GNU Emacs NEWS -- history of user-visible changes. 2003-05-21Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.See the end for copying conditions.Please send Emacs bug reports to older news, see the file ONEWSYou can narrow news to the specific version by calling`view-emacs-news' with a prefix argument or by typing C-u C-h C-n.Temporary note: +++ indicates that the appropriate manual has already been updated. --- means no change in the manuals is called for.When you add a new item, please add it without either +++ or ---so we will look at it and add it to the manual.* Installation Changes in Emacs 22.1** Emacs includes now support for loading image libraries on demand.(Currently this feature is only used on MS Windows.) You can configurethe supported image types and their associated dynamic libraries bysetting the variable `image-library-alist'.---** New translations of the Emacs Tutorial are available in the following languages: Brasilian, Bulgarian, Chinese (both with simplified and traditional characters), French, and Italian. Type `C-u C-h t' to choose one of them in case your language setup doesn't automatically select the right one.** You can build Emacs with Gtk+ widgets by specifying `--with-x-toolkit=gtk'when you run configure. This requires Gtk+ 2.0 or newer. This portprovides a way to display multilingual text in menus (with some caveats).---** Emacs can now be built without sound support.** The `emacsserver' program has been removed, replaced with elisp code.---** Emacs now supports new configure options `--program-prefix',`--program-suffix' and `--program-transform-name' that affect the names ofinstalled programs.---** By default, Emacs now uses a setgid helper program to update gamescores. The directory ${localstatedir}/games/emacs is the normalplace for game scores to be stored. This may be controlled by theconfigure option `--with-game-dir'. The specific user that Emacs usesto own the game scores is controlled by `--with-game-user'. If accessto a game user is not available, then scores will be stored separatelyin each user's home directory.---** Leim is now part of the Emacs distribution.You no longer need to download a separate tarball in order to buildEmacs with Leim.+++** The Emacs Lisp Reference Manual is now part of the distribution.The ELisp reference manual in Info format is built as part of theEmacs build procedure and installed together with the Emacs UserManual. A menu item was added to the menu bar that makes it easyaccessible (Help->More Manuals->Emacs Lisp Reference).---** The Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp manual is now part ofthe distribution.This manual is now part of the standard distribution and is installed,together with the Emacs User Manual, into the Info directory. A menuitem was added to the menu bar that makes it easy accessible(Help->More Manuals->Introduction to Emacs Lisp).** Support for Cygwin was added.---** Support for FreeBSD/Alpha has been added.---** Support for GNU/Linux systems on S390 machines was added.---** Support for MacOS X was added.See the files mac/README and mac/INSTALL for build instructions.---** Support for GNU/Linux systems on X86-64 machines was added.---** A French translation of the `Emacs Survival Guide' is available.---** Building with -DENABLE_CHECKING does not automatically build with uniontypes any more. Add -DUSE_LISP_UNION_TYPE if you want union types.* Changes in Emacs 22.1** Emacs now responds to mouse-clicks on the�mode-line, header-line anddisplay margin, when run in an xterm.** M-SPC (just-one-space) when given a numeric argument Nconverts whitespace around point to N spaces.** Control characters and escape glyphs are now shown in the newescape-glyph face.** Non-breaking space and hyphens are now prefixed with an escapecharacter, unless the new user variable `show-nonbreak-escape' is setto nil.---** The type-break package now allows `type-break-file-name' to be niland if so, doesn't store any data across sessions. This is handy ifyou don't want the .type-break file in your home directory or areannoyed by the need for interaction when you kill Emacs.** display-battery has been replaced by display-battery-mode.** calculator.el now has radix grouping mode, which is available when`calculator-output-radix' is non-nil. In this mode a separatorcharacter is used every few digits, making it easier to see byteboundries etc. For more info, see the documentation of the variable`calculator-radix-grouping-mode'.+++** You can now follow links by clicking Mouse-1 on the link.Traditionally, Emacs uses a Mouse-1 click to set point and a Mouse-2click to follow a link, whereas most other applications use a Mouse-1click for both purposes, depending on whether you click outside orinside a link. Now the behavior of a Mouse-1 click has been changedto match this context-sentitive dual behavior.Depending on the current mode, a Mouse-2 click in Emacs may do muchmore than just follow a link, so the new Mouse-1 behavior is onlyactivated for modes which explicitly mark a clickable text as a "link"(see the new function `mouse-on-link-p' for details). The Lisppackages that are included in release 22.1 have been adapted to dothis, but external packages may not yet support this. However, thereis no risk in using such packages, as the worst thing that couldhappen is that you get the original Mouse-1 behavior when you clickon a link, which typically means that you set point where you click.If you want to get the original Mouse-1 action also inside a link, youjust need to press the Mouse-1 button a little longer than a normalclick (i.e. press and hold the Mouse-1 button for half a second beforeyou release it).Dragging the Mouse-1 inside a link still performs the originaldrag-mouse-1 action, typically copy the text.You can customize the new Mouse-1 behavior via the new user options`mouse-1-click-follows-link' and `mouse-1-click-in-non-selected-windows'.+++** require-final-newline now has two new possible values:`visit' means add a newline (as an undoable change) if it's neededwhen visiting the file.`visit-save' means add a newline (as an undoable change) if it'sneeded when visiting the file, and also add a newline if it's neededwhen saving the file.+++** The new option mode-require-final-newline controls how certainmajor modes enable require-final-newline. Any major mode that'sdesigned for a kind of file that should normally end in a newlinesets require-final-newline based on mode-require-final-newline.So you can customize mode-require-final-newline to control what thesemodes do.+++** When the undo information of the current command gets really large(beyond the value of `undo-outer-limit'), Emacs discards it and warnsyou about it.** line-move-ignore-invisible now defaults to t.** In Outline mode, hide-body no longer hides lines at the topof the file that precede the first header line.+++** In Enriched mode, `set-left-margin' and `set-right-margin' are nowby default bound to `C-c [' and `C-c ]' instead of the former `C-c C-l'and `C-c C-r'.+++** In processing a local variables list, Emacs strips the prefix andsuffix are from every line before processing all the lines.+++** `apply-macro-to-region-lines' now operates on all lines that beginin the region, rather than on all complete lines in the region.** global-whitespace-mode is a new alias for whitespace-global-mode.+++** There are now two new regular expression operators, \_< and \_>,for matching the beginning and end of a symbol. A symbol is anon-empty sequence of either word or symbol constituent characters, asspecified by the syntax table.** Passing resources on the command line now works on MS Windows.You can use --xrm to pass resource settings to Emacs, overriding anyexisting values. For example: emacs --xrm "Emacs.Background:red" --xrm "Emacs.Geometry:100x20"will start up Emacs on an initial frame of 100x20 with red background,irrespective of geometry or background setting on the Windows registry.** The terminal emulation code in term.el has been improved, it canrun most curses applications now.** New features in evaluation commands+++*** The function `eval-defun' (C-M-x) called on defface reinitializesthe face to the value specified in the defface expression.*** Typing C-x C-e twice prints the value of the integer resultin additional formats (octal, hexadecimal, character) specifiedby the new function `eval-expression-print-format'. The samefunction also defines the result format for `eval-expression' (M-:),`eval-print-last-sexp' (C-j) and some edebug evaluation functions.** New input method chinese-sisheng for inputting Chinese Pinyincharacters.** New command quail-show-key shows what key (or key sequence) to typein the current input method to input a character at point.** Convenient commands to switch buffers in a cyclic order are C-x <left>(prev-buffer) and C-x <right> (next-buffer).** Commands winner-redo and winner-undo, from winner.el, are now bound toC-c <left> and C-c <right>, respectively. This is an incompatible change.** Help commands `describe-function' and `describe-key' now show functionarguments in lowercase italics on displays that support it. To change thedefault, customize face `help-argument-name' or redefine the function`help-default-arg-highlight'.---** The comint prompt can now be made read-only, using the new useroption `comint-prompt-read-only'. This is not enabled by default,except in IELM buffers. The read-only status of IELM prompts can becontrolled with the new user option `ielm-prompt-read-only', whichoverrides `comint-prompt-read-only'.The new commands `comint-kill-whole-line' and `comint-kill-region'support editing comint buffers with read-only prompts.`comint-kill-whole-line' is like `kill-whole-line', but ignores bothread-only and field properties. Hence, it always kill entirelines, including any prompts.`comint-kill-region' is like `kill-region', except that it ignoresread-only properties, if it is safe to do so. This means that if anypart of a prompt is deleted, then the entire prompt must be deletedand that all prompts must stay at the beginning of a line. If this isnot the case, then `comint-kill-region' behaves just like`kill-region' if read-only are involved: it copies the text to thekill-ring, but does not delete it.** You can now use next-error (C-x `) and previous-error to advance tothe next/previous matching line found by M-x occur.** Telnet now prompts you for a port number with C-u M-x telnet.+++** New command line option -Q.This is like using -q --no-site-file, but in addition it also disablesthe menu-bar, the tool-bar, the scroll-bars, tool tips, the blinkingcursor, and the fancy startup screen.** C-h v and C-h f commands now include a hyperlink to the C source forvariables and functions defined in C (if the C source is available).** When used interactively, `format-write-file' now asks for confirmationbefore overwriting an existing file, unless a prefix argument issupplied. This behavior is analogous to `write-file'.** You can now use Auto Revert mode to `tail' a file.If point is at the end of a file buffer before reverting, Auto Revertmode keeps it at the end after reverting. Similarly if point isdisplayed at the end of a file buffer in any window, it stays atthe end of the buffer in that window. This allows to tail a file:just put point at the end of the buffer and it stays there. Thisrule applies to file buffers. For non-file buffers, the behavior maybe mode dependent.If you are sure that the file will only change by growing at the end,then you can tail the file more efficiently by using the new minormode Auto Revert Tail mode. The function `auto-revert-tail-mode'toggles this mode.** Auto Revert mode is now more careful to avoid excessive reverts andother potential problems when deciding which non-file buffers torevert. This matters especially if Global Auto Revert mode is enabledand `global-auto-revert-non-file-buffers' is non-nil. Auto Revertmode only reverts a non-file buffer if the buffer has a non-nil`revert-buffer-function' and a non-nil `buffer-stale-function', whichdecides whether the buffer should be reverted. Currently, this meansthat auto reverting works for Dired buffers (although this may notwork properly on all operating systems) and for the Buffer Menu.** If the new user option `auto-revert-check-vc-info' is non-nil, AutoRevert mode reliably updates version control info (such as the versioncontrol number in the mode line), in all version controlled buffers inwhich it is active. If the option is nil, the default, then this infoonly gets updated whenever the buffer gets reverted.** New command `Buffer-menu-toggle-files-only' toggles display of filebuffers only in the Buffer Menu. It is bound to `T' in Buffer Menumode.** M-x compile has become more robust and reliableQuite a few more kinds of messages are recognized. Messages that arerecognized as warnings or informational come in orange or green, instead ofred. Informational messages are by default skipped with `next-error'(controlled by `compilation-skip-threshold').Location data is collected on the fly as the *compilation* buffer changes.This means you could modify messages to make them point to different files.This also means you can not go to locations of messages you may have deleted.The variable `compilation-error-regexp-alist' has now become customizable. Ifyou had added your own regexps to this, you'll probably need to include aleading `^', otherwise they'll match anywhere on a line. There is now also a`compilation-mode-font-lock-keywords' and it nicely handles all the checksthat configure outputs and -o options so you see at a glance where you are.The new file etc/compilation.txt gives examples of each type of message.** Compilation mode enhancements:+++*** New user option `compilation-environment'.This option allows you to specify environment variables for inferiorcompilation processes without affecting the environment that allsubprocesses inherit.** Grep has been decoupled from compilation mode setup.*** There's a new separate package grep.el.*** M-x grep has been adapted to new compileHits are fontified in green, and hits in binary files in orange. Grep bufferscan be saved and automatically revisited with the new Grep mode.*** Grep commands now have their own submenu and customization group.+++*** `grep-find' is now also available under the name `find-grep' wherepeople knowing `find-grep-dired' would probably expect it.*** The new variables `grep-window-height', `grep-auto-highlight', and`grep-scroll-output' can be used to override the correspondingcompilation mode settings for grep commands.*** New option `grep-highlight-matches' highlightes matches in *grep*buffer. It uses a special feature of some grep programs which accept--color option to output markers around matches. When going to the nextmatch with `next-error' the exact match is highlighted in the sourcebuffer. Otherwise, if `grep-highlight-matches' is nil, the wholesource line is highlighted.*** New key bindings in grep output window:SPC and DEL scrolls window up and down. C-n and C-p moves to next andprevious match in the grep window. RET jumps to the source line ofthe current match. `n' and `p' shows next and previous match inother window, but does not switch buffer. `{' and `}' jumps to theprevious or next file in the grep output. TAB also jumps to the nextfile.** New options `next-error-highlight' and `next-error-highlight-no-select'specify the method of highlighting of the corresponding source linein new face `next-error'.** A new minor mode `next-error-follow-minor-mode' can be used incompilation-mode, grep-mode, occur-mode, and diff-mode (i.e. all themodes that can use `next-error'). In this mode, cursor motion in thebuffer causes automatic display in another window of the correspondingmatches, compilation errors, etc. This minor mode can be toggled withC-c C-f.** M-x diff uses diff-mode instead of compilation-mode.** M-x compare-windows now can automatically skip non-matching text toresync points in both windows.** New command `strokes-global-set-stroke-string'.This is like `strokes-global-set-stroke', but it allows you to bindthe stroke directly to a string to insert. This is convenient forusing strokes as an input method.** Gnus package*** Gnus now includes Sieve and PGGSieve is a library for managing Sieve scripts. PGG is a library to handlePGP/MIME.*** There are many news features, bug fixes and improvements.See the file GNUS-NEWS or the node "Oort Gnus" in the Gnus manual for details.+++** Desktop package*** Desktop saving is now a minor mode, desktop-save-mode. Variabledesktop-enable is obsolete. Customize desktop-save-mode to enable desktopsaving.*** Buffers are saved in the desktop file in the same order as that in thebuffer list.*** The desktop package can be customized to restore only some buffers immediately,remaining buffers are restored lazily (when Emacs is idle).*** New commands: - desktop-revert reverts to the last loaded desktop. - desktop-change-dir kills current desktop and loads a new. - desktop-save-in-desktop-dir saves desktop in the directory from which it was loaded. - desktop-lazy-complete runs the desktop load to completion. - desktop-lazy-abort aborts lazy loading of the desktop.*** New customizable variables: - desktop-save. Determins whether the desktop should be saved when it is killed. - desktop-file-name-format. Format in which desktop file names should be saved. - desktop-path. List of directories in which to lookup the desktop file. - desktop-locals-to-save. List of local variables to save. - desktop-globals-to-clear. List of global variables that `desktop-clear' will clear. - desktop-clear-preserve-buffers-regexp. Regexp identifying buffers that `desktop-clear' should not delete. - desktop-restore-eager. Number of buffers to restore immediately. Remaining buffers are restored lazily (when Emacs is idle). - desktop-lazy-verbose. Verbose reporting of lazily created buffers. - desktop-lazy-idle-delay. Idle delay before starting to create buffers.*** New command line option --no-desktop*** New hooks: - desktop-after-read-hook run after a desktop is loaded. - desktop-no-desktop-file-hook run when no desktop file is found.---** The saveplace.el package now filters out unreadable files.When you exit Emacs, the saved positions in visited files no longerinclude files that aren't readable, e.g. files that don't exist.Customize the new option `save-place-forget-unreadable-files' to nilto get the old behavior. The new options `save-place-save-skipped'and `save-place-skip-check-regexp' allow further fine-tuning of thisfeature.** You can have several Emacs servers on the same machine. % emacs --eval '(setq server-name "foo")' -f server-start & % emacs --eval '(setq server-name "bar")' -f server-start & % emacsclient -s foo file1 % emacsclient -s bar file2+++** On window systems, lines which are exactly as wide as the window(not counting the final newline character) are no longer broken intotwo lines on the display (with just the newline on the second line).Instead, the newline now "overflows" into the right fringe, and thecursor will be displayed in the fringe when positioned on that newline.The new user option 'overflow-newline-into-fringe' may be set to nil torevert to the old behavior of continuing such lines.+++** The buffer boundaries (i.e. first and last line in the buffer) maynow be marked with angle bitmaps in the fringes. In addition, up anddown arrow bitmaps may be shown at the top and bottom of the left orright fringe if the window can be scrolled in either direction.This behavior is activated by setting the buffer-local variable`indicate-buffer-boundaries' to a non-nil value. The default value ofthis variable is found in `default-indicate-buffer-boundaries'.If value is `left' or `right', both angle and arrow bitmaps aredisplayed in the left or right fringe, resp.Value may also be an alist which specifies the presense and positionof each bitmap individually.For example, ((top . left) (t . right)) places the top angle bitmapin left fringe, the bottom angle bitmap in right fringe, and botharrow bitmaps in right fringe. To show just the angle bitmaps in theleft fringe, but no arrow bitmaps, use ((top . left) (bottom . left)).** New command `display-local-help' displays any local help at pointin the echo area. It is bound to `C-h .'. It normally displays thesame string that would be displayed on mouse-over using the`help-echo' property, but, in certain cases, it can display a morekeyboard oriented alternative.** New user option `help-at-pt-display-when-idle' allows toautomatically show the help provided by `display-local-help' onpoint-over, after suitable idle time. The amount of idle time isdetermined by the user option `help-at-pt-timer-delay' and defaultsto one second. This feature is turned off by default.** New commands `scan-buf-next-region' and `scan-buf-previous-region'move to the start of the next (previous, respectively) region withnon-nil help-echo property and display any help found there in theecho area, using `display-local-help'.+++** Help mode now only makes hyperlinks for faces when the face name ispreceded or followed by the word `face'. It no longer makeshyperlinks for variables without variable documentation, unlesspreceded by one of the words `variable' or `option'. It now makeshyperlinks to Info anchors (or nodes) if the anchor (or node) name isenclosed in single quotes and preceded by `info anchor' or `Infoanchor' (in addition to earlier `info node' and `Info node').** The max size of buffers and integers has been doubled.On 32bit machines, it is now 256M (i.e. 268435455).+++** The -f option, used from the command line to call a function,now reads arguments for the function interactively if it isan interactively callable function.** sql changes.*** The variable `sql-product' controls the highlightng of differentSQL dialects. This variable can be set globally via Customize, on abuffer-specific basis via local variable settings, or for the currentsession using the new SQL->Product submenu. (This menu replaces theSQL->Highlighting submenu.)The following values are supported: ansi ANSI Standard (default) db2 DB2 informix Informix ingres Ingres interbase Interbase linter Linter ms Microsoft mysql MySQL oracle Oracle postgres Postgres solid Solid sqlite SQLite sybase SybaseThe current product name will be shown on the mode line following theSQL mode indicator.The technique of setting `sql-mode-font-lock-defaults' directly inyour .emacs will no longer establish the default highlighting -- Use`sql-product' to accomplish this.ANSI keywords are always highlighted.*** The function `sql-add-product-keywords' can be used to addfont-lock rules to the product specific rules. For example, to haveall identifiers ending in "_t" under MS SQLServer treated as a type,you would use the following line in your .emacs file: (sql-add-product-keywords 'ms '(("\\<\\w+_t\\>" . font-lock-type-face)))*** Oracle support includes keyword highlighting for Oracle 9i. MostSQL and PL/SQL keywords are implemented. SQL*Plus commands arehighlighted in `font-lock-doc-face'.*** Microsoft SQLServer support has been significantly improved.Keyword highlighting for SqlServer 2000 is implemented.sql-interactive-mode defaults to use osql, rather than isql, becauseosql flushes its error stream more frequently. Thus error messagesare displayed when they occur rather than when the session isterminated.If the username and password are not provided to `sql-ms', osql iscalled with the -E command line argument to use the operating systemcredentials to authenticate the user.*** Postgres support is enhanced.Keyword highlighting of Postgres 7.3 is implemented. Prompting forthe username and the pgsql `-U' option is added.*** MySQL support is enhanced.Keyword higlighting of MySql 4.0 is implemented.*** Imenu support has been enhanced to locate tables, views, indexes,packages, procedures, functions, triggers, sequences, rules, anddefaults.*** Added SQL->Start SQLi Session menu entry which calls theappropriate sql-interactive-mode wrapper for the current setting of`sql-product'.** M-x view-file and commands that use it now avoid interferingwith special modes such as Tar mode.** Enhancements to apropos commands:*** The apropos commands now accept a list of words to match.When more than one word is specified, at least two of those words mustbe present for an item to match. Regular expression matching is stillavailable.*** The new option `apropos-sort-by-scores' causes the matching itemsto be sorted according to their score. The score for an item is anumber calculated to indicate how well the item matches the words orregular expression that you entered to the apropos command. The bestmatch is listed first, and the calculated score is shown for eachmatching item.+++** The old bindings C-M-delete and C-M-backspace have been deleted,since there are situations where one or the other will shut downthe operating system or your X server.** New minor mode, Visible mode, toggles invisibility in the current buffer.When enabled, it makes all invisible text visible. When disabled, itrestores the previous value of `buffer-invisibility-spec'.** New command `kill-whole-line' kills an entire line at once.By default, it is bound to C-S-<backspace>.** New commands to operate on pairs of open and close characters:`insert-pair', `delete-pair', `raise-sexp'.** A prefix argument of C-M-q in Emacs Lisp mode pretty-printifies thelist starting after point.** Dired mode:*** New faces dired-header, dired-mark, dired-marked, dired-flagged,dired-ignored, dired-directory, dired-symlink, dired-warningintroduced for Dired mode instead of font-lock faces.*** New Dired command `dired-compare-directories' marks fileswith different file attributes in two dired buffers.+++*** New Dired command `dired-do-touch' (bound to T) changes timestampsof marked files with the value entered in the minibuffer.+++*** In Dired's ! command (dired-do-shell-command), `*' and `?' nowcontrol substitution of the file names only when they are surroundedby whitespace. This means you can now use them as shell wildcardstoo. If you want to use just plain `*' as a wildcard, type `*""'; thedoublequotes make no difference in the shell, but they preventspecial treatment in `dired-do-shell-command'.*** In Dired, the w command now copies the current line's file nameinto the kill ring. With a zero prefix arg, copies absolute file names.+++** Dired-x:*** Omitting files is now a minor mode, dired-omit-mode. The mode togglingcommand is bound to M-o. A new command dired-mark-omitted, bound to M-O,marks omitted files. The variable dired-omit-files-p is obsoleted, use themode toggling function instead.+++** find-file-read-only visits multiple files in read-only mode,when the file name contains wildcard characters.+++** find-alternate-file replaces the current file with multiple files,when the file name contains wildcard characters.** FFAP+++*** New ffap commands and keybindings: C-x C-r (`ffap-read-only'),C-x C-v (`ffap-alternate-file'), C-x C-d (`ffap-list-directory'),C-x 4 r (`ffap-read-only-other-window'), C-x 4 d (`ffap-dired-other-window'),C-x 5 r (`ffap-read-only-other-frame'), C-x 5 d (`ffap-dired-other-frame').---*** FFAP accepts wildcards in a file name by default. C-x C-f passesit to `find-file' with non-nil WILDCARDS argument, which visitsmultiple files, and C-x d passes it to `dired'.** Info mode:*** A numeric prefix argument of `info' selects an Info bufferwith the number appended to the *info* buffer name (e.g. "*info*<2>").*** isearch in Info uses Info-search and searches through multiple nodes.Failed isearch wraps to the top/final node. The user option`Info-isearch-search' controls whether to use Info-search or thedefault isearch search function.*** New search commands: `Info-search-case-sensitively' (bound to S),`Info-search-backward', and `Info-search-next' which repeats the lastsearch without prompting for a new search string.*** New command `Info-history-forward' (bound to r and new toolbar icon)moves forward in history to the node you returned from after using`Info-history-back' (renamed from `Info-last').*** New command `Info-history' (bound to L) displays a menu of visited nodes.*** New command `Info-toc' (bound to T) creates a node with table of contentsfrom the tree structure of menus of the current Info file.*** New command `info-apropos' searches the indices of the knownInfo files on your system for a string, and builds a menu of thepossible matches.*** New command `Info-copy-current-node-name' (bound to w) copiesthe current Info node name into the kill ring. With a zero prefixarg, puts the node name inside the `info' function call.*** New face `info-xref-visited' distinguishes visited nodes from unvisitedand a new option `Info-fontify-visited-nodes' to control this.*** http and ftp links in Info are now operational: they look like crossreferences and following them calls `browse-url'.+++*** Info now hides node names in menus and cross references by default.If you prefer the old behavior, you can set the new user option`Info-hide-note-references' to nil.*** Images in Info pages are supported.Info pages show embedded images, in Emacs frames with image support.Info documentation that includes images, processed with makeinfoversion 4.7 or newer, compiles to Info pages with embedded images.+++*** The default value for `Info-scroll-prefer-subnodes' is now nil.---*** Info-index offers completion.** Support for the SQLite interpreter has been added to sql.el by calling'sql-sqlite'.** BibTeX mode:*** The new command bibtex-url browses a URL for the BibTeX entry atpoint (bound to C-c C-l and mouse-2, RET on clickable fields).*** The new command bibtex-entry-update (bound to C-c C-u) updatesan existing BibTeX entry.*** New `bibtex-entry-format' option `required-fields', enabled by default.*** bibtex-maintain-sorted-entries can take values `plain',`crossref', and `entry-class' which control the sorting scheme usedfor BibTeX entries. `bibtex-sort-entry-class' controls the sortingscheme `entry-class'. TAB completion for reference keys andautomatic detection of duplicates does not require anymore thatbibtex-maintain-sorted-entries is non-nil.*** If the new variable bibtex-parse-keys-fast is non-nil,use fast but simplified algorithm for parsing BibTeX keys.*** If the new variable bibtex-autoadd-commas is non-nil,automatically add missing commas at end of BibTeX fields.*** The new variable bibtex-autofill-types contains a list of entrytypes for which fields are filled automatically (if possible).*** The new command bibtex-complete completes word fragment beforepoint according to context (bound to M-tab).*** The new commands bibtex-find-entry and bibtex-find-crossreflocate entries and crossref'd entries (bound to C-c C-s and C-c C-x).Crossref fields are clickable (bound to mouse-2, RET).*** In BibTeX mode the command fill-paragraph (bound to M-q) fillsindividual fields of a BibTeX entry.*** The new variables bibtex-files and bibtex-file-path define a setof BibTeX files that are searched for entry keys.*** The new command bibtex-validate-globally checks for duplicate keysin multiple BibTeX files.*** The new command bibtex-copy-summary-as-kill pushes summaryof BibTeX entry to kill ring (bound to C-c C-t).** When display margins are present in a window, the fringes are nowdisplayed between the margins and the buffer's text area, rather thanat the edges of the window.** A window may now have individual fringe and scroll-bar settings,in addition to the individual display margin settings.Such individual settings are now preserved when windows are splithorizontally or vertically, a saved window configuration is restored,or when the frame is resized.** New functions frame-current-scroll-bars and window-current-scroll-bars.These functions return the current locations of the vertical andhorizontal scroll bars in a frame or window.---** Emacs now supports drag and drop for X. Dropping a file on a window opens it, dropping text inserts the text. Dropping a file on a dired buffer copies or moves the file to that directory.** Under X, mouse-wheel-mode is turned on by default.** The X resource useXIM can be used to turn off use of XIM, which mayspeed up Emacs with slow networking to the X server.If the configure option `--without-xim' was used to turn off use ofXIM by default, the X resource useXIM can be used to turn it on.** `undo-only' does an undo which does not redo any previous undo.** `uniquify-strip-common-suffix' tells uniquify to prefer`file|dir1' and `file|dir2' to `file|dir1/subdir' and `file|dir2/subdir'.** If the user visits a file larger than `large-file-warning-threshold',Emacs prompts her for confirmation.** A UTF-7 coding system is available in the library `utf-7'.** GUD mode has its own tool bar for controlling execution of the inferiorand other common debugger commands.** recentf changes.The recent file list is now automatically cleanup when recentf mode isenabled. The new option `recentf-auto-cleanup' controls when to doautomatic cleanup.With the more advanced option: `recentf-filename-handler', you canspecify a function that transforms filenames handled by recentf. Forexample, if set to `file-truename', the same file will not be in therecent list with different symbolic links.To follow naming convention, `recentf-keep-non-readable-files-flag'and `recentf-menu-append-commands-flag' respectively replace themisnamed options `recentf-keep-non-readable-files-p' and`recentf-menu-append-commands-p'. The old names remain available asaliases, but have been marked obsolete.** The default for the paper size (variable ps-paper-type) is takenfrom the locale.** Init file changesYou can now put the init files .emacs and .emacs_SHELL under~/.emacs.d or directly under ~. Emacs will find them in either place.** partial-completion-mode now does partial completion on directory names.** skeleton.el now supports using - to mark the skeleton-point without interregion interaction. @ has reverted to only setting skeleton-positions and no longer sets skeleton-point. Skeletons which used @ to mark skeleton-point independent of _ should now use - instead. The updated skeleton-insert docstring explains these new features along with other details of skeleton construction.** MH-E changes.Upgraded to MH-E version 7.82. There have been major changes sinceversion 5.0.2; see MH-E-NEWS for details.+++** The `emacsclient' command understands the options `--eval' and`--display' which tell Emacs respectively to evaluate the given elispexpression and to use the given display when visiting files.** User option `server-mode' can be used to start a server process.+++** The mode line position information now comes before the major mode.When the file is maintained under version control, that informationappears between the position information and the major mode.** C-x s (save-some-buffers) now offers an option `d' to diff a bufferagainst its file, so you can see what changes you would be saving.+++** You can now customize the use of window fringes. To control thisfor all frames, use M-x fringe-mode or the Show/Hide submenu of thetop-level Options menu, or customize the `fringe-mode' variable. Tocontrol this for a specific frame, use the command M-xset-fringe-style.+++** There is a new user option `mail-default-directory' that allows youto specify the value of `default-directory' for mail buffers. Thisdirectory is used for auto-save files of mail buffers. It defaults to"~/".+++** When you are root, and you visit a file whose modes specifyread-only, the Emacs buffer is now read-only too. Type C-x C-q if youwant to make the buffer writable. (As root, you can in fact alter thefile.)** The new command `revert-buffer-with-coding-system' (C-x RET r)revisits the current file using a coding system that you specify.** The new command `recode-file-name' changes the encoding of the nameof a file.---** `ps-print' can now print characters from the mule-unicode charsets.Printing text with characters from the mule-unicode-* sets works withps-print, provided that you have installed the appropriate BDF fonts.See the file INSTALL for URLs where you can find these fonts.---** The new options `buffers-menu-show-directories' and`buffers-menu-show-status' let you control how buffers are displayedin the menu dropped down when you click "Buffers" from the menu bar.`buffers-menu-show-directories' controls whether the menu displaysleading directories as part of the file name visited by the buffer.If its value is `unless-uniquify', the default, directories areshown unless uniquify-buffer-name-style' is non-nil. The value of niland t turn the display of directories off and on, respectively.`buffers-menu-show-status' controls whether the Buffers menu includesthe modified and read-only status of the buffers. By default it ist, and the status is shown.Setting these variables directly does not take effect until next timethe Buffers menu is regenerated.+++** The commands M-x customize-face and M-x customize-face-other-windownow look at the character after point. If a face or faces arespecified for that character, the commands by default customize thosefaces.** New language environments: French, Ukrainian, Tajik,Bulgarian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, UTF-8, Windows-1255, Welsh, Latin-6,Latin-7, Lithuanian, Latvian, Swedish, Slovenian, Croatian, Georgian,Italian, Russian, Malayalam, Tamil, Russian, Chinese-EUC-TW. (Set upautomatically according to the locale.)** Indian support has been updated.The in-is13194 coding system is now Unicode-based. CDAC fonts areassumed. There is a framework for supporting variousIndian scripts, but currently only Devanagari, Malayalam and Tamil aresupported.---** New input methods: latin-alt-postfix, latin-postfix, latin-prefix,ukrainian-computer, belarusian, bulgarian-bds, russian-computer,vietnamese-telex, lithuanian-numeric, lithuanian-keyboard,latvian-keyboard, welsh, georgian, rfc1345, ucs, sgml,bulgarian-phonetic, dutch, slovenian, croatian, malayalam-inscript,tamil-inscript.---** A new coding system `euc-tw' has been added for traditional Chinesein CNS encoding; it accepts both Big 5 and CNS as input; on saving,Big 5 is then converted to CNS.---** Many new coding systems are available by loading the `code-pages'library. These include complete versions of most of those incodepage.el, based on Unicode mappings. `codepage-setup' is nowobsolete and is used only in the MS-DOS port of Emacs. windows-1252and windows-1251 are preloaded since the former is so common and thelatter is used by GNU locales.** The utf-8/16 coding systems have been enhanced.By default, untranslatable utf-8 sequences are simply composed intosingle quasi-characters. User option `utf-translate-cjk-mode' (it isturned on by default) arranges to translate many utf-8 CJK charactersequences into real Emacs characters in a similar way to the Mule-UCSsystem. As this loads a fairly big data on demand, people who are notinterested in CJK characters may want to customize it to nil.You can augment/amend the CJK translation via hash tables`ucs-mule-cjk-to-unicode' and `ucs-unicode-to-mule-cjk'. The utf-8coding system now also encodes characters from most of Emacs'sone-dimensional internal charsets, specifically the ISO-8859 ones.The utf-16 coding system is affected similarly.** New variable `utf-translate-cjk-unicode-range' controls whichUnicode characters to translate in `utf-translate-cjk-mode'.** iso-10646-1 (`Unicode') fonts can be used to display any range ofcharacters encodable by the utf-8 coding system. Just specify thefontset appropriately.** New command `ucs-insert' inserts a character specified by itsunicode.+++** Limited support for character `unification' has been added.Emacs now knows how to translate between different representations ofthe same characters in various Emacs charsets according to standardUnicode mappings. This applies mainly to characters in the ISO 8859sets plus some other 8-bit sets, but can be extended. For instance,translation works amongst the Emacs ...-iso8859-... charsets and themule-unicode-... ones.By default this translation happens automatically on encoding.Self-inserting characters are translated to make the input conformantwith the encoding of the buffer in which it's being used, wherepossible.You can force a more complete unification with the user optionunify-8859-on-decoding-mode. That maps all the Latin-N character setsinto Unicode characters (from the latin-iso8859-1 andmule-unicode-0100-24ff charsets) on decoding. Note that this modewill often effectively clobber data with an iso-2022 encoding.** There is support for decoding Greek and Cyrillic characters intoeither Unicode (the mule-unicode charsets) or the iso-8859 charsets,when possible. The latter are more space-efficient. This iscontrolled by user option utf-fragment-on-decoding.** The new command `set-file-name-coding-system' (C-x RET F) setscoding system for encoding and decoding file names. A new menu item(Options->Mule->Set Coding Systems->For File Name) invokes thiscommand.---** The scrollbar under LessTif or Motif has a smoother drag-scrolling.On the other hand, the size of the thumb does not represent the actualamount of text shown any more (only a crude approximation of it).---** The pop up menus for Lucid now stay up if you do a fast click and canbe navigated with the arrow keys (like Gtk+, Mac and W32).---** Dialogs for Lucid/Athena and Lesstif/Motif now pops down when pressingESC, like they do for Gtk+, Mac and W32.---** Dialogs and menus pop down when pressing C-g.---** The menu item "Open File..." has been split into two items, "New File..."and "Open File...". "Open File..." now opens only existing files. This isto support existing GUI file selection dialogs better.+++** The file selection dialog for Gtk+, Mac, W32 and Motif/Lesstif can bedisabled by customizing the variable `use-file-dialog'.+++** For Gtk+ version 2.4, you can make Emacs use the old file dialogby setting the variable `x-use-old-gtk-file-dialog' to t. Default is to usethe new dialog.+++** Emacs can produce an underscore-like (horizontal bar) cursor.The underscore cursor is set by putting `(cursor-type . hbar)' indefault-frame-alist. It supports variable heights, like the `bar'cursor does.+++** On X, MS Windows, and Mac OS, the blinking cursor's "off" state isnow controlled by the variable `blink-cursor-alist'.** Filesets are collections of files. You can define a fileset invarious ways, such as based on a directory tree or based onprogram files that include other program files.Once you have defined a fileset, you can perform various operations onall the files in it, such as visiting them or searching and replacingin them.---** PO translation files are decoded according to their MIME headerswhen Emacs visits them.---** The game `mpuz' is enhanced.`mpuz' now allows the 2nd factor not to have two identical digits. Bydefault, all trivial operations involving whole lines are performedautomatically. The game uses faces for better visual feedback.** The new variable `x-select-request-type' controls how Emacsrequests X selection. The default value is nil, which means thatEmacs requests X selection with types COMPOUND_TEXT and UTF8_STRING,and use the more appropriately result.+++** The parameters of automatic hscrolling can now be customized.The variable `hscroll-margin' determines how many columns away fromthe window edge point is allowed to get before automatic hscrollingwill horizontally scroll the window. The default value is 5.The variable `hscroll-step' determines how many columns automatichscrolling scrolls the window when point gets too close to thewindow edge. If its value is zero, the default, Emacs scrolls thewindow so as to center point. If its value is an integer, it says howmany columns to scroll. If the value is a floating-point number, itgives the fraction of the window's width to scroll the window.The variable `automatic-hscrolling' was renamed to`auto-hscroll-mode'. The old name is still available as an alias.** TeX modes:*** C-c C-c prompts for a command to run, and tries to offer a good default.+++*** The user option `tex-start-options-string' has been replacedby two new user options: `tex-start-options', which should holdcommand-line options to feed to TeX, and `tex-start-commands' which should holdTeX commands to use at startup.*** verbatim environments are now highlighted in courier by font-lockand super/sub-scripts are made into super/sub-scripts.*** New major mode doctex-mode for *.dtx files.+++** New display feature: focus follows the mouse from one Emacs windowto another, even within a frame. If you set the variablemouse-autoselect-window to non-nil value, moving the mouse to adifferent Emacs window will select that window (minibuffer window canbe selected only when it is active). The default is nil, so that thisfeature is not enabled.** On X, when the window manager requires that you click on a frame toselect it (give it focus), the selected window and cursor positionnormally changes according to the mouse click position. If you setthe variable x-mouse-click-focus-ignore-position to t, the selectedwindow and cursor position do not change when you click on a frameto give it focus.+++** The new command `describe-char' (C-u C-x =) pops up a buffer withdescription various information about a character, including itsencodings and syntax, its text properties, how to input, overlays, andwidgets at point. You can get more information about some of them, byclicking on mouse-sensitive areas or moving there and pressing RET.+++** The new command `multi-occur' is just like `occur', except it cansearch multiple buffers. There is also a new command`multi-occur-by-filename-regexp' which allows you to specify thebuffers to search by their filename. Internally, Occur mode has beenrewritten, and now uses font-lock, among other changes.** The default values of paragraph-start and indent-line-function havebeen changed to reflect those used in Text mode rather than those usedin Indented-Text mode.** New user option `query-replace-skip-read-only': when non-nil,`query-replace' and related functions simply ignorea match if part of it has a read-only property.** When used interactively, the commands `query-replace-regexp' and`replace-regexp' allow \,expr to be used in a replacement string,where expr is an arbitrary Lisp expression evaluated at replacementtime. In many cases, this will be more convenient than using`query-replace-regexp-eval'. `\#' in a replacement string now refersto the count of replacements already made by the replacement command.All regular expression replacement commands now allow `\?' in thereplacement string to specify a position where the replacement stringcan be edited for each replacement.** query-replace uses isearch lazy highlighting when the new user option`query-replace-lazy-highlight' is non-nil.** The current match in query-replace is highlighted in new face`query-replace' which by default inherits from isearch face.+++** Emacs normally highlights mouse sensitive text whenever the mouseis over the text. By setting the new variable `mouse-highlight', youcan optionally enable mouse highlighting only after you move themouse, so that highlighting disappears when you press a key. You canalso disable mouse highlighting.** You can now customize if selecting a region by dragging the mouseshall not copy the selected text to the kill-ring by setting the newvariable mouse-drag-copy-region to nil.+++** font-lock: in modes like C and Lisp where the fontification assumes thatan open-paren in column 0 is always outside of any string or comment,font-lock now highlights any such open-paren-in-column-zero in bold-redif it is inside a string or a comment, to indicate that it can causetrouble with fontification and/or indentation.+++** There's a new face `minibuffer-prompt'.Emacs adds this face to the list of text properties stored in thevariable `minibuffer-prompt-properties', which is used to display theprompt string.+++** The new face `mode-line-inactive' is used to display the mode lineof non-selected windows. The `mode-line' face is now used to displaythe mode line of the currently selected window.The new variable `mode-line-in-non-selected-windows' controls whetherthe `mode-line-inactive' face is used.---** A menu item "Show/Hide" was added to the top-level menu "Options".This menu allows you to turn various display features on and off (suchas the fringes, the tool bar, the speedbar, and the menu bar itself).You can also move the vertical scroll bar to either side here or turnit off completely. There is also a menu-item to toggle displaying ofcurrent date and time, current line and column number in themode-line.---** Speedbar has moved from the "Tools" top level menu to "Show/Hide".+++** Emacs can now indicate in the mode-line the presence of new e-mailin a directory or in a file. See the documentation of the user option`display-time-mail-directory'.---** LDAP support now defaults to ldapsearch from OpenLDAP version 2.+++** You can now disable pc-selection-mode after enabling it.M-x pc-selection-mode behaves like a proper minor mode, and with noargument it toggles the mode.Turning off PC-Selection mode restores the global key bindingsthat were replaced by turning on the mode.+++** Emacs now displays a splash screen by default even if command-linearguments were given. The new command-line option --no-splashdisables the splash screen; see also the variable`inhibit-startup-message' (which is also aliased as`inhibit-splash-screen').** Changes in support of colors on character terminals+++*** The new command-line option --color=MODE lets you specify a standardmode for a tty color support. It is meant to be used on characterterminals whose capabilities are not set correctly in the terminaldatabase, or with terminal emulators which support colors, but don'tset the TERM environment variable to a name of a color-capableterminal. "emacs --color" uses the same color commands as GNU `ls'when invoked with "ls --color", so if your terminal can support colorsin "ls --color", it will support "emacs --color" as well. See theuser manual for the possible values of the MODE parameter.---*** Emacs now supports several character terminals which provide morethan 8 colors. For example, for `xterm', 16-color, 88-color, and256-color modes are supported. Emacs automatically notes at startupthe extended number of colors, and defines the appropriate entries forall of these colors.+++*** Emacs now uses the full range of available colors for the defaultfaces when running on a color terminal, including 16-, 88-, and256-color xterms. This means that when you run "emacs -nw" on an88-color or 256-color xterm, you will see essentially the same facecolors as on X.---*** There's a new support for colors on `rxvt' terminal emulator.+++** Emacs can now be invoked in full-screen mode on a windowed display.When Emacs is invoked on a window system, the new command-line options`--fullwidth', `--fullheight', and `--fullscreen' produce a framewhose width, height, or both width and height take up the entirescreen size. (For now, this does not work with some window managers.)---** Emacs now tries to set up buffer coding systems for HTML/XML filesautomatically.+++** The new command `comint-insert-previous-argument' in comint-derivedmodes (shell-mode etc) inserts arguments from previous command lines,like bash's `ESC .' binding. It is bound by default to `C-c .', butotherwise behaves quite similarly to the bash version.+++** Changes in C-h bindings:C-h e displays the *Messages* buffer.C-h followed by a control character is used for displaying files that do not change:C-h C-f displays the FAQ.C-h C-e displays the PROBLEMS file.The info-search bindings on C-h C-f, C-h C-k and C-h C-ihave been moved to C-h F, C-h K and C-h S.C-h c, C-h k, C-h w, and C-h f now handle remapped interactive commands.- C-h c and C-h k report the actual command (after possible remapping) run by the key sequence.- C-h w and C-h f on a command which has been remapped now report the command it is remapped to, and the keys which can be used to run that command.For example, if C-k is bound to kill-line, and kill-line is remappedto new-kill-line, these commands now report:- C-h c and C-h k C-k reports: C-k runs the command new-kill-line- C-h w and C-h f kill-line reports: kill-line is remapped to new-kill-line which is on C-k, <deleteline>- C-h w and C-h f new-kill-line reports: new-kill-line is on C-k+++** Vertical scrolling is now possible within incremental search.To enable this feature, customize the new user option`isearch-allow-scroll'. User written commands which satisfy stringentconstraints can be marked as "scrolling commands". See the Emacs manualfor details.+++** C-w in incremental search now grabs either a character or a word,making the decision in a heuristic way. This new job is done by thecommand `isearch-yank-word-or-char'. To restore the old behavior,bind C-w to `isearch-yank-word' in `isearch-mode-map'.+++** C-y in incremental search now grabs the next line if point is alreadyat the end of a line.+++** C-M-w deletes and C-M-y grabs a character in isearch mode.Another method to grab a character is to enter the minibuffer by `M-e'and to type `C-f' at the end of the search string in the minibuffer.+++** M-% typed in isearch mode invokes `query-replace' or`query-replace-regexp' (depending on search mode) with the currentsearch string used as the string to replace.+++** Isearch no longer adds `isearch-resume' commands to the commandhistory by default. To enable this feature, customize the newuser option `isearch-resume-in-command-history'.+++** New user option `history-delete-duplicates'.If set to t when adding a new history element, all previous identicalelements are deleted.+++** Yanking text now discards certain text properties that canbe inconvenient when you did not expect them. The variable`yank-excluded-properties' specifies which ones. Insertionof register contents and rectangles also discards these properties.+++** Occur, Info, and comint-derived modes now support usingM-x font-lock-mode to toggle fontification. The variable`Info-fontify' is no longer applicable; to disable fontification,remove `turn-on-font-lock' from `Info-mode-hook'.+++** M-x grep now tries to avoid appending `/dev/null' to the command lineby using GNU grep `-H' option instead. M-x grep automaticallydetects whether this is possible or not the first time it is invoked.When `-H' is used, the grep command line supplied by the user is passedunchanged to the system to execute, which allows more complicatedcommand lines to be used than was possible before.---** The face-customization widget has been reworked to be less confusing.In particular, when you enable a face attribute using the correspondingcheck-box, there's no longer a redundant `*' option in value selectionfor that attribute; the values you can choose are only those which makesense for the attribute. When an attribute is de-selected by uncheckingits check-box, then the (now ignored, but still present temporarily incase you re-select the attribute) value is hidden.+++** When you set or reset a variable's value in a Customize buffer,the previous value becomes the "backup value" of the variable.You can go back to that backup value by selecting "Use Backup Value"under the "[State]" button.** The new customization type `float' specifies numbers with floatingpoint (no integers are allowed).+++** In GUD mode, when talking to GDB, C-x C-a C-j "jumps" the programcounter to the specified source line (the one where point is).---** GUD mode improvements for jdb:*** Search for source files using jdb classpath and class information. Fast startup since there is no need to scan all source files up front. There is also no need to create and maintain lists of source directories to scan. Look at `gud-jdb-use-classpath' and `gud-jdb-classpath' customization variables documentation.*** Supports the standard breakpoint (gud-break, gud-clear) set/clear operations from java source files under the classpath, stack traversal (gud-up, gud-down), and run until current stack finish (gud-finish).*** Supports new jdb (Java 1.2 and later) in addition to oldjdb (Java 1.1 jdb).*** The previous method of searching for source files has been preserved in case someone still wants/needs to use it. Set gud-jdb-use-classpath to nil. Added Customization Variables*** gud-jdb-command-name. What command line to use to invoke jdb.*** gud-jdb-use-classpath. Allows selection of java source file searching method: set to t for new method, nil to scan gud-jdb-directories for java sources (previous method).*** gud-jdb-directories. List of directories to scan and search for java classes using the original gud-jdb method (if gud-jdb-use-classpath is nil). Minor Improvements*** The STARTTLS elisp wrapper (starttls.el) can now use GNUTLSinstead of the OpenSSL based "starttls" tool. For backwardscompatibility, it prefers "starttls", but you can toggle`starttls-use-gnutls' to switch to GNUTLS (or simply remove the"starttls" tool).*** Do not allow debugger output history variable to grow without bounds.+++** hide-ifdef-mode now uses overlays rather than selective-displayto hide its text. This should be mostly transparent but slightlychanges the behavior of motion commands like C-e and C-p.+++** Unquoted `$' in file names do not signal an error any more whenthe corresponding environment variable does not exist.Instead, the `$ENVVAR' text is left as is, so that `$$' quotingis only rarely needed.---** JIT-lock changes*** jit-lock can now be delayed with `jit-lock-defer-time'.If this variable is non-nil, its value should be the amount of Emacsidle time in seconds to wait before starting fontification. Forexample, if you set `jit-lock-defer-time' to 0.25, fontification willonly happen after 0.25s of idle time.*** contextual refontification is now separate from stealth fontification.jit-lock-defer-contextually is renamed jit-lock-contextually andjit-lock-context-time determines the delay after which contextualrefontification takes place.+++** Marking commands extend the region when invoked multiple times. Ifyou hit M-C-SPC (mark-sexp), M-@ (mark-word), M-h (mark-paragraph), orC-M-h (mark-defun) repeatedly, the marked region extends each time, soyou can mark the next two sexps with M-C-SPC M-C-SPC, for example.This feature also works for mark-end-of-sentence, if you bind that toa key. It also extends the region when the mark is active in TransientMark mode, regardless of the last command. To start a new region withone of marking commands in Transient Mark mode, you can deactivate theactive region with C-g, or set the new mark with C-SPC.+++** Some commands do something special in Transient Mark mode when themark is active--for instance, they limit their operation to theregion. Even if you don't normally use Transient Mark mode, you mightwant to get this behavior from a particular command. There are twoways you can enable Transient Mark mode and activate the mark, for onecommand only.One method is to type C-SPC C-SPC; this enables Transient Mark modeand sets the mark at point. The other method is to type C-u C-x C-x.This enables Transient Mark mode temporarily but does not alter themark or the region.After these commands, Transient Mark mode remains enabled until youdeactivate the mark. That typically happens when you type a commandthat alters the buffer, but you can also deactivate the mark by typingC-g.+++** A prefix argument is no longer required to repeat a jump to aprevious mark, i.e. C-u C-SPC C-SPC C-SPC ... cycles through themark ring. Use C-u C-u C-SPC to set the mark immediately after a jump.** Movement commands `beginning-of-buffer', `end-of-buffer',`beginning-of-defun', `end-of-defun' do not set the mark if the markis already active in Transient Mark mode.+++** In the *Occur* buffer, `o' switches to it in another window, andC-o displays the current line's occurrence in another window withoutswitching to it.+++** When you specify a frame size with --geometry, the size applies toall frames you create. A position specified with --geometry onlyaffects the initial frame.+++** M-h (mark-paragraph) now accepts a prefix arg.With positive arg, M-h marks the current and the following paragraphs;if the arg is negative, it marks the current and the precedingparagraphs.+++** The variables dired-free-space-program and dired-free-space-argshave been renamed to directory-free-space-program anddirectory-free-space-args, and they now apply whenever Emacs puts adirectory listing into a buffer.---** mouse-wheels can now scroll a specific fraction of the window(rather than a fixed number of lines) and the scrolling is `progressive'.** Unexpected yanking of text due to accidental clicking on the mousewheel button (typically mouse-2) during wheel scrolling is now avoided.This behavior can be customized via the mouse-wheel-click-event andmouse-wheel-inhibit-click-time variables.+++** The keyboard-coding-system is now automatically set based on yourcurrent locale settings if you are not using a window system. Thismay mean that the META key doesn't work but generates non-ASCIIcharacters instead, depending on how the terminal (or terminalemulator) works. Use `set-keyboard-coding-system' (or customizekeyboard-coding-system) if you prefer META to work (the old default)or if the locale doesn't describe the character set actually generatedby the keyboard. See Info node `Single-Byte Character Support'.+++** Emacs now reads the standard abbrevs file ~/.abbrev_defsautomatically at startup, if it exists. When Emacs offers to savemodified buffers, it saves the abbrevs too if they have changed. Itcan do this either silently or asking for confirmation first,according to the value of `save-abbrevs'.+++** Display of hollow cursors now obeys the buffer-local value (if any)of `cursor-in-non-selected-windows' in the buffer that the cursorappears in.** The variable `cursor-in-non-selected-windows' can now be set to anyof the recognized cursor types.---** The variable `auto-save-file-name-transforms' now has a third element thatcontrols whether or not the function `make-auto-save-file-name' willattempt to construct a unique auto-save name (e.g. for remote files).+++** There is a new calendar package, icalendar.el, that can be used toconvert Emacs diary entries to/from the iCalendar format.+++** Diary sexp entries can have custom marking in the calendar.Diary sexp functions which only apply to certain days (such as`diary-block' or `diary-cyclic') now take an optional parameter MARK,which is the name of a face or a single-character string indicatinghow to highlight the day in the calendar display. Specifying asingle-character string as @var{mark} places the character next to theday in the calendar. Specifying a face highlights the day with thatface. This lets you have different colors or markings for vacations,appointments, paydays or anything else using a sexp.+++** The new function `calendar-goto-day-of-year' (g D) prompts for ayear and day number, and moves to that date. Negative day numberscount backward from the end of the year.+++** The new Calendar function `calendar-goto-iso-week' (g w)prompts for a year and a week number, and moves to the firstday of that ISO week.** The new variable `calendar-minimum-window-height' affects thewindow generated by the function `generate-calendar-window'.---** The functions `holiday-easter-etc' and `holiday-advent' now takeoptional arguments, in order to only report on the specified holidayrather than all. This makes customization of variables such as`christian-holidays' simpler.** The function `simple-diary-display' now by default sets a header line.This can be controlled through the variables `diary-header-line-flag'and `diary-header-line-format'.+++** The procedure for activating appointment reminders has changed: usethe new function `appt-activate'. The new variable`appt-display-format' controls how reminders are displayed, replacingappt-issue-message, appt-visible, and appt-msg-window.** The new functions `diary-from-outlook', `diary-from-outlook-gnus',and `diary-from-outlook-rmail' can be used to import diary entriesfrom Outlook-format appointments in mail messages. The variable`diary-outlook-formats' can be customized to recognize additionalformats.** VC Changes*** The key C-x C-q no longer checks files in or out, it only changesthe read-only state of the buffer (toggle-read-only). We made thischange because we held a poll and found that many users were unhappywith the previous behavior. If you do prefer this behavior, youcan bind `vc-toggle-read-only' to C-x C-q in your .emacs: (global-set-key "\C-x\C-q" 'vc-toggle-read-only)The function `vc-toggle-read-only' will continue to exist.+++*** There is a new user option `vc-cvs-global-switches' that allowsyou to specify switches that are passed to any CVS command invokedby VC. These switches are used as "global options" for CVS, whichmeans they are inserted before the command name. For example, thisallows you to specify a compression level using the "-z#" option forCVS.*** New backends for Subversion and Meta-CVS.** EDiff changes.+++*** When comparing directories.Typing D brings up a buffer that lists the differences between the contents ofdirectories. Now it is possible to use this buffer to copy the missing filesfrom one directory to another.+++*** When comparing files or buffers.Typing the = key now offers to perform the word-by-word comparison of thecurrently highlighted regions in an inferior Ediff session. If you answer 'n'then it reverts to the old behavior and asks the user to select regions forcomparison.*** The new command `ediff-backup' compares a file with its most recentbackup using `ediff'. If you specify the name of a backup file,`ediff-backup' compares it with the file of which it is a backup.+++** Etags changes.*** New regular expressions features**** New syntax for regular expressions, multi-line regular expressions.The syntax --ignore-case-regexp=/regex/ is now undocumented and retainedonly for backward compatibility. The new equivalent syntax is--regex=/regex/i. More generally, it is --regex=/TAGREGEX/TAGNAME/MODS,where `/TAGNAME' is optional, as usual, and MODS is a string of 0 ormore characters among `i' (ignore case), `m' (multi-line) and `s'(single-line). The `m' and `s' modifiers behave as in Perl regularexpressions: `m' allows regexps to match more than one line, while `s'(which implies `m') means that `.' matches newlines. The ability tospan newlines allows writing of much more powerful regular expressionsand rapid prototyping for tagging new languages.**** Regular expressions can use char escape sequences as in Gcc.The escaped character sequence \a, \b, \d, \e, \f, \n, \r, \t, \v,respectively, stand for the ASCII characters BEL, BS, DEL, ESC, FF, NL,CR, TAB, VT,**** Regular expressions can be bound to a given language.The syntax --regex={LANGUAGE}REGEX means that REGEX is used to make tagsonly for files of language LANGUAGE, and ignored otherwise. This isparticularly useful when storing regexps in a file.**** Regular expressions can be read from a file.The --regex=@regexfile option means read the regexps from a file, oneper line. Lines beginning with space or tab are ignored.*** New language parsing features**** The `::' qualifier triggers C++ parsing in C file.Previously, only the `template' and `class' keywords had this effect.**** The gnucc __attribute__ keyword is now recognised and ignored.**** New language HTML.Title and h1, h2, h3 are tagged. Also, tags are generated when name= isused inside an anchor and whenever id= is used.**** In Makefiles, constants are tagged.If you want the old behavior instead, thus avoiding to increase thesize of the tags file, use the --no-globals option.**** New language Lua.All functions are tagged.**** In Perl, packages are tags.Subroutine tags are named from their package. You can jump to sub tagsas you did before, by the sub name, or additionally by looking forpackage::sub.**** In Prolog, etags creates tags for rules in addition to predicates.**** New language PHP.Tags are functions, classes and defines.If the --members option is specified to etags, tags are variables also.**** New default keywords for TeX.The new keywords are def, newcommand, renewcommand, newenvironment andrenewenvironment.*** Honour #line directives.When Etags parses an input file that contains C preprocessor's #linedirectives, it creates tags using the file name and line numberspecified in those directives. This is useful when dealing with codecreated from Cweb source files. When Etags tags the generated file, itwrites tags pointing to the source file.*** New option --parse-stdin=FILE.This option is mostly useful when calling etags from programs. It canbe used (only once) in place of a file name on the command line. Etagsreads from standard input and marks the produced tags as belonging tothe file FILE.+++** CC Mode changes.*** Font lock support.CC Mode now provides font lock support for all its languages. Thissupersedes the font lock patterns that have been in the core font lockpackage for C, C++, Java and Objective-C. Like indentation, fontlocking is done in a uniform way across all languages (except the newAWK mode - see below). That means that the new font locking will bedifferent from the old patterns in various details for most languages.The main goal of the font locking in CC Mode is accuracy, to provide adependable aid in recognizing the various constructs. Some, likestrings and comments, are easy to recognize while others likedeclarations and types can be very tricky. CC Mode can go to greatlengths to recognize declarations and casts correctly, especially whenthe types aren't recognized by standard patterns. This is a fairlydemanding analysis which can be slow on older hardware, and it cantherefore be disabled by choosing a lower decoration level with thevariable font-lock-maximum-decoration.Note that the most demanding font lock level has been tuned with lazyfontification in mind, i.e. there should be a support mode that waitswith the fontification until the text is actually shown(e.g. Just-in-time Lock mode, which is the default, or Lazy Lockmode). Fontifying a file with several thousand lines in one go cantake the better part of a minute.**** The (c|c++|objc|java|idl|pike)-font-lock-extra-types variablesare now used by CC Mode to recognize identifiers that are certain tobe types. (They are also used in cases that aren't related to fontlocking.) At the maximum decoration level, types are often recognizedproperly anyway, so these variables should be fairly restrictive andnot contain patterns for uncertain types.**** Support for documentation comments.There is a "plugin" system to fontify documentation comments likeJavadoc and the markup within them. It's independent of the hostlanguage, so it's possible to e.g. turn on Javadoc font locking in Cbuffers. See the variable c-doc-comment-style for details.Currently two kinds of doc comment styles are recognized: Suns Javadocand Autodoc which is used in Pike. This is by no means a completelist of the most common tools; if your doc comment extractor of choiceis missing then please drop a note to**** Better handling of C++ templates.As a side effect of the more accurate font locking, C++ templates arenow handled much better. The angle brackets that delimit them aregiven parenthesis syntax so that they can be navigated like otherparens.This also improves indentation of templates, although there still iswork to be done in that area. E.g. it's required that multilinetemplate clauses are written in full and then refontified to berecognized, and the indentation of nested templates is a bit odd andnot as configurable as it ought to be.**** Improved handling of Objective-C and CORBA IDL.Especially the support for Objective-C and IDL has gotten an overhaul.The special "@" declarations in Objective-C are handled correctly.All the keywords used in CORBA IDL, PSDL, and CIDL are recognized andhandled correctly, also wrt indentation.*** Support for the AWK language.Support for the AWK language has been introduced. The implementation isbased around GNU AWK version 3.1, but it should work pretty well withany AWK. As yet, not all features of CC Mode have been adapted for AWK.Here is a summary:**** Indentation EngineThe CC Mode indentation engine fully supports AWK mode.AWK mode handles code formatted in the conventional AWK fashion: `{'swhich start actions, user-defined functions, or compound statements areplaced on the same line as the associated construct; the matching `}'sare normally placed under the start of the respective pattern, functiondefinition, or structured statement.The predefined indentation functions haven't yet been adapted for AWKmode, though some of them may work serendipitously. There shouldn't beany problems writing custom indentation functions for AWK mode.The command C-c C-q (c-indent-defun) hasn't yet been adapted for AWK,though in practice it works properly nearly all the time. Should itfail, explicitly set the region around the function (using C-u C-SPC:C-M-h probably won't work either) then do C-M-\ (indent-region).**** Font LockingThere is a single level of font locking in AWK mode, rather than thethree distinct levels the other modes have. There are severalidiosyncrasies in AWK mode's font-locking due to the peculiarities ofthe AWK language itself.**** Comment CommandsM-; (indent-for-comment) works fine. None of the other CC Modecomment formatting commands have yet been adapted for AWK mode.**** Movement CommandsMost of the movement commands work in AWK mode. The most importantexceptions are M-a (c-beginning-of-statement) and M-e(c-end-of-statement) which haven't yet been adapted.The notion of "defun" has been augmented to include AWK pattern-actionpairs. C-M-a (c-awk-beginning-of-defun) and C-M-e (c-awk-end-of-defun)recognise these pattern-action pairs, as well as user definedfunctions.**** Auto-newline Insertion and Clean-upsAuto-newline insertion hasn't yet been adapted for AWK. Some ofthe clean-ups can actually convert good AWK code into syntacticallyinvalid code. These features are best disabled in AWK buffers.*** New syntactic symbols in IDL mode.The top level constructs "module" and "composition" (from CIDL) arenow handled like "namespace" in C++: They are given syntactic symbolsmodule-open, module-close, inmodule, composition-open,composition-close, and incomposition.*** New functions to do hungry delete without enabling hungry delete mode.The functions c-hungry-backspace and c-hungry-delete-forward can bebound to keys to get this feature without toggling a mode.Contributed by Kevin Ryde.*** Better control over require-final-newline. The variable thatcontrols how to handle a final newline when the buffer is saved,require-final-newline, is now customizable on a per-mode basis throughc-require-final-newline. That is a list of modes, and only thosemodes set require-final-newline. By default that's C, C++ andObjective-C.The specified modes set require-final-newline based onmode-require-final-newline, as usual.*** Format change for syntactic context elements.The elements in the syntactic context returned by c-guess-basic-syntaxand stored in c-syntactic-context has been changed somewhat to allowattaching more information. They are now lists instead of single conscells. E.g. a line that previously had the syntactic analysis((inclass . 11) (topmost-intro . 13))is now analysed as((inclass 11) (topmost-intro 13))In some cases there are more than one position given for a syntacticsymbol.This change might affect code that call c-guess-basic-syntax directly,and custom lineup functions if they use c-syntactic-context. However,the argument given to lineup functions is still a single cons cellwith nil or an integer in the cdr.*** API changes for derived modes.There have been extensive changes "under the hood" which can affectderived mode writers. Some of these changes are likely to causeincompatibilities with existing derived modes, but on the other handcare has now been taken to make it possible to extend and modify CCMode with less risk of such problems in the future.**** New language variable system.See the comment blurb near the top of cc-langs.el.**** New initialization functions.The initialization procedure has been split up into more functions togive better control: c-basic-common-init, c-font-lock-init, andc-init-language-vars.*** Changes in analysis of nested syntactic constructs.The syntactic analysis engine has better handling of cases whereseveral syntactic constructs appear nested on the same line. They arenow handled as if each construct started on a line of its own.This means that CC Mode now indents some cases differently, andalthough it's more consistent there might be cases where the old waygave results that's more to one's liking. So if you find a situationwhere you think that the indentation has become worse, please reportit to**** New syntactic symbol substatement-label.This symbol is used when a label is inserted between a statement andits substatement. E.g: if (x) x_is_true: do_stuff();*** Better handling of multiline macros.**** Syntactic indentation inside macros.The contents of multiline #define's are now analyzed and indentedsyntactically just like other code. This can be disabled by the newvariable c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros. A new syntactic symbolcpp-define-intro has been added to control the initial indentationinside #define's.**** New lineup function c-lineup-cpp-define.Now used by default to line up macro continuation lines. The behaviorof this function closely mimics the indentation one gets if the macrois indented while the line continuation backslashes are temporarilyremoved. If syntactic indentation in macros is turned off, it worksmuch line c-lineup-dont-change, which was used earlier, but handlesempty lines within the macro better.**** Automatically inserted newlines continues the macro if used within one.This applies to the newlines inserted by the auto-newline mode, and toc-context-line-break and c-context-open-line.**** Better alignment of line continuation backslashes.c-backslash-region tries to adapt to surrounding backslashes. Newvariable c-backslash-max-column which put a limit on how far outbackslashes can be moved.**** Automatic alignment of line continuation backslashes.This is controlled by the new variable c-auto-align-backslashes. Itaffects c-context-line-break, c-context-open-line and newlinesinserted in auto-newline mode.**** Line indentation works better inside macros.Regardless whether syntactic indentation and syntactic indentationinside macros are enabled or not, line indentation now ignores theline continuation backslashes. This is most noticeable when syntacticindentation is turned off and there are empty lines (save for thebackslash) in the macro.*** indent-for-comment is more customizable.The behavior of M-; (indent-for-comment) is now configurable throughthe variable c-indent-comment-alist. The indentation behavior basedon the preceding code on the line, e.g. to get two spaces after #elseand #endif but indentation to comment-column in most other cases(something which was hardcoded earlier).*** New function c-context-open-line.It's the open-line equivalent of c-context-line-break.*** New lineup functions**** c-lineup-string-contThis lineup function lines up a continued string under the one itcontinues. E.g:result = prefix + "A message " "string."; <- c-lineup-string-cont**** c-lineup-cascaded-callsLines up series of calls separated by "->" or ".".**** c-lineup-knr-region-commentGives (what most people think is) better indentation of comments inthe "K&R region" between the function header and its body.**** c-lineup-gcc-asm-regProvides better indentation inside asm blocks. Contributed by KevinRyde.**** c-lineup-argcontLines up continued function arguments after the preceding comma.Contributed by Kevin Ryde.*** Better caching of the syntactic context.CC Mode caches the positions of the opening parentheses (of any kind)of the lists surrounding the point. Those positions are used in manyplaces as anchor points for various searches. The cache is nowimproved so that it can be reused to a large extent when the point ismoved. The less it moves, the less needs to be recalculated.The effect is that CC Mode should be fast most of the time even whenopening parens are hung (i.e. aren't in column zero). It's typicallyonly the first time after the point is moved far down in a complexfile that it'll take noticeable time to find out the syntacticcontext.*** Statements are recognized in a more robust way.Statements are recognized most of the time even when they occur in an"invalid" context, e.g. in a function argument. In practice that canhappen when macros are involved.*** Improved the way c-indent-exp chooses the block to indent.It now indents the block for the closest sexp following the pointwhose closing paren ends on a different line. This means that thepoint doesn't have to be immediately before the block to indent.Also, only the block and the closing line is indented; the currentline is left untouched.*** Added toggle for syntactic indentation.The function c-toggle-syntactic-indentation can be used to togglesyntactic indentation.** The command line option --no-windows has been changed to--no-window-system. The old one still works, but is deprecated.+++** The command `list-text-properties-at' has been deleted becauseC-u C-x = gives the same information and more.+++** `buffer-menu' and `list-buffers' now list buffers whose names beginwith a space, when those buffers are visiting files. Normally bufferswhose names begin with space are omitted.+++** You can now customize fill-nobreak-predicate to control wherefilling can break lines. The value is now normally a list offunctions, but it can also be a single function, for compatibility.We provide two sample predicates, fill-single-word-nobreak-p andfill-french-nobreak-p, for use in the value of fill-nobreak-predicate.+++** New user option `add-log-always-start-new-record'.When this option is enabled, M-x add-change-log-entry alwaysstarts a new record regardless of when the last record is.+++** SGML mode has indentation and supports XML syntax.The new variable `sgml-xml-mode' tells SGML mode to use XML syntax.When this option is enabled, SGML tags are inserted in XML style,i.e., there is always a closing tag.By default, its setting is inferred on a buffer-by-buffer basisfrom the file name or buffer contents.+++** `xml-mode' is now an alias for `sgml-mode', which has XML support.---** Lisp mode now uses font-lock-doc-face for the docstrings.---** Perl mode has a new variable `perl-indent-continued-arguments'.+++** Fortran mode has a new variable `fortran-directive-re'.Adapt this to match the format of any compiler directives you use.Lines that match are never indented, and are given distinctive font-locking.---** F90 mode has new navigation commands `f90-end-of-block',`f90-beginning-of-block', `f90-next-block', `f90-previous-block'.** F90 mode now has support for hs-minor-mode (hideshow).It cannot deal with every code format, but ought to handle a sizeablemajority.---** The new function `f90-backslash-not-special' can be used to changethe syntax of backslashes in F90 buffers.---** Prolog mode has a new variable `prolog-font-lock-keywords'to support use of font-lock.+++** `special-display-buffer-names' and `special-display-regexps' nowunderstand two new boolean pseudo-frame-parameters `same-frame' and`same-window'.+++** M-x setenv now expands environment variables of the form `$foo' and`${foo}' in the specified new value of the environment variable. Toinclude a `$' in the value, use `$$'.+++** File-name completion can now ignore directories.If an element of the list in `completion-ignored-extensions' ends in aslash `/', it indicates a subdirectory that should be ignored whencompleting file names. Elements of `completion-ignored-extensions'which do not end in a slash are never considered when a completioncandidate is a directory.+++** The completion commands TAB, SPC and ? in the minibuffer apply onlyto the text before point. If there is text in the buffer after point,it remains unchanged.** Enhanced visual feedback in *Completions* buffer.Completions lists use faces to highlight what all completionshave in common and where they begin to differ.The common prefix shared by all possible completions uses the face`completions-common-part', while the first character that isn't thesame uses the face `completions-first-difference'. By default,`completions-common-part' inherits from `default', and`completions-first-difference' inherits from `bold'. The idea of`completions-common-part' is that you can use it to make the commonparts less visible than normal, so that the rest of the differingparts is, by contrast, slightly highlighted.+++** New user option `inhibit-startup-buffer-menu'.When loading many files, for instance with `emacs *', Emacs normallydisplays a buffer menu. This option turns the buffer menu off.---** Rmail now displays 5-digit message ids in its summary buffer.+++** Support for `movemail' from GNU mailutils was added to Rmail.This version of `movemail' allows to read mail from a wide range ofmailbox formats, including remote POP3 and IMAP4 mailboxes with orwithout TLS encryption. If GNU mailutils is installed on the systemand its version of `movemail' can be found in exec-path, it will beused instead of the native one.---** On MS Windows, the "system caret" now follows the cursor.This enables Emacs to work better with programs that need to trackthe cursor, for example screen magnifiers and text to speech programs.---** Tooltips now work on MS Windows.See the Emacs 21.1 NEWS entry for tooltips for details.---** Images are now supported on MS Windows.PBM and XBM images are supported out of the box. Other image formatsdepend on external libraries. All of these libraries have been portedto Windows, and can be found in both source and binary form at Note that libpng also depends onzlib, and tiff depends on the version of jpeg that it was compiledagainst. For additional information, see nt/INSTALL.---** Sound is now supported on MS Windows.WAV format is supported on all versions of Windows, other formats suchas AU, AIFF and MP3 may be supported in the more recent versions ofWindows, or when other software provides hooks into the system levelsound support for those formats.---** Different shaped mouse pointers are supported on MS Windows.The mouse pointer changes shape depending on what is under the pointer.---** Pointing devices with more than 3 buttons are now supported on MS Windows.The new variable `w32-pass-extra-mouse-buttons-to-system' controlswhether Emacs should handle the extra buttons itself (the default), orpass them to Windows to be handled with system-wide functions.---** Emacs takes note of colors defined in Control Panel on MS-Windows.The Control Panel defines some default colors for applications in muchthe same way as wildcard X Resources do on X. Emacs now adds thesecolors to the colormap prefixed by System (eg SystemMenu for thedefault Menu background, SystemMenuText for the foreground), and usessome of them to initialize some of the default faces.`list-colors-display' shows the list of System color names, in caseyou wish to use them in other faces.---** On MS Windows NT/W2K/XP, Emacs uses Unicode for clipboard operations.Those systems use Unicode internally, so this allows Emacs to sharemultilingual text with other applications. On other versions ofMS Windows, Emacs now uses the appropriate locale coding-system, sothe clipboard should work correctly for your local language withoutany customizations.+++** Under X11, it is possible to swap Alt and Meta (and Super and Hyper).The new variables `x-alt-keysym', `x-hyper-keysym', `x-meta-keysym',and `x-super-keysym' can be used to choose which keysyms Emacs shoulduse for the modifiers. For example, the following two lines swapMeta and Alt: (setq x-alt-keysym 'meta) (setq x-meta-keysym 'alt)+++** vc-annotate-mode enhancementsIn vc-annotate mode, you can now use the following key bindings forenhanced functionality to browse the annotations of past revisions, orto view diffs or log entries directly from vc-annotate-mode: P: annotates the previous revision N: annotates the next revision J: annotates the revision at line A: annotates the revision previous to line D: shows the diff of the revision at line with its previous revision L: shows the log of the revision at line W: annotates the workfile (most up to date) version+++** In pcl-cvs mode, there is a new `d y' command to view the diffsbetween the local version of the file and yesterday's head revisionin the repository.+++** In pcl-cvs mode, there is a new `d r' command to view the changesanyone has committed to the repository since you last executed"checkout", "update" or "commit". That means using cvs diff options-rBASE -rHEAD.** New variable `hs-set-up-overlay' allows customization of the overlayused to effect hiding for hideshow minor mode. Integration with isearchhandles the overlay property `display' specially, preserving it duringtemporary overlay showing in the course of an isearch operation.** New command `recode-region' decodes the region again by a specifiedcoding system.* New modes and packages in Emacs 22.1** The new package conf-mode.el handles thousands of configuration files, withvarying syntaxes for comments (;, #, //, /* */ or !), assignment (var = value,var : value, var value or keyword var value) and sections ([section] orsection { }). Many files under /etc/, or with suffixes like .cf through.config, .properties (Java), .desktop (KDE/Gnome), .ini and many others arerecognized.** The new package password.el provide a password cache and expiring mechanism.** The new package dns-mode.el add syntax highlight of DNS master files.The key binding C-c C-s (`dns-mode-soa-increment-serial') can be usedto increment the SOA serial.** The new package flymake.el does on-the-fly syntax checking of programsource files. See the Flymake's Info manual for more details.** The library tree-widget.el provides a new widget to display a setof hierarchical data as an outline. For example, the tree-widget iswell suited to display a hierarchy of directories and files.** The wdired.el package allows you to use normal editing commands on Diredbuffers to change filenames, permissions, etc...** The thumbs.el package allows you to preview image files as thumbnailsand can be invoked from a Dired buffer.** The new python.el package is used to edit Python and Jython programs.** The URL package (which had been part of W3) is now part of Emacs.+++** The new global minor mode `size-indication-mode' (off by default)shows the size of accessible part of the buffer on the mode line.** GDB-Script-mode is used for files like .gdbinit.---** Ido mode is now part of the Emacs distribution.The ido (interactively do) package is an extension of the iswitchbpackage to do interactive opening of files and directories in additionto interactive buffer switching. Ido is a superset of iswitchb (witha few exceptions), so don't enable both packages.---** CUA mode is now part of the Emacs distribution.The new cua package provides CUA-like keybindings using C-x forcut (kill), C-c for copy, C-v for paste (yank), and C-z for undo.With cua, the region can be set and extended using shifted movementkeys (like pc-selection-mode) and typed text replaces the activeregion (like delete-selection-mode). Do not enable these modes withcua-mode. Customize the variable `cua-mode' to enable cua.In addition, cua provides unified rectangle support with visiblerectangle highlighting: Use S-return to start a rectangle, extend itusing the movement commands (or mouse-3), and cut or copy it using C-xor C-c (using C-w and M-w also works).Use M-o and M-c to `open' or `close' the rectangle, use M-b or M-f, tofill it with blanks or another character, use M-u or M-l to upcase ordowncase the rectangle, use M-i to increment the numbers in therectangle, use M-n to fill the rectangle with a numeric sequence (suchas 10 20 30...), use M-r to replace a regexp in the rectangle, and useM-' or M-/ to restrict command on the rectangle to a subset of therows. See the commentary in cua-base.el for more rectangle commands.Cua also provides unified support for registers: Use a numericprefix argument between 0 and 9, i.e. M-0 .. M-9, for C-x, C-c, andC-v to cut or copy into register 0-9, or paste from register 0-9.The last text deleted (not killed) is automatically stored inregister 0. This includes text deleted by typing text.Finally, cua provides a global mark which is set using S-C-space.When the global mark is active, any text which is cut or copied isautomatically inserted at the global mark position. See thecommentary in cua-base.el for more global mark related commands.The features of cua also works with the standard emacs bindings forkill, copy, yank, and undo. If you want to use cua mode, but don'twant the C-x, C-c, C-v, and C-z bindings, you may customize the`cua-enable-cua-keys' variable.Note: This version of cua mode is not backwards compatible with olderversions of cua.el and cua-mode.el. To ensure proper operation, youmust remove older versions of cua.el or cua-mode.el as well as theloading and customization of those packages from the .emacs file.** The new keypad setup package provides several common bindings forthe numeric keypad which is available on most keyboards. The numerickeypad typically has the digits 0 to 9, a decimal point, keys marked+, -, /, and *, an Enter key, and a NumLock toggle key. The keypadpackage only controls the use of the digit and decimal keys.By customizing the variables `keypad-setup', `keypad-shifted-setup',`keypad-numlock-setup', and `keypad-numlock-shifted-setup', or byusing the function `keypad-setup', you can rebind all digit keys andthe decimal key of the keypad in one step for each of the fourpossible combinations of the Shift key state (not pressed/pressed) andthe NumLock toggle state (off/on).The choices for the keypad keys in each of the above states are:`Plain numeric keypad' where the keys generates plain digits,`Numeric keypad with decimal key' where the character produced by thedecimal key can be customized individually (for internationalization),`Numeric Prefix Arg' where the keypad keys produce numeric prefix argsfor emacs editing commands, `Cursor keys' and `Shifted Cursor keys'where the keys work like (shifted) arrow keys, home/end, etc., and`Unspecified/User-defined' where the keypad keys (kp-0, kp-1, etc.)are left unspecified and can be bound individually through the globalor local keymaps.+++** The new kmacro package provides a simpler user interface toemacs' keyboard macro facilities.Basically, it uses two function keys (default F3 and F4) like this:F3 starts a macro, F4 ends the macro, and pressing F4 again executesthe last macro. While defining the macro, F3 inserts a counter valuewhich automatically increments every time the macro is executed.There is now a keyboard macro ring which stores the most recentlydefined macros.The C-x C-k sequence is now a prefix for the kmacro keymap whichdefines bindings for moving through the keyboard macro ring,C-x C-k C-p and C-x C-k C-n, editing the last macro C-x C-k C-e,manipulating the macro counter and format via C-x C-k C-c,C-x C-k C-a, and C-x C-k C-f. See the commentary in kmacro.elfor more commands.The normal macro bindings C-x (, C-x ), and C-x e now interfaces tothe keyboard macro ring.The C-x e command now automatically terminates the current macrobefore calling it, if used while defining a macro.In addition, when ending or calling a macro with C-x e, the macro canbe repeated immediately by typing just the `e'. You can customizethis behavior via the variable kmacro-call-repeat-key andkmacro-call-repeat-with-arg.Keyboard macros can now be debugged and edited interactively.C-x C-k SPC steps through the last keyboard macro one key sequenceat a time, prompting for the actions to take.---** The old Octave mode bindings C-c f and C-c i have been changedto C-c C-f and C-c C-i. The C-c C-i subcommands now have duplicatebindings on control characters--thus, C-c C-i C-b is the same asC-c C-i b, and so on.** The printing package is now part of the Emacs distribution.If you enable the printing package by including (require 'printing) inthe .emacs file, the normal Print item on the File menu is replacedwith a Print sub-menu which allows you to preview output throughghostview, use ghostscript to print (if you don't have a PostScriptprinter) or send directly to printer a PostScript code generated by`ps-print' package. Use M-x pr-help for more information.+++** Calc is now part of the Emacs distribution.Calc is an advanced desk calculator and mathematical tool written inEmacs Lisp. Its documentation is in a separate manual; within Emacs,type "C-h i m calc RET" to read that manual. A reference card isavailable in `etc/calccard.tex' and `etc/'.+++** Tramp is now part of the distribution.This package is similar to Ange-FTP: it allows you to edit remotefiles. But whereas Ange-FTP uses FTP to access the remote host,Tramp uses a shell connection. The shell connection is always usedfor filename completion and directory listings and suchlike, but forthe actual file transfer, you can choose between the so-called`inline' methods (which transfer the files through the shellconnection using base64 or uu encoding) and the `out-of-band' methods(which invoke an external copying program such as `rcp' or `scp' or`rsync' to do the copying).Shell connections can be acquired via `rsh', `ssh', `telnet' and also`su' and `sudo'.---** The new global minor mode `file-name-shadow-mode' modifies the wayfilenames being entered by the user in the minibuffer are displayed, sothat it's clear when part of the entered filename will be ignored due toemacs' filename parsing rules. The ignored portion can be made dim,invisible, or otherwise less visually noticable. The display method maybe displayed by customizing the variable `file-name-shadow-properties'.---** The ruler-mode.el library provides a minor mode for displaying an"active" ruler in the header line. You can use the mouse to visuallychange the `fill-column', `window-margins' and `tab-stop-list'settings.---** The minor mode Reveal mode makes text visible on the fly as youmove your cursor into hidden regions of the buffer.It should work with any package that uses overlays to hide partsof a buffer, such as outline-minor-mode, hs-minor-mode, hide-ifdef-mode, ...There is also Global Reveal mode which affects all buffers.---** The new package ibuffer provides a powerful, completelycustomizable replacement for buff-menu.el.** The new package table.el implements editable, WYSIWYG, embedded`text tables' in Emacs buffers. It simulates the effect of puttingthese tables in a special major mode. The package emulates WYSIWYGtable editing available in modern word processors. The package alsocan generate a table source in typesetting and markup languages suchas latex and html from the visually laid out text table.+++** SES mode (ses-mode) is a new major mode for creating and editingspreadsheet files. Besides the usual Emacs features (intuitive commandletters, undo, cell formulas in Lisp, plaintext files, etc.) it also offersviral immunity and import/export of tab-separated values.---** Support for `magic cookie' standout modes has been removed.Emacs will still work on terminals that require magic cookies in orderto use standout mode, however they will not be able to displaymode-lines in inverse-video.---** cplus-md.el has been removed to avoid problems with Custom.** New package benchmark.el contains simple support for convenienttiming measurements of code (including the garbage collection component).** The new Lisp library fringe.el controls the appearance of fringes.** `cfengine-mode' is a major mode for editing GNU Cfengineconfiguration files.* Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 22.1+++** `suppress-keymap' now works by remapping `self-insert-command' tothe command `undefined'. (In earlier Emacs versions, it used`substitute-key-definition' to rebind self inserting characters to`undefined'.)+++** Mode line display ignores text properties as well as the:propertize and :eval forms in the value of a variable whose`risky-local-variable' property is nil.* Lisp Changes in Emacs 22.1** An element of buffer-undo-list can now have the form (FUNNAME .ARGS), where FUNNAME is a symbol other than t or nil. That stands fora high-level change that should be undone by evaluating (apply FUNNAMEARGS).+++** The line-move, scroll-up, and scroll-down functions will nowmodify the window vscroll to scroll through display rows that aretaller that the height of the window, for example in the presense oflarge images. To disable this feature, Lisp code may bind the newvariable `auto-window-vscroll' to nil.+++** If a buffer sets buffer-save-without-query to non-nil,save-some-buffers will always save that buffer without asking(if it's modified).+++** The function symbol-file tells you which file defineda certain function or variable.** Lisp code can now test if a given buffer position is inside aclickable link with the new function `mouse-on-link-p'. This is thefunction used by the new `mouse-1-click-follows-link' functionality.+++** (while-no-input BODY...) runs BODY, but only so long as no inputarrives. If the user types or clicks anything, BODY stops as if aquit had occurred. while-no-input returns the value of BODY, if BODYfinishes. It returns nil if BODY was aborted.+++** `set-auto-mode' now gives the interpreter magic line (if present)precedence over the file name. Likewise an <?xml or <!DOCTYPE declarationwill give the buffer XML or SGML mode, based on the new var`magic-mode-alist'.+++** New function `looking-back' checks whether a regular expression matchesthe text before point. Specifying the LIMIT argument bounds how farback the match can start; this is a way to keep it from taking too long.+++** New functions `make-progress-reporter', `progress-reporter-update',`progress-reporter-force-update', `progress-reporter-done', and`dotimes-with-progress-reporter' provide a simple and efficient way fora command to present progress messages for the user.---** To manipulate the File menu using easy-menu, you must specify theproper name "file". In previous Emacs versions, you had to specify"files", even though the menu item itself was changed to say "File"several versions ago.+++** read-from-minibuffer now accepts an additional argument KEEP-ALLsaying to put all inputs in the history list, even empty ones.+++** The new variable search-spaces-regexp controls how to searchfor spaces in a regular expression. If it is non-nil, it should be aregular expression, and any series of spaces stands for that regularexpression. If it is nil, spaces stand for themselves.Spaces inside of constructs such as [..] and *, +, ? are neverreplaced with search-spaces-regexp.---** list-buffers-noselect now takes an additional argument, BUFFER-LIST.If it is non-nil, it specifies which buffers to list.---** set-buffer-file-coding-system now takes an additional argument,NOMODIFY. If it is non-nil, it means don't mark the buffer modified.+++** The new function syntax-after returns the syntax codeof the character after a specified buffer position, taking accountof text properties as well as the character code.+++** The new primitive `get-internal-run-time' returns the processorrun time used by Emacs since start-up.+++** The new function `called-interactively-p' does what many peoplehave mistakenly believed `interactive-p' did: it returns t if thecalling function was called through `call-interactively'. This shouldonly be used when you cannot add a new "interactive" argument to thecommand.+++** The new function `assoc-string' replaces `assoc-ignore-case' and`assoc-ignore-representation', which are still available, but havebeen declared obsolete.+++** An interactive specification may now use the code letter 'U' to getthe up-event that was discarded in case the last key sequence read for aprevious 'k' or 'K' argument was a down-event; otherwise nil is used.** Function `translate-region' accepts also a char-table as TABLEargument.+++** Major mode functions now run the new normal hook`after-change-major-mode-hook', at their very end, after the mode hooks.+++** `auto-save-file-format' has been renamed to`buffer-auto-save-file-format' and made into a permanent local.+++** Both the variable and the function `disabled-command-hook' havebeen renamed to `disabled-command-function'. The variable`disabled-command-hook' has been kept as an obsolete alias.** Function `compute-motion' now calculates the usable windowwidth if the WIDTH argument is nil. If the TOPOS argument is nil,the usable window height and width is used.+++** `visited-file-modtime' and `calendar-time-from-absolute' now returna list of two integers, instead of a cons.** If a command sets transient-mark-mode to `only', thatenables Transient Mark mode for the following command only.During that following command, the value of transient-mark-modeis `identity'. If it is still `identity' at the end of the command,it changes to nil.+++** Cleaner way to enter key sequences.You can enter a constant key sequence in a more natural format, thesame one used for saving keyboard macros, using the macro `kbd'. Forexample,(kbd "C-x C-f") => "\^x\^f"** The sentinel is now called when a network process is deleted withdelete-process. The status message passed to the sentinel for adeleted network process is "deleted". The message passed to thesentinel when the connection is closed by the remote peer has beenchanged to "connection broken by remote peer".** If the buffer's undo list for the current command gets longer thanundo-outer-limit, garbage collection empties it. This is to preventit from using up the available memory and choking Emacs.---** New function quail-find-key returns a list of keys to type in thecurrent input method to input a character.+++** New functions posn-at-point and posn-at-x-y returnclick-event-style position information for a given visible bufferposition or for a given window pixel coordinate.** skip-chars-forward and skip-chars-backward now handlecharacter classes such as [:alpha:], along with individual charactersand ranges.** Function pos-visible-in-window-p now returns the pixel coordinatesand partial visiblity state of the corresponding row, if the PARTIALLYarg is non-nil.** The function `eql' is now available without requiring the CL package.+++** The new primitive `set-file-times' sets a file's access andmodification times. Magic file name handlers can handle thisoperation.+++** The display space :width and :align-to text properties are nowsupported on text terminals.+++** Support for displaying image slices*** New display property (slice X Y WIDTH HEIGHT) may be used withan image property to display only a specific slice of the image.*** Function insert-image has new optional fourth arg tospecify image slice (X Y WIDTH HEIGHT).*** New function insert-sliced-image inserts a given image as aspecified number of evenly sized slices (rows x columns).+++** New line-height and line-spacing properties for newline charactersA newline may now have line-height and line-spacing text or overlayproperties that control the height of the corresponding display row.If the line-height property value is t, the newline does notcontribute to the height of the display row; instead the height of thenewline glyph is reduced. Also, a line-spacing property on thisnewline is ignored. This can be used to tile small images or imageslices without adding blank areas between the images.If the line-height property value is a positive integer, the valuespecifies the minimum line height in pixels. If necessary, the lineheight it increased by increasing the line's ascent.If the line-height property value is a float, the minimum line heightis calculated by multiplying the default frame line height by thegiven value.If the line-height property value is a cons (FACE . RATIO), theminimum line height is calculated as RATIO * height of named FACE.RATIO is int or float. If FACE is t, it specifies the current face.If the line-height property value is a cons (nil . RATIO), the lineheight is calculated as RATIO * actual height of the line's contents.If the line-height value is a cons (HEIGHT . TOTAL), HEIGHT specifiesthe line height as described above, while TOTAL is any of the formsdescribed above and specifies the total height of the line, causing avarying number of pixels to be inserted after the line to make it lineexactly that many pixels high.If the line-spacing property value is an positive integer, the valueis used as additional pixels to insert after the display line; thisoverrides the default frame line-spacing and any buffer local value ofthe line-spacing variable.If the line-spacing property may be a float or cons, the line spacingis calculated as specified above for the line-height property.** The buffer local line-spacing variable may now have a float value,which is used as a height relative to the default frame line height.+++** Enhancements to stretch display propertiesThe display property stretch specification form `(space PROPS)', wherePROPS is a property list now allows pixel based width and heightspecifications, as well as enhanced horizontal text alignment.The value of these properties can now be a (primitive) expressionwhich is evaluated during redisplay. The following expressionsare supported:EXPR ::= NUM | (NUM) | UNIT | ELEM | POS | IMAGE | FORMNUM ::= INTEGER | FLOAT | SYMBOLUNIT ::= in | mm | cm | width | heightELEM ::= left-fringe | right-fringe | left-margin | right-margin | scroll-bar | textPOS ::= left | center | rightFORM ::= (NUM . EXPR) | (OP EXPR ...)OP ::= + | -The form `NUM' specifies a fractional width or height of the defaultframe font size. The form `(NUM)' specifies an absolute number ofpixels. If a symbol is specified, its buffer-local variable bindingis used. The `in', `mm', and `cm' units specifies the number ofpixels per inch, milli-meter, and centi-meter, resp. The `width' and`height' units correspond to the width and height of the current facefont. An image specification corresponds to the width or height ofthe image.The `left-fringe', `right-fringe', `left-margin', `right-margin',`scroll-bar', and `text' elements specify to the width of thecorresponding area of the window.The `left', `center', and `right' positions can be used with :align-toto specify a position relative to the left edge, center, or right edgeof the text area. One of the above window elements (except `text')can also be used with :align-to to specify that the position isrelative to the left edge of the given area. Once the base offset fora relative position has been set (by the first occurrence of one ofthese symbols), further occurences of these symbols are interpreted asthe width of the area.For example, to align to the center of the left-margin, use :align-to (+ left-margin (0.5 . left-margin))If no specific base offset is set for alignment, it is always relativeto the left edge of the text area. For example, :align-to 0 in aheader-line aligns with the first text column in the text area.The value of the form `(NUM . EXPR)' is the value of NUM multiplied bythe value of the expression EXPR. For example, (2 . in) specifies awidth of 2 inches, while (0.5 . IMAGE) specifies half the width (orheight) of the specified image.The form `(+ EXPR ...)' adds up the value of the expressions.The form `(- EXPR ...)' negates or subtracts the value of the expressions.+++** Normally, the cursor is displayed at the end of any overlay andtext property string that may be present at the current windowposition. The cursor may now be placed on any character of suchstrings by giving that character a non-nil `cursor' text property.** New macro with-local-quit temporarily sets inhibit-quit to nil for usearound potentially blocking or long-running code in timersand post-command-hooks.** The first face specification element in a defface can specify`default' instead of frame classification. Then its attributes act asdefaults that apply to all the subsequent cases (and may be overriddenby them).+++** New face attribute `min-colors' can be used to tailor the face colorto the number of colors supported by a display, and define theforeground and background colors accordingly so that they look best ona terminal that supports at least this many colors. This is now thepreferred method for defining default faces in a way that makes a gooduse of the capabilities of the display.+++** Customizable fringe bitmaps*** New function 'define-fringe-bitmap' can now be used to create newfringe bitmaps, as well as change the built-in fringe bitmaps.To change a built-in bitmap, do (require 'fringe) and use the symbolidentifing the bitmap such as `left-truncation or `continued-line'.*** New function 'destroy-fringe-bitmap' may be used to destroy apreviously created bitmap, or restore a built-in bitmap.*** New function 'set-fringe-bitmap-face' can now be used to set aspecific face to be used for a specific fringe bitmap. Normally,this should be a face derived from the `fringe' face, specifyingthe foreground color as the desired color of the bitmap.*** There are new display properties, left-fringe and right-fringe,that can be used to show a specific bitmap in the left or right fringebitmap of the display line.Format is 'display '(left-fringe BITMAP [FACE]), where BITMAP is asymbol identifying a fringe bitmap, either built-in or defined with`define-fringe-bitmap', and FACE is an optional face name to be usedfor displaying the bitmap.*** New function `fringe-bitmaps-at-pos' returns the current fringebitmaps in the display line at a given buffer position.** Multiple overlay arrows can now be defined and managed via the newvariable `overlay-arrow-variable-list'. It contains a list ofvaribles which contain overlay arrow position markers, includingthe original `overlay-arrow-position' variable.Each variable on this list may have individual `overlay-arrow-string'and `overlay-arrow-bitmap' properties that specify an overlay arrowstring (for non-window terminals) or fringe bitmap (for windowsystems) to display at the corresponding overlay arrow position.If either property is not set, the default `overlay-arrow-string' or'overlay-arrow-fringe-bitmap' will be used.+++** New function `line-number-at-pos' returns line number of currentline in current buffer, or if optional buffer position is given, linenumber of corresponding line in current buffer.+++** The default value of `sentence-end' is now defined using the newvariable `sentence-end-without-space' which contains such charactersthat end a sentence without following spaces.+++** The function `sentence-end' should be used to obtain the value ofthe variable `sentence-end'. If the variable `sentence-end' is nil,then this function returns the regexp constructed from the variables`sentence-end-without-period', `sentence-end-double-space' and`sentence-end-without-space'.+++** The flags, width, and precision options for %-specifications in function`format' are now documented. Some flags that were accepted but notimplemented (such as "*") are no longer accepted.** New function `macroexpand-all' expands all macros in a form.It is similar to the Common-Lisp function of the same name.One difference is that it guarantees to return the original argumentif no expansion is done, which may be tested using `eq'.+++** New function `delete-dups' destructively removes `equal' duplicatesfrom a list. Of several `equal' occurrences of an element in the list,the first one is kept.+++** `declare' is now a macro. This change was made mostly fordocumentation purposes and should have no real effect on Lisp code.** The new hook `before-save-hook' is invoked by `basic-save-buffer'before saving buffers. This allows packages to perform various finaltasks, for example; it can be used by the copyright package to makesure saved files have the current year in any copyright headers.+++** The function `insert-for-yank' now supports strings where the`yank-handler' property does not span the first character of thestring. The old behavior is available if you call`insert-for-yank-1' instead.** New function `get-char-property-and-overlay' accepts the samearguments as `get-char-property' and returns a cons whose car is thereturn value of `get-char-property' called with those arguments andwhose cdr is the overlay in which the property was found, or nil ifit was found as a text property or not found at all.+++ (lispref)??? (man)** The mouse pointer shape in void text areas (i.e. after the end of aline or below the last line in the buffer) of the text window is nowcontrolled by the new variable `void-text-area-pointer'. The defaultis to use the `arrow' (non-text) pointer. Other choices are `text'(or nil), `hand', `vdrag', `hdrag', `modeline', and `hourglass'.+++** The mouse pointer shape over an image can now be controlled by the:pointer image property.+++** The mouse pointer shape over ordinary text or images may now becontrolled/overriden via the `pointer' text property.+++** Images may now have an associated image map via the :map property.An image map is an alist where each element has the format (AREA ID PLIST).An AREA is specified as either a rectangle, a circle, or a polygon:A rectangle is a cons (rect . ((x0 . y0) . (x1 . y1))) specifying thepixel coordinates of the upper left and bottom right corners.A circle is a cons (circle . ((x0 . y0) . r)) specifying the centerand the radius of the circle; r may be a float or integer.A polygon is a cons (poly . [x0 y0 x1 y1 ...]) where each pair in thevector describes one corner in the polygon.When the mouse pointer is above a hot-spot area of an image, thePLIST of that hot-spot is consulted; if it contains a `help-echo'property it defines a tool-tip for the hot-spot, and if it containsa `pointer' property, it defines the shape of the mouse cursor whenit is over the hot-spot. See the variable 'void-area-text-pointer'for possible pointer shapes.When you click the mouse when the mouse pointer is over a hot-spot,an event is composed by combining the ID of the hot-spot with themouse event, e.g. [area4 mouse-1] if the hot-spot's ID is `area4'.** Mouse event enhancements:*** Mouse clicks on fringes now generates left-fringe or right-fringesevents, rather than a text area click event.*** Mouse clicks in the left and right marginal areas now includes asensible buffer position corresponding to the first character in thecorresponding text row.*** Function `mouse-set-point' now works for events outside text area.+++*** Mouse events now includes buffer position for all event types.+++*** `posn-point' now returns buffer position for non-text area events.+++*** New function `posn-area' returns window area clicked on (nil meanstext area).+++*** Mouse events include actual glyph column and row for all event types.+++*** New function `posn-actual-col-row' returns actual glyph coordinates.+++*** Mouse events may now include image object in addition to string object.+++*** Mouse events include relative x and y pixel coordinates relative tothe top left corner of the object (image or character) clicked on.+++*** Mouse events include the pixel width and height of the object(image or character) clicked on.+++*** New functions 'posn-object', 'posn-object-x-y', and'posn-object-width-height' return the image or string object of a mouseclick, the x and y pixel coordinates relative to the top left cornerof that object, and the total width and height of that object.** New function `force-window-update' can initiate a full redisplay ofone or all windows. Normally, this is not needed as changes in windowcontents are detected automatically. However, certain implicitchanges to mode lines, header lines, or display properties may requireforcing an explicit window update.** New function `redirect-debugging-output' can be used to redirectdebugging output on the stderr file handle to a file.+++** `split-string' now includes null substrings in the returned list ifthe optional argument SEPARATORS is non-nil and there are matches forSEPARATORS at the beginning or end of the string. If SEPARATORS isnil, or if the new optional third argument OMIT-NULLS is non-nil, allempty matches are omitted from the returned list.+++** `makehash' is now obsolete. Use `make-hash-table' instead.+++** If optional third argument APPEND to `add-to-list' is non-nil, anew element gets added at the end of the list instead of at thebeginning. This change actually occurred in Emacs-21.1, but was notdocumented.** Major modes can define `eldoc-print-current-symbol-info-function'locally to provide Eldoc functionality by some method appropriate tothe language.---** New coding system property `mime-text-unsuitable' indicates thatthe coding system's `mime-charset' is not suitable for MIME textparts, e.g. utf-16.+++** The argument to forward-word, backward-word, forward-to-indentationand backward-to-indentation is now optional, and defaults to 1.+++** (char-displayable-p CHAR) returns non-nil if Emacs ought to be ableto display CHAR. More precisely, if the selected frame's fontset hasa font to display the character set that CHAR belongs to.Fontsets can specify a font on a per-character basis; when the fontsetdoes that, this value may not be accurate.+++** The new function `window-inside-edges' returns the edges of theactual text portion of the window, not including the scroll bar ordivider line, the fringes, the display margins, the header line andthe mode line.+++** The new functions `window-pixel-edges' and `window-inside-pixel-edges'return window edges in units of pixels, rather than columns and lines.+++** The kill-buffer-hook is now permanent-local.+++** `select-window' takes an optional second argument `norecord', like`switch-to-buffer'.+++** The new macro `with-selected-window' temporarily switches theselected window without impacting the order of buffer-list.+++** The `keymap' property now also works at the ends of overlays andtext-properties, according to their stickiness. This also means that itworks with empty overlays. The same hold for the `local-map' property.+++** (map-keymap FUNCTION KEYMAP) applies the function to each bindingin the keymap.---** VC changes for backends:*** (vc-switches BACKEND OPERATION) is a new function for use by backends.*** The new `find-version' backend function replaces the `destfile'parameter of the `checkout' backend function.Old code still works thanks to a default `find-version' behavior thatuses the old `destfile' parameter.+++** The new macro dynamic-completion-table supports using functionsas a dynamic completion table. (dynamic-completion-table FUN)FUN is called with one argument, the string for which completion is required,and it should return an alist containing all the intended possiblecompletions. This alist may be a full list of possible completions so that FUNcan ignore the value of its argument. If completion is performed in theminibuffer, FUN will be called in the buffer from which the minibuffer wasentered. dynamic-completion-table then computes the completion.+++** The new macro lazy-completion-table initializes a variableas a lazy completion table. (lazy-completion-table VAR FUN &rest ARGS)If the completion table VAR is used for the first time (e.g., by passing VARas an argument to `try-completion'), the function FUN is called with argumentsARGS. FUN must return the completion table that will be stored in VAR. Ifcompletion is requested in the minibuffer, FUN will be called in the bufferfrom which the minibuffer was entered. The return value of`lazy-completion-table' must be used to initialize the value of VAR.+++** `minor-mode-list' now holds a list of minor mode commands.+++** The new function `modify-all-frames-parameters' modifies parametersfor all (existing and future) frames.+++** `sit-for' can now be called with args (SECONDS &optional NODISP).+++** New standard font-lock face `font-lock-preprocessor-face'.+++** The macro `with-syntax-table' does not copy the table any more.+++** The variable `face-font-rescale-alist' specifies how much larger(or smaller) font we should use. For instance, if the value is'((SOME-FONTNAME-PATTERN . 1.3)) and a face requests a font of 10point, we actually use a font of 13 point if the font matchesSOME-FONTNAME-PATTERN.+++** The function `number-sequence' returns a list of equally-separatednumbers. For instance, (number-sequence 4 9) returns (4 5 6 7 8 9).By default, the separation is 1, but you can specify a different separationas the third argument. (number-sequence 1.5 6 2) returns (1.5 3.5 5.5).+++** `file-chase-links' now takes an optional second argument LIMIT whichspecifies the maximum number of links to chase through. If after thatmany iterations the file name obtained is still a symbolic link,`file-chase-links' returns it anyway.---** `set-fontset-font', `fontset-info', `fontset-font' now operate onthe default fontset if the argument NAME is nil..+++** The escape sequence \s is now interpreted as a SPACE character,unless it is followed by a `-' in a character constant (e.g. ?\s-A),in which case it is still interpreted as the super modifier.In strings, \s is always interpreted as a space.+++** New function `set-process-filter-multibyte' sets the multibytenessof a string given to a process's filter.+++** New function `process-filter-multibyte-p' returns t ifa string given to a process's filter is multibyte.+++** A filter function of a process is called with a multibyte string ifthe filter's multibyteness is t. That multibyteness is decided by thevalue of `default-enable-multibyte-characters' when the process iscreated and can be changed later by `set-process-filter-multibyte'.+++** If a process's coding system is raw-text or no-conversion and itsbuffer is multibyte, the output of the process is at first convertedto multibyte by `string-to-multibyte' then inserted in the buffer.Previously, it was converted to multibyte by `string-as-multibyte',which was not compatible with the behavior of file reading.+++** New function `string-to-multibyte' converts a unibyte string to amultibyte string with the same individual character codes.+++** New variables `gc-elapsed' and `gcs-done' provide extra informationon garbage collection.+++** New function `decode-coding-inserted-region' decodes a region as ifit is read from a file without decoding.+++** New function `locale-info' accesses locale information.+++** `save-selected-window' now saves and restores the selected windowof every frame. This way, it restores everything that can be changedby calling `select-window'.---** `easy-menu-define' now allows you to use nil for the symbol nameif you don't need to give the menu a name. If you install the menuinto other keymaps right away (MAPS is non-nil), it usually doesn'tneed to have a name.** Byte compiler changes:---*** `(featurep 'xemacs)' is treated by the compiler as nil. Thishelps to avoid noisy compiler warnings in code meant to run under bothEmacs and XEmacs and may sometimes make the result significantly moreefficient. Since byte code from recent versions of XEmacs won'tgenerally run in Emacs and vice versa, this optimization doesn't loseyou anything.+++*** You can avoid warnings for possibly-undefined symbols with asimple convention that the compiler understands. (This is mostlyuseful in code meant to be portable to different Emacs versions.)Write forms like the following, or code that macroexpands into suchforms: (if (fboundp 'foo) <then> <else>) (if (boundp 'foo) <then> <else)In the first case, using `foo' as a function inside the <then> formwon't produce a warning if it's not defined as a function, and in thesecond case, using `foo' as a variable won't produce a warning if it'sunbound. The test must be in exactly one of the above forms (aftermacro expansion), but such tests may be nested. Note that `when' and`unless' expand to `if', but `cond' doesn't.+++*** The new macro `with-no-warnings' suppresses all compiler warningsinside its body. In terms of execution, it is equivalent to `progn'.+++** The new translation table `translation-table-for-input'is used for customizing self-insertion. The character tobe inserted is translated through it.+++** `load-history' can now have elements of the form (t . FUNNAME),which means FUNNAME was previously defined as an autoload (before thecurrent file redefined it).+++** `load-history' now records (defun . FUNNAME) when a function isdefined. For a variable, it records just the variable name.+++** New Lisp library testcover.el works with edebug to help you determinewhether you've tested all your Lisp code. Function testcover-startinstruments all functions in a given file. Then test your code. Functiontestcover-mark-all adds overlay "splotches" to the Lisp file's buffer toshow where coverage is lacking. Command testcover-next-mark (bind it toa key!) will move point forward to the next spot that has a splotch.*** Normally, a red splotch indicates the form was never completely evaluated;a brown splotch means it always evaluated to the same value. The redsplotches are skipped for forms that can't possibly complete their evaluation,such as `error'. The brown splotches are skipped for forms that are expectedto always evaluate to the same value, such as (setq x 14).*** For difficult cases, you can add do-nothing macros to your code to helpout the test coverage tool. The macro `noreturn' suppresses a red splotch.It is an error if the argument to `noreturn' does return. The macro 1valuesuppresses a brown splotch for its argument. This macro is a no-op exceptduring test-coverage -- then it signals an error if the argument actuallyreturns differing values.+++** New function unsafep returns nil if the given Lisp form can't possiblydo anything dangerous; otherwise it returns a reason why the form might beunsafe (calls dangerous function, alters global variable, etc).+++** The new variable `print-continuous-numbering', when non-nil, saysthat successive calls to print functions should use the samenumberings for circular structure references. This is only relevantwhen `print-circle' is non-nil.When you bind `print-continuous-numbering' to t, you shouldalso bind `print-number-table' to nil.+++** When using non-toolkit scroll bars with the default width,the scroll-bar-width frame parameter value is nil.+++** The new function copy-abbrev-table returns a new abbrev table thatis a copy of a given abbrev table.+++** The option --script FILE runs Emacs in batch mode and loads FILE.It is useful for writing Emacs Lisp shell script files, because theycan start with this line: #!/usr/bin/emacs --script** The option --directory DIR now modifies `load-path' immediately.Directories are added to the front of `load-path' in the order theyappear on the command line. For example, with this command line: emacs -batch -L .. -L /tmp --eval "(require 'foo)"Emacs looks for library `foo' in the parent directory, then in /tmp, thenin the other directories in `load-path'. (-L is short for --directory.)+++** A function's docstring can now hold the function's usage info onits last line. It should match the regexp "\n\n(fn.*)\\'".---** New CCL functions `lookup-character' and `lookup-integer' accesshash tables defined by the Lisp function `define-translation-hash-table'.+++** The new function `minibufferp' returns non-nil if its optional bufferargument is a minibuffer. If the argument is omitted it defaults tothe current buffer.+++** There is a new Warnings facility; see the functions `warn'and `display-warning'.+++** The functions all-completions and try-completion now accept listsof strings as well as hash-tables additionally to alists, obarraysand functions. Furthermore, the function `test-completion' is nowexported to Lisp. The keys in alists and hash tables may be eitherstrings or symbols, which are automatically converted with to strings.---** When pure storage overflows while dumping, Emacs now prints howmuch pure storage it will approximately need.+++** The new variable `auto-coding-functions' lets you specify functionsto examine a file being visited and deduce the proper coding systemfor it. (If the coding system is detected incorrectly for a specificfile, you can put a `coding:' tags to override it.)---** The new function `merge-coding-systems' fills in unspecified aspectsof one coding system from another coding system.+++** The variable `safe-local-eval-forms' specifies a list of forms thatare ok to evaluate when they appear in an `eval' local variablesspecification. Normally Emacs asks for confirmation before evaluatingsuch a form, but if the form appears in this list, no confirmation isneeded.---** If a function has a non-nil `safe-local-eval-function' property,that means it is ok to evaluate some calls to that function when itappears in an `eval' local variables specification. If the propertyis t, then any form calling that function with constant arguments isok. If the property is a function or list of functions, they are calledwith the form as argument, and if any returns t, the form is ok to call.If the form is not "ok to call", that means Emacs asks forconfirmation as before.+++** Controlling the default left and right fringe widths.The default left and right fringe widths for all windows of a framecan now be controlled by setting the `left-fringe' and `right-fringe'frame parameters to an integer value specifying the width in pixels.Setting the width to 0 effectively removes the corresponding fringe.The actual default fringe widths for the frame may deviate from thespecified widths, since the combined fringe widths must match anintegral number of columns. The extra width is distributed evenlybetween the left and right fringe. For force a specific fringe width,specify the width as a negative integer (if both widths are negative,only the left fringe gets the specified width).Setting the width to nil (the default), restores the default fringewidth which is the minimum number of pixels necessary to display anyof the currently defined fringe bitmaps. The width of the built-infringe bitmaps is 8 pixels.+++** Per-window fringes settingsWindows can now have their own individual fringe widths and positionsettings.To control the fringe widths of a window, either set the buffer-localvariables `left-fringe-width', `right-fringe-width', or call`set-window-fringes'.To control the fringe position in a window, that is, whether fringesare positioned between the display margins and the window's text area,or at the edges of the window, either set the buffer-local variable`fringes-outside-margins' or call `set-window-fringes'.The function `window-fringes' can be used to obtain the currentsettings. To make `left-fringe-width', `right-fringe-width', and`fringes-outside-margins' take effect, you must set them beforedisplaying the buffer in a window, or use `set-window-buffer' to forcean update of the display margins.+++** Per-window vertical scroll-bar settingsWindows can now have their own individual scroll-bar settingscontrolling the width and position of scroll-bars.To control the scroll-bar of a window, either set the buffer-localvariables `scroll-bar-mode' and `scroll-bar-width', or call`set-window-scroll-bars'. The function `window-scroll-bars' can beused to obtain the current settings. To make `scroll-bar-mode' and`scroll-bar-width' take effect, you must set them before displayingthe buffer in a window, or use `set-window-buffer' to force an updateof the display margins.+++** The function `set-window-buffer' now has an optional third argumentKEEP-MARGINS which will preserve the window's current margin, fringe,and scroll-bar settings if non-nil.+++** Renamed hooks to better follow the naming convention:find-file-hooks to find-file-hook,find-file-not-found-hooks to find-file-not-found-functions,write-file-hooks to write-file-functions,write-contents-hooks to write-contents-functions,x-lost-selection-hooks to x-lost-selection-functions,x-sent-selection-hooks to x-sent-selection-functions.Marked local-write-file-hooks as obsolete (use the LOCAL arg of `add-hook').+++** The new variable `delete-frame-functions' replaces `delete-frame-hook'.It was renamed to follow the naming conventions for abnormal hooks. The oldname remains available as an alias, but has been marked obsolete.+++** The `read-file-name' function now takes an additional argument whichspecifies a predicate which the file name read must satify. Thenew variable `read-file-name-predicate' contains the predicate argumentwhile reading the file name from the minibuffer; the predicate in thisvariable is used by read-file-name-internal to filter the completion list.---** The new variable `read-file-name-function' can be used by lisp codeto override the internal read-file-name function.** The new variable `read-file-name-completion-ignore-case' specifieswhether completion ignores case when reading a file name with the`read-file-name' function.+++** The new function `read-directory-name' can be used instead of`read-file-name' to read a directory name; when used, completionwill only show directories.+++** The new function `file-remote-p' tests a file name and returnsnon-nil if it specifies a remote file (one that Emacs accesses usingits own special methods and not directly through the file system).The value in that case is an identifier for the remote file system.---** When a Lisp file uses CL functions at run-time, compiling the filenow issues warnings about these calls, unless the file performs(require 'cl) when loaded.+++** The `defmacro' form may contain declarations specifying how toindent the macro in Lisp mode and how to debug it with Edebug. Thesyntax of defmacro has been extended to (defmacro NAME LAMBDA-LIST [DOC-STRING] [DECLARATION ...] ...)DECLARATION is a list `(declare DECLARATION-SPECIFIER ...)'. Thedeclaration specifiers supported are:(indent INDENT) Set NAME's `lisp-indent-function' property to INDENT.(edebug DEBUG) Set NAME's `edebug-form-spec' property to DEBUG. (This is equivalent to writing a `def-edebug-spec' for the macro.+++** Interactive commands can be remapped through keymaps.This is an alternative to using defadvice or substitute-key-definitionto modify the behavior of a key binding using the normal keymapbinding and lookup functionality.When a key sequence is bound to a command, and that command isremapped to another command, that command is run instead of theoriginal command.Example:Suppose that minor mode my-mode has defined the commandsmy-kill-line and my-kill-word, and it wants C-k (and any other keybound to kill-line) to run the command my-kill-line instead ofkill-line, and likewise it wants to run my-kill-word instead ofkill-word.Instead of rebinding C-k and the other keys in the minor mode map,command remapping allows you to directly map kill-line intomy-kill-line and kill-word into my-kill-word through the minor modemap using define-key: (define-key my-mode-map [remap kill-line] 'my-kill-line) (define-key my-mode-map [remap kill-word] 'my-kill-word)Now, when my-mode is enabled, and the user enters C-k or M-d,the commands my-kill-line and my-kill-word are run.Notice that only one level of remapping is supported. In the aboveexample, this means that if my-kill-line is remapped to other-kill,then C-k still runs my-kill-line.The following changes have been made to provide command remapping:- Command remappings are defined using `define-key' with a prefix-key `remap', i.e. `(define-key MAP [remap CMD] DEF)' remaps command CMD to definition DEF in keymap MAP. The definition is not limited to another command; it can be anything accepted for a normal binding.- The new function `command-remapping' returns the binding for a remapped command in the current keymaps, or nil if not remapped.- key-binding now remaps interactive commands unless the optional third argument NO-REMAP is non-nil.- where-is-internal now returns nil for a remapped command (e.g. kill-line if my-mode is enabled), and the actual key binding for the command it is remapped to (e.g. C-k for my-kill-line). It also has a new optional fifth argument, NO-REMAP, which inhibits remapping if non-nil (e.g. it returns C-k for kill-line and <kill-line> for my-kill-line).- The new variable `this-original-command' contains the original command before remapping. It is equal to `this-command' when the command was not remapped.+++** New variable emulation-mode-map-alists.Lisp packages using many minor mode keymaps can now maintain their ownkeymap alist separate from minor-mode-map-alist by adding their keymapalist to this list.+++** Atomic change groups.To perform some changes in the current buffer "atomically" so thatthey either all succeed or are all undone, use `atomic-change-group'around the code that makes changes. For instance: (atomic-change-group (insert foo) (delete-region x y))If an error (or other nonlocal exit) occurs inside the body of`atomic-change-group', it unmakes all the changes in that buffer thatwere during the execution of the body. The change group has no effecton any other buffers--any such changes remain.If you need something more sophisticated, you can directly call thelower-level functions that `atomic-change-group' uses. Here is how.To set up a change group for one buffer, call `prepare-change-group'.Specify the buffer as argument; it defaults to the current buffer.This function returns a "handle" for the change group. You must savethe handle to activate the change group and then finish it.Before you change the buffer again, you must activate the changegroup. Pass the handle to `activate-change-group' afterward todo this.After you make the changes, you must finish the change group. You caneither accept the changes or cancel them all. Call`accept-change-group' to accept the changes in the group as final;call `cancel-change-group' to undo them all.You should use `unwind-protect' to make sure the group is alwaysfinished. The call to `activate-change-group' should be inside the`unwind-protect', in case the user types C-g just after it runs.(This is one reason why `prepare-change-group' and`activate-change-group' are separate functions.) Once you finish thegroup, don't use the handle again--don't try to finish the same grouptwice.To make a multibuffer change group, call `prepare-change-group' oncefor each buffer you want to cover, then use `nconc' to combine thereturned values, like this: (nconc (prepare-change-group buffer-1) (prepare-change-group buffer-2))You can then activate the multibuffer change group with a single callto `activate-change-group', and finish it with a single call to`accept-change-group' or `cancel-change-group'.Nested use of several change groups for the same buffer works as youwould expect. Non-nested use of change groups for the same bufferwill lead to undesirable results, so don't let it happen; the firstchange group you start for any given buffer should be the last onefinished.+++** New variable char-property-alias-alist.This variable allows you to create alternative names for textproperties. It works at the same level as `default-text-properties',although it applies to overlays as well. This variable was introducedto implement the `font-lock-face' property.+++** New special text property `font-lock-face'.This property acts like the `face' property, but it is controlled byM-x font-lock-mode. It is not, strictly speaking, a builtin textproperty. Instead, it is implemented inside font-core.el, using thenew variable `char-property-alias-alist'.+++** New function remove-list-of-text-properties.The new function `remove-list-of-text-properties' is almost the sameas `remove-text-properties'. The only difference is that it takesa list of property names as argument rather than a property list.+++** New function insert-for-yank.This function normally works like `insert' but removes the textproperties in the `yank-excluded-properties' list. However, if theinserted text has a `yank-handler' text property on the firstcharacter of the string, the insertion of the text may be modified ina number of ways. See the description of `yank-handler' below.+++** New function insert-buffer-substring-as-yank.This function works like `insert-buffer-substring', but removes thetext properties in the `yank-excluded-properties' list.+++** New function insert-buffer-substring-no-properties.This function is like insert-buffer-substring, but removes alltext properties from the inserted substring.+++** New `yank-handler' text property may be used to control howpreviously killed text on the kill-ring is reinserted.The value of the yank-handler property must be a list with one to fourelements with the following format: (FUNCTION PARAM NOEXCLUDE UNDO).The `insert-for-yank' function looks for a yank-handler property onthe first character on its string argument (typically the firstelement on the kill-ring). If a yank-handler property is found,the normal behavior of `insert-for-yank' is modified in various ways: When FUNCTION is present and non-nil, it is called instead of `insert'to insert the string. FUNCTION takes one argument--the object to insert. If PARAM is present and non-nil, it replaces STRING as the objectpassed to FUNCTION (or `insert'); for example, if FUNCTION is`yank-rectangle', PARAM should be a list of strings to insert as arectangle. If NOEXCLUDE is present and non-nil, the normal removal of theyank-excluded-properties is not performed; instead FUNCTION isresponsible for removing those properties. This may be necessaryif FUNCTION adjusts point before or after inserting the object. If UNDO is present and non-nil, it is a function that will be calledby `yank-pop' to undo the insertion of the current object. It iscalled with two arguments, the start and end of the current region.FUNCTION may set `yank-undo-function' to override the UNDO value.*** The functions kill-new, kill-append, and kill-region now have anoptional argument to specify the yank-handler text property to put onthe killed text.*** The function yank-pop will now use a non-nil value of the variable`yank-undo-function' (instead of delete-region) to undo the previousyank or yank-pop command (or a call to insert-for-yank). The functioninsert-for-yank automatically sets that variable according to the UNDOelement of the string argument's yank-handler text property if present.+++** New function display-supports-face-attributes-p may be used to testwhether a given set of face attributes is actually displayable.A new predicate `supports' has also been added to the `defface' facespecification language, which can be used to do this test for facesdefined with defface.** The function face-differs-from-default-p now truly checks whether thegiven face displays differently from the default face or not (previouslyit did only a very cursory check).+++** face-attribute, face-foreground, face-background, and face-stipple nowaccept a new optional argument, INHERIT, which controls how faceinheritance is used when determining the value of a face attribute.+++** New functions face-attribute-relative-p and merge-face-attributehelp with handling relative face attributes.** The priority of faces in an :inherit attribute face-list is reversed.If a face contains an :inherit attribute with a list of faces, earlierfaces in the list override later faces in the list; in previous releasesof Emacs, the order was the opposite. This change was made so that:inherit face-lists operate identically to face-lists in text `face'properties.+++** Enhancements to process support*** Function list-processes now has an optional argument; if non-nil,only the processes whose query-on-exit flag is set are listed.*** New set-process-query-on-exit-flag and process-query-on-exit-flagfunctions. The existing process-kill-without-query function is stillsupported, but new code should use the new functions.*** Function signal-process now accepts a process object or processname in addition to a process id to identify the signalled process.*** Processes now have an associated property list where programs canmaintain process state and other per-process related information.The new functions process-get and process-put are used to access, add,and modify elements on this property list.The new low-level functions process-plist and set-process-plist areused to access and replace the entire property list of a process.*** Function accept-process-output now has an optional fourth arg`just-this-one'. If non-nil, only output from the specified processis handled, suspending output from other processes. If value is aninteger, also inhibit running timers. This feature is generally notrecommended, but may be necessary for specific applications, such asspeech synthesis.*** Adaptive read buffering of subprocess output.On some systems, when emacs reads the output from a subprocess, theoutput data is read in very small blocks, potentially resulting invery poor performance. This behavior can be remedied to some extentby setting the new variable process-adaptive-read-buffering to anon-nil value (the default), as it will automatically delay readingfrom such processes, to allowing them to produce more output beforeemacs tries to read it.+++** Enhanced networking support.*** There is a new `make-network-process' function which supportsopening of stream and datagram connections to a server, as well ascreate a stream or datagram server inside emacs.- A server is started using :server t arg.- Datagram connection is selected using :type 'datagram arg.- A server can open on a random port using :service t arg.- Local sockets are supported using :family 'local arg.- Non-blocking connect is supported using :nowait t arg.- The process' property list may be initialized using :plist PLIST arg; a copy of the server process' property list is automatically inherited by new client processes created to handle incoming connections.To test for the availability of a given feature, use featurep like this: (featurep 'make-network-process '(:type datagram))*** Original open-network-stream is now emulated using make-network-process.*** New function open-network-stream-nowait.This function initiates a non-blocking connect and returns immediatelywithout waiting for the connection to be established. It takes thefilter and sentinel functions as arguments; when the non-blockingconnect completes, the sentinel is called with a status stringmatching "open" or "failed".*** New function open-network-stream-server.This function creates a network server process for a TCP service.When a client connects to the specified service, a new subprocessis created to handle the new connection, and the sentinel functionis called for the new process.*** New functions process-datagram-address and set-process-datagram-address.These functions are used with datagram-based network processes to getand set the current address of the remote partner.*** New function format-network-address.This function reformats the lisp representation of a network addressto a printable string. For example, an IP address A.B.C.D and portnumber P is represented as a five element vector [A B C D P], and theprintable string returned for this vector is "A.B.C.D:P". See the docstring for other formatting options.*** By default, the function process-contact still returns (HOST SERVICE)for a network process. Using the new optional KEY arg, the complete listof network process properties or a specific property can be selected.Using :local and :remote as the KEY, the address of the local orremote end-point is returned. An Inet address is represented as a 5element vector, where the first 4 elements contain the IP address andthe fifth is the port number.*** Network processes can now be stopped and restarted with`stop-process' and `continue-process'. For a server process, noconnections are accepted in the stopped state. For a client process,no input is received in the stopped state.*** New function network-interface-list.This function returns a list of network interface names and theircurrent network addresses.*** New function network-interface-info.This function returns the network address, hardware address, currentstatus, and other information about a specific network interface.+++** New function copy-tree.+++** New function substring-no-properties.+++** New function minibuffer-selected-window.+++** New function `call-process-shell-command'.** New function `process-file'.This is similar to `call-process', but obeys file handlers. The filehandler is chosen based on default-directory.---** The dummy function keys made by easymenuare now always lower case. If you specify themenu item name "Ada", for instance, it uses `ada'as the "key" bound by that key binding.This is relevant only if Lisp code looks forthe bindings that were made with easymenu.+++** The function `commandp' takes an additional optionalargument. If it is non-nil, then `commandp' checksfor a function that could be called with `call-interactively',and does not return t for keyboard macros.---** master-mode.el implements a minor mode for scrolling a slavebuffer without leaving your current buffer, the master buffer.It can be used by sql.el, for example: the SQL buffer is the masterand its SQLi buffer is the slave. This allows you to scroll the SQLibuffer containing the output from the SQL buffer containing thecommands.This is how to use sql.el and master.el together: the variablesql-buffer contains the slave buffer. It is a local variable in theSQL buffer.(add-hook 'sql-mode-hook (function (lambda () (master-mode t) (master-set-slave sql-buffer))))(add-hook 'sql-set-sqli-hook (function (lambda () (master-set-slave sql-buffer))))+++** File local variables.A file local variables list cannot specify a string with textproperties--any specified text properties are discarded.+++** New function window-body-height.This is like window-height but does not count the mode lineor the header line.+++** New function format-mode-line.This returns the mode-line or header-line of the selected (or aspecified) window as a string with or without text properties.+++** New function safe-plist-get.This function is like plist-get, but never signals an error fora malformed property list.+++** New functions `lax-plist-get' and `lax-plist-put'.These functions are like `plist-get' and `plist-put' except that theycompare the property name using `equal' rather than `eq'.+++** New function `tool-bar-local-item-from-menu'The `tool-bar-add-item-from-menu' must not be used (as previouslyrecommended) for making entries in the tool bar for local keymaps.Instead, use the function `tool-bar-local-item-from-menu', which letsyou specify the map to use as an argument.+++** The function `atan' now accepts an optional second argument.When called with 2 arguments, as in `(atan Y X)', `atan' returns theangle in radians between the vector [X, Y] and the X axis. (This isequivalent to the standard C library function `atan2'.)+++** You can now make a window as short as one line.A window that is just one line tall does not display either a modeline or a header line, even if the variables `mode-line-format' and`header-line-format' call for them. A window that is two lines tallcannot display both a mode line and a header line at once; if thevariables call for both, only the mode line actually appears.+++** The new frame parameter `tty-color-mode' specifies the mode to usefor color support on character terminal frames. Its value can be anumber of colors to support, or a symbol. See the Emacs LispReference manual for more detailed documentation.+++** The new mode-line construct `(:propertize ELT PROPS...)' can beused to add text properties to mode-line elements.+++** The new `%i' and `%I' constructs for `mode-line-format' can be usedto display the size of the accessible part of the buffer on the modeline.---** Indentation of simple and extended loop forms has been added to thecl-indent package. The new user options`lisp-loop-keyword-indentation', `lisp-loop-forms-indentation', and`lisp-simple-loop-indentation' can be used to customize theindentation of keywords and forms in loop forms.---** Indentation of backquoted forms has been made customizable in thecl-indent package. See the new user option `lisp-backquote-indentation'.+++** Already true in Emacs 21.1, but not emphasized clearly enough:Multibyte buffers can now faithfully record all 256 character codesfrom 0 to 255. As a result, most of the past reasons to use unibytebuffers no longer exist. We only know of three reasons to use themnow:1. If you prefer to use unibyte text all of the time.2. For reading files into temporary buffers, when you want to avoidthe time it takes to convert the format.3. For binary files where format conversion would be pointless andwasteful.+++** If text has a `keymap' property, that keymap takes precedenceover minor mode keymaps.+++** A hex escape in a string forces the string to be multibyte.An octal escape makes it unibyte.+++** At the end of a command, point moves out from within invisibletext, in the same way it moves out from within text covered by animage or composition property.This makes it generally unnecessary to mark invisible text as intangible.This is particularly good because the intangible property often hasunexpected side-effects since the property applies to everything(including `goto-char', ...) whereas this new code is only run afterpost-command-hook and thus does not care about intermediate states.+++** field-beginning and field-end now accept an additional optionalargument, LIMIT.+++** define-abbrev now accepts an optional argument SYSTEM-FLAG. Ifnon-nil, this marks the abbrev as a "system" abbrev, which means thatit won't be stored in the user's abbrevs file if he saves the abbrevs.Major modes that predefine some abbrevs should always specify thisflag.---** Support for Mocklisp has been removed.---** The function insert-string is now obsolete.---** The precedence of file-name-handlers has been changed.Instead of blindly choosing the first handler that matches,find-file-name-handler now gives precedence to a file-name handlerthat matches near the end of the file name. More specifically, thehandler whose (match-beginning 0) is the largest is chosen.In case of ties, the old "first matched" rule applies.---** Dense keymaps now handle inheritance correctly.Previously a dense keymap would hide all of the simple-char keybindings of the parent keymap.---** jit-lock obeys a new text-property `jit-lock-defer-multiline'.If a piece of text with that property gets contextually refontified(see jit-lock-defer-contextually), then all of that text willbe refontified. This is useful when the syntax of a textual elementdepends on text several lines further down (and when font-lock-multilineis not appropriate to solve that problem). For example in Perl: s{ foo }{ bar }eAdding/removing the last `e' changes the `bar' from being a piece oftext to being a piece of code, so you'd put a jit-lock-defer-multilineproperty over the second half of the command to force (deferred)refontification of `bar' whenever the `e' is added/removed.---** describe-vector now takes a second argument `describer' which iscalled to print the entries' values. It defaults to `princ'.** defcustom and other custom declarations now use a default group(the last prior group defined in the same file) when no :group was given.+++** emacsserver now runs pre-command-hook and post-command-hook whenit receives a request from emacsclient.---** The variable `recursive-load-depth-limit' has been deleted.Emacs now signals an error if the same file is loaded with morethan 3 levels of nesting.---** If a major mode function has a non-nil `no-clone-indirect'property, `clone-indirect-buffer' signals an error if you useit in that buffer.---** In `replace-match', the replacement text no longer inheritsproperties from surrounding text.+++** The list returned by `(match-data t)' now has the buffer as a finalelement, if the last match was on a buffer. `set-match-data'accepts such a list for restoring the match state.+++** New function `buffer-local-value'.This function returns the buffer-local binding of VARIABLE (a symbol)in buffer BUFFER. If VARIABLE does not have a buffer-local binding inbuffer BUFFER, it returns the default value of VARIABLE instead.---** New function `text-clone-create'. Text clones are chunks of textthat are kept identical by transparently propagating changes from oneclone to the other.+++** font-lock can manage arbitrary text-properties beside `face'.*** the FACENAME returned in font-lock-keywords can be a listof the form (face FACE PROP1 VAL1 PROP2 VAL2 ...) so you can setother properties than `face'.*** font-lock-extra-managed-props can be set to make sure those extraproperties are automatically cleaned up by font-lock.---** The special treatment of faces whose names are of the form `fg:COLOR'or `bg:COLOR' has been removed. Lisp programs should use the`defface' facility for defining faces with specific colors, or usethe feature of specifying the face attributes :foreground and :backgrounddirectly in the `face' property instead of using a named face.+++** The new function `run-mode-hooks' and the new macro `delay-mode-hooks'are used by define-derived-mode to make sure the mode hook for theparent mode is run at the end of the child mode.+++** define-minor-mode now accepts arbitrary additional keyword argumentsand simply passes them to defcustom, if applicable.+++** define-derived-mode by default creates a new empty abbrev table.It does not copy abbrevs from the parent mode's abbrev table.+++** `provide' and `featurep' now accept an optional second argumentto test/provide subfeatures. Also `provide' now checks `after-load-alist'and runs any code associated with the provided feature.+++** Functions `file-name-sans-extension' and `file-name-extension' nowignore the leading dots in file names, so that file names such as`.emacs' are treated as extensionless.+++** Functions `user-uid' and `user-real-uid' now return floats if theuser UID doesn't fit in a Lisp integer. Function `user-full-name'accepts a float as UID parameter.---** `define-key-after' now accepts keys longer than 1.+++** The local variable `no-byte-compile' in elisp files is now obeyed.+++** The Emacs Lisp byte-compiler now displays the actual line andcharacter position of errors, where possible. Additionally, the formof its warning and error messages have been brought more in line withthe output of other GNU tools.+++** New functions `keymap-prompt' and `current-active-maps'.---** New function `describe-buffer-bindings'.+++** New vars `exec-suffixes' and `load-suffixes' used whensearching for an executable resp. an elisp file.+++** Variable aliases have been implemented:*** defvaralias ALIAS-VAR BASE-VAR [DOCSTRING]This function defines the symbol ALIAS-VAR as a variable alias forsymbol BASE-VAR. This means that retrieving the value of ALIAS-VARreturns the value of BASE-VAR, and changing the value of ALIAS-VARchanges the value of BASE-VAR.DOCSTRING, if present, is the documentation for ALIAS-VAR; else it hasthe same documentation as BASE-VAR.*** indirect-variable VARIABLEThis function returns the variable at the end of the chain of aliasesof VARIABLE. If VARIABLE is not a symbol, or if VARIABLE is notdefined as an alias, the function returns VARIABLE.It might be noteworthy that variables aliases work for all kinds ofvariables, including buffer-local and frame-local variables.+++** Functions from `post-gc-hook' are run at the end of garbagecollection. The hook is run with GC inhibited, so use it with care.+++** If the second argument to `copy-file' is the name of a directory,the file is copied to that directory instead of signaling an error.+++** The variables most-positive-fixnum and most-negative-fixnumhold the largest and smallest possible integer values.---** On MS Windows, locale-coding-system is used to interact with the OS.The Windows specific variable w32-system-coding-system, which wasformerly used for that purpose is now an alias for locale-coding-system.** Functions y-or-n-p, read-char, read-key-sequence and the like, thatdisplay a prompt but don't use the minibuffer, now display the promptusing the text properties (esp. the face) of the prompt string.** New function x-send-client-message sends a client message whenrunning under X.** Arguments for remove-overlays are now optional, so that you can removeall overlays in the buffer by just calling (remove-overlay).** New packages:*** The new package gdb-ui.el provides an enhanced graphical interface toGDB. You can interact with GDB through the GUD buffer in the usual way, butthere are also further buffers which control the execution and describe thestate of your program. It separates the input/output of your program fromthat of GDB and watches expressions in the speedbar. It also uses features ofEmacs 21 such as the display margin for breakpoints, and the toolbar.Use M-x gdba to start GDB-UI.*** The new package syntax.el provides an efficient way to find thecurrent syntactic context (as returned by parse-partial-sexp).*** The new package bindat.el provides functions to unpack and packbinary data structures, such as network packets, to and from Lispdata structures.*** The TCL package tcl-mode.el was replaced by tcl.el.This was actually done in Emacs-21.1, and was not documented.*** The new package button.el implements simple and fast `clickable buttons'in emacs buffers. `buttons' are much lighter-weight than the `widgets'implemented by widget.el, and can be used by lisp code that doesn'trequire the full power of widgets. Emacs uses buttons for such thingsas help and apropos buffers.* Installation changes in Emacs 21.3** Support for GNU/Linux on little-endian MIPS and on IBM S390 hasbeen added.* Changes in Emacs 21.3** The obsolete C mode (c-mode.el) has been removed to avoid problemswith Custom.** UTF-16 coding systems are available, encoding the same charactersas mule-utf-8.** There is a new language environment for UTF-8 (set up automaticallyin UTF-8 locales).** Translation tables are available between equivalent characters indifferent Emacs charsets -- for instance `e with acute' coming from theLatin-1 and Latin-2 charsets. User options `unify-8859-on-encoding-mode'and `unify-8859-on-decoding-mode' respectively turn on translationbetween ISO 8859 character sets (`unification') on encoding(e.g. writing a file) and decoding (e.g. reading a file). Note that`unify-8859-on-encoding-mode' is useful and safe, but`unify-8859-on-decoding-mode' can cause text to change when you readit and write it out again without edits, so it is not generally advisable.By default `unify-8859-on-encoding-mode' is turned on.** In Emacs running on the X window system, the default value of`selection-coding-system' is now `compound-text-with-extensions'.If you want the old behavior, set selection-coding-system tocompound-text, which may be significantly more efficient. Usingcompound-text-with-extensions seems to be necessary only for decodingtext from applications under XFree86 4.2, whose behavior is actuallycontrary to the compound text specification.* Installation changes in Emacs 21.2** Support for BSD/OS 5.0 has been added.** Support for AIX 5.1 was added.* Changes in Emacs 21.2** Emacs now supports compound-text extended segments in X selections.X applications can use `extended segments' to encode characters incompound text that belong to character sets which are not part of thelist of approved standard encodings for X, e.g. Big5. To pasteselections with such characters into Emacs, use the new coding systemcompound-text-with-extensions as the value of selection-coding-system.** The default values of `tooltip-delay' and `tooltip-hide-delay'were changed.** On terminals whose erase-char is ^H (Backspace), Emacsnow uses normal-erase-is-backspace-mode.** When the *scratch* buffer is recreated, its mode is set frominitial-major-mode, which normally is lisp-interaction-mode,instead of using default-major-mode.** The new option `Info-scroll-prefer-subnodes' causes Info to behavelike the stand-alone Info reader (from the GNU Texinfo package) as faras motion between nodes and their subnodes is concerned. If it is t(the default), Emacs behaves as before when you type SPC in a menu: itvisits the subnode pointed to by the first menu entry. If this optionis nil, SPC scrolls to the end of the current node, and only then goesto the first menu item, like the stand-alone reader does.This change was already in Emacs 21.1, but wasn't advertised in theNEWS.* Lisp Changes in Emacs 21.2** The meanings of scroll-up-aggressively and scroll-down-aggressivelyhave been interchanged, so that the former now controls scrolling up,and the latter now controls scrolling down.** The variable `compilation-parse-errors-filename-function' canbe used to transform filenames found in compilation output.* Installation Changes in Emacs 21.1See the INSTALL file for information on installing extra libraries andfonts to take advantage of the new graphical features and extracharsets in this release.** Support for GNU/Linux on IA64 machines has been added.** Support for LynxOS has been added.** There are new configure options associated with the support forimages and toolkit scrollbars. Use the --help option in `configure'to list them.** You can build a 64-bit Emacs for SPARC/Solaris systems whichsupport 64-bit executables and also on Irix 6.5. This increases themaximum buffer size. See etc/MACHINES for instructions. Changes tobuild on other 64-bit systems should be straightforward modulo anynecessary changes to unexec.** There is a new configure option `--disable-largefile' to omitUnix-98-style support for large files if that is available.** There is a new configure option `--without-xim' that instructsEmacs to not use X Input Methods (XIM), if these are available.** `movemail' defaults to supporting POP. You can turn this off usingthe --without-pop configure option, should that be necessary.** This version can be built for the Macintosh, but does not implementall of the new display features described below. The port currentlylacks unexec, asynchronous processes, and networking support. See the"Emacs and the Mac OS" appendix in the Emacs manual, for thedescription of aspects specific to the Mac.** Note that the MS-Windows port does not yet implement various of thenew display features described below.* Changes in Emacs 21.1** Emacs has a new redisplay engine.The new redisplay handles characters of variable width and height.Italic text can be used without redisplay problems. Fonts containingoversized characters, i.e. characters larger than the logical heightof a font can be used. Images of various formats can be displayed inthe text.** Emacs has a new face implementation.The new faces no longer fundamentally use X font names to specify thefont. Instead, each face has several independent attributes--family,height, width, weight and slant--that it may or may not specify.These attributes can be merged from various faces, and then togetherspecify a font.Faces are supported on terminals that can display color or fonts.These terminal capabilities are auto-detected. Details can be foundunder Lisp changes, below.** Emacs can display faces on TTY frames.Emacs automatically detects terminals that are able to display colors.Faces with a weight greater than normal are displayed extra-bright, ifthe terminal supports it. Faces with a weight less than normal anditalic faces are displayed dimmed, if the terminal supports it.Underlined faces are displayed underlined if possible. Other faceattributes such as `overline', `strike-through', and `box' are ignoredon terminals.The command-line options `-fg COLOR', `-bg COLOR', and `-rv' are nowsupported on character terminals.Emacs automatically remaps all X-style color specifications to one ofthe colors supported by the terminal. This means you could have thesame color customizations that work both on a windowed display and ona TTY or when Emacs is invoked with the -nw option.** New default font is Courier 12pt under X.** Sound supportEmacs supports playing sound files on GNU/Linux and FreeBSD (Voxwaredriver and native BSD driver, a.k.a. Luigi's driver). Currentlysupported file formats are RIFF-WAVE (*.wav) and Sun Audio (*.au).You must configure Emacs with the option `--with-sound=yes' to enablesound support.** Emacs now resizes mini-windows if appropriate.If a message is longer than one line, or minibuffer contents arelonger than one line, Emacs can resize the minibuffer window unless itis on a frame of its own. You can control resizing and the maximumminibuffer window size by setting the following variables:- User option: max-mini-window-heightMaximum height for resizing mini-windows. If a float, it specifies afraction of the mini-window frame's height. If an integer, itspecifies a number of lines.Default is 0.25.- User option: resize-mini-windowsHow to resize mini-windows. If nil, don't resize. If t, alwaysresize to fit the size of the text. If `grow-only', let mini-windowsgrow only, until they become empty, at which point they are shrunkagain.Default is `grow-only'.** LessTif support.Emacs now runs with the LessTif toolkit (see<>). You will need version 0.92.26, or later.** LessTif/Motif file selection dialog.When Emacs is configured to use LessTif or Motif, reading a file namefrom a menu will pop up a file selection dialog if `use-dialog-box' isnon-nil.** File selection dialog on MS-Windows is supported.When a file is visited by clicking File->Open, the MS-Windows versionnow pops up a standard file selection dialog where you can select afile to visit. File->Save As also pops up that dialog.** Toolkit scroll bars.Emacs now uses toolkit scroll bars if available. When configured forLessTif/Motif, it will use that toolkit's scroll bar. Otherwise, whenconfigured for Lucid and Athena widgets, it will use the Xaw3d scrollbar if Xaw3d is available. You can turn off the use of toolkit scrollbars by specifying `--with-toolkit-scroll-bars=no' when configuringEmacs.When you encounter problems with the Xaw3d scroll bar, watch out howXaw3d is compiled on your system. If the Makefile generated fromXaw3d's Imakefile contains a `-DNARROWPROTO' compiler option, and yourEmacs system configuration file `s/your-system.h' does not contain adefine for NARROWPROTO, you might consider adding it. Take`s/freebsd.h' as an example.Alternatively, if you don't have access to the Xaw3d source code, takea look at your system's imake configuration file, for example in thedirectory `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config' (paths are different ondifferent systems). You will find files `*.cf' there. If yoursystem's cf-file contains a line like `#define NeedWidePrototypes NO',add a `#define NARROWPROTO' to your Emacs system configuration file.The reason for this is that one Xaw3d function uses `double' or`float' function parameters depending on the setting of NARROWPROTO.This is not a problem when Imakefiles are used because each system'simake configuration file contains the necessary information. SinceEmacs doesn't use imake, this has do be done manually.** Tool bar support.Emacs supports a tool bar at the top of a frame under X. For detailsof how to define a tool bar, see the page describing Lisp-levelchanges. Tool-bar global minor mode controls whether or not it isdisplayed and is on by default. The appearance of the bar is improvedif Emacs has been built with XPM image support. Otherwise monochromeicons will be used.To make the tool bar more useful, we need contributions of extra iconsfor specific modes (with copyright assignments).** Tooltips.Tooltips are small X windows displaying a help string at the currentmouse position. The Lisp package `tooltip' implements them. You canturn them off via the user option `tooltip-mode'.Tooltips also provides support for GUD debugging. If activated,variable values can be displayed in tooltips by pointing at them withthe mouse in source buffers. You can customize various aspects of thetooltip display in the group `tooltip'.** Automatic HscrollingHorizontal scrolling now happens automatically if`automatic-hscrolling' is set (the default). This setting can becustomized.If a window is scrolled horizontally with set-window-hscroll, orscroll-left/scroll-right (C-x <, C-x >), this serves as a lower boundfor automatic horizontal scrolling. Automatic scrolling will scrollthe text more to the left if necessary, but won't scroll the text moreto the right than the column set with set-window-hscroll etc.** When using a windowing terminal, each Emacs window now has a cursorof its own. By default, when a window is selected, the cursor issolid; otherwise, it is hollow. The user-option`cursor-in-non-selected-windows' controls how to display thecursor in non-selected windows. If nil, no cursor is shown, ifnon-nil a hollow box cursor is shown.** Fringes to the left and right of windows are used to displaytruncation marks, continuation marks, overlay arrows and alike. Theforeground, background, and stipple of these areas can be changed bycustomizing face `fringe'.** The mode line under X is now drawn with shadows by default.You can change its appearance by modifying the face `mode-line'.In particular, setting the `:box' attribute to nil turns off the 3Dappearance of the mode line. (The 3D appearance makes the mode lineoccupy more space, and thus might cause the first or the last line ofthe window to be partially obscured.)The variable `mode-line-inverse-video', which was used in olderversions of emacs to make the mode-line stand out, is now deprecated.However, setting it to nil will cause the `mode-line' face to beignored, and mode-lines to be drawn using the default text face.** Mouse-sensitive mode line.Different parts of the mode line have been made mouse-sensitive on allsystems which support the mouse. Moving the mouse to amouse-sensitive part in the mode line changes the appearance of themouse pointer to an arrow, and help about available mouse actions isdisplayed either in the echo area, or in the tooltip window if youhave enabled one.Currently, the following actions have been defined:- Mouse-1 on the buffer name in the mode line goes to the next buffer.- Mouse-3 on the buffer-name goes to the previous buffer.- Mouse-2 on the read-only or modified status in the mode line (`%' or`*') toggles the status.- Mouse-3 on the mode name displays a minor-mode menu.** Hourglass pointerEmacs can optionally display an hourglass pointer under X. You canturn the display on or off by customizing group `cursor'.** Blinking cursorM-x blink-cursor-mode toggles a blinking cursor under X and onterminals having terminal capabilities `vi', `vs', and `ve'. Blinkingand related parameters like frequency and delay can be customized inthe group `cursor'.** New font-lock support mode `jit-lock-mode'.This support mode is roughly equivalent to `lazy-lock' but isgenerally faster. It supports stealth and deferred fontification.See the documentation of the function `jit-lock-mode' for moredetails.Font-lock uses jit-lock-mode as default support mode, so you don'thave to do anything to activate it.** The default binding of the Delete key has changed.The new user-option `normal-erase-is-backspace' can be set todetermine the effect of the Delete and Backspace function keys.On window systems, the default value of this option is chosenaccording to the keyboard used. If the keyboard has both a Backspacekey and a Delete key, and both are mapped to their usual meanings, theoption's default value is set to t, so that Backspace can be used todelete backward, and Delete can be used to delete forward. Onkeyboards which either have only one key (usually labeled DEL), or twokeys DEL and BS which produce the same effect, the option's value isset to nil, and these keys delete backward.If not running under a window system, setting this option accomplishesa similar effect by mapping C-h, which is usually generated by theBackspace key, to DEL, and by mapping DEL to C-d via`keyboard-translate'. The former functionality of C-h is available onthe F1 key. You should probably not use this setting on a text-onlyterminal if you don't have both Backspace, Delete and F1 keys.Programmatically, you can call function normal-erase-is-backspace-modeto toggle the behavior of the Delete and Backspace keys.** The default for user-option `next-line-add-newlines' has beenchanged to nil, i.e. C-n will no longer add newlines at the end of abuffer by default.** The <home> and <end> keys now move to the beginning or end of thecurrent line, respectively. C-<home> and C-<end> move to thebeginning and end of the buffer.** Emacs now checks for recursive loads of Lisp files. If therecursion depth exceeds `recursive-load-depth-limit', an error issignaled.** When an error is signaled during the loading of the user's initfile, Emacs now pops up the *Messages* buffer.** Emacs now refuses to load compiled Lisp files which weren'tcompiled with Emacs. Set `load-dangerous-libraries' to t to changethis behavior.The reason for this change is an incompatible change in XEmacs's bytecompiler. Files compiled with XEmacs can contain byte codes that letEmacs dump core.** Toggle buttons and radio buttons in menus.When compiled with LessTif (or Motif) support, Emacs uses toolkitwidgets for radio and toggle buttons in menus. When configured forLucid, Emacs draws radio buttons and toggle buttons similar to Motif.** The menu bar configuration has changed. The new configuration ismore CUA-compliant. The most significant change is that Options isnow a separate menu-bar item, with Mule and Customize as its submenus.** Item Save Options on the Options menu allows saving options setusing that menu.** Highlighting of trailing whitespace.When `show-trailing-whitespace' is non-nil, Emacs displays trailingwhitespace in the face `trailing-whitespace'. Trailing whitespace isdefined as spaces or tabs at the end of a line. To avoid busyhighlighting when entering new text, trailing whitespace is notdisplayed if point is at the end of the line containing thewhitespace.** C-x 5 1 runs the new command delete-other-frames which deletesall frames except the selected one.** The new user-option `confirm-kill-emacs' can be customized tolet Emacs ask for confirmation before exiting.** The header line in an Info buffer is now displayed as an emacsheader-line (which is like a mode-line, but at the top of the window),so that it remains visible even when the buffer has been scrolled.This behavior may be disabled by customizing the option`Info-use-header-line'.** Polish, Czech, German, and French translations of Emacs' reference cardhave been added. They are named `pl-refcard.tex', `cs-refcard.tex',`de-refcard.tex' and `fr-refcard.tex'. Postscript files are included.** An `Emacs Survival Guide', etc/survival.tex, is available.** A reference card for Dired has been added. Its name is`dired-ref.tex'. A French translation is available in`fr-drdref.tex'.** C-down-mouse-3 is bound differently. Now if the menu bar is notdisplayed it pops up a menu containing the items which would be on themenu bar. If the menu bar is displayed, it pops up the major modemenu or the Edit menu if there is no major mode menu.** Variable `load-path' is no longer customizable through Customize.You can no longer use `M-x customize-variable' to customize `load-path'because it now contains a version-dependent component. You can stilluse `add-to-list' and `setq' to customize this variable in your`~/.emacs' init file or to modify it from any Lisp program in general.** C-u C-x = provides detailed information about the character atpoint in a pop-up window.** Emacs can now support 'wheeled' mice (such as the MS IntelliMouse)under XFree86. To enable this, use the `mouse-wheel-mode' command, orcustomize the variable `mouse-wheel-mode'.The variables `mouse-wheel-follow-mouse' and `mouse-wheel-scroll-amount'determine where and by how much buffers are scrolled.** Emacs' auto-save list files are now by default stored in asub-directory `.emacs.d/auto-save-list/' of the user's home directory.(On MS-DOS, this subdirectory's name is `_emacs.d/auto-save.list/'.)You can customize `auto-save-list-file-prefix' to change this location.** The function `getenv' is now callable interactively.** The new user-option `even-window-heights' can be set to nilto prevent `display-buffer' from evening out window heights.** The new command M-x delete-trailing-whitespace RET will delete thetrailing whitespace within the current restriction. You can also addthis function to `write-file-hooks' or `local-write-file-hooks'.** When visiting a file with M-x find-file-literally, no newlines willbe added to the end of the buffer even if `require-final-newline' isnon-nil.** The new user-option `find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings' can beset to suppress warnings ``X and Y are the same file'' when visiting afile that is already visited under a different name.** The new user-option `electric-help-shrink-window' can be set tonil to prevent adjusting the help window size to the buffer size.** New command M-x describe-character-set reads a character set nameand displays information about that.** The new variable `auto-mode-interpreter-regexp' contains a regularexpression matching interpreters, for file mode determination.This regular expression is matched against the first line of a file todetermine the file's mode in `set-auto-mode' when Emacs can't deduce amode from the file's name. If it matches, the file is assumed to beinterpreted by the interpreter matched by the second group of theregular expression. The mode is then determined as the modeassociated with that interpreter in `interpreter-mode-alist'.** New function executable-make-buffer-file-executable-if-script-p issuitable as an after-save-hook as an alternative to `executable-chmod'.** The most preferred coding-system is now used to save a buffer ifbuffer-file-coding-system is `undecided' and it is safe for the buffercontents. (The most preferred is set by set-language-environment orby M-x prefer-coding-system.) Thus if you visit an ASCII file andinsert a non-ASCII character from your current language environment,the file will be saved silently with the appropriate coding.Previously you would be prompted for a safe coding system.** The many obsolete language `setup-...-environment' commands havebeen removed -- use `set-language-environment'.** The new Custom option `keyboard-coding-system' specifies a codingsystem for keyboard input.** New variable `inhibit-iso-escape-detection' determines if Emacs'coding system detection algorithm should pay attention to ISO2022'sescape sequences. If this variable is non-nil, the algorithm ignoressuch escape sequences. The default value is nil, and it isrecommended not to change it except for the special case that youalways want to read any escape code verbatim. If you just want toread a specific file without decoding escape codes, use C-x RET c(`universal-coding-system-argument'). For instance, C-x RET c latin-1RET C-x C-f filename RET.** Variable `default-korean-keyboard' is initialized properly from theenvironment variable `HANGUL_KEYBOARD_TYPE'.** New command M-x list-charset-chars reads a character set name anddisplays all characters in that character set.** M-x set-terminal-coding-system (C-x RET t) now allows CCL-basedcoding systems such as cpXXX and cyrillic-koi8.** Emacs now attempts to determine the initial language environmentand preferred and locale coding systems systematically from theLC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, and LANG environment variables during startup.** New language environments `Polish', `Latin-8' and `Latin-9'.Latin-8 and Latin-9 correspond respectively to the ISO character sets8859-14 (Celtic) and 8859-15 (updated Latin-1, with the Euro sign).GNU Intlfonts doesn't support these yet but recent X releases have8859-15. See etc/INSTALL for information on obtaining extra fonts.There are new Leim input methods for Latin-8 and Latin-9 prefix (only)and Polish `slash'.** New language environments `Dutch' and `Spanish'.These new environments mainly select appropriate translationsof the tutorial.** In Ethiopic language environment, special key bindings forfunction keys are changed as follows. This is to conform to "EmacsLisp Coding Convention". new command old-binding --- ------- ----------- f3 ethio-fidel-to-sera-buffer f5 S-f3 ethio-fidel-to-sera-region f5 C-f3 ethio-fidel-to-sera-mail-or-marker f5 f4 ethio-sera-to-fidel-buffer unchanged S-f4 ethio-sera-to-fidel-region unchanged C-f4 ethio-sera-to-fidel-mail-or-marker unchanged S-f5 ethio-toggle-punctuation f3 S-f6 ethio-modify-vowel f6 S-f7 ethio-replace-space f7 S-f8 ethio-input-special-character f8 S-f9 ethio-replace-space unchanged C-f9 ethio-toggle-space f2** There are new Leim input methods.New input methods "turkish-postfix", "turkish-alt-postfix","greek-mizuochi", "TeX", and "greek-babel" are now part of the Leimpackage.** The rule of input method "slovak" is slightly changed. Now therules for translating "q" and "Q" to "`" (backquote) are deleted, thustyping them inserts "q" and "Q" respectively. Rules for translating"=q", "+q", "=Q", and "+Q" to "`" are also deleted. Now, to input"`", you must type "=q".** When your terminal can't display characters from some of the ISO8859 character sets but can display Latin-1, you can displaymore-or-less mnemonic sequences of ASCII/Latin-1 characters instead ofempty boxes (under a window system) or question marks (not under awindow system). Customize the option `latin1-display' to turn thison.** M-; now calls comment-dwim which tries to do something clever basedon the context. M-x kill-comment is now an alias to comment-kill,defined in newcomment.el. You can choose different styles of regioncommenting with the variable `comment-style'.** New user options `display-time-mail-face' and`display-time-use-mail-icon' control the appearance of mode-line mailindicator used by the display-time package. On a suitable display theindicator can be an icon and is mouse-sensitive.** On window-systems, additional space can be put between text lineson the display using several methods- By setting frame parameter `line-spacing' to PIXELS. PIXELS must bea positive integer, and specifies that PIXELS number of pixels shouldbe put below text lines on the affected frame or frames.- By setting X resource `lineSpacing', class `LineSpacing'. This isequivalent to specifying the frame parameter.- By specifying `--line-spacing=N' or `-lsp N' on the command line.- By setting buffer-local variable `line-spacing'. The meaning isthe same, but applies to the a particular buffer only.** The new command `clone-indirect-buffer' can be used to createan indirect buffer that is a twin copy of the current buffer. Thecommand `clone-indirect-buffer-other-window', bound to C-x 4 c,does the same but displays the indirect buffer in another window.** New user options `backup-directory-alist' and`make-backup-file-name-function' control the placement of backups,typically in a single directory or in an invisible sub-directory.** New commands iso-iso2sgml and iso-sgml2iso convert between Latin-1characters and the corresponding SGML (HTML) entities.** New X resources recognized*** The X resource `synchronous', class `Synchronous', specifieswhether Emacs should run in synchronous mode. Synchronous modeis useful for debugging X problems.Example: emacs.synchronous: true*** The X resource `visualClass, class `VisualClass', specifies thevisual Emacs should use. The resource's value should be a string ofthe form `CLASS-DEPTH', where CLASS is the name of the visual class,and DEPTH is the requested color depth as a decimal number. Validvisual class names are TrueColor PseudoColor DirectColor StaticColor GrayScale StaticGrayVisual class names specified as X resource are case-insensitive, i.e.`pseudocolor', `Pseudocolor' and `PseudoColor' all have the samemeaning.The program `xdpyinfo' can be used to list the visual classessupported on your display, and which depths they have. If`visualClass' is not specified, Emacs uses the display's defaultvisual.Example: emacs.visualClass: TrueColor-8*** The X resource `privateColormap', class `PrivateColormap',specifies that Emacs should use a private colormap if it is using thedefault visual, and that visual is of class PseudoColor. Recognizedresource values are `true' or `on'.Example: emacs.privateColormap: true** Faces and frame parameters.There are four new faces `scroll-bar', `border', `cursor' and `mouse'.Setting the frame parameters `scroll-bar-foreground' and`scroll-bar-background' sets foreground and background color of face`scroll-bar' and vice versa. Setting frame parameter `border-color'sets the background color of face `border' and vice versa. Likewisefor frame parameters `cursor-color' and face `cursor', and frameparameter `mouse-color' and face `mouse'.Changing frame parameter `font' sets font-related attributes of the`default' face and vice versa. Setting frame parameters`foreground-color' or `background-color' sets the colors of the`default' face and vice versa.** New face `menu'.The face `menu' can be used to change colors and font of Emacs' menus.** New frame parameter `screen-gamma' for gamma correction.The new frame parameter `screen-gamma' specifies gamma-correction forcolors. Its value may be nil, the default, in which case no gammacorrection occurs, or a number > 0, usually a float, that specifiesthe screen gamma of a frame's display.PC monitors usually have a screen gamma of 2.2. smaller values resultin darker colors. You might want to try a screen gamma of 1.5 for LCDcolor displays. The viewing gamma Emacs uses is 0.4545. (1/2.2).The X resource name of this parameter is `screenGamma', class`ScreenGamma'.** Tabs and variable-width text.Tabs are now displayed with stretch properties; the width of a tab isdefined as a multiple of the normal character width of a frame, and isindependent of the fonts used in the text where the tab appears.Thus, tabs can be used to line up text in different fonts.** Enhancements of the Lucid menu bar*** The Lucid menu bar now supports the resource "margin". emacs.pane.menubar.margin: 5The default margin is 4 which makes the menu bar appear like theLessTif/Motif one.*** Arrows that indicate sub-menus are now drawn with shadows, as inLessTif and Motif.** A block cursor can be drawn as wide as the glyph under it under X.As an example: if a block cursor is over a tab character, it will bedrawn as wide as that tab on the display. To do this, set`x-stretch-cursor' to a non-nil value.** Empty display lines at the end of a buffer may be marked with abitmap (this is similar to the tilde displayed by vi and Less).This behavior is activated by setting the buffer-local variable`indicate-empty-lines' to a non-nil value. The default value of thisvariable is found in `default-indicate-empty-lines'.** There is a new "aggressive" scrolling method.When scrolling up because point is above the window start, if thevalue of the buffer-local variable `scroll-up-aggressively' is anumber, Emacs chooses a new window start so that point ends up thatfraction of the window's height from the top of the window.When scrolling down because point is below the window end, if thevalue of the buffer-local variable `scroll-down-aggressively' is anumber, Emacs chooses a new window start so that point ends up thatfraction of the window's height from the bottom of the window.** You can now easily create new *Info* buffers using eitherM-x clone-buffer, C-u m <entry> RET or C-u g <entry> RET.M-x clone-buffer can also be used on *Help* and several other specialbuffers.** The command `Info-search' now uses a search history.** Listing buffers with M-x list-buffers (C-x C-b) now showsabbreviated file names. Abbreviations can be customized by changing`directory-abbrev-alist'.** A new variable, backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch, givesthe highest file uid for which backup-by-copying-when-mismatch will beforced on. The assumption is that uids less than or equal to thisvalue are special uids (root, bin, daemon, etc.--not real systemusers) and that files owned by these users should not change ownership,even if your system policy allows users other than root to edit them.The default is 200; set the variable to nil to disable the feature.** The rectangle commands now avoid inserting undesirable spaces,notably at the end of lines.All these functions have been rewritten to avoid inserting unwantedspaces, and an optional prefix now allows them to behave the old way.** The function `replace-rectangle' is an alias for `string-rectangle'.** The new command M-x string-insert-rectangle is like `string-rectangle',but inserts text instead of replacing it.** The new command M-x query-replace-regexp-eval acts likequery-replace-regexp, but takes a Lisp expression which is evaluatedafter each match to get the replacement text.** M-x query-replace recognizes a new command `e' (or `E') that letsyou edit the replacement string.** The new command mail-abbrev-complete-alias, bound to `M-TAB'(if you load the library `mailabbrev'), lets you complete mail aliasesin the text, analogous to lisp-complete-symbol.** The variable `echo-keystrokes' may now have a floating point value.** If your init file is compiled (.emacs.elc), `user-init-file' is setto the source name (.emacs.el), if that exists, after loading it.** The help string specified for a menu-item whose definition containsthe property `:help HELP' is now displayed under X, on MS-Windows, andMS-DOS, either in the echo area or with tooltips. Many standard menusdisplayed by Emacs now have help strings.--** New user option `read-mail-command' specifies a command to use toread mail from the menu etc.** The environment variable `EMACSLOCKDIR' is no longer used on MS-Windows.This environment variable was used when creating lock files. Emacs onMS-Windows does not use this variable anymore. This change was madebefore Emacs 21.1, but wasn't documented until now.** Highlighting of mouse-sensitive regions is now supported in theMS-DOS version of Emacs.** The new command `msdos-set-mouse-buttons' forces the MS-DOS versionof Emacs to behave as if the mouse had a specified number of buttons.This comes handy with mice that don't report their number of buttonscorrectly. One example is the wheeled mice, which report 3 buttons,but clicks on the middle button are not passed to the MS-DOS versionof Emacs.** Customize changes*** Customize now supports comments about customized items. Use the`State' menu to add comments, or give a prefix argument toM-x customize-set-variable or M-x customize-set-value. Note thatcustomization comments will cause the customizations to fail inearlier versions of Emacs.*** The new option `custom-buffer-done-function' says whether to killCustom buffers when you've done with them or just bury them (thedefault).*** If Emacs was invoked with the `-q' or `--no-init-file' options, itdoes not allow you to save customizations in your `~/.emacs' initfile. This is because saving customizations from such a session wouldwipe out all the other customizationss you might have on your initfile.** If Emacs was invoked with the `-q' or `--no-init-file' options, itdoes not save disabled and enabled commands for future sessions, toavoid overwriting existing customizations of this kind that arealready in your init file.** New features in evaluation commands*** The commands to evaluate Lisp expressions, such as C-M-x in Lispmodes, C-j in Lisp Interaction mode, and M-:, now bind the variablesprint-level, print-length, and debug-on-error based on the newcustomizable variables eval-expression-print-level,eval-expression-print-length, and eval-expression-debug-on-error.The default values for the first two of these variables are 12 and 4respectively, which means that `eval-expression' now prints at mostthe first 12 members of a list and at most 4 nesting levels deep (ifthe list is longer or deeper than that, an ellipsis `...' isprinted).<RET> or <mouse-2> on the printed text toggles between an abbreviatedprinted representation and an unabbreviated one.The default value of eval-expression-debug-on-error is t, so any errorduring evaluation produces a backtrace.*** The function `eval-defun' (C-M-x) now loads Edebug and instrumentscode when called with a prefix argument.** CC mode changes.Note: This release contains changes that might not be compatible withcurrent user setups (although it's believed that theseincompatibilities will only show in very uncommon circumstances).However, since the impact is uncertain, these changes may be rolledback depending on user feedback. Therefore there's no forwardcompatibility guarantee wrt the new features introduced in thisrelease.*** The hardcoded switch to "java" style in Java mode is gone.CC Mode used to automatically set the style to "java" when Java modeis entered. This has now been removed since it caused too muchconfusion.However, to keep backward compatibility to a certain extent, thedefault value for c-default-style now specifies the "java" style forjava-mode, but "gnu" for all other modes (as before). So you won'tnotice the change if you haven't touched that variable.*** New cleanups, space-before-funcall and compact-empty-funcall.Two new cleanups have been added to c-cleanup-list:space-before-funcall causes a space to be inserted before the openingparenthesis of a function call, which gives the style "foo (bar)".compact-empty-funcall causes any space before a function call openingparenthesis to be removed if there are no arguments to the function.It's typically useful together with space-before-funcall to get thestyle "foo (bar)" and "foo()".*** Some keywords now automatically trigger reindentation.Keywords like "else", "while", "catch" and "finally" have been made"electric" to make them reindent automatically when they continue anearlier statement. An example:for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) if (a[i]) res += a[i]->offset;elseHere, the "else" should be indented like the preceding "if", since itcontinues that statement. CC Mode will automatically reindent it afterthe "else" has been typed in full, since it's not until then it'spossible to decide whether it's a new statement or a continuation ofthe preceding "if".CC Mode uses Abbrev mode to achieve this, which is therefore turned onby default.*** M-a and M-e now moves by sentence in multiline strings.Previously these two keys only moved by sentence in comments, whichmeant that sentence movement didn't work in strings containingdocumentation or other natural language text.The reason it's only activated in multiline strings (i.e. strings thatcontain a newline, even when escaped by a '\') is to avoid stopping inthe short strings that often reside inside statements. Multilinestrings almost always contain text in a natural language, as opposedto other strings that typically contain format specifications,commands, etc. Also, it's not that bothersome that M-a and M-e missessentences in single line strings, since they're short anyway.*** Support for autodoc comments in Pike mode.Autodoc comments for Pike are used to extract documentation from thesource, like Javadoc in Java. Pike mode now recognize this markup incomment prefixes and paragraph starts.*** The comment prefix regexps on c-comment-prefix may be mode specific.When c-comment-prefix is an association list, it specifies the commentline prefix on a per-mode basis, like c-default-style does. Thischange came about to support the special autodoc comment prefix inPike mode only.*** Better handling of syntactic errors.The recovery after unbalanced parens earlier in the buffer has beenimproved; CC Mode now reports them by dinging and giving a messagestating the offending line, but still recovers and indent thefollowing lines in a sane way (most of the time). An "else" with nomatching "if" is handled similarly. If an error is discovered whileindenting a region, the whole region is still indented and the erroris reported afterwards.*** Lineup functions may now return absolute columns.A lineup function can give an absolute column to indent the line to byreturning a vector with the desired column as the first element.*** More robust and warning-free byte compilation.Although this is strictly not a user visible change (well, dependingon the view of a user), it's still worth mentioning that CC Mode nowcan be compiled in the standard ways without causing trouble. Somecode have also been moved between the subpackages to enhance themodularity somewhat. Thanks to Martin Buchholz for doing thegroundwork.*** c-style-variables-are-local-p now defaults to t.This is an incompatible change that has been made to make the behaviorof the style system wrt global variable settings less confusing fornon-advanced users. If you know what this variable does you mightwant to set it to nil in your .emacs, otherwise you probably don'thave to bother.Defaulting c-style-variables-are-local-p to t avoids the confusingsituation that occurs when a user sets some style variables globallyand edits both a Java and a non-Java file in the same Emacs session.If the style variables aren't buffer local in this case, loading ofthe second file will cause the default style (either "gnu" or "java"by default) to override the global settings made by the user.*** New initialization procedure for the style system.When the initial style for a buffer is determined by CC Mode (from thevariable c-default-style), the global values of style variables nowtake precedence over the values specified by the chosen style. Thisis different than the old behavior: previously, the style-specificsettings would override the global settings. This change makes itpossible to do simple configuration in the intuitive way withCustomize or with setq lines in one's .emacs file.By default, the global value of every style variable is the newspecial symbol set-from-style, which causes the value to be taken fromthe style system. This means that in effect, only an explicit settingof a style variable will cause the "overriding" behavior describedabove.Also note that global settings override style-specific settings *only*when the initial style of a buffer is chosen by a CC Mode major modefunction. When a style is chosen in other ways --- for example, by acall like (c-set-style "gnu") in a hook, or via M-x c-set-style ---then the style-specific values take precedence over any global stylevalues. In Lisp terms, global values override style-specific valuesonly when the new second argument to c-set-style is non-nil; see thefunction documentation for more info.The purpose of these changes is to make it easier for users,especially novice users, to do simple customizations with Customize orwith setq in their .emacs files. On the other hand, the new system isintended to be compatible with advanced users' customizations as well,such as those that choose styles in hooks or whatnot. This new systemis believed to be almost entirely compatible with currentconfigurations, in spite of the changed precedence between style andglobal variable settings when a buffer's default style is set.(Thanks to Eric Eide for clarifying this explanation a bit.)**** c-offsets-alist is now a customizable variable.This became possible as a result of the new initialization behavior.This variable is treated slightly differently from the other stylevariables; instead of using the symbol set-from-style, it will becompleted with the syntactic symbols it doesn't already contain whenthe style is first initialized. This means it now defaults to theempty list to make all syntactic elements get their values from thestyle system.**** Compatibility variable to restore the old behavior.In case your configuration doesn't work with this change, you can setc-old-style-variable-behavior to non-nil to get the old behavior backas far as possible.*** Improvements to line breaking and text filling.CC Mode now handles this more intelligently and seamlessly wrt thesurrounding code, especially inside comments. For details see the newchapter about this in the manual.**** New variable to recognize comment line prefix decorations.The variable c-comment-prefix-regexp has been added to properlyrecognize the line prefix in both block and line comments. It'sprimarily used to initialize the various paragraph recognition andadaptive filling variables that the text handling functions uses.**** New variable c-block-comment-prefix.This is a generalization of the now obsolete variablec-comment-continuation-stars to handle arbitrary strings.**** CC Mode now uses adaptive fill mode.This to make it adapt better to the paragraph style inside comments.It's also possible to use other adaptive filling packages inside CCMode, notably Kyle E. Jones' Filladapt mode ( new convenience function c-setup-filladapt sets up Filladapt for useinside CC Mode.Note though that the 2.12 version of Filladapt lacks a feature thatcauses it to work suboptimally when c-comment-prefix-regexp can matchthe empty string (which it commonly does). A patch for that isavailable from the CC Mode web site (**** The variables `c-hanging-comment-starter-p' and`c-hanging-comment-ender-p', which controlled how comment starters andenders were filled, are not used anymore. The new version of thefunction `c-fill-paragraph' keeps the comment starters and enders asthey were before the filling.**** It's now possible to selectively turn off auto filling.The variable c-ignore-auto-fill is used to ignore auto fill mode inspecific contexts, e.g. in preprocessor directives and in stringliterals.**** New context sensitive line break function c-context-line-break.It works like newline-and-indent in normal code, and adapts the lineprefix according to the comment style when used inside comments. Ifyou're normally using newline-and-indent, you might want to switch tothis function.*** Fixes to IDL mode.It now does a better job in recognizing only the constructs relevantto IDL. E.g. it no longer matches "class" as the beginning of astruct block, but it does match the CORBA 2.3 "valuetype" keyword.Thanks to Eric Eide.*** Improvements to the Whitesmith style.It now keeps the style consistently on all levels and both whenopening braces hangs and when they don't.**** New lineup function c-lineup-whitesmith-in-block.*** New lineup functions c-lineup-template-args and c-indent-multi-line-block.See their docstrings for details. c-lineup-template-args does abetter job of tracking the brackets used as parens in C++ templates,and is used by default to line up continued template arguments.*** c-lineup-comment now preserves alignment with a comment on theprevious line. It used to instead preserve comments that started inthe column specified by comment-column.*** c-lineup-C-comments handles "free form" text comments.In comments with a long delimiter line at the start, the indentationis kept unchanged for lines that start with an empty comment lineprefix. This is intended for the type of large block comments thatcontain documentation with its own formatting. In these you normallydon't want CC Mode to change the indentation.*** The `c' syntactic symbol is now relative to the comment startinstead of the previous line, to make integers usable as lineuparguments.*** All lineup functions have gotten docstrings.*** More preprocessor directive movement functions.c-down-conditional does the reverse of c-up-conditional.c-up-conditional-with-else and c-down-conditional-with-else arevariants of these that also stops at "#else" lines (suggested by DonProvan).*** Minor improvements to many movement functions in tricky situations.** Dired changes*** New variable `dired-recursive-deletes' determines if the deletecommand will delete non-empty directories recursively. The defaultis, delete only empty directories.*** New variable `dired-recursive-copies' determines if the copycommand will copy directories recursively. The default is, do notcopy directories recursively.*** In command `dired-do-shell-command' (usually bound to `!') a `?'in the shell command has a special meaning similar to `*', but withthe difference that the command will be run on each file individually.*** The new command `dired-find-alternate-file' (usually bound to `a')replaces the Dired buffer with the buffer for an alternate file ordirectory.*** The new command `dired-show-file-type' (usually bound to `y') showsa message in the echo area describing what type of file the point is on.This command invokes the external program `file' do its work, and sowill only work on systems with that program, and will be only asaccurate or inaccurate as it is.*** Dired now properly handles undo changes of adding/removing `-R'from ls switches.*** Dired commands that prompt for a destination file now allow the useof the `M-n' command in the minibuffer to insert the source filename,which the user can then edit. This only works if there is a singlesource file, not when operating on multiple marked files.** Gnus changes.The Gnus NEWS entries are short, but they reflect sweeping changes infour areas: Article display treatment, MIME treatment,internationalization and mail-fetching.*** The mail-fetching functions have changed. See the manual for themany details. In particular, all procmail fetching variables are gone.If you used procmail like in(setq nnmail-use-procmail t)(setq nnmail-spool-file 'procmail)(setq nnmail-procmail-directory "~/mail/incoming/")(setq nnmail-procmail-suffix "\\.in")this now has changed to(setq mail-sources '((directory :path "~/mail/incoming/" :suffix ".in")))More information is available in the info doc at Select Methods ->Getting Mail -> Mail Sources*** Gnus is now a MIME-capable reader. This affects many parts ofGnus, and adds a slew of new commands. See the manual for details.Separate MIME packages like RMIME, mime-compose etc., will probably nolonger work; remove them and use the native facilities.The FLIM/SEMI package still works with Emacs 21, but if you want touse the native facilities, you must remove any mailcap.el[c] that wasinstalled by FLIM/SEMI version 1.13 or earlier.*** Gnus has also been multilingualized. This also affects too manyparts of Gnus to summarize here, and adds many new variables. Thereare built-in facilities equivalent to those of gnus-mule.el, which isnow just a compatibility layer.*** gnus-mule.el is now just a compatibility layer over the built-inGnus facilities.*** gnus-auto-select-first can now be a function to becalled to position point.*** The user can now decide which extra headers should be included insummary buffers and NOV files.*** `gnus-article-display-hook' has been removed. Instead, a numberof variables starting with `gnus-treat-' have been added.*** The Gnus posting styles have been redone again and now work in asubtly different manner.*** New web-based backends have been added: nnslashdot, nnwarchiveand nnultimate. nnweb has been revamped, again, to keep up withever-changing layouts.*** Gnus can now read IMAP mail via nnimap.*** There is image support of various kinds and some sound support.** Changes in Texinfo mode.*** A couple of new key bindings have been added for inserting Texinfomacros Key binding Macro ------------------------- C-c C-c C-s @strong C-c C-c C-e @emph C-c C-c u @uref C-c C-c q @quotation C-c C-c m @email C-c C-o @<block> ... @end <block> M-RET @item*** The " key now inserts either " or `` or '' depending on context.** Changes in Outline mode.There is now support for Imenu to index headings. A new command`outline-headers-as-kill' copies the visible headings in the region tothe kill ring, e.g. to produce a table of contents.** Changes to Emacs Server*** The new option `server-kill-new-buffers' specifies what to dowith buffers when done with them. If non-nil, the default, buffersare killed, unless they were already present before visiting them withEmacs Server. If nil, `server-temp-file-regexp' specifies whichbuffers to kill, as before.Please note that only buffers are killed that still have a client,i.e. buffers visited with `emacsclient --no-wait' are never killed inthis way.** Both emacsclient and Emacs itself now accept command line optionsof the form +LINE:COLUMN in addition to +LINE.** Changes to Show Paren mode.*** Overlays used by Show Paren mode now use a priority property.The new user option show-paren-priority specifies the priority touse. Default is 1000.** New command M-x check-parens can be used to find unbalanced parengroups and strings in buffers in Lisp mode (or other modes).** Changes to hideshow.el*** Generalized block selection and traversalA block is now recognized by its start and end regexps (both strings),and an integer specifying which sub-expression in the start regexpserves as the place where a `forward-sexp'-like function can operate.See the documentation of variable `hs-special-modes-alist'.*** During incremental search, if Hideshow minor mode is active,hidden blocks are temporarily shown. The variable `hs-headline' canbe used in the mode line format to show the line at the beginning ofthe open block.*** User option `hs-hide-all-non-comment-function' specifies afunction to be called at each top-level block beginning, instead ofthe normal block-hiding function.*** The command `hs-show-region' has been removed.*** The key bindings have changed to fit the Emacs conventions,roughly imitating those of Outline minor mode. Notably, the prefixfor all bindings is now `C-c @'. For details, see the documentationfor `hs-minor-mode'.*** The variable `hs-show-hidden-short-form' has been removed, andhideshow.el now always behaves as if this variable were set to t.** Changes to Change Log mode and Add-Log functions*** If you invoke `add-change-log-entry' from a backup file, it makesan entry appropriate for the file's parent. This is useful for makinglog entries by comparing a version with deleted functions.**** New command M-x change-log-merge merges another log into thecurrent buffer.*** New command M-x change-log-redate fixes any old-style date entriesin a log file.*** Change Log mode now adds a file's version number to change logentries if user-option `change-log-version-info-enabled' is non-nil.Unless the file is under version control the search for a file'sversion number is performed based on regular expressions from`change-log-version-number-regexp-list' which can be customized.Version numbers are only found in the first 10 percent of a file.*** Change Log mode now defines its own faces for font-lock highlighting.** Changes to cmuscheme*** The user-option `scheme-program-name' has been renamed`cmuscheme-program-name' due to conflicts with xscheme.el.** Changes in Font Lock*** The new function `font-lock-remove-keywords' can be used to removefont-lock keywords from the current buffer or from a specific major mode.*** Multi-line patterns are now supported. Modes using this, shouldset font-lock-multiline to t in their font-lock-defaults.*** `font-lock-syntactic-face-function' allows major-modes to choosethe face used for each string/comment.*** A new standard face `font-lock-doc-face'.Meant for Lisp docstrings, Javadoc comments and other "documentation in code".** Changes to Shell mode*** The `shell' command now accepts an optional argument to specify the bufferto use, which defaults to "*shell*". When used interactively, anon-default buffer may be specified by giving the `shell' command aprefix argument (causing it to prompt for the buffer name).** Comint (subshell) changesThese changes generally affect all modes derived from comint mode, whichinclude shell-mode, gdb-mode, scheme-interaction-mode, etc.*** Comint now by default interprets some carriage-control characters.Comint now removes CRs from CR LF sequences, and treats single CRs andBSs in the output in a way similar to a terminal (by deleting to thebeginning of the line, or deleting the previous character,respectively). This is achieved by adding `comint-carriage-motion' tothe `comint-output-filter-functions' hook by default.*** By default, comint no longer uses the variable `comint-prompt-regexp'to distinguish prompts from user-input. Instead, it notices whichparts of the text were output by the process, and which entered by theuser, and attaches `field' properties to allow emacs commands to usethis information. Common movement commands, notably beginning-of-line,respect field boundaries in a fairly natural manner. To disable thisfeature, and use the old behavior, customize the user option`comint-use-prompt-regexp-instead-of-fields'.*** Comint now includes new features to send commands to running processesand redirect the output to a designated buffer or buffers.*** The command M-x comint-redirect-send-command reads a command andbuffer name from the mini-buffer. The command is sent to the currentbuffer's process, and its output is inserted into the specified buffer.The command M-x comint-redirect-send-command-to-process acts likeM-x comint-redirect-send-command but additionally reads the name ofthe buffer whose process should be used from the mini-buffer.*** Packages based on comint now highlight user input and program prompts,and support choosing previous input with mouse-2. To control these features,see the user-options `comint-highlight-input' and `comint-highlight-prompt'.*** The new command `comint-write-output' (usually bound to `C-c C-s')saves the output from the most recent command to a file. With a prefixargument, it appends to the file.*** The command `comint-kill-output' has been renamed `comint-delete-output'(usually bound to `C-c C-o'); the old name is aliased to it forcompatibility.*** The new function `comint-add-to-input-history' adds commands to the inputring (history).*** The new variable `comint-input-history-ignore' is a regexp foridentifying history lines that should be ignored, like tcsh time-stampstrings, starting with a `#'. The default value of this variable is "^#".** Changes to Rmail mode*** The new user-option rmail-user-mail-address-regexp can beset to fine tune the identification of the correspondent whenreceiving new mail. If it matches the address of the sender, therecipient is taken as correspondent of a mail. If nil, the default,`user-login-name' and `user-mail-address' are used to exclude yourselfas correspondent.Usually you don't have to set this variable, except if you collectmails sent by you under different user names. Then it should be aregexp matching your mail addresses.*** The new user-option rmail-confirm-expunge controls whether and howto ask for confirmation before expunging deleted messages from anRmail file. You can choose between no confirmation, confirmationwith y-or-n-p, or confirmation with yes-or-no-p. Default is to askfor confirmation with yes-or-no-p.*** RET is now bound in the Rmail summary to rmail-summary-goto-msg,like `j'.*** There is a new user option `rmail-digest-end-regexps' thatspecifies the regular expressions to detect the line that ends adigest message.*** The new user option `rmail-automatic-folder-directives' specifiesin which folder to put messages automatically.*** The new function `rmail-redecode-body' allows to fix a messagewith non-ASCII characters if Emacs happens to decode it incorrectlydue to missing or malformed "charset=" header.** The new user-option `mail-envelope-from' can be used to specifyan envelope-from address different from user-mail-address.** The variable mail-specify-envelope-from controls whether touse the -f option when sending mail.** The Rmail command `o' (`rmail-output-to-rmail-file') now writes thecurrent message in the internal `emacs-mule' encoding, rather than inthe encoding taken from the variable `buffer-file-coding-system'.This allows to save messages whose characters cannot be safely encodedby the buffer's coding system, and makes sure the message will bedisplayed correctly when you later visit the target Rmail file.If you want your Rmail files be encoded in a specific coding systemother than `emacs-mule', you can customize the variable`rmail-file-coding-system' to set its value to that coding system.** Changes to TeX mode*** The default mode has been changed from `plain-tex-mode' to`latex-mode'.*** latex-mode now has a simple indentation algorithm.*** M-f and M-p jump around \begin...\end pairs.*** Added support for outline-minor-mode.** Changes to RefTeX mode*** RefTeX has new support for index generation. Index entries can be created with `C-c <', with completion available on index keys. Pressing `C-c /' indexes the word at the cursor with a default macro. `C-c >' compiles all index entries into an alphabetically sorted *Index* buffer which looks like the final index. Entries can be edited from that buffer.*** Label and citation key selection now allow to select several items and reference them together (use `m' to mark items, `a' or `A' to use all marked entries).*** reftex.el has been split into a number of smaller files to reduce memory use when only a part of RefTeX is being used.*** a new command `reftex-view-crossref-from-bibtex' (bound to `C-c &' in BibTeX-mode) can be called in a BibTeX database buffer in order to show locations in LaTeX documents where a particular entry has been cited.** Emacs Lisp mode now allows multiple levels of outline headings.The level of a heading is determined from the number of leadingsemicolons in a heading line. Toplevel forms starting with a `('in column 1 are always made leaves.** The M-x time-stamp command (most commonly used on write-file-hooks)has the following new features:*** The patterns for finding the time stamp and for updating a patternmay match text spanning multiple lines. For example, some people liketo have the filename and date on separate lines. The new variabletime-stamp-inserts-lines controls the matching for multi-line patterns.*** More than one time stamp can be updated in the same file. Thisfeature is useful if you need separate time stamps in a program sourcefile to both include in formatted documentation and insert in thecompiled binary. The same time-stamp will be written at each matchingpattern. The variable time-stamp-count enables this new feature; itdefaults to 1.** Partial Completion mode now completes environment variables infile names.** Ispell changes*** The command `ispell' now spell-checks a region iftransient-mark-mode is on, and the mark is active. Otherwise itspell-checks the current buffer.*** Support for synchronous subprocesses - DOS/Windoze - has beenadded.*** An "alignment error" bug was fixed when a manual spellingcorrection is made and re-checked.*** Italian, Portuguese, and Slovak dictionary definitions have been added.*** Region skipping performance has been vastly improved in somecases.*** Spell checking HTML buffers has been improved and isn't so stricton syntax errors.*** The buffer-local words are now always placed on a new line at theend of the buffer.*** Spell checking now works in the MS-DOS version of Emacs.** Makefile mode changes*** The mode now uses the abbrev table `makefile-mode-abbrev-table'.*** Conditionals and include statements are now highlighted whenFontlock mode is active.** Isearch changes*** Isearch now puts a call to `isearch-resume' in the command history,so that searches can be resumed.*** In Isearch mode, C-M-s and C-M-r are now bound like C-s and C-r,respectively, i.e. you can repeat a regexp isearch with the same keysthat started the search.*** In Isearch mode, mouse-2 in the echo area now yanks the currentselection into the search string rather than giving an error.*** There is a new lazy highlighting feature in incremental search.Lazy highlighting is switched on/off by customizing variable`isearch-lazy-highlight'. When active, all matches for the currentsearch string are highlighted. The current match is highlighted asbefore using face `isearch' or `region'. All other matches arehighlighted using face `isearch-lazy-highlight-face' which defaults to`secondary-selection'.The extra highlighting makes it easier to anticipate where the cursorwill end up each time you press C-s or C-r to repeat a pending search.Highlighting of these additional matches happens in a deferred fashionusing "idle timers," so the cycles needed do not rob isearch of itsusual snappy response.If `isearch-lazy-highlight-cleanup' is set to t, highlights formatches are automatically cleared when you end the search. If it isset to nil, you can remove the highlights manually with `M-xisearch-lazy-highlight-cleanup'.** VC ChangesVC has been overhauled internally. It is now modular, making iteasier to plug-in arbitrary version control backends. (See LispChanges for details on the new structure.) As a result, the mechanismto enable and disable support for particular version systems haschanged: everything is now controlled by the new variable`vc-handled-backends'. Its value is a list of symbols that identifyversion systems; the default is '(RCS CVS SCCS). When finding a file,each of the backends in that list is tried in order to see whether thefile is registered in that backend.When registering a new file, VC first tries each of the listedbackends to see if any of them considers itself "responsible" for thedirectory of the file (e.g. because a corresponding subdirectory formaster files exists). If none of the backends is responsible, thenthe first backend in the list that could register the file is chosen.As a consequence, the variable `vc-default-back-end' is now obsolete.The old variable `vc-master-templates' is also obsolete, although VCstill supports it for backward compatibility. To define templates forRCS or SCCS, you should rather use the new variablesvc-{rcs,sccs}-master-templates. (There is no such feature under CVSwhere it doesn't make sense.)The variables `vc-ignore-vc-files' and `vc-handle-cvs' are alsoobsolete now, you must set `vc-handled-backends' to nil or exclude`CVS' from the list, respectively, to achieve their effect now.*** General ChangesThe variable `vc-checkout-carefully' is obsolete: the correspondingchecks are always done now.VC Dired buffers are now kept up-to-date during all version controloperations.`vc-diff' output is now displayed in `diff-mode'.`vc-print-log' uses `log-view-mode'.`vc-log-mode' (used for *VC-Log*) has been replaced by `log-edit-mode'.The command C-x v m (vc-merge) now accepts an empty argument as thefirst revision number. This means that any recent changes on thecurrent branch should be picked up from the repository and merged intothe working file (``merge news'').The commands C-x v s (vc-create-snapshot) and C-x v r(vc-retrieve-snapshot) now ask for a directory name from which to workdownwards.*** Multiple BackendsVC now lets you register files in more than one backend. This isuseful, for example, if you are working with a slow remote CVSrepository. You can then use RCS for local editing, and occasionallycommit your changes back to CVS, or pick up changes from CVS into yourlocal RCS archives.To make this work, the ``more local'' backend (RCS in our example)should come first in `vc-handled-backends', and the ``more remote''backend (CVS) should come later. (The default value of`vc-handled-backends' already has it that way.)You can then commit changes to another backend (say, RCS), by typingC-u C-x v v RCS RET (i.e. vc-next-action now accepts a backend name asa revision number). VC registers the file in the more local backendif that hasn't already happened, and commits to a branch based on thecurrent revision number from the more remote backend.If a file is registered in multiple backends, you can switch toanother one using C-x v b (vc-switch-backend). This does not changeany files, it only changes VC's perspective on the file. Use this topick up changes from CVS while working under RCS locally.After you are done with your local RCS editing, you can commit yourchanges back to CVS using C-u C-x v v CVS RET. In this case, thelocal RCS archive is removed after the commit, and the log entrybuffer is initialized to contain the entire RCS change log of the file.*** Changes for CVSThere is a new user option, `vc-cvs-stay-local'. If it is `t' (thedefault), then VC avoids network queries for files registered inremote repositories. The state of such files is then only determinedby heuristics and past information. `vc-cvs-stay-local' can also be aregexp to match against repository hostnames; only files from hoststhat match it are treated locally. If the variable is nil, then VCqueries the repository just as often as it does for local files.If `vc-cvs-stay-local' is on, then VC also makes local backups ofrepository versions. This means that ordinary diffs (C-x v =) andrevert operations (C-x v u) can be done completely locally, withoutany repository interactions at all. The name of a local versionbackup of FILE is FILE.~REV.~, where REV is the repository versionnumber. This format is similar to that used by C-x v ~(vc-version-other-window), except for the trailing dot. As a matterof fact, the two features can each use the files created by the other,the only difference being that files with a trailing `.' are deletedautomatically after commit. (This feature doesn't work on MS-DOS,since DOS disallows more than a single dot in the trunk of a filename.)If `vc-cvs-stay-local' is on, and there have been changes in therepository, VC notifies you about it when you actually try to commit.If you want to check for updates from the repository without trying tocommit, you can either use C-x v m RET to perform an update on thecurrent file, or you can use C-x v r RET to get an update for anentire directory tree.The new user option `vc-cvs-use-edit' indicates whether VC should call"cvs edit" to make files writeable; it defaults to `t'. (This optionis only meaningful if the CVSREAD variable is set, or if files are"watched" by other developers.)The commands C-x v s (vc-create-snapshot) and C-x v r(vc-retrieve-snapshot) are now also implemented for CVS. If you givean empty snapshot name to the latter, that performs a `cvs update',starting at the given directory.*** Lisp Changes in VCVC has been restructured internally to make it modular. You can nowadd support for arbitrary version control backends by writing alibrary that provides a certain set of backend-specific functions, andthen telling VC to use that library. For example, to add support fora version system named SYS, you write a library named vc-sys.el, whichprovides a number of functions vc-sys-... (see commentary at the topof vc.el for a detailed list of them). To make VC use that library,you need to put it somewhere into Emacs' load path and add the symbol`SYS' to the list `vc-handled-backends'.** The customizable EDT emulation package now supports the EDTSUBS command and EDT scroll margins. It also works with moreterminal/keyboard configurations and it now works under XEmacs.See etc/edt-user.doc for more information.** New modes and packages*** The new global minor mode `minibuffer-electric-default-mode'automatically hides the `(default ...)' part of minibuffer prompts whenthe default is not applicable.*** Artist is an Emacs lisp package that allows you to draw lines,rectangles and ellipses by using your mouse and/or keyboard. Theshapes are made up with the ascii characters |, -, / and \.Features are:- Intersecting: When a `|' intersects with a `-', a `+' is drawn, like this: | \ / --+-- X | / \- Rubber-banding: When drawing lines you can interactively see the result while holding the mouse button down and moving the mouse. If your machine is not fast enough (a 386 is a bit too slow, but a pentium is well enough), you can turn this feature off. You will then see 1's and 2's which mark the 1st and 2nd endpoint of the line you are drawing.- Arrows: After having drawn a (straight) line or a (straight) poly-line, you can set arrows on the line-ends by typing < or >.- Flood-filling: You can fill any area with a certain character by flood-filling.- Cut copy and paste: You can cut, copy and paste rectangular regions. Artist also interfaces with the rect package (this can be turned off if it causes you any trouble) so anything you cut in artist can be yanked with C-x r y and vice versa.- Drawing with keys: Everything you can do with the mouse, you can also do without the mouse.- Aspect-ratio: You can set the variable artist-aspect-ratio to reflect the height-width ratio for the font you are using. Squares and circles are then drawn square/round. Note, that once your ascii-file is shown with font with a different height-width ratio, the squares won't be square and the circles won't be round.- Drawing operations: The following drawing operations are implemented: lines straight-lines rectangles squares poly-lines straight poly-lines ellipses circles text (see-thru) text (overwrite) spray-can setting size for spraying vaporize line vaporize lines erase characters erase rectangles Straight lines are lines that go horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Plain lines go in any direction. The operations in the right column are accessed by holding down the shift key while drawing. It is possible to vaporize (erase) entire lines and connected lines (rectangles for example) as long as the lines being vaporized are straight and connected at their endpoints. Vaporizing is inspired by the drawrect package by Jari Aalto <>.- Picture mode compatibility: Artist is picture mode compatible (this can be turned off).*** The new package Eshell is an operating system command shellimplemented entirely in Emacs Lisp. Use `M-x eshell' to invoke it.It functions similarly to bash and zsh, and allows running of Lispfunctions and external commands using the same syntax. It supportshistory lists, aliases, extended globbing, smart scrolling, etc. Itwill work on any platform Emacs has been ported to. And since most ofthe basic commands -- ls, rm, mv, cp, ln, du, cat, etc. -- have beenrewritten in Lisp, it offers an operating-system independent shell,all within the scope of your Emacs process.*** The new package timeclock.el is a mode is for keeping track of timeintervals. You can use it for whatever purpose you like, but thetypical scenario is to keep track of how much time you spend workingon certain projects.*** The new package hi-lock.el provides commands to highlight matchesof interactively entered regexps. For example, M-x highlight-regexp RET clearly RET RETwill highlight all occurrences of `clearly' using a yellow backgroundface. New occurrences of `clearly' will be highlighted as they aretyped. `M-x unhighlight-regexp RET' will remove the highlighting.Any existing face can be used for highlighting and a set ofappropriate faces is provided. The regexps can be written into thecurrent buffer in a form that will be recognized the next time thecorresponding file is read. There are commands to highlight matchesto phrases and to highlight entire lines containing a match.*** The new package zone.el plays games with Emacs' display whenEmacs is idle.*** The new package tildify.el allows to add hard spaces or other textfragments in accordance with the current major mode.*** The new package xml.el provides a simple but generic XMLparser. It doesn't parse the DTDs however.*** The comment operations are now provided by the newcomment.elpackage which allows different styles of comment-region and shouldbe more robust while offering the same functionality.`comment-region' now doesn't always comment a-line-at-a-time, but onlycomments the region, breaking the line at point if necessary.*** The Ebrowse package implements a C++ class browser and tagsfacilities tailored for use with C++. It is documented in aseparate Texinfo file.*** The PCL-CVS package available by either running M-x cvs-examine orby visiting a CVS administrative directory (with a prefix argument)provides an alternative interface to VC-dired for CVS. It comes with`log-view-mode' to view RCS and SCCS logs and `log-edit-mode' used toenter check-in log messages.*** The new package called `woman' allows to browse Unix man pageswithout invoking external programs.The command `M-x woman' formats manual pages entirely in Emacs Lispand then displays them, like `M-x manual-entry' does. Unlike`manual-entry', `woman' does not invoke any external programs, so itis useful on systems such as MS-DOS/MS-Windows where the `man' andGroff or `troff' commands are not readily available.The command `M-x woman-find-file' asks for the file name of a manpage, then formats and displays it like `M-x woman' does.*** The new command M-x re-builder offers a convenient interface forauthoring regular expressions with immediate visual feedback.The buffer from which the command was called becomes the target forthe regexp editor popping up in a separate window. Matching text inthe target buffer is immediately color marked during the editing.Each sub-expression of the regexp will show up in a different face soeven complex regexps can be edited and verified on target data in asingle step.On displays not supporting faces the matches instead blink likematching parens to make them stand out. On such a setup you willprobably also want to use the sub-expression mode when the regexpcontains such to get feedback about their respective limits.*** glasses-mode is a minor mode that makesunreadableIdentifiersLikeThis readable. It works as glasses, withoutactually modifying content of a buffer.*** The package ebnf2ps translates an EBNF to a syntactic chart inPostScript.Currently accepts ad-hoc EBNF, ISO EBNF and Bison/Yacc.The ad-hoc default EBNF syntax has the following elements: ; comment (until end of line) A non-terminal "C" terminal ?C? special $A default non-terminal $"C" default terminal $?C? default special A = B. production (A is the header and B the body) C D sequence (C occurs before D) C | D alternative (C or D occurs) A - B exception (A excluding B, B without any non-terminal) n * A repetition (A repeats n (integer) times) (C) group (expression C is grouped together) [C] optional (C may or not occurs) C+ one or more occurrences of C {C}+ one or more occurrences of C {C}* zero or more occurrences of C {C} zero or more occurrences of C C / D equivalent to: C {D C}* {C || D}+ equivalent to: C {D C}* {C || D}* equivalent to: [C {D C}*] {C || D} equivalent to: [C {D C}*]Please, see ebnf2ps documentation for EBNF syntax and how to use it.*** The package align.el will align columns within a region, using M-xalign. Its mode-specific rules, based on regular expressions,determine where the columns should be split. In C and C++, forexample, it will align variable names in declaration lists, or theequal signs of assignments.*** `paragraph-indent-minor-mode' is a new minor mode supportingparagraphs in the same style as `paragraph-indent-text-mode'.*** bs.el is a new package for buffer selection similar tolist-buffers or electric-buffer-list. Use M-x bs-show to display abuffer menu with this package. See the Custom group `bs'.*** find-lisp.el is a package emulating the Unix find command in Lisp.*** calculator.el is a small calculator package that is intended toreplace desktop calculators such as xcalc and calc.exe. Actually, itis not too small - it has more features than most desktop calculators,and can be customized easily to get many more functions. It shouldnot be confused with "calc" which is a much bigger mathematical toolwhich answers different needs.*** The minor modes cwarn-mode and global-cwarn-mode highlightssuspicious C and C++ constructions. Currently, assignments insideexpressions, semicolon following `if', `for' and `while' (except, ofcourse, after a `do .. while' statement), and C++ functions withreference parameters are recognized. The modes require font-lock modeto be enabled.*** smerge-mode.el provides `smerge-mode', a simple minor-mode for filescontaining diff3-style conflict markers, such as generated by RCS.*** 5x5.el is a simple puzzle game.*** hl-line.el provides `hl-line-mode', a minor mode to highlight thecurrent line in the current buffer. It also provides`global-hl-line-mode' to provide the same behavior in all buffers.*** ansi-color.el translates ANSI terminal escapes into text-properties.Please note: if `ansi-color-for-comint-mode' and`global-font-lock-mode' are non-nil, loading ansi-color.el willdisable font-lock and add `ansi-color-apply' to`comint-preoutput-filter-functions' for all shell-mode buffers. Thisdisplays the output of "ls --color=yes" using the correct foregroundand background colors.*** delphi.el provides a major mode for editing the Delphi (ObjectPascal) language.*** quickurl.el provides a simple method of inserting a URL based onthe text at point.*** sql.el provides an interface to SQL data bases.*** fortune.el uses the fortune program to create mail/news signatures.*** whitespace.el is a package for warning about and cleaning boguswhitespace in a file.*** PostScript mode (ps-mode) is a new major mode for editing PostScriptfiles. It offers: interaction with a PostScript interpreter, including(very basic) error handling; fontification, easily customizable forinterpreter messages; auto-indentation; insertion of EPSF templates andoften used code snippets; viewing of BoundingBox; commenting out /uncommenting regions; conversion of 8bit characters to PostScript octalcodes. All functionality is accessible through a menu.*** delim-col helps to prettify columns in a text region or rectangle.Here is an example of columns:horse apple busdog pineapple car EXTRAporcupine strawberry airplaneDoing the following settings: (setq delimit-columns-str-before "[ ") (setq delimit-columns-str-after " ]") (setq delimit-columns-str-separator ", ") (setq delimit-columns-separator "\t")Selecting the lines above and typing: M-x delimit-columns-regionIt results:[ horse , apple , bus , ][ dog , pineapple , car , EXTRA ][ porcupine, strawberry, airplane, ]delim-col has the following options: delimit-columns-str-before Specify a string to be inserted before all columns. delimit-columns-str-separator Specify a string to be inserted between each column. delimit-columns-str-after Specify a string to be inserted after all columns. delimit-columns-separator Specify a regexp which separates each column.delim-col has the following commands: delimit-columns-region Prettify all columns in a text region. delimit-columns-rectangle Prettify all columns in a text rectangle.*** Recentf mode maintains a menu for visiting files that wereoperated on recently. User option recentf-menu-filter specifies amenu filter function to change the menu appearance. For example, therecent file list can be displayed:- organized by major modes, directories or user defined rules.- sorted by file paths, file names, ascending or descending.- showing paths relative to the current default-directoryThe `recentf-filter-changer' menu filter function allows todynamically change the menu appearance.*** elide-head.el provides a mechanism for eliding boilerplate headertext.*** footnote.el provides `footnote-mode', a minor mode supporting useof footnotes. It is intended for use with Message mode, but isn'tspecific to Message mode.*** diff-mode.el provides `diff-mode', a major mode forviewing/editing context diffs (patches). It is selected for fileswith extension `.diff', `.diffs', `.patch' and `.rej'.*** EUDC, the Emacs Unified Directory Client, provides a common userinterface to access directory servers using different directoryprotocols. It has a separate manual.*** autoconf.el provides a major mode for editing filesfor Autoconf, selected automatically.*** windmove.el provides moving between windows.*** crm.el provides a facility to read multiple strings from theminibuffer with completion.*** todo-mode.el provides management of TODO lists and integrationwith the diary features.*** autoarg.el provides a feature reported from Twenex Emacs wherebynumeric keys supply prefix args rather than self inserting.*** The function `turn-off-auto-fill' unconditionally turns off AutoFill mode.*** pcomplete.el is a library that provides programmable completionfacilities for Emacs, similar to what zsh and tcsh offer. The maindifference is that completion functions are written in Lisp, meaningthey can be profiled, debugged, etc.*** antlr-mode is a new major mode for editing ANTLR grammar files.It is automatically turned on for files whose names have the extension`.g'.** Changes in sort.elThe function sort-numeric-fields interprets numbers starting with `0'as octal and numbers starting with `0x' or `0X' as hexadecimal. Thenew user-option sort-numeric-base can be used to specify a defaultnumeric base.** Changes to Ange-ftp*** Ange-ftp allows you to specify of a port number in remote filenames cleanly. It is appended to the host name, separated by a hashsign, e.g. `/'. (This syntax comes from EFS.)*** If the new user-option `ange-ftp-try-passive-mode' is set, passiveftp mode will be used if the ftp client supports that.*** Ange-ftp handles the output of the w32-style clients whichoutput ^M at the end of lines.** The recommended way of using Iswitchb is via the new global minormode `iswitchb-mode'.** Just loading the msb package doesn't switch on Msb mode anymore.If you have `(require 'msb)' in your .emacs, please replace it with`(msb-mode 1)'.** Flyspell mode has various new options. See the `flyspell' Customgroup.** The user option `backward-delete-char-untabify-method' controls thebehavior of `backward-delete-char-untabify'. The following valuesare recognized:`untabify' -- turn a tab to many spaces, then delete one space;`hungry' -- delete all whitespace, both tabs and spaces;`all' -- delete all whitespace, including tabs, spaces and newlines;nil -- just delete one character.Default value is `untabify'.[This change was made in Emacs 20.3 but not mentioned then.]** In Cperl mode `cperl-invalid-face' should now be a normal facesymbol, not double-quoted.** Some packages are declared obsolete, to be removed in a futureversion. They are: auto-show, c-mode, hilit19, hscroll, ooutline,profile, rnews, rnewspost, and sc. Their implementations have beenmoved to lisp/obsolete.** auto-compression mode is no longer enabled just by loading jka-compr.el.To control it, set `auto-compression-mode' via Custom or use the`auto-compression-mode' command.** `browse-url-gnome-moz' is a new option for`browse-url-browser-function', invoking Mozilla in GNOME, and`browse-url-kde' can be chosen for invoking the KDE browser.** The user-option `browse-url-new-window-p' has been renamed to`browse-url-new-window-flag'.** The functions `keep-lines', `flush-lines' and `how-many' nowoperate on the active region in Transient Mark mode.** `gnus-user-agent' is a new possibility for `mail-user-agent'. Itis like `message-user-agent', but with all the Gnus paraphernalia.** The Strokes package has been updated. If your Emacs has XPMsupport, you can use it for pictographic editing. In Strokes mode,use C-mouse-2 to compose a complex stoke and insert it into thebuffer. You can encode or decode a strokes buffer with new commandsM-x strokes-encode-buffer and M-x strokes-decode-buffer. There is anew command M-x strokes-list-strokes.** Hexl contains a new command `hexl-insert-hex-string' which insertsa string of hexadecimal numbers read from the mini-buffer.** Hexl mode allows to insert non-ASCII characters.The non-ASCII characters are encoded using the same encoding as thefile you are visiting in Hexl mode.** Shell script mode changes.Shell script mode (sh-script) can now indent scripts for shellsderived from sh and rc. The indentation style is customizable, andsh-script can attempt to "learn" the current buffer's style.** Etags changes.*** In DOS, etags looks for file.cgz if it cannot find file.c.*** New option --ignore-case-regex is an alternative to --regex. It is nowpossible to bind a regexp to a language, by prepending the regexp with{lang}, where lang is one of the languages that `etags --help' prints out.This feature is useful especially for regex files, where each line containsa regular expression. The manual contains details.*** In C and derived languages, etags creates tags for functiondeclarations when given the --declarations option.*** In C++, tags are created for "operator". The tags have the form"operator+", without spaces between the keyword and the operator.*** You shouldn't generally need any more the -C or -c++ option: etagsautomatically switches to C++ parsing when it meets the `class' or`template' keywords.*** Etags now is able to delve at arbitrary deeps into nested structures inC-like languages. Previously, it was limited to one or two brace levels.*** New language Ada: tags are functions, procedures, packages, tasks, andtypes.*** In Fortran, `procedure' is not tagged.*** In Java, tags are created for "interface".*** In Lisp, "(defstruct (foo", "(defun (operator" and similar constructsare now tagged.*** In makefiles, tags the targets.*** In Perl, the --globals option tags global variables. my and localvariables are tagged.*** New language Python: def and class at the beginning of a line are tags.*** .ss files are Scheme files, .pdb is Postscript with C syntax, .psw isfor PSWrap.** Changes in etags.el*** The new user-option tags-case-fold-search can be used to maketags operations case-sensitive or case-insensitive. The defaultis to use the same setting as case-fold-search.*** You can display additional output with M-x tags-apropos by settingthe new variable tags-apropos-additional-actions.If non-nil, the variable's value should be a list of triples (TITLEFUNCTION TO-SEARCH). For each triple, M-x tags-apropos processesTO-SEARCH and lists tags from it. TO-SEARCH should be an alist,obarray, or symbol. If it is a symbol, the symbol's value is used.TITLE is a string to use to label the list of tags from TO-SEARCH.FUNCTION is a function to call when an entry is selected in the TagsList buffer. It is called with one argument, the selected symbol.A useful example value for this variable might be something like: '(("Emacs Lisp" Info-goto-emacs-command-node obarray) ("Common Lisp" common-lisp-hyperspec common-lisp-hyperspec-obarray) ("SCWM" scwm-documentation scwm-obarray))*** The face tags-tag-face can be used to customize the appearanceof tags in the output of M-x tags-apropos.*** Setting tags-apropos-verbose to a non-nil value displays thenames of tags files in the *Tags List* buffer.*** You can now search for tags that are part of the filename itself.If you have tagged the files topfile.c subdir/subfile.c/tmp/tempfile.c, you can now search for tags "topfile.c", "subfile.c","dir/sub", "tempfile", "tempfile.c". If the tag matches the file name,point will go to the beginning of the file.*** Compressed files are now transparently supported ifauto-compression-mode is active. You can tag (with Etags) and search(with find-tag) both compressed and uncompressed files.*** Tags commands like M-x tags-search no longer change pointin buffers where no match is found. In buffers where a match isfound, the original value of point is pushed on the marker ring.** Fortran mode has a new command `fortran-strip-sequence-nos' toremove text past column 72. The syntax class of `\' in Fortran is nowappropriate for C-style escape sequences in strings.** SGML mode's default `sgml-validate-command' is now `nsgmls'.** A new command `view-emacs-problems' (C-h P) displays the PROBLEMS file.** The Dabbrev package has a new user-option `dabbrev-ignored-regexps'containing a list of regular expressions. Buffers matching a regularexpression from that list, are not checked.** Emacs can now figure out modification times of remote files.When you do C-x C-f /user@host:/path/file RET and edit the file,and someone else modifies the file, you will be prompted to revertthe buffer, just like for the local files.** The buffer menu (C-x C-b) no longer lists the *Buffer List* buffer.** When invoked with a prefix argument, the command `list-abbrevs' nowdisplays local abbrevs, only.** Refill minor mode provides preliminary support for keepingparagraphs filled as you modify them.** The variable `double-click-fuzz' specifies how much the mousemay be moved between clicks that are recognized as a pair. Its valueis measured in pixels.** The new global minor mode `auto-image-file-mode' allows image filesto be visited as images.** Two new user-options `grep-command' and `grep-find-command'were added to compile.el.** Withdrawn packages*** mldrag.el has been removed. mouse.el provides the samefunctionality with aliases for the mldrag functions.*** eval-reg.el has been obsoleted by changes to edebug.el and removed.*** ph.el has been obsoleted by EUDC and removed.* Incompatible Lisp changesThere are a few Lisp changes which are not backwards-compatible andmay require changes to existing code. Here is a list for reference.See the sections below for details.** Since `format' preserves text properties, the idiom`(format "%s" foo)' no longer works to copy and remove properties.Use `copy-sequence' to copy the string, then use `set-text-properties'to remove the properties of the copy.** Since the `keymap' text property now has significance, some codewhich uses both `local-map' and `keymap' properties (for portability)may, for instance, give rise to duplicate menus when the keymaps fromthese properties are active.** The change in the treatment of non-ASCII characters in searchranges may affect some code.** A non-nil value for the LOCAL arg of add-hook makes the hookbuffer-local even if `make-local-hook' hasn't been called, which mightmake a difference to some code.** The new treatment of the minibuffer prompt might affect code whichoperates on the minibuffer.** The new character sets `eight-bit-control' and `eight-bit-graphic'cause `no-conversion' and `emacs-mule-unix' coding systems to producedifferent results when reading files with non-ASCII characters(previously, both coding systems would produce the same results).Specifically, `no-conversion' interprets each 8-bit byte as a separatecharacter. This makes `no-conversion' inappropriate for readingmultibyte text, e.g. buffers written to disk in their internal MULEencoding (auto-saving does that, for example). If a Lisp programreads such files with `no-conversion', each byte of the multibytesequence, including the MULE leading codes such as \201, is treated asa separate character, which prevents them from being interpreted inthe buffer as multibyte characters.Therefore, Lisp programs that read files which contain the internalMULE encoding should use `emacs-mule-unix'. `no-conversion' is onlyappropriate for reading truly binary files.** Code that relies on the obsolete `before-change-function' and`after-change-function' to detect buffer changes will now fail. Use`before-change-functions' and `after-change-functions' instead.** Code that uses `concat' with integer args now gets an error, aslong promised. So does any code that uses derivatives of `concat',such as `mapconcat'.** The function base64-decode-string now always returns a unibytestring.** Not a Lisp incompatibility as such but, with the introduction ofextra private charsets, there is now only one slot free for a newdimension-2 private charset. User code which tries to add more thanone extra will fail unless you rebuild Emacs with some standardcharset(s) removed; that is probably inadvisable because it changesthe emacs-mule encoding. Also, files stored in the emacs-muleencoding using Emacs 20 with additional private charsets defined willprobably not be read correctly by Emacs 21.** The variable `directory-sep-char' is slated for removal.Not really a change (yet), but a projected one that you should beaware of: The variable `directory-sep-char' is deprecated, and shouldnot be used. It was always ignored on GNU/Linux and Unix systems andon MS-DOS, but the MS-Windows port tried to support it by adapting thebehavior of certain primitives to the value of this variable. Itturned out that such support cannot be reliable, so it was decided toremove this variable in the near future. Lisp programs are welladvised not to set it to anything but '/', because any different valuewill not have any effect when support for this variable is removed.* Lisp changes made after edition 2.6 of the Emacs Lisp Manual,(Display-related features are described in a page of their own below.)** Function assq-delete-all replaces function assoc-delete-all.** The new function animate-string, from lisp/play/animate.elallows the animated display of strings.** The new function `interactive-form' can be used to obtain theinteractive form of a function.** The keyword :set-after in defcustom allows to specify dependenciesbetween custom options. Example: (defcustom default-input-method nil "*Default input method for multilingual text (a string). This is the input method activated automatically by the command `toggle-input-method' (\\[toggle-input-method])." :group 'mule :type '(choice (const nil) string) :set-after '(current-language-environment))This specifies that default-input-method should be set aftercurrent-language-environment even if default-input-method appearsfirst in a custom-set-variables statement.** The new hook `kbd-macro-termination-hook' is run at the end offunction execute-kbd-macro. Functions on this hook are called with noargs. The hook is run independent of how the macro was terminated(signal or normal termination).** Functions `butlast' and `nbutlast' for removing trailing elementsfrom a list are now available without requiring the CL package.** The new user-option `even-window-heights' can be set to nilto prevent `display-buffer' from evening out window heights.** The user-option `face-font-registry-alternatives' specifiesalternative font registry names to try when looking for a font.** Function `md5' calculates the MD5 "message digest"/"checksum".** Function `delete-frame' runs `delete-frame-hook' before actuallydeleting the frame. The hook is called with one arg, the framebeing deleted.** `add-hook' now makes the hook local if called with a non-nil LOCAL arg.** The treatment of non-ASCII characters in search ranges has changed.If a range in a regular expression or the arg ofskip-chars-forward/backward starts with a unibyte character C and endswith a multibyte character C2, the range is divided into two: one isC..?\377, the other is C1..C2, where C1 is the first character of C2'scharset.** The new function `display-message-or-buffer' displays a message inthe echo area or pops up a buffer, depending on the length of themessage.** The new macro `with-auto-compression-mode' allows evaluating anexpression with auto-compression-mode enabled.** In image specifications, `:heuristic-mask' has been replacedwith the more general `:mask' property.** Image specifications accept more `:conversion's.** A `?' can be used in a symbol name without escaping it with abackslash.** Reading from the mini-buffer now reads from standard input if Emacsis running in batch mode. For example, (message "%s" (read t))will read a Lisp expression from standard input and print the resultto standard output.** The argument of `down-list', `backward-up-list', `up-list',`kill-sexp', `backward-kill-sexp' and `mark-sexp' is now optional.** If `display-buffer-reuse-frames' is set, function `display-buffer'will raise frames displaying a buffer, instead of creating a newframe or window.** Two new functions for removing elements from lists/sequenceswere added- Function: remove ELT SEQReturn a copy of SEQ with all occurrences of ELT removed. SEQ must bea list, vector, or string. The comparison is done with `equal'.- Function: remq ELT LISTReturn a copy of LIST with all occurrences of ELT removed. Thecomparison is done with `eq'.** The function `delete' now also works with vectors and strings.** The meaning of the `:weakness WEAK' argument of make-hash-tablehas been changed: WEAK can now have new values `key-or-value' and`key-and-value', in addition to `nil', `key', `value', and `t'.** Function `aset' stores any multibyte character in any stringwithout signaling "Attempt to change char length of a string". It mayconvert a unibyte string to multibyte if necessary.** The value of the `help-echo' text property is called as a functionor evaluated, if it is not a string already, to obtain a help string.** Function `make-obsolete' now has an optional arg to say when thefunction was declared obsolete.** Function `plist-member' is renamed from `widget-plist-member' (which isretained as an alias).** Easy-menu's :filter now takes the unconverted form of the menu andthe result is automatically converted to Emacs' form.** The new function `window-list' has been defined- Function: window-list &optional FRAME WINDOW MINIBUFReturn a list of windows on FRAME, starting with WINDOW. FRAME nil oromitted means use the selected frame. WINDOW nil or omitted means usethe selected window. MINIBUF t means include the minibuffer window,even if it isn't active. MINIBUF nil or omitted means include theminibuffer window only if it's active. MINIBUF neither nil nor tmeans never include the minibuffer window.** There's a new function `get-window-with-predicate' defined as follows- Function: get-window-with-predicate PREDICATE &optional MINIBUF ALL-FRAMES DEFAULTReturn a window satisfying PREDICATE.This function cycles through all visible windows using `walk-windows',calling PREDICATE on each one. PREDICATE is called with a window asargument. The first window for which PREDICATE returns a non-nilvalue is returned. If no window satisfies PREDICATE, DEFAULT isreturned.Optional second arg MINIBUF t means count the minibuffer window evenif not active. MINIBUF nil or omitted means count the minibuffer iffit is active. MINIBUF neither t nor nil means not to count theminibuffer even if it is active.Several frames may share a single minibuffer; if the minibuffercounts, all windows on all frames that share that minibuffer counttoo. Therefore, if you are using a separate minibuffer frameand the minibuffer is active and MINIBUF says it counts,`walk-windows' includes the windows in the frame from which youentered the minibuffer, as well as the minibuffer window.ALL-FRAMES is the optional third argument.ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means cycle within the frames as specified above.ALL-FRAMES = `visible' means include windows on all visible frames.ALL-FRAMES = 0 means include windows on all visible and iconified frames.ALL-FRAMES = t means include windows on all frames including invisible frames.If ALL-FRAMES is a frame, it means include windows on that frame.Anything else means restrict to the selected frame.** The function `single-key-description' now encloses function key andevent names in angle brackets. When called with a second optionalargument non-nil, angle brackets won't be printed.** If the variable `message-truncate-lines' is bound to t around acall to `message', the echo area will not be resized to display thatmessage; it will be truncated instead, as it was done in 20.x.Default value is nil.** The user option `line-number-display-limit' can now be set to nil,meaning no limit.** The new user option `line-number-display-limit-width' controlsthe maximum width of lines in a buffer for which Emacs displays linenumbers in the mode line. The default is 200.** `select-safe-coding-system' now also checks the most preferredcoding-system if buffer-file-coding-system is `undecided' andDEFAULT-CODING-SYSTEM is not specified,** The function `subr-arity' provides information about the argumentlist of a primitive.** `where-is-internal' now also accepts a list of keymaps.** The text property `keymap' specifies a key map which overrides thebuffer's local map and the map specified by the `local-map' property.This is probably what most current uses of `local-map' want, ratherthan replacing the local map.** The obsolete variables `before-change-function' and`after-change-function' are no longer acted upon and have beenremoved. Use `before-change-functions' and `after-change-functions'instead.** The function `apropos-mode' runs the hook `apropos-mode-hook'.** `concat' no longer accepts individual integer arguments,as promised long ago.** The new function `float-time' returns the current time as a float.** The new variable auto-coding-regexp-alist specifies coding systemsfor reading specific files, analogous to auto-coding-alist, butpatterns are checked against file contents instead of file names.* Lisp changes in Emacs 21.1 (see following page for display-related features)** The new package rx.el provides an alternative sexp notation forregular expressions.- Function: rx-to-string SEXPTranslate SEXP into a regular expression in string notation.- Macro: rx SEXPTranslate SEXP into a regular expression in string notation.The following are valid subforms of regular expressions in sexpnotation.STRING matches string STRING literally.CHAR matches character CHAR literally.`not-newline' matches any character except a newline. .`anything' matches any character`(any SET)' matches any character in SET. SET may be a character or string. Ranges of characters can be specified as `A-Z' in strings.'(in SET)' like `any'.`(not (any SET))' matches any character not in SET`line-start' matches the empty string, but only at the beginning of a line in the text being matched`line-end' is similar to `line-start' but matches only at the end of a line`string-start' matches the empty string, but only at the beginning of the string being matched against.`string-end' matches the empty string, but only at the end of the string being matched against.`buffer-start' matches the empty string, but only at the beginning of the buffer being matched against.`buffer-end' matches the empty string, but only at the end of the buffer being matched against.`point' matches the empty string, but only at point.`word-start' matches the empty string, but only at the beginning or end of a word.`word-end' matches the empty string, but only at the end of a word.`word-boundary' matches the empty string, but only at the beginning or end of a word.`(not word-boundary)' matches the empty string, but not at the beginning or end of a word.`digit' matches 0 through 9.`control' matches ASCII control characters.`hex-digit' matches 0 through 9, a through f and A through F.`blank' matches space and tab only.`graphic' matches graphic characters--everything except ASCII control chars, space, and DEL.`printing' matches printing characters--everything except ASCII control chars and DEL.`alphanumeric' matches letters and digits. (But at present, for multibyte characters, it matches anything that has word syntax.)`letter' matches letters. (But at present, for multibyte characters, it matches anything that has word syntax.)`ascii' matches ASCII (unibyte) characters.`nonascii' matches non-ASCII (multibyte) characters.`lower' matches anything lower-case.`upper' matches anything upper-case.`punctuation' matches punctuation. (But at present, for multibyte characters, it matches anything that has non-word syntax.)`space' matches anything that has whitespace syntax.`word' matches anything that has word syntax.`(syntax SYNTAX)' matches a character with syntax SYNTAX. SYNTAX must be one of the following symbols. `whitespace' (\\s- in string notation) `punctuation' (\\s.) `word' (\\sw) `symbol' (\\s_) `open-parenthesis' (\\s() `close-parenthesis' (\\s)) `expression-prefix' (\\s') `string-quote' (\\s\") `paired-delimiter' (\\s$) `escape' (\\s\\) `character-quote' (\\s/) `comment-start' (\\s<) `comment-end' (\\s>)`(not (syntax SYNTAX))' matches a character that has not syntax SYNTAX.`(category CATEGORY)' matches a character with category CATEGORY. CATEGORY must be either a character to use for C, or one of the following symbols. `consonant' (\\c0 in string notation) `base-vowel' (\\c1) `upper-diacritical-mark' (\\c2) `lower-diacritical-mark' (\\c3) `tone-mark' (\\c4) `symbol' (\\c5) `digit' (\\c6) `vowel-modifying-diacritical-mark' (\\c7) `vowel-sign' (\\c8) `semivowel-lower' (\\c9) `not-at-end-of-line' (\\c<) `not-at-beginning-of-line' (\\c>) `alpha-numeric-two-byte' (\\cA) `chinse-two-byte' (\\cC) `greek-two-byte' (\\cG) `japanese-hiragana-two-byte' (\\cH) `indian-two-byte' (\\cI) `japanese-katakana-two-byte' (\\cK) `korean-hangul-two-byte' (\\cN) `cyrillic-two-byte' (\\cY) `ascii' (\\ca) `arabic' (\\cb) `chinese' (\\cc) `ethiopic' (\\ce) `greek' (\\cg) `korean' (\\ch) `indian' (\\ci) `japanese' (\\cj) `japanese-katakana' (\\ck) `latin' (\\cl) `lao' (\\co) `tibetan' (\\cq) `japanese-roman' (\\cr) `thai' (\\ct) `vietnamese' (\\cv) `hebrew' (\\cw) `cyrillic' (\\cy) `can-break' (\\c|)`(not (category CATEGORY))' matches a character that has not category CATEGORY.`(and SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)' matches what SEXP1 matches, followed by what SEXP2 matches, etc.`(submatch SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)' like `and', but makes the match accessible with `match-end', `match-beginning', and `match-string'.`(group SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)' another name for `submatch'.`(or SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)' matches anything that matches SEXP1 or SEXP2, etc. If all args are strings, use `regexp-opt' to optimize the resulting regular expression.`(minimal-match SEXP)' produce a non-greedy regexp for SEXP. Normally, regexps matching zero or more occurrences of something are \"greedy\" in that they match as much as they can, as long as the overall regexp can still match. A non-greedy regexp matches as little as possible.`(maximal-match SEXP)' produce a greedy regexp for SEXP. This is the default.`(zero-or-more SEXP)' matches zero or more occurrences of what SEXP matches.`(0+ SEXP)' like `zero-or-more'.`(* SEXP)' like `zero-or-more', but always produces a greedy regexp.`(*? SEXP)' like `zero-or-more', but always produces a non-greedy regexp.`(one-or-more SEXP)' matches one or more occurrences of A.`(1+ SEXP)' like `one-or-more'.`(+ SEXP)' like `one-or-more', but always produces a greedy regexp.`(+? SEXP)' like `one-or-more', but always produces a non-greedy regexp.`(zero-or-one SEXP)' matches zero or one occurrences of A.`(optional SEXP)' like `zero-or-one'.`(? SEXP)' like `zero-or-one', but always produces a greedy regexp.`(?? SEXP)' like `zero-or-one', but always produces a non-greedy regexp.`(repeat N SEXP)' matches N occurrences of what SEXP matches.`(repeat N M SEXP)' matches N to M occurrences of what SEXP matches.`(eval FORM)' evaluate FORM and insert result. If result is a string, `regexp-quote' it.`(regexp REGEXP)' include REGEXP in string notation in the result.*** The features `md5' and `overlay' are now provided by default.*** The special form `save-restriction' now works correctly even if thebuffer is widened inside the save-restriction and changes made outsidethe original restriction. Previously, doing this would cause the savedrestriction to be restored incorrectly.*** The functions `find-charset-region' and `find-charset-string' include`eight-bit-control' and/or `eight-bit-graphic' in the returned listwhen they find 8-bit characters. Previously, they included `ascii' in amultibyte buffer and `unknown' in a unibyte buffer.*** The functions `set-buffer-multibyte', `string-as-multibyte' and`string-as-unibyte' change the byte sequence of a buffer or a stringif it contains a character from the `eight-bit-control' character set.*** The handling of multibyte sequences in a multibyte buffer ischanged. Previously, a byte sequence matching the pattern[\200-\237][\240-\377]+ was interpreted as a single characterregardless of the length of the trailing bytes [\240-\377]+. Thus, ifthe sequence was longer than what the leading byte indicated, theextra trailing bytes were ignored by Lisp functions. Now such extrabytes are independent 8-bit characters belonging to the charseteight-bit-graphic.** Fontsets are now implemented using char-tables.A fontset can now be specified for each independent character, fora group of characters or for a character set rather than just for acharacter set as previously.*** The arguments of the function `set-fontset-font' are changed.They are NAME, CHARACTER, FONTNAME, and optional FRAME. The functionmodifies fontset NAME to use FONTNAME for CHARACTER.CHARACTER may be a cons (FROM . TO), where FROM and TO are non-genericcharacters. In that case FONTNAME is used for all characters in therange FROM and TO (inclusive). CHARACTER may be a charset. In thatcase FONTNAME is used for all character in the charset.FONTNAME may be a cons (FAMILY . REGISTRY), where FAMILY is the familyname of a font and REGISTRY is a registry name of a font.*** Variable x-charset-registry has been deleted. The default charsetregistries of character sets are set in the default fontset"fontset-default".*** The function `create-fontset-from-fontset-spec' ignores the secondargument STYLE-VARIANT. It never creates style-variant fontsets.** The method of composing characters is changed. Now charactercomposition is done by a special text property `composition' inbuffers and strings.*** Charset composition is deleted. Emacs never creates a `compositecharacter' which is an independent character with a unique charactercode. Thus the following functions handling `composite characters'have been deleted: composite-char-component,composite-char-component-count, composite-char-composition-rule,composite-char-composition-rule and decompose-composite-char delete.The variables leading-code-composition and min-composite-char havealso been deleted.*** Three more glyph reference points are added. They can be used tospecify a composition rule. See the documentation of the variable`reference-point-alist' for more detail.*** The function `compose-region' takes new arguments COMPONENTS andMODIFICATION-FUNC. With COMPONENTS, you can specify not only acomposition rule but also characters to be composed. Such charactersmay differ between buffer and string text.*** The function `compose-string' takes new arguments START, END,COMPONENTS, and MODIFICATION-FUNC.*** The function `compose-string' puts text property `composition'directly on the argument STRING instead of returning a new string.Likewise, the function `decompose-string' just removes text property`composition' from STRING.*** The new function `find-composition' returns information abouta composition at a specified position in a buffer or a string.*** The function `decompose-composite-char' is now labeled asobsolete.** The new coding system `mac-roman' is primarily intended for use onthe Macintosh but may be used generally for Macintosh-encoded text.** The new character sets `mule-unicode-0100-24ff',`mule-unicode-2500-33ff', and `mule-unicode-e000-ffff' have beenintroduced for Unicode characters in the range U+0100..U+24FF,U+2500..U+33FF, U+E000..U+FFFF respectively.Note that the character sets are not yet unified in Emacs, socharacters which belong to charsets such as Latin-2, Greek, Hebrew,etc. and the same characters in the `mule-unicode-*' charsets aredifferent characters, as far as Emacs is concerned. For example, textwhich includes Unicode characters from the Latin-2 locale cannot beencoded by Emacs with ISO 8859-2 coding system.** The new coding system `mule-utf-8' has been added.It provides limited support for decoding/encoding UTF-8 text. Fordetails, please see the documentation string of this coding system.** The new character sets `japanese-jisx0213-1' and`japanese-jisx0213-2' have been introduced for the new Japanesestandard JIS X 0213 Plane 1 and Plane 2.** The new character sets `latin-iso8859-14' and `latin-iso8859-15'have been introduced.** The new character sets `eight-bit-control' and `eight-bit-graphic'have been introduced for 8-bit characters in the ranges 0x80..0x9F and0xA0..0xFF respectively. Note that the multibyte representation ofeight-bit-control is never exposed; this leads to an exception in theemacs-mule coding system, which encodes everything else to thebuffer/string internal representation. Note that to search foreight-bit-graphic characters in a multibyte buffer, the search stringmust be multibyte, otherwise such characters will be converted totheir multibyte equivalent.** If the APPEND argument of `write-region' is an integer, it seeks tothat offset in the file before writing.** The function `add-minor-mode' has been added for convenience andcompatibility with XEmacs (and is used internally by define-minor-mode).** The function `shell-command' now sets the default directory of the`*Shell Command Output*' buffer to the default directory of the bufferfrom which the command was issued.** The functions `query-replace', `query-replace-regexp',`query-replace-regexp-eval' `map-query-replace-regexp',`replace-string', `replace-regexp', and `perform-replace' take twoadditional optional arguments START and END that specify the region tooperate on.** The new function `count-screen-lines' is a more flexible alternativeto `window-buffer-height'.- Function: count-screen-lines &optional BEG END COUNT-FINAL-NEWLINE WINDOWReturn the number of screen lines in the region between BEG and END.The number of screen lines may be different from the number of actuallines, due to line breaking, display table, etc.Optional arguments BEG and END default to `point-min' and `point-max'respectively.If region ends with a newline, ignore it unless optional third argumentCOUNT-FINAL-NEWLINE is non-nil.The optional fourth argument WINDOW specifies the window used forobtaining parameters such as width, horizontal scrolling, and soon. The default is to use the selected window's parameters.Like `vertical-motion', `count-screen-lines' always uses the currentbuffer, regardless of which buffer is displayed in WINDOW. This makespossible to use `count-screen-lines' in any buffer, whether or not itis currently displayed in some window.** The new function `mapc' is like `mapcar' but doesn't collect theargument function's results.** The functions base64-decode-region and base64-decode-string nowsignal an error instead of returning nil if decoding fails. Also,`base64-decode-string' now always returns a unibyte string (in Emacs20, it returned a multibyte string when the result was a valid multibytesequence).** The function sendmail-user-agent-compose now recognizes a `body'header in the list of headers passed to it.** The new function member-ignore-case works like `member', butignores differences in case and text representation.** The buffer-local variable cursor-type can be used to specify thecursor to use in windows displaying a buffer. Values are interpretedas follows: t use the cursor specified for the frame (default) nil don't display a cursor `bar' display a bar cursor with default width (bar . WIDTH) display a bar cursor with width WIDTH others display a box cursor.** The variable open-paren-in-column-0-is-defun-start controls whetheran open parenthesis in column 0 is considered to be the start of adefun. If set, the default, it is considered a defun start. If notset, an open parenthesis in column 0 has no special meaning.** The new function `string-to-syntax' can be used to translate syntaxspecifications in string form as accepted by `modify-syntax-entry' tothe cons-cell form that is used for the values of the `syntax-table'text property, and in `font-lock-syntactic-keywords'.Example: (string-to-syntax "()") => (4 . 41)** Emacs' reader supports CL read syntax for integers in basesother than 10.*** `#BINTEGER' or `#bINTEGER' reads INTEGER in binary (radix 2).INTEGER optionally contains a sign. #b1111 => 15 #b-1111 => -15*** `#OINTEGER' or `#oINTEGER' reads INTEGER in octal (radix 8). #o666 => 438*** `#XINTEGER' or `#xINTEGER' reads INTEGER in hexadecimal (radix 16). #xbeef => 48815*** `#RADIXrINTEGER' reads INTEGER in radix RADIX, 2 <= RADIX <= 36. #2R-111 => -7 #25rah => 267** The function `documentation-property' now evaluates the value ofthe given property to obtain a string if it doesn't refer to etc/DOCand isn't a string.** If called for a symbol, the function `documentation' now looks fora `function-documentation' property of that symbol. If it has a non-nilvalue, the documentation is taken from that value. If the value isnot a string, it is evaluated to obtain a string.** The last argument of `define-key-after' defaults to t for convenience.** The new function `replace-regexp-in-string' replaces all matchesfor a regexp in a string.** `mouse-position' now runs the abnormal hook`mouse-position-function'.** The function string-to-number now returns a float for numbersthat don't fit into a Lisp integer.** The variable keyword-symbols-constants-flag has been removed.Keywords are now always considered constants.** The new function `delete-and-extract-region' deletes text andreturns it.** The function `clear-this-command-keys' now also clears the vectorreturned by function `recent-keys'.** Variables `beginning-of-defun-function' and `end-of-defun-function'can be used to define handlers for the functions that find defuns.Major modes can define these locally instead of rebinding C-M-aetc. if the normal conventions for defuns are not appropriate for themode.** easy-mmode-define-minor-mode now takes an additional BODY argumentand is renamed `define-minor-mode'.** If an abbrev has a hook function which is a symbol, and that symbolhas a non-nil `no-self-insert' property, the return value of the hookfunction specifies whether an expansion has been done or not. If itreturns nil, abbrev-expand also returns nil, meaning "no expansion hasbeen performed."When abbrev expansion is done by typing a self-inserting character,and the abbrev has a hook with the `no-self-insert' property, and thehook function returns non-nil meaning expansion has been done,then the self-inserting character is not inserted.** The function `intern-soft' now accepts a symbol as first argument.In this case, that exact symbol is looked up in the specified obarray,and the function's value is nil if it is not found.** The new macro `with-syntax-table' can be used to evaluate formswith the syntax table of the current buffer temporarily set to aspecified table. (with-syntax-table TABLE &rest BODY)Evaluate BODY with syntax table of current buffer set to a copy ofTABLE. The current syntax table is saved, BODY is evaluated, and thesaved table is restored, even in case of an abnormal exit. Value iswhat BODY returns.** Regular expressions now support intervals \{n,m\} as well asPerl's shy-groups \(?:...\) and non-greedy *? +? and ?? operators.Also back-references like \2 are now considered as an error if thecorresponding subgroup does not exist (or is not closed yet).Previously it would have been silently turned into `2' (ignoring the `\').** The optional argument BUFFER of function file-local-copy has beenremoved since it wasn't used by anything.** The file name argument of function `file-locked-p' is now requiredinstead of being optional.** The new built-in error `text-read-only' is signaled when trying tomodify read-only text.** New functions and variables for locales.The new variable `locale-coding-system' specifies how to encode anddecode strings passed to low-level message functions like strerror andtime functions like strftime. The new variables`system-messages-locale' and `system-time-locale' give the systemlocales to be used when invoking these two types of functions.The new function `set-locale-environment' sets the languageenvironment, preferred coding system, and locale coding system fromthe system locale as specified by the LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, and LANGenvironment variables. Normally, it is invoked during startup and neednot be invoked thereafter. It uses the new variables`locale-language-names', `locale-charset-language-names', and`locale-preferred-coding-systems' to make its decisions.** syntax tables now understand nested comments.To declare a comment syntax as allowing nesting, just add an `n'modifier to either of the characters of the comment end and the commentstart sequences.** The function `pixmap-spec-p' has been renamed `bitmap-spec-p'because `bitmap' is more in line with the usual X terminology.** New function `propertize'The new function `propertize' can be used to conveniently constructstrings with text properties.- Function: propertize STRING &rest PROPERTIESValue is a copy of STRING with text properties assigned as specifiedby PROPERTIES. PROPERTIES is a sequence of pairs PROPERTY VALUE, withPROPERTY being the name of a text property and VALUE being thespecified value of that property. Example: (propertize "foo" 'face 'bold 'read-only t)** push and pop macros.Simple versions of the push and pop macros of Common Lispare now defined in Emacs Lisp. These macros allow only symbolsas the place that holds the list to be changed.(push NEWELT LISTNAME) add NEWELT to the front of LISTNAME's value.(pop LISTNAME) return first elt of LISTNAME, and remove it (thus altering the value of LISTNAME).** New dolist and dotimes macros.Simple versions of the dolist and dotimes macros of Common Lispare now defined in Emacs Lisp.(dolist (VAR LIST [RESULT]) BODY...) Execute body once for each element of LIST, using the variable VAR to hold the current element. Then return the value of RESULT, or nil if RESULT is omitted.(dotimes (VAR COUNT [RESULT]) BODY...) Execute BODY with VAR bound to successive integers running from 0, inclusive, to COUNT, exclusive. Then return the value of RESULT, or nil if RESULT is omitted.** Regular expressions now support Posix character classes such as[:alpha:], [:space:] and so on. These must be used within a characterclass--for instance, [-[:digit:].+] matches digits or a periodor a sign.[:digit:] matches 0 through 9[:cntrl:] matches ASCII control characters[:xdigit:] matches 0 through 9, a through f and A through F.[:blank:] matches space and tab only[:graph:] matches graphic characters--everything except ASCII control chars, space, and DEL.[:print:] matches printing characters--everything except ASCII control chars and DEL.[:alnum:] matches letters and digits. (But at present, for multibyte characters, it matches anything that has word syntax.)[:alpha:] matches letters. (But at present, for multibyte characters, it matches anything that has word syntax.)[:ascii:] matches ASCII (unibyte) characters.[:nonascii:] matches non-ASCII (multibyte) characters.[:lower:] matches anything lower-case.[:punct:] matches punctuation. (But at present, for multibyte characters, it matches anything that has non-word syntax.)[:space:] matches anything that has whitespace syntax.[:upper:] matches anything upper-case.[:word:] matches anything that has word syntax.** Emacs now has built-in hash tables.The following functions are defined for hash tables:- Function: make-hash-table ARGSThe argument list ARGS consists of keyword/argument pairs. All argumentsare optional. The following arguments are defined::test TESTTEST must be a symbol specifying how to compare keys. Default is `eql'.Predefined are `eq', `eql' and `equal'. If TEST is not predefined,it must have been defined with `define-hash-table-test'.:size SIZESIZE must be an integer > 0 giving a hint to the implementation howmany elements will be put in the hash table. Default size is 65.:rehash-size REHASH-SIZEREHASH-SIZE specifies by how much to grow a hash table once it becomesfull. If REHASH-SIZE is an integer, add that to the hash table's oldsize to get the new size. Otherwise, REHASH-SIZE must be a float >1.0, and the new size is computed by multiplying REHASH-SIZE with theold size. Default rehash size is 1.5.:rehash-threshold THRESHOLDTHRESHOLD must be a float > 0 and <= 1.0 specifying when to resize thehash table. It is resized when the ratio of (number of entries) /(size of hash table) is >= THRESHOLD. Default threshold is 0.8.:weakness WEAKWEAK must be either nil, one of the symbols `key, `value',`key-or-value', `key-and-value', or t, meaning the same as`key-and-value'. Entries are removed from weak tables during garbagecollection if their key and/or value are not referenced elsewhereoutside of the hash table. Default are non-weak hash tables.- Function: makehash &optional TESTSimilar to make-hash-table, but only TEST can be specified.- Function: hash-table-p TABLEReturns non-nil if TABLE is a hash table object.- Function: copy-hash-table TABLEReturns a copy of TABLE. Only the table itself is copied, keys andvalues are shared.- Function: hash-table-count TABLEReturns the number of entries in TABLE.- Function: hash-table-rehash-size TABLEReturns the rehash size of TABLE.- Function: hash-table-rehash-threshold TABLEReturns the rehash threshold of TABLE.- Function: hash-table-rehash-size TABLEReturns the size of TABLE.- Function: hash-table-test TABLEReturns the test TABLE uses to compare keys.- Function: hash-table-weakness TABLEReturns the weakness specified for TABLE.- Function: clrhash TABLEClear TABLE.- Function: gethash KEY TABLE &optional DEFAULTLook up KEY in TABLE and return its associated VALUE or DEFAULT ifnot found.- Function: puthash KEY VALUE TABLEAssociate KEY with VALUE in TABLE. If KEY is already associated withanother value, replace the old value with VALUE.- Function: remhash KEY TABLERemove KEY from TABLE if it is there.- Function: maphash FUNCTION TABLECall FUNCTION for all elements in TABLE. FUNCTION must take twoarguments KEY and VALUE.- Function: sxhash OBJReturn a hash code for Lisp object OBJ.- Function: define-hash-table-test NAME TEST-FN HASH-FNDefine a new hash table test named NAME. If NAME is specified asa test in `make-hash-table', the table created will use TEST-FN forcomparing keys, and HASH-FN to compute hash codes for keys. Testand hash function are stored as symbol property `hash-table-test'of NAME with a value of (TEST-FN HASH-FN).TEST-FN must take two arguments and return non-nil if they are the same.HASH-FN must take one argument and return an integer that is the hashcode of the argument. The function should use the whole range ofinteger values for hash code computation, including negative integers.Example: The following creates a hash table whose keys are supposed tobe strings that are compared case-insensitively. (defun case-fold-string= (a b) (compare-strings a nil nil b nil nil t)) (defun case-fold-string-hash (a) (sxhash (upcase a))) (define-hash-table-test 'case-fold 'case-fold-string= 'case-fold-string-hash)) (make-hash-table :test 'case-fold)** The Lisp reader handles circular structure.It now works to use the #N= and #N# constructs to representcircular structures. For example, #1=(a . #1#) representsa cons cell which is its own cdr.** The Lisp printer handles circular structure.If you bind print-circle to a non-nil value, the Lisp printer outputs#N= and #N# constructs to represent circular and shared structure.** If the second argument to `move-to-column' is anything but nil ort, that means replace a tab with spaces if necessary to reach thespecified column, but do not add spaces at the end of the line if itis too short to reach that column.** perform-replace has a new feature: the REPLACEMENTS argument maynow be a cons cell (FUNCTION . DATA). This means to call FUNCTIONafter each match to get the replacement text. FUNCTION is called withtwo arguments: DATA, and the number of replacements already made.If the FROM-STRING contains any upper-case letters,perform-replace also turns off `case-fold-search' temporarilyand inserts the replacement text without altering case in it.** The function buffer-size now accepts an optional argumentto specify which buffer to return the size of.** The calendar motion commands now run the normal hookcalendar-move-hook after moving point.** The new variable small-temporary-file-directory specifies adirectory to use for creating temporary files that are likely to besmall. (Certain Emacs features use this directory.) Ifsmall-temporary-file-directory is nil, they usetemporary-file-directory instead.** The variable `inhibit-modification-hooks', if non-nil, inhibits allthe hooks that track changes in the buffer. This affects`before-change-functions' and `after-change-functions', as well ashooks attached to text properties and overlay properties.** assq-delete-all is a new function that deletes all theelements of an alist which have a car `eq' to a particular value.** make-temp-file provides a more reliable way to create a temporary file.make-temp-file is used like make-temp-name, except that it actuallycreates the file before it returns. This prevents a timing error,ensuring that no other job can use the same name for a temporary file.** New exclusive-open feature in `write-region'The optional seventh arg is now called MUSTBENEW. If non-nil, it insistson a check for an existing file with the same name. If MUSTBENEWis `excl', that means to get an error if the file already exists;never overwrite. If MUSTBENEW is neither nil nor `excl', that meansask for confirmation before overwriting, but do go ahead andoverwrite the file if the user gives confirmation.If the MUSTBENEW argument in `write-region' is `excl',that means to use a special feature in the `open' system callto get an error if the file exists at that time.The error reported is `file-already-exists'.** Function `format' now handles text properties.Text properties of the format string are applied to the result string.If the result string is longer than the format string, text propertiesending at the end of the format string are extended to the end of theresult string.Text properties from string arguments are applied to the resultstring where arguments appear in the result string.Example: (let ((s1 "hello, %s") (s2 "world")) (put-text-property 0 (length s1) 'face 'bold s1) (put-text-property 0 (length s2) 'face 'italic s2) (format s1 s2))results in a bold-face string with an italic `world' at the end.** Messages can now be displayed with text properties.Text properties are handled as described above for function `format'.The following example displays a bold-face message with an italicargument in it. (let ((msg "hello, %s!") (arg "world")) (put-text-property 0 (length msg) 'face 'bold msg) (put-text-property 0 (length arg) 'face 'italic arg) (message msg arg))** Sound supportEmacs supports playing sound files on GNU/Linux and the free BSDs(Voxware driver and native BSD driver, aka as Luigi's driver).Currently supported file formats are RIFF-WAVE (*.wav) and Sun Audio(*.au). You must configure Emacs with the option `--with-sound=yes'to enable sound support.Sound files can be played by calling (play-sound SOUND). SOUND is alist of the form `(sound PROPERTY...)'. The function is only definedwhen sound support is present for the system on which Emacs runs. Thefunctions runs `play-sound-functions' with one argument which is thesound to play, before playing the sound.The following sound properties are supported:- `:file FILE'FILE is a file name. If FILE isn't an absolute name, it will besearched relative to `data-directory'.- `:data DATA'DATA is a string containing sound data. Either :file or :datamay be present, but not both.- `:volume VOLUME'VOLUME must be an integer in the range 0..100 or a float in the range0..1. This property is optional.- `:device DEVICE'DEVICE is a string specifying the system device on which to play thesound. The default device is system-dependent.Other properties are ignored.An alternative interface is called as(play-sound-file FILE &optional VOLUME DEVICE).** `multimedia' is a new Finder keyword and Custom group.** keywordp is a new predicate to test efficiently for an object beinga keyword symbol.** Changes to garbage collection*** The function garbage-collect now additionally returns the numberof live and free strings.*** There is a new variable `strings-consed' holding the number ofstrings that have been consed so far.* Lisp-level Display features added after release 2.6 of the EmacsLisp Manual** The user-option `resize-mini-windows' controls how Emacs resizesmini-windows.** The function `pos-visible-in-window-p' now has a third optionalargument, PARTIALLY. If a character is only partially visible, nil isreturned, unless PARTIALLY is non-nil.** On window systems, `glyph-table' is no longer used.** Help strings in menu items are now used to provide `help-echo' text.** The function `image-size' can be used to determine the size of animage.- Function: image-size SPEC &optional PIXELS FRAMEReturn the size of an image as a pair (WIDTH . HEIGHT).SPEC is an image specification. PIXELS non-nil means return sizesmeasured in pixels, otherwise return sizes measured in canonicalcharacter units (fractions of the width/height of the frame's defaultfont). FRAME is the frame on which the image will be displayed.FRAME nil or omitted means use the selected frame.** The function `image-mask-p' can be used to determine if an imagehas a mask bitmap.- Function: image-mask-p SPEC &optional FRAMEReturn t if image SPEC has a mask bitmap.FRAME is the frame on which the image will be displayed. FRAME nilor omitted means use the selected frame.** The function `find-image' can be used to find a usable imagesatisfying one of a list of specifications.** The STRING argument of `put-image' and `insert-image' is nowoptional.** Image specifications may contain the property `:ascent center' (seebelow).* New Lisp-level Display features in Emacs 21.1** The function tty-suppress-bold-inverse-default-colors can be usedto make Emacs avoid displaying text with bold black foreground on TTYs.Some terminals, notably PC consoles, emulate bold text by displayingtext in brighter colors. On such a console, a bold black foregroundis displayed in a gray color. If this turns out to be hard to read onyour monitor---the problem occurred with the mode line onlaptops---you can instruct Emacs to ignore the text's boldness, and tojust display it black instead.This situation can't be detected automatically. You will have to puta line like (tty-suppress-bold-inverse-default-colors t)in your `.emacs'.** New face implementation.Emacs faces have been reimplemented from scratch. They don't use XLFDfont names anymore and face merging now works as expected.*** New faces.Each face can specify the following display attributes: 1. Font family or fontset alias name. 2. Relative proportionate width, aka character set width or set width (swidth), e.g. `semi-compressed'. 3. Font height in 1/10pt 4. Font weight, e.g. `bold'. 5. Font slant, e.g. `italic'. 6. Foreground color. 7. Background color. 8. Whether or not characters should be underlined, and in what color. 9. Whether or not characters should be displayed in inverse video. 10. A background stipple, a bitmap. 11. Whether or not characters should be overlined, and in what color. 12. Whether or not characters should be strike-through, and in what color. 13. Whether or not a box should be drawn around characters, its color, the width of the box lines, and 3D appearance.Faces are frame-local by nature because Emacs allows to define thesame named face (face names are symbols) differently for differentframes. Each frame has an alist of face definitions for all namedfaces. The value of a named face in such an alist is a Lisp vectorwith the symbol `face' in slot 0, and a slot for each of the faceattributes mentioned above.There is also a global face alist `face-new-frame-defaults'. Facedefinitions from this list are used to initialize faces of newlycreated frames.A face doesn't have to specify all attributes. Those not specifiedhave a nil value. Faces specifying all attributes are called`fully-specified'.*** Face merging.The display style of a given character in the text is determined bycombining several faces. This process is called `face merging'. Anyaspect of the display style that isn't specified by overlays or textproperties is taken from the `default' face. Since it is made surethat the default face is always fully-specified, face merging alwaysresults in a fully-specified face.*** Face realization.After all face attributes for a character have been determined bymerging faces of that character, that face is `realized'. Therealization process maps face attributes to what is physicallyavailable on the system where Emacs runs. The result is a `realizedface' in form of an internal structure which is stored in the facecache of the frame on which it was realized.Face realization is done in the context of the charset of thecharacter to display because different fonts and encodings are usedfor different charsets. In other words, for characters of differentcharsets, different realized faces are needed to display them.Except for composite characters, faces are always realized for aspecific character set and contain a specific font, even if the facebeing realized specifies a fontset. The reason is that the result ofthe new font selection stage is better than what can be done withstatically defined font name patterns in fontsets.In unibyte text, Emacs' charsets aren't applicable; function`char-charset' reports ASCII for all characters, including those >0x7f. The X registry and encoding of fonts to use is determined fromthe variable `face-default-registry' in this case. The variable isinitialized at Emacs startup time from the font the user specified forEmacs.Currently all unibyte text, i.e. all buffers with`enable-multibyte-characters' nil are displayed with fonts of the sameregistry and encoding `face-default-registry'. This is consistentwith the fact that languages can also be set globally, only.**** Clearing face caches.The Lisp function `clear-face-cache' can be called to clear face cacheson all frames. If called with a non-nil argument, it will also unloadunused fonts.*** Font selection.Font selection tries to find the best available matching font for agiven (charset, face) combination. This is done slightly differentlyfor faces specifying a fontset, or a font family name.If the face specifies a fontset name, that fontset determines apattern for fonts of the given charset. If the face specifies a fontfamily, a font pattern is constructed. Charset symbols have aproperty `x-charset-registry' for that purpose that maps a charset toan XLFD registry and encoding in the font pattern constructed.Available fonts on the system on which Emacs runs are then matchedagainst the font pattern. The result of font selection is the bestmatch for the given face attributes in this font list.Font selection can be influenced by the user.The user can specify the relative importance he gives the faceattributes width, height, weight, and slant by settingface-font-selection-order (faces.el) to a list of face attributenames. The default is (:width :height :weight :slant), and meansthat font selection first tries to find a good match for the fontwidth specified by a face, then---within fonts with that width---triesto find a best match for the specified font height, etc.Setting `face-font-family-alternatives' allows the user to specifyalternative font families to try if a family specified by a facedoesn't exist.Setting `face-font-registry-alternatives' allows the user to specifyall alternative font registry names to try for a face specifying aregistry.Please note that the interpretations of the above two variables areslightly different.Setting face-ignored-fonts allows the user to ignore specific fonts.**** Scalable fontsEmacs can make use of scalable fonts but doesn't do so by default,since the use of too many or too big scalable fonts may crash XFree86servers.To enable scalable font use, set the variable`scalable-fonts-allowed'. A value of nil, the default, means never usescalable fonts. A value of t means any scalable font may be used.Otherwise, the value must be a list of regular expressions. Ascalable font may then be used if it matches a regular expression fromthat list. Example: (setq scalable-fonts-allowed '("muleindian-2$"))allows the use of scalable fonts with registry `muleindian-2'.*** Functions and variables related to font selection.- Function: x-family-fonts &optional FAMILY FRAMEReturn a list of available fonts of family FAMILY on FRAME. If FAMILYis omitted or nil, list all families. Otherwise, FAMILY must be astring, possibly containing wildcards `?' and `*'.If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame. Each element ofthe result is a vector [FAMILY WIDTH POINT-SIZE WEIGHT SLANT FIXED-PFULL REGISTRY-AND-ENCODING]. FAMILY is the font family name.POINT-SIZE is the size of the font in 1/10 pt. WIDTH, WEIGHT, andSLANT are symbols describing the width, weight and slant of the font.These symbols are the same as for face attributes. FIXED-P is non-nilif the font is fixed-pitch. FULL is the full name of the font, andREGISTRY-AND-ENCODING is a string giving the registry and encoding ofthe font. The result list is sorted according to the current settingof the face font sort order.- Function: x-font-family-listReturn a list of available font families on FRAME. If FRAME isomitted or nil, use the selected frame. Value is a list of conses(FAMILY . FIXED-P) where FAMILY is a font family, and FIXED-P isnon-nil if fonts of that family are fixed-pitch.- Variable: font-list-limitLimit for font matching. If an integer > 0, font matching functionswon't load more than that number of fonts when searching for amatching font. The default is currently 100.*** Setting face attributes.For the most part, the new face implementation is interface-compatiblewith the old one. Old face attribute related functions are nowimplemented in terms of the new functions `set-face-attribute' and`face-attribute'.Face attributes are identified by their names which are keywordsymbols. All attributes can be set to `unspecified'.The following attributes are recognized:`:family'VALUE must be a string specifying the font family, e.g. ``courier'',or a fontset alias name. If a font family is specified, wild-cards `*'and `?' are allowed.`:width'VALUE specifies the relative proportionate width of the font to use.It must be one of the symbols `ultra-condensed', `extra-condensed',`condensed', `semi-condensed', `normal', `semi-expanded', `expanded',`extra-expanded', or `ultra-expanded'.`:height'VALUE must be either an integer specifying the height of the font to usein 1/10 pt, a floating point number specifying the amount by which toscale any underlying face, or a function, which is called with the oldheight (from the underlying face), and should return the new height.`:weight'VALUE specifies the weight of the font to use. It must be one of thesymbols `ultra-bold', `extra-bold', `bold', `semi-bold', `normal',`semi-light', `light', `extra-light', `ultra-light'.`:slant'VALUE specifies the slant of the font to use. It must be one of thesymbols `italic', `oblique', `normal', `reverse-italic', or`reverse-oblique'.`:foreground', `:background'VALUE must be a color name, a string.`:underline'VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be underlined. IfVALUE is t, underline with foreground color of the face. If VALUE isa string, underline with that color. If VALUE is nil, explicitlydon't underline.`:overline'VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be overlined. IfVALUE is t, overline with foreground color of the face. If VALUE is astring, overline with that color. If VALUE is nil, explicitly don'toverline.`:strike-through'VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be drawn with a linestriking through them. If VALUE is t, use the foreground color of theface. If VALUE is a string, strike-through with that color. If VALUEis nil, explicitly don't strike through.`:box'VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should have a box drawnaround them. If VALUE is nil, explicitly don't draw boxes. IfVALUE is t, draw a box with lines of width 1 in the foreground colorof the face. If VALUE is a string, the string must be a color name,and the box is drawn in that color with a line width of 1. Otherwise,VALUE must be a property list of the form `(:line-width WIDTH:color COLOR :style STYLE)'. If a keyword/value pair is missing fromthe property list, a default value will be used for the value, asspecified below. WIDTH specifies the width of the lines to draw; itdefaults to 1. COLOR is the name of the color to draw in, default isthe foreground color of the face for simple boxes, and the backgroundcolor of the face for 3D boxes. STYLE specifies whether a 3D boxshould be draw. If STYLE is `released-button', draw a box lookinglike a released 3D button. If STYLE is `pressed-button' draw a boxthat appears like a pressed button. If STYLE is nil, the default ifthe property list doesn't contain a style specification, draw a 2Dbox.`:inverse-video'VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be displayed ininverse video. VALUE must be one of t or nil.`:stipple'If VALUE is a string, it must be the name of a file of pixmap data.The directories listed in the `x-bitmap-file-path' variable aresearched. Alternatively, VALUE may be a list of the form (WIDTHHEIGHT DATA) where WIDTH and HEIGHT are the size in pixels, and DATAis a string containing the raw bits of the bitmap. VALUE nil meansexplicitly don't use a stipple pattern.For convenience, attributes `:family', `:width', `:height', `:weight',and `:slant' may also be set in one step from an X font name:`:font'Set font-related face attributes from VALUE. VALUE must be a validXLFD font name. If it is a font name pattern, the first matching fontis used--this is for compatibility with the behavior of previousversions of Emacs.For compatibility with Emacs 20, keywords `:bold' and `:italic' canbe used to specify that a bold or italic font should be used. VALUEmust be t or nil in that case. A value of `unspecified' is not allowed."Please see also the documentation of `set-face-attribute' and`defface'.`:inherit'VALUE is the name of a face from which to inherit attributes, or a listof face names. Attributes from inherited faces are merged into the facelike an underlying face would be, with higher priority than underlying faces.*** Face attributes and X resourcesThe following X resource names can be used to set face attributesfrom X resources: Face attribute X resource class----------------------------------------------------------------------- :family attributeFamily . Face.AttributeFamily :width attributeWidth Face.AttributeWidth :height attributeHeight Face.AttributeHeight :weight attributeWeight Face.AttributeWeight :slant attributeSlant Face.AttributeSlant foreground attributeForeground Face.AttributeForeground :background attributeBackground . Face.AttributeBackground :overline attributeOverline Face.AttributeOverline :strike-through attributeStrikeThrough Face.AttributeStrikeThrough :box attributeBox Face.AttributeBox :underline attributeUnderline Face.AttributeUnderline :inverse-video attributeInverse Face.AttributeInverse :stipple attributeStipple Face.AttributeStipple or attributeBackgroundPixmap Face.AttributeBackgroundPixmap :font attributeFont Face.AttributeFont :bold attributeBold Face.AttributeBold :italic attributeItalic . Face.AttributeItalic :font attributeFont Face.AttributeFont*** Text property `face'.The value of the `face' text property can now be a single facespecification or a list of such specifications. Each facespecification can be1. A symbol or string naming a Lisp face.2. A property list of the form (KEYWORD VALUE ...) where each KEYWORD is a face attribute name, and VALUE is an appropriate value for that attribute. Please see the doc string of `set-face-attribute' for face attribute names.3. Conses of the form (FOREGROUND-COLOR . COLOR) or (BACKGROUND-COLOR . COLOR) where COLOR is a color name. This is for compatibility with previous Emacs versions.** Support functions for colors on text-only terminals.The function `tty-color-define' can be used to define colors for useon TTY and MSDOS frames. It maps a color name to a color number onthe terminal. Emacs defines a couple of common color mappings bydefault. You can get defined colors with a call to`defined-colors'. The function `tty-color-clear' can beused to clear the mapping table.** Unified support for colors independent of frame type.The new functions `defined-colors', `color-defined-p', `color-values',and `display-color-p' work for any type of frame. On frames whosetype is neither x nor w32, these functions transparently map X-stylecolor specifications to the closest colors supported by the framedisplay. Lisp programs should use these new functions instead of theold `x-defined-colors', `x-color-defined-p', `x-color-values', and`x-display-color-p'. (The old function names are still available forcompatibility; they are now aliases of the new names.) Lisp programsshould no more look at the value of the variable window-system tomodify their color-related behavior.The primitives `color-gray-p' and `color-supported-p' also work forany frame type.** Platform-independent functions to describe display capabilities.The new functions `display-mouse-p', `display-popup-menus-p',`display-graphic-p', `display-selections-p', `display-screens',`display-pixel-width', `display-pixel-height', `display-mm-width',`display-mm-height', `display-backing-store', `display-save-under',`display-planes', `display-color-cells', `display-visual-class', and`display-grayscale-p' describe the basic capabilities of a particulardisplay. Lisp programs should call these functions instead of testingthe value of the variables `window-system' or `system-type', or callingplatform-specific functions such as `x-display-pixel-width'.The new function `display-images-p' returns non-nil if a particulardisplay can display image files.** The minibuffer prompt is now actually inserted in the minibuffer.This makes it possible to scroll through the prompt, if you want to.To disallow this completely (like previous versions of emacs), customizethe variable `minibuffer-prompt-properties', and turn on the`Inviolable' option.The function `minibuffer-prompt-end' returns the current position of theend of the minibuffer prompt, if the minibuffer is current.Otherwise, it returns `(point-min)'.** New `field' abstraction in buffers.There is now code to support an abstraction called `fields' in emacsbuffers. A field is a contiguous region of text with the same `field'property (which can be a text property or an overlay).Many emacs functions, such as forward-word, forward-sentence,forward-paragraph, beginning-of-line, etc., stop moving when they cometo the boundary between fields; beginning-of-line and end-of-line willnot let the point move past the field boundary, but other movementcommands continue into the next field if repeated. Stopping at fieldboundaries can be suppressed programmatically by binding`inhibit-field-text-motion' to a non-nil value around calls to thesefunctions.Now that the minibuffer prompt is inserted into the minibuffer, it is ina separate field from the user-input part of the buffer, so that commonediting commands treat the user's text separately from the prompt.The following functions are defined for operating on fields:- Function: constrain-to-field NEW-POS OLD-POS &optional ESCAPE-FROM-EDGE ONLY-IN-LINE INHIBIT-CAPTURE-PROPERTYReturn the position closest to NEW-POS that is in the same field as OLD-POS.A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.If NEW-POS is nil, then the current point is used instead, and set to theconstrained position if that is different.If OLD-POS is at the boundary of two fields, then the allowablepositions for NEW-POS depends on the value of the optional argumentESCAPE-FROM-EDGE: If ESCAPE-FROM-EDGE is nil, then NEW-POS isconstrained to the field that has the same `field' char-propertyas any new characters inserted at OLD-POS, whereas if ESCAPE-FROM-EDGEis non-nil, NEW-POS is constrained to the union of the two adjacentfields. Additionally, if two fields are separated by another field withthe special value `boundary', then any point within this special field isalso considered to be `on the boundary'.If the optional argument ONLY-IN-LINE is non-nil and constrainingNEW-POS would move it to a different line, NEW-POS is returnedunconstrained. This useful for commands that move by line, likeC-n or C-a, which should generally respect field boundariesonly in the case where they can still move to the right line.If the optional argument INHIBIT-CAPTURE-PROPERTY is non-nil, and OLD-POS hasa non-nil property of that name, then any field boundaries are ignored.Field boundaries are not noticed if `inhibit-field-text-motion' is non-nil.- Function: delete-field &optional POSDelete the field surrounding POS.A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.If POS is nil, the value of point is used for POS.- Function: field-beginning &optional POS ESCAPE-FROM-EDGEReturn the beginning of the field surrounding POS.A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.If POS is nil, the value of point is used for POS.If ESCAPE-FROM-EDGE is non-nil and POS is at the beginning of itsfield, then the beginning of the *previous* field is returned.- Function: field-end &optional POS ESCAPE-FROM-EDGEReturn the end of the field surrounding POS.A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.If POS is nil, the value of point is used for POS.If ESCAPE-FROM-EDGE is non-nil and POS is at the end of its field,then the end of the *following* field is returned.- Function: field-string &optional POSReturn the contents of the field surrounding POS as a string.A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.If POS is nil, the value of point is used for POS.- Function: field-string-no-properties &optional POSReturn the contents of the field around POS, without text-properties.A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.If POS is nil, the value of point is used for POS.** Image support.Emacs can now display images. Images are inserted into text by givingstrings or buffer text a `display' text property containing one of(AREA IMAGE) or IMAGE. The display of the `display' property valuereplaces the display of the characters having that property.If the property value has the form (AREA IMAGE), AREA must be one of`(margin left-margin)', `(margin right-margin)' or `(margin nil)'. IfAREA is `(margin nil)', IMAGE will be displayed in the text area of awindow, otherwise it will be displayed in the left or right marginalarea.IMAGE is an image specification.*** Image specificationsImage specifications are lists of the form `(image PROPS)' where PROPSis a property list whose keys are keyword symbols. Eachspecifications must contain a property `:type TYPE' with TYPE being asymbol specifying the image type, e.g. `xbm'. Properties notdescribed below are ignored.The following is a list of properties all image types share.`:ascent ASCENT'ASCENT must be a number in the range 0..100, or the symbol `center'.If it is a number, it specifies the percentage of the image's heightto use for its ascent.If not specified, ASCENT defaults to the value 50 which means that theimage will be centered with the base line of the row it appears in.If ASCENT is `center' the image is vertically centered around acenterline which is the vertical center of text drawn at the positionof the image, in the manner specified by the text properties andoverlays that apply to the image.`:margin MARGIN'MARGIN must be either a number >= 0 specifying how many pixels to putas margin around the image, or a pair (X . Y) with X specifying thehorizontal margin and Y specifying the vertical margin. Default is 0.`:relief RELIEF'RELIEF is analogous to the `:relief' attribute of faces. Puts a reliefaround an image.`:conversion ALGO'Apply an image algorithm to the image before displaying it.ALGO `laplace' or `emboss' means apply a Laplace or ``emboss''edge-detection algorithm to the image.ALGO `(edge-detection :matrix MATRIX :color-adjust ADJUST)' meansapply a general edge-detection algorithm. MATRIX must be either anine-element list or a nine-element vector of numbers. A pixel atposition x/y in the transformed image is computed from original pixelsaround that position. MATRIX specifies, for each pixel in theneighborhood of x/y, a factor with which that pixel will influence thetransformed pixel; element 0 specifies the factor for the pixel atx-1/y-1, element 1 the factor for the pixel at x/y-1 etc. as shownbelow. (x-1/y-1 x/y-1 x+1/y-1 x-1/y x/y x+1/y x-1/y+1 x/y+1 x+1/y+1)The resulting pixel is computed from the color intensity of the colorresulting from summing up the RGB values of surrounding pixels,multiplied by the specified factors, and dividing that sum by the sumof the factors' absolute values.Laplace edge-detection currently uses a matrix of (1 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 -1)Emboss edge-detection uses a matrix of ( 2 -1 0 -1 0 1 0 1 -2)ALGO `disabled' means transform the image so that it looks``disabled''.`:mask MASK'If MASK is `heuristic' or `(heuristic BG)', build a clipping mask forthe image, so that the background of a frame is visible behind theimage. If BG is not specified, or if BG is t, determine thebackground color of the image by looking at the 4 corners of theimage, assuming the most frequently occurring color from the corners isthe background color of the image. Otherwise, BG must be a list `(REDGREEN BLUE)' specifying the color to assume for the background of theimage.If MASK is nil, remove a mask from the image, if it has one. Imagesin some formats include a mask which can be removed by specifying`:mask nil'.`:file FILE'Load image from FILE. If FILE is not absolute after expanding it,search for the image in `data-directory'. Some image types supportbuilding images from data. When this is done, no `:file' propertymay be present in the image specification.`:data DATA'Get image data from DATA. (As of this writing, this is not yetsupported for image type `postscript'). Either :file or :data may bepresent in an image specification, but not both. All image typessupport strings as DATA, some types allow additional types of DATA.*** Supported image types**** XBM, image type `xbm'.XBM images don't require an external library. Additional imageproperties supported are:`:foreground FG'FG must be a string specifying the image foreground color, or nilmeaning to use the default. Default is the frame's foreground color.`:background BG'BG must be a string specifying the image background color, or nilmeaning to use the default. Default is the frame's background color.XBM images can be constructed from data instead of file. In thiscase, the image specification must contain the following propertiesinstead of a `:file' property.`:width WIDTH'WIDTH specifies the width of the image in pixels.`:height HEIGHT'HEIGHT specifies the height of the image in pixels.`:data DATA'DATA must be either 1. a string large enough to hold the bitmap data, i.e. it must have a size >= (WIDTH + 7) / 8 * HEIGHT 2. a bool-vector of size >= WIDTH * HEIGHT 3. a vector of strings or bool-vectors, one for each line of the bitmap. 4. a string that's an in-memory XBM file. Neither width nor height may be specified in this case because these are defined in the file.**** XPM, image type `xpm'XPM images require the external library `libXpm', package`xpm-3.4k.tar.gz', version 3.4k or later. Make sure the library isfound when Emacs is configured by supplying appropriate paths via`--x-includes' and `--x-libraries'.Additional image properties supported are:`:color-symbols SYMBOLS'SYMBOLS must be a list of pairs (NAME . COLOR), with NAME being thename of color as it appears in an XPM file, and COLOR being an X colorname.XPM images can be built from memory instead of files. In that case,add a `:data' property instead of a `:file' property.The XPM library uses libz in its implementation so that it is ableto display compressed images.**** PBM, image type `pbm'PBM images don't require an external library. Color, gray-scale andmono images are supported. Additional image properties supported formono images are:`:foreground FG'FG must be a string specifying the image foreground color, or nilmeaning to use the default. Default is the frame's foreground color.`:background FG'BG must be a string specifying the image background color, or nilmeaning to use the default. Default is the frame's background color.**** JPEG, image type `jpeg'Support for JPEG images requires the external library `libjpeg',package `jpegsrc.v6a.tar.gz', or later. There are no additional imageproperties defined.**** TIFF, image type `tiff'Support for TIFF images requires the external library `libtiff',package `tiff-v3.4-tar.gz', or later. There are no additional imageproperties defined.**** GIF, image type `gif'Support for GIF images requires the external library `libungif', package`libungif-4.1.0', or later.Additional image properties supported are:`:index INDEX'INDEX must be an integer >= 0. Load image number INDEX from amulti-image GIF file. If INDEX is too large, the image displaysas a hollow box.This could be used to implement limited support for animated GIFs.For example, the following function displays a multi-image GIF fileat point-min in the current buffer, switching between sub-imagesevery 0.1 seconds.(defun show-anim (file max) "Display multi-image GIF file FILE which contains MAX subimages." (display-anim (current-buffer) file 0 max t))(defun display-anim (buffer file idx max first-time) (when (= idx max) (setq idx 0)) (let ((img (create-image file nil nil :index idx))) (save-excursion (set-buffer buffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (unless first-time (delete-char 1)) (insert-image img "x")) (run-with-timer 0.1 nil 'display-anim buffer file (1+ idx) max nil)))**** PNG, image type `png'Support for PNG images requires the external library `libpng',package `libpng-1.0.2.tar.gz', or later. There are no additional imageproperties defined.**** Ghostscript, image type `postscript'.Additional image properties supported are:`:pt-width WIDTH'WIDTH is width of the image in pt (1/72 inch). WIDTH must be aninteger. This is a required property.`:pt-height HEIGHT'HEIGHT specifies the height of the image in pt (1/72 inch). HEIGHTmust be a integer. This is an required property.`:bounding-box BOX'BOX must be a list or vector of 4 integers giving the bounding box ofthe PS image, analogous to the `BoundingBox' comment found in PSfiles. This is an required property.Part of the Ghostscript interface is implemented in Lisp. Seelisp/gs.el.*** Lisp interface.The variable `image-types' contains a list of those image typeswhich are supported in the current configuration.Images are stored in an image cache and removed from the cache whenthey haven't been displayed for `image-cache-eviction-delay seconds.The function `clear-image-cache' can be used to clear the image cachemanually. Images in the cache are compared with `equal', i.e. allimages with `equal' specifications share the same image.*** Simplified image API, image.elThe new Lisp package image.el contains functions that simplify imagecreation and putting images into text. The function `create-image'can be used to create images. The macro `defimage' can be used todefine an image based on available image types. The functions`put-image' and `insert-image' can be used to insert an image into abuffer.** Display margins.Windows can now have margins which are used for special textand images.To give a window margins, either set the buffer-local variables`left-margin-width' and `right-margin-width', or call`set-window-margins'. The function `window-margins' can be used toobtain the current settings. To make `left-margin-width' and`right-margin-width' take effect, you must set them before displayingthe buffer in a window, or use `set-window-buffer' to force an updateof the display margins.You can put text in margins by giving it a `display' text propertycontaining a pair of the form `(LOCATION . VALUE)', where LOCATION isone of `left-margin' or `right-margin' or nil. VALUE can be either astring, an image specification or a stretch specification (see laterin this file).** Help displayEmacs displays short help messages in the echo area, when the mousemoves over a tool-bar item or a piece of text that has a text property`help-echo'. This feature also applies to strings in the mode linethat have a `help-echo' property.If the value of the `help-echo' property is a function, that functionis called with three arguments WINDOW, OBJECT and POSITION. WINDOW isthe window in which the help was found.If OBJECT is a buffer, POS is the position in the buffer where the`help-echo' text property was found.If OBJECT is an overlay, that overlay has a `help-echo' property, andPOS is the position in the overlay's buffer under the mouse.If OBJECT is a string (an overlay string or a string displayed withthe `display' property), POS is the position in that string under themouse.If the value of the `help-echo' property is neither a function nor astring, it is evaluated to obtain a help string.For tool-bar and menu-bar items, their key definition is used todetermine the help to display. If their definition contains aproperty `:help FORM', FORM is evaluated to determine the help string.For tool-bar items without a help form, the caption of the item isused as help string.The hook `show-help-function' can be set to a function that displaysthe help string differently. For example, enabling a tooltip windowcauses the help display to appear there instead of in the echo area.** Vertical fractional scrolling.The display of text in windows can be scrolled smoothly in pixels.This is useful, for example, for making parts of large images visible.The function `window-vscroll' returns the current value of verticalscrolling, a non-negative fraction of the canonical character height.The function `set-window-vscroll' can be used to set the verticalscrolling value. Here is an example of how these function might beused. (global-set-key [A-down] #'(lambda () (interactive) (set-window-vscroll (selected-window) (+ 0.5 (window-vscroll))))) (global-set-key [A-up] #'(lambda () (interactive) (set-window-vscroll (selected-window) (- (window-vscroll) 0.5)))))** New hook `fontification-functions'.Functions from `fontification-functions' are called from redisplaywhen it encounters a region of text that is not yet fontified. Thisvariable automatically becomes buffer-local when set. Each functionis called with one argument, POS.At least one of the hook functions should fontify one or morecharacters starting at POS in the current buffer. It should mark themas fontified by giving them a non-nil value of the `fontified' textproperty. It may be reasonable for these functions to check for the`fontified' property and not put it back on, but they do not have to.** Tool bar support.Emacs supports a tool bar at the top of a frame under X. The frameparameter `tool-bar-lines' (X resource "toolBar", class "ToolBar")controls how may lines to reserve for the tool bar. A zero valuesuppresses the tool bar. If the value is non-zero and`auto-resize-tool-bars' is non-nil the tool bar's size will be changedautomatically so that all tool bar items are visible.*** Tool bar item definitionsTool bar items are defined using `define-key' with a prefix-key`tool-bar'. For example `(define-key global-map [tool-bar item1] ITEM)'where ITEM is a list `(menu-item CAPTION BINDING PROPS...)'.CAPTION is the caption of the item, If it's not a string, it isevaluated to get a string. The caption is currently not displayed inthe tool bar, but it is displayed if the item doesn't have a `:help'property (see below).BINDING is the tool bar item's binding. Tool bar items with keymaps asbinding are currently ignored.The following properties are recognized:`:enable FORM'.FORM is evaluated and specifies whether the tool bar item is enabledor disabled.`:visible FORM'FORM is evaluated and specifies whether the tool bar item is displayed.`:filter FUNCTION'FUNCTION is called with one parameter, the same list BINDING in whichFUNCTION is specified as the filter. The value FUNCTION returns isused instead of BINDING to display this item.`:button (TYPE SELECTED)'TYPE must be one of `:radio' or `:toggle'. SELECTED is evaluatedand specifies whether the button is selected (pressed) or not.`:image IMAGES'IMAGES is either a single image specification or a vector of fourimage specifications. If it is a vector, this table lists themeaning of each of the four elements: Index Use when item is ---------------------------------------- 0 enabled and selected 1 enabled and deselected 2 disabled and selected 3 disabled and deselectedIf IMAGE is a single image specification, a Laplace edge-detectionalgorithm is used on that image to draw the image in disabled state.`:help HELP-STRING'.Gives a help string to display for the tool bar item. This helpis displayed when the mouse is moved over the item.The function `toolbar-add-item' is a convenience function for addingtoolbar items generally, and `tool-bar-add-item-from-menu' can be usedto define a toolbar item with a binding copied from an item on themenu bar.The default bindings use a menu-item :filter to derive the tool-bardynamically from variable `tool-bar-map' which may be setbuffer-locally to override the global map.*** Tool-bar-related variables.If `auto-resize-tool-bar' is non-nil, the tool bar will automaticallyresize to show all defined tool bar items. It will never grow largerthan 1/4 of the frame's size.If `auto-raise-tool-bar-buttons' is non-nil, tool bar buttons will beraised when the mouse moves over them.You can add extra space between tool bar items by setting`tool-bar-button-margin' to a positive integer specifying a number ofpixels, or a pair of integers (X . Y) specifying horizontal andvertical margins . Default is 1.You can change the shadow thickness of tool bar buttons by setting`tool-bar-button-relief' to an integer. Default is 3.*** Tool-bar clicks with modifiers.You can bind commands to clicks with control, shift, meta etc. ona tool bar item. If (define-key global-map [tool-bar shell] '(menu-item "Shell" shell :image (image :type xpm :file "shell.xpm")))is the original tool bar item definition, then (define-key global-map [tool-bar S-shell] 'some-command)makes a binding to run `some-command' for a shifted click on the sameitem.** Mode line changes.*** Mouse-sensitive mode line.The mode line can be made mouse-sensitive by displaying strings therethat have a `local-map' text property. There are three ways to displaya string with a `local-map' property in the mode line.1. The mode line spec contains a variable whose string value hasa `local-map' text property.2. The mode line spec contains a format specifier (e.g. `%12b'), andthat format specifier has a `local-map' property.3. The mode line spec contains a list containing `:eval FORM'. FORMis evaluated. If the result is a string, and that string has a`local-map' property.The same mechanism is used to determine the `face' and `help-echo'properties of strings in the mode line. See `bindings.el' for anexample.*** If a mode line element has the form `(:eval FORM)', FORM isevaluated and the result is used as mode line element.*** You can suppress mode-line display by setting the buffer-localvariable mode-line-format to nil.*** A headerline can now be displayed at the top of a window.This mode line's contents are controlled by the new variable`header-line-format' and `default-header-line-format' which arecompletely analogous to `mode-line-format' and`default-mode-line-format'. A value of nil means don't display a topline.The appearance of top mode lines is controlled by the face`header-line'.The function `coordinates-in-window-p' returns `header-line' for aposition in the header-line.** Text property `display'The `display' text property is used to insert images into text,replace text with other text, display text in marginal area, and it isalso used to control other aspects of how text displays. The value ofthe `display' property should be a display specification, as describedbelow, or a list or vector containing display specifications.*** Replacing text, displaying text in marginal areasTo replace the text having the `display' property with some othertext, use a display specification of the form `(LOCATION STRING)'.If LOCATION is `(margin left-margin)', STRING is displayed in the leftmarginal area, if it is `(margin right-margin)', it is displayed inthe right marginal area, and if LOCATION is `(margin nil)' STRINGis displayed in the text. In the latter case you can also use thesimpler form STRING as property value.*** Variable width and height spacesTo display a space of fractional width or height, use a displayspecification of the form `(LOCATION STRECH)'. If LOCATION is`(margin left-margin)', the space is displayed in the left marginalarea, if it is `(margin right-margin)', it is displayed in the rightmarginal area, and if LOCATION is `(margin nil)' the space isdisplayed in the text. In the latter case you can also use thesimpler form STRETCH as property value.The stretch specification STRETCH itself is a list of the form `(spacePROPS)', where PROPS is a property list which can contain theproperties described below.The display of the fractional space replaces the display of thecharacters having the `display' property.- :width WIDTHSpecifies that the space width should be WIDTH times the normalcharacter width. WIDTH can be an integer or floating point number.- :relative-width FACTORSpecifies that the width of the stretch should be computed from thefirst character in a group of consecutive characters that have thesame `display' property. The computation is done by multiplying thewidth of that character by FACTOR.- :align-to HPOSSpecifies that the space should be wide enough to reach HPOS. Thevalue HPOS is measured in units of the normal character width.Exactly one of the above properties should be used.- :height HEIGHTSpecifies the height of the space, as HEIGHT, measured in terms of thenormal line height.- :relative-height FACTORThe height of the space is computed as the product of the heightof the text having the `display' property and FACTOR.- :ascent ASCENTSpecifies that ASCENT percent of the height of the stretch should beused for the ascent of the stretch, i.e. for the part above thebaseline. The value of ASCENT must be a non-negative number less orequal to 100.You should not use both `:height' and `:relative-height' together.*** ImagesA display specification for an image has the form `(LOCATION. IMAGE)', where IMAGE is an image specification. The image replaces,in the display, the characters having this display specification intheir `display' text property. If LOCATION is `(margin left-margin)',the image will be displayed in the left marginal area, if it is`(margin right-margin)' it will be displayed in the right marginalarea, and if LOCATION is `(margin nil)' the image will be displayed inthe text. In the latter case you can also use the simpler form IMAGEas display specification.*** Other display properties- (space-width FACTOR)Specifies that space characters in the text having that propertyshould be displayed FACTOR times as wide as normal; FACTOR must be aninteger or float.- (height HEIGHT)Display text having this property in a font that is smaller or larger.If HEIGHT is a list of the form `(+ N)', where N is an integer, thatmeans to use a font that is N steps larger. If HEIGHT is a list ofthe form `(- N)', that means to use a font that is N steps smaller. A``step'' is defined by the set of available fonts; each size for whicha font is available counts as a step.If HEIGHT is a number, that means to use a font that is HEIGHT timesas tall as the frame's default font.If HEIGHT is a symbol, it is called as a function with the currentheight as argument. The function should return the new height to use.Otherwise, HEIGHT is evaluated to get the new height, with the symbol`height' bound to the current specified font height.- (raise FACTOR)FACTOR must be a number, specifying a multiple of the currentfont's height. If it is positive, that means to display the charactersraised. If it is negative, that means to display them lower down. Theamount of raising or lowering is computed without taking account of the`height' subproperty.*** Conditional display propertiesAll display specifications can be conditionalized. If a specificationhas the form `(when CONDITION . SPEC)', the specification SPEC appliesonly when CONDITION yields a non-nil value when evaluated. During theevaluation, `object' is bound to the string or buffer having theconditional display property; `position' and `buffer-position' arebound to the position within `object' and the buffer position wherethe display property was found, respectively. Both positions can bedifferent when object is a string.The normal specification consisting of SPEC only is equivalent to`(when t . SPEC)'.** New menu separator types.Emacs now supports more than one menu separator type. Menu items withitem names consisting of dashes only (including zero dashes) aretreated like before. In addition, the following item names are usedto specify other menu separator types.- `--no-line' or `--space', or `--:space', or `--:noLine'No separator lines are drawn, but a small space is inserted where theseparator occurs.- `--single-line' or `--:singleLine'A single line in the menu's foreground color.- `--double-line' or `--:doubleLine'A double line in the menu's foreground color.- `--single-dashed-line' or `--:singleDashedLine'A single dashed line in the menu's foreground color.- `--double-dashed-line' or `--:doubleDashedLine'A double dashed line in the menu's foreground color.- `--shadow-etched-in' or `--:shadowEtchedIn'A single line with 3D sunken appearance. This is the formdisplayed for item names consisting of dashes only.- `--shadow-etched-out' or `--:shadowEtchedOut'A single line with 3D raised appearance.- `--shadow-etched-in-dash' or `--:shadowEtchedInDash'A single dashed line with 3D sunken appearance.- `--shadow-etched-out-dash' or `--:shadowEtchedOutDash'A single dashed line with 3D raise appearance.- `--shadow-double-etched-in' or `--:shadowDoubleEtchedIn'Two lines with 3D sunken appearance.- `--shadow-double-etched-out' or `--:shadowDoubleEtchedOut'Two lines with 3D raised appearance.- `--shadow-double-etched-in-dash' or `--:shadowDoubleEtchedInDash'Two dashed lines with 3D sunken appearance.- `--shadow-double-etched-out-dash' or `--:shadowDoubleEtchedOutDash'Two dashed lines with 3D raised appearance.Under LessTif/Motif, the last four separator types are displayed likethe corresponding single-line separators.** New frame parameters for scroll bar colors.The new frame parameters `scroll-bar-foreground' and`scroll-bar-background' can be used to change scroll bar colors.Their value must be either a color name, a string, or nil to specifythat scroll bars should use a default color. For toolkit scroll bars,default colors are toolkit specific. For non-toolkit scroll bars, thedefault background is the background color of the frame, and thedefault foreground is black.The X resource name of these parameters are `scrollBarForeground'(class ScrollBarForeground) and `scrollBarBackground' (class`ScrollBarBackground').Setting these parameters overrides toolkit specific X resourcesettings for scroll bar colors.** You can set `redisplay-dont-pause' to a non-nil value to preventdisplay updates from being interrupted when input is pending.** Changing a window's width may now change its window start if itstarts on a continuation line. The new window start is computed basedon the window's new width, starting from the start of the continuedline as the start of the screen line with the minimum distance fromthe original window start.** The variable `hscroll-step' and the functions`hscroll-point-visible' and `hscroll-window-column' have been removednow that proper horizontal scrolling is implemented.** Windows can now be made fixed-width and/or fixed-height.A window is fixed-size if its buffer has a buffer-local variable`window-size-fixed' whose value is not nil. A value of `height' makeswindows fixed-height, a value of `width' makes them fixed-width, anyother non-nil value makes them both fixed-width and fixed-height.The following code makes all windows displaying the current bufferfixed-width and fixed-height. (set (make-local-variable 'window-size-fixed) t)A call to enlarge-window on a window gives an error if that window isfixed-width and it is tried to change the window's width, or if thewindow is fixed-height, and it is tried to change its height. Tochange the size of a fixed-size window, bind `window-size-fixed'temporarily to nil, for example (let ((window-size-fixed nil)) (enlarge-window 10))Likewise, an attempt to split a fixed-height window vertically,or a fixed-width window horizontally results in a error.** The cursor-type frame parameter is now supported on MS-DOSterminals. When Emacs starts, it by default changes the cursor shapeto a solid box, as it does on Unix. The `cursor-type' frame parameteroverrides this as it does on Unix, except that the bar cursor ishorizontal rather than vertical (since the MS-DOS display doesn'tsupport a vertical-bar cursor).* Emacs 20.7 is a bug-fix release with few user-visible changes** It is now possible to use CCL-based coding systems for keyboardinput.** ange-ftp now handles FTP security extensions, like Kerberos.** Rmail has been extended to recognize more forms of digest messages.** Now, most coding systems set in keyboard coding system work notonly for character input, but also in incremental search. Theexceptions are such coding systems that handle 2-byte character sets(e.g euc-kr, euc-jp) and that use ISO's escape sequence(e.g. iso-2022-jp). They are ignored in incremental search.** Support for Macintosh PowerPC-based machines running GNU/Linux hasbeen added.* Emacs 20.6 is a bug-fix release with one user-visible change** Support for ARM-based non-RISCiX machines has been added.* Emacs 20.5 is a bug-fix release with no user-visible changes.** Not new, but not mentioned before:M-w when Transient Mark mode is enabled disables the mark.* Changes in Emacs 20.4** Init file may be called .emacs.el.You can now call the Emacs init file `.emacs.el'.Formerly the name had to be `.emacs'. If you use the name`.emacs.el', you can byte-compile the file in the usual way.If both `.emacs' and `.emacs.el' exist, the latter fileis the one that is used.** shell-command, and shell-command-on-region, now returnthe exit code of the command (unless it is asynchronous).Also, you can specify a place to put the error output,separate from the command's regular output.Interactively, the variable shell-command-default-error-buffersays where to put error output; set it to a buffer name.In calls from Lisp, an optional argument ERROR-BUFFER specifiesthe buffer name.When you specify a non-nil error buffer (or buffer name), any erroroutput is inserted before point in that buffer, with \f\n to separateit from the previous batch of error output. The error buffer is notcleared, so error output from successive commands accumulates there.** Setting the default value of enable-multibyte-characters to nil inthe .emacs file, either explicitly using setq-default, or via Custom,is now essentially equivalent to using --unibyte: all bufferscreated during startup will be made unibyte after loading .emacs.** C-x C-f now handles the wildcards * and ? in file names. Forexample, typing C-x C-f c*.c RET visits all the files whose namesmatch c*.c. To visit a file whose name contains * or ?, add thequoting sequence /: to the beginning of the file name.** The M-x commands keep-lines, flush-lines and count-matchesnow have the same feature as occur and query-replace:if the pattern contains any upper case letters, thenthey never ignore case.** The end-of-line format conversion feature previously mentionedunder `* Emacs 20.1 changes for MS-DOS and MS-Windows' actuallyapplies to all operating systems. Emacs recognizes from the contentsof a file what convention it uses to separate lines--newline, CRLF, orjust CR--and automatically converts the contents to the normal Emacsconvention (using newline to separate lines) for editing. This is apart of the general feature of coding system conversion.If you subsequently save the buffer, Emacs converts the text back tothe same format that was used in the file before.You can turn off end-of-line conversion by setting the variable`inhibit-eol-conversion' to non-nil, e.g. with Custom in the MULE group.** The character set property `prefered-coding-system' has beenrenamed to `preferred-coding-system', for the sake of correct spelling.This is a fairly internal feature, so few programs should be affected.** Mode-line display of end-of-line format is changed.The indication of the end-of-line format of the file visited by abuffer is now more explicit when that format is not the usual one foryour operating system. For example, the DOS-style end-of-line formatis displayed as "(DOS)" on Unix and GNU/Linux systems. The usualend-of-line format is still displayed as a single character (colon forUnix, backslash for DOS and Windows, and forward slash for the Mac).The values of the variables eol-mnemonic-unix, eol-mnemonic-dos,eol-mnemonic-mac, and eol-mnemonic-undecided, which are strings,control what is displayed in the mode line for each end-of-lineformat. You can now customize these variables.** In the previous version of Emacs, tar-mode didn't work well if afilename contained non-ASCII characters. Now this is fixed. Such afilename is decoded by file-name-coding-system if the default value ofenable-multibyte-characters is non-nil.** The command temp-buffer-resize-mode toggles a minor modein which temporary buffers (such as help buffers) are givenwindows just big enough to hold the whole contents.** If you use completion.el, you must now run the functiondynamic-completion-mode to enable it. Just loading the filedoesn't have any effect.** In Flyspell mode, the default is now to make just one Ispell process,not one per buffer.** If you use iswitchb but do not call (iswitchb-default-keybindings) touse the default keybindings, you will need to add the following line: (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'iswitchb-minibuffer-setup)** Auto-show mode is no longer enabled just by loading auto-show.el.To control it, set `auto-show-mode' via Custom or use the`auto-show-mode' command.** Handling of X fonts' ascent/descent parameters has been changed toavoid redisplay problems. As a consequence, compared with previousversions the line spacing and frame size now differ with some fontchoices, typically increasing by a pixel per line. This changeoccurred in version 20.3 but was not documented then.** If you select the bar cursor style, it uses the frame'scursor-color, rather than the cursor foreground pixel.** In multibyte mode, Rmail decodes incoming MIME messages using thecharacter set specified in the message. If you want to disable thisfeature, set the variable rmail-decode-mime-charset to nil.** Not new, but not mentioned previously in NEWS: when you use #! atthe beginning of a file to make it executable and specify aninterpreter program, Emacs looks on the second line for the -*- modeand variable specification, as well as on the first line.** Support for IBM codepage encoding of non-ASCII characters.The new command M-x codepage-setup creates a special coding systemthat can be used to convert text between a specific IBM codepage andone of the character sets built into Emacs which matches thatcodepage. For example, codepage 850 corresponds to Latin-1 characterset, codepage 855 corresponds to Cyrillic-ISO character set, etc.Windows codepages 1250, 1251 and some others, where Windows deviatesfrom the corresponding ISO character set, are also supported.IBM box-drawing characters and other glyphs which don't haveequivalents in the corresponding ISO character set, are converted toa character defined by dos-unsupported-char-glyph on MS-DOS, and to`?' on other systems.IBM codepages are widely used on MS-DOS and MS-Windows, so thisfeature is most useful on those platforms, but it can also be used onUnix.Emacs compiled for MS-DOS automatically loads the support for thecurrent codepage when it starts.** Mail changes*** When mail is sent using compose-mail (C-x m), and if`mail-send-nonascii' is set to the new default value `mime',appropriate MIME headers are added. The headers are added only ifnon-ASCII characters are present in the body of the mail, and no otherMIME headers are already present. For example, the following threeheaders are added if the coding system used in the *mail* buffer islatin-1: MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit*** The new variable default-sendmail-coding-system specifies thedefault way to encode outgoing mail. This has higher priority thandefault-buffer-file-coding-system but has lower priority thansendmail-coding-system and the local value ofbuffer-file-coding-system.You should not set this variable manually. Instead, setsendmail-coding-system to specify a fixed encoding for all outgoingmail.*** When you try to send a message that contains non-ASCII characters,if the coding system specified by those variables doesn't handle them,Emacs will ask you to select a suitable coding system while showing alist of possible coding systems.** CC Mode changes*** c-default-style can now take an association list that maps majormodes to style names. When this variable is an alist, Java mode nolonger hardcodes a setting to "java" style. See the variable'sdocstring for details.*** It's now possible to put a list as the offset on a syntacticsymbol. The list is evaluated recursively until a non-nil offset isfound. This is useful to combine several lineup functions to act in aprioritized order on a single line. However, none of the suppliedlineup functions use this feature currently.*** New syntactic symbol catch-clause, which is used on the "catch" and"finally" lines in try-catch constructs in C++ and Java.*** New cleanup brace-catch-brace on c-cleanup-list, which does for"catch" lines what brace-elseif-brace does for "else if" lines.*** The braces of Java anonymous inner classes are treated separatelyfrom the braces of other classes in auto-newline mode. Two newsymbols inexpr-class-open and inexpr-class-close may be used onc-hanging-braces-alist to control the automatic newlines used foranonymous classes.*** Support for the Pike language added, along with new Pike specificsyntactic symbols: inlambda, lambda-intro-cont*** Support for Java anonymous classes via new syntactic symbolinexpr-class. New syntactic symbol inexpr-statement for Pikesupport and gcc-style statements inside expressions. New lineupfunction c-lineup-inexpr-block.*** New syntactic symbol brace-entry-open which is used in brace lists(i.e. static initializers) when a list entry starts with an openbrace. These used to be recognized as brace-list-entry's.c-electric-brace also recognizes brace-entry-open braces(brace-list-entry's can no longer be electrified).*** New command c-indent-line-or-region, not bound by default.*** `#' is only electric when typed in the indentation of a line.*** Parentheses are now electric (via the new command c-electric-paren)for auto-reindenting lines when parens are typed.*** In "gnu" style, inline-open offset is now set to zero.*** Uniform handling of the inclass syntactic symbol. The indentationassociated with it is now always relative to the class opening brace.This means that the indentation behavior has changed in somecircumstances, but only if you've put anything besides 0 on theclass-open syntactic symbol (none of the default styles do that).** Gnus changes.*** New functionality for using Gnus as an offline newsreader has beenadded. A plethora of new commands and modes have been added. See theGnus manual for the full story.*** The nndraft backend has returned, but works differently thanbefore. All Message buffers are now also articles in the nndraftgroup, which is created automatically.*** `gnus-alter-header-function' can now be used to alter headervalues.*** `gnus-summary-goto-article' now accept Message-ID's.*** A new Message command for deleting text in the body of a messageoutside the region: `C-c C-v'.*** You can now post to component group in nnvirtual groups with`C-u C-c C-c'.*** `nntp-rlogin-program' -- new variable to ease customization.*** `C-u C-c C-c' in `gnus-article-edit-mode' will now inhibitre-highlighting of the article buffer.*** New element in `gnus-boring-article-headers' -- `long-to'.*** `M-i' symbolic prefix command. See the section "SymbolicPrefixes" in the Gnus manual for details.*** `L' and `I' in the summary buffer now take the symbolic prefix`a' to add the score rule to the "all.SCORE" file.*** `gnus-simplify-subject-functions' variable to allow greatercontrol over simplification.*** `A T' -- new command for fetching the current thread.*** `/ T' -- new command for including the current thread in thelimit.*** `M-RET' is a new Message command for breaking cited text.*** \\1-expressions are now valid in `nnmail-split-methods'.*** The `custom-face-lookup' function has been removed.If you used this function in your initialization files, you mustrewrite them to use `face-spec-set' instead.*** Canceling now uses the current select method. Symbolic prefix`a' forces normal posting method.*** New command to translate M******** sm*rtq**t*s into proper text-- `W d'.*** For easier debugging of nntp, you can set `nntp-record-commands'to a non-nil value.*** nntp now uses ~/.authinfo, a .netrc-like file, for controllingwhere and how to send AUTHINFO to NNTP servers.*** A command for editing group parameters from the summary bufferhas been added.*** A history of where mails have been split is available.*** A new article date command has been added -- `article-date-iso8601'.*** Subjects can be simplified when threading by setting`gnus-score-thread-simplify'.*** A new function for citing in Message has been added --`message-cite-original-without-signature'.*** `article-strip-all-blank-lines' -- new article command.*** A new Message command to kill to the end of the article hasbeen added.*** A minimum adaptive score can be specified by using the`gnus-adaptive-word-minimum' variable.*** The "lapsed date" article header can be kept continuallyupdated by the `gnus-start-date-timer' command.*** Web listserv archives can be read with the nnlistserv backend.*** Old dejanews archives can now be read by nnweb.*** `gnus-posting-styles' has been re-activated.** Changes to TeX and LaTeX mode*** The new variable `tex-start-options-string' can be used to giveoptions for the TeX run. The default value causes TeX to run innonstopmode. For an interactive TeX run set it to nil or "".*** The command `tex-feed-input' sends input to the Tex Shell. In aTeX buffer it is bound to the keys C-RET, C-c RET, and C-c C-m (someof these keys may not work on all systems). For instance, if you runTeX interactively and if the TeX run stops because of an error, youcan continue it without leaving the TeX buffer by typing C-RET.*** The Tex Shell Buffer is now in `compilation-shell-minor-mode'.All error-parsing commands of the Compilation major mode are availablebut bound to keys that don't collide with the shell. Thus you can usethe Tex Shell for command line executions like a usual shell.*** The commands `tex-validate-region' and `tex-validate-buffer' checkthe matching of braces and $'s. The errors are listed in a *Occur*buffer and you can use C-c C-c or mouse-2 to go to a particularmismatch.** Changes to RefTeX mode*** The table of contents buffer can now also display labels andfile boundaries in addition to sections. Use `l', `i', and `c' keys.*** Labels derived from context (the section heading) are nowlowercase by default. To make the label legal in LaTeX, latin-1characters will lose their accent. All Mule characters will beremoved from the label.*** The automatic display of cross reference information can also usea window instead of the echo area. See variable `reftex-auto-view-crossref'.*** kpsewhich can be used by RefTeX to find TeX and BibTeX files. See thecustomization group `reftex-finding-files'.*** The option `reftex-bibfile-ignore-list' has been renamed to`reftex-bibfile-ignore-regexps' and indeed can be fed with regularexpressions.*** Multiple Selection buffers are now hidden buffers.** New/deleted modes and packages*** The package snmp-mode.el provides major modes for editing SNMP andSNMPv2 MIBs. It has entries on `auto-mode-alist'.*** The package sql.el provides a major mode, M-x sql-mode, forediting SQL files, and M-x sql-interactive-mode for interacting withSQL interpreters. It has an entry on `auto-mode-alist'.*** M-x highlight-changes-mode provides a minor mode displaying bufferchanges with a special face.*** ispell4.el has been deleted. It got in the way of ispell.el andthis was hard to fix reliably. It has long been obsolete -- useIspell 3.1 and ispell.el.* MS-DOS changes in Emacs 20.4** Emacs compiled for MS-DOS now supports MULE features better.This includes support for display of all ISO 8859-N character sets,conversion to and from IBM codepage encoding of non-ASCII characters,and automatic setup of the MULE environment at startup. For details,check out the section `MS-DOS and MULE' in the manual.The MS-DOS installation procedure automatically configures and buildsEmacs with input method support if it finds an unpacked Leimdistribution when the config.bat script is run.** Formerly, the value of lpr-command did not affect printing onMS-DOS unless print-region-function was set to nil, but now itcontrols whether an external program is invoked or output is writtendirectly to a printer port. Similarly, in the previous version ofEmacs, the value of ps-lpr-command did not affect PostScript printingon MS-DOS unless ps-printer-name was set to something other than astring (eg. t or `pipe'), but now it controls whether an externalprogram is used. (These changes were made so that configuration ofprinting variables would be almost identical across all platforms.)** In the previous version of Emacs, PostScript and non-PostScriptoutput was piped to external programs, but because most print programsavailable for MS-DOS and MS-Windows cannot read data from their standardinput, on those systems the data to be output is now written to atemporary file whose name is passed as the last argument to the externalprogram.An exception is made for `print', a standard program on Windows NT,and `nprint', a standard program on Novell Netware. For both of theseprograms, the command line is constructed in the appropriate syntaxautomatically, using only the value of printer-name or ps-printer-nameas appropriate--the value of the relevant `-switches' variable isignored, as both programs have no useful switches.** The value of the variable dos-printer (cf. dos-ps-printer), if it hasa value, overrides the value of printer-name (cf. ps-printer-name), onMS-DOS and MS-Windows only. This has been true since version 20.3, butwas not documented clearly before.** All the Emacs games now work on MS-DOS terminals.This includes Tetris and Snake.* Lisp changes in Emacs 20.4** New functions line-beginning-position and line-end-positionreturn the position of the beginning or end of the current line.They both accept an optional argument, which has the samemeaning as the argument to beginning-of-line or end-of-line.** find-file and allied functions now have an optional argumentWILDCARD. If this is non-nil, they do wildcard processing,and visit all files that match the wildcard pattern.** Changes in the file-attributes function.*** The file size returned by file-attributes may be an integer or a float.It is an integer if the size fits in a Lisp integer, float otherwise.*** The inode number returned by file-attributes may be an integer (ifthe number fits in a Lisp integer) or a cons cell containing twointegers.** The new function directory-files-and-attributes returns a list offiles in a directory and their attributes. It accepts the samearguments as directory-files and has similar semantics, except thatfile names and attributes are returned.** The new function file-attributes-lessp is a helper function forsorting the list generated by directory-files-and-attributes. Itaccepts two arguments, each a list of a file name and its attributes.It compares the file names of each according to string-lessp andreturns the result.** The new function file-expand-wildcards expands a wildcard-patternto produce a list of existing files that match the pattern.** New functions for base64 conversion:The function base64-encode-region converts a part of the bufferinto the base64 code used in MIME. base64-decode-regionperforms the opposite conversion. Line-breaking is supportedoptionally.Functions base64-encode-string and base64-decode-string do a similarjob on the text in a string. They return the value as a new string.**The new function process-running-child-pwill tell you if a subprocess has given control of itsterminal to its own child process.** interrupt-process and such functions have a new feature:when the second argument is `lambda', they send a signalto the running child of the subshell, if any, but if the shellitself owns its terminal, no signal is sent.** There are new widget types `plist' and `alist' which canbe used for customizing variables whose values are plists or alists.** easymenu.el now understands `:key-sequence' and `:style button'.:included is an alias for :visible.easy-menu-add-item now understands the values returned byeasy-menu-remove-item and easy-menu-item-present-p. This can be usedto move or copy menu entries.** Multibyte editing changes*** The definitions of sref and char-bytes are changed. Now, sref isan alias of aref and char-bytes always returns 1. This change is tomake some Emacs Lisp code which works on 20.2 and earlier alsowork on the latest Emacs. Such code uses a combination of sref andchar-bytes in a loop typically as below: (setq char (sref str idx) idx (+ idx (char-bytes idx)))The byte-compiler now warns that this is obsolete.If you want to know how many bytes a specific multibyte character(say, CH) occupies in a multibyte buffer, use this code: (charset-bytes (char-charset ch))*** In multibyte mode, when you narrow a buffer to some region, and theregion is preceded or followed by non-ASCII codes, inserting ordeleting at the head or the end of the region may signal this error: Byte combining across boundary of accessible buffer text inhibitedThis is to avoid some bytes being combined together into a characteracross the boundary.*** The functions find-charset-region and find-charset-string include`unknown' in the returned list in the following cases: o The current buffer or the target string is unibyte and contains 8-bit characters. o The current buffer or the target string is multibyte and contains invalid characters.*** The functions decode-coding-region and encode-coding-region removetext properties of the target region. Ideally, they should correctlypreserve text properties, but for the moment, it's hard. Removingtext properties is better than preserving them in a less-than-correctway.*** prefer-coding-system sets EOL conversion of default coding systems.If the argument to prefer-coding-system specifies a certain type ofend of line conversion, the default coding systems set byprefer-coding-system will specify that conversion type for end of line.*** The new function thai-compose-string can be used to properlycompose Thai characters in a string.** The primitive `define-prefix-command' now takes an optional thirdargument NAME, which should be a string. It supplies the menu namefor the created keymap. Keymaps created in order to be displayed asmenus should always use the third argument.** The meanings of optional second arguments for read-char,read-event, and read-char-exclusive are flipped. Now the secondarguments are INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD. These functions use the currentinput method (if any) if and only if INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD is non-nil.** The new function clear-this-command-keys empties out the contentsof the vector that (this-command-keys) returns. This is useful inprograms that read passwords, to prevent the passwords from echoinginadvertently as part of the next command in certain cases.** The new macro `with-temp-message' displays a temporary message inthe echo area, while executing some Lisp code. Like `progn', itreturns the value of the last form, but it also restores the previousecho area contents. (with-temp-message MESSAGE &rest BODY)** The function `require' now takes an optional third argumentNOERROR. If it is non-nil, then there is no error if therequested feature cannot be loaded.** In the function modify-face, an argument of (nil) for theforeground color, background color or stipple patternmeans to clear out that attribute.** The `outer-window-id' frame property of an X framegives the window number of the outermost X window for the frame.** Temporary buffers made with with-output-to-temp-buffer are nowread-only by default, and normally use the major mode Help modeunless you put them in some other non-Fundamental mode before theend of with-output-to-temp-buffer.** The new functions gap-position and gap-size return information onthe gap of the current buffer.** The new functions position-bytes and byte-to-position provide a wayto convert between character positions and byte positions in thecurrent buffer.** vc.el defines two new macros, `edit-vc-file' and `with-vc-file', tofacilitate working with version-controlled files from Lisp programs.These macros check out a given file automatically if needed, and checkit back in after any modifications have been made.* Installation Changes in Emacs 20.3** The default value of load-path now includes most subdirectories ofthe site-specific directories /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp and/usr/local/share/emacs/VERSION/site-lisp, in addition to thosedirectories themselves. Both immediate subdirectories andsubdirectories multiple levels down are added to load-path.Not all subdirectories are included, though. Subdirectories whosenames do not start with a letter or digit are excluded.Subdirectories named RCS or CVS are excluded. Also, a subdirectorywhich contains a file named `.nosearch' is excluded. You can usethese methods to prevent certain subdirectories from being searched.Emacs finds these subdirectories and adds them to load-path when itstarts up. While it would be cleaner to find the subdirectories eachtime Emacs loads a file, that would be much slower.This feature is an incompatible change. If you have stored some EmacsLisp files in a subdirectory of the site-lisp directory specificallyto prevent them from being used, you will need to rename thesubdirectory to start with a non-alphanumeric character, or create a`.nosearch' file in it, in order to continue to achieve the desiredresults.** Emacs no longer includes an old version of the C preprocessor fromGCC. This was formerly used to help compile Emacs with C compilersthat had limits on the significant length of an identifier, but infact we stopped supporting such compilers some time ago.* Changes in Emacs 20.3** The new command C-x z (repeat) repeats the previous commandincluding its argument. If you repeat the z afterward,it repeats the command additional times; thus, you canperform many repetitions with one keystroke per repetition.** Emacs now supports "selective undo" which undoes only within aspecified region. To do this, set point and mark around the desiredregion and type C-u C-x u (or C-u C-_). You can then continue undoingfurther, within the same region, by repeating the ordinary undocommand C-x u or C-_. This will keep undoing changes that were madewithin the region you originally specified, until either all of themare undone, or it encounters a change which crosses the edge of thatregion.In Transient Mark mode, undoing when a region is active requestsselective undo.** If you specify --unibyte when starting Emacs, then all buffers areunibyte, except when a Lisp program specifically creates a multibytebuffer. Setting the environment variable EMACS_UNIBYTE has the sameeffect. The --no-unibyte option overrides EMACS_UNIBYTE and directsEmacs to run normally in multibyte mode.The option --unibyte does not affect the reading of Emacs Lisp files,though. If you want a Lisp file to be read in unibyte mode, use-*-unibyte: t;-*- on its first line. That will force Emacs toload that file in unibyte mode, regardless of how Emacs was started.** toggle-enable-multibyte-characters no longer has a key binding andno longer appears in the menu bar. We've realized that changing theenable-multibyte-characters variable in an existing buffer issomething that most users not do.** You can specify a coding system to use for the next cut or pasteoperations through the window system with the command C-x RET X.The coding system can make a difference for communication with otherapplications.C-x RET x specifies a coding system for all subsequent cutting andpasting operations.** You can specify the printer to use for commands that do printing bysetting the variable `printer-name'. Just what a printer name lookslike depends on your operating system. You can specify a differentprinter for the Postscript printing commands by setting`ps-printer-name'.** Emacs now supports on-the-fly spell checking by the means of aminor mode. It is called M-x flyspell-mode. You don't have to rememberany other special commands to use it, and you will hardly notice itexcept when you make a spelling error. Flyspell works by highlightingincorrect words as soon as they are completed or as soon as the cursorhits a new word.Flyspell mode works with whichever dictionary you have selected forIspell in Emacs. In TeX mode, it understands TeX syntax so as notto be confused by TeX commands.You can correct a misspelled word by editing it into somethingcorrect. You can also correct it, or accept it as correct, byclicking on the word with Mouse-2; that gives you a pop-up menuof various alternative replacements and actions.Flyspell mode also proposes "automatic" corrections. M-TAB replacesthe current misspelled word with a possible correction. If severalcorrections are made possible, M-TAB cycles through them inalphabetical order, or in order of decreasing likelihood ifflyspell-sort-corrections is nil.Flyspell mode also flags an error when a word is repeated, ifflyspell-mark-duplications-flag is non-nil.** Changes in input method usage.Now you can use arrow keys (right, left, down, up) for selecting amongthe alternatives just the same way as you do by C-f, C-b, C-n, and C-prespectively.You can use the ENTER key to accept the current conversion.If you type TAB to display a list of alternatives, you can select oneof the alternatives with Mouse-2.The meaning of the variable `input-method-verbose-flag' is changed sothat you can set it to t, nil, `default', or `complex-only'. If the value is nil, extra guidance is never given. If the value is t, extra guidance is always given. If the value is `complex-only', extra guidance is always given only when you are using complex input methods such as chinese-py. If the value is `default' (this is the default), extra guidance is given in the following case: o When you are using a complex input method. o When you are using a simple input method but not in the minibuffer.If you are using Emacs through a very slow line, settinginput-method-verbose-flag to nil or to complex-only is a good choice,and if you are using an input method you are not familiar with,setting it to t is helpful.The old command select-input-method is now called set-input-method.In the language environment "Korean", you can use the followingkeys: Shift-SPC toggle-korean-input-method C-F9 quail-hangul-switch-symbol-ksc F9 quail-hangul-switch-hanjaThese key bindings are canceled when you switch to another languageenvironment.** The minibuffer history of file names now records the specified filenames, not the entire minibuffer input. For example, if theminibuffer starts out with /usr/foo/, you might type in /etc/passwd toget /usr/foo//etc/passwdwhich stands for the file /etc/passwd.Formerly, this used to put /usr/foo//etc/passwd in the history list.Now this puts just /etc/passwd in the history list.** If you are root, Emacs sets backup-by-copying-when-mismatch to tat startup, so that saving a file will be sure to preserveits owner and group.** find-func.el can now also find the place of definition of EmacsLisp variables in user-loaded libraries.** C-x r t (string-rectangle) now deletes the existing rectanglecontents before inserting the specified string on each line.** There is a new command delete-whitespace-rectanglewhich deletes whitespace starting from a particular columnin all the lines on a rectangle. The column is specifiedby the left edge of the rectangle.** You can now store a number into a register with C-u NUMBER C-x r n REG,increment it by INC with C-u INC C-x r + REG (to increment by one, omitC-u INC), and insert it in the buffer with C-x r g REG. This is usefulfor writing keyboard macros.** The new command M-x speedbar displays a frame in which directories,files, and tags can be displayed, manipulated, and jumped to. Theframe defaults to 20 characters in width, and is the same height asthe frame that it was started from. Some major modes defineadditional commands for the speedbar, including Rmail, GUD/GDB, andinfo.** query-replace-regexp is now bound to C-M-%.** In Transient Mark mode, when the region is active, M-xquery-replace and the other replace commands now operate on the regioncontents only.** M-x write-region, when used interactively, now asks forconfirmation before overwriting an existing file. When you callthe function from a Lisp program, a new optional argument CONFIRMsays whether to ask for confirmation in this case.** If you use find-file-literally and the file is already visitednon-literally, the command asks you whether to revisit the fileliterally. If you say no, it signals an error.** Major modes defined with the "derived mode" featurenow use the proper name for the mode hook: WHATEVER-mode-hook.Formerly they used the name WHATEVER-mode-hooks, but that isinconsistent with Emacs conventions.** shell-command-on-region (and shell-command) reports success orfailure if the command produces no output.** Set focus-follows-mouse to nil if your window system or windowmanager does not transfer focus to another window when you just movethe mouse.** mouse-menu-buffer-maxlen has been renamed tomouse-buffer-menu-maxlen to be consistent with the other relatedfunction and variable names.** The new variable auto-coding-alist specifies coding systems forreading specific files. This has higher priority thanfile-coding-system-alist.** If you set the variable unibyte-display-via-language-environment tot, then Emacs displays non-ASCII characters are displayed byconverting them to the equivalent multibyte characters according tothe current language environment. As a result, they are displayedaccording to the current fontset.** C-q's handling of codes in the range 0200 through 0377 is changed.The codes in the range 0200 through 0237 are inserted as one byte ofthat code regardless of the values of nonascii-translation-table andnonascii-insert-offset.For the codes in the range 0240 through 0377, ifenable-multibyte-characters is non-nil and nonascii-translation-tablenor nonascii-insert-offset can't convert them to valid multibytecharacters, they are converted to Latin-1 characters.** If you try to find a file that is not read-accessible, you now getan error, rather than an empty buffer and a warning.** In the minibuffer history commands M-r and M-s, an upper caseletter in the regular expression forces case-sensitive search.** In the *Help* buffer, cross-references to commands and variablesare inferred and hyperlinked. Use C-h m in Help mode for the relevantcommand keys.** M-x apropos-command, with a prefix argument, no longer looks foruser option variables--instead it looks for noninteractive functions.Meanwhile, the command apropos-variable normally searches foruser option variables; with a prefix argument, it looks atall variables that have documentation.** When you type a long line in the minibuffer, and the minibuffershows just one line, automatically scrolling works in a special waythat shows you overlap with the previous line of text. The variableminibuffer-scroll-overlap controls how many characters of overlapit should show; the default is 20.Meanwhile, Resize Minibuffer mode is still available; in that mode,the minibuffer grows taller (up to a point) as needed to show the wholeof your input.** The new command M-x customize-changed-options lets you customizeall the options whose meanings or default values have changed inrecent Emacs versions. You specify a previous Emacs version number asargument, and the command creates a customization buffer showing allthe customizable options which were changed since that version.Newly added options are included as well.If you don't specify a particular version number argument,then the customization buffer shows all the customizable optionsfor which Emacs versions of changes are recorded.This function is also bound to the Changed Options entry in theCustomize menu.** When you run M-x grep with a prefix argument, it figures outthe tag around point and puts that into the default grep command.** The new command M-* (pop-tag-mark) pops back through a history ofbuffer positions from which M-. or other tag-finding commands wereinvoked.** The new variable comment-padding specifies the number of spacesthat `comment-region' will insert before the actual text of the comment.The default is 1.** In Fortran mode the characters `.', `_' and `$' now have symbolsyntax, not word syntax. Fortran mode now supports `imenu' and hasnew commands fortran-join-line (M-^) and fortran-narrow-to-subprogram(C-x n d). M-q can be used to fill a statement or comment blocksensibly.** GUD now supports jdb, the Java debugger, and pdb, the Python debugger.** If you set the variable add-log-keep-changes-together to a non-nilvalue, the command `C-x 4 a' will automatically notice when you maketwo entries in one day for one file, and combine them.** You can use the command M-x diary-mail-entries to mail yourself areminder about upcoming diary entries. See the documentation stringfor a sample shell script for calling this function automaticallyevery night.** Desktop changes*** All you need to do to enable use of the Desktop package, is to setthe variable desktop-enable to t with Custom.*** Minor modes are now restored. Which minor modes are restoredand how modes are restored is controlled by `desktop-minor-mode-table'.** There is no need to do anything special, now, to enable Gnus toread and post multi-lingual articles.** Outline mode has now support for showing hidden outlines whendoing an isearch. In order for this to happen search-invisible shouldbe set to open (the default). If an isearch match is inside a hiddenoutline the outline is made visible. If you continue pressing C-s andthe match moves outside the formerly invisible outline, the outline ismade invisible again.** Mail reading and sending changes*** The Rmail e command now switches to displaying the whole header ofthe message before it lets you edit the message. This is so that anychanges you make in the header will not be lost if you subsequentlytoggle.*** The w command in Rmail, which writes the message body into a file,now works in the summary buffer as well. (The command to delete thesummary buffer is now Q.) The default file name for the w command, ifthe message has no subject, is stored in the variablermail-default-body-file.*** Most of the commands and modes that operate on mail and netnews nolonger depend on the value of mail-header-separator. Instead, theyhandle whatever separator the buffer happens to use.*** If you set mail-signature to a value which is not t, nil, or a string,it should be an expression. When you send a message, this expressionis evaluated to insert the signature.*** The new Lisp library feedmail.el (version 8) enhances processing ofoutbound email messages. It works in coordination with other emailhandling packages (e.g., rmail, VM, gnus) and is responsible forputting final touches on messages and actually submitting them fortransmission. Users of the emacs program "fakemail" might beespecially interested in trying feedmail.feedmail is not enabled by default. See comments at the top offeedmail.el for set-up instructions. Among the bigger featuresprovided by feedmail are:**** you can park outgoing messages into a disk-based queue andstimulate sending some or all of them later (handy for laptop users);there is also a queue for draft messages**** you can get one last look at the prepped outbound message andbe prompted for confirmation**** does smart filling of address headers**** can generate a MESSAGE-ID: line and a DATE: line; the date can bethe time the message was written or the time it is being sent; thiscan make FCC copies more closely resemble copies that recipients get**** you can specify an arbitrary function for actually transmittingthe message; included in feedmail are interfaces for /bin/[r]mail,/usr/lib/sendmail, and elisp smtpmail; it's easy to write a newfunction for something else (10-20 lines of elisp)** Dired changes*** The Dired function dired-do-toggle, which toggles marked and unmarkedfiles, is now bound to "t" instead of "T".*** dired-at-point has been added to ffap.el. It allows one to easilyrun Dired on the directory name at point.*** Dired has a new command: %g. It searches the contents offiles in the directory and marks each file that contains a matchfor a specified regexp.** VC Changes*** New option vc-ignore-vc-files lets you turn off version controlconveniently.*** VC Dired has been completely rewritten. It is now muchfaster, especially for CVS, and works very similar to ordinaryDired.VC Dired is invoked by typing C-x v d and entering the name of thedirectory to display. By default, VC Dired gives you a recursivelisting of all files at or below the given directory which arecurrently locked (for CVS, all files not up-to-date are shown).You can change the listing format by setting vc-dired-recurse to nil,then it shows only the given directory, and you may also setvc-dired-terse-display to nil, then it shows all files under versioncontrol plus the names of any subdirectories, so that you can type `i'on such lines to insert them manually, as in ordinary Dired.All Dired commands operate normally in VC Dired, except for `v', whichis redefined as the version control prefix. That means you may type`v l', `v =' etc. to invoke `vc-print-log', `vc-diff' and the like onthe file named in the current Dired buffer line. `v v' invokes`vc-next-action' on this file, or on all files currently marked.The new command `v t' (vc-dired-toggle-terse-mode) allows you totoggle between terse display (only locked files) and full display (allVC files plus subdirectories). There is also a special command,`* l', to mark all files currently locked.Giving a prefix argument to C-x v d now does the same thing as inordinary Dired: it allows you to supply additional options for the lscommand in the minibuffer, to fine-tune VC Dired's output.*** Under CVS, if you merge changes from the repository into a workingfile, and CVS detects conflicts, VC now offers to start an ediffsession to resolve them.Alternatively, you can use the new command `vc-resolve-conflicts' toresolve conflicts in a file at any time. It works in any buffer thatcontains conflict markers as generated by rcsmerge (which is what CVSuses as well).*** You can now transfer changes between branches, using the newcommand vc-merge (C-x v m). It is implemented for RCS and CVS. Whenyou invoke it in a buffer under version-control, you can specifyeither an entire branch or a pair of versions, and the changes on thatbranch or between the two versions are merged into the working file.If this results in any conflicts, they may be resolved interactively,using ediff.** Changes in Font Lock*** The face and variable previously known as font-lock-reference-faceare now called font-lock-constant-face to better reflect their typicaluse for highlighting constants and labels. (Its face properties areunchanged.) The variable font-lock-reference-face remains for now forcompatibility reasons, but its value is font-lock-constant-face.** Frame name display changes*** The command set-frame-name lets you set the name of the currentframe. You can use the new command select-frame-by-name to select andraise a frame; this is mostly useful on character-only terminals, orwhen many frames are invisible or iconified.*** On character-only terminal (not a window system), changing theframe name is now reflected on the mode line and in the Buffers/Framesmenu.** Comint (subshell) changes*** In Comint modes, the commands to kill, stop or interrupt asubjob now also kill pending input. This is for compatibilitywith ordinary shells, where the signal characters do this.*** There are new commands in Comint mode.C-c C-x fetches the "next" line from the input history;that is, the line after the last line you got.You can use this command to fetch successive lines, one by one.C-c SPC accumulates lines of input. More precisely, it arranges tosend the current line together with the following line, when you sendthe following line.C-c C-a if repeated twice consecutively now moves to the process mark,which separates the pending input from the subprocess output and thepreviously sent input.C-c M-r now runs comint-previous-matching-input-from-input;it searches for a previous command, using the current pending inputas the search string.*** New option compilation-scroll-output can be set to scrollautomatically in compilation-mode windows.** C mode changes*** Multiline macros are now handled, both as they affect indentation,and as recognized syntax. New syntactic symbol cpp-macro-cont isassigned to second and subsequent lines of a multiline macrodefinition.*** A new style "user" which captures all non-hook-ified(i.e. top-level) .emacs file variable settings and customizations.Style "cc-mode" is an alias for "user" and is deprecated. "gnu"style is still the default however.*** "java" style now conforms to Sun's JDK coding style.*** There are new commands c-beginning-of-defun, c-end-of-defun whichare alternatives which you could bind to C-M-a and C-M-e if you preferthem. They do not have key bindings by default.*** New and improved implementations of M-a (c-beginning-of-statement)and M-e (c-end-of-statement).*** C++ namespace blocks are supported, with new syntactic symbolsnamespace-open, namespace-close, and innamespace.*** File local variable settings of c-file-style and c-file-offsetsmakes the style variables local to that buffer only.*** New indentation functions c-lineup-close-paren,c-indent-one-line-block, c-lineup-dont-change.*** Improvements (hopefully!) to the way CC Mode is loaded. Youshould now be able to do a (require 'cc-mode) to get the entirepackage loaded properly for customization in your .emacs file. A newvariable c-initialize-on-load controls this and is t by default.** Changes to hippie-expand.*** New customization variable `hippie-expand-dabbrev-skip-space'. Ifnon-nil, trailing spaces may be included in the abbreviation to search for,which then gives the same behavior as the original `dabbrev-expand'.*** New customization variable `hippie-expand-dabbrev-as-symbol'. Ifnon-nil, characters of syntax '_' is considered part of the word whenexpanding dynamically.*** New customization variable `hippie-expand-no-restriction'. Ifnon-nil, narrowed buffers are widened before they are searched.*** New customization variable `hippie-expand-only-buffers'. Ifnon-empty, buffers searched are restricted to the types specified inthis list. Useful for example when constructing new special-purposeexpansion functions with `make-hippie-expand-function'.*** Text properties of the expansion are no longer copied.** Changes in BibTeX mode.*** Any titleword matching a regexp in the new variablebibtex-autokey-titleword-ignore (case sensitive) is ignored duringautomatic key generation. This replaces variablebibtex-autokey-titleword-first-ignore, which only checked for matchesagainst the first word in the title.*** Autokey generation now uses all words from the title, not justcapitalized words. To avoid conflicts with existing customizations,bibtex-autokey-titleword-ignore is set up such that words starting withlowerkey characters will still be ignored. Thus, if you want to uselowercase words from the title, you will have to overwrite thebibtex-autokey-titleword-ignore standard setting.*** Case conversion of names and title words for automatic keygeneration is more flexible. Variable bibtex-autokey-preserve-case isreplaced by bibtex-autokey-titleword-case-convert andbibtex-autokey-name-case-convert.** Changes in vcursor.el.*** Support for character terminals is available: there is a new keymapand the vcursor will appear as an arrow between buffer text. Avariable `vcursor-interpret-input' allows input from the vcursor to beentered exactly as if typed. Numerous functions, including`vcursor-compare-windows', have been rewritten to improve consistencyin the selection of windows and corresponding keymaps.*** vcursor options can now be altered with M-x customize under theEditing group once the package is loaded.*** Loading vcursor now does not define keys by default, as this isgenerally a bad side effect. Use M-x customize to setvcursor-key-bindings to t to restore the old behavior.*** vcursor-auto-disable can be `copy', which turns off copying from thevcursor, but doesn't disable it, after any non-vcursor command.** Ispell changes.*** You can now spell check comments and strings in the currentbuffer with M-x ispell-comments-and-strings. Comments and stringsare identified by syntax tables in effect.*** Generic region skipping implemented.A single buffer can be broken into a number of regions where text willand will not be checked. The definitions of the regions can be userdefined. New applications and improvements made available by thisinclude: o URLs are automatically skipped o EMail message checking is vastly improved.*** Ispell can highlight the erroneous word even on non-window terminals.** Changes to RefTeX modeRefTeX has been updated in order to make it more usable with verylarge projects (like a several volume math book). The parser has beenre-written from scratch. To get maximum speed from RefTeX, check thesection `Optimizations' in the manual.*** New recursive parser.The old version of RefTeX created a single large buffer containing theentire multifile document in order to parse the document. The newrecursive parser scans the individual files.*** Parsing only part of a document.Reparsing of changed document parts can now be made faster by enablingpartial scans. To use this feature, read the documentation string ofthe variable `reftex-enable-partial-scans' and set the variable to t. (setq reftex-enable-partial-scans t)*** Storing parsing information in a file.This can improve startup times considerably. To turn it on, use (setq reftex-save-parse-info t)*** Using multiple selection buffersIf the creation of label selection buffers is too slow (this happensfor large documents), you can reuse these buffers by setting (setq reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers t)*** References to external documents.The LaTeX package `xr' allows to cross-reference labels in externaldocuments. RefTeX can provide information about the externaldocuments as well. To use this feature, set up the \externaldocumentmacros required by the `xr' package and rescan the document withRefTeX. The external labels can then be accessed with the `x' key inthe selection buffer provided by `reftex-reference' (bound to `C-c )').The `x' key also works in the table of contents buffer.*** Many more labeled LaTeX environments are recognized by default.The built-in command list now covers all the standard LaTeX commands,and all of the major packages included in the LaTeX distribution.Also, RefTeX now understands the \appendix macro and changesthe enumeration of sections in the *toc* buffer accordingly.*** Mouse support for selection and *toc* buffersThe mouse can now be used to select items in the selection and *toc*buffers. See also the new option `reftex-highlight-selection'.*** New keymaps for selection and table of contents modes.The selection processes for labels and citation keys, and the table ofcontents buffer now have their own keymaps: `reftex-select-label-map',`reftex-select-bib-map', `reftex-toc-map'. The selection processeshave a number of new keys predefined. In particular, TAB lets youenter a label with completion. Check the on-the-fly help (press `?'at the selection prompt) or read the Info documentation to find outmore.*** Support for the varioref packageThe `v' key in the label selection buffer toggles \ref versus \vref.*** New hooksThree new hooks can be used to redefine the way labels, references,and citations are created. These hooks are`reftex-format-label-function', `reftex-format-ref-function',`reftex-format-cite-function'.*** Citations outside LaTeXThe command `reftex-citation' may also be used outside LaTeX (e.g. ina mail buffer). See the Info documentation for details.*** Short context is no longer fontified.The short context in the label menu no longer copies thefontification from the text in the buffer. If you prefer it to befontified, use (setq reftex-refontify-context t)** file-cache-minibuffer-complete now accepts a prefix argument.With a prefix argument, it does not try to do completion ofthe file name within its directory; it only checks for otherdirectories that contain the same file name.Thus, given the file name Makefile, and assuming that a exists in the same directory, ordinaryfile-cache-minibuffer-complete will try to complete Makefile and will therefore never look for other directories thathave Makefile. A prefix argument tells it not to look for longernames such as, so that instead it will look for otherdirectories--just as if the name were already complete in its presentdirectory.** New modes and packages*** There is a new alternative major mode for Perl, Cperl mode.It has many more features than Perl mode, and some people preferit, but some do not.*** There is a new major mode, M-x vhdl-mode, for editing files of VHDLcode.*** M-x which-function-mode enables a minor mode that displays thecurrent function name continuously in the mode line, as you movearound in a buffer.Which Function mode is effective in major modes which support Imenu.*** Gametree is a major mode for editing game analysis trees. The authoruses it for keeping notes about his postal Chess games, but it shouldbe helpful for other two-player games as well, as long as they have anestablished system of notation similar to Chess.*** The new minor mode checkdoc-minor-mode provides Emacs Lispdocumentation string checking for style and spelling. The styleguidelines are found in the Emacs Lisp programming manual.*** The net-utils package makes some common networking featuresavailable in Emacs. Some of these functions are wrappers aroundsystem utilities (ping, nslookup, etc); others are implementations ofsimple protocols (finger, whois) in Emacs Lisp. There are alsofunctions to make simple connections to TCP/IP ports for debugging andthe like.*** highlight-changes-mode is a minor mode that uses colors toidentify recently changed parts of the buffer text.*** The new package `midnight' lets you specify things to be donewithin Emacs at midnight--by default, kill buffers that you have notused in a considerable time. To use this feature, customizethe user option `midnight-mode' to t.*** The file generic-x.el defines a number of simple major modes. apache-generic-mode: For Apache and NCSA httpd configuration files samba-generic-mode: Samba configuration files fvwm-generic-mode: For fvwm initialization files x-resource-generic-mode: For X resource files hosts-generic-mode: For hosts files (.rhosts, /etc/hosts, etc) mailagent-rules-generic-mode: For mailagent .rules files javascript-generic-mode: For JavaScript files vrml-generic-mode: For VRML files java-manifest-generic-mode: For Java MANIFEST files java-properties-generic-mode: For Java property files mailrc-generic-mode: For .mailrc files Platform-specific modes: prototype-generic-mode: For Solaris/Sys V prototype files pkginfo-generic-mode: For Solaris/Sys V pkginfo files alias-generic-mode: For C shell alias files inf-generic-mode: For MS-Windows INF files ini-generic-mode: For MS-Windows INI files reg-generic-mode: For MS-Windows Registry files bat-generic-mode: For MS-Windows BAT scripts rc-generic-mode: For MS-Windows Resource files rul-generic-mode: For InstallShield scripts* Lisp changes in Emacs 20.3 since the Emacs Lisp Manual was published** If you want a Lisp file to be read in unibyte mode,use -*-unibyte: t;-*- on its first line.That will force Emacs to read that file in unibyte mode.Otherwise, the file will be loaded and byte-compiled in multibyte mode.Thus, each lisp file is read in a consistent way regardless of whetheryou started Emacs with --unibyte, so that a Lisp program givesconsistent results regardless of how Emacs was started.** The new function assoc-default is useful for searching an alist,and using a default value if the key is not found there. You canspecify a comparison predicate, so this function is useful forsearching comparing a string against an alist of regular expressions.** The functions unibyte-char-to-multibyte andmultibyte-char-to-unibyte convert between unibyte and multibytecharacter codes, in a way that is appropriate for the current languageenvironment.** The functions read-event, read-char and read-char-exclusive nowtake two optional arguments. PROMPT, if non-nil, specifies a promptstring. SUPPRESS-INPUT-METHOD, if non-nil, says to disable thecurrent input method for reading this one event.** Two new variables print-escape-nonascii and print-escape-multibytenow control whether to output certain characters asbackslash-sequences. print-escape-nonascii applies to single-bytenon-ASCII characters; print-escape-multibyte applies to multibytecharacters. Both of these variables are used only when printingin readable fashion (prin1 uses them, princ does not).* Lisp changes in Emacs 20.3 before the Emacs Lisp Manual was published** Compiled Emacs Lisp files made with the modified "MBSK" versionof Emacs 20.2 do not work in Emacs 20.3.** Buffer positions are now measured in characters, as they werein Emacs 19 and before. This means that (forward-char 1)always increases point by 1.The function chars-in-region now just subtracts its arguments. It isconsidered obsolete. The function char-boundary-p has been deleted.See below for additional changes relating to multibyte characters.** defcustom, defface and defgroup now accept the keyword `:version'.Use this to specify in which version of Emacs a certain variable'sdefault value changed. For example, (defcustom foo-max 34 "*Maximum number of foo's allowed." :type 'integer :group 'foo :version "20.3") (defgroup foo-group nil "The foo group." :version "20.3")If an entire new group is added or the variables in it have thedefault values changed, then just add a `:version' to that group. Itis recommended that new packages added to the distribution contain a`:version' in the top level group.This information is used to control the customize-changed-options command.** It is now an error to change the value of a symbol whose namestarts with a colon--if it is interned in the standard obarray.However, setting such a symbol to its proper value, which is thatsymbol itself, is not an error. This is for the sake of programs thatsupport previous Emacs versions by explicitly setting these variablesto themselves.If you set the variable keyword-symbols-constant-flag to nil,this error is suppressed, and you can set these symbols to anyvalues whatever.** There is a new debugger command, R.It evaluates an expression like e, but saves the resultin the buffer *Debugger-record*.** Frame-local variables.You can now make a variable local to various frames. To do this, callthe function make-variable-frame-local; this enables frames to havelocal bindings for that variable.These frame-local bindings are actually frame parameters: you create aframe-local binding in a specific frame by callingmodify-frame-parameters and specifying the variable name as theparameter name.Buffer-local bindings take precedence over frame-local bindings.Thus, if the current buffer has a buffer-local binding, that binding isactive; otherwise, if the selected frame has a frame-local binding,that binding is active; otherwise, the default binding is active.It would not be hard to implement window-local bindings, but it is notclear that this would be very useful; windows tend to come and go in avery transitory fashion, so that trying to produce any specific effectthrough a window-local binding would not be very robust.** `sregexq' and `sregex' are two new functions for constructing"symbolic regular expressions." These are Lisp expressions that, whenevaluated, yield conventional string-based regexps. The symbolic formmakes it easier to construct, read, and maintain complex patterns.See the documentation in sregex.el.** parse-partial-sexp's return value has an additional element whichis used to pass information along if you pass it to another call toparse-partial-sexp, starting its scan where the first call ended.The contents of this field are not yet finalized.** eval-region now accepts a fourth optional argument READ-FUNCTION.If it is non-nil, that function is used instead of `read'.** unload-feature by default removes the feature's functions fromknown hooks to avoid trouble, but a package providing FEATURE candefine a hook FEATURE-unload-hook to be run by unload-feature instead.** read-from-minibuffer no longer returns the argument DEFAULT-VALUEwhen the user enters empty input. It now returns the null string, asit did in Emacs 19. The default value is made available in thehistory via M-n, but it is not applied here as a default.The other, more specialized minibuffer-reading functions continue toreturn the default value (not the null string) when the user entersempty input.** The new variable read-buffer-function controls which routine to usefor selecting buffers. For example, if you set this variable to`iswitchb-read-buffer', iswitchb will be used to read buffer names.Other functions can also be used if they accept the same arguments as`read-buffer' and return the selected buffer name as a string.** The new function read-passwd reads a password from the terminal,echoing a period for each character typed. It takes three arguments:a prompt string, a flag which says "read it twice to make sure", and adefault password to use if the user enters nothing.** The variable fill-nobreak-predicate gives major modes a way tospecify not to break a line at certain places. Its value is afunction which is called with no arguments, with point located at theplace where a break is being considered. If the function returnsnon-nil, then the line won't be broken there.** window-end now takes an optional second argument, UPDATE.If this is non-nil, then the function always returns an accurateup-to-date value for the buffer position corresponding to theend of the window, even if this requires computation.** other-buffer now takes an optional argument FRAMEwhich specifies which frame's buffer list to use.If it is nil, that means use the selected frame's buffer list.** The new variable buffer-display-time, always local in every buffer,holds the value of (current-time) as of the last time that a windowwas directed to display this buffer.** It is now meaningful to compare two window-configuration objectswith `equal'. Two window-configuration objects are equal if theydescribe equivalent arrangements of windows, in the same frame--inother words, if they would give the same results if passed toset-window-configuration.** compare-window-configurations is a new function that compares twowindow configurations loosely. It ignores differences in saved bufferpositions and scrolling, and considers only the structure and sizes ofwindows and the choice of buffers to display.** The variable minor-mode-overriding-map-alist allows major modes tooverride the key bindings of a minor mode. The elements of this alistlook like the elements of minor-mode-map-alist: (VARIABLE . KEYMAP).If the VARIABLE in an element of minor-mode-overriding-map-alist has anon-nil value, the paired KEYMAP is active, and totally overrides themap (if any) specified for the same variable in minor-mode-map-alist.minor-mode-overriding-map-alist is automatically local in all buffers,and it is meant to be set by major modes.** The function match-string-no-properties is like match-stringexcept that it discards all text properties from the result.** The function load-average now accepts an optional argumentUSE-FLOATS. If it is non-nil, the load average values are returned asfloating point numbers, rather than as integers to be divided by 100.** The new variable temporary-file-directory specifies the directoryto use for creating temporary files. The default value is determinedin a reasonable way for your operating system; on GNU and Unix systemsit is based on the TMP and TMPDIR environment variables.** Menu changes*** easymenu.el now uses the new menu item format and supports thekeywords :visible and :filter. The existing keyword :keys is nowbetter supported.The variable `easy-menu-precalculate-equivalent-keybindings' controlsa new feature which calculates keyboard equivalents for the menu whenyou define the menu. The default is t. If you rarely use menus, youcan set the variable to nil to disable this precalculation feature;then the calculation is done only if you use the menu bar.*** A new format for menu items is supported.In a keymap, a key binding that has the format (STRING . REAL-BINDING) or (STRING HELP-STRING . REAL-BINDING)defines a menu item. Now a menu item definition may also be a list thatstarts with the symbol `menu-item'.The format is: (menu-item ITEM-NAME) or (menu-item ITEM-NAME REAL-BINDING . ITEM-PROPERTY-LIST)where ITEM-NAME is an expression which evaluates to the menu itemstring, and ITEM-PROPERTY-LIST has the form of a property list.The supported properties include:enable FORM Evaluate FORM to determine whether the item is enabled.:visible FORM Evaluate FORM to determine whether the item should appear in the menu.:filter FILTER-FN FILTER-FN is a function of one argument, which will be REAL-BINDING. It should return a binding to use instead.:keys DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION is a string that describes an equivalent keyboard binding for REAL-BINDING. DESCRIPTION is expanded with `substitute-command-keys' before it is used.:key-sequence KEY-SEQUENCE KEY-SEQUENCE is a key-sequence for an equivalent keyboard binding.:key-sequence nil This means that the command normally has no keyboard equivalent.:help HELP HELP is the extra help string (not currently used).:button (TYPE . SELECTED) TYPE is :toggle or :radio. SELECTED is a form, to be evaluated, and its value says whether this button is currently selected.Buttons are at the moment only simulated by prefixes in the menu.Eventually ordinary X-buttons may be supported.(menu-item ITEM-NAME) defines unselectable item.** New event types*** The new event type `mouse-wheel' is generated by a wheel on amouse (such as the MS Intellimouse). The event contains a delta thatcorresponds to the amount and direction that the wheel is rotated,which is typically used to implement a scroll or zoom. The format is: (mouse-wheel POSITION DELTA)where POSITION is a list describing the position of the event in thesame format as a mouse-click event, and DELTA is a signed numberindicating the number of increments by which the wheel was rotated. Anegative DELTA indicates that the wheel was rotated backwards, towardsthe user, and a positive DELTA indicates that the wheel was rotatedforward, away from the user.As of now, this event type is generated only on MS Windows.*** The new event type `drag-n-drop' is generated when a group offiles is selected in an application outside of Emacs, and then draggedand dropped onto an Emacs frame. The event contains a list offilenames that were dragged and dropped, which are then typicallyloaded into Emacs. The format is: (drag-n-drop POSITION FILES)where POSITION is a list describing the position of the event in thesame format as a mouse-click event, and FILES is the list of filenamesthat were dragged and dropped.As of now, this event type is generated only on MS Windows.** Changes relating to multibyte characters.*** The variable enable-multibyte-characters is now read-only;any attempt to set it directly signals an error. The only wayto change this value in an existing buffer is with set-buffer-multibyte.*** In a string constant, `\ ' now stands for "nothing at all". Youcan use it to terminate a hex escape which is followed by a characterthat could otherwise be read as part of the hex escape.*** String indices are now measured in characters, as they werein Emacs 19 and before.The function chars-in-string has been deleted.The function concat-chars has been renamed to `string'.*** The function set-buffer-multibyte sets the flag in the currentbuffer that says whether the buffer uses multibyte representation orunibyte representation. If the argument is nil, it selects unibyterepresentation. Otherwise it selects multibyte representation.This function does not change the contents of the buffer, viewedas a sequence of bytes. However, it does change the contentsviewed as characters; a sequence of two bytes which is treated asone character when the buffer uses multibyte representationwill count as two characters using unibyte representation.This function sets enable-multibyte-characters to record whichrepresentation is in use. It also adjusts various data in the buffer(including its markers, overlays and text properties) so that they areconsistent with the new representation.*** string-make-multibyte takes a string and converts it to multibyterepresentation. Most of the time, you don't need to careabout the representation, because Emacs converts when necessary;however, it makes a difference when you compare strings.The conversion of non-ASCII characters works by adding the value ofnonascii-insert-offset to each character, or by translating themusing the table nonascii-translation-table.*** string-make-unibyte takes a string and converts it to unibyterepresentation. Most of the time, you don't need to care about therepresentation, but it makes a difference when you compare strings.The conversion from multibyte to unibyte representationloses information; the only time Emacs performs it automaticallyis when inserting a multibyte string into a unibyte buffer.*** string-as-multibyte takes a string, and returns another stringwhich contains the same bytes, but treats them as multibyte.*** string-as-unibyte takes a string, and returns another stringwhich contains the same bytes, but treats them as unibyte.*** The new function compare-strings lets you compareportions of two strings. Unibyte strings are converted to multibyte,so that a unibyte string can match a multibyte string.You can specify whether to ignore case or not.*** assoc-ignore-case now uses compare-strings so thatit can treat unibyte and multibyte strings as equal.*** Regular expression operations and buffer string searches nowconvert the search pattern to multibyte or unibyte to accord with thebuffer or string being searched.One consequence is that you cannot always use \200-\377 inside of[...] to match all non-ASCII characters. This does still work whensearching or matching a unibyte buffer or string, but not whensearching or matching a multibyte string. Unfortunately, there is noobvious choice of syntax to use within [...] for that job. But, whatyou want is just to match all non-ASCII characters, the regularexpression [^\0-\177] works for it.*** Structure of coding system changed.All coding systems (including aliases and subsidiaries) are namedby symbols; the symbol's `coding-system' property is a vectorwhich defines the coding system. Aliases share the same vectoras the principal name, so that altering the contents of thisvector affects the principal name and its aliases. You can defineyour own alias name of a coding system by the functiondefine-coding-system-alias.The coding system definition includes a property list of its own. Usethe new functions `coding-system-get' and `coding-system-put' toaccess such coding system properties as post-read-conversion,pre-write-conversion, character-translation-table-for-decode,character-translation-table-for-encode, mime-charset, andsafe-charsets. For instance, (coding-system-get 'iso-latin-1'mime-charset) gives the corresponding MIME-charset parameter`iso-8859-1'.Among the coding system properties listed above, safe-charsets is new.The value of this property is a list of character sets which thiscoding system can correctly encode and decode. For instance:(coding-system-get 'iso-latin-1 'safe-charsets) => (ascii latin-iso8859-1)Here, "correctly encode" means that the encoded character sets canalso be handled safely by systems other than Emacs as far as theyare capable of that coding system. Though, Emacs itself can encodethe other character sets and read it back correctly.*** The new function select-safe-coding-system can be used to find aproper coding system for encoding the specified region or string.This function requires a user interaction.*** The new functions find-coding-systems-region andfind-coding-systems-string are helper functions used byselect-safe-coding-system. They return a list of all proper codingsystems to encode a text in some region or string. If you don't wanta user interaction, use one of these functions instead ofselect-safe-coding-system.*** The explicit encoding and decoding functions, such asdecode-coding-region and encode-coding-string, now setlast-coding-system-used to reflect the actual way encoding or decodingwas done.*** The new function detect-coding-with-language-environment can beused to detect a coding system of text according to priorities ofcoding systems used by some specific language environment.*** The functions detect-coding-region and detect-coding-string alwaysreturn a list if the arg HIGHEST is nil. Thus, if only ASCIIcharacters are found, they now return a list of single element`undecided' or its subsidiaries.*** The new functions coding-system-change-eol-conversion andcoding-system-change-text-conversion can be used to get a differentcoding system than what specified only in how end-of-line or text isconverted.*** The new function set-selection-coding-system can be used to set acoding system for communicating with other X clients.*** The function `map-char-table' now passes as argument only validcharacter codes, plus generic characters that stand for entirecharacter sets or entire subrows of a character set. In other words,each time `map-char-table' calls its FUNCTION argument, the key valueeither will be a valid individual character code, or will stand for arange of characters.*** The new function `char-valid-p' can be used for checking whether aLisp object is a valid character code or not.*** The new function `charset-after' returns a charset of a characterin the current buffer at position POS.*** Input methods are now implemented using the variableinput-method-function. If this is non-nil, its value should be afunction; then, whenever Emacs reads an input event that is a printingcharacter with no modifier bits, it calls that function, passing theevent as an argument. Often this function will read more input, firstbinding input-method-function to nil.The return value should be a list of the events resulting from inputmethod processing. These events will be processed sequentially asinput, before resorting to unread-command-events. Events returned bythe input method function are not passed to the input method function,not even if they are printing characters with no modifier bits.The input method function is not called when reading the second andsubsequent events of a key sequence.*** You can customize any language environment by usingset-language-environment-hook and exit-language-environment-hook.The hook `exit-language-environment-hook' should be used to undocustomizations that you made with set-language-environment-hook. Forinstance, if you set up a special key binding for a specific languageenvironment by set-language-environment-hook, you should set upexit-language-environment-hook to restore the normal key binding.* Changes in Emacs 20.1** Emacs has a new facility for customization of its many useroptions. It is called M-x customize. With this facility you can lookat the many user options in an organized way; they are grouped into atree structure.M-x customize also knows what sorts of values are legitimate for eachuser option and ensures that you don't use invalid values.With M-x customize, you can set options either for the present Emacssession or permanently. (Permanent settings are stored automaticallyin your .emacs file.)** Scroll bars are now on the left side of the window.You can change this with M-x customize-option scroll-bar-mode.** The mode line no longer includes the string `Emacs'.This makes more space in the mode line for other information.** When you select a region with the mouse, it is highlightedimmediately afterward. At that time, if you type the DELETE key, itkills the region.The BACKSPACE key, and the ASCII character DEL, do not do this; theydelete the character before point, as usual.** In an incremental search the whole current match is highlightedon terminals which support this. (You can disable this featureby setting search-highlight to nil.)** In the minibuffer, in some cases, you can now use M-n toinsert the default value into the minibuffer as text. In effect,the default value (if the minibuffer routines know it) is tackedonto the history "in the future". (The more normal use of thehistory list is to use M-p to insert minibuffer input used in thepast.)** In Text mode, now only blank lines separate paragraphs.This makes it possible to get the full benefit of Adaptive Fill modein Text mode, and other modes derived from it (such as Mail mode).TAB in Text mode now runs the command indent-relative; thismakes a practical difference only when you use indented paragraphs.As a result, the old Indented Text mode is now identical to Text mode,and is an alias for it.If you want spaces at the beginning of a line to start a paragraph,use the new mode, Paragraph Indent Text mode.** Scrolling changes*** Scroll commands to scroll a whole screen now preserve the screenposition of the cursor, if scroll-preserve-screen-position is non-nil.In this mode, if you scroll several screens back and forth, finishingon the same screen where you started, the cursor goes back to the linewhere it started.*** If you set scroll-conservatively to a small number, then when youmove point a short distance off the screen, Emacs will scroll thescreen just far enough to bring point back on screen, provided thatdoes not exceed `scroll-conservatively' lines.*** The new variable scroll-margin says how close point can come to thetop or bottom of a window. It is a number of screen lines; if pointcomes within that many lines of the top or bottom of the window, Emacsrecenters the window.** International character set support (MULE)Emacs now supports a wide variety of international character sets,including European variants of the Latin alphabet, as well as Chinese,Devanagari (Hindi and Marathi), Ethiopian, Greek, IPA, Japanese,Korean, Lao, Russian, Thai, Tibetan, and Vietnamese scripts. Thesefeatures have been merged from the modified version of Emacs known asMULE (for "MULti-lingual Enhancement to GNU Emacs")Users of these scripts have established many more-or-less standardcoding systems for storing files. Emacs uses a single multibytecharacter encoding within Emacs buffers; it can translate from a widevariety of coding systems when reading a file and can translate backinto any of these coding systems when saving a file.Keyboards, even in the countries where these character sets are used,generally don't have keys for all the characters in them. So Emacssupports various "input methods", typically one for each script orlanguage, to make it possible to type them.The Emacs internal multibyte encoding represents a non-ASCIIcharacter as a sequence of bytes in the range 0200 through 0377.The new prefix key C-x RET is used for commands that pertainto multibyte characters, coding systems, and input methods.You can disable multibyte character support as follows: (setq-default enable-multibyte-characters nil)Calling the function standard-display-european turns off multibytecharacters, unless you specify a non-nil value for the secondargument, AUTO. This provides compatibility for people who arealready using standard-display-european to continue using unibytecharacters for their work until they want to change.*** Input methodsAn input method is a kind of character conversion which is designedspecifically for interactive input. In Emacs, typically each languagehas its own input method (though sometimes several languages which usethe same characters can share one input method). Some languagessupport several input methods.The simplest kind of input method works by mapping ASCII letters intoanother alphabet. This is how the Greek and Russian input methodswork.A more powerful technique is composition: converting sequences ofcharacters into one letter. Many European input methods usecomposition to produce a single non-ASCII letter from a sequence whichconsists of a letter followed by diacritics. For example, a' is onesequence of two characters that might be converted into a singleletter.The input methods for syllabic scripts typically use mapping followedby conversion. The input methods for Thai and Korean work this way.First, letters are mapped into symbols for particular sounds or tonemarks; then, sequences of these which make up a whole syllable aremapped into one syllable sign--most often a "composite character".None of these methods works very well for Chinese and Japanese, sothey are handled specially. First you input a whole word usingphonetic spelling; then, after the word is in the buffer, Emacsconverts it into one or more characters using a large dictionary.Since there is more than one way to represent a phonetically spelledword using Chinese characters, Emacs can only guess which one to use;typically these input methods give you a way to say "guess again" ifthe first guess is wrong.*** The command C-x RET m (toggle-enable-multibyte-characters)turns multibyte character support on or off for the current buffer.If multibyte character support is turned off in a buffer, then eachbyte is a single character, even codes 0200 through 0377--exactly asthey did in Emacs 19.34. This includes the features for support forthe European characters, ISO Latin-1 and ISO Latin-2.However, there is no need to turn off multibyte character support touse ISO Latin-1 or ISO Latin-2; the Emacs multibyte character setincludes all the characters in these character sets, and Emacs cantranslate automatically to and from either one.*** Visiting a file in unibyte mode.Turning off multibyte character support in the buffer after visiting afile with multibyte code conversion will display the multibytesequences already in the buffer, byte by byte. This is probably notwhat you want.If you want to edit a file of unibyte characters (Latin-1, forexample), you can do it by specifying `no-conversion' as the codingsystem when reading the file. This coding system also turns offmultibyte characters in that buffer.If you turn off multibyte character support entirely, this turns offcharacter conversion as well.*** Displaying international characters on X Windows.A font for X typically displays just one alphabet or script.Therefore, displaying the entire range of characters Emacs supportsrequires using many fonts.Therefore, Emacs now supports "fontsets". Each fontset is acollection of fonts, each assigned to a range of character codes.A fontset has a name, like a font. Individual fonts are defined bythe X server; fontsets are defined within Emacs itself. But once youhave defined a fontset, you can use it in a face or a frame just asyou would use a font.If a fontset specifies no font for a certain character, or if itspecifies a font that does not exist on your system, then it cannotdisplay that character. It will display an empty box instead.The fontset height and width are determined by the ASCII characters(that is, by the font in the fontset which is used for ASCIIcharacters).*** Defining fontsets.Emacs does not use any fontset by default. Its default font is stillchosen as in previous versions. You can tell Emacs to use a fontsetwith the `-fn' option or the `Font' X resource.Emacs creates a standard fontset automatically according to the valueof standard-fontset-spec. This fontset's short name is`fontset-standard'. Bold, italic, and bold-italic variants of thestandard fontset are created automatically.If you specify a default ASCII font with the `Font' resource or `-fn'argument, a fontset is generated from it. This works by replacing theFOUNDARY, FAMILY, ADD_STYLE, and AVERAGE_WIDTH fields of the font namewith `*' then using this to specify a fontset. This fontset's shortname is `fontset-startup'.Emacs checks resources of the form Fontset-N where N is 0, 1, 2...The resource value should have this form: FONTSET-NAME, [CHARSET-NAME:FONT-NAME]...FONTSET-NAME should have the form of a standard X font name, except: * most fields should be just the wild card "*". * the CHARSET_REGISTRY field should be "fontset" * the CHARSET_ENCODING field can be any nickname of the fontset.The construct CHARSET-NAME:FONT-NAME can be repeated any numberof times; each time specifies the font for one character set.CHARSET-NAME should be the name of a character set, and FONT-NAMEshould specify an actual font to use for that character set.Each of these fontsets has an alias which is made from thelast two font name fields, CHARSET_REGISTRY and CHARSET_ENCODING.You can refer to the fontset by that alias or by its full name.For any character sets that you don't mention, Emacs tries to choose afont by substituting into FONTSET-NAME. For instance, with thefollowing resource, Emacs*Fontset-0: -*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-24the font for ASCII is generated as below: -*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-24-*-ISO8859-1Here is the substitution rule: Change CHARSET_REGISTRY and CHARSET_ENCODING to that of the charset defined in the variable x-charset-registries. For instance, ASCII has the entry (ascii . "ISO8859-1") in this variable. Then, reduce sequences of wild cards -*-...-*- with a single wildcard -*-. (This is to prevent use of auto-scaled fonts.)The function which processes the fontset resource value to create thefontset is called create-fontset-from-fontset-spec. You can also callthat function explicitly to create a fontset.With the X resource Emacs.Font, you can specify a fontset name justlike an actual font name. But be careful not to specify a fontsetname in a wildcard resource like Emacs*Font--that tries to specify thefontset for other purposes including menus, and they cannot handlefontsets.*** The command M-x set-language-environment sets certain global Emacsdefaults for a particular choice of language.Selecting a language environment typically specifies a default inputmethod and which coding systems to recognize automatically whenvisiting files. However, it does not try to reread files you havealready visited; the text in those buffers is not affected. Thelanguage environment may also specify a default choice of codingsystem for new files that you create.It makes no difference which buffer is current when you useset-language-environment, because these defaults apply globally to thewhole Emacs session.For example, M-x set-language-environment RET Latin-1 RETchooses the Latin-1 character set. In the .emacs file, you can do thiswith (set-language-environment "Latin-1").*** The command C-x RET f (set-buffer-file-coding-system)specifies the file coding system for the current buffer. Thisspecifies what sort of character code translation to do when savingthe file. As an argument, you must specify the name of one of thecoding systems that Emacs supports.*** The command C-x RET c (universal-coding-system-argument)lets you specify a coding system when you read or write a file.This command uses the minibuffer to read a coding system name.After you exit the minibuffer, the specified coding systemis used for *the immediately following command*.So if the immediately following command is a command to read orwrite a file, it uses the specified coding system for that file.If the immediately following command does not use the coding system,then C-x RET c ultimately has no effect.For example, C-x RET c iso-8859-1 RET C-x C-f temp RETvisits the file `temp' treating it as ISO Latin-1.*** You can specify the coding system for a file using the -*-construct. Include `coding: CODINGSYSTEM;' inside the -*-...-*-to specify use of coding system CODINGSYSTEM. You can alsospecify the coding system in a local variable list at the endof the file.*** The command C-x RET t (set-terminal-coding-system) specifiesthe coding system for terminal output. If you specify a charactercode for terminal output, all characters output to the terminal aretranslated into that character code.This feature is useful for certain character-only terminals built invarious countries to support the languages of those countries.By default, output to the terminal is not translated at all.*** The command C-x RET k (set-keyboard-coding-system) specifiesthe coding system for keyboard input.Character code translation of keyboard input is useful for terminalswith keys that send non-ASCII graphic characters--for example,some terminals designed for ISO Latin-1 or subsets of it.By default, keyboard input is not translated at all.Character code translation of keyboard input is similar to using aninput method, in that both define sequences of keyboard input thattranslate into single characters. However, input methods are designedto be convenient for interactive use, while the code translations aredesigned to work with terminals.*** The command C-x RET p (set-buffer-process-coding-system)specifies the coding system for input and output to a subprocess.This command applies to the current buffer; normally, each subprocesshas its own buffer, and thus you can use this command to specifytranslation to and from a particular subprocess by giving the commandin the corresponding buffer.By default, process input and output are not translated at all.*** The variable file-name-coding-system specifies the coding systemto use for encoding file names before operating on them.It is also used for decoding file names obtained from the system.*** The command C-\ (toggle-input-method) activates or deactivatesan input method. If no input method has been selected before, thecommand prompts for you to specify the language and input method youwant to use.C-u C-\ (select-input-method) lets you switch to a different inputmethod. C-h C-\ (or C-h I) describes the current input method.*** Some input methods remap the keyboard to emulate various keyboardlayouts commonly used for particular scripts. How to do thisremapping properly depends on your actual keyboard layout. To specifywhich layout your keyboard has, use M-x quail-set-keyboard-layout.*** The command C-h C (describe-coding-system) displaysthe coding systems currently selected for various purposes, plusrelated information.*** The command C-h h (view-hello-file) displays a file calledHELLO, which has examples of text in many languages, using variousscripts.*** The command C-h L (describe-language-support) displaysinformation about the support for a particular language.You specify the language as an argument.*** The mode line now contains a letter or character that identifiesthe coding system used in the visited file. It normally follows thefirst dash.A dash indicates the default state of affairs: no code conversion(except CRLF => newline if appropriate). `=' means no conversionwhatsoever. The ISO 8859 coding systems are represented by digits1 through 9. Other coding systems are represented by letters: A alternativnyj (Russian) B big5 (Chinese) C cn-gb-2312 (Chinese) C iso-2022-cn (Chinese) D in-is13194-devanagari (Indian languages) E euc-japan (Japanese) I iso-2022-cjk or iso-2022-ss2 (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) J junet (iso-2022-7) or old-jis (iso-2022-jp-1978-irv) (Japanese) K euc-korea (Korean) R koi8 (Russian) Q tibetan S shift_jis (Japanese) T lao T tis620 (Thai) V viscii or vscii (Vietnamese) i iso-2022-lock (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) k iso-2022-kr (Korean) v viqr (Vietnamese) z hz (Chinese)When you are using a character-only terminal (not a window system),two additional characters appear in between the dash and the filecoding system. These two characters describe the coding system forkeyboard input, and the coding system for terminal output.*** The new variable rmail-file-coding-system specifies the codeconversion to use for RMAIL files. The default value is nil.When you read mail with Rmail, each message is decoded automaticallyinto Emacs' internal format. This has nothing to do withrmail-file-coding-system. That variable controls reading and writingRmail files themselves.*** The new variable sendmail-coding-system specifies the codeconversion for outgoing mail. The default value is nil.Actually, there are three different ways of specifying the coding systemfor sending mail:- If you use C-x RET f in the mail buffer, that takes priority.- Otherwise, if you set sendmail-coding-system non-nil, that specifies it.- Otherwise, the default coding system for new files is used, if that is non-nil. That comes from your language environment.- Otherwise, Latin-1 is used.*** The command C-h t (help-with-tutorial) accepts a prefix argumentto specify the language for the tutorial file. Currently, English,Japanese, Korean and Thai are supported. We welcome additionaltranslations.** An easy new way to visit a file with no code or format conversionof any kind: Use M-x find-file-literally. There is also a commandinsert-file-literally which inserts a file into the current bufferwithout any conversion.** C-q's handling of octal character codes is changed.You can now specify any number of octal digits.RET terminates the digits and is discarded;any other non-digit terminates the digits and is then used as input.** There are new commands for looking up Info documentation forfunctions, variables and file names used in your programs.Type M-x info-lookup-symbol to look up a symbol in the buffer at point.Type M-x info-lookup-file to look up a file in the buffer at point.Precisely which Info files are used to look it up depends on the majormode. For example, in C mode, the GNU libc manual is used.** M-TAB in most programming language modes now runs the commandcomplete-symbol. This command performs completion on the symbol namein the buffer before point.With a numeric argument, it performs completion based on the set ofsymbols documented in the Info files for the programming language thatyou are using.With no argument, it does completion based on the current tags tables,just like the old binding of M-TAB (complete-tag).** File locking works with NFS now.The lock file for FILENAME is now a symbolic link named .#FILENAME,in the same directory as FILENAME.This means that collision detection between two different machines nowworks reasonably well; it also means that no file server or directorycan become a bottleneck.The new method does have drawbacks. It means that collision detectiondoes not operate when you edit a file in a directory where you cannotcreate new files. Collision detection also doesn't operate when thefile server does not support symbolic links. But these conditions arerare, and the ability to have collision detection while using NFS isso useful that the change is worth while.When Emacs or a system crashes, this may leave behind lock files whichare stale. So you may occasionally get warnings about spuriouscollisions. When you determine that the collision is spurious, justtell Emacs to go ahead anyway.** If you wish to use Show Paren mode to display matching parentheses,it is no longer sufficient to load paren.el. Instead you must callshow-paren-mode.** If you wish to use Delete Selection mode to replace a highlightedselection when you insert new text, it is no longer sufficient to loaddelsel.el. Instead you must call the function delete-selection-mode.** If you wish to use Partial Completion mode to complete partial wordswithin symbols or filenames, it is no longer sufficient to loadcomplete.el. Instead you must call the function partial-completion-mode.** If you wish to use uniquify to rename buffers for you,it is no longer sufficient to load uniquify.el. You must alsoset uniquify-buffer-name-style to one of the non-nil legitimate values.** Changes in View mode.*** Several new commands are available in View mode.Do H in view mode for a list of commands.*** There are two new commands for entering View mode:view-file-other-frame and view-buffer-other-frame.*** Exiting View mode does a better job of restoring windows to theirprevious state.*** New customization variable view-scroll-auto-exit. If non-nil,scrolling past end of buffer makes view mode exit.*** New customization variable view-exits-all-viewing-windows. Ifnon-nil, view-mode will at exit restore all windows viewing buffer,not just the selected window.*** New customization variable view-read-only. If non-nil, visiting aread-only file automatically enters View mode, and toggle-read-onlyturns View mode on or off.*** New customization variable view-remove-frame-by-deleting controlshow to remove a not needed frame at view mode exit. If non-nil,delete the frame, if nil make an icon of it.** C-x v l, the command to print a file's version control log,now positions point at the entry for the file's current branch version.** C-x v =, the command to compare a file with the last checked-in version,has a new feature. If the file is currently not locked, so that it ispresumably identical to the last checked-in version, the command now askswhich version to compare with.** When using hideshow.el, incremental search can temporarily show hiddenblocks if a match is inside the block.The block is hidden again if the search is continued and the next matchis outside the block. By customizing the variableisearch-hide-immediately you can choose to hide all the temporarilyshown blocks only when exiting from incremental search.By customizing the variable hs-isearch-open you can choose what kindof blocks to temporarily show during isearch: comment blocks, codeblocks, all of them or none.** The new command C-x 4 0 (kill-buffer-and-window) kills thecurrent buffer and deletes the selected window. It asks forconfirmation first.** C-x C-w, which saves the buffer into a specified file name,now changes the major mode according to that file name.However, the mode will not be changed if(1) a local variables list or the `-*-' line specifies a major mode, or(2) the current major mode is a "special" mode, not suitable for ordinary files, or(3) the new file name does not particularly specify any mode.This applies to M-x set-visited-file-name as well.However, if you set change-major-mode-with-file-name to nil, thenthese commands do not change the major mode.** M-x occur changes.*** If the argument to M-x occur contains upper case letters,it performs a case-sensitive search.*** In the *Occur* buffer made by M-x occur,if you type g or M-x revert-buffer, this repeats the searchusing the same regular expression and the same buffer as before.** In Transient Mark mode, the region in any one buffer is highlightedin just one window at a time. At first, it is highlighted in thewindow where you set the mark. The buffer's highlighting remains inthat window unless you select to another window which shows the samebuffer--then the highlighting moves to that window.** The feature to suggest key bindings when you use M-x now operatesafter the command finishes. The message suggesting key bindingsappears temporarily in the echo area. The previous echo area contentscome back after a few seconds, in case they contain useful information.** Each frame now independently records the order for recentlyselected buffers, so that the default for C-x b is now based on thebuffers recently selected in the selected frame.** Outline mode changes.*** Outline mode now uses overlays (this is the former noutline.el).*** Incremental searches skip over invisible text in Outline mode.** When a minibuffer window is active but not the selected window, ifyou try to use the minibuffer, you used to get a nested minibuffer.Now, this not only gives an error, it also cancels the minibuffer thatwas already active.The motive for this change is so that beginning users do notunknowingly move away from minibuffers, leaving them active, and thenget confused by it.If you want to be able to have recursive minibuffers, you mustset enable-recursive-minibuffers to non-nil.** Changes in dynamic abbrevs.*** Expanding dynamic abbrevs with M-/ is now smarter about caseconversion. If the expansion has mixed case not counting the firstcharacter, and the abbreviation matches the beginning of the expansionincluding case, then the expansion is copied verbatim.The expansion is also copied verbatim if the abbreviation itself hasmixed case. And using SPC M-/ to copy an additional word alwayscopies it verbatim except when the previous copied word is all caps.*** The values of `dabbrev-case-replace' and `dabbrev-case-fold-search'are no longer Lisp expressions. They have simply three possiblevalues.`dabbrev-case-replace' has these three values: nil (don't preservecase), t (do), or `case-replace' (do like M-x query-replace).`dabbrev-case-fold-search' has these three values: nil (don't ignorecase), t (do), or `case-fold-search' (do like search).** Minibuffer history lists are truncated automatically now to acertain length. The variable history-length specifies how long theycan be. The default value is 30.** Changes in Mail mode.*** The key C-x m no longer runs the `mail' command directly.Instead, it runs the command `compose-mail', which invokes the mailcomposition mechanism you have selected with the variable`mail-user-agent'. The default choice of user agent is`sendmail-user-agent', which gives behavior compatible with the oldbehavior.C-x 4 m now runs compose-mail-other-window, and C-x 5 m runscompose-mail-other-frame.*** While composing a reply to a mail message, from Rmail, you can usethe command C-c C-r to cite just the region from the message you arereplying to. This copies the text which is the selected region in thebuffer that shows the original message.*** The command C-c C-i inserts a file at the end of the message,with separator lines around the contents.*** The command M-x expand-mail-aliases expands all mail aliasesin suitable mail headers. Emacs automatically extracts mail aliasdefinitions from your mail alias file (e.g., ~/.mailrc). You do notneed to expand mail aliases yourself before sending mail.*** New features in the mail-complete command.**** The mail-complete command now inserts the user's full name,for local users or if that is known. The variable mail-complete-stylecontrols the style to use, and whether to do this at all.Its values are like those of mail-from-style.**** The variable mail-passwd-command lets you specify a shell commandto run to fetch a set of password-entries that add to the ones in/etc/passwd.**** The variable mail-passwd-file now specifies a list of files to readto get the list of user ids. By default, one file is used:/etc/passwd.** You can "quote" a file name to inhibit special significance ofspecial syntax, by adding `/:' to the beginning. Thus, if you have adirectory named `/foo:', you can prevent it from being treated as areference to a remote host named `foo' by writing it as `/:/foo:'.Emacs uses this new construct automatically when necessary, such aswhen you start it with a working directory whose name might otherwisebe taken to be magic.** There is a new command M-x grep-find which uses find to selectfiles to search through, and grep to scan them. The output isavailable in a Compile mode buffer, as with M-x grep.M-x grep now uses the -e option if the grep program supports that.(-e prevents problems if the search pattern starts with a dash.)** In Dired, the & command now flags for deletion the files whose namessuggest they are probably not needed in the long run.In Dired, * is now a prefix key for mark-related key dired.el binding old key------- ---------------- ------- * c dired-change-marks c * m dired-mark m * * dired-mark-executables * (binding deleted) * / dired-mark-directories / (binding deleted) * @ dired-mark-symlinks @ (binding deleted) * u dired-unmark u * DEL dired-unmark-backward DEL * ? dired-unmark-all-files C-M-? * ! dired-unmark-all-marks * % dired-mark-files-regexp % m * C-n dired-next-marked-file M-} * C-p dired-prev-marked-file M-{** Rmail changes.*** When Rmail cannot convert your incoming mail into Babyl format, itsaves the new mail in the file RMAILOSE.n, where n is an integerchosen to make a unique name. This way, Rmail will not keep crashingeach time you run it.*** In Rmail, the variable rmail-summary-line-count-flag now controlswhether to include the line count in the summary. Non-nil means yes.*** In Rmail summary buffers, d and C-d (the commands to deletemessages) now take repeat counts as arguments. A negative argumentmeans to move in the opposite direction.*** In Rmail, the t command now takes an optional argument which letsyou specify whether to show the message headers in full or pruned.*** In Rmail, the new command w (rmail-output-body-to-file) writesjust the body of the current message into a file, without the headers.It takes the file name from the message subject, by default, but youcan edit that file name in the minibuffer before it is actually usedfor output.** Gnus changes.*** nntp.el has been totally rewritten in an asynchronous fashion.*** Article prefetching functionality has been moved up intoGnus.*** Scoring can now be performed with logical operators like`and', `or', `not', and parent redirection.*** Article washing status can be displayed in thearticle mode line.*** gnus.el has been split into many smaller files.*** Suppression of duplicate articles based on Message-ID.(setq gnus-suppress-duplicates t)*** New variables for specifying what score and adapt filesare to be considered home score and adapt files. See`gnus-home-score-file' and `gnus-home-adapt-files'.*** Groups can inherit group parameters from parent topics.*** Article editing has been revamped and is now usable.*** Signatures can be recognized in more intelligent fashions.See `gnus-signature-separator' and `gnus-signature-limit'.*** Summary pick mode has been made to look more nn-like.Line numbers are displayed and the `.' command can beused to pick articles.*** Commands for moving the .newsrc.eld from one server toanother have been added. `M-x gnus-change-server'*** A way to specify that "uninteresting" fields be suppressed whengenerating lines in buffers.*** Several commands in the group buffer can be undone with`C-M-_'.*** Scoring can be done on words using the new score type `w'.*** Adaptive scoring can be done on a Subject word-by-word basis: (setq gnus-use-adaptive-scoring '(word))*** Scores can be decayed. (setq gnus-decay-scores t)*** Scoring can be performed using a regexp on the Date header. TheDate is normalized to compact ISO 8601 format first.*** A new command has been added to remove all data on articles fromthe native server. `M-x gnus-group-clear-data-on-native-groups'*** A new command for reading collections of documents(nndoc with nnvirtual on top) has been added -- `C-M-d'.*** Process mark sets can be pushed and popped.*** A new mail-to-news backend makes it possible to posteven when the NNTP server doesn't allow posting.*** A new backend for reading searches from Web search engines(DejaNews, Alta Vista, InReference) has been added. Use the `G w' command in the group buffer to create such a group.*** Groups inside topics can now be sorted using the standardsorting functions, and each topic can be sorted independently. See the commands under the `T S' submap.*** Subsets of the groups can be sorted independently. See the commands under the `G P' submap.*** Cached articles can be pulled into the groups. Use the `Y c' command.*** Score files are now applied in a more reliable order.*** Reports on where mail messages end up can be generated. `M-x nnmail-split-history'*** More hooks and functions have been added to remove junkfrom incoming mail before saving the mail. See `nnmail-prepare-incoming-header-hook'.*** The nnml mail backend now understands compressed article files.*** To enable Gnus to read/post multi-lingual articles, you must executethe following code, for instance, in your .emacs. (add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook 'gnus-mule-initialize)Then, when you start Gnus, it will decode non-ASCII text automaticallyand show appropriate characters. (Note: if you are using gnus-mimefrom the SEMI package, formerly known as TM, you should NOT add thishook to gnus-startup-hook; gnus-mime has its own method of handlingthis issue.)Since it is impossible to distinguish all coding systemsautomatically, you may need to specify a choice of coding system for aparticular news group. This can be done by: (gnus-mule-add-group NEWSGROUP 'CODING-SYSTEM)Here NEWSGROUP should be a string which names a newsgroup or a treeof newsgroups. If NEWSGROUP is "XXX.YYY", all news groups under"XXX.YYY" (including "XXX.YYY.ZZZ") will use the specified codingsystem. CODING-SYSTEM specifies which coding system to use (for bothfor reading and posting).CODING-SYSTEM can also be a cons cell of the form (READ-CODING-SYSTEM . POST-CODING-SYSTEM)Then READ-CODING-SYSTEM is used when you read messages from thenewsgroups, while POST-CODING-SYSTEM is used when you post messagesthere.Emacs knows the right coding systems for certain newsgroups bydefault. Here are some of these default settings: (gnus-mule-add-group "fj" 'iso-2022-7) (gnus-mule-add-group "alt.chinese.text" 'hz-gb-2312) (gnus-mule-add-group "" 'hz-gb-2312) (gnus-mule-add-group "alt.chinese.text.big5" 'cn-big5) (gnus-mule-add-group "soc.culture.vietnamese" '(nil . viqr))When you reply by mail to an article, these settings are ignored;the mail is encoded according to sendmail-coding-system, as usual.** CC mode changes.*** If you edit primarily one style of C (or C++, Objective-C, Java)code, you may want to make the CC Mode style variables have globalvalues so that you can set them directly in your .emacs file. To dothis, set c-style-variables-are-local-p to nil in your .emacs file.Note that this only takes effect if you do it *before* cc-mode.el isloaded.If you typically edit more than one style of C (or C++, Objective-C,Java) code in a single Emacs session, you may want to make the CC Modestyle variables have buffer local values. By default, all buffersshare the same style variable settings; to make them buffer local, setc-style-variables-are-local-p to t in your .emacs file. Note that youmust do this *before* CC Mode is loaded.*** The new variable c-indentation-style holds the C style nameof the current buffer.*** The variable c-block-comments-indent-p has been deleted, becauseit is no longer necessary. C mode now handles all the supported stylesof block comments, with no need to say which one you will use.*** There is a new indentation style "python", which specifies the Cstyle that the Python developers like.*** There is a new c-cleanup-list option: brace-elseif-brace.This says to put ...} else if (...) {... on one line,just as brace-else-brace says to put ...} else {... on one line.** VC Changes [new]*** In vc-retrieve-snapshot (C-x v r), if you don't specify a snapshotname, it retrieves the *latest* versions of all files in the currentdirectory and its subdirectories (aside from files already locked).This feature is useful if your RCS directory is a link to a commonmaster directory, and you want to pick up changes made by otherdevelopers.You can do the same thing for an individual file by typing C-u C-x C-qRET in a buffer visiting that file.*** VC can now handle files under CVS that are being "watched" byother developers. Such files are made read-only by CVS. To get awritable copy, type C-x C-q in a buffer visiting such a file. VC thencalls "cvs edit", which notifies the other developers of it.*** vc-version-diff (C-u C-x v =) now suggests reasonable defaults forversion numbers, based on the current state of the file.** Calendar changes.*** A new function, list-holidays, allows you list holidays orsubclasses of holidays for ranges of years. Related menu items allowyou do this for the year of the selected date, or thefollowing/previous years.*** There is now support for the Baha'i calendar system. Use `pb' inthe *Calendar* buffer to display the current Baha'i date. The Baha'icalendar, or "Badi calendar" is a system of 19 months with 19 dayseach, and 4 intercalary days (5 during a Gregorian leap year). Thecalendar begins May 23, 1844, with each of the months named after asupposed attribute of God.** ps-print changesThere are some new user variables and subgroups for customizing the pagelayout.*** Headers & Footers (subgroup)Some printer systems print a header page and force the first page tobe printed on the back of the header page when using duplex. If yourprinter system has this behavior, set variable`ps-banner-page-when-duplexing' to t.If variable `ps-banner-page-when-duplexing' is non-nil, it prints ablank page as the very first printed page. So, it behaves as if thevery first character of buffer (or region) were a form feed ^L (\014).The variable `ps-spool-config' specifies who is responsible forsetting duplex mode and page size. Valid values are: lpr-switches duplex and page size are configured by `ps-lpr-switches'. Don't forget to set `ps-lpr-switches' to select duplex printing for your printer. setpagedevice duplex and page size are configured by ps-print using the setpagedevice PostScript operator. nil duplex and page size are configured by ps-print *not* using the setpagedevice PostScript operator.The variable `ps-spool-tumble' specifies how the page images onopposite sides of a sheet are oriented with respect to each other. If`ps-spool-tumble' is nil, ps-print produces output suitable forbindings on the left or right. If `ps-spool-tumble' is non-nil,ps-print produces output suitable for bindings at the top or bottom.This variable takes effect only if `ps-spool-duplex' is non-nil.The default value is nil.The variable `ps-header-frame-alist' specifies a header frameproperties alist. Valid frame properties are: fore-color Specify the foreground frame color. Value should be a float number between 0.0 (black color) and 1.0 (white color), or a string which is a color name, or a list of 3 float numbers which correspond to the Red Green Blue color scale, each float number between 0.0 (dark color) and 1.0 (bright color). The default is 0 ("black"). back-color Specify the background frame color (similar to fore-color). The default is 0.9 ("gray90"). shadow-color Specify the shadow color (similar to fore-color). The default is 0 ("black"). border-color Specify the border color (similar to fore-color). The default is 0 ("black"). border-width Specify the border width. The default is 0.4.Any other property is ignored.Don't change this alist directly; instead use Custom, or the`ps-value', `ps-get', `ps-put' and `ps-del' functions (see there fordocumentation).Ps-print can also print footers. The footer variables are:`ps-print-footer', `ps-footer-offset', `ps-print-footer-frame',`ps-footer-font-family', `ps-footer-font-size', `ps-footer-line-pad',`ps-footer-lines', `ps-left-footer', `ps-right-footer' and`ps-footer-frame-alist'. These variables are similar to thosecontrolling headers.*** Color management (subgroup)If `ps-print-color-p' is non-nil, the buffer's text will be printed incolor.*** Face Management (subgroup)If you need to print without worrying about face background colors,set the variable `ps-use-face-background' which specifies if facebackground should be used. Valid values are: t always use face background color. nil never use face background color. (face...) list of faces whose background color will be used.*** N-up printing (subgroup)The variable `ps-n-up-printing' specifies the number of pages persheet of paper.The variable `ps-n-up-margin' specifies the margin in points (pt)between the sheet border and the n-up printing.If variable `ps-n-up-border-p' is non-nil, a border is drawn aroundeach page.The variable `ps-n-up-filling' specifies how the page matrix is filledon each sheet of paper. Following are the valid values for`ps-n-up-filling' with a filling example using a 3x4 page matrix: `left-top' 1 2 3 4 `left-bottom' 9 10 11 12 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 `right-top' 4 3 2 1 `right-bottom' 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 12 11 10 9 4 3 2 1 `top-left' 1 4 7 10 `bottom-left' 3 6 9 12 2 5 8 11 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 1 4 7 10 `top-right' 10 7 4 1 `bottom-right' 12 9 6 3 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 12 9 6 3 10 7 4 1Any other value is treated as `left-top'.*** Zebra stripes (subgroup)The variable `ps-zebra-color' controls the zebra stripes grayscale orRGB color.The variable `ps-zebra-stripe-follow' specifies how zebra stripescontinue on next page. Visually, valid values are (the character `+'to the right of each column indicates that a line is printed): `nil' `follow' `full' `full-follow' Current Page -------- ----------- --------- ---------------- 1 XXXXX + 1 XXXXXXXX + 1 XXXXXX + 1 XXXXXXXXXXXXX + 2 XXXXX + 2 XXXXXXXX + 2 XXXXXX + 2 XXXXXXXXXXXXX + 3 XXXXX + 3 XXXXXXXX + 3 XXXXXX + 3 XXXXXXXXXXXXX + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 7 XXXXX + 7 XXXXXXXX + 7 XXXXXX + 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXX + 8 XXXXX + 8 XXXXXXXX + 8 XXXXXX + 8 XXXXXXXXXXXXX + 9 XXXXX + 9 XXXXXXXX + 9 XXXXXX + 9 XXXXXXXXXXXXX + 10 + 10 + 11 + 11 + -------- ----------- --------- ---------------- Next Page -------- ----------- --------- ---------------- 12 XXXXX + 12 + 10 XXXXXX + 10 + 13 XXXXX + 13 XXXXXXXX + 11 XXXXXX + 11 + 14 XXXXX + 14 XXXXXXXX + 12 XXXXXX + 12 + 15 + 15 XXXXXXXX + 13 + 13 XXXXXXXXXXXXX + 16 + 16 + 14 + 14 XXXXXXXXXXXXX + 17 + 17 + 15 + 15 XXXXXXXXXXXXX + 18 XXXXX + 18 + 16 XXXXXX + 16 + 19 XXXXX + 19 XXXXXXXX + 17 XXXXXX + 17 + 20 XXXXX + 20 XXXXXXXX + 18 XXXXXX + 18 + 21 + 21 XXXXXXXX + 22 + 22 + -------- ----------- --------- ----------------Any other value is treated as `nil'.*** Printer management (subgroup)The variable `ps-printer-name-option' determines the option used bysome utilities to indicate the printer name; it's used only when`ps-printer-name' is a non-empty string. If you're using the lprutility to print, for example, `ps-printer-name-option' should be setto "-P".The variable `ps-manual-feed' indicates if the printer requires manualpaper feeding. If it's nil, automatic feeding takes place. If it'snon-nil, manual feeding takes place.The variable `ps-end-with-control-d' specifies whether C-d (\x04)should be inserted at end of the generated PostScript. Non-nil meansdo so.*** Page settings (subgroup)If variable `ps-warn-paper-type' is nil, it's *not* treated as anerror if the PostScript printer doesn't have a paper with the sizeindicated by `ps-paper-type'; the default paper size will be usedinstead. If `ps-warn-paper-type' is non-nil, an error is signaled ifthe PostScript printer doesn't support a paper with the size indicatedby `ps-paper-type'. This is used when `ps-spool-config' is set to`setpagedevice'.The variable `ps-print-upside-down' determines the orientation forprinting pages: nil means `normal' printing, non-nil means`upside-down' printing (that is, the page is rotated by 180 degrees).The variable `ps-selected-pages' specifies which pages to print. Ifit's nil, all pages are printed. If it's a list, list elements may beintegers specifying a single page to print, or cons cells (FROM . TO)specifying to print from page FROM to TO. Invalid list elements, thatis integers smaller than one, or elements whose FROM is greater thanits TO, are ignored.The variable `ps-even-or-odd-pages' specifies how to print even/oddpages. Valid values are: nil print all pages. `even-page' print only even pages. `odd-page' print only odd pages. `even-sheet' print only even sheets. That is, if `ps-n-up-printing' is 1, it behaves like `even-page', but for values greater than 1, it'll print only the even sheet of paper. `odd-sheet' print only odd sheets. That is, if `ps-n-up-printing' is 1, it behaves like `odd-page'; but for values greater than 1, it'll print only the odd sheet of paper.Any other value is treated as nil.If you set `ps-selected-pages' (see there for documentation), pagesare filtered by `ps-selected-pages', and then by`ps-even-or-odd-pages'. For example, if we have: (setq ps-selected-pages '(1 4 (6 . 10) (12 . 16) 20))and we combine this with `ps-even-or-odd-pages' and`ps-n-up-printing', we get:`ps-n-up-printing' = 1: `ps-even-or-odd-pages' PAGES PRINTED nil 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20 even-page 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 odd-page 1, 7, 9, 13, 15 even-sheet 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 odd-sheet 1, 7, 9, 13, 15`ps-n-up-printing' = 2: `ps-even-or-odd-pages' PAGES PRINTED nil 1/4, 6/7, 8/9, 10/12, 13/14, 15/16, 20 even-page 4/6, 8/10, 12/14, 16/20 odd-page 1/7, 9/13, 15 even-sheet 6/7, 10/12, 15/16 odd-sheet 1/4, 8/9, 13/14, 20*** Miscellany (subgroup)The variable `ps-error-handler-message' specifies where error handlermessages should be sent.It is also possible to add a user-defined PostScript prologue code infront of all generated prologue code by setting the variable`ps-user-defined-prologue'.The variable `ps-line-number-font' specifies the font for line numbers.The variable `ps-line-number-font-size' specifies the font size inpoints for line numbers.The variable `ps-line-number-color' specifies the color for linenumbers. See `ps-zebra-color' for documentation.The variable `ps-line-number-step' specifies the interval in whichline numbers are printed. For example, if `ps-line-number-step' is setto 2, the printing will look like: 1 one line one line 3 one line one line 5 one line one line ...Valid values are:integer an integer specifying the interval in which line numbers are printed. If it's smaller than or equal to zero, 1 is used.`zebra' specifies that only the line number of the first line in a zebra stripe is to be printed.Any other value is treated as `zebra'.The variable `ps-line-number-start' specifies the starting point inthe interval given by `ps-line-number-step'. For example, if`ps-line-number-step' is set to 3, and `ps-line-number-start' is set to3, the output will look like: one line one line 3 one line one line one line 6 one line one line one line 9 one line one line ...The variable `ps-postscript-code-directory' specifies the directorywhere the PostScript prologue file used by ps-print is found.The variable `ps-line-spacing' determines the line spacing in points,for ordinary text, when generating PostScript (similar to`ps-font-size').The variable `ps-paragraph-spacing' determines the paragraph spacing,in points, for ordinary text, when generating PostScript (similar to`ps-font-size').The variable `ps-paragraph-regexp' specifies the paragraph delimiter.The variable `ps-begin-cut-regexp' and `ps-end-cut-regexp' specify thestart and end of a region to cut out when printing.** hideshow changes.*** now supports hiding of blocks of single line comments (like // forC++, ; for lisp).*** Support for java-mode added.*** When doing `hs-hide-all' it is now possible to also hide the commentsin the file if `hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all' is set.*** The new function `hs-hide-initial-comment' hides the comments atthe beginning of the files. Finally those huge RCS logs don't stay in yourway! This is run by default when entering the `hs-minor-mode'.*** Now uses overlays instead of `selective-display', so is morerobust and a lot faster.*** A block beginning can span multiple lines.*** The new variable `hs-show-hidden-short-form' if t, directs hideshowto show only the beginning of a block when it is hidden. See thedocumentation for more details.** Changes in Enriched mode.*** When you visit a file in enriched-mode, Emacs will make sure it isfilled to the current fill-column. This behavior is now independentof the size of the window. When you save the file, the fill-column inuse is stored as well, so that the whole buffer need not be refilledthe next time unless the fill-column is different.*** use-hard-newlines is now a minor mode. When it is enabled, Emacsdistinguishes between hard and soft newlines, and treats hard newlinesas paragraph boundaries. Otherwise all newlines inserted are markedas soft, and paragraph boundaries are determined solely from the text.** Font Lock mode*** Custom supportThe variables font-lock-face-attributes, font-lock-display-type andfont-lock-background-mode are now obsolete; the recommended way to specify thefaces to use for Font Lock mode is with M-x customize-group on the new customgroup font-lock-highlighting-faces. If you set font-lock-face-attributes inyour ~/.emacs file, Font Lock mode will respect its value. However, you shouldconsider converting from setting that variable to using M-x customize.You can still use X resources to specify Font Lock face appearances.*** Maximum decorationFontification now uses the maximum level of decoration supported bydefault. Previously, fontification used a mode-specific default levelof decoration, which is typically the minimum level of decorationsupported. You can set font-lock-maximum-decoration to nilto get the old behavior.*** New supportSupport is now provided for Java, Objective-C, AWK and SIMULA modes.Note that Font Lock mode can be turned on without knowing exactly what modessupport Font Lock mode, via the command global-font-lock-mode.*** Configurable supportSupport for C, C++, Objective-C and Java can be more easily configured foradditional types and classes via the new variables c-font-lock-extra-types,c++-font-lock-extra-types, objc-font-lock-extra-types and, you guessed it,java-font-lock-extra-types. These value of each of these variables should be alist of regexps matching the extra type names. For example, the default valueof c-font-lock-extra-types is ("\\sw+_t") which means fontification follows theconvention that C type names end in _t. This results in slower fontification.Of course, you can change the variables that specify fontification in whateverway you wish, typically by adding regexps. However, these new variables makeit easier to make specific and common changes for the fontification of types.*** Adding highlighting patterns to existing supportYou can use the new function font-lock-add-keywords to add your ownhighlighting patterns, such as for project-local or user-specific constructs,for any mode.For example, to highlight `FIXME:' words in C comments, put: (font-lock-add-keywords 'c-mode '(("\\<FIXME:" 0 font-lock-warning-face t)))in your ~/.emacs.*** New facesFont Lock now defines two new faces, font-lock-builtin-face andfont-lock-warning-face. These are intended to highlight builtin keywords,distinct from a language's normal keywords, and objects that should be broughtto user attention, respectively. Various modes now use these new faces.*** Changes to fast-lock support modeThe fast-lock package, one of the two Font Lock support modes, can now processcache files silently. You can use the new variable fast-lock-verbose, in thesame way as font-lock-verbose, to control this feature.*** Changes to lazy-lock support modeThe lazy-lock package, one of the two Font Lock support modes, can now fontifyaccording to the true syntactic context relative to other lines. You can usethe new variable lazy-lock-defer-contextually to control this feature. Ifnon-nil, changes to the buffer will cause subsequent lines in the buffer to berefontified after lazy-lock-defer-time seconds of idle time. If nil, then onlythe modified lines will be refontified; this is the same as the previous LazyLock mode behavior and the behavior of Font Lock mode.This feature is useful in modes where strings or comments can span lines.For example, if a string or comment terminating character is deleted, then ifthis feature is enabled subsequent lines in the buffer will be correctlyrefontified to reflect their new syntactic context. Previously, only the linecontaining the deleted character would be refontified and you would have to usethe command M-g M-g (font-lock-fontify-block) to refontify some lines.As a consequence of this new feature, two other variables have changed:Variable `lazy-lock-defer-driven' is renamed `lazy-lock-defer-on-scrolling'.Variable `lazy-lock-defer-time' can now only be a time, i.e., a number.Buffer modes for which on-the-fly deferral applies can be specified via thenew variable `lazy-lock-defer-on-the-fly'.If you set these variables in your ~/.emacs, then you may have to change thosesettings.** Ada mode changes.*** There is now better support for using find-file.el with Ada mode.If you switch between spec and body, the cursor stays in the sameprocedure (modulo overloading). If a spec has no body file yet, butyou try to switch to its body file, Ada mode now generates procedurestubs.*** There are two new commands: - `ada-make-local' : invokes gnatmake on the current buffer - `ada-check-syntax' : check syntax of current buffer.The user options `ada-compiler-make', `ada-make-options',`ada-language-version', `ada-compiler-syntax-check', and`ada-compile-options' are used within these commands.*** Ada mode can now work with Outline minor mode. The outline levelis calculated from the indenting, not from syntactic constructs.Outlining does not work if your code is not correctly indented.*** The new function `ada-gnat-style' converts the buffer to the style offormatting used in GNAT. It places two blanks after a comment start,places one blank between a word end and an opening '(', and puts onespace between a comma and the beginning of a word.** Scheme mode changes.*** Scheme mode indentation now uses many of the facilities of Lispmode; therefore, the variables to customize it are the variables usedfor Lisp mode which have names starting with `lisp-'. The variableswith names starting with `scheme-' which used to do this no longerhave any effect.If you want to use different indentation for Scheme and Lisp, this isstill possible, but now you must do it by adding a hook toscheme-mode-hook, which could work by setting the `lisp-' indentationvariables as buffer-local variables.*** DSSSL mode is a variant of Scheme mode, for editing DSSSL scripts.Use M-x dsssl-mode.** Changes to the emacsclient program*** If a socket can't be found, and environment variables LOGNAME orUSER are set, emacsclient now looks for a socket based on the UIDassociated with the name. That is an emacsclient running as rootcan connect to an Emacs server started by a non-root user.*** The emacsclient program now accepts an option --no-wait which tellsit to return immediately without waiting for you to "finish" thebuffer in Emacs.*** The new option --alternate-editor allows to specify an editor touse if Emacs is not running. The environment variableALTERNATE_EDITOR can be used for the same effect; the command lineoption takes precedence.** M-x eldoc-mode enables a minor mode in which the echo areaconstantly shows the parameter list for function being called at point(in Emacs Lisp and Lisp Interaction modes only).** C-x n d now runs the new command narrow-to-defun,which narrows the accessible parts of the buffer to justthe current defun.** Emacs now handles the `--' argument in the standard way; allfollowing arguments are treated as ordinary file names.** On MSDOS and Windows, the bookmark file is now called _emacs.bmk,and the saved desktop file is now called _emacs.desktop (truncated ifnecessary).** When you kill a buffer that visits a file,if there are any registers that save positions in the file,these register values no longer become completely useless.If you try to go to such a register with C-x j, then you areasked whether to visit the file again. If you say yes,it visits the file and then goes to the same position.** When you visit a file that changes frequently outside Emacs--forexample, a log of output from a process that continues to run--it maybe useful for Emacs to revert the file without querying you wheneveryou visit the file afresh with C-x C-f.You can request this behavior for certain files by setting thevariable revert-without-query to a list of regular expressions. If afile's name matches any of these regular expressions, find-file andrevert-buffer revert the buffer without asking for permission--butonly if you have not edited the buffer text yourself.** set-default-font has been renamed to set-frame-fontsince it applies only to the current frame.** In TeX mode, you can use the variable tex-main-file to specify thefile for tex-file to run TeX on. (By default, tex-main-file is nil,and tex-file runs TeX on the current visited file.)This is useful when you are editing a document that consists ofmultiple files. In each of the included files, you can set up a localvariable list which specifies the top-level file of your document fortex-main-file. Then tex-file will run TeX on the whole documentinstead of just the file you are editing.** RefTeX modeRefTeX mode is a new minor mode with special support for \label, \refand \cite macros in LaTeX documents. RefTeX distinguishes labels ofdifferent environments (equation, figure, ...) and has full support formultifile documents. To use it, select a buffer with a LaTeX document andturn the mode on with M-x reftex-mode. Here are the main user commands:C-c ( reftex-label Creates a label semi-automatically. RefTeX is context sensitive and knows which kind of label is needed.C-c ) reftex-reference Offers in a menu all labels in the document, along with context of the label definition. The selected label is referenced as \ref{LABEL}.C-c [ reftex-citation Prompts for a regular expression and displays a list of matching BibTeX database entries. The selected entry is cited with a \cite{KEY} macro.C-c & reftex-view-crossref Views the cross reference of a \ref or \cite command near point.C-c = reftex-toc Shows a table of contents of the (multifile) document. From there you can quickly jump to every section.Under X, RefTeX installs a "Ref" menu in the menu bar, with additionalcommands. Press `?' to get help when a prompt mentions this feature.Full documentation and customization examples are in the filereftex.el. You can use the finder to view the file documentation:C-h p --> tex --> reftex.el** Changes in BibTeX mode.*** Info documentation is now available.*** Don't allow parentheses in string constants anymore. This confusedboth the BibTeX program and Emacs BibTeX mode.*** Renamed variable bibtex-mode-user-optional-fields tobibtex-user-optional-fields.*** Removed variable bibtex-include-OPTannote(use bibtex-user-optional-fields instead).*** New interactive functions to copy and kill fields and completeentries to the BibTeX kill ring, from where they can be yanked back byappropriate functions.*** New interactive functions for repositioning and marking ofentries. They are bound by default to C-M-l and C-M-h.*** New hook bibtex-clean-entry-hook. It is called after entry hasbeen cleaned.*** New variable bibtex-field-delimiters, which replaces variablesbibtex-field-{left|right}-delimiter.*** New variable bibtex-entry-delimiters to determine how entriesshall be delimited.*** Allow preinitialization of fields. See documentation ofbibtex-user-optional-fields, bibtex-entry-field-alist, andbibtex-include-OPTkey for details.*** Book and InBook entries require either an author or an editorfield. This is now supported by bibtex.el. Alternative fields areprefixed with `ALT'.*** New variable bibtex-entry-format, which replaces variablebibtex-clean-entry-zap-empty-opts and allows specification of manyformatting options performed on cleaning an entry (see variabledocumentation).*** Even more control on how automatic keys are generated. Seedocumentation of bibtex-generate-autokey for details. Transcriptionsfor foreign languages other than German are now handled, too.*** New boolean user option bibtex-comma-after-last-field to decide ifcomma should be inserted at end of last field.*** New boolean user option bibtex-align-at-equal-sign to determine ifalignment should be made at left side of field contents or at equalsigns. New user options to control entry layout (e.g. indentation).*** New function bibtex-fill-entry to realign entries.*** New function bibtex-reformat to reformat region or buffer.*** New function bibtex-convert-alien to convert a BibTeX databasefrom alien sources.*** New function bibtex-complete-key (similar to bibtex-complete-string)to complete prefix to a key defined in buffer. Mainly useful incrossref entries.*** New function bibtex-count-entries to count entries in buffer orregion.*** Added support for imenu.*** The function `bibtex-validate' now checks current region insteadof buffer if mark is active. Now it shows all errors of buffer in a`compilation mode' buffer. You can use the normal commands (e.g.`next-error') for compilation modes to jump to errors.*** New variable `bibtex-string-file-path' to determine where the filesfrom `bibtex-string-files' are searched.** Iso Accents mode now supports Latin-3 as an alternative.** The command next-error now opens blocks hidden by hideshow.** The function using-unix-filesystems has been replaced by thefunctions add-untranslated-filesystem and remove-untranslated-filesystem.Each of these functions takes the name of a drive letter or directoryas an argument.When a filesystem is added as untranslated, all files on it are readand written in binary mode (no cr/lf translation is performed).** browse-url changes*** New methods for: Grail (browse-url-generic), MMM (browse-url-mmm),Lynx in a separate xterm (browse-url-lynx-xterm) or in an Emacs window(browse-url-lynx-emacs), remote W3 (browse-url-w3-gnudoit), genericnon-remote-controlled browsers (browse-url-generic) and associatedcustomization variables.*** New commands `browse-url-of-region' and `browse-url'.*** URLs marked up with <URL:...> (RFC1738) work if broken acrosslines. Browsing methods can be associated with URL regexps(e.g. mailto: URLs) via `browse-url-browser-function'.** Changes in Ediff*** Clicking Mouse-2 on a brief command description in Ediff control panelpops up the Info file for this command.*** There is now a variable, ediff-autostore-merges, which controls whetherthe result of a merge is saved in a file. By default, this is done only whenmerge is done from a session group (eg, when merging files in two differentdirectories).*** Since Emacs 19.31 (this hasn't been announced before), Ediff can compareand merge groups of files residing in different directories, or revisions offiles in the same directory.*** Since Emacs 19.31, Ediff can apply multi-file patches interactively.The patches must be in the context format or GNU unified format. (The bugrelated to the GNU format has now been fixed.)** Changes in Viper*** The startup file is now .viper instead of .vip*** All variable/function names have been changed to start with viper- instead of vip-.*** C-\ now simulates the meta-key in all Viper states.*** C-z in Insert state now escapes to Vi for the duration of the nextViper command. In Vi and Insert states, C-z behaves as before.*** C-c \ escapes to Vi for one command if Viper is in Insert or Emacs states.*** _ is no longer the meta-key in Vi state.*** The variable viper-insert-state-cursor-color can be used to change cursorcolor when Viper is in insert state.*** If search lands the cursor near the top or the bottom of the window,Viper pulls the window up or down to expose more context. The variableviper-adjust-window-after-search controls this behavior.** Etags changes.*** In C, C++, Objective C and Java, Etags tags global variables bydefault. The resulting tags files are inflated by 30% on average.Use --no-globals to turn this feature off. Etags can also tagvariables which are members of structure-like constructs, but it doesnot by default. Use --members to turn this feature on.*** C++ member functions are now recognized as tags.*** Java is tagged like C++. In addition, "extends" and "implements"constructs are tagged. Files are recognised by the extension .java.*** Etags can now handle programs written in Postscript. Files arerecognised by the extensions .ps and .pdb (Postscript with C syntax).In Postscript, tags are lines that start with a slash.*** Etags now handles Objective C and Objective C++ code. The usual C andC++ tags are recognized in these languages; in addition, etagsrecognizes special Objective C syntax for classes, class categories,methods and protocols.*** Etags also handles Cobol. Files are recognised by the extension.cobol. The tagged lines are those containing a word that begins incolumn 8 and ends in a full stop, i.e. anything that could be aparagraph name.*** Regexps in Etags now support intervals, as in ed or grep. The syntax ofan interval is \{M,N\}, and it means to match the preceding expressionat least M times and as many as N times.** The format for specifying a custom format for time-stamp to insertin files has changed slightly.With the new enhancements to the functionality of format-time-string,time-stamp-format will change to be eventually compatible with it.This conversion is being done in two steps to maintain compatibilitywith old time-stamp-format values.In the new scheme, alternate case is signified by the number-sign(`#') modifier, rather than changing the case of the format character.This feature is as yet incompletely implemented for compatibilityreasons.In the old time-stamp-format, all numeric fields defaulted to theirnatural width. (With format-time-string, each format has afixed-width default.) In this version, you can specify the colon(`:') modifier to a numeric conversion to mean "give me the historicaltime-stamp-format width default." Do not use colon if you arespecifying an explicit width, as in "%02d".Numbers are no longer truncated to the requested width, except in thecase of "%02y", which continues to give a two-digit year. Digittruncation probably wasn't being used for anything else anyway.The new formats will work with old versions of Emacs. New formats arebeing recommended now to allow time-stamp-format to change in thefuture to be compatible with format-time-string. The new forms beingrecommended now will continue to work then.See the documentation string for the variable time-stamp-format fordetails.** There are some additional major modes:dcl-mode, for editing VMS DCL files.m4-mode, for editing files of m4 input.meta-mode, for editing MetaFont and MetaPost source files.** In Shell mode, the command shell-copy-environment-variable lets youcopy the value of a specified environment variable from the subshellinto Emacs.** New Lisp packages include:*** battery.el displays battery status for laptops.*** M-x bruce (named after Lenny Bruce) is a program that mightbe used for adding some indecent words to your email.*** M-x crisp-mode enables an emulation for the CRiSP editor.*** M-x dirtrack arranges for better tracking of directory changesin shell buffers.*** The new library elint.el provides for linting of Emacs Lisp code.See the documentation for `elint-initialize', `elint-current-buffer'and `elint-defun'.*** M-x expand-add-abbrevs defines a special kind of abbrev which ismeant for programming constructs. These abbrevs expand like ordinaryones, when you type SPC, but only at the end of a line and not withinstrings or comments.These abbrevs can act as templates: you can define places within anabbrev for insertion of additional text. Once you expand the abbrev,you can then use C-x a p and C-x a n to move back and forth to theseinsertion points. Thus you can conveniently insert additional textat these points.*** filecache.el remembers the location of files so that youcan visit them by short forms of their names.*** find-func.el lets you find the definition of the user-loadedEmacs Lisp function at point.*** M-x handwrite converts text to a "handwritten" picture.*** M-x iswitchb-buffer is a command for switching to a buffer, much likeswitch-buffer, but it reads the argument in a more helpful way.*** M-x landmark implements a neural network for landmark learning.*** M-x locate provides a convenient interface to the `locate' program.*** M4 mode is a new mode for editing files of m4 input.*** mantemp.el creates C++ manual template instantiationsfrom the GCC error messages which indicate which instantiations are needed.*** mouse-copy.el provides a one-click copy and move feature.You can drag a region with M-mouse-1, and it is automaticallyinserted at point. M-Shift-mouse-1 deletes the text from itsoriginal place after inserting the copy.*** mouse-drag.el lets you do scrolling by dragging Mouse-2on the buffer.You click the mouse and move; that distance either translates into thevelocity to scroll (with mouse-drag-throw) or the distance to scroll(with mouse-drag-drag). Horizontal scrolling is enabled when needed.Enable mouse-drag with: (global-set-key [down-mouse-2] 'mouse-drag-throw)-or- (global-set-key [down-mouse-2] 'mouse-drag-drag)*** mspools.el is useful for determining which mail folders havemail waiting to be read in them. It works with procmail.*** Octave mode is a major mode for editing files of input for Octave.It comes with a facility for communicating with an Octave subprocess.*** ogonekThe ogonek package provides functions for changing the coding ofPolish diacritic characters in buffers. Codings known from variousplatforms are supported such as ISO8859-2, Mazovia, IBM Latin2, andTeX. For example, you can change the coding from Mazovia toISO8859-2. Another example is a change of coding from ISO8859-2 toprefix notation (in which `/a' stands for the aogonek character, forinstance) and vice versa.To use this package load it using M-x load-library [enter] ogonekThen, you may get an explanation by calling one of M-x ogonek-jak -- in Polish M-x ogonek-how -- in EnglishThe info specifies the commands and variables provided as well as theways of customization in `.emacs'.*** Interface to ph.Emacs provides a client interface to CCSO Nameservers (ph/qi)The CCSO nameserver is used in many universities to provide directoryservices about people. ph.el provides a convenient Emacs interface tothese servers.*** uce.el is useful for replying to unsolicited commercial email.*** vcursor.el implements a "virtual cursor" feature.You can move the virtual cursor with special commandswhile the real cursor does not move.*** webjump.el is a "hot list" package which you can set upfor visiting your favorite web sites.*** M-x winner-mode is a minor mode which saves window configurations,so you can move back to other configurations that you have recently used.** movemail changeMovemail no longer needs to be installed setuid root in order for POPmail retrieval to function properly. This is because it no longersupports the RPOP (reserved-port POP) protocol; instead, it uses theuser's POP password to authenticate to the mail server.This change was made earlier, but not reported in NEWS before.* Emacs 20.1 changes for MS-DOS and MS-Windows.** Changes in handling MS-DOS/MS-Windows text files.Emacs handles three different conventions for representingend-of-line: CRLF for MSDOS, LF for Unix and GNU, and CR (used on theMacintosh). Emacs determines which convention is used in a specificfile based on the contents of that file (except for certain specialfile names), and when it saves the file, it uses the same convention.To save the file and change the end-of-line convention, you can useC-x RET f (set-buffer-file-coding-system) to specify a differentcoding system for the buffer. Then, when you save the file, the newlyspecified coding system will take effect. For example, to save withLF, specify undecided-unix (or some other ...-unix coding system); tosave with CRLF, specify undecided-dos.* Lisp Changes in Emacs 20.1** Byte-compiled files made with Emacs 20 will, in general, work inEmacs 19 as well, as long as the source code runs in Emacs 19. Andvice versa: byte-compiled files made with Emacs 19 should also run inEmacs 20, as long as the program itself works in Emacs 20.** Windows-specific functions and variables have been renamedto start with w32- instead of win32-.In hacker language, calling something a "win" is a form of praise. Wedon't want to praise a non-free Microsoft system, so we don't call it"win".** Basic Lisp changes*** A symbol whose name starts with a colon now automaticallyevaluates to itself. Therefore such a symbol can be used as a constant.*** The defined purpose of `defconst' has been changed. It should nowbe used only for values that should not be changed whether by a programor by the user.The actual behavior of defconst has not been changed.*** There are new macros `when' and `unless'(when CONDITION BODY...) is short for (if CONDITION (progn BODY...))(unless CONDITION BODY...) is short for (if CONDITION nil BODY...)*** Emacs now defines functions caar, cadr, cdar and cddr with theirusual Lisp meanings. For example, caar returns the car of the car ofits argument.*** equal, when comparing strings, now ignores their text properties.*** The new function `functionp' tests whether an object is a function.*** arrayp now returns t for char-tables and bool-vectors.*** Certain primitives which use characters (as integers) now get anerror if the integer is not a valid character code. These primitivesinclude insert-char, char-to-string, and the %c construct in the`format' function.*** The `require' function now insists on adding a suffix, either .elor .elc, to the file name. Thus, (require 'foo) will not use a filewhose name is just foo. It insists on foo.el or foo.elc.*** The `autoload' function, when the file name does not containeither a directory name or the suffix .el or .elc, insists onadding one of these suffixes.*** string-to-number now takes an optional second argument BASEwhich specifies the base to use when converting an integer.If BASE is omitted, base 10 is used.We have not implemented other radices for floating point numbers,because that would be much more work and does not seem useful.*** substring now handles vectors as well as strings.*** The Common Lisp function eql is no longer defined normally.You must load the `cl' library to define it.*** The new macro `with-current-buffer' lets you evaluate an expressionconveniently with a different current buffer. It looks like this: (with-current-buffer BUFFER BODY-FORMS...)BUFFER is the expression that says which buffer to use.BODY-FORMS say what to do in that buffer.*** The new primitive `save-current-buffer' saves and restores thechoice of current buffer, like `save-excursion', but without saving orrestoring the value of point or the mark. `with-current-buffer'works using `save-current-buffer'.*** The new macro `with-temp-file' lets you do some work in a new buffer andwrite the output to a specified file. Like `progn', it returns the valueof the last form.*** The new macro `with-temp-buffer' lets you do some work in a new buffer,which is discarded after use. Like `progn', it returns the value of thelast form. If you wish to return the buffer contents, use (buffer-string)as the last form.*** The new function split-string takes a string, splits it at certaincharacters, and returns a list of the substrings in between thematches.For example, (split-string "foo bar lose" " +") returns ("foo" "bar" "lose").*** The new macro with-output-to-string executes some Lisp expressionswith standard-output set up so that all output feeds into a string.Then it returns that string.For example, if the current buffer name is `foo',(with-output-to-string (princ "The buffer is ") (princ (buffer-name)))returns "The buffer is foo".** Non-ASCII characters are now supported, if enable-multibyte-charactersis non-nil.These characters have character codes above 256. When inserted in thebuffer or stored in a string, they are represented as multibytecharacters that occupy several buffer positions each.*** When enable-multibyte-characters is non-nil, a single character ina buffer or string can be two or more bytes (as many as four).Buffers and strings are still made up of unibyte elements;character positions and string indices are always measured in bytes.Therefore, moving forward one character can increase the bufferposition by 2, 3 or 4. The function forward-char moves by wholecharacters, and therefore is no longer equivalent to (lambda (n) (goto-char (+ (point) n))).ASCII characters (codes 0 through 127) are still single bytes, always.Sequences of byte values 128 through 255 are used to representnon-ASCII characters. These sequences are called "multibytecharacters".The first byte of a multibyte character is always in the range 128through 159 (octal 0200 through 0237). These values are called"leading codes". The second and subsequent bytes are always in therange 160 through 255 (octal 0240 through 0377). The first byte, theleading code, determines how many bytes long the sequence is.*** The function forward-char moves over characters, and therefore(forward-char 1) may increase point by more than 1 if it moves over amultibyte character. Likewise, delete-char always deletes acharacter, which may be more than one buffer position.This means that some Lisp programs, which assume that a character isalways one buffer position, need to be changed.However, all ASCII characters are always one buffer position.*** The regexp [\200-\377] no longer matches all non-ASCII characters,because when enable-multibyte-characters is non-nil, these charactershave codes that are not in the range octal 200 to octal 377. However,the regexp [^\000-\177] does match all non-ASCII characters,guaranteed.*** The function char-boundary-p returns non-nil if position POS isbetween two characters in the buffer (not in the middle of acharacter).When the value is non-nil, it says what kind of character follows POS: 0 if POS is at an ASCII character or at the end of range, 1 if POS is before a 2-byte length multi-byte form, 2 if POS is at a head of 3-byte length multi-byte form, 3 if POS is at a head of 4-byte length multi-byte form, 4 if POS is at a head of multi-byte form of a composite character.*** The function char-bytes returns how many bytes the character CHAR uses.*** Strings can contain multibyte characters. The function`length' returns the string length counting bytes, which may bemore than the number of characters.You can include a multibyte character in a string constant by writingit literally. You can also represent it with a hex escape,\xNNNNNNN..., using as many digits as necessary. Any character whichis not a valid hex digit terminates this construct. If you want tofollow it with a character that is a hex digit, write backslash andnewline in between; that will terminate the hex escape.*** The function concat-chars takes arguments which are charactersand returns a string containing those characters.*** The function sref access a multibyte character in a string.(sref STRING INDX) returns the character in STRING at INDEX. INDEXcounts from zero. If INDEX is at a position in the middle of acharacter, sref signals an error.*** The function chars-in-string returns the number of charactersin a string. This is less than the length of the string, if thestring contains multibyte characters (the length counts bytes).*** The function chars-in-region returns the number of charactersin a region from BEG to END. This is less than (- END BEG) if theregion contains multibyte characters (the length counts bytes).*** The function string-to-list converts a string to a list ofthe characters in it. string-to-vector converts a stringto a vector of the characters in it.*** The function store-substring alters part of the contentsof a string. You call it as follows: (store-substring STRING IDX OBJ)This says to alter STRING, by storing OBJ starting at index IDX inSTRING. OBJ may be either a character or a (smaller) string.This function really does alter the contents of STRING.Since it is impossible to change the length of an existing string,it is an error if OBJ doesn't fit within STRING's actual length.*** char-width returns the width (in columns) of the character CHAR,if it were displayed in the current buffer and the selected window.*** string-width returns the width (in columns) of the text in STRING,if it were displayed in the current buffer and the selected window.*** truncate-string-to-width shortens a string, if necessary,to fit within a certain number of columns. (Of course, it doesnot alter the string that you give it; it returns a new stringwhich contains all or just part of the existing string.)(truncate-string-to-width STR END-COLUMN &optional START-COLUMN PADDING)This returns the part of STR up to column END-COLUMN.The optional argument START-COLUMN specifies the starting column.If this is non-nil, then the first START-COLUMN columns of the stringare not included in the resulting value.The optional argument PADDING, if non-nil, is a padding character to be addedat the beginning and end the resulting string, to extend it to exactlyWIDTH columns. If PADDING is nil, that means do not pad; then, if STRINGis narrower than WIDTH, the value is equal to STRING.If PADDING and START-COLUMN are both non-nil, and if there is no cleanplace in STRING that corresponds to START-COLUMN (because onecharacter extends across that column), then the padding characterPADDING is added one or more times at the beginning of the resultstring, so that its columns line up as if it really did start atcolumn START-COLUMN.*** When the functions in the list after-change-functions are called,the third argument is the number of bytes in the pre-change text, notnecessarily the number of characters. It is, in effect, thedifference in buffer position between the beginning and the end of thechanged text, before the change.*** The characters Emacs uses are classified in various charactersets, each of which has a name which is a symbol. In general there isone character set for each script, not for each language.**** The function charsetp tests whether an object is a character set name.**** The variable charset-list holds a list of character set names.**** char-charset, given a character code, returns the name of the characterset that the character belongs to. (The value is a symbol.)**** split-char, given a character code, returns a list containing thename of the character set, followed by one or two byte-valueswhich identify the character within that character set.**** make-char, given a character set name and one or two subsequentbyte-values, constructs a character code. This is roughly theopposite of split-char.**** find-charset-region returns a list of the character setsof all the characters between BEG and END.**** find-charset-string returns a list of the character setsof all the characters in a string.*** Here are the Lisp facilities for working with coding systemsand specifying coding systems.**** The function coding-system-list returns a list of all codingsystem names (symbols). With optional argument t, it returns a listof all distinct base coding systems, not including variants.(Variant coding systems are those like latin-1-dos, latin-1-unixand latin-1-mac which specify the end-of-line conversion as wellas what to do about code conversion.)**** coding-system-p tests a symbol to see if it is a coding systemname. It returns t if so, nil if not.**** file-coding-system-alist specifies which coding systems to usefor certain file names. It works like network-coding-system-alist,except that the PATTERN is matched against the file name.Each element has the format (PATTERN . VAL), where PATTERN determineswhich file names the element applies to. PATTERN should be a regexpto match against a file name.VAL is a coding system, a cons cell containing two coding systems, ora function symbol. If VAL is a coding system, it is used for bothdecoding what received from the network stream and encoding what sentto the network stream. If VAL is a cons cell containing two codingsystems, the car specifies the coding system for decoding, and the cdrspecifies the coding system for encoding.If VAL is a function symbol, the function must return a coding systemor a cons cell containing two coding systems, which is used as above.**** The variable network-coding-system-alist specifiesthe coding system to use for network sockets.Each element has the format (PATTERN . VAL), where PATTERN determineswhich network sockets the element applies to. PATTERN should beeither a port number or a regular expression matching some networkservice names.VAL is a coding system, a cons cell containing two coding systems, ora function symbol. If VAL is a coding system, it is used for bothdecoding what received from the network stream and encoding what sentto the network stream. If VAL is a cons cell containing two codingsystems, the car specifies the coding system for decoding, and the cdrspecifies the coding system for encoding.If VAL is a function symbol, the function must return a coding systemor a cons cell containing two coding systems, which is used as above.**** process-coding-system-alist specifies which coding systems to usefor certain subprocess. It works like network-coding-system-alist,except that the PATTERN is matched against the program name used tostart the subprocess.**** The variable default-process-coding-system specifies the codingsystems to use for subprocess (and net connection) input and output,when nothing else specifies what to do. The value is a cons cell(OUTPUT-CODING . INPUT-CODING). OUTPUT-CODING applies to outputto the subprocess, and INPUT-CODING applies to input from it.**** The variable coding-system-for-write, if non-nil, specifies thecoding system to use for writing a file, or for output to a synchronoussubprocess.It also applies to any asynchronous subprocess or network connection,but in a different way: the value of coding-system-for-write when youstart the subprocess or connection affects that subprocess orconnection permanently or until overridden.The variable coding-system-for-write takes precedence overfile-coding-system-alist, process-coding-system-alist andnetwork-coding-system-alist, and all other methods of specifying acoding system for output. But most of the time this variable is nil.It exists so that Lisp programs can bind it to a specific codingsystem for one operation at a time.**** coding-system-for-read applies similarly to input fromfiles, subprocesses or network connections.**** The function process-coding-system tells you whatcoding systems(s) an existing subprocess is using.The value is a cons cell, (DECODING-CODING-SYSTEM . ENCODING-CODING-SYSTEM)where DECODING-CODING-SYSTEM is used for decoding output fromthe subprocess, and ENCODING-CODING-SYSTEM is used for encodinginput to the subprocess.**** The function set-process-coding-system can be used tochange the coding systems in use for an existing subprocess.** Emacs has a new facility to help users manage the manycustomization options. To make a Lisp program work with this facility,you need to use the new macros defgroup and defcustom.You use defcustom instead of defvar, for defining a user optionvariable. The difference is that you specify two additional pieces ofinformation (usually): the "type" which says what values arelegitimate, and the "group" which specifies the hierarchy forcustomization.Thus, instead of writing (defvar foo-blurgoze nil "*Non-nil means that foo will act very blurgozely.")you would now write this: (defcustom foo-blurgoze nil "*Non-nil means that foo will act very blurgozely." :type 'boolean :group foo)The type `boolean' means that this variable has onlytwo meaningful states: nil and non-nil. Other type valuesdescribe other possibilities; see the manual for Customfor a description of them.The "group" argument is used to specify a group which the optionshould belong to. You define a new group like this: (defgroup ispell nil "Spell checking using Ispell." :group 'processes)The "group" argument in defgroup specifies the parent group. The rootgroup is called `emacs'; it should not contain any variables itself,but only other groups. The immediate subgroups of `emacs' correspondto the keywords used by C-h p. Under these subgroups comesecond-level subgroups that belong to individual packages.Each Emacs package should have its own set of groups. A simplepackage should have just one group; a more complex package shouldhave a hierarchy of its own groups. The sole or root group of apackage should be a subgroup of one or more of the "keyword"first-level subgroups.** New `widget' library for inserting UI components in buffers.This library, used by the new custom library, is documented in aseparate manual that accompanies Emacs.** easy-mmodeThe easy-mmode package provides macros and functions that makedeveloping minor modes easier. Roughly, the programmer has to codeonly the functionality of the minor mode. All the rest--toggles,predicate, and documentation--can be done in one call to the macro`easy-mmode-define-minor-mode' (see the documentation). See also`easy-mmode-define-keymap'.** Text property changes*** The `intangible' property now works on overlays as well as on atext property.*** The new functions next-char-property-change andprevious-char-property-change scan through the buffer looking for aplace where either a text property or an overlay might change. Thefunctions take two arguments, POSITION and LIMIT. POSITION is thestarting position for the scan. LIMIT says where to stop the scan.If no property change is found before LIMIT, the value is LIMIT. IfLIMIT is nil, scan goes to the beginning or end of the accessible partof the buffer. If no property change is found, the value is theposition of the beginning or end of the buffer.*** In the `local-map' text property or overlay property, the propertyvalue can now be a symbol whose function definition is a keymap. Thisis an alternative to using the keymap itself.** Changes in invisibility features*** Isearch can now temporarily show parts of the buffer which arehidden by an overlay with a invisible property, when the search matchis inside that portion of the buffer. To enable this the overlayshould have a isearch-open-invisible property which is a function thatwould be called having the overlay as an argument, the function shouldmake the overlay visible.During incremental search the overlays are shown by modifying theinvisible and intangible properties, if beside this more actions areneeded the overlay should have a isearch-open-invisible-temporarywhich is a function. The function is called with 2 arguments: one isthe overlay and the second is nil when it should show the overlay andt when it should hide it.*** add-to-invisibility-spec, remove-from-invisibility-specModes that use overlays to hide portions of a buffer should set theinvisible property of the overlay to the mode's name (or another symbol)and modify the `buffer-invisibility-spec' to include that symbol.Use `add-to-invisibility-spec' and `remove-from-invisibility-spec' tomanipulate the `buffer-invisibility-spec'.Here is an example of how to do this: ;; If we want to display an ellipsis: (add-to-invisibility-spec '(my-symbol . t)) ;; If you don't want ellipsis: (add-to-invisibility-spec 'my-symbol) ... (overlay-put (make-overlay beginning end) 'invisible 'my-symbol) ... ;; When done with the overlays: (remove-from-invisibility-spec '(my-symbol . t)) ;; Or respectively: (remove-from-invisibility-spec 'my-symbol)** Changes in syntax parsing.*** The syntax-directed buffer-scan functions (such as`parse-partial-sexp', `forward-word' and similar functions) can nowobey syntax information specified by text properties, if the variable`parse-sexp-lookup-properties' is non-nil.If the value of `parse-sexp-lookup-properties' is nil, the behavioris as before: the syntax-table of the current buffer is alwaysused to determine the syntax of the character at the position.When `parse-sexp-lookup-properties' is non-nil, the syntax of acharacter in the buffer is calculated thus: a) if the `syntax-table' text-property of that character is a cons, this cons becomes the syntax-type; Valid values of `syntax-table' text-property are: nil, a valid syntax-table, and a valid syntax-table element, i.e., a cons cell of the form (SYNTAX-CODE . MATCHING-CHAR). b) if the character's `syntax-table' text-property is a syntax table, this syntax table is used (instead of the syntax-table of the current buffer) to determine the syntax type of the character. c) otherwise the syntax-type is determined by the syntax-table of the current buffer.*** The meaning of \s in regular expressions is also affected by thevalue of `parse-sexp-lookup-properties'. The details are the same asfor the syntax-directed buffer-scan functions.*** There are two new syntax-codes, `!' and `|' (numeric values 14and 15). A character with a code `!' starts a comment which is endedonly by another character with the same code (unless quoted). Acharacter with a code `|' starts a string which is ended only byanother character with the same code (unless quoted).These codes are mainly meant for use as values of the `syntax-table'text property.*** The function `parse-partial-sexp' has new semantics for the sixtharg COMMENTSTOP. If it is `syntax-table', parse stops after the startof a comment or a string, or after end of a comment or a string.*** The state-list which the return value from `parse-partial-sexp'(and can also be used as an argument) now has an optional ninthelement: the character address of the start of last comment or string;nil if none. The fourth and eighth elements have special values if thestring/comment is started by a "!" or "|" syntax-code.*** Since new features of `parse-partial-sexp' allow a completesyntactic parsing, `font-lock' no longer supports`font-lock-comment-start-regexp'.** Changes in face features*** The face functions are now unconditionally defined in Emacs, evenif it does not support displaying on a device that supports faces.*** The function face-documentation returns the documentation stringof a face (or nil if it doesn't have one).*** The function face-bold-p returns t if a face should be bold.set-face-bold-p sets that flag.*** The function face-italic-p returns t if a face should be italic.set-face-italic-p sets that flag.*** You can now specify foreground and background colors for textby adding elements of the form (foreground-color . COLOR-NAME)and (background-color . COLOR-NAME) to the list of faces inthe `face' property (either the character's text property or anoverlay property).This means that you no longer need to create named faces to usearbitrary colors in a Lisp package.** Changes in file-handling functions*** File-access primitive functions no longer discard an extra redundantdirectory name from the beginning of the file name. In other words,they no longer do anything special with // or /~. That conversionis now done only in substitute-in-file-name.This makes it possible for a Lisp program to open a file whose namebegins with ~.*** If copy-file is unable to set the date of the output file,it now signals an error with the condition file-date-error.*** The inode number returned by file-attributes may be an integer (ifthe number fits in a Lisp integer) or a list of integers.*** insert-file-contents can now read from a special file,as long as the arguments VISIT and REPLACE are nil.*** The RAWFILE arg to find-file-noselect, if non-nil, now suppressescharacter code conversion as well as other things.Meanwhile, this feature does work with remote file names(formerly it did not).*** Lisp packages which create temporary files should use the TMPDIRenvironment variable to decide which directory to put them in.*** interpreter-mode-alist elements now specify regexpsinstead of constant strings.*** expand-file-name no longer treats `//' or `/~' specially. It usedto delete all the text of a file name up through the first slash ofany `//' or `/~' sequence. Now it passes them straight through.substitute-in-file-name continues to treat those sequences specially,in the same way as before.*** The variable `format-alist' is more general now.The FROM-FN and TO-FN in a format definition can now be stringswhich specify shell commands to use as filters to perform conversion.*** The new function access-file tries to open a file, and signals anerror if that fails. If the open succeeds, access-file does nothingelse, and returns nil.*** The function insert-directory now signals an error if the specifieddirectory cannot be listed.** Changes in minibuffer input*** The functions read-buffer, read-variable, read-command, read-stringread-file-name, read-from-minibuffer and completing-read now take anadditional argument which specifies the default value. If thisargument is non-nil, it should be a string; that string is used in twoways: It is returned if the user enters empty input. It is available through the history command M-n.*** The functions read-string, read-from-minibuffer,read-no-blanks-input and completing-read now take an additionalargument INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD. If this is non-nil, then theminibuffer inherits the current input method and the setting ofenable-multibyte-characters from the previously current buffer.In an interactive spec, you can use M instead of s to read anargument in this way.*** All minibuffer input functions discard text propertiesfrom the text you enter in the minibuffer, unless the variableminibuffer-allow-text-properties is non-nil.** Echo area features*** Clearing the echo area now runs the normal hookecho-area-clear-hook. Note that the echo area can be used while theminibuffer is active; in that case, the minibuffer is still activeafter the echo area is cleared.*** The function current-message returns the message currently displayedin the echo area, or nil if there is none.** Keyboard input features*** tty-erase-char is a new variable that reports which character wasset up as the terminal's erase character when time Emacs was started.*** num-nonmacro-input-events is the total number of input eventsreceived so far from the terminal. It does not count those generatedby keyboard macros.** Frame-related changes*** make-frame runs the normal hook before-make-frame-hook just beforecreating a frame, and just after creating a frame it runs the abnormalhook after-make-frame-functions with the new frame as arg.*** The new hook window-configuration-change-hook is now run every timethe window configuration has changed. The frame whose configurationhas changed is the selected frame when the hook is run.*** Each frame now independently records the order for recentlyselected buffers, in its buffer-list frame parameter, so that thevalue of other-buffer is now based on the buffers recently displayedin the selected frame.*** The value of the frame parameter vertical-scroll-barsis now `left', `right' or nil. A non-nil value specifieswhich side of the window to put the scroll bars on.** X Windows features*** You can examine X resources for other applications by bindingx-resource-class around a call to x-get-resource. The usual value ofx-resource-class is "Emacs", which is the correct value for Emacs.*** In menus, checkboxes and radio buttons now actually work.The menu displays the current status of the box or button.*** The function x-list-fonts now takes an optional fourth argumentMAXIMUM which sets a limit on how many matching fonts to return.A smaller value of MAXIMUM makes the function faster.If the only question is whether *any* font matches the pattern,it is good to supply 1 for this argument.** Subprocess features*** A reminder: it is no longer necessary for subprocess filterfunctions and sentinels to do save-match-data, because Emacs does thisautomatically.*** The new function shell-command-to-string executes a shell commandand returns the output from the command as a string.*** The new function process-contact returns t for a child process,and (HOSTNAME SERVICE) for a net connection.** An error in running pre-command-hook or post-command-hookdoes clear the variable to nil. The documentation was wrong before.** In define-key-after, if AFTER is t, the new binding now always goesat the end of the keymap. If the keymap is a menu, this means itgoes after the other menu items.** If you have a program that makes several changes in the same areaof the buffer, you can use the macro combine-after-change-callsaround that Lisp code to make it faster when after-change hooksare in use.The macro arranges to call the after-change functions just once for aseries of several changes--if that seems safe.Don't alter the variables after-change-functions andafter-change-function within the body of a combine-after-change-callsform.** If you define an abbrev (with define-abbrev) whose EXPANSIONis not a string, then the abbrev does not expand in the usual sense,but its hook is still run.** Normally, the Lisp debugger is not used (even if you have enabled it)for errors that are handled by condition-case.If you set debug-on-signal to a non-nil value, then the debugger is calledregardless of whether there is a handler for the condition. This isuseful for debugging problems that happen inside of a condition-case.This mode of operation seems to be unreliable in other ways. Errors thatare normal and ought to be handled, perhaps in timers or processfilters, will instead invoke the debugger. So don't say you weren'twarned.** The new variable ring-bell-function lets you specify your ownway for Emacs to "ring the bell".** If run-at-time's TIME argument is t, the action is repeated atintegral multiples of REPEAT from the epoch; this is useful forfunctions like display-time.** You can use the function locate-library to find the precise filename of a Lisp library. This isn't new, but wasn't documented before.** Commands for entering view mode have new optional arguments thatcan be used from Lisp. Low-level entrance to and exit from view modeis done by functions view-mode-enter and view-mode-exit.** batch-byte-compile-file now makes Emacs return a nonzero status codeif there is an error in compilation.** pop-to-buffer, switch-to-buffer-other-window andswitch-to-buffer-other-frame now accept an additional optionalargument NORECORD, much like switch-to-buffer. If it is non-nil,they don't put the buffer at the front of the buffer list.** If your .emacs file leaves the *scratch* buffer non-empty,Emacs does not display the startup message, so as to avoid changingthe *scratch* buffer.** The new function regexp-opt returns an efficient regexp to match a string.The arguments are STRINGS and (optionally) PAREN. This function can be usedwhere regexp matching or searching is intensively used and speed is important,e.g., in Font Lock mode.** The variable buffer-display-count is local to each buffer,and is incremented each time the buffer is displayed in a window.It starts at 0 when the buffer is created.** The new function compose-mail starts composing a mail messageusing the user's chosen mail composition agent (specified with thevariable mail-user-agent). It has variants compose-mail-other-windowand compose-mail-other-frame.** The `user-full-name' function now takes an optional parameter whichcan either be a number (the UID) or a string (the login name). Thefull name of the specified user will be returned.** Lisp packages that load files of customizations, or any other sortof user profile, should obey the variable init-file-user in decidingwhere to find it. They should load the profile of the user name foundin that variable. If init-file-user is nil, meaning that the -qoption was used, then Lisp packages should not load the customizationfiles at all.** format-time-string now allows you to specify the field widthand type of padding. This works as in printf: you write the fieldwidth as digits in the middle of a %-construct. If you startthe field width with 0, it means to pad with zeros.For example, %S normally specifies the number of seconds since theminute; %03S means to pad this with zeros to 3 positions, %_3S to padwith spaces to 3 positions. Plain %3S pads with zeros, because thatis how %S normally pads to two positions.** thing-at-point now supports a new kind of "thing": url.** imenu.el changes.You can now specify a function to be run when selecting anitem from menu created by imenu.An example of using this feature: if we define imenu items for the#include directives in a C file, we can open the included file when weselect one of those items.* For older news, see the file ONEWS----------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright information:Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved, thus giving the recipient permission to redistribute in turn. Permission is granted to distribute modified versions of this document, or of portions of it, under the above conditions, provided also that they carry prominent notices stating who last changed them.Local variables:mode: outlineparagraph-separate: "[ ]*$"end:arch-tag: 1aca9dfa-2ac4-4d14-bebf-0007cee12793