;;; gnus-dired.el --- utility functions where gnus and dired meet;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Authors: Benjamin Rutt <brutt@bloomington.in.us>,;; Shenghuo Zhu <zsh@cs.rochester.edu>;; Keywords: mail, news, extensions;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option);; any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.;;; Commentary:;; This package provides utility functions for intersections of gnus;; and dired. To enable the gnus-dired-mode minor mode which will;; have the effect of installing keybindings in dired-mode, place the;; following in your ~/.gnus:;; (require 'gnus-dired) ;, isn't needed due to autoload cookies;; (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'turn-on-gnus-dired-mode);; Note that if you visit dired buffers before your ~/.gnus file has;; been read, those dired buffers won't have the keybindings in;; effect. To get around that problem, you may want to add the above;; statements to your ~/.emacs instead.;;; Code:(require 'dired)(require 'gnus-ems)(require 'gnus-msg)(require 'gnus-util)(require 'message)(require 'mm-encode)(require 'mml)(defvar gnus-dired-mode nil "Minor mode for intersections of gnus and dired.")(defvar gnus-dired-mode-map nil)(unless gnus-dired-mode-map (setq gnus-dired-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (gnus-define-keys gnus-dired-mode-map "\C-c\C-m\C-a" gnus-dired-attach "\C-c\C-m\C-l" gnus-dired-find-file-mailcap "\C-c\C-m\C-p" gnus-dired-print))(defun gnus-dired-mode (&optional arg) "Minor mode for intersections of gnus and dired.\\{gnus-dired-mode-map}" (interactive "P") (when (eq major-mode 'dired-mode) (set (make-local-variable 'gnus-dired-mode) (if (null arg) (not gnus-dired-mode) (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0))) (when gnus-dired-mode (gnus-add-minor-mode 'gnus-dired-mode "" gnus-dired-mode-map) (gnus-run-hooks 'gnus-dired-mode-hook))));;;###autoload(defun turn-on-gnus-dired-mode () "Convenience method to turn on gnus-dired-mode." (gnus-dired-mode 1));; Method to attach files to a gnus composition.(defun gnus-dired-attach (files-to-attach) "Attach dired's marked files to a gnus message composition.If called non-interactively, FILES-TO-ATTACH should be a list offilenames." (interactive (list (delq nil (mapcar ;; don't attach directories (lambda (f) (if (file-directory-p f) nil f)) (nreverse (dired-map-over-marks (dired-get-filename) nil)))))) (let ((destination nil) (files-str nil) (bufs nil)) ;; warn if user tries to attach without any files marked (if (null files-to-attach) (error "No files to attach") (setq files-str (mapconcat (lambda (f) (file-name-nondirectory f)) files-to-attach ", ")) (setq bufs (message-buffers)) ;; set up destination message buffer (if (and bufs (y-or-n-p "Attach files to existing message buffer? ")) (setq destination (if (= (length bufs) 1) (get-buffer (car bufs)) (completing-read "Attach to which message buffer: " (mapcar (lambda (b) (cons b (get-buffer b))) bufs) nil t))) ;; setup a new gnus message buffer (gnus-setup-message 'message (message-mail)) (setq destination (current-buffer))) ;; set buffer to destination buffer, and attach files (set-buffer destination) (goto-char (point-max)) ;attach at end of buffer (while files-to-attach (mml-attach-file (car files-to-attach) (or (mm-default-file-encoding (car files-to-attach)) "application/octet-stream") nil) (setq files-to-attach (cdr files-to-attach))) (message "Attached file(s) %s" files-str))))(autoload 'mailcap-parse-mailcaps "mailcap" "" t)(defun gnus-dired-find-file-mailcap (&optional file-name arg) "In dired, visit FILE-NAME according to the mailcap file.If ARG is non-nil, open it in a new buffer." (interactive (list (file-name-sans-versions (dired-get-filename) t) current-prefix-arg)) (mailcap-parse-mailcaps) (if (file-exists-p file-name) (let (mime-type method) (if (and (not arg) (not (file-directory-p file-name)) (string-match "\\.[^\\.]+$" file-name) (setq mime-type (mailcap-extension-to-mime (match-string 0 file-name))) (stringp (setq method (cdr (assoc 'viewer (car (mailcap-mime-info mime-type 'all))))))) (let ((view-command (mm-mailcap-command method file-name nil))) (message "viewing via %s" view-command) (start-process "*display*" nil shell-file-name shell-command-switch view-command)) (find-file file-name))) (if (file-symlink-p file-name) (error "File is a symlink to a nonexistent target") (error "File no longer exists; type `g' to update Dired buffer"))))(defun gnus-dired-print (&optional file-name print-to) "In dired, print FILE-NAME according to the mailcap file.If there is no print command, print in a PostScript image. If theoptional argument PRINT-TO is nil, send the image to the printer. IfPRINT-TO is a string, save the PostScript image in a file with thatname. If PRINT-TO is a number, prompt the user for the name of thefile to save in." (interactive (list (file-name-sans-versions (dired-get-filename) t) (ps-print-preprint current-prefix-arg))) (mailcap-parse-mailcaps) (cond ((file-directory-p file-name) (error "Can't print a directory")) ((file-exists-p file-name) (let (mime-type method) (if (and (string-match "\\.[^\\.]+$" file-name) (setq mime-type (mailcap-extension-to-mime (match-string 0 file-name))) (stringp (setq method (mailcap-mime-info mime-type "print")))) (call-process shell-file-name nil (generate-new-buffer " *mm*") nil shell-command-switch (mm-mailcap-command method file-name mime-type)) (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents file-name) (gnus-print-buffer)) (ps-despool print-to)))) ((file-symlink-p file-name) (error "File is a symlink to a nonexistent target")) (t (error "File no longer exists; type `g' to update Dired buffer"))))(provide 'gnus-dired);;; arch-tag: 44737731-e445-4638-a31e-713c7590ec76;;; gnus-dired.el ends here