(forward_to_next_line_start): When taking the shortcut
at the start of the function, check that the \n in it->c is
from the iterator's current position.
REM Here begins debug.bat.inREM Set OS specific values.REM none neededREM Use new proxy shell by default.set SHELL=%emacs_dir%\bin\cmdproxy.exeset EMACSLOADPATH=%emacs_dir%\site-lisp;%emacs_dir%\lispset EMACSDATA=%emacs_dir%\etcset EMACSPATH=%emacs_dir%\binset EMACSLOCKDIR=%emacs_dir%\lockset INFOPATH=%emacs_dir%\infoset EMACSDOC=%emacs_dir%\etcset TERM=CMDREM The variable HOME is used to find the startup file, ~\_emacs. Ideally,REM this will not be set in this file but should already be set beforeREM this file is invoked. If HOME is not set, use some generic default.set HOME_SAVE=%HOME%set HOME_EXISTS=yesset HOME_DEFAULT=C:\set HOME=if "%HOME%" == "%HOME_SAVE%" set HOME_EXISTS=noif "%HOME_EXISTS%" == "yes" set HOME=%HOME_SAVE%if "%HOME_EXISTS%" == "no" set HOME=%HOME_DEFAULT%if "%HOME_EXISTS%" == "no" echo HOME is not set! Using %HOME% as a default...start msdev -nologo %emacs_dir%\bin\emacs.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9