view lisp/gnus/gnus-gl.el @ 17846:c427501449a1

(display_text_line): Move the code to fill out the line with the newline's face to the end of the newline code. Add changes (commented out) to record ellipsis positions in charstarts.
author Richard M. Stallman <>
date Fri, 16 May 1997 07:32:59 +0000
parents e6935c08cf0b
children 4280cff25537
line wrap: on
line source

;;; gnus-gl.el --- an interface to GroupLens for Gnus
;; Copyright (C) 1995,96,97 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Brad Miller <>
;; Keywords: news, score

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;; GroupLens software and documentation is copyright (c) 1995 by Paul
;; Resnick (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Brad Miller, John
;; Riedl, Jon Herlocker, and Joseph Konstan (University of Minnesota),
;; and David Maltz (Carnegie-Mellon University).
;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this documentation
;; for non-commercial and commercial purposes without fee is hereby
;; granted provided that this copyright notice and permission notice
;; appears in all copies and that the names of the individuals and
;; institutions holding this copyright are not used in advertising or
;; publicity pertaining to this software without specific, written
;; prior permission.  The copyright holders make no representations
;; about the suitability of this software and documentation for any
;; purpose.  It is provided ``as is'' without express or implied
;; warranty.
;; The copyright holders request that they be notified of
;; modifications of this code.  Please send electronic mail to
;; for more information or to announce derived
;; works.
;; Author: Brad Miller
;; User Documentation:
;; To use GroupLens you must load this file.
;; You must also register a pseudonym with the Better Bit Bureau.
;;    ---------------- For your .emacs or .gnus file ----------------
;; As of version 2.5, grouplens now works as a minor mode of
;; gnus-summary-mode.  To get make that work you just need a couple of
;; hooks.
;; (setq gnus-use-grouplens t)
;; (setq grouplens-pseudonym "")
;; (setq grouplens-bbb-host "")
;; (setq gnus-summary-default-score 0)
;;                              USING GROUPLENS
;; How do I Rate an article??
;;   Before you type n to go to the next article, hit a number from 1-5
;;   Type r in the summary buffer and you will be prompted.
;;   Note that when you're in grouplens-minor-mode 'r' masks the
;;   usual reply binding for 'r'
;; What if, Gasp, I find a bug???
;; Please type M-x gnus-gl-submit-bug-report.  This will set up a
;; mail buffer with the  state of variables and buffers that will help
;; me debug the problem.  A short description up front would help too!
;; How do I display the prediction for an article:
;;  If you set the gnus-summary-line-format as shown above, the score
;;  (prediction) will be shown automatically.
;; Programmer  Notes
;; 10/9/95
;; gnus-scores-articles contains the articles
;; When scoring is done, the call tree looks something like:
;; gnus-possibly-score-headers
;;  ==> gnus-score-headers
;;      ==> gnus-score-load-file
;;          ==> get-all-mids  (from the eval form)
;; it would be nice to have one that gets called after all the other
;; headers have been scored.
;; we may want a variable gnus-grouplens-scale-factor
;; and gnus-grouplens-offset  this would probably be either -3 or 0
;; to make the scores centered around zero or not.
;; Notes 10/12/95
;; According to Lars, Norse god of gnus, the simple way to insert a
;; call to an external function is to have a function added to the
;; variable gnus-score-find-files-function  This new function
;; gnus-grouplens-score-alist will return a core alist that
;; has (("message-id" ("<message-id-xxxx>" score) ("<message-id-xxxy>" score))
;; This seems like it would be pretty inefficient, though workable.
;;  TODO
;; 3. Add some more ways to rate messages
;; 4. Better error handling for token timeouts.
;; bugs

;;; Code:

(require 'gnus-score)
(require 'cl)
(require 'gnus)

;;;; User variables

(defvar gnus-summary-grouplens-line-format
  "%U\%R\%z%l%I\%(%[%4L: %-20,20n%]%) %s\n"
  "*The line format spec in summary GroupLens mode buffers.")

(defvar grouplens-pseudonym ""
  "User's pseudonym.
This pseudonym is obtained during the registration process")

(defvar grouplens-bbb-host ""
  "Host where the bbbd is running" )

(defvar grouplens-bbb-port 9000
  "Port where the bbbd is listening" )

(defvar grouplens-newsgroups
  '("comp.groupware" "comp.human-factors" "comp.lang.c++"
    "" "comp.os.linux.admin" "comp.os.linux.advocacy"
    "comp.os.linux.announce" "comp.os.linux.answers"
    "comp.os.linux.development" "comp.os.linux.development.apps"
    "comp.os.linux.development.system" "comp.os.linux.hardware"
    "" "comp.os.linux.m68k" "comp.os.linux.misc"
    "comp.os.linux.networking" "comp.os.linux.setup" "comp.os.linux.x"
    "mn.general" "rec.arts.movies" "rec.arts.movies.current-films"
    "" "rec.humor")
  "*Groups that are part of the GroupLens experiment.")

(defvar grouplens-prediction-display 'prediction-spot
  "valid values are:
      prediction-spot -- an * corresponding to the prediction between 1 and 5,
      confidence-interval -- a numeric confidence interval
      prediction-bar --  |#####     | the longer the bar, the better the article,
      confidence-bar --  |  -----   } the prediction is in the middle of the bar,
      confidence-spot -- )  *       | the spot gets bigger with more confidence,
      prediction-num  --   plain-old numeric value,
      confidence-plus-minus  -- prediction +/i confidence")

(defvar grouplens-score-offset 0
  "Offset the prediction by this value.
Setting this variable to -2 would have the following effect on
GroupLens scores:

   1   -->   -2
   2   -->   -1
   3   -->    0
   4   -->    1
   5   -->    2

The reason is that a user might want to do this is to combine
GroupLens predictions with scores calculated by other score methods.")

(defvar grouplens-score-scale-factor 1
  "This variable allows the user to magnify the effect of GroupLens scores.
The scale factor is applied after the offset.")

(defvar gnus-grouplens-override-scoring 'override
  "Tell GroupLens to override the normal Gnus scoring mechanism.
GroupLens scores can be combined with gnus scores in one of three ways.
'override -- just use grouplens predictions for grouplens groups
'combine  -- combine grouplens scores with gnus scores
'separate -- treat grouplens scores completely separate from gnus")

;;;; Program global variables
(defvar grouplens-bbb-token nil
  "Current session token number")

(defvar grouplens-bbb-process nil
  "Process Id of current bbbd network stream process")

(defvar grouplens-bbb-buffer nil
  "Buffer associated with the BBBD process")

(defvar grouplens-rating-alist nil
  "Current set of  message-id rating pairs")

(defvar grouplens-current-hashtable nil
  "A hashtable to hold predictions from the BBB")

(defvar grouplens-current-group nil)

;;(defvar bbb-alist nil)

(defvar bbb-timeout-secs 10
  "Number of seconds to wait for some response from the BBB.
If this times out we give up and assume that something has died..." )

(defvar grouplens-previous-article nil
  "Message-ID of the last article read.")

(defvar bbb-read-point)
(defvar bbb-response-point)

(defun bbb-renew-hash-table ()
  (setq grouplens-current-hashtable (make-vector 100 0)))


;;;;  Utility Functions

(defun bbb-connect-to-bbbd (host port)
  (unless grouplens-bbb-buffer
    (setq grouplens-bbb-buffer
	  (get-buffer-create (format " *BBBD trace: %s*" host)))
      (set-buffer grouplens-bbb-buffer)
      (make-local-variable 'bbb-read-point)
      (make-local-variable 'bbb-response-point)
      (setq bbb-read-point (point-min))))

  ;; if an old process is still running for some reason, kill it
  (when grouplens-bbb-process
      (when (eq 'open (process-status grouplens-bbb-process))
	(set-process-buffer grouplens-bbb-process nil)
	(delete-process grouplens-bbb-process))))

  ;; clear the trace buffer of old output
    (set-buffer grouplens-bbb-buffer)

  ;; open the connection to the server
  (catch 'done
    (condition-case error
	(setq grouplens-bbb-process
	      (open-network-stream "BBBD" grouplens-bbb-buffer host port))
      (error (gnus-message 3 "Error: Failed to connect to BBB")
    (and (null grouplens-bbb-process)
	 (throw 'done nil))
      (set-buffer grouplens-bbb-buffer)
      (setq bbb-read-point (point-min))
      (or (bbb-read-response grouplens-bbb-process)
	  (throw 'done nil))))

  ;; return the process

(defun bbb-send-command (process command)
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (insert command)
  (insert "\r\n")
  (setq bbb-read-point (point))
  (setq bbb-response-point (point))
  (set-marker (process-mark process) (point)) ; process output also comes here
  (process-send-string process command)
  (process-send-string process "\r\n")
  (process-send-eof process))

(defun bbb-read-response (process)
  "This function eats the initial response of OK or ERROR from the BBB."
  (let ((case-fold-search nil)
    (goto-char bbb-read-point)
    (while (and (not (search-forward "\r\n" nil t))
		(accept-process-output process bbb-timeout-secs))
      (goto-char bbb-read-point))
    (setq match-end (point))
    (goto-char bbb-read-point)
    (setq bbb-read-point match-end)
    (looking-at "OK")))

;;;;       Login Functions
(defun bbb-login ()
  "return the token number if login is successful, otherwise return nil"
  (setq grouplens-bbb-token nil)
  (if (not (equal grouplens-pseudonym ""))
      (let ((bbb-process
	     (bbb-connect-to-bbbd grouplens-bbb-host grouplens-bbb-port)))
	(if bbb-process
	      (set-buffer (process-buffer bbb-process))
	      (bbb-send-command bbb-process
				(concat "login " grouplens-pseudonym))
	      (if (bbb-read-response bbb-process)
		  (setq grouplens-bbb-token (bbb-extract-token-number))
	      (gnus-message 3 "Error: GroupLens login failed")))))
    (gnus-message 3 "Error: you must set a pseudonym"))

(defun bbb-extract-token-number ()
  (let ((token-pos (search-forward "token=" nil t)))
    (when (looking-at "[0-9]+")
      (buffer-substring token-pos (match-end 0)))))

(gnus-add-shutdown 'bbb-logout 'gnus)

(defun bbb-logout ()
  "logout of bbb session"
  (when grouplens-bbb-token
    (let ((bbb-process
	   (bbb-connect-to-bbbd grouplens-bbb-host grouplens-bbb-port)))
      (when bbb-process
	  (set-buffer (process-buffer bbb-process))
	  (bbb-send-command bbb-process (concat "logout " grouplens-bbb-token))
	  (bbb-read-response bbb-process))))))

;;;;       Get Predictions

(defun bbb-build-mid-scores-alist (groupname)
  "this function can be called as part of the function to return the
list of score files to use.  See the gnus variable

*Note:*  If you want to use grouplens scores along with calculated scores,
you should see the offset and scale variables.  At this point, I don't
recommend using both scores and grouplens predictions together."
  (setq grouplens-current-group groupname)
  (when (member groupname grouplens-newsgroups)
    (setq grouplens-previous-article nil)
    ;; scores-alist should be a list of lists:
    ;;  ((("message-id" ("<mid1>" score1 nil s) ("<mid2> score2 nil s))))
    ;;`((("message-id" . ,predict-list))) ; Yes, this is the return value
      (list (append (list "message-id")
		    (bbb-get-predictions (bbb-get-all-mids) groupname)))))))

(defun bbb-get-predictions (midlist groupname)
  "Ask the bbb for predictions, and build up the score alist."
  (gnus-message 5 "Fetching Predictions...")
  (if grouplens-bbb-token
      (let ((bbb-process (bbb-connect-to-bbbd grouplens-bbb-host
	(when bbb-process
	    (set-buffer (process-buffer bbb-process))
	    (bbb-send-command bbb-process
			      (bbb-build-predict-command midlist groupname
	    (if (bbb-read-response bbb-process)
		(bbb-get-prediction-response bbb-process)
	      (gnus-message 1 "Invalid Token, login and try again")
    (gnus-message 3 "Error: You are not logged in to a BBB")

(defun bbb-get-all-mids ()
  (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (mail-header-id x))) gnus-newsgroup-headers))

(defun bbb-build-predict-command (mlist grpname token)
  (concat "getpredictions " token " " grpname "\r\n"
	  (mapconcat 'identity mlist "\r\n") "\r\n.\r\n"))

(defun bbb-get-prediction-response (process)
  (let ((case-fold-search nil))
    (goto-char bbb-read-point)
    (while (and (not (search-forward ".\r\n" nil t))
		(accept-process-output process bbb-timeout-secs))
      (goto-char bbb-read-point))
    (goto-char (+ bbb-response-point 4));; we ought to be right before OK

;; build-response-alist assumes that the cursor has been positioned at
;; the first line of the list of mid/rating pairs.
(defun bbb-build-response-alist ()
  (let (resp mid pred)
	 ((looking-at "\\(<.*>\\) :nopred=")
	  ;;(push `(,(bbb-get-mid) ,gnus-summary-default-score nil s) resp)
	  (forward-line 1)
	 ((looking-at "\\(<.*>\\) :pred=\\([0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]\\) :conflow=\\([0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]\\) :confhigh=\\([0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]\\)")
	  (setq mid (bbb-get-mid)
		pred (bbb-get-pred))
	  (push `(,mid ,pred nil s) resp)
	  (gnus-sethash mid (list pred (bbb-get-confl) (bbb-get-confh))
	  (forward-line 1)
	 ((looking-at "\\(<.*>\\) :pred=\\([0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]\\)")
	  (setq mid (bbb-get-mid)
		pred (bbb-get-pred))
	  (push `(,mid ,pred nil s) resp)
	  (gnus-sethash mid (list pred 0 0) grouplens-current-hashtable)
	  (forward-line 1)
	 (t nil)))

;; these "get" functions assume that there is an active match lying
;; around.  Where the first parenthesized expression is the
;; message-id, and the second is the prediction, the third and fourth
;; are the confidence interval
;; Since gnus assumes that scores are integer values?? we round the
;; prediction.
(defun bbb-get-mid ()
  (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))

(defun bbb-get-pred ()
  (let ((tpred (string-to-number (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2)
						   (match-end 2)))))
    (if (> tpred 0)
	(round (* grouplens-score-scale-factor
		  (+ grouplens-score-offset tpred)))

(defun bbb-get-confl ()
  (string-to-number (buffer-substring (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4))))

(defun bbb-get-confh ()
  (string-to-number (buffer-substring (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4))))

;;;;      Prediction Display
(defconst grplens-rating-range 4.0)
(defconst grplens-maxrating 5)
(defconst grplens-minrating 1)
(defconst grplens-predstringsize 12)

(defvar gnus-tmp-score)
(defun bbb-grouplens-score (header)
  (if (eq gnus-grouplens-override-scoring 'separate)
      (bbb-grouplens-other-score header)
    (let* ((rate-string (make-string 12 ?\ ))
	   (mid (mail-header-id header))
	   (hashent (gnus-gethash mid grouplens-current-hashtable))
	   (iscore gnus-tmp-score)
	   (low (car (cdr hashent)))
	   (high (car (cdr (cdr hashent)))))
      (aset rate-string 0 ?|)
      (aset rate-string 11 ?|)
      (unless (member grouplens-current-group grouplens-newsgroups)
	(unless (equal grouplens-prediction-display 'prediction-num)
	  (cond ((< iscore 0)
		 (setq iscore 1))
		((> iscore 5)
		 (setq iscore 5))))
	(setq low 0)
	(setq high 0))
      (if (and (bbb-valid-score iscore)
	       (not (null mid)))
	   ;; prediction-spot
	   ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'prediction-spot)
	    (setq rate-string (bbb-fmt-prediction-spot rate-string iscore)))
	   ;; confidence-interval
	   ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'confidence-interval)
	    (setq rate-string (bbb-fmt-confidence-interval iscore low high)))
	   ;; prediction-bar
	   ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'prediction-bar)
	    (setq rate-string (bbb-fmt-prediction-bar rate-string iscore)))
	   ;; confidence-bar
	   ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'confidence-bar)
	    (setq rate-string (format "|   %4.2f   |" iscore)))
	   ;; confidence-spot
	   ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'confidence-spot)
	    (setq rate-string (format "|   %4.2f   |" iscore)))
	   ;; prediction-num
	   ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'prediction-num)
	    (setq rate-string (bbb-fmt-prediction-num iscore)))
	   ;; confidence-plus-minus
	   ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'confidence-plus-minus)
	    (setq rate-string (bbb-fmt-confidence-plus-minus iscore low high))
	   (t (gnus-message 3 "Invalid prediction display type")))
	(aset rate-string 5 ?N) (aset rate-string 6 ?A))

;; Gnus user format function that doesn't depend on
;; bbb-build-mid-scores-alist being used as the score function, but is
;; instead called from gnus-select-group-hook. -- LAB
(defun bbb-grouplens-other-score (header)
  (if (not (member grouplens-current-group grouplens-newsgroups))
      ;; Return an empty string
    (let* ((rate-string (make-string 12 ?\ ))
           (mid (mail-header-id header))
           (hashent (gnus-gethash mid grouplens-current-hashtable))
           (pred (or (nth 0 hashent) 0))
           (low (nth 1 hashent))
           (high (nth 2 hashent)))
      ;; Init rate-string
      (aset rate-string 0 ?|)
      (aset rate-string 11 ?|)
      (unless (equal grouplens-prediction-display 'prediction-num)
	(cond ((< pred 0)
	       (setq pred 1))
	      ((> pred 5)
	       (setq pred 5))))
      ;; If no entry in BBB hash mark rate string as NA and return
       ((null hashent)
	(aset rate-string 5 ?N)
	(aset rate-string 6 ?A)

       ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'prediction-spot)
	(bbb-fmt-prediction-spot rate-string pred))

       ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'confidence-interval)
	(bbb-fmt-confidence-interval pred low high))

       ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'prediction-bar)
	(bbb-fmt-prediction-bar rate-string pred))

       ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'confidence-bar)
	(format "|   %4.2f   |" pred))

       ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'confidence-spot)
	(format "|   %4.2f   |" pred))

       ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'prediction-num)
	(bbb-fmt-prediction-num pred))

       ((equal grouplens-prediction-display 'confidence-plus-minus)
	(bbb-fmt-confidence-plus-minus pred low high))

	(gnus-message 3 "Invalid prediction display type")
	(aset rate-string 0 ?|)
	(aset rate-string 11 ?|)

(defun bbb-valid-score (score)
  (or (equal grouplens-prediction-display 'prediction-num)
      (and (>= score grplens-minrating)
	   (<= score grplens-maxrating))))

(defun bbb-requires-confidence (format-type)
  (or (equal format-type 'confidence-plus-minus)
      (equal format-type 'confidence-spot)
      (equal format-type 'confidence-interval)))

(defun bbb-have-confidence (clow chigh)
  (not (or (null clow)
	   (null chigh))))

(defun bbb-fmt-prediction-spot (rate-string score)
  (aset rate-string
	(round (* (/ (- score grplens-minrating) grplens-rating-range)
		  (+ (- grplens-predstringsize 4) 1.49)))

(defun bbb-fmt-confidence-interval (score low high)
  (if (bbb-have-confidence low high)
      (format "|%4.2f-%4.2f |" low high)
    (bbb-fmt-prediction-num score)))

(defun bbb-fmt-confidence-plus-minus (score low high)
  (if (bbb-have-confidence low high)
      (format "|%3.1f+/-%4.2f|" score (/ (- high low) 2.0))
    (bbb-fmt-prediction-num score)))

(defun bbb-fmt-prediction-bar (rate-string score)
  (let* ((i 1)
	 (step (/ grplens-rating-range (- grplens-predstringsize 4)))
	 (half-step (/ step 2))
	 (loc (- grplens-minrating half-step)))
    (while (< i (- grplens-predstringsize 2))
      (if (> score loc)
	  (aset rate-string i ?#)
	(aset rate-string i ?\ ))
      (setq i (+ i 1))
      (setq loc (+ loc step)))

(defun bbb-fmt-prediction-num (score)
  (format "|   %4.2f   |" score))

;;;;       Put Ratings

(defun bbb-put-ratings ()
  (if (and grouplens-bbb-token
	   (member gnus-newsgroup-name grouplens-newsgroups))
      (let ((bbb-process (bbb-connect-to-bbbd grouplens-bbb-host
	    (rate-command (bbb-build-rate-command grouplens-rating-alist)))
	(if bbb-process
	      (set-buffer (process-buffer bbb-process))
	      (gnus-message 5 "Sending Ratings...")
	      (bbb-send-command bbb-process rate-command)
	      (if (bbb-read-response bbb-process)
		  (setq grouplens-rating-alist nil)
		(gnus-message 1
			      "Token timed out: call bbb-login and quit again")
	      (gnus-message 5 "Sending Ratings...Done"))
	  (gnus-message 3 "No BBB connection")))
    (setq grouplens-rating-alist nil)))

(defun bbb-build-rate-command (rate-alist)
  (concat "putratings " grouplens-bbb-token " " grouplens-current-group " \r\n"
	  (mapconcat '(lambda (this)	; form (mid . (score . time))
			(concat (car this)
				" :rating=" (cadr this) ".00"
				" :time=" (cddr this)))
		     rate-alist "\r\n")

;; Interactive rating functions.
(defun bbb-summary-rate-article (rating &optional midin)
  (interactive "nRating: ")
  (when (member gnus-newsgroup-name grouplens-newsgroups)
    (let ((mid (or midin (bbb-get-current-id))))
      (if (and rating
	       (>= rating grplens-minrating)
	       (<= rating grplens-maxrating)
	  (let ((oldrating (assoc mid grouplens-rating-alist)))
	    (if oldrating
		(setcdr oldrating (cons rating 0))
	      (push `(,mid . (,rating . 0)) grouplens-rating-alist))
	    (gnus-summary-mark-article nil (int-to-string rating)))
	(gnus-message 3 "Invalid rating")))))

(defun grouplens-next-unread-article (rating)
  "Select unread article after current one."
  (interactive "P")
  (when rating
    (bbb-summary-rate-article rating))

(defun grouplens-best-unread-article (rating)
  "Select unread article after current one."
  (interactive "P")
  (when rating
    (bbb-summary-rate-article rating))

(defun grouplens-summary-catchup-and-exit (rating)
  "Mark all articles not marked as unread in this newsgroup as read,
    then exit.   If prefix argument ALL is non-nil, all articles are
    marked as read."
  (interactive "P")
  (when rating
    (bbb-summary-rate-article rating))
  (if (numberp rating)
    (gnus-summary-catchup-and-exit rating)))

(defun grouplens-score-thread (score)
  "Raise the score of the articles in the current thread with SCORE."
  (interactive "nRating: ")
  (let (e)
      (let ((articles (gnus-summary-articles-in-thread))
	(while (setq article (pop articles))
	  (gnus-summary-goto-subject article)
	  (bbb-summary-rate-article score
				     (gnus-summary-article-header article)))))
      (setq e (point)))
    (let ((gnus-summary-check-current t))
      (or (zerop (gnus-summary-next-subject 1 t))
	  (goto-char e))))
  (gnus-set-mode-line 'summary))

(defun bbb-exit-group ()

(defun bbb-get-current-id ()
  (if gnus-current-headers
      (mail-header-id gnus-current-headers)
    (gnus-message 3 "You must select an article before you rate it")))

(defun bbb-grouplens-group-p (group)
  "Say whether GROUP is a GroupLens group."
  (if (member group grouplens-newsgroups) " (GroupLens Enhanced)" ""))

(defvar grouplens-current-starting-time nil)

(defun grouplens-start-timer ()
  (setq grouplens-current-starting-time (current-time)))

(defun grouplens-elapsed-time ()
  (let ((et (bbb-time-float (current-time))))
    (- et (bbb-time-float grouplens-current-starting-time))))

(defun bbb-time-float (timeval)
  (+ (* (car timeval) 65536)
     (cadr timeval)))

(defun grouplens-do-time ()
  (when (member gnus-newsgroup-name grouplens-newsgroups)
    (when grouplens-previous-article
      (let ((elapsed-time (grouplens-elapsed-time))
	    (oldrating (assoc grouplens-previous-article
	(if (not oldrating)
	    (push `(,grouplens-previous-article . (0 . ,elapsed-time))
	  (setcdr oldrating (cons (cadr oldrating) elapsed-time)))))
    (setq grouplens-previous-article (bbb-get-current-id))))

;;          BUG REPORTING

(defconst gnus-gl-version "gnus-gl.el 2.50")
(defconst gnus-gl-maintainer-address "")
(defun gnus-gl-submit-bug-report ()
  "Submit via mail a bug report on gnus-gl"
  (require 'reporter)
  (reporter-submit-bug-report gnus-gl-maintainer-address
			      (concat "gnus-gl.el " gnus-gl-version)
			      (list 'grouplens-pseudonym

(defun gnus-gl-get-trace ()
  "Insert the contents of the BBBD trace buffer"
  (when grouplens-bbb-buffer
    (insert-buffer grouplens-bbb-buffer)))

;; GroupLens minor mode

(defvar gnus-grouplens-mode nil
  "Minor mode for providing a GroupLens interface in Gnus summary buffers.")

(defvar gnus-grouplens-mode-map nil)

(unless gnus-grouplens-mode-map
  (setq gnus-grouplens-mode-map (make-keymap))
   "n" grouplens-next-unread-article
   "r" bbb-summary-rate-article
   "k" grouplens-score-thread
   "c" grouplens-summary-catchup-and-exit
   "," grouplens-best-unread-article))

(defun gnus-grouplens-make-menu-bar ()
  (unless (boundp 'gnus-grouplens-menu)
     gnus-grouplens-menu gnus-grouplens-mode-map ""
       ["Login" bbb-login t]
       ["Rate" bbb-summary-rate-article t]
       ["Next article" grouplens-next-unread-article t]
       ["Best article" grouplens-best-unread-article t]
       ["Raise thread" grouplens-score-thread t]
       ["Report bugs" gnus-gl-submit-bug-report t]))))

(defun gnus-grouplens-mode (&optional arg)
  "Minor mode for providing a GroupLens interface in Gnus summary buffers."
  (interactive "P")
  (when (and (eq major-mode 'gnus-summary-mode)
	     (member gnus-newsgroup-name grouplens-newsgroups))
    (make-local-variable 'gnus-grouplens-mode)
    (setq gnus-grouplens-mode
	  (if (null arg) (not gnus-grouplens-mode)
	    (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
    (when gnus-grouplens-mode
      (make-local-hook 'gnus-select-article-hook)
      (add-hook 'gnus-select-article-hook 'grouplens-do-time nil 'local)
      (make-local-hook 'gnus-exit-group-hook)
      (add-hook 'gnus-exit-group-hook 'bbb-exit-group nil 'local)
      (make-local-variable 'gnus-score-find-score-files-function)

       ((eq gnus-grouplens-override-scoring 'combine)
	;; either add bbb-buld-mid-scores-alist to a list
	;; or make a list
	(if (listp gnus-score-find-score-files-function)
	    (setq gnus-score-find-score-files-function
		  (append 'bbb-build-mid-scores-alist
	  (setq gnus-score-find-score-files-function
		(list gnus-score-find-score-files-function
       ;; leave the gnus-score-find-score-files variable alone
       ((eq gnus-grouplens-override-scoring 'separate)
	(add-hook 'gnus-select-group-hook
		  (lambda ()
		    (bbb-get-predictions (bbb-get-all-mids)
       ;; default is to override
	(setq gnus-score-find-score-files-function

      ;; Change how summary lines look
      (make-local-variable 'gnus-summary-line-format)
      (make-local-variable 'gnus-summary-line-format-spec)
      (setq gnus-summary-line-format gnus-summary-grouplens-line-format)
      (setq gnus-summary-line-format-spec nil)
      (gnus-update-format-specifications nil 'summary)

      ;; Set up the menu.
      (when (and menu-bar-mode
		 (gnus-visual-p 'grouplens-menu 'menu))
      (unless (assq 'gnus-grouplens-mode minor-mode-alist)
	(push '(gnus-grouplens-mode " GroupLens") minor-mode-alist))
      (unless (assq 'gnus-grouplens-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
	(push (cons 'gnus-grouplens-mode gnus-grouplens-mode-map)
      (run-hooks 'gnus-grouplens-mode-hook))))

(provide 'gnus-gl)

;;; gnus-gl.el ends here