@echo offrem Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010rem Free Software Foundation, Inc.rem Cannot use brackets in andrewi's email below becauserem older Windows shells will treat that as redirection.rem Author: Andrew Innes andrewi@gnu.orgrem This file is part of GNU Emacs.rem GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modifyrem it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published byrem the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, orrem (at your option) any later version.rem GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,rem but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofrem MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See therem GNU General Public License for more details.rem You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licenserem along with GNU Emacs. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.if (%3) == () goto usageif not (%4) == () goto %4:binecho Create full bin distributioncopy %3\README.W32 emacs-%1\README.W32rem Info-ZIP zip seems to be broken on Windows.rem It always writes to zip.zip and treats the zipfile argument as onerem of the files to go in it.rem zip -9 -r %2-bin-i386 emacs-%1/BUGS emacs-%1/COPYING emacs-%1/README emacs-%1/README.W32 emacs-%1/INSTALL emacs-%1/bin emacs-%1/etc emacs-%1/info emacs-%1/lisp emacs-%1/leim -x emacs.mdp *.pdb *.opt *~ CVS7z a -tZIP -mx=9 -xr!emacs.mdp -xr!*.pdb -xr!*.opt -xr!*~ -xr!CVS -xr!.arch-inventory %2-bin-i386.zip emacs-%1/BUGS emacs-%1/COPYING emacs-%1/README emacs-%1/README.W32 emacs-%1/INSTALL emacs-%1/bin emacs-%1/etc emacs-%1/info emacs-%1/lisp emacs-%1/leim emacs-%1/site-lispdel emacs-%1\README.W32if not (%4) == () goto end:barebinecho Create archive with just the basic binaries and generated filesecho (the user needs to unpack the full source distribution forecho everything else)copy %3\README.W32 emacs-%1\README.W32rem Info-ZIP zip seems to be broken on Windows.rem It always writes to zip.zip and treats the zipfile argument as onerem of the files to go in it.rem zip -9 -r %2-barebin-i386.zip emacs-%1/README.W32 emacs-%1/bin emacs-%1/etc/DOC-X emacs-%1/COPYING7z a -tZIP -mx=9 %2-barebin-i386.zip emacs-%1/README.W32 emacs-%1/bin emacs-%1/etc/DOC-X emacs-%1/COPYINGdel emacs-%1\README.W32if not (%4) == () goto endgoto end:usageecho Generate source and binary distributions of emacs.echo Usage: %0 emacs-version dist-basename distfiles [bin,barebin]echo (e.g., %0 19.34 emacs-19.34.5 d:\andrewi\distfiles):endgoto skipArchTag arch-tag: 6e2ddd92-c1c9-4992-b6b5-207aaab72f68:skipArchTag