(Text): Simplify description of markup languages.
(TeX Mode): Simplify introduction. Mention BibTeX mode.
(TeX Editing): Note that `""' inserts one `"' character.
(HTML Mode): Note in the introduction that XML mode is an alias for
SGML mode. Mention nXML mode.
* COPYRIGHTCopyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.See the end of the file for license conditions.* Changes in MH-E 8.1Version 8.1 fixes some issues with forwarding messages, respects theMH environment variable, adds the abilities to use aliases with GPGand show HTML even though it is discouraged. A new hook,`mh-annotate-msg-hook', has been added.** New Features in MH-E 8.1*** Showing HTML When Text Is the Preferred AlternativeThe `:' (`mh-show-preferred-alternative') function displays themessage with the default preferred alternative. This is as if`mm-discouraged-alternatives' was set to nil (closes SF #1777321).** New Variables in MH-E 8.1*** mh-annotate-msg-hookThe `mh-annotate-msg-hook' hook is run whenever a message is sent andafter the scan lines and message are annotated. Hook functions canaccess the current folder name with `mh-current-folder' and obtain themessage numbers of the annotated messages with `mh-annotate-list'(closes SF #2032269).** Bug Fixes in MH-E 8.1*** Can't Use Aliases with GPGGPG requires e-mail addresses, not aliases. So resolve aliases beforepassing addresses to GPG/PGP (closes SF #649226).*** mh-mml-forward-message: Disposition Should Be InlineThe `f' (`mh-forward') function now forwards messages as inlineattachments (closes SF #1378993).*** Illegal Filename Characters on Windows FilesystemsThe X-Image-URL cache created filenames with invalid characters onWindows. This has been fixed with assistance from Darel Henman (closesSF #1396499).*** Make Many Header Fields InvisibleA vast landscape of header fields are now invisible. You may wish tobrowse `mh-invisible-header-fields-default' and clean up your`mh-invisible-header-fields' option. A permanent bug (SF #1916032) hasbeen created where you can submit header fields that should berendered invisible (closes SF #1701231).*** mh-forward Includes Messages in Reverse OrderThe `f' (`mh-forward') function now includes messages in ascendingorder (closes SF #1730393).*** Compile Fails on XEmacs 21.5 beta 28This has been fixed with help from Henrique Martins (closes SF#1749774).*** Rename Variant mu-mh to gnu-mhThe GNU mailutils MH variant was named inconsistently. The variant hasbeen renamed to gnu-mh throughout. Thanks to Darel Henman (closes SF#1768928).*** Respect MH environment VariableEven if the MH environment variable was set, an error was generated if"~/.mh_profile" was missing. This has been fixed thanks to XavierMaillard (closes SF #1946861).*** Enhance mh-mairix-regexp-builderAdditional items have been added to the Mairix search string in orderto support org-mode. Thanks to Nick Dokos (closes SF #1965704).*** mh-mh-to-mime and mh-mh-to-mime-undo Reset ModesThe functions `mh-mh-to-mime' and `mh-mh-to-mime-undo' would reset thebuffer to fundamental mode. This has been fixed thanks to SergeyPoznyakoff (closes SF #1966722).* Changes in MH-E 8.0.3Version 8.0.3 fixes errors in sending messages and in running spamfilter commands in certain circumstances.** Bug Fixes in MH-E 8.0.3*** mh-send-args Cannot Be nilIf `mh-send-uses-spost-flag' was set, an error would prevent thesending of messages. This has been fixed (closes SF #1564742).*** Missing Quotes in sa-learn Command LineThis has been fixed (closes SF #1565460).*** Errors Associated with mh-junk-backgroundThe Spamassassin filter commands were used inconsistently andincorrectly; if `mh-junk-background' were nil, not all of the updatingwould happen correctly. In the other back-ends such as bogofilter andSpamProbe, a value of t for `mh-junk-background' would cause thecommands associated with these filters to fail. These problems havebeen fixed (closes SF #1594802).* Changes in MH-E 8.0.2Version 8.0.2 fixes the tool bar and `F n' on XEmacs, and `K a' on GNUmailutils.** Bug Fixes in MH-E 8.0.2*** Tool Bar Not Displayed in XEmacsThe MH-E tool bar didn't show up in XEmacs; now it does. Thanks to TedPhelps <phelps@gnusto.com> (closes SF #1506846).*** mh-mime-save-parts Assumes -store DefaultIt was assumed that -store was the default for both mhn and mhstore.This has been fixed by using -store except when using nmh. Thanks toSergey Poznyakoff <gray@Mirddin.farlep.net> (closes SF #1513140).*** F-n Doesn't WorkThe fix for SF #1499712 broke `F n' (`mh-index-new-messages') onXEmacs since a regular expression that XEmacs could not handle wasadded. This regexp has been fixed (closes SF #1514424).* Changes in MH-E 8.0.1Version 8.0.1 works around a couple of bugs in GNU mailutils, spost,and Windows. MH-E now requires the use of version 1.0 of mailutils dueto a bug in the folder command.** Bug Fixes in MH-E 8.0.1*** Infinite Loop When Searching (mailutils)The GNU mailutils folder command displays output when a folder doesn'texist. MH-E didn't expect this and responded with an infinite loopduring searches. While this bug has since been fixed in mailutils,MH-E has been modified to work anyway (closes SF #1499712).*** spost Doesn't Have -msgid or -mime FlagsThe post replacement spost does not support the -msgid or -mime flags.A new variable `mh-send-uses-spost-flag' was added to control the useof these flags (closes SF #1486726).*** <2> in Search Folders Illegal in WindowsThe <2> suffix to the search folder names contain illegal filenamecharacters in Windows. These cause searches to fail on Windows. Thishas been fixed by changing the suffix to -2 (closes SF #1507002).* Changes in MH-E 8.0Version 8.0 supports GNU mailutils, S/MIME, picons, which-func-mode,sports an improved interface for hiding header fields, improves uponthe MH variant detection, improves folder completion, makes the picksearch equivalent to the other types of searches, spruces up the toolbar, creates the correct MIME type when including OpenOfficedocuments, works on a Mac, adds colors to buttons for signed orencrypted messages, incorporates new features introduced inEmacs 22.1, fixes a bunch of bugs, and best of all, comes with anupdated manual!Internally, MH-E now sports a new software organization which willhelp future maintainability. As a side-effect, the number of XEmacscompilation warnings has plummeted from hundreds to just three. CVSusers will notice that MH-E has been migrated from the CVS repositoryfrom SourceForge to Savannah (but only for those files that werealready part of Emacs). As a result, the location of MH-E in theload-path has changed, and mh-e-autoloads.el was renamed tomh-autoloads.el. See section INSTALL in the README for details. Whilethis migration will benefit maintainers, it will also benefit users:CVS Emacs users will not have to check out MH-E separately and welcomefaster MH-E updates, and CVS MH-E users will welcome faster MH-Eupdates from Emacs developers. Read section CVS MH-E INSTALL in theREADME for details.While not related to this release, the MH-E mailing lists are nowgatewayed at gmane.org (closes SF #979308).If you want to see the release notes for the alpha and beta releasesleading up this release, please see: http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewcvs/emacs/etc/MH-E-NEWS?rev=1.25&root=emacs&view=markup** New Features in MH-E 8.0*** GNU mailutils SupportMH-E now supports GNU mailutils 0.4 and higher versions.*** S/MIME SupportMH-E now supports S/MIME using Gnus 5.10.6 or higher.*** Picon SupportIn addition to the other methods of displaying an icon for the senderof a message, MH-E can now display images from a picon directory. Thedirectory search path is found in the `mh-picon-directory-list'variable. More documentation is found in the "facedb" sections in thexfaces man page.*** Catchup CommandThere is a new `F c' (`mh-catchup') command that marks all unreadmessages in the current folder as read.*** Use which-func-mode to Display Folder in Index ModeTurning on `which-func-mode' displays the folder name of the messageunder the cursor in index folders (closes SF #855520).*** Quick Key HelpThe `?' (`mh-help') function now displays the help in its own buffercalled *MH-E Help* (closes SF #493740 and SF #656631).*** Search UnificationThe old `F s' behavior of adding messages to the search sequence hasbeen removed. The `F i' keybinding was deprecated and the new `F s'(`mh-search') command is used to initiate either indexed or picksearches. Within the MH-Search buffer (renamed from MH-Pick), thecommand `C-c C-p' (`mh-pick-do-search') now runs pick on the givenfolder recursively and displays the results in a search folder likethe other search methods (closes SF #829207).*** Entry Points Have MovedEmacs 21 users must now add `(require 'mh-autoloads)' because theentry points (such as `mh-rmail' and `mh-smail') have moved todifferent files which have made the autoloads that come with Emacsinaccurate. This change was necessary because the code was reorganizedto remove circular dependencies, to make the code more stable andmaintainable, and to reduce the time to load MH-E.*** MH-Folder Keymap ChangesThere is now a keymap for the printing functions whose prefix is `P'.The command `l' (`mh-print-msg') has been replaced with `P l' althoughwe suggest you use the new `P p' instead.Key 7.4.4 8.0; - mh-toggle-mh-decode-mime-flagl mh-print-msg -/ f mh-narrow-to-from -/ r mh-narrow-to-range -/ g - mh-narrow-to-range/ m - mh-narrow-to-fromF c - mh-catchupF i mh-index-search -F s mh-search-folder mh-searchK e - mh-display-with-external-viewerK t - mh-toggle-mime-buttonsP ? - mh-prefix-helpP C - mh-ps-print-toggle-colorP F - mh-ps-print-toggle-facesP f - mh-ps-print-msg-fileP l - mh-print-msgP p - mh-ps-print-msg*** MH-Letter Keymap ChangesThe change where `mh-letter-mode' derives from `mail-mode' adds a fewkeybindings. Some are interesting: experiment! Only the keybindingchanges for MH-E functions are listed here.Most of the changes have to do with the renaming of the functions with"mhn" in them to "mh" because nmh doesn't use `mhn'. The names werealso made consistent with the the family of "mml" functions.The type of signing or encryption has been generalized so the methodis now an option rather than a part of the function's name. The optionis `mh-mml-method-default' and choices include PGP (MIME), PGP,S/MIME, or none.Key 7.4.4 8.0C-c C-e mh-edit-mhn mh-mh-to-mimeC-c RET C-e mh-mml-secure-message-encrypt-pgpmime mh-mml-secure-message-encryptC-c RET C-g - mh-mh-compose-anon-ftpC-c RET C-n - mh-mml-unsecure-messageC-c RET C-s mh-mml-secure-message-sign-pgpmime mh-mml-secure-message-signC-c RET C-t - mh-mh-compose-external-compressed-tarC-c RET C-u mh-revert-mhn-edit mh-mh-to-mime-undoC-c RET C-x - mh-mh-compose-external-typeC-c RET e mh-mml-secure-message-encrypt-pgpmime Prefix CommandC-c RET e e - mh-mml-secure-message-encryptC-c RET e s - mh-mml-secure-message-signencryptC-c RET g - mh-mh-compose-anon-ftpC-c RET n - mh-mml-unsecure-messageC-c RET s - Prefix CommandC-c RET s e - mh-mml-secure-message-signencryptC-c RET s s - mh-mml-secure-message-signC-c RET t - mh-mh-compose-external-compressed-tarC-c RET u mh-revert-mhn-edit mh-mh-to-mime-undoC-c RET x - mh-mh-compose-external-typeC-c C-f C-a - mh-to-fieldC-c C-f C-l - mh-to-fieldC-c C-f RET - mh-to-fieldC-c C-f a - mh-to-fieldC-c C-f l - mh-to-fieldC-c C-f m - mh-to-field*** MH-Search Keymap ChangesThese are the changes associated with the new search mode. The command`C-c C-c' (`mh-index-do-search') now performs the standard indexedsearch, while `C-c C-p' (`mh-pick-do-search') runs pick as before,only better!The `mh-to-field' keybindings were adjusted to be consistent withthose in the MH-Letter mode.Key 7.4.4 8.0C-c C-c mh-do-search mh-index-do-searchC-c C-f C-d mh-to-field -C-c C-f C-f mh-to-field -C-c C-f C-r mh-to-field -C-c C-f RET - mh-to-fieldC-c C-f d mh-to-field -C-c C-f f mh-to-field -C-c C-f m - mh-to-fieldC-c C-f r mh-to-field -C-c TAB mh-index-do-search -*** Updates to X-Image-URLNow support the use of `curl' and `fetch' as alternatives to `wget' toobtain the image. The display of images are controlled with the`mh-show-use-xface-flag' option while the `mh-fetch-x-image-url'option controls how the images are fetched.The default of `mh-fetch-x-image-url' has been changed to "NeverFetch." Those of you who like the value of "Ask Before Fetching" willhave to customize this option (closes SF #831278).WARNING: There are security concerns with this feature. Please readthe documentation for these options carefully before changing thedefault.*** Updates to mh-identity-listNote that the field names found in `mh-identity-list' that refer tothe fields in `mh-identity-handlers' have changed in an incompatibleway from 7.4.4. In general, the symbolic names now have a ":" prefixto avoid collisions with header fields. Before starting Emacs, edityour .emacs and insert ":" before "signature" if you have defined it.You can change your attribution in replies with the new "AttributionVerb" field, and you can set your default GPG user ID with the "GPGkey ID" field.Signatures can now be read from the `mh-signature-file-name' variable,or come from a function, in addition to a named file. If you writeyour own function, variables that you can use include`mh-signature-separator-regexp', `mh-signature-separator',and `mh-signature-separator-p'.The handling of these fields has been moved into a new`mh-identity-handlers' option, an alist of fields (strings) andhandlers (functions). Strings are lowercase. Use ":signature" forSignature and ":pgg-default-user-id" for GPG Key ID. The functionassociated with the string "default" is used if no other functions areappropriate. For this reason, don't name a header field "Default".If you point your signature at a vCard file with a vcf suffix, then itwill be incorporated as a vCard body part (closes SF #802723).*** Updates to SpeedbarThe speedbar now renders the folders with unseen messages in boldfacewhich makes them easier to identify (closes SF #623369).*** Updates to mh-msg-is-in-seqCan now specify an alternate message number to `S s'(`mh-msg-is-in-seq') with a prefix argument.*** Updates to mh-to-field-choicesIn MH-Letter mode, you can use the `C-c C-f' (`mh-to-field') prefix togo to and insert fields. The fields `Reply-To:', `Mail-Reply-To:',`Mail-Followup-To:' can now be created via the `C-r', `C-a' (forauthor), and `C-l' keys respectively. The key for the `From:' fieldhas been renamed from `C-r' to `C-m' for consistency with `mail-mode'(closes SF #1400139).*** Change Content-Type Renderer on the Fly in MH-Show BufferThis has been implemented by adding the key binding `K e'(`mh-display-with-external-viewer'). For inline text/html parts,buttons aren't displayed by default. In that case use `K t'(`mh-toggle-mime-buttons') to display the button before viewing itwith an external browser (closes SF #839318).*** MH-E No Longer Calls install-mhThe new variant detection code makes use of `mhparam' which assumesthat your MH environment has already been set up. The code to call`install-mh', which could no longer be run anyway, was removed.*** Add :package-version Keyword to OptionsThis `defcustom', `defgroup', and `defface' keyword was introduced inEmacs 22.1. MH-E has been extended to take advantage of it. With thiskeyword, you can now use `M-x customize-changed-options' to see whatoptions in MH-E have changed between versions of Emacs. In a futureversion of Emacs, you'll be able to see changes between MH-E versionsas well (closes SF #1452724).*** Render Signature and vCard in ItalicsThis has been implemented. Use `mh-show-signature-face' to customizethe face used (closes SF #802722).*** Derive mh-letter-mode from mail-modeMH-Letter mode is now derived from `mail-mode'. We were able to deletea lot of code. In return, there are a few `mail-mode' commands thatare available that may or may not be useful and the `mail-mode-hook'is run (closes SF #1385571).*** Remove Emacs 20 SupportAs it turns out, we had already added some code that didn't work onEmacs 20. However, now we've formalized it and removed code that waspresent solely for Emacs 20 support (closes SF #1359240).*** Glimpse Support RemovedSince glimpse isn't free, we cannot mention it. Glimpse has beenremoved from the option `mh-indexer-choices' (closes SF #831276).*** Use run-hook-with-argsWe use normal hooks whenever possible and do not use`run-hook-with-args' (with one documented exception) (closes SF#643702).** New Variables in MH-E 8.0*** mh-after-commands-processed-hookHook run by `x' (`mh-execute-commands') after performing outstandingrefile and delete requests.*** mh-alias-reloaded-hookInvoked by `mh-alias-reload' after reloading aliases.*** mh-auto-fields-prompt-flagOn means to prompt before sending if fields in `mh-auto-fields-list'are inserted.*** mh-before-commands-processed-hookRenamed from `mh-folder-updated-hook'. It wasn't clear whether`mh-folder-updated-hook' was run before or after the commands wereexecuted. We now provide both with clear names.*** mh-compose-forward-as-mime-flagOn means that messages are forwarded as attachments (closes SF#827203).*** mh-default-folder-for-message-functionFunction to select a default folder for refiling or `Fcc:'.*** mh-forward-hookInvoked on the forwarded letter by `f' (`mh-forward').*** mh-highlight-citation-styleRenamed from `mh-highlight-citation-p' since it wasn't a boolean. Thenew name is also more descriptive.*** mh-identity-handlersHandler functions for fields in `mh-identity-list'.*** mh-insert-signature-hookRenamed from `mh-letter-insert-signature-hook' since most of the otherhooks do not carry the mode in the prefix and because the new name isequally clear.*** mh-invisible-header-fields-defaultList of hidden header fields. The header fields listed in this optionare hidden, although you can check off any field that you would liketo see. Header fields that you would like to hide that aren't listedcan be added to the `mh-invisible-header-fields' option (closes SF#752045).The option `mh-visible-header-fields' has been deleted.*** mh-junk-backgroundIf on, spam programs are run in background. This used to be thedefault behavior but this could overwhelm a system if many messageswere black- or whitelisted at once. The spam programs are now run inthe foreground, but this option can be used to put them back in thebackground.*** mh-junk-dispositionRenamed from `mh-junk-mail-folder' since this variable can acceptvalues other than folder names.*** mh-kill-folder-suppress-prompt-hooksRenamed from `mh-kill-folder-suppress-prompt-hook'. By convention,abnormal hooks, which this is, either have a -function or -hookssuffix.*** mh-mhl-format-fileRenamed from `mhl-formfile' to put it in the MH-E namespace and to beconsistent with other similar options.*** mh-mh-to-mime-hookRenamed from `mh-edit-mhn-hook'. We have a family of `mh-mml-to-mime'functions and variables; the older mhn functions and variables wererenamed to have a consistent `mh-mh-to-mime' prefix.*** mh-mml-method-defaultDefault method to use in security tags.*** mh-new-messages-foldersRenamed from `mh-index-new-messages-folders' for clarity.*** mh-pathAdditional list of directories to search for MH.*** mh-redist-full-contents-flagOn means the `dist' command needs entire letter for redistribution.This was previously a variable. It's now an option.*** mh-search-mode-hookRenamed from `mh-pick-mode-hook' as part of the`mh-index.el'/`mh-pick.el' merge into `mh-search.el'.*** mh-search-programRenamed from `mh-index-program' as part of the`mh-index.el'/`mh-pick.el' merge into `mh-search.el'.*** mh-signature-separator-flagOn means a signature separator should be inserted. It is notrecommended that you change this option since various mail useragents, including MH-E, use the separator to present the signaturedifferently, and to suppress the signature when replying or yanking aletter into a draft.*** mh-sortm-argsAdditional arguments for `sortm'. This was previously an internalvariable. It's now an user-customizable option.*** mh-speed-update-intervalRenamed from `mh-speed-flists-interval' for clarity.*** mh-ticked-messages-foldersRenamed from `mh-index-ticked-messages-folders' for clarity.*** mh-variantSpecifies the variant used by MH-E. The default setting of this optionis `Auto-detect' which means that MH-E will automatically choose thefirst of nmh, MH, or GNU mailutils that it finds in the directorieslisted in `mh-path', `mh-sys-path', and `exec-path'. If, for example,you have both nmh and mailutils installed and `mh-variant-in-use' wasinitialized to nmh but you want to use mailutils, then you can setthis option to `mailutils'.When this variable is changed, MH-E resets `mh-progs', `mh-lib',`mh-lib-progs', `mh-flists-present-flag', and `mh-variant-in-use'accordingly.If you've set these variables in your .emacs, it is strongly suggestedthat you comment them out. The MH detection code has been completelyrewritten and it is very likely that you no longer to set them andtheir setting may confuse other MH-E settings.*** mh-xemacs-tool-bar-positionRenamed from `mh-xemacs-toolbar-position' per GNU Emacs naming conventions.*** mh-xemacs-use-tool-bar-flagRenamed from `mh-xemacs-use-toolbar-flag' per GNU Emacs naming conventions.*** mh-yank-behaviorRenamed from `mh-yank-from-start-of-msg' for clarity.** Variables Deleted in MH-E 8.0*** mh-alias-system-aliasesSystem definitions should not be a user option.*** mh-edit-mhn-hookRenamed to `mh-mh-to-mime-hook'.*** mh-folder-updated-hookRenamed to `mh-before-commands-processed-hook'.*** mh-highlight-citation-pRenamed to `mh-highlight-citation-style'.*** mh-index-new-messages-foldersRenamed to `mh-new-messages-folders'.*** mh-index-programRenamed to `mh-search-program'.*** mh-index-ticked-messages-foldersRenamed to `mh-ticked-messages-folders'.*** mh-junk-mail-folderSince this variable can accept values other than folder names, it wasrenamed to `mh-junk-disposition' to more accurately reflect the content.*** mh-kill-folder-suppress-prompt-hookRenamed to `mh-kill-folder-suppress-prompt-hooks'.*** mh-letter-insert-signature-hookRenamed to `mh-insert-signature-hook'.*** mh-pick-mode-hookRenamed to `mh-search-mode-hook'.*** mh-show-use-goto-addr-flagThis flag was redundant with and inconsistent with`goto-address-highlight-p' at the same time, so we removed it. Pleasecustomize `goto-address-highlight-p' if you wish to turn off emailaddress and URL highlighting.*** mh-speed-flists-intervalRenamed to `mh-speed-update-interval'.*** mh-speed-run-flists-flagDeleted since setting `mh-speed-flists-interval' to 0 accomplishes thesame thing.*** mh-visible-header-fieldsDeleted since it would hide new header fields you might want to see.*** mh-xemacs-toolbar-positionRenamed to `mh-xemacs-tool-bar-position'.*** mh-xemacs-use-toolbar-flagRenamed to `mh-xemacs-use-tool-bar-flag'.*** mh-yank-from-start-of-msgRenamed to `mh-yank-behavior'.*** mhl-formfileRenamed to `mh-mhl-format-file'.** New Faces in MH-E 8.0*** mh-folder-addressRenamed from `mh-folder-address-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-bodyRenamed from `mh-folder-body-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-cur-msg-numberRenamed from `mh-folder-cur-msg-number-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-dateRenamed from `mh-folder-date-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-deletedRenamed from `mh-folder-deleted-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-followupRenamed from `mh-folder-followup-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-msg-numberRenamed from `mh-folder-msg-number-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-refiledRenamed from `mh-folder-refiled-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-sent-to-me-hintFontification hint face in messages sent directly to us.*** mh-folder-sent-to-me-senderSender face in messages sent directly to us.*** mh-folder-subjectRenamed from `mh-folder-subject-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-tickRenamed from `mh-folder-tick-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-toRenamed from `mh-folder-to-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-letter-header-fieldRenamed from `mh-letter-header-field-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-search-folderRenamed from `mh-index-folder-face'.*** mh-show-ccRenamed from `mh-show-cc-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-dateRenamed from `mh-show--face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-fromRenamed from `mh-show-from-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-headerRenamed from `mh-show-header-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-pgg-badFace used to highlight a bad PGG signature.*** mh-show-pgg-goodFace used to highlight a good PGG signature.*** mh-show-pgg-unknownFace used to highlight a PGG signature whose status is unknown. Thisface is also used for a signature when the signer is untrusted.*** mh-show-signatureFace used to highlight the signature.*** mh-show-subjectRenamed from `mh-show-subject-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-toRenamed from `mh-show-to-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-xfaceRenamed from `mh-show-xface-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-speedbar-folderRenamed from `mh-speedbar-folder-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-speedbar-folder-with-unseen-messagesRenamed from `mh-speedbar-folder-with-unseen-messages-face' per newEmacs conventions.*** mh-speedbar-selected-folderRenamed from `mh-speedbar-selected-folder-face' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-speedbar-selected-folder-with-unseen-messagesRenamed from `mh-speedbar-selected-folder-with-unseen-messages-face'per new Emacs conventions. ** Faces Deleted in MH-E 8.0*** mh-folder-address-faceRenamed to `mh-folder-address' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-body-faceRenamed to `mh-folder-body' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-cur-msg-faceDeleted. Not used.*** mh-folder-cur-msg-number-faceRenamed to `mh-folder-cur-msg-number' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-date-faceRenamed to `mh-folder-date' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-deleted-faceRenamed to `mh-folder-deleted' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-followup-faceRenamed to `mh-folder-followup' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-msg-number-faceRenamed to `mh-folder-msg-number' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-refiled-faceRenamed to `mh-folder-refiled' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-subject-faceRenamed to `mh-folder-subject' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-tick-faceRenamed to `mh-folder-tick' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-folder-to-faceRenamed to `mh-folder-to' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-index-folder-faceRenamed to `mh-search-folder'.*** mh-letter-header-field-faceRenamed to `mh-letter-header-field' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-cc-faceRenamed to `mh-show-cc' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-date-faceRenamed to `mh-show-date' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-from-faceRenamed to `mh-show-from' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-header-faceRenamed to `mh-show-header' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-subject-faceRenamed to `mh-show-subject' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-to-faceRenamed to `mh-show-to' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-show-xface-faceRenamed to `mh-show-xface' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-speedbar-folder-faceRenamed to `mh-speedbar-folder' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-speedbar-folder-with-unseen-messages-faceRenamed to `mh-speedbar-folder-with-unseen-messages' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-speedbar-selected-folder-faceRenamed to `mh-speedbar-selected-folder' per new Emacs conventions.*** mh-speedbar-selected-folder-with-unseen-messages-faceRenamed to `mh-speedbar-selected-folder-with-unseen-messages' per newEmacs conventions.** Bug Fixes in MH-E 8.0*** Face Variable Names Now Follow Current ConventionsThe -face suffix has been dropped from all face names. *** Swish FixesItems in swish indexes that aren't mail messages are now handled moregracefully.*** Spamassassin FixesIf you use spamassassin, there was an error when you tried to junkmail if the option `mh-junk-background' was set. This has been fixed.*** Mairix SupportIndexing now compatible with Mairix version 0.12 and later.*** mh-extract-rejected-mail Can't Do MIME (and Other Formats)Now handles qmail and exim bounces (addresses SF #404965).*** mh-rmail Hangs in XEmacsWe've determined that MH-E is incompatible with some versions ofXEmacs (21.5.9-21.5.16). More recent versions work fine. If you thinkour list is too broad, please let us know which version of XEmacs youare using (closes SF #644321).*** Completions Offered by mh-refile-message Are Not SortedThis behavior is no longer observed (closes SF #698734).*** Add Message-ID to Outgoing MessagesIf you replied to a message in your `+outbox', an `In-Reply-To:'header field was created that broke threading at the recipient's end.We now add a `Message-ID:' to outgoing messages which fixes this(closes SF #725425).*** Inconsistent PromptsEmacs changed their defaults in prompts from "Prompt: [value]" to"Prompt (default value): ". All MH-E prompts have been updated tocomply with the new standard and are therefore now consistentthroughout the application (closes SF #730470, SF #1275933).*** Empty Shell Comments Confuse mh-mhn-directive-present-pIf you had a string that matched the regexp "^# $" in your draft, itwould cause an error. This has been fixed (closes SF #762458).*** Quote Hashes When mhbuild Directives UsedA related bug, if you had empty shell comments but inserted your owndirectives, you'd get another error from mhbuild. This has been fixedby quoting the hash ("^# $") like this "##" before submitting tomhbuild (closes SF #762464).*** Inconsistent Usage in Scan Formatting VariablesThe variables: mh-note-cur mh-note-deleted mh-note-dist mh-note-forw mh-note-refiled mh-note-repl mh-note-seqused to contain strings. Although only the first character was read,the entire string would be inserted which may have caused problems.These variables have been converted to character constants so thatonly a single character can be inserted into the scan line (closes SF#770772).*** Bad Handling of Aliases That Conflict With Local User NamesIf a user name existed both locally and in the aliases file, the localuser would be flashed, but the alias would be used when sending. Thishas been fixed so that the user name that is flashed is the same asthe name that is sent (closes SF #772595).*** Initialization Fails If ~/Mail ExistsMH-E no longer calls `install-mh' so this issue has gone away (closesSF #835192).*** Not Re-prompted to Sign After Pass Phrase TypoIf there were errors when sending a signed message (like getting thepass phrase wrong), the MML markup remained in the draft buffer. Thedraft buffer is now restored if there is an error (closes SF #839303).*** Font-lock Gets Confused in MH-Letter BufferIf a user manually moved the cursor to the end of the header fieldseparator line (by mouse click or keyboard navigation) and hit Enterto start typing their message, any line in the body with a colon wouldbe fontified with a gray background. This has been fixed (closes SF#855479).*** RETURN Causes Infinite Loop in mh-letterThis behavior is no longer observed (closes SF #887346).*** mh-refile-msg Fails to Suggest Folder for Empty MessageIf you received a message with an empty body from someone who islisted in your aliases file, `o' (`mh-refile-msg') failed to suggestthe correct folder. This has been fixed (closes SF #917096).*** Missing Headers When Replying to AllUser needed to edit `replgroupcomps' (closes SF #918194).*** Error Visiting Folder With no Unseen MessagesIf you visited a folder without unseen messages and the option "flist:-noshowzero" is present in your `~/.mh_profile', you'd get an error.This has been fixed (closes SF #933954).*** Error Message When Trying to Send Using MH-EThis behavior is no longer observed (closes SF #1002103).*** mh-find-path Doesn't Use mhparamMH-E no longer peeks into the MH profile `~/.mh_profile' directly. Ituses `mhparam' instead (closes SF #1016027).*** rmmproc Refile Complains No Such MessageMH-E would get confused about which folder to delete messages from ifyou were refiling and deleting messages at the same time. This hasbeen fixed (closes SF #1023959).*** auto-mode-alist UpdatedMH-E originally updated auto-mode-alist to set the major mode ofdrafts. Now that we explicitly set the mode, there is no reason to dothis, and this behavior caused problems for people who didn't use MH-Ewho were editing files that looked like MH message files (closes SF#1032353).*** ! Doesn't Do RegionsNow it does (closes SF #1046330).*** mh-show-unquote-From Fails (read-only buffer)MH-E quotes the `From ' header field that is inserted by MTAs.However, it was trying to do this in a read-only buffer. This has beenfixed (closes SF #1089870).*** Whitespace in pick ExpressionsThe `C-u / s RET' command now works. In addition, you can now addwhitespace to any of the limiting (/) commands (closes SF #1122655).*** mh-index-previous-folder Does Not Work CorrectlyIf your cursor was on an item below a folder heading and you used`M-TAB' (`mh-index-previous-folder'), you would move to the previousfolder heading. This has been fixed (closes SF #1126188).*** Default Identity Prevents Insertion of Auto FieldsAuto insertion of an identity now occurs even when the defaultidentity is used (closes SF #1204506).*** mh-compose-forward and Default Message Number`mh-compose-forward' will now default to the sent message in the sentfolder and the `cur' message in other folders. It also takes ranges ofmessages and can include multiple messages at a time (closes SF#1205890).*** Better Handling of Empty cur SequenceIf you refiled a message into a folder and then used `F r'(`mh-rescan-folder') in that folder, your cursor would be taken to thefirst message. The cursor now stays where it was (closes SF #1207247).*** mh-customize Uses Group mh, Not mh-eThe `mh' customization group alias has been deleted to avoid someproblems that were found (closes SF #1213716).*** "Args out of range" Error in Displaying MessageThis behavior is no longer observed (closes SF #1227504).*** Front-and-back Truncation in mailto: RenderingThis behavior is no longer observed (closes SF #1227510).*** Name of the Draft File in mh-comp.elMH is documented to use the draft file. If you use a draft file forsomething else (like Sylpheed), then use draft folders (closes SF#1231483).*** font-lock Error in mh-letter-modeAn error in MH-E was introduced as a result of a change in CVS Emacs.This has been fixed (closes SF #1241017).*** Msg Display Broken After Displaying Msg with Inline ImageMessages with inline images no longer trim certain message headerfields (closes SF #1306141).*** mh-visit-folder Munges font-lock-keywordsMH-E broke highlighting in Gnus buffers. This was actually a problemin CVS Emacs 22 and has been fixed there (closes SF #1393879).*** Illegal Filename Chars for W32 FilesystemsWindows users who view `X-Image-URL:' images could not cache theimages since the cached image file names had illegal characters. Thishas been fixed (closes SF #1396499).*** mh-send Doesn't Handle mml Insertions Via mail-user-agentCan now forward messages in Gnus if MH-E is your `mail-user-agent'(closes SF #1399307).*** Can't Narrow to Subject with Regexp CharsThe command `/ s' could not limit subjects that had special pickcharacters (such as [, *, $, .). This has been fixed (closes SF#1432548).*** `/ s' Can Miss the Original MailThe command `/ s' failed to include the message with the "Re:" in theSubject. This has been fixed (closes SF #1438369).*** mhparam -components Fails on mailutilsThis error prevented MH-E from loading when using GNU mailutils. GNUmailutils drops the `s' in this argument, so we did too since-component still works in nmh and MH (closes SF #1446985).*** `/ s' Still Has Problems With []'d MailOn XEmacs, subjects that had special characters would prevent `/ s'from narrowing to the given subject. These characters are now quotedcorrectly in XEmacs (closes SF #1447598).*** Variable mh-send-args Is a String, Not a ListThis was causing errors when sending under GNU mailutils. The internalvariable `mh-send-args' is now a list which fixes the problem (closesSF #1448604).*** Update IconsMost of the tool bar icons have been replaced by GTK or GNOME 2 icons(closes SF #1452715).*** Strip Build Number From emacs-version in X-MailerThis has been done (closes SF #1466481).*** Rename Function and Variable DefinersIf you had ever shown help for an MH-E symbol that was both a functionor variable, you might have found that the hyperlink to the filebrought you to the wrong definition. This has been fixed by renamingthe macros `mh-defgroup', `mh-defcustom', `mh-defface',`mh-defun-compat', and `mh-defmacro-compat' to `defgroup-mh',`defcustom-mh', `defface-mh', `defun-mh', `defmacro-mh' respectively(closes SF #1472029).*** mh-insert-letter Uses Wrong DefaultIf you had used `C-c TAB' (`mh-insert-letter') to insert a letter intoyour draft, specified a different folder, and chose the defaultmessage number, you got the wrong message. This has been fixed (closesSF #1473729).* Changes in MH-E 7.4.4Version 7.4.4 addresses programmatic issues from the FSF and preparesMH-E for inclusion into an impending GNU Emacs release (22.1). Thereare no user-visible changes (unless you are using XEmacs on DOS ordon't have the cl package installed). Filenames are now unique intheir first 8 characters (DOS 8.3 requirement). The runtime dependencyon the cl package has been removed. Desktop saving and restorationcode moved here from desktop.el.* Changes in MH-E 7.4.3Version 7.4.3 fixes the problem where `mh-identity-list' was not gettingset from .emacs.* Changes in MH-E 7.4.2Version 7.4.2 fixes the accidental dependence on nmh (closes SF#791021).* Changes in MH-E 7.4.1Version 7.4.1 fixes the Makefile so it no longer tries to compilemh-unit.el.* Changes in MH-E 7.4Version 7.4 contains many new useful features including arbitrary MHrange handling, new draft features such as draft form editing, as wellas sequence propagation and manipulation. We've also fixed bugs andadded a handful of new variables.** New Features in MH-E 7.4*** Add Arbitrary Ranges to MH-E UIMH-E now handles any legal MH range (such as last:5 or 4 8 10-12)wherever you're prompted for a message number or sequence (closes SF#728638).*** Remove Prompting in mh-sendBrian Reid's original mhe didn't do prompting anywhere but used formsinstead. While we won't go that far, we eliminated prompting where aform is already involved, such as in composing a message.The new customization variable `mh-compose-prompt-flag' can be set tot to get the original behavior (closes SF #745622).*** Use TAB to Switch Fields in HeaderWhen composing a message, TAB and SHIFT-TAB can be used to movequickly between header fields. The new customization variable,`mh-compose-skipped-header-fields', contains a list of header fieldsthat are skipped and truncated if they are too long (closes SF#745627).*** Alias Completion in Composition BufferAliases can be completed in the draft with "M-TAB(mh-letter-complete)". Or, if the customization variable`mh-compose-space-does-completion-flag' is set to t, then a "SPC(mh-letter-complete-or-space)" with do the same thing. If`mh-alias-flash-on-comma' is non-nil, ", (mh-letter-confirm-address)"will show the alias expansion in the minibuffer (closes SF #745634).*** Auto Fields Should be Inserted During SendFields that were inserted by the multiple personality code when thedraft was sent now insert the header fields when the draft is composedto give you a chance to edit them (closes SF #747890).*** mh-index-tick-messagesThe command "F ' (mh-index-ticked-messages)" creates a buffer with allmessages ticked with "' (mh-toggle-tick)" in the folders listed in thenew customization variable `mh-index-ticked-messages-folders'. Chancesare that if you set `mh-index-new-messages-folders', you'll want toset `mh-index-ticked-messages-folders' accordingly.In addition, a general function, "F q (mh-index-sequenced-messages)"has been provided that displays messages in the `mh-unseen-seq' in thefolders listed `mh-index-new-messages-folders', unless a prefixargument is given, in which case you can provide both a list offolders and a sequence (closes SF #718833).*** Narrow to RegionIf there is a region, "/ r (mh-narrow-to-range)" will only considerthose messages in the region. In addition, there is now a stack offolder limits which can be popped with "/ w (mh-widen)". With a prefixarg, all the restrictions are popped off of the stack (closes SF#732823).*** Narrow to Ticked SequenceThe buffer can now be narrowed to ticked messages with "S '(mh-narrow-to-tick)" (closes SF #732825).*** Display Multiple Buttons for multipart/alternativeA new customizable variable,`mh-display-buttons-for-alternatives-flag', was added to displaybuttons for the alternatives. The default value is nil to retain thecurrent behavior (closes SF #741288).*** Identity Menu ChangesA menu item has been added that inserts custom fields if the To or Ccheader fields match `mh-auto-fields-list'.** New Variables in MH-E 7.4*** mh-alias-local-users-prefixThis string is prepended to the real names of users from the passwdfile. If nil, use the username string unmodified instead of the realname from the gecos field of the passwd file.*** mh-alias-passwd-gecos-comma-separator-flagNon-nil means the gecos field in the passwd file uses comma as aseparator. Used to construct aliases for users in the passwd file."*** mh-interpret-number-as-range-flagNon-nil means interpret a number as a range. If the variable isnon-nil, and you use an integer, N, when asked for a range to scan,then MH-E uses the range "last:N".*** mh-kill-folder-suppress-prompt-hookThis new hook is invoked at the beginning of the `F k(mh-kill-folder)' command. It is a list of functions to be called,with no arguments, which should return a value of non-nil if youshould not be asked if you're sure that you want to remove the folder.This is useful for folders that are easily regenerated.The default value of `mh-index-p' suppresses the prompt on foldersgenerated by an index search.WARNING: Use this hook with care. If there is a bug in your hook whichreturns t on +inbox and you hit `F k' by accident in the +inboxbuffer, you will not be happy.*** mh-refile-preserves-sequences-flagNon-nil means that sequences are preserved when messages are refiled.If this variable is non-nil and a message belonging to a sequenceother than cur or Previous-Sequence (see mh-profile 5) is refiled thenit is put in the same sequence in the destination folder. Additionalsequences that should not to be preserved can be specified by setting`mh-unpropagated-sequences' appropriately.*** mh-visible-header-fieldsCustomize this instead of `mh-visible-headers', which is now a defvar.This was done to mimic the relationship between`mh-invisible-header-fields' and `mh-invisible-fields'.** Variables Deleted in MH-E 7.4*** mh-visible-headersSee the paragraph for `mh-visible-header-fields' above.** Bug Fixes in MH-E 7.4*** Aliases Constantly ReloadedThe system aliases are not loaded as often as they were, so thecompletion speed has been dramatically improved if your passwd file islarge (closes SF #693859).*** Folders in MH-Index View Not SavedWhen you perform a search to produce an MH-Index buffer, the foldersthat contain the messages are shown. If the MH-Index buffer wasdeleted, or Emacs was restarted and the corresponding folderrescanned, the folder information would be lost. This has been fixedby saving the information in a file called ".mhe_index" (closes SF#701762).*** Ticking Messages in +mhe-index/newIf a new message in a buffer created by "F n" was ticked (with "'"),the message would not be added to the tick sequence in the sourcefolder. This has been fixed so that any sequence changes in any indexfolder (from within MH-E of course) are now reflected back to thecorresponding source folder (closes SF #709664).*** Custom Vars Set by a FunctionThe default setting of customization variable `mh-summary-height' isnow `nil' which means MH-E will change the size dynamically accordingto the size of the frame (closes SF #723267).*** Folder Completion SlowThe first folder completion was very slow. This has been fixed (closesSF #730426).*** Tick Sequence Persistent When RefiledSequences are now preserved when messages are refiled (closes SF#737128).*** Auto-inserted Header Fields InconsistentFor consistency, all automatically inserted header fields (such asX-Mailer and X-Face) are added when the draft is first presented toyou. This also gives you a chance to edit or delete them if necessary(closes SF #745624). Note that we would be distressed if you deletedthe X-Mailer field.*** Toolbar Spec ErrorThe following message appeared when displaying a message in XEmacs: Signaling: (error "Toolbar spec must be list or nil" )This has been fixed (closes SF #745655).*** mh-index-search Doesn't Find Short AcronymsSwish typically ignores words with fewer than four letters, but willstill look for acronyms. Unfortunately, MH-E was downcasing the inputwords which defeated this feature. This has been fixed (closes SF#755718).* Changes in MH-E 7.3This release includes the new features of an index view of unseenmessages in all folders, spam software support, relative folderspecification @ support, marking messages, recipient handling bymh-default-folder-list, Face and X-Image-URL header field support, andFcc completion. Function arguments have been unified. Bugs have beenfixed.** New Features in MH-E 7.3*** Unified Function ArgumentsAny function with MSG-OR-SEQ in its docstring uses the displayedmessage by default for this argument. However, if a prefix argument isprovided, then the user is prompted for a message sequence. If thevariable `transient-mark-mode' is non-nil and the mark is active, thenthe function operates on the messages in the selected region. In aprogram, MSG-OR-SEQ can be a message number, a list of messagenumbers, a region in a cons cell, or a sequence.*** MH-Index View of Unseen MessagesUse "F n (mh-index-new-messages)" or Folder -> View New Messages menuitem to display messages in the `mh-unseen-seq' sequence in foldersspecified by `mh-index-new-messages-folders'. With a prefix argument,enter a space-separated list of folders, or nothing to search allfolders.Like other MH-Index folders, use "v (mh-index-visit-folder)" if youwish to visit the original folder with the unseen message. This isusually not necessary since the original message is annotated if youreply, deleted if you delete the message, or refiled if you refile themessage (closes SF #701756).*** Spam Software SupportMH-E now supports several spam filters including Bogofilter,SpamProbe, and SpamAssassin. Spam that is mistakenly considered to begood mail can be reclassified as spam with "J b (mh-junk-blacklist)".Conversely, good mail that is accidently considered to be spam can bereclassified with "J w (mh-junk-whitelist)" (closes SF #669518).If a message is blacklisted, and `mh-junk-mail-folder' is a string,then the message is refiled to that folder. If this variable is nil,the message is deleted. If a message is whitelisted, then the messageis refiled to `mh-inbox'.To change the spam program being used, customize `mh-junk-program'.This should only be necessary if you have multiple filters on yoursystem and MH-E picked the wrong one. These customization variablesare found in the new customization group `mh-junk'.The documentation for the following functions describes what setup isneeded for the different spam fighting programs: - `mh-bogofilter-blacklist' - `mh-spamprobe-blacklist' - `mh-spamassassin-blacklist'*** Relative Folder Specification @ SupportedYou can now use the relative folder marker @ in folder names (closesSF #666774).*** Marking MessagesMessages can now be highlighted with "' (mh-toggle-tick)", Sequence ->Toggle Tick Mark menu item or the "Toggle tick mark" button. Thesemessages are added to the "tick" sequence, although this sequence canbe changed in `mh-tick-seq'. The highlighting effect can be modifiedby customizing `mh-folder-tick-face' (closes SF #623367).There is also a new keybinding "/ ' (mh-narrow-to-tick)" and menu itemSequence -> Narrow to Tick Sequence to narrow the view to thehighlighted messages.*** mh-default-folder-list Now Takes RecipientsIf you wish to file a message based upon the recipient of a message(such as a mailing list), you can now indicate that when filling outthe address in the `mh-default-folder-list' customization variable.*** Face Header Field SupportedIn addition to the X-Face header field, the Face header field, whichcan display color images, is now supported. As a bonus, the externalxface-e21 library is no longer required.*** X-Image-URL SupportImages specified in X-Image-URL header fields are now supported.See the customization variable `mh-fetch-x-image-url' to enable thissupport.*** Fcc CompletionFolders in Fcc fields in message drafts can now be completed withM-TAB.** New Variables in MH-E 7.3Variables that have been added to MH-E that have not been discussedelsewhere are listed here.*** mh-auto-fields-listAlist of addresses for which header lines are automatically inserted.When a regular expression matches in the To or cc fields of a message,the corresponding header field is automatically inserted in themessage header. It also allows the automatic setting of an identity(using `mh-insert-identity') to set an alternate identity when sendingmessages to a certain person or mailing list.Since this is a more general use of `mh-insert-mail-followup-to-flag'and `mh-insert-mail-followup-to-list', these variables have been removed.*** mh-show-xface-faceFace for displaying the X-Face image.*** mh-xemacs-toolbar-positionThis customization variable allows the user to place the toolbar onthe four edges of the frame.*** mh-xemacs-use-toolbar-flagThis customization variable is used to enable or disable the toolbarunder XEmacs.** Variables Deleted in MH-E 7.3Variables that have been removed from MH-E that have not beendiscussed elsewhere are listed here.*** mh-decode-content-transfer-encoded-message-flagNo longer needed since the external program mimencode is no longerused.*** mh-index-show-hookThis hook was never used, so it was removed.*** mh-tool-bar-reply-3-buttons-flagObsolete. This functionality is present `mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons'.** Bug Fixes in MH-E 7.3*** Can't Refile MessageMessages with invalid addresses were causing errors in ali whichprevented the refiling of messages. The ali error is now shown in the"*MH-E Log*" buffer and refiling suggests the last folder used (closesSF #680388).*** Empty Body Triggers Duped HeaderIf the body was empty the header would be treated like the body andwas therefore displayed twice. This has been fixed (closes SF#681162).*** mml or mhl Directives Not Always ProcessedThe mml and mhl directives used to create body parts were notprocessed if one re-edited a draft, or if they added the directivesmanually. The directives are now always processed upon sending theletter. You may still, of course, use "C-c C-m m (mh-mml-to-mime)" or"C-c C-e (mh-edit-mhn)" to manually create the MIME body parts fromthe directives and then send the draft.*** mh-alias-grab-from-field FailsMH-E was adding aliases with angle brackets around the address whenthere wasn't a phrase (usually, the user's name), to go with it. Thiscaused ali to fail which caused problems in MH-E. This is probably abug in ali, but MH-E no longer inserts angle brackets around theaddress unless there is a phrase, which avoids the problem (closes SF#690216).*** XEmacs FixesMH-E is now fully supported under XEmacs and compiles without anywarnings.In particular, the following now work under XEmacs:- X-Face, Face, and X-Image-URL header fields- MH-E logo in mode line- Emphasis (bold, italics, etc.)- Smilies- Toolbar*** Indexed Folders Should Respect mh-show-threads-flagIndexed folders are now threaded if `mh-show-threads-flag' is non-nil(closes SF #709667).*** Threading Index View Loses Folder InfoThis has been fixed (closes SF #709672).*** No Undo Information When Re-editing DraftsUndo is turned on in the draft buffer when using "e (mh-edit-again)"(closes SF #712777).*** Forwarded base64-encoded Messages Are Incorrectly DisplayedThis has been fixed (closes SF #681518).*** Append to *MH-E Log* BufferThe last 100 lines of log messages are kept in the *MH-E Log* buffer.Previously, the buffer was erased every time it was written (closes SF#685476). In addition, many of the MH-E commands now send their outputinto this buffer instead of a plethora of other special-purposebuffers.*** mh-inc-folder Complains if No Mail and No Current MessageThe function `mh-inc-folder' no longer calls `mh-show' if point is noton a valid scan line. This keeps `mh-inc-folder' from complaining(closes SF #678115).*** Folder Normalization Strips Leading SlashLeading "/" characters in folder names entered by the user were beinglost. This has been fixed (closes SF #676890).*** Print Header Doesn't Show MessageWhen printing a sequence, the header simply indicated that a sequence,but not which one, was being printed and did not show the messagenumber. This has been fixed. If more than one message is printed, apage of the scan lines is printed and its header indicates thesequence or message range. The pages with the actual messages all setthe header to the folder and message displayed on that page.*** Aliases Constantly ReloadedEmpty lists are now handled properly (closes SF #693859).*** Remove RCS KeywordsRemoved RCS keywords per Emacs conventions (closes SF #680731).*** Replace MimencodeMH-E was enhanced to decode message based on charset andContent-Transfer-Encoding. This eliminates the need for the externalprogram mimencode (closes SF #674857).* Changes in MH-E 7.2This release includes the new features of filing hints, hierarchicalfile name completion, indexed search and pick integration, unificationbetween `mh-visit-folder' and the speedbar, a displayed messageindicator, buffer name organization, support for mairix indexedsearch, and last but not least, the MH-E logo has been added to themode line. Code that handles sequences and message regions runsfaster. Bugs have been fixed.** New Features in MH-E 7.2*** Filing HintsWhen you file a message, MH-E now looks for an alias corresponding tothe address of the sender and offers that as a default folder (closesSF #657096). The new variable `mh-default-folder-prefix' can be usedto put these folders in a sub-folder. The new variable`mh-default-folder-must-exist-flag' means to suppress the suggestedfolder (thereby providing the previous folder used) if the folderdoesn't already exist. The new variable `mh-default-folder-list' canbe used to map additional addresses and folders.*** Hierarchical File Name CompletionWhen you completed filenames in the past, you were presented with alist of all your folders at all depths in the tree. Now you arepresented with only one level at a time (closes SF #664821).As a result, the variables `mh-auto-folder-collect-flag' and`mh-folder-list-change-hook' are obsolete.*** Indexed Search and Pick IntegrationThe indexed and pick searches have been integrated (closes SF#664816). Both "F s (mh-search-folder)" and "F i (mh-index-search)"use the pick template for forming queries. To submit the query, use"C-c C-c (mh-do-search)" which will use the query method you selected.If you change your mind while forming the query, you can use "C-c C-i(mh-index-do-search)" or "C-c C-p (mh-pick-do-search)" to submit thequery using the respective method.Second, the results from a pick search are now saved in a sub-folderof +mhe-index like an indexed search.Third, `pick' is now a valid choice for `mh-index-program'.*** mh-visit-folder Metamorphosis ContinuesWhen visiting a folder from the speedbar, only the unseen messages areshown if there are unseen messages. If there aren't any unseenmessages, all of the messages are shown if there are fewer than`mh-large-folder' messages; otherwise, the user is prompted for therange of messages to display. The "F v (mh-visit-folder)" command hasbeen modified to mimic this behavior. Use a prefix arg to force themessage range prompt.*** Displayed Message IndicatorIn graphical Emacs, the message that is shown is marked by a trianglein the fringe. In textual Emacs, there is a ">" in the first column(closes SF #664824).*** Buffer Name OrganizationAll ephemeral buffer names start with " *mh" while all interestingbuffers start with "*MH-E ". The "*Folders*", "*Sequences*", and"*Recipients*" buffers were therefore renamed to "*MH-E Folders*","*MH-E Sequences*" and "*MH-E Recipients*" respectively (programmersshould see mh-utils.el for the names of the new constants). Also, theoutput of MH commands is saved in the "*MH-E Log*" buffer.*** mh-index-programAdd choices for `mairix' and `pick'.*** Logo Displayed on Mode Line** New Variables in MH-E 7.2The new variables have been discussed elsewhere.** Bug Fixes in MH-E 7.2*** mh-decode-content-transfer-encoded-messageMessages that had been encoded with base64 were not decoded. This hasbeen fixed with this new function (closes SF #674190). As a result,the variable `mh-decode-quoted-printable-flag' has been renamed to`mh-decode-content-transfer-encoded-message-flag'.*** mh-kill-folderNow restores previous window configuration (closes SF #664828).*** mh-mime-displayMH-E was not using the charset defined in the content-typeheader. This meant that mail in a different charset would notbe properly displayed. This has been fixed (closes SF #655123).*** mh-read-addressIn XEmacs and Emacs20, this function would always prompt using "To: "instead of using the command argument. This has been fixed (closes SF#670913).*** mh-rmailUnseen messages are now shown in addition to new ones (closes SF#667542).*** mh-scan-msg-overflow-regexpChange the variable so that a space is always maintained in thebeginning of the scan line.*** mh-swish-execute-searchThe example configuration file in the docstring didn't show thebackslash in the FileRules filename. If the example had been usedliterally by the user, no files would be indexed! This has been fixed(closes SF #665888).*** mh-thread-refileThe "T o (mh-thread-refile)" command did not provide refiling hintslike `mh-refile-msg'. This has been fixed (closes SF #664829).*** mh-toggle-threadsIf the threaded view was modified and then toggled, the standard viewmay not have been accurate (as it contained a potentially old firstmessage to last message range). This has been fixed (closes SF#626117).*** mh-tool-bar-show-set, mh-tool-bar-letter-set, mh-tool-bar-folder-setClicking the customize and help buttons now deletes the other windowsin the frame.*** mh-versionThe "M-x mh-version" command displayed "Aliasfile: aliases". This hasbeen fixed (closes SF #664467). See Buffer Name Organization above.* Changes in MH-E 7.1This release includes the new features of multiple identities andalias completion. In addition, indexed searching has been revamped.Various other features have been added and a few bugs were fixed.** New Features in MH-E 7.1*** Multiple IdentitiesMH-E now supports multiple identities (closes SF #628782). That meansthat you can have different From and Organization header fields (orany other header field of your choice) as well as different signaturesdepending on your context. Usually, the contexts are home and work.Add your identities to the variable `mh-identity-list' and set thedefault identity with the variable `mh-identity-default'. Youridentity can be switched on the fly by using the Identity menu or bycalling "M-x mh-insert-identity RET".This functionality can be customized within the mh-identity group.*** Alias Completion and HarvestingThe contributed file mh-alias.el has been rewritten and incorporatedinto MH-E.By default, aliases are culled from the system files"/etc/nmh/MailAliases," "/usr/lib/mh/MailAliases," and "/etc/passwd"(see `mh-alias-system-aliases') and from your "AliasFile" MH profilecomponent. These aliases are then used for completion in theminibuffer when entering addresses. Within the header of the messagedraft, "M-TAB (mh-letter-complete)" is used to do alias completion.The package also provides for alias creation based upon the Fromheader field of the current message. Use the lasso button(mh-alias-grab-from-field).This functionality can be customized within the mh-alias group.*** Index Folder UpdatesThe results of an index search "F i (mh-index-search)" are now storedin a bona fide folder so that you can refile messages and reply tomessages directly from the result folder. This folder is a sub-folderof +mhe-index and the name is based upon the search string (closes SF#623321).If a prefix argument is given then the search in the current indexbuffer is redone.The index folder lists the names of the source folders as before.However, instead of using RET on the name of the folder to visit thefolder, use "v (mh-show-index-visit-folder)" anywhere within theresults to visit that folder narrowed to the results of the search.Additional functions have been added to navigate including "TAB(mh-index-next-folder)", and "SHIFT-TAB (mh-index-previous-folder)."*** mh-visit-folder Interface UpdatedA change was made to the prompting of the message range. In general,you can use the same format for messages and sequences as you can inMH with a single exception: a single number means to scan that manymessages, rather than scan that message number. This turns out to bemuch more useful than visiting a single message and is consistent withGnus and the MH-E speedbar (closes SF #655891).If mh-visit-folder is called non-interactively and RANGE is nil thenall messages are displayed. This behavior is now documented andprovides backwards compatibility.*** Threading ImprovementsAfter incorporating new mail into a threaded folder, unseen messagescan be spread about. Two new functions have been added to make iteasier to find them: these are "M-n (mh-next-unread-msg)" and "M-p(mh-previous-unread-msg)" (closes SF #630328)Two new functions were added to delete and refile threads. They are "Td (mh-thread-delete)" and "T o (mh-thread-refile)" respectively(closes SF #630493).In addition, the key "k" used to be bound to the function`mh-delete-subject': it is now bound to`mh-show-delete-subject-or-thread'.New functions to navigate threads include "T u (mh-thread-ancestor)",which can jump to the root message of the current thread given anoptional argument, "T n (mh-thread-next-sibling)", and "T p(mh-thread-previous-sibling)"*** Refiling of Messages in RegionIf mark is active and `transient-mark-mode' is enabled then all themessages in the region are refiled.*** vCard HandlingIf a signature cannot be identified, but there is a vCard attachment,then that vCard will be presented as a signature (closes SF #649216).*** New Info Added to mh-versionInformation about Gnus versions available at both compile time and runtime has been added.** New Variables in MH-E 7.1The defcustom groups were reorganized. Rather than iterate thespecific changes here, you are invited to browse the groups with "M-xmh-customize RET".*** mh-alias-completion-ignore-case-flagNon-nil means don't consider case significant in MH alias completion.This is the default in plain MH, so it is the default here as well. Itcan be useful to set this to t if, for example, you use lowercasealiases for people and uppercase for mailing lists.*** mh-alias-expand-aliases-flagNon-nil means to expand aliases entered in the minibuffer. In otherwords, aliases entered in the minibuffer will be expanded to the fulladdress in the message draft. By default, this expansion is notperformed.*** mh-alias-flash-on-commaSpecify whether to flash the translation of the alias or warn if thereisn't a translation of the alias.*** mh-alias-insert-fileFilename to use to store new MH-E aliases. This variable can also be alist of filenames, in which case MH-E will prompt for one of them. Ifnil, the default, then MH-E will use the first file found in the"AliasFile" component of the MH profile.*** mh-alias-insertion-locationSpecifies where new aliases are entered in alias files. Options aresorted alphabetically (the default), at the top of the file or at thebottom.*** mh-alias-local-usersIf t, local users are completed in MH-E To: and Cc: prompts.If you set this variable to a string, it will be executed to generatea password file. A value of "ypcat passwd" is helpful if NIS is inuse.*** mh-alias-system-aliasesA list of system files from which to cull aliases. If these files aremodified, they are automatically reread. This list need include onlysystem aliases and the passwd file, since personal alias files listedin your "AliasFile" MH profile component are automatically included.*** mh-identity-defaultDefault identity to use when `mh-letter-mode' is called.*** mh-identity-listList holding MH-E identity.*** mh-invisible-header-fieldsSimple user interface to change `mh-invisible-headers'.*** mh-letter-complete-functionFunction to call when completing outside of fields specific toaliases. By default, it is bound to 'ispell-complete-word.*** mh-show-threads-flagNon-nil means new folders start in threaded mode. Threading largenumber of messages can be time consuming. So if the flag is non-nilthen threading will be done only if the number of messages beingthreaded is less than `mh-large-folder' (closes SF #646794).*** mh-tool-bar-folder-buttonsButtons to include in MH-E folder/show toolbar.*** mh-tool-bar-letter-buttonsButtons to include in MH-E letter toolbar.** Bug Fixes in MH-E 7.1*** mh-get-new-mailCall new function `mh-add-cur-notation' to undo the work of`mh-remove-cur-notation' if there was no new mail (closes SF #647681).*** mh-set-cmd-noteNo longer updates the default `mh-cmd-note' value. This resulted inthe misplacement of the current mark when the message number widthchanged (closes SF #643701).* Changes in MH-E 7.0This is a major release which includes a lot of new features includingimproved MIME handling, speedbar folder browsing, and indexedsearching. In this version, MH-E runs under XEmacs, passes checkdoc,and compiles clean under all supported platforms.The "passes checkdoc" feature above required changing the name ofseveral user-visible variables. It is likely that this affects you.Please be sure to see the table at the end of these notes and renameyour variables accordingly.MH-E has been written mh-e, Mh-e, MH-e and MH-E. We have decided thatthe proper term should be MH-E. Please try to use MH-E in yourwriting.** New Features in MH-E 7.0*** SpeedbarThere is now support for the speedbar. Try "M-x speedbar" (closes SF#503727).Press the middle mouse button on the `+' icons to open a folder,middle mouse button on a folder name to open the folder. Folders withunseen messages are shown in bold, so this is a handy way to browsenew messages that you have filed with procmail or slocal.See the new customization variable `mh-large-folder,' which controlswhen the speedbar asks for how many messages to scan when opening alarge folder and `mh-speed-run-flists-flag' whose default value of tmeans to use the flists command to populate the count of unseen andtotal messages in each folder.*** Indexed SearchInteroperability with swish++, swish, glimpse, and namazu has beenadded to enable lightening-fast searches of your mail. If none ofthese are present, grep is used. Try "F i (mh-index-search)".For more information, read the documentation for the functions`mh-swish++-execute-search,' `mh-swish-execute-search,'`mh-namazu-execute-search,' or `mh-glimpse-execute-search' dependingon your preferred indexing program to see what kind of setup is neededto generate the index.*** ThreadingUse "T t (mh-toggle-threads)" to view the threads in the folder. Useit again to return to a non-threaded view.*** Brief HelpUse "? (mh-help)" and "X ? (mh-prefix-help)," where X is a prefixcharacter, for a brief synopsis in the minibuffer of frequently usedcommands. In the MH-Letter or MH-Pick buffers, use "C-c ? (mh-help)"(closes SF #493740).*** Folder Keymap Shared by Show BufferYou can now use the MH-Folder mode commands from the MH-Show buffer.Because of this, the MH-Show buffer is now read-only (closes SF#493749 and SF #527946) and you now have to use "M (mh-modify)" toedit a message.*** Better ScanningYou no longer have to modify your scan format if your folders havemore than 9999 messages in them. If you've only modified your scanformat file to allow for the wider message numbers, consider using thedefault behavior of MH-E and simplify your MH-E configurationconsiderably (closes SF #635791).To do this, you may have to remove your modifications of`mh-scan.*-regexp' and `mh-cmd-note' and your customization of`mh-scan-format-file'.You may still want the updated format files for running MH commandsoutside of MH-E; the default of `mh-scan-format-file' will cause themto be ignored.If you prefer fixed-width message numbers, set the new customizationvariable to nil , set this variable tonil and call `mh-set-cmd-note' with the width specified by the scan format in`mh-scan-format-file'. For example, the default width is 4, so you would use"(mh-set-cmd-note 4)" if `mh-scan-format-file' were nil.*** X-FaceMH-E now displays the content of the X-Face header field in the Fromfield. When sending a message, an X-Face field is appended to theheader if it doesn't already exist and "~/.face" is present. See thenew customization variables `mh-show-use-xface-flag' and `mh-x-face-file'(closes SF #480770).MH-E depends on the external x-face package found inftp://ftp.jpl.org/pub/elisp/ to do this. The `uncompface' binary isalso required to be in the execute PATH. It can be obtained from:http://freshmeat.net/redir/compface/1439/url_tgz/compface-1.4.tar.gz.It has also been observed that if you don't see the faces, you mighthave to do this (for unknown reasons): mv /usr/local/include/compface.h /usr/include/*** Graphical SmileysSmiley's are now converted to cute little images. See the newcustomization variable `mh-graphical-smileys-flag.'*** Text EmphasisASCII formatting is now converted to the appropriate font. Forexample, _underline_ is underlined, *bold* appears in bold, /italic/appears in italic, etc. See `gnus-emphasis-alist' for the whole list.See the new customization variables `mh-decode-mime' and`mh-graphical-emphasis-flag.'*** Attachment HandlingInline attachments are now displayed. Regular attachments appear asbuttons in show buffer. Use "K TAB (mh-next-button)" or "K SHIFT-TAB(mh-prev-button)" to cycle through these buttons. Use "K v(mh-folder-toggle-mime-part)" to view, "K o(mh-folder-save-mime-part)" to save one part or "K-a(mh-save-mime-parts)" to save all parts, or "K i(mh-folder-inline-mime-part)" to view the attachment inline.See the new customization variable `mh-decode-mime' for additionalinformation. Other customization variables that affect this new featureinclude `mh-store-mime-parts-default-directory' and`mh-display-buttons-for-inline-parts-flag'.HTML documents can be viewed inline if Gnus v5.10 and w3 or w3m lisppackages are present. Set the customization variable`mm-text-html-renderer' accordingly (closes SF #453352).*** Quoted-printable HandlingQuoted-printable body parts are now decoded.*** More Choices for `mh-yank-from-start-of-msg'Historically, if this variable was t, the entire message, with fullheaders would be included and every line would begin with`mh-ins-buf-prefix.' This usage is deprecated in favor of the setting`supercite' below. The default has been changed to `attribution.' Thefollowing symbols are now understood:`body': yank the message minus the header.`supercite': include the entire message, with full headers. This alsocauses the invocation of `sc-cite-original' without the setting of`mail-citation-hook', now deprecated practice.`autosupercite': do as for `supercite' automatically when show buffermatches the message being replied-to.`attribution': yank the message minus the header and add a simpleattribution line at the top.`autoattrib': do as for `attribution' automatically when show buffermatches the message being replied-to.There is a new customization variable called`mh-extract-from-attribution-verb' which is used for attribution whichprovides a method for setting a different language.*** Use Gnus mml Instead of mhnWhen inserting attachments into a message draft, Gnus mml directivesare now used instead of mhn directives. One beneficial side-effect ofthis is that attachments can now appear inline as well as separate.The new customization variable `mh-compose-insertion' controls whetherGnus or mhn is used to insert MIME message directives in messages(default: 'gnus, if the mml library exists).*** Content-Type Now Obtained AutomaticallyThe value of the Content-Type no longer needs to be entered by theuser.*** Attachments Automatically Included Upon SendYou no longer have to run "C-c C-e (mh-edit-mhn)" before sending amessage with attachments--this is done automatically when you send themessage with "C-c C-c (mh-send-letter)". There is, however, a new keybinding "C-c C-m m (mh-mml-to-mime)" which is analogous to "C-c C-e(mh-edit-mhn)".*** GPG HandlingMessages that have been signed or encrypted with GPG are verified anddecrypted automatically. To sign or encrypt a message, use "C-c RETC-s (mh-mml-secure-message-sign-pgpmime)" and "C-c C-m C-e(mh-mml-secure-message-encrypt-pgpmime)." You need Gnus version 5.10for this feature. These functions are provided by the pgg.el package.Users report "flashing" with the pgg.el package and prefer the gpg.elpackage instead. To use gpg.el instead of the pgg.el package you need: (setq mml2015-use 'gpg)To mimic automatic encryption in gpg.el, use: (setq mm-verify-option 'always) (setq mm-decrypt-option 'always)The venerable mailcrypt package is also an option. However, now thatshow buffers are read-only, mailcrypt version 3.5.6 and older failwhen they attempt to decrypt the contents.*** Mail-Followup-To Header FieldSupport for this controversial field has been added because nmhsupports it (closes SF #627035). If you want to add it to outgoingmail for selected mailing lists, add those mailing lists to the newcustomization variable `mh-insert-mail-followup-to-list.' If you thinkthis field is evil, set the new customization variable`mh-insert-mail-followup-to-flag' to nil.*** Gnus IssuesIf you update Gnus, you must recompile MH-E. Note that if you arerunning the stock version of MH-E that comes with Emacs or the MH-Epackage on a Debian GNU/Linux, this is done for you.** New Variables in MH-E 7.0New customization variables not mentioned earlier include:*** mh-letter-insert-signature-hookInvoked at the beginning of the "C-c C-s (mh-insert-signature)"command. Can be used to determine which signature file to use based onmessage content. On return, if `mh-signature-file-name' is non-nilthat file will be inserted at the current point in the buffer.*** mh-show-maximum-sizeMaximum size of message (in bytes) to display automatically. Providesan opportunity to skip over large messages which may be slow to load.Use a value of 0 to display all messages automatically regardless ofsize (closes SF #488696).*** mh-tool-bar-reply-3-buttons-flagNon-nil means use three buttons for reply commands in tool-bar. If youhave room on your tool-bar because you are using a large font, you mayset this variable to expand the single reply button into three buttonsthat won't lead to minibuffer prompt about who to reply to.** Bug Fixes in MH-E 7.0*** mh-delete-msg, mh-refile-msg, mh-undoMandrake Linux includes XEmacs initialization code that binds`transient-mark-mode' which causes problems in MH-E. These problemshave been fixed (closes SF #541915).*** mh-edit-againThis would sometimes yield a read-only buffer. This has been fixed(closes SF #624283 and SF #625538).*** mh-forwardWhen using nmh, always specify -mime so as to preserve the originalmessage(s).*** mh-inc-folderIf you had narrowed to a sequence and then incorporated new mail,those new messages would not be present in your +inbox when youwidened. This has been fixed (closes SF #489430, SF #489437, SF#629233).*** mh-insert-letterNo longer uses mhl to include a message as this mangled the header andgave supercite fits (closes SF #629153).*** mh-letter-mode"M-q (fill-paragraph)" now fills quoted paragraphs (for example,starting with "> ") correctly (closes SF #489927).*** mh-next-undeleted-msg, mh-previous-undeleted-msgIf there are no more undeleted messages the point remains at itsoriginal position and a message is produced (closes SF #494304).*** mh-pick-modeNow calls `mh-pick-mode-hook' as documented.*** mh-put-msg-in-seqNow puts all messages in region in sequence (closes SF #630324).*** mh-refile-msg, mh-write-msg-to-fileThese functions stomped on the variables that held the name of thelast file and folder respectively for the other function. This hasbeen fixed so that the last folder or file name is preserved (closesSF #580772).*** mh-region-to-sequenceIf the region in MH-Folder was set with "C-x h (mark-whole-buffer)",you couldn't perform operations on all of the messages as you wouldexpect. This has been fixed (closes SF #621632).*** mh-replyPerforming an undo the first thing after replying would blank out theentire draft. Now just the insertion of the yanked message is undoneleaving the header and signature intact for additional editing (closesSF #623693).*** mh-show-modeNow calls `mh-show-mode-hook' as documented (closes SF #627222).*** mh-subject-thread-to-sequenceMake 'subject sequence a real one, exported to MH. This means you can,for example, mh-forward it. But it also shows up with a mark in thescan output (closes SF #489445).*** Other Bug FixesThe following bugs have also been closed:SF #495450: Folder buffer read-only after incSF #489706: mh-page-msg bombs outSF #580772: mh-last-destination is overloaded*** Variables renamed to conform with Emacs coding conventionsThe coding conventions require that boolean variables end in -flag.The following two tables show which variables were affected (closes SF#627015).Customization Variables (defcustom)Old Name New Namemh-auto-folder-collect mh-auto-folder-collect-flagmh-bury-show-buffer mh-bury-show-buffer-flagmh-clean-message-header mh-clean-message-header-flagmh-decode-quoted-printable mh-decode-quoted-printable-flagmh-delete-yanked-msg-window mh-delete-yanked-msg-window-flagmh-do-not-confirm mh-do-not-confirm-flagmh-highlight-citation-p mh-highlight-citationmh-insert-x-mailer-p mh-insert-x-mailer-flagmh-print-background mh-print-background-flagmh-recenter-summary-p mh-recenter-summary-flagmh-recursive-folders mh-recursive-folders-flagmh-reply-show-message-p mh-reply-show-message-flagmh-show-use-goto-addr mh-show-use-goto-addr-flagmh-update-sequences-after-mh-show mh-update-sequences-after-mh-show-flagRegular Variables (defvar)Old Name New Namemh-mhn-compose-insert-p mh-mhn-compose-insert-flagmh-nmh-p mh-nmh-flagmh-page-to-next-msg-p mh-page-to-next-msg-flag* Changes in mh-e 6.1This is a minor release which includes a few bug fixes. Thedistribution now includes the ChangeLog.** New Features in mh-e 6.1*** FontificationUnseen messages now displayed in bold.*** Viewing folders and sequencesThe folder and sequence listings that "F l (mh-list-folders)" and "S l(mh-list-sequences)" create are now displayed in view mode.** Bug Fixes in mh-e 6.1*** mh-folder-unseen-seq-nameByte compilation failed when initializing this variable when theuser's MH environment was not set up. This has been fixed (closesDebian #140232 and Debian #140817).*** mh-forwardWhen forwarding a sequence, the mode of the draft would not be set toMH-Letter correctly. This has been fixed (closes SF #489448).*** mh-insert-prefix-stringFixed to work under XEmacs. Thanks to Will Partain<partain at dcs.gla.ac.uk>.*** mh-quitmh-quit now cleans up the buffers named `mh-temp-buffer,''mh-temp-folders-buffer' and 'mh-temp-sequences-buffer.'* Changes in mh-e 6.0mh-e is now maintained at SourceForge (seehttp://mh-e.sourceforge.net/). This is where you need to go to obtainnew versions of mh-e, report bugs and receive support.The maintainers have moved much of their personal configurations intothe codebase, so you may find that you may be able to reduce your mh-ecustomizations as well.There are several incompatibilities in this version from olderversions. Please read the following notes carefully for details. Payparticular attention to the key binding changes in the MH-Foldersection. If you have customized your scan format, you will want toread about the new variable `mh-scan-format-file'.The manual could not be updated in time for this release. It will beupdated in the near future. If the Preface in your manual indicatesthe older version (version 1.3, for mh-e version 5.0.2), please checkthe following page occasionally for an update: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13357** New Features in mh-e 6.0*** Customizationmh-e now uses the customize feature of Emacs. Use "M-x customize-groupmh RET" to customize mh-e.*** MenusAll mh-e modes now provide menus that contain most mh-e functions.*** ToolbarsAll mh-e modes now have toolbar buttons for oft-used functions (Emacs 21).*** FontificationAll mh-e buffers now have font-lock keywords. To use, either call(turn-on-font-lock) from the appropriate hook, or set`global-font-lock-mode' to t. To customize, use "M-xcustomize-apropos-faces ^mh RET".If you have customized your scan lines, you will have to update yourscan regexps. The existing regexps were changed to extract a match soyou will have to add appropriate grouping constructs to take advantageof the fontification. Your old settings will continue to work, but thefolder will not be fontified. For example: (setq mh-good-msg-regexp "^\\(.....\\)[^D^]")You will most likely have to update the new variable`mh-scan-subject-regexp' as well. There is another new variable`mh-scan-date-regexp' which you may also find useful. Run "M-x aproposmh.*regexp" for a complete list.*** mail-user-agent supportYou can now set `mail-user-agent' to `mh-e-user-agent' so that packagesthat need to send mail will use mh-e (closes SF #406883, SF #470024).*** replgroupcomps supportIf you reply to `cc' or `all' and you use nmh, the nmh repl option-group will be used. This means that the file `replgroupcomps' will beused. If you have customized `replcomps', you will definitely want toeither copy `$NMH_LIB/replgroupcomps' to your mail directory and modifyit the same way that you modified your `replcomps' file, or simplycopy your `replcomps' file to `replgroupcomps'.*** MH-Folder modeThe variable `mh-summary-height' used to have a default of 4. It nowvaries from 4 to 10 depending on the height of the frame.Clicking the mouse on a message shows that message.Delete, refile and undo now operate on a region (but only if`transient-mark-mode' is non-nil).SPC (mh-page-msg) now displays the message if it is not alreadyvisible. If the bottom of a message is showing, SPC (mh-page-msg)moves to the next message (respecting the direction you are movingthrough the folder).The threading commands "T u (mh-next-unseen-subject-thread)","T t (mh-toggle-subject-thread)", "T s (mh-narrow-to-subject-thread)",and "T k (mh-delete-subject-thread)" have been added. These functionsdo not offer threading in the true sense of the word, but do allowsome manipulation by subject.Major, major keymap changes. This was done to free up movementcommands in the buffer, and to provide for additional features, suchas the threading commands. At the same time, better and moreconsistent mnemonics were realized that should make it easier toremember key bindings.Added new sub-keymaps for folder commands, sequence commands,extraction commands, and digest commands which begin with with F, S,X, and D, respectively. These sub-keymaps allowed some consistency(e.g., especially with l(ist) and k(ill)).Here are the actual changes and rationale:Old New Rationalee - Deleted. Already have x. Now used by mh-edit-again.j - Deleted. Already have g.M-a e Better mnemonic. Matches rmail. Frees movement command.M-e E Better mnemonic. Consistent with e.- S Why not? mh-sort-folder.M-f Fv Frees movement commandM-f Ff Alias (keep?)M-f Fo Alias (keep?)M-k Fk No reason but to keep with folder commandsM-l Fl No reason but to keep with folder commandsM-p Fp No reason but to keep with folder commandsM-r Fr Frees movement commandM-s Fs No reason but to keep with folder commandsM-u Fu No reason but to keep with folder commandsM-% Sd Better mnemonicM-# Sk Better mnemonicM-q Sl Better mnemonicC-xn Sn Frees up standard key binding% Sp Better mnemonic for putting a message in a sequence? Ss Shows sequences that message is inC-xw Sw Frees up standard key bindingM-n Xs Better mnemonic (extract shar)M-n Xu Better mnemonic (extract uuencode)M-SPC D SPC Frees mark commandM-\177 D \177 No reason but to keep with digest commandsM-b Db Frees movement commandAs the number of variables increases, it is becoming important toorganize the mh-e namespace. Several variables having to do with theformat of scan lines were renamed, as follows:Old Newmh-good-msg-regexp mh-scan-good-msg-regexpmh-deleted-msg-regexp mh-scan-deleted-msg-regexpmh-refiled-msg-regexp mh-scan-refiled-msg-regexpmh-valid-scan-line mh-scan-valid-regexpmh-cur-scan-msg-regexp mh-scan-cur-msg-number-regexp- mh-scan-cur-msg-regexp- mh-scan-rcpt-regexp- mh-scan-format-regexpmh-msg-number-regexp mh-scan-msg-number-regexpmh-msg-search-regexp mh-scan-msg-search-regexp*** MH-Show modeWhile the MIME support is not complete, quoted-printable body partsare now decoded.Some MTAs quote From at the beginning of the line with a ">". The ">"is now removed in the display, but not on disk.*** MH-Letter modeNew function "C-c C-o (mh-split-line)" splits lines in a draftpreserving the fill prefix and indentation. This is useful whenresponding to several sentences in a single paragraph separately."M-q (fill-paragraph)" can now be used on the message that is beingreplied to. The fill prefix such as "> " is preserved.You no longer have to run "C-c C-e (mh-edit-mhn)" manually as this isnow done automatically when the message is sent.The X-Mailer header field is now added to messages as they are sent."C-c C-m C-i (mh-mhn-compose-insertion)" now makes a pretty good guessat the type of file using the `file' command and no longer asks theuser for the media type. If the necessary version of `file' is notavailable, the user is asked for the media type as before; however,the list of media types is now taken from the system mailcap ifavailable. Failing that, the built-in list of types has beensupplemented so in most cases the type you need should be present(closes SF #406883, #441179).** New Variables in mh-e 6.0New variables not mentioned earlier include:*** mh-insert-x-mailer-pDefault value of t means that an X-Mailer header field should beadded.*** mh-reply-show-message-pThe setting of this variable determines whether the MH show-buffer isdisplayed with the current message when using mh-reply without a prefixargument. Set it to nil if you already include the messageautomatically in your draft using "repl: -filter repl.filter" in"~/.mh_profile."*** mh-scan-format-fileSpecifies the format file to pass to the scan program. If t, theformat string will be taken from the either `mh-scan-format-mh' or`mh-scan-format-nmh' depending on whether MH or nmh is in use. If nil,the default scan output will be used.If you customize the scan format, you may need to modify a fewvariables containing regexps that mh-e uses to identify specificportions of the output. Use `M-x apropos RET mh-scan.*regexp' toobtain a list of these variables.*** mh-scan-format-mhScan format string for MH, provided to the scan program via the-format arg. This format is identical to the default except thatadditional hints for fontification have been added to the sixthcolumn.*** mh-scan-format-nmhScan format string for nmh, provided to the scan program via the-format arg. This format is identical to the default except thatadditional hints for fontification have been added to the sixthcolumn.*** mh-show-use-goto-addrNon-nil means URLs and e-mail addresses are highlighted usinggoto-addr in MH-Show buffer.*** mh-letter-fill-columnFill column to use in `mh-letter-mode'. This is useful to make thelines a bit shorter to allow for quoting in replies.*** mh-folder-updated-hookInvoked when the actions in a folder (such as moves and deletes) areperformed. Variables that are useful in this hook include`mh-delete-list' and `mh-refile-list' which can be used to see whichchanges are being made to current folder, `mh-current-folder'.*** mh-unseen-updated-hookInvoked after the unseen sequence has been updated. The variable`mh-seen-list' can be used to obtain the list of messages which willbe removed from the unseen sequence** Bug Fixes in mh-e 6.0*** mh-edit-again and mh-extract-rejected-mailNow insert a header separator (--------) which packages such asmailcrypt expect.*** mh-find-progsNow uses `mhparam' to set `mh-lib-progs' and `mh-lib'. Added moredirectories to `mh-progs' so that mh-e can autoconfigure in moreenvironments. Chances are that you no longer have to set thesevariables, and if you do, you will only have to set `mh-progs'.Unless, of course, you are using an ancient version of MH that doesn'thave `mhparam'.*** mh-folder-mode-mapThe DEL/<delete>/<backspace> change in Emacs 21 broke`mh-previous-page'. This has been fixed (closes SF #228907).*** mh-forwardIf you had "forw: -mime" to your .mh_profile, forwarding a messageresulted in: Search failed: "^------- Forwarded Message"In addition, the Subject field was not filled in. This has been fixed(closes SF #223603).*** mh-kill-folderThe user is now always prompted before this action; the variable`mh-do-not-confirm' is no longer consulted here. Therefore users whowanted to set `mh-do-not-confirm' but didn't because of the`mh-kill-folder' dependency may now do so.*** mh-make-folder-mode-lineProperly deals with folders that do not have any lines in them. Prints"no msgs" instead of "0 msgs". Does not try to print a range whenthere are no messages.*** mh-mhn-compose-insertionNow gets the MIME type automatically (assuming the local file commandsupports the -i and -b options). If this use of the file command isnot supported, the list of MIME types has been expanded to use thesystem's mailcap file.*** mh-nmh-pThis variable (t when nmh is in use rather than MH) assumed that thestring "nmh" is in `mh-lib-progs' or `mh-lib'. This has been fixed(closes SF #441776).*** mh-refile-msgNo longer lets you specify an empty folder (closes SF #476824).*** mh-regenerate-headersNow suppresses "scan: bad message list" messages.*** mh-print-msgThis function was looking for `mhl' in the wrong place on nmh onRedhat LINUX 7.0. This has been fixed (closes SF #481128).*** mh-showNow updates `cur' sequence after a message is shown (closes SF #481772).*** mh-showingRenamed variable and function to `mh-showing-mode' to conform withminor mode conventions. Added optional arg to function so it wouldbehave like a normal minor mode: no or nil arg toggles mode, 0 argturns off, non-nil turns on. This fixed the error that occurred when`desktop-create-buffer' recreated mh-e buffers because it was calling`mh-showing' with an arg.*** mh-versionFixed for nmh. Now displays mh-e version correctly. Cleaned up outputand display `mh-progs', etc.*** mh-widenNow attempts to stay on the same message number (closes SF #480922).No longer wipes out pending deletes and refiles without warning(closes SF #481036).* Changes in mh-e 5.0.2This version contains additional minor changes to integrate it withreporter.el (requires reporter.el version 3.1c or later) and Emacs19.30. The mh-goto-msg function is much faster, which also speeds upseveral other operations.* Changes in mh-e 5.0.1This version contains minor changes from mh-e 5.0 to integrate it withEmacs 19.29.* User-visible changes to mh-e 5.0Note: This being a major release, there are many internal changes.This document lists only changes to the external interfaces of mh-e.When upgrading, you must either explicitly reload the new versions ofall mh-e files that are already loaded or restart your Emacs.** Major Changes and New Features in mh-e 5.0The emphasis for this release has been on consistency anddocumentation. Many documentation strings were enhanced. Documentationstrings were changed to comments for internal functions and variables.*** There is now proper documentation in the form of a 75-page usersmanual. The Texinfo source is mh-e.texi; the formatted Info documentis mh-e.info.*** There is a new command `mh-update-sequences', which updates MH'sidea of what messages are in the Unseen sequence and what is thecurrent folder and message. `mh-quit' calls it. While`mh-execute-commands' has always done this updating as a side effect,the new function is faster.*** The MH profile entry "Inbox:" is supported.*** If the show-buffer is modified, the user is queried before mh-ereuses the buffer to show a different message. This buffer is alsoauto-saved and backed up correctly.*** `mh-store-buffer' is significantly more robust. It now handlesmessages created by a wide variety of packaging software. The statusmessage for `uudecode' includes the name of the file created. An erroris signaled if the subprocess exits with a non-zero status.*** `mh-search-folder' behaves predictably, adding messages found tothe `search' sequence. It correctly handles the case of no messagesfound.*** `mh-burst-digest' (`M-b') now only rescans the part of the folderaffected by the burst. It is now much faster in a large folder.** New Hooks and Customization Variables in mh-e 5.0*** `mh-default-folder-for-message-function': new name for the old`mh-msg-folder-hook', which wasn't a hook. The old name was confusing,leading people to think they could use `add-hook' with it, whenactually `setq' is the correct way.*** `mh-sortm-args': When this variable is used has changed. Now`mh-sortm-args' is passed if there IS a prefix argument to`mh-sort-folder'. The assumption is that for arguments you normallywant, you would specify them in an MH profile entry.*** `mh-mhn-args': new hook, a list of additional arguments to pass tothe `mhn' program if `mh-edit-mhn' is given a prefix argument.*** `mh-edit-mhn-hook': new hook called by `mh-edit-mhn', the functionthat formats MIME messages.*** `mh-folder-list-change-hook': new hook, called whenever the cachedlist of folders, `mh-folder-list', is changed.*** `mh-find-path-hook': new hook, called when entering mh-e.*** `mh-repl-formfile': new variable, used to change the format fileused by `mh-reply' from the default of "replcomps".*** New variables to customize the scan format and notating:`mh-note-deleted', `mh-note-refiled', `mh-note-seq', `mh-note-cur',`mh-note-copied', `mh-note-printed'.** Key Binding Changes in mh-e 5.0*** `RET' runs `mh-show' for consistency with the Finder and Info. Theold binding `.' still works, but `RET' is now the standard binding.*** `M-<' now runs `mh-first-msg' for consistency with `M->', whichruns `mh-last-msg'.*** `C-c C-f C-d' in MH-Letter mode moves to a Dcc: header field.*** `C-c C-f C-r' in MH-Letter mode moves to a From: header field.*** `g' is now the standard binding for `mh-goto-msg'. The old binding`j' still works.** Other Improvements and Changes to mh-e 5.0*** `mh-lpr-command-format' no longer passes the "-p" argument to`lpr' by default. The mail header typically has the date anyway.*** When prompting for a sequence name, if no sequences have been usedyet, mh-e will offer the first sequence the current message is in.*** The patterns of more mailers are recognized by`mh-extract-rejected-mail'.*** `mh-insert-prefix-string' no longer wraps the call to the`mail-citation-hook' function in a `save-excursion' so the hook writercan choose whether to leave point at the beginning or the end of theyanked text.*** `mh-write-msg-to-file': The prompt now refers to "message" or"message body" depending on which will be written. (This is controlledby a prefix argument.) The file defaults to the last-used file insteadof supplying only the directory name.*** mh-e uses message ranges when running MH commands. Thus "rmm 1 2 34 6" is now "rmm 1-4 6". This change makes it less likely to overflowsystem argument list limits, and it might be faster, too.** Bug Fixes to mh-e 5.0*** mh-e's idea of the unseen sequence now stays in sync with MH'sbetter.*** Functions that are supposed to find fields in the message headerno longer look in the message body.*** mh-e would sometimes fail to remove the "%" from a scan line whenthe message was removed from a sequence if the message was also in thePrevious sequence.*** The variable `mh-inc-prog' is now correctly used in all places.*** `mh-pipe-msg' runs the process in the correct directory.*** A partially scanned folder will no longer lose the "/select"annotation when you execute marked deletes and refiles with `x'.* Changes to mh-e 4.0This file is automatically generated from news-mh-e.txinfo. Do not edit.[MH-E-ONEWS has been incorporated here and removed. news-mh-e.txinfois no longer available.]Note: there are many internal changes to mh-e in this release. If youhave the previous version loaded into your Emacs, you will probably notbe able to load this version on top of it.** New Features in mh-e 4.0*** Background folder collection. The first time you are prompted fora folder, you must wait while mh-e collects the names of all existingfolders. Now however, if you abort, collecting will continue in thebackground, and you can do something else in Emacs until thecollection completes. Normally, mh-e will begin collecting foldersnames in the background when you first load it; you can disable thisfeature by setting `mh-auto-folder-collect' to nil.*** There is support for composing MIME messages using the `mhn'program from MH 6.8. See the documentation string for mh-edit-mhn.(While composing a letter, type `C-h k C-c C-e'.) See also mhn(1).There is as yet no support for reading MIME messages.*** `mh-show', typically on `.', repositions to the start of themessage if the message is already visible. It used to do nothing inthis case.*** The function `mh-unshar-msg' is renamed `mh-store-msg'. It nowdoes uudecoding, too. Someday it should do MIME. It remembers the lastdirectory you used and offers it as the default for next time.*** New function `mh-header-display', on `,', displays the messagewith all headers, including those normally not displayed. Type `.' todisplay the message normally again.*** New function `mh-list-sequences' lists the sequences in use in thecurrent folder.*** New function `mh-version' displays version information about MHand mh-e. Please use the output in bug reports.*** `mh-quit' now burys the folder buffer and show buffer.** New hooks and customization variables in mh-e 4.0*** `mh-pick-mode-hook': new hook called by new mode `mh-pick-mode'.The pick buffer didn't used to have its own mode. Another advantage of`mh-pick-mode' is that `C-h m' works in the pick buffer.*** `mail-citation-hook': new variable for supercite.*** `mh-refile-msg-hook': new hook called by `mh-refile-msg' (and`mh-refile-or-write-again' when refiling).*** `mh-msg-folder-hook': new hook used by `mh-refile-msg' and`mh-to-fcc' to provide a default folder for user prompt.*** `mh-show-hook': new hook called by `mh-show'.*** `mh-delete-msg-hook': new hook called by `mh-delete-msg'.*** `mh-show-mode-hook': new hook called by new mode `mh-show-mode'for `show-' buffers.*** `mh-comp-formfile': new variable so can customize `components'file.*** `mh-sortm-args': new variable, a list of extra arguments to bepassed to sortm by `mh-sort-folder'. Give an argument to`mh-sort-folder' to suppress this behavior.*** `mh-send-prog': new variable so can customize name of `send'program in case of name conflicts.*** `mh-scan-prog': new variable so can customize name of `scan'program to generate custom effects.*** `mh-inc-prog': new variable so can customize name of `inc' programto do fancy management of incoming messages.*** `mh-forwarded-letter-subject': new function used by `mh-forward'to compute the Subject line of the new message. It is a small functionwhich can be replaced by the user for customization. Uses the newvariable `mh-forward-subject-format', which allows some simplecustomizations without rewriting even `mh-forwarded-letter-subject'.*** `mh-new-draft-cleaned-headers': new variable, header lines removedby `mh-edit-again' and `mh-extract-rejected-mail' before offering amessage as a new draft.*** `mh-signature-file-name': new variable used by`mh-insert-signature' to so can customize name of the file to insert.*** `mh-read-address': new function called to read all To: and Cc:addresses.*** `mh-msg-folder-hook': new hook used by `mh-refile-msg' and`mh-to-fcc' to provide a default folder for user prompt.** Key binding changes in mh-e 4.0*** `,' runs new function `mh-header-display'. It is like `.' but itdisplays *all* the headers.*** `M-#' runs the new function `mh-delete-seq'. One used to have totype `C-u M-%' to delete a sequence.*** `<' no longer does `mh-first-msg', but `M->' now does`mh-last-msg'. This allows first and last to be consistent (`>' wastaken) and is more likely to be discovered by chance anyway.*** `M-d' runs `mh-redistribute', `r' runs `mh-reply' (on the theorythat the more commonly used function should be easier to type, and theobscure action of redistributing can be harder to type).*** `M-o' changed to `C-o' (`mh-write-msg-to-file'). It wasinterfering with arrow keys for some people.*** `M-n' now runs `mh-store-msg' (formerly `mh-unshar-msg').*** `b' no longer runs `mh-quit'; use `q' instead. `b' may be used ina future version for something else.** Minor improvements to mh-e 4.0*** The mh-e code is now divided into multiple Emacs Lisp files, so itstarts up faster because Emacs doesn't have to load all of it at once.(This change also makes it easier for the maintainer to managethings.)*** When searching for the directory containing the MH programs,search the user's PATH in addition to the built-in directories, toincrease the chance of finding the MH programs.*** The subject for a forwarded message no longer has ugly squarebrackets around it.*** The name of the folder is no longer appears twice in the showbuffer mode line.*** When typing a folder name in the minibuffer, parent folderscomplete to the trailing slash (/), for easier typing of subfolders.*** The folder buffer mode name changed from `mh-e scan' or `mh-eshow' to `MH-Folder', which makes the hook name easier to guess. Added`mh-showing' to `minor-mode-alist' so there is still an indication inthe mode line of whether messages will be shown automatically.*** `mh-rename-seq' does completion on the old sequence name.*** If called by a user who has never used MH on this system before,mh-e runs the MH program `install-mh' to get them set up.*** Undo history for previous messages is not kept to avoid wastingmemory.*** The internal temp buffer used by mh-e has `buffer-offer-save'explicitly nil. This change benefits people who change the`buffer-offer-save' default.** Bug fixes to mh-e 4.0*** `mh-to-field': don't bomb if no To: field.*** `mh-get-new-mail': restore annotations, e.g., cur, even if no newmail.*** `mh-rename-seq': verify that the new seq name was accepted by`mark' before updating state.*** `mh-internal-seq': the Previous sequence is not notated, since itwould notate everything scanned.*** `mh-read-draft': don't call `find-file-noselect' so an`auto-mode-alist' doesn't trigger `mh-letter-mode-hook' twice. Faster,too.*** `mh-show': If user moves onto a message that doesn't exist, don'tleave the cursor in the show pane.*** `mh-delete-scan-msgs': use `equal', not `=', on the result of`mh-get-msg-num', since it may be nil.*** `mh-get-field': do anchored search so searching for `reply-to:'doesn't find `in-reply-to:'.*** `mh-widen': do nothing if not narrowed.*** `mh-clean-message-header': find end of headers even if no body.This file is part of GNU Emacs.GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.Local variables:mode: outlineparagraph-separate: "[ ]*$"end:arch-tag: f6696cad-eb1b-4c5f-8057-4e3954a98d18