files! The default value of @code{nil}suppresses this action. The ``standard'' non-@code{nil} filename is@file{~/.wmncach.el}. Remember that a prefix argument forces the@code{woman} command to update and re-write the cache.@item woman-dired-keysA list of @code{dired} mode keys to be defined to run WoMan on thecurrent file, e.g.@: @code{("w" "W")} or any non-@code{nil} atom toautomatically define @kbd{w} and @kbd{W} if they are unbound, or@code{nil} to do nothing. Default is @code{t}.@item woman-imenu-generic-expressionImenu support for Sections and Subsections: an alist with elements ofthe form @code{(MENU-TITLE REGEXP INDEX)}---see the documentation for@code{imenu-generic-expression}. Default value is@lisp((nil "\n\\([A-Z].*\\)" 1) ; SECTION, but not TITLE ("*Subsections*" "^ \\([A-Z].*\\)" 1))@end lisp@item woman-imenuA boolean value that defaults to @code{nil}. If non-@code{nil} then WoMan addsa Contents menu to the menubar by calling @code{imenu-add-to-menubar}.@item woman-imenu-titleA string representing the title to use if WoMan adds a Contents menu tothe menubar. Default is @code{"CONTENTS"}.@item woman-use-topic-at-pointA boolean value that defaults to @code{nil}. If non-@code{nil} thenthe @code{woman} command uses the word at point as the topic,@emph{without interactive confirmation}, if it exists as a topic.@item woman-use-topic-at-point-defaultA boolean value representing the default value for@code{woman-use-topic-at-point}. The default value is @code{nil}.[The variable @code{woman-use-topic-at-point} may be @code{let}-boundwhen @code{woman} is loaded, in which case its global value does notget defined. The function @code{woman-file-name} sets it to thisvalue if it is unbound.]@item woman-uncompressed-file-regexpA regular match expression used to select man source files (ignoring anycompression extension). The default value is@code{"\\.\\([0-9lmnt]\\w*\\)"} [which means a filename extension isrequired].@emph{Do not change this unless you are sure you know what you are doing!}The SysV standard man pages use two character suffixes, and this isbecoming more common in the GNU world. For example, the man pages inthe @code{ncurses} package include @file{toe.1m}, @file{form.3x}, etc.@strong{Please note:} an optional compression regexp will be appended,so this regexp @emph{must not} end with any kind of string terminatorsuch as @code{$} or @code{\\'}.@item woman-file-compression-regexpA regular match expression used to match compressed man file extensionsfor which decompressors are available and handled by auto-compressionmode. It should begin with @code{\\.} and end with @code{\\'} and@emph{must not} be optional. The default value is@code{"\\.\\(g?z\\|bz2\\)\\'"}, which matches the @code{gzip} and@code{bzip2} compression extensions.@emph{Do not change this unless you are sure you know what you are doing!}[It should be compatible with the @code{car} of@code{jka-compr-file-name-handler-entry}, but that is undulycomplicated, includes an inappropriate extension (@file{.tgz}) and isnot loaded by default!]@item woman-use-own-frameIf non-@code{nil} then use a dedicated frame for displaying WoMan windows.This is useful only when WoMan is run under a window system such as X orMicrosoft Windows that supports real multiple frames, in which case thedefault value is non-@code{nil}.@end vtable@node Formatting Options, Faces, Interface Options, Customization@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Formatting Options@cindex formatting optionsThese options control the layout that WoMan uses to format the man page.@vtable @code@item woman-fill-columnAn integer specifying the right margin for formatted text. Default is65.@item woman-fill-frameA boolean value. If non-@code{nil} then most of the frame width is used,overriding the value of @code{woman-fill-column}. Default is @code{nil}.@item woman-default-indentAn integer specifying the default prevailing indent for the @code{-man}macros. Default is 5. Set this variable to 7 to emulate GNU/Linux manformatting.@item woman-bold-headingsA boolean value. If non-@code{nil} then embolden section and subsectionheadings. Default is @code{t}. [Heading emboldening is @emph{not} standard@code{man} behavior.]@item woman-ignoreA boolean value. If non-@code{nil} then unrecognized requests etc. areignored. Default is @code{t}. This gives the standard @code{roff} behavior.If @code{nil} then they are left in the buffer, which may aid debugging.@item woman-preserve-asciiA boolean value. If non-@code{nil} then preserve @acronym{ASCII} characters in theWoMan buffer. Otherwise, non-@acronym{ASCII} characters (that display as@acronym{ASCII}) may remain, which is irrelevant unless the buffer is to besaved to a file. Default is @code{nil}.@item woman-emulationWoMan emulation, currently either @code{nroff} or @code{troff}. Defaultis @code{nroff}. @code{troff} emulation is experimental and largelyuntested.@end vtable@node Faces, Special symbols, Formatting Options, Customization@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Faces@cindex facesThese options control the display faces that WoMan uses to format theman page.@vtable @code@item woman-fontifyA boolean value. If non-@code{nil} then WoMan assumes that face support isavailable. It defaults to a non-@code{nil} value if the display supportseither colors or different fonts.@item woman-italic-faceFace for italic font in man pages. Default: italic, underlined,foreground red. This is overkill! @code{troff} uses just italic;@code{nroff} uses just underline. You should probably select eitheritalic or underline as you prefer, but not both, although italic andunderline work together perfectly well!@item woman-bold-faceFace for bold font in man pages. Default: bold, foreground blue.@item woman-unknown-faceFace for all unknown fonts in man pages. Default: foreground brown.Brown is a good compromise: it is distinguishable from the default butnot enough so as to make font errors look terrible. (Files that usenon-standard fonts seem to do so badly or in idiosyncratic ways!)@item woman-addition-faceFace for all additions made by WoMan to man pages.Default: foreground orange.@end vtable@node Special symbols, , Faces, Customization@comment node-name, next, previous, up@section Special symbols@cindex special symbolsThis section currently applies @emph{only} to Microsoft Windows.WoMan provides partial experimental support for special symbols,initially only for MS-Windows and only for MS-Windows fonts. Thisincludes both non-@acronym{ASCII} characters from the main text font and useof a separate symbol font. Later, support will be added for other fonttypes (e.g.@: @code{bdf} fonts) and for the X Window System. In Emacs20.7, the current support works partially under Windows 9x but may notwork on any other platform.@vtable @code@item woman-use-extended-fontA boolean value. If non-@code{nil} then WoMan may use non-@acronym{ASCII} charactersfrom the default font. Default is @code{t}.@item woman-use-symbol-fontA boolean value. If non-@code{nil} then WoMan may use the symbol font.Default is @code{nil}, mainly because it may change the line spacing (atleast in NTEmacs 20).@item woman-symbol-fontA string describing the symbol font to use for special characters.It should be compatible with, and the same size as, the default text font.Under MS-Windows, the default is@lisp"-*-Symbol-normal-r-*-*-*-*-96-96-p-*-ms-symbol"@end lisp@end vtable@c ===================================================================@node Log, Technical, Customization, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@chapter The *WoMan-Log* Buffer@cindex log buffer@cindex buffer, logThis is modeled on the Emacs byte-compiler. It logs all filesformatted by WoMan and the time taken. If WoMan finds anything that itcannot handle then it writes a warning to this buffer. If the variable@code{woman-show-log} is non-@code{nil} (by default it is @code{nil}) thenWoMan automatically displays this buffer. @xref{Interface Options, ,Interface Options}. Many WoMan warnings can be completely ignored,because they are reporting the fact that WoMan has ignored requests thatit is correct for WoMan to ignore. In some future version this level ofparanoia may be reduced, but not until WoMan is deemed more reliable.At present, all warnings should be treated with some suspicion.Uninterpreted escape sequences are also logged (in some cases).By resetting the variable @code{woman-ignore} to @code{nil} (by defaultit is @code{t}), uninterpreted @code{roff} requests can optionally beleft in the formatted buffer to indicate precisely where they occurred.@xref{Interface Options, , Interface Options}.@c ===================================================================@node Technical, Bugs, Log, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@chapter Technical Details@cindex technical details@cindex horizontal spacing@cindex spacing, horizontal and vertical@cindex vertical spacing@cindex resolution@heading Horizontal and vertical spacing and resolutionWoMan currently assumes 10 characters per inch horizontally, hence ahorizontal resolution of 24 basic units, and 5 lines per inchvertically, hence a vertical resolution of 48 basic units.(@code{nroff} uses 240 per inch.)@heading Vertical spacing and blank linesThe number of consecutive blank lines in the formatted buffer should beeither 0 or 1. A blank line should leave a space like .sp 1.Current policy is to output vertical space only immediately before textis output.@c ===================================================================@node Bugs, Acknowledgements, Technical, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@chapter Reporting Bugs@cindex reporting bugs@cindex bugs, reportingIf WoMan fails completely, or formats a file incorrectly (i.e.@:obviously wrongly or significantly differently from @code{man}) orinelegantly, then please@enumerate@itemtry the latest version of @file{woman.el} from the Emacs CVS repositoryon @uref{http://savannah.gnu.org/}. If it still fails, please@itemsend a bug report to @email{bug-gnu-emacs@@gnu.org} and to@email{F.J.Wright@@qmw.ac.uk}. Please include the entry from the@code{*WoMan-Log*} buffer relating to the problem file, together witha brief description of the problem. Please indicate where you got theman source file from, but do not send it unless asked to send it.@end enumerate@c ===================================================================@node Acknowledgements, GNU Free Documentation License, Bugs, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@chapter Acknowledgements@cindex acknowledgementsFor Heather, Kathryn and Madelyn, the women in my life (although theywill probably never use it)!I also thank the following for helpful suggestions, bug reports, codefragments, general interest, etc.:@quotationJari Aalto, @email{jari.aalto@@cs.tpu.fi}@*Dean Andrews, @email{dean@@dra.com}@*Juanma Barranquero, @email{barranquero@@laley-actualidad.es}@*Karl Berry, @email{kb@@cs.umb.edu}@*Jim Chapman, @email{jchapman@@netcomuk.co.uk}@*Frederic Corne, @email{frederic.corne@@erli.fr}@*Peter Craft, @email{craft@@alacritech.com}@*Charles Curley, @email{ccurley@@trib.com}@*Jim Davidson, @email{jdavidso@@teknowledge.com}@*Kevin D'Elia, @email{Kevin.DElia@@mci.com}@*John Fitch, @email{jpff@@maths.bath.ac.uk}@*Hans Frosch, @email{jwfrosch@@rish.b17c.ingr.com}@*Guy Gascoigne-Piggford, @email{ggp@@informix.com}@*Brian Gorka, @email{gorkab@@sanchez.com}@*Nicolai Henriksen, @email{nhe@@lyngso-industri.dk}@*Thomas Herchenroeder, @email{the@@software-ag.de}@*Alexander Hinds, @email{ahinds@@thegrid.net}@*Stefan Hornburg, @email{sth@@hacon.de}@*Theodore Jump, @email{tjump@@cais.com}@*Paul Kinnucan, @email{paulk@@mathworks.com}@*Jonas Linde, @email{jonas@@init.se}@*Andrew McRae, @email{andrewm@@optimation.co.nz}@*Howard Melman, @email{howard@@silverstream.com}@*Dennis Pixton, @email{dennis@@math.binghamton.edu}@*T. V. Raman, @email{raman@@Adobe.com}@*Bruce Ravel, @email{bruce.ravel@@nist.gov}@*Benjamin Riefenstahl, @email{benny@@crocodial.de}@*Kevin Ruland, @email{kruland@@seistl.com}@*Tom Schutter, @email{tom@@platte.com}@*Wei-Xue Shi, @email{wxshi@@ma.neweb.ne.jp}@*Fabio Somenzi, @email{fabio@@joplin.colorado.edu}@*Karel Sprenger, @email{ks@@ic.uva.nl}@*Chris Szurgot, @email{szurgot@@itribe.net}@*Paul A. Thompson, @email{pat@@po.cwru.edu}@*Arrigo Triulzi, @email{arrigo@@maths.qmw.ac.uk}@*Geoff Voelker, @email{voelker@@cs.washington.edu}@*Eli Zaretskii, @email{eliz@@is.elta.co.il}@end quotation@c ===================================================================@comment END OF MANUAL TEXT@page@node GNU Free Documentation License, Command Index, Acknowledgements, Top@appendix GNU Free Documentation License@include doclicense.texi@node Command Index, Variable Index, GNU Free Documentation License, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@unnumbered Command Index@printindex fn@node Variable Index, Keystroke Index, Command Index, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@unnumbered Variable Index@printindex vr@c Without a page throw here, the page length seems to get reset to the@c depth of the index that fits on the page after the previous index.@c This must be a bug!@page@node Keystroke Index, Concept Index, Variable Index, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@unnumbered Keystroke Index@printindex ky@c Without a page throw here, the page length seems to get reset to the@c depth of the index that fits on the page after the previous index.@c This must be a bug!@page@node Concept Index, , Keystroke Index, Top@comment node-name, next, previous, up@unnumbered Concept Index@printindex cp@bye@ignore arch-tag: a1a6b715-396f-4378-9b94-0b2ca0aa5028@end ignore