@c This is part of the Emacs manual.@c Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.@c See file emacs.texi for copying conditions.@node Acknowledgments, Screen, Concept Index, Top@chapter AcknowledgmentsMany people have contributed code included in the Free SoftwareFoundation's distribution of GNU Emacs. To show our appreciation fortheir public spirit, we list here those who have written substantialportions.@itemize @bullet@itemPer Abrahamsen wrote the customization buffer facilities, as well as@file{double.el} for typing accented characters not normally availablefrom the keyboard, @file{xt-mouse.el} which handles mouse commandsthrough Xterm, and @file{cpp.el} which hides or highlights parts of Cprograms according to preprocessor conditionals.@itemJay K. Adams wrote @file{jka-compr.el}, providing automaticdecompression and recompression for compressed files.@itemJoe Arceneaux wrote the original text property implementation, andimplemented support for X11.@itemBoaz Ben-Zvi wrote @file{profile.el}, to time Emacs Lisp functions.@itemJim Blandy wrote Emacs 19's input system, brought its configuration andbuild process up to the GNU coding standards, and contributed to theframe support and multi-face support.@itemTerrence M. Brannon wrote @file{landmark.el}, a neural-network robotthat learns landmarks.@itemFrank Bresz wrote @file{diff.el}, a program to display @code{diff}output.@itemPeter Breton implemented @file{dirtrack} which does better tracking ofdirectory changes in shell buffers, @file{filecache.el} which recordswhich directories your files are in, @file{locate.el} which interfacesto the @code{locate} command, @file{net-utils.el}, and the ``genericmode'' feature.@itemKevin Broadey wrote @file{foldout.el}, providing folding extensions toEmacs's outline modes.@itemVincent Broman wrote @file{ada.el}, a mode for editing Ada code(since replaced by @file{ada-mode.el}).@itemDavid M. Brown wrote @file{array.el}, for editing arrays and othertabular data.@itemBill Carpenter provided @file{feedmail.el}.@itemHans Chalupsky wrote @file{advice.el}, an overloading mechanism forEmacs Lisp functions, and @file{trace.el}, a tracing facility for EmacsLisp.@itemBob Chassell wrote @file{texnfo-upd.el} and @file{makeinfo.el}, modesand utilities for working with Texinfo files.@itemJames Clark wrote @file{sgml-mode.el}, a mode for editing SGMLdocuments, and contributed to Emacs's dumping procedures.@itemMike Clarkson wrote @file{edt.el}, an emulation of DEC's EDT editor.@itemGlynn Clements provided @file{gamegrid.el} and a couple of games thatuse it, Snake and Tetris.@itemAndrew Csillag wrote M4 mode (@file{m4-mode.el}).@itemDoug Cutting and Jamie Zawinski wrote @file{disass.el}, a disassemblerfor compiled Emacs Lisp code.@itemMichael DeCorte wrote @file{emacs.csh}, a C-shell script that starts anew Emacs job, or restarts a paused Emacs if one exists.@itemGary Delp wrote @file{mailpost.el}, an interface between RMAIL and the@file{/usr/uci/post} mailer.@itemMatthieu Devin wrote @file{delsel.el}, a package to make newly-typedtext replace the current selection.@itemEric Ding contributed @file{goto-addr.el}, @itemCarsten Dominik wrote @file{reftex.el}, a package for setting uplabels and cross-references for La@TeX{}.@itemScott Draves wrote @file{tq.el}, help functions for maintainingtransaction queues between Emacs and its subprocesses.@itemViktor Dukhovni wrote support for dumping under SunOS version 4.@itemJohn Eaton co-wrote Octave mode (@file{octave.el} and related files).@itemRolf Ebert co-wrote Ada mode (@file{ada-mode.el}).@itemStephen Eglen implemented @file{mspools.el}, for use with Procmail,which tells you which mail folders have mail waiting in them, and@file{iswitchb.el}, a feature for incremental reading and completion ofbuffer names.@item@c iftexTorbj@"orn@c end iftex@c ifinfo@c Torbjorn@c end ifinfoEinarsson contributed F90 mode (@file{f90.el}).@itemTsugutomo Enami co-wrote the support for international character sets.@itemHans Henrik Eriksen wrote @file{simula.el}, a mode for editing SIMULA 87code.@itemMichael Ernst wrote @file{reposition.el}, a command for recentering afunction's source code and preceding comment on the screen.@itemAta Etemadi wrote @file{cdl.el}, functions for working with Common DataLanguage source code.@itemFrederick Farnback implemented @file{morse.el}, which converts text tomorse code.@itemFred Fish wrote the support for dumping COFF executable files.@itemKarl Fogel wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{bookmark.el}, for creating named placeholders, saving them andjumping to them later,@item@file{mail-hist.el}, a history mechanism for outgoing mail messages, and@item@file{saveplace.el}, for preserving point's location in files betweenediting sessions.@end itemize@itemGary Foster wrote the emulation for CRiSP: @file{crisp.el} and@file{scroll-lock.el}.@itemNoah Friedman wrote @file{rlogin.el}, an interface to Rlogin, and@file{type-break.el}, which reminds you to take periodic breaks fromtyping. With Roland McGrath, he wrote @file{rsz-mini.el}, a minor modeto automatically resize the minibuffer to fit the text it contains.@itemKeith Gabryelski wrote @file{hexl.el}, a mode for editing binary files.@itemKevin Gallagher rewrote and enhanced the EDT emulation, and wrote@file{flow-ctrl.el}, a package for coping with unsuppressible XON/XOFFflow control.@itemKevin Gallo added multiple-frame support for Windows NT.@itemHoward Gayle wrote:@itemize @bullet@itemthe C and lisp code for display tables and case tables,@item@file{rot13.el}, a command to display the plaintext form of a bufferencoded with the Caesar cipher,@itemmuch of the support for the ISO-8859 European character set (whichincludes @file{iso-ascii.el}, @file{iso-insert.el}, @file{iso-swed.el},@file{iso-syntax.el}, @file{iso-transl.el}, and @file{swedish.el}), and@item@file{vt100-led.el}, a package for controlling the LED's onVT100-compatible terminals.@end itemize@itemStephen Gildea made the Emacs quick reference card.@itemDavid Gillespie wrote:@itemize @bullet@itemEmacs 19's Common Lisp compatibility packages, replacing the old packageby Cesar Augusto Quiroz Gonzalez,@item@file{complete.el}, a partial completion mechanism, and@item@file{edmacro.el}, a package for editing keyboard macros.@end itemize@itemBob Glickstein contributed the @file{sregex.el} feature.@itemBoris Goldowsky wrote @file{avoid.el}, a package to keep the mousecursor out of the way of the text cursor; @file{shadowfile.el}, apackage for keeping identical copies of files in more than one place;@file{enriched.el}, a package for saving text properties in files;and @file{facemenu.el}, a package for specifying faces.@itemMichelangelo Grigni wrote @file{ffap.el} which visits a file,taking the file name from the buffer.@itemOdd Gripenstam wrote @file{dcl-mode.el}.@itemMichael Gschwind wrote @file{iso-cvt.el}, a package to convert betweenthe ISO 8859-1 character set and the notations for non-@code{ASCII}characters used by @TeX{} and net tradition.@itemHenry Guillaume wrote @file{find-file.el}, a package to visit filesrelated to the currently visited file.@itemDoug Gwyn wrote the portable @code{alloca} implementation.@itemKen'ichi Handa implemented most of the support for internationalcharacter sets.@itemChris Hanson wrote @file{netuname.el}, a package to use HP-UX's RemoteFile Access facility from Emacs.@itemK. Shane Hartman wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{chistory.el} and @file{echistory.el}, packages for browsingcommand history lists,@item@file{electric.el} and @file{helper.el}, providing an alternativecommand loop and appropriate help facilities,@item@file{emacsbug.el}, a package for reporting Emacs bugs,@item@file{picture.el}, a mode for editing ASCII pictures, and@item@file{view.el}, a package for perusing files and buffers without editingthem.@end itemize@itemJohn Heidemann wrote @file{mouse-copy.el} and @file{mouse-drag.el},which provide alternative mouse-based editing and scrolling features.@itemMarkus Heritsch co-wrote Ada mode (@file{ada-mode.el}).@itemKarl Heuer wrote the original blessmail script, implemented the@code{intangible} text property, and rearranged the structure of the@code{Lisp_Object} type to allow for more data bits.@itemManabu Higashida ported Emacs to the MS-DOS operating system.@itemAnders Holst wrote @file{hippie-exp.el}, a versatile completion andexpansion package.@itemKurt Hornik co-wrote Octave mode (@file{octave.el} and related files).@itemTom Houlder wrote @file{mantemp.el}, which generates manual C++ templateinstantiations.@itemLars Ingebrigtsen did a major redesign of the GNUS newsreader.@itemAndrew Innes contributed extensively to the Windows NT support.@itemKyle Jones wrote @file{life.el}, a package to play Conway's ``life'' game,and @file{mldrag.el}, a package which allows the user to resize windowsby dragging mode lines and vertical window separators with the mouse.@itemTomoji Kagatani implemented @file{smtpmail.el}, used for sending outmail with SMTP.@itemDavid Kaufman wrote @file{yow.c}, an essential utility program for thehopelessly pinheaded.@itemHenry Kautz wrote @file{bib-mode.el}, a mode for maintainingbibliography databases compatible with @code{refer} (the @code{troff}version) and @code{lookbib}, and @file{refbib.el}, a package to convertthose databases to the format used by the LaTeX text formatting package.@itemHoward Kaye wrote @file{sort.el}, commands to sort text in Emacsbuffers.@itemMichael Kifer wrote @file{ediff.el}, an interactive interface to the@code{diff} and @code{patch} programs, and Viper, the newest emulationfor VI.@itemRichard King wrote the first version of @file{userlock.el} and@file{filelock.c}, which provide simple support for multiple usersediting the same file.@c We're not using his backquote.el any more.@itemLarry K. Kolodney wrote @file{cvtmail.c}, a program to convert the maildirectories used by Gosling Emacs into RMAIL format.@itemRobert Krawitz wrote the original @file{xmenu.c}, part of Emacs's pop-upmenu support.@itemSebastian Kremer wrote Emacs 19's @code{dired-mode}, with contributionsby Lawrence R. Dodd.@itemGeoff Kuenning wrote Emacs 19's @file{ispell.el}, based on work by KenStevens and others.@itemDavid K@ringaccent{a}gedal wrote @file{tempo.el}, providing support foreasy insertion of boilerplate text and other common constructions.@itemDaniel LaLiberte wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{edebug.el}, a source-level debugger for Emacs Lisp,@item@file{cl-specs.el}, specifications to help @code{edebug} debug codewritten using David Gillespie's Common Lisp support,@item@file{cust-print.el}, a customizable package for printing lisp objects,@item@file{eval-reg.el}, a re-implementation of @code{eval-region} in EmacsLisp, and@item@file{isearch.el}, Emacs 19's incremental search minor mode.@end itemize@itemJames R. Larus wrote @file{mh-e.el}, an interface to the MH mail system.@itemFrederic Lepied contributed @file{expand.el}, which uses the abbrevmechanism for inserting programming constructs.@itemLars Lindberg wrote @file{msb.el}, which provides more flexible menusfor buffer selection, and rewrote @file{dabbrev.el}.@itemEric Ludlam wrote the Speedbar package and @file{checkdoc.el}.@itemNeil M. Mager wrote @file{appt.el}, functions to notify users of theirappointments. It finds appointments recorded in the diary filesgenerated by Edward M. Reingold's @code{calendar} package.@itemKen Manheimer wrote @file{allout.el}, a mode for manipulating andformatting outlines, and @file{icomplete.el}, which provides incrementalcompletion feedback in the minibuffer.@itemBill Mann wrote @file{perl-mode.el}, a mode for editing Perl code.@itemBrian Marick and Daniel LaLiberte wrote @file{hideif.el}, support forhiding selected code within C @code{#ifdef} clauses.@itemSimon Marshall wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{fast-lock.el}, which caches the face data computed by Font Lock mode,@item@file{lazy-lock.el}, which delays fontification in Font Lock modeuntil text is actually displayed, and@item@file{regexp-opt.el}, which generates a regular expression from a listof strings.@end itemize@itemBengt Martensson, Mark Shapiro, Mike Newton, Aaron Larson, and StefanSchoef, wrote @file{bibtex.el}, a mode for editing Bib@TeX{}bibliography files.@itemCharlie Martin wrote @file{autoinsert.el}, which provides automaticmode-sensitive insertion of text into new files.@itemThomas May wrote @file{blackbox.el}, a version of the traditionalblackbox game.@itemRoland McGrath wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{compile.el}, a package for running compilations in a buffer, andthen visiting the locations reported in error messages,@item@file{etags.el}, a package for jumping to function definitions andsearching or replacing in all the files mentioned in a @file{TAGS} file,@item@file{find-dired.el}, for using @code{dired} commands on output from the@code{find} program, with Sebastian Kremer,@item@file{map-ynp.el}, a general purpose boolean question-asker,@item@file{autoload.el}, providing semi-automatic maintenance of autoloadfiles, and@item@file{upd-copyr.el}, providing semi-automatic maintenance of copyrightnotices in source code.@end itemize@itemDavid Megginson wrote @file{derived.el}, which allows one to define newmajor modes by inheriting key bindings and commands from existing majormodes.@itemWayne Mesard wrote @file{hscroll.el} which does horizontal scrollingautomatically.@itemRichard Mlynarik wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{cl-indent.el}, a package for indenting Common Lisp code,@item@file{ebuff-menu.el}, an ``electric'' browser for buffer listings,@item@file{ehelp.el}, bindings for browsing help screens,@item@file{rfc822.el}, a parser for E-mail addresses in the RFC-822 format,used in mail messages and news articles,@item@file{terminal.el}, a terminal emulator for Emacs subprocesses, and @item@file{yow.el}, an essential utility (try @kbd{M-x yow}).@end itemize@itemKeith Moore wrote @file{aixcc.lex}, a pre-processor designed to helpEmacs parse the error messages produced by the AIX C compiler.@itemErik Naggum wrote the time-conversion functions, and has tested thelatest source code daily.@itemThomas Neumann and Eric Raymond wrote @file{makefile.el}, a mode forediting makefiles.@itemJurgen Nickelsen wrote @file{ws-mode.el}, providing WordStar emulation.@itemJeff Norden wrote @file{kermit.el}, a package to help the Kermitdialup communications program run comfortably in an Emacs shell buffer.@itemAndrew Norman wrote @file{ange-ftp.el}, providing transparent FTP support.@itemJeff Peck wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{emacstool.c}, support for running Emacs under SunView/Sun Windows,@item@file{sun-curs.el}, cursor definitions for Sun Windows, and @item@file{sun-fns.el}, providing mouse support for Sun Windows.@end itemize@itemDamon Anton Permezel wrote @file{hanoi.el}, an animated demonstration ofthe ``Towers of Hanoi'' puzzle.@itemJens Petersen wrote @file{find-func.el}, which makes it easy to findthe source code for an Emacs Lisp function or variable.@itemDaniel Pfeiffer wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{executable.el}@item@file{sh-script.el}, a mode for editing shell scripts,@item@file{skeleton.el}, implementing a concise language for writingstatement skeletons, and@item@file{two-column.el}, a minor mode for simultaneous two-column editing.@end itemize@itemFred Pierresteguy and Paul Reilly made Emacs work with X Toolkitwidgets.@itemChristian Plaunt wrote @file{soundex.el}, an implementation of theSoundex algorithm for comparing English words by their pronunciation.@itemFrancesco A. Potorti wrote @file{cmacexp.el}, providing a command whichruns the C preprocessor on a region of a file and displays the results.@itemMichael D. Prange and Steven A. Wood wrote @file{fortran.el}, a mode forediting FORTRAN code.@c We're not distributing his tex-mode.el anymore; we're using Ed Reingold's.@itemAshwin Ram wrote @file{refer.el}, commands to look up references inbibliography files by keyword.@itemEric S. Raymond wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{vc.el}, an interface to the RCS and SCCS source code versioncontrol systems, with Paul Eggert,@item@file{gud.el}, a package for running source-level debuggers like GDBand SDB in Emacs,@item@file{asm-mode.el}, a mode for editing assembly language code,@item@file{cookie1.el}, support for ``fortune-cookie'' programs like@file{yow.el} and @file{spook.el},@item@file{finder.el}, a package for finding Emacs Lisp packages by keywordand topic,@item@file{lisp-mnt.el}, functions for working with the special headers usedin Emacs Lisp library files, and@itemcode to set and make use of the @code{load-history} lisp variable, whichrecords the source file from which each lisp function loaded into Emacscame.@end itemize@itemEdward M. Reingold wrote the extensive calendar and diary support (try@kbd{M-x calendar}), with contributions from Stewart Clamen, PaulEggert, and Lara Rios. Andy Oram contributed to its documentation.Reingold has also contributed to @file{tex-mode.el}, a mode for editing@TeX{} files, as have William F. Schelter, Dick King, Stephen Gildea,Michael Prange, and Jacob Gore.@itemRob Riepel contributed @file{tpu-edt.el} and its associated files,providing an emulation of the VMS TPU text editor emulating the VMS EDTeditor, and @file{vt-control.el}, providing some control functions forthe DEC VT line of terminals.@itemRoland B. Roberts contributed much of the VMS support distributed withEmacs 19, along with Joseph M. Kelsey, and @file{vms-pmail.el}, supportfor using Emacs within VMS MAIL.@itemJohn Robinson wrote @file{bg-mouse.el}, support for the mouse on the BBNBitgraph terminal.@itemDanny Roozendaal implemented @file{handwrite.el}, which converts textinto ``handwriting.''@itemWilliam Rosenblatt wrote @file{float.el}, implementing a floating-pointnumeric type using Lisp cons cells and integers.@itemGuillermo J. Rozas wrote @file{scheme.el}, a mode for editing Schemecode, and @file{fakemail.c}, an interface to the System V mailer.@itemIvar Rummelhoff provided @file{winner.el}, which recordsrecent window configurations so you can move back to them.@itemWolfgang Rupprecht contributed Emacs 19's floating-point support(including @file{float-sup.el} and @file{floatfns.c}), and@file{sup-mouse.el}, support for the Supdup mouse on lisp machines.@itemJames B. Salem and Brewster Kahle wrote @file{completion.el}, providingdynamic word completion.@itemMasahiko Sato wrote @file{vip.el}, an emulation of the VI editor.@itemWilliam Schelter wrote @file{telnet.el}, support for @code{telnet}sessions within Emacs.@itemRalph Schleicher contributed @file{battery.el}, a package for displayinglaptop computer battery status, and @file{info-look.el}, a package forlooking up Info documentation for symbols in the buffer.@itemGregor Schmid wrote @file{tcl.el}, a mode for editing Tcl/Tk scripts.@itemMichael Schmidt and Tom Perrine wrote @file{modula2.el}, a mode forediting Modula-2 code, based on work by Mick Jordan and Peter Robinson.@itemRonald S. Schnell wrote @file{dunnet.el}, a text adventure game.@itemPhilippe Schnoebelen wrote @file{gomoku.el}, a Go Moku game playedagainst Emacs, and @file{mpuz.el}, a multiplication puzzle.@itemRandal Schwartz wrote @file{pp.el}, a pretty-printer for lisp objects.@itemManuel Serrano contributed the Flyspell package that does spell checkingas you type.@itemStanislav Shalunov wrote @file{uce.el}, for responding to unsolicitedcommercial email.@itemRichard Sharman contributed @file{hilit-chg.el}, which uses colorsto inclidate recent editing changes.@itemOlin Shivers wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{comint.el}, a library for modes running interactive command-line-oriented subprocesses,@item@file{cmuscheme.el}, for running inferior Scheme processes,@item@file{inf-lisp.el}, for running inferior Lisp process, and@item@file{shell.el}, for running inferior shells.@end itemize@itemSam Shteingold wrote @file{gulp.el}.@itemEspen Skoglund wrote @file{pascal.el}, a mode for editing Pascal code.@itemRick Sladkey wrote @file{backquote.el}, a lisp macro for creatingmostly-constant data.@itemLynn Slater wrote @file{help-macro.el}, a macro for writing interactivehelp for key bindings.@itemChris Smith wrote @file{icon.el}, a mode for editing Icon code.@itemDavid Smith wrote @file{ielm.el}, a mode for interacting with the EmacsLisp interpreter as a subprocess.@itemPaul D. Smith wrote @file{snmp-mode.el}.@itemWilliam Sommerfeld wrote @file{scribe.el}, a mode for editing Scribefiles, and @file{server.el}, a package allowing programs to send filesto an extant Emacs job to be edited.@itemMichael Staats wrote @file{pc-select.el}, which rebinds keys forselecting regions to follow many other systems.@itemAke Stenhoff and Lars Lindberg wrote @file{imenu.el}, a framework forbrowsing indices made from buffer contents.@itemPeter Stephenson contributed @file{vcursor.el}, which implements a``virtual cursor'' that you can move with the keyboard and use forcopying text.@itemSam Steingold wrote @file{midnight.el}.@itemJonathan Stigelman wrote @file{hilit19.el}, a package providingautomatic highlighting in source code buffers, mail readers, and othercontexts.@itemSteve Strassman did not write @file{spook.el}, and even if he did, hereally didn't mean for you to use it in an anarchistic way.@itemJens T. Berger Thielemann wrote @file{word-help.el}, which ispart of the basis for @file{info-look.el}.@itemSpencer Thomas wrote the original @file{dabbrev.el}, providing a commandwhich completes the partial word before point, based on other nearbywords for which it is a prefix. He also wrote the original dumpingsupport.@itemJim Thompson wrote @file{ps-print.el}, which convertsEmacs text to Postscript.@itemMasanobu Umeda wrote:@itemize @bullet@itemGNUS, a featureful reader for Usenet news,@item@file{prolog.el}, a mode for editing Prolog code,@item@file{rmailsort.el}, a package for sorting messages in RMAIL folders,@item@file{metamail.el}, an interface to the Metamail program,@item@file{tcp.el}, emulation of the @code{open-network-stream} function forsome Emacs configurations which lack it, and@item@file{timezone.el}, providing functions for dealing with time zones.@end itemize@itemNeil W. Van Dyke wrote @file{webjump.el}, a ``hot links'' package.@itemUlrik Vieth implemented @file{meta-mode.el}, for editing MetaFont code.@itemGeoffrey Voelker wrote the Windows NT support.@itemJohan Vromans wrote @file{forms.el} and its associated files, defining amode for filling in forms, and @file{iso-acc.el}, a minor mode providingelectric accent keys for text using the ISO-8859 character set.@itemBarry Warsaw wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{assoc.el}, a set of utility functions for working with associationlists,@item@file{cc-mode.el}, a major mode for editing C and C++ code, based onearlier work by Dave Detlefs, Stewart Clamen, and Richard Stallman,@item@file{elp.el}, a new profiler for Emacs Lisp programs.@item@file{man.el}, a mode for reading UNIX manual pages,@item@file{regi.el}, providing an AWK-like control structure foruse in lisp programs, and@item@file{reporter.el}, providing customizable bug reporting for lisppackages.@item@file{supercite.el}, a minor mode for quoting sections of mail messagesand news articles,@end itemize@itemMorten Welinder wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{desktop.el}, facilities for saving some of Emacs's state betweensessions,@item@file{s-region.el}, commands for setting the region using the shift keyand motion commands, and@item@file{dos-fns.el}, functions for use under MS-DOS.@end itemizeHe also helped port Emacs to MS-DOS.@itemJoseph Brian Wells wrote:@itemize @bullet@item@file{apropos.el}, a command to find commands, functions, and variableswhose names contain matches for a regular expression,@item@file{resume.el}, support for processing command-line arguments afterresuming a suspended Emacs job, and@item@file{mail-extr.el}, a package for extracting names and addresses frommail headers, with contributions from Jamie Zawinski.@end itemize@itemRodney Whitby and Reto Zimmermann wrote @file{vhdl-mode.el}.@itemEd Wilkinson wrote @file{b2m.c}, a program to convert mail files fromRMAIL format to Unix @code{mbox} format.@itemMike Williams wrote @file{mouse-sel.el}, providing enhanced mouseselection, and @file{thingatpt.el}, a library of functions for findingthe ``thing'' (word, line, s-expression) containing point.@itemDale R. Worley wrote @file{emerge.el}, a package for interactivelymerging two versions of a file.@itemTom Wurgler wrote @file{emacs-lock.el}, which makes it harderto exit with valuable buffers unsaved.@itemEli Zaretskii made many standard Emacs features work on MS-DOS.@itemJamie Zawinski wrote:@itemize @bullet@itemEmacs 19's optimizing byte compiler, with Hallvard Furuseth,@itemmuch of the support for faces and X selections,@item@file{mailabbrev.el}, a package providing automatic expansion of mailaliases, and@item@file{tar-mode.el}, providing simple viewing and editing commands fortar files.@end itemize@itemIan T. Zimmerman wrote @file{gametree.el}.@itemNeal Ziring and Felix S. T. Wu wrote @file{vi.el}, an emulation of theVI text editor.@itemJohn Wiegley wrote @file{align.el}, a set of commands for aligningtext according to regular-expression based rules.@itemINOUE Seiichiro improved Emacs' XIM support. Thanks to HORIKAWA Hisashifor suggestions.@end itemizeOthers too numerous to mention have reported and fixed bugs, and addedfeatures to many parts of Emacs. We thank them for their generosity aswell.This list intended to mention every contributor of a major package orfeature we currently distribute; if you know of someone we have omitted,please report that as a manual bug.