view etc/cs-refcard.tex @ 37276:d93701b9d8c7

*** empty log message ***
author Gerd Moellmann <>
date Mon, 09 Apr 2001 14:50:44 +0000 (2001-04-09)
parents 8628eb0b28c7
children ebcceabda1b5
line wrap: on
line source
% Reference Card for GNU Emacs version 20 on Unix systems

% Czech hyphenation rules applied

%**start of header

% This file can be printed with 1, 2, or 3 columns per page (see below).
% Specify how many you want here.  Nothing else needs to be changed.


% Copyright (c) 1987, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

% This file is part of GNU Emacs.

% GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
% any later version.

% GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.

% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
% the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
% Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

% This file is intended to be processed by plain TeX (TeX82).
% The final reference card has six columns, three on each side.
% This file can be used to produce it in any of three ways:
% 1 column per page
%    produces six separate pages, each of which needs to be reduced to 80%.
%    This gives the best resolution.
% 2 columns per page
%    produces three already-reduced pages.
%    You will still need to cut and paste.
% 3 columns per page
%    produces two pages which must be printed sideways to make a
%    ready-to-use 8.5 x 11 inch reference card.
%    For this you need a dvi device driver that can print sideways.
% Which mode to use is controlled by setting \columnsperpage above.
% Author:
%  Stephen Gildea
%  Internet:
% Thanks to Paul Rubin, Bob Chassell, Len Tower, and Richard Mlynarik
% for their many good ideas.

% If there were room, it would be nice to see a section on Dired.

% Translated to Czech by Jan Buchal <> in January 1999
% Corrections and improvements of the translation
% by Milan Zamazal <> in August 1999
% More work on better integration with GNU Emacs 21
% by Pavel Jan�k <> in November 2000

% Process the file with `csplain' from the `CSTeX' distribution (included
% e.g. in the TeX Live CD).


\def\shortcopyrightnotice{\vskip 1ex plus 2 fill
  \centerline{\small \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  Permissions on back.  v\versionnumber}}

\vskip 1ex plus 2 fill\begingroup\small
\centerline{Copyright \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.}
\centerline{v\versionnumber{} for GNU Emacs version 20, June \year}
\centerline{designed by Stephen Gildea}

Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of
this card provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.

For copies of the GNU Emacs manual, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


% make \bye not \outer so that the \def\bye in the \else clause below
% can be scanned without complaint.

\newdimen\intercolumnskip	%horizontal space between columns
\newbox\columna			%boxes to hold columns already built


  column\if 1\ncolumns\else s\fi\space per page]}

\def\scaledmag#1{ scaled \magstep #1}

% This multi-way format was designed by Stephen Gildea October 1986.
% Note that the 1-column format is fontfamily-independent.
\if 1\ncolumns			%one-column format uses normal size
  \hsize 4in
  \vsize 10in
  \voffset -.7in
  \font\titlefont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag3
  \font\headingfont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag2

\else				%2 or 3 columns uses prereduced size
  \hsize 3.2in
  \vsize 7.95in
  \hoffset -.75in
  \voffset -.745in
  \font\titlefont=csbx10 \scaledmag2
  \font\headingfont=csbx10 \scaledmag1
  \normalbaselines\rm		%make definitions take effect

  \if 2\ncolumns
    \def\makefootline{\vskip 2in \hsize=6.86in\line{\the\footline}}
  \else \if 3\ncolumns
    \errhelp{You must set \columnsperpage equal to 1, 2, or 3.}
    \errmessage{Illegal number of columns per page}

  \output={%			%see The TeXbook page 257
      % This next line is useful when designing the layout.
      %\immediate\write16{Column \folio\abc\space starts with \firstmark}
      \if \maxcolumn\abc \multicolumnformat \global\def\abc{a}
      \else\if a\abc
	\global\setbox\columna\columnbox \global\def\abc{b}
        %% in case we never use \columnb (two-column mode)
        \global\setbox\columnb\hbox to -\intercolumnskip{}
	\global\setbox\columnb\columnbox \global\def\abc{c}\fi\fi}

    \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
    \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi

% we won't be using math mode much, so redefine some of the characters
% we might want to talk about



\parindent 0pt
\parskip 1ex plus .5ex minus .5ex


% newcolumn - force a new column.  Use sparingly, probably only for
% the first column of a page, which should have a title anyway.

% title - page title.  Argument is title text.
\outer\def\title#1{{\titlefont\centerline{#1}}\vskip 1ex plus .5ex}

% section - new major section.  Argument is section name.
  \vskip 3ex plus 2ex minus 2ex {\headingfont #1}\mark{#1}%
  \vskip 2ex plus 1ex minus 1.5ex}


% beginindentedkeys...endindentedkeys - key definitions will be
% indented, but running text, typically used as headings to group
% definitions, will not.

% paralign - begin paragraph containing an alignment.
% If an \halign is entered while in vertical mode, a parskip is never
% inserted.  Using \paralign instead of \halign solves this problem.

% \<...> - surrounds a variable name in a code example
\def\<#1>{{\it #1\/}}

% kbd - argument is characters typed literally.  Like the Texinfo command.
\def\kbd#1{{\tt#1}\null}	%\null so not an abbrev even if period follows

% beginexample...endexample - surrounds literal text, such a code example.
% typeset in a typewriter font with line breaks preserved
{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }

% key - definition of a key.
% \key{description of key}{key-name}
% prints the description left-justified, and the key-name in a \kbd
% form near the right margin.
\def\key#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vtop

\setbox\metaxbox\hbox{\kbd{M-x }}

% metax - definition of a M-x command.
% \metax{description of command}{M-x command-name}
% Tries to justify the beginning of the command name at the same place
% as \key starts the key name.  (The "M-x " sticks out to the left.)
\def\metax#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\hbox to .75\hsize
  \hskip -\metaxwidth minus 1fil

% threecol - like "key" but with two key names.
% for example, one for doing the action backward, and one for forward.

%**end of header

\title{GNU Emacs -- Referen�n� karta}

\centerline{(pro verzi 20)}

\section{Spu�t�n� Emacsu}

Pro vstup do GNU~Emacsu~20 napi�te jeho jm�no: \kbd{emacs}

Jak na蓁tat a editovat soubory se dozv�te n躱e v~odd�le Soubory.

\section{Opu�t�n� Emacsu}

\key{pozastaven� Emacsu (ikonizace v~X11)}{C-z}
\key{definitivn� odchod z~Emacsu}{C-x C-c}


\key{{\bf na蓁st} souboru do Emacsu}{C-x C-f}
\key{{\bf ulo�it} soubor zp�t na disk}{C-x C-s}
\key{ulo�it {\bf v�echny} soubory}{C-x s}
\key{{\bf vlo�it} obsahu jin�ho souboru do bufferu}{C-x i}
\key{zam�nit tento soubor jin�m souborem}{C-x C-v}
\key{zapsat buffer do zadan�ho souboru}{C-x C-w}
\key{vlo�it do syst�mu spr�vy verz�}{C-x C-q}

\section{Pou壌v�n� n�pov�dy}

Syst�m n�pov�dy je snadn�. Stiskn�te \kbd{C-h} (nebo \kbd{F1}) a sledujte
instrukce. �vodn� {\bf tutori�l} lze spustit pomoc� \kbd{C-h t}.

\key{odstranit okno s~n�pov�dou}{C-x 1}
\key{rolovat okno s~n�pov�dou}{C-M-v}

\key{apropos: p�kazy odpov�daj�c� �et�zci}{C-h a}
\key{zobrazit funkci dan� kl�vesy}{C-h c}
\key{zobrazit popis funkce}{C-h f}
\key{zobrazit informace o~aktu�ln�ch m�dech}{C-h m}

\section{Opravy chyb}

\key{{\bf p�eru�it} zad�van� nebo vykon�van� p�kaz}{C-g}
\metax{{\bf obnovit} soubor ztracen� p�dem syst�mu}{M-x recover-file}
\key{{\bf zru�it} necht�nou zm�nu}{C-x u {\it n.} C-_}
\metax{vr�tit p�vodn� obsah bufferu}{M-x revert-buffer}
\key{p�ekreslit \uv{rozpadlou} obrazovku}{C-l}

\section{P�r�stkov� vyhled�v�n�}

\key{vyhledat dop�edu}{C-s}
\key{vyhledat dozadu}{C-r}
\key{vyhledat regul�rn� v�raz}{C-M-s}
\key{vyhledat regul�rn� v�raz dozadu}{C-M-r}

\key{p�edchoz� vyhled�van� �et�zec}{M-p}
\key{n�sleduj�c� nov�j麹 vyhled�van� �et�zec}{M-n}
\key{ukon�it inkrement�ln� vyhled�v�n�}{RET}
\key{zru�it efekt posledn�ho zadan�ho znaku}{DEL}
\key{p�eru�it prob�haj�c� vyhled�v�n�}{C-g}

Dal麹 \kbd{C-s} nebo \kbd{C-r} zopakuje vyhled�n� v~dan�m sm�ru. Pokud
Emacs vyhled�v�, \kbd{C-g} zru麹 pouze nenalezenou 葹st �et�zce.



\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecol{{\bf posun o }}{{\bf dozadu}}{{\bf dop�edu}}
\threecol{na za葹tek nebo konec �dku}{C-a}{C-e}
\threecol{str�nku}{C-x [}{C-x ]}
\threecol{symbolick� v�raz}{C-M-b}{C-M-f}
\threecol{na za葹tek nebo konec bufferu}{M-<}{M->}

\key{rolovat na dal麹 obrazovku}{C-v}
\key{rolovat na p�edchoz� obrazovku}{M-v}
\key{rolovat vlevo}{C-x <}
\key{rolovat vpravo}{C-x >}
\key{aktu�ln� �dek do st�edu obrazovky}{C-u C-l}

\section{Ru�en� a maz�n�}

\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecol{{\bf ru�en� objekt }}{{\bf dozadu}}{{\bf dop�edu}}
\threecol{znak (maz�n�, ne ru�en�)}{DEL}{C-d}
\threecol{�dek (do konce)}{M-0 C-k}{C-k}
\threecol{v�ta}{C-x DEL}{M-k}
\threecol{symbolick� v�raz}{M-- C-M-k}{C-M-k}

\key{zru�it {\bf oblast}}{C-w}
\key{zkop�rovat oblast do schr�nky}{M-w}
\key{zru�it a� po nejbli捷� v�skyt znaku {\it znak}}{M-z {\it znak}}

\key{vhodit naposledy zru�en� objekt}{C-y}
\key{nahradit vhozen� objekt p�edchoz�m zru�en�m}{M-y}


\key{vlo�it zna�ku}{C-@ {\it n.} C-SPC}
\key{prohodit kurzor a zna�ku}{C-x C-x}

\key{ozna�it zadan� po�et {\bf slov}}{M-@}
\key{ozna�it {\bf odstavec}}{M-h}
\key{ozna�it {\bf str�nku}}{C-x C-p}
\key{ozna�it {\bf symbolick� v�raz}}{C-M-@}
\key{ozna�it {\bf funkci}}{C-M-h}
\key{ozna�it cel� {\bf buffer}}{C-x h}

\section{Interaktivn� nahrazov�n�}

\key{interaktivn� nahradit textov� �et�zec}{M-\%}
\metax{s~u�it�m regul�rn�ho v�razu}{M-x query-replace-regexp}

Platn� odpov�di v~m�du query-replace jsou

\key{{\bf z�m�nu prov�st} a j�t na dal麹}{SPC}
\key{z�m�nu prov�st a z�stat na m�st�}{,}
\key{{\bf sko�it} na dal麹 bez proveden� z�m�ny}{DEL}
\key{zam�nit v�echny zb�vaj�c� v�skyty}{!}
\key{{\bf zp�t} na p�edchoz� v�skyt �et�zce}{^}
\key{{\bf konec} nahrazov�n�}{RET}
\key{rekurzivn� editace (ukon蓁 se \kbd{C-M-c})}{C-r}


Jestli�e jsou zobrazeny dva p�kazy, pak ten druh� plat� pro X okno.

\key{zru�it v�echna ostatn� okna}{C-x 1}

{\setbox0=\hbox{\kbd{0}}\advance\hsize by 0\wd0
\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecol{rozd�lit okno na horn� a doln�}{C-x 2\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 2}
\threecol{zru�it toto okno}{C-x 0\ \ \ \ }{C-x 5 0}
\key{rozd�lit okno na lev� a prav�}{C-x 3}

\key{rolovat jin� okno}{C-M-v}

{\setbox0=\hbox{\kbd{0}}\advance\hsize by 2\wd0
\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecol{p�epnout kurzor do jin�ho okna}{C-x o}{C-x 5 o}

\threecol{vybrat buffer v~jin�m okn�}{C-x 4 b}{C-x 5 b}
\threecol{zobrazit buffer v~jin�m okn�}{C-x 4 C-o}{C-x 5 C-o}
\threecol{otev�t soubor v~jin�m okn�}{C-x 4 f}{C-x 5 f}
\threecol{otev�t soubor jen pro �ten� v~jin�m okn�}{C-x 4 r}{C-x 5 r}
\threecol{spustit Dired v~jin�m okn�}{C-x 4 d}{C-x 5 d}
\threecol{naj�t tag v~jin�m okn�}{C-x 4 .}{C-x 5 .}

\key{zv�t�it okno}{C-x ^}
\key{z晴it okno}{C-x \{}
\key{roz麹�it okno}{C-x \}}


\key{odsadit aktu�ln� {\bf �dek} (dle m�du)}{TAB}
\key{odsadit {\bf oblast} (dle m�du)}{C-M-\\}
\key{odsadit {\bf symbolick� v�raz} (dle m�du)}{C-M-q}
\key{odsadit oblast napevno o~{\it argument\/} sloupc�}{C-x TAB}

\key{vlo�it znak nov�ho �dku za kurzor}{C-o}
\key{posunout zbytek �dku svisle dol�}{C-M-o}
\key{smazat pr�zdn� �dky okolo kurzoru}{C-x C-o}
\key{spojit �dek s~p�edchoz�m (s~arg.~s~n�sl.)}{M-^}
\key{smazat pr�zdn� m�sto kolem kurzoru}{M-\\}
\key{nechat p�esn� jednu mezeru kolem kurzoru}{M-SPC}

\key{zalomit odstavec}{M-q}
\key{nastavit sloupec pro zalamov�n�}{C-x f}
\key{nastavit prefix, kter�m za蓁naj� �dky}{C-x .}
\key{nastavit font}{M-g}

\section{Zm�na velikosti p�smen}

\key{zm�nit p�smena slova na velk�}{M-u}
\key{zm�nit p�smena slova na mal�}{M-l}
\key{zm�nit po葹te�n� p�smeno slova na velk�}{M-c}

\key{zm�nit p�smena oblasti na velk�}{C-x C-u}
\key{zm�nit p�smena oblasti na mal�}{C-x C-l}


N�sleduj�c� kl�vesy jsou platn� pro minibuffer.

\key{doplnit z~nab�dky}{TAB}
\key{doplnit do nejbli捷�ho slova}{SPC}
\key{doplnit a vykonat}{RET}
\key{zobrazit mo�n� dopln�n�}{?}
\key{p�edchoz� p�kaz z~minibufferu}{M-p}
\key{nov�j麹 nebo implicitn� p�kaz z~minibufferu}{M-n}
\key{vyhledat regul�rn� v�raz v~historii vzad}{M-r}
\key{vyhledat regul�rn� v�raz v~historii vp�ed}{M-s}
\key{zru�it p�kaz}{C-g}

Stiskn�te \kbd{C-x ESC ESC} pro editaci a zopakov�n� posledn�ho p�kazu
z~minibufferu.  Stiskn�te \kbd{F10} pro aktivaci menu v~minibufferu.

\title{GNU Emacs -- Referen�n� karta}


\key{vybrat jin� buffer}{C-x b}
\key{seznam v�ech buffer�}{C-x C-b}
\key{zru�it buffer}{C-x k}


\key{p�ehodit {\bf znaky}}{C-t}
\key{p�ehodit {\bf slova}}{M-t}
\key{p�ehodit {\bf �dky}}{C-x C-t}
\key{p�ehodit {\bf symbolick� v�razy}}{C-M-t}

\section{Kontrola pravopisu}

\key{kontrola pravopisu aktu�ln�ho slova}{M-\$}
\metax{kontrola pravopisu v�ech slov v  oblasti}{M-x ispell-region}
\metax{kontrola pravopisu cel�ho bufferu}{M-x ispell-buffer}


\key{naj�t tag (definici)}{M-.}
\key{naj�t dal麹 v�skyt tagu}{C-u M-.}
\metax{zadat soubor s nov�mi tagy}{M-x visit-tags-table}

\metax{vyhledat reg.\ v�raz v~souborech s~tagy}{M-x tags-search}
\metax{spustit nahrazov�n� pro ony soubory}{M-x tags-query-replace}
\key{pokra�ovat v~prohled�v�n� nebo nahrazov�n�}{M-,}

\section{P�kazov� interpret}

\key{vykonat shellov� p�kaz}{M-!}
\key{vykonat shellov� p�kaz na oblast}{M-|}
\key{zfiltrovat oblast shellov�m p�kazem}{C-u M-|}
\key{spustit shell v okn� \kbd{*shell*}}{M-x shell}


\key{zkop�rovat obd�ln�k do registru}{C-x r r}
\key{zru�it obd�ln�k}{C-x r k}
\key{vhodit obd�ln�k}{C-x r y}
\key{vlo�it obd�ln�k mezer}{C-x r o}
\key{nahradit obd�ln�k obd�ln�kem mezer}{C-x r c}
\key{nahradit �dky obd�ln�ku zadan�m �et�zcem}{C-x r t}


\key{p�idat glob�ln� zkratku}{C-x a g}
\key{p�idat lok�ln� zkratku}{C-x a l}
\key{p�idat glob�ln� expanzi pro zkratku }{C-x a i g}
\key{p�idat lok�ln� expanzi pro zkratku}{C-x a i l}
\key{expandovat zkratku}{C-x a e}

\key{dynamick� expanze p�edch�zej�c�ho slova}{M-/}

\section{Regul�rn� v�razy}

\key{libovoln� znak krom� nov�ho �dku}{. {\rm(te�ka)}}
\key{鍾dn� nebo n�kolik opakov�n�}{*}
\key{jedno nebo v�ce opakov�n�}{+}
\key{鍾dn� nebo jedno opakov�n�}{?}
\key{zru�it zvl畊tn� v�znam znaku {\it c\/} ve v�razu}{\\{\it c}}
\key{alternativa (\uv{nebo})}{\\|}
\key{skupina}{\\( {\rm$\ldots$} \\)}
\key{stejn� text jako {\it n\/}-t� skupina}{\\{\it n}}
\key{hranice slova}{\\b}
\key{nikoliv hranice slova}{\\B}

\paralign to \hsize{#\tabskip=10pt plus 1 fil&#\tabskip=0pt&#\cr
\threecol{{\bf element}}{{\bf za葹tek}}{{\bf konec}}

\threecol{{\bf t�da znak�}}{{\bf odpov�d�}}{{\bf neodpov�d�}}
\threecol{explicitn� mno�ina}{[ {\rm$\ldots$} ]}{[^ {\rm$\ldots$} ]}
\threecol{slovotvorn� znak}{\\w}{\\W}
\threecol{znak se syntax� {\it c}}{\\s{\it c}}{\\S{\it c}}

\section{Mezin�rodn� znakov� sady}

\metax{zadat hlavn� jazyk}{M-x set-language-environment}
\metax{zobrazit v�echny vstupn� metody}{M-x list-input-methods}
\key{zapnout nebo vypnout vstupn� metodu}{C-\\}
\key{zadat k�dov�n� pro n�sleduj�c� p�kaz}{C-x RET c}
\metax{zobrazit v�echna k�dov�n�}{M-x list-coding-systems}
\metax{zm�nit preferovan� k�dov�n�}{M-x prefer-coding-system}


\key{spustit Info}{C-h i}
\key{naj�t zadanou funkci nebo prom�nnou v~Info}{C-h C-i}

Pohyb uvnit� uzl�:

\key{rolov�n� vp�ed}{SPC}
\key{rolov�n� zp�t}{DEL}
\key{na za葹tek uzlu}{. {\rm (te�ka)}}

Pohyb mezi uzly:

\key{{\bf dal麹} uzel}{n}
\key{{\bf p�edchoz�} uzel}{p}
\key{{\bf nad�azen�} uzel}{u}
\key{vybrat z~menu podle n�zvu}{m}
\key{vybrat {\it n\/}-tou polo�ku menu (1--9)}{{\it n}}
\key{nejbli捷� p��t� k��ov� odkaz (n�vrat \kbd{l})}{f}
\key{vr�tit se do naposledy prohl躱en�ho uzlu}{l}
\key{vr�tit se do adres癢e uzl�}{d}
\key{p�ej�t do kter�hokoliv uzlu podle jm�na}{g}


\key{spustit {\bf tutori�l} k~Info}{h}
\key{{\bf ukon�it} Info}{q}
\key{prohledat uzly na �et�zec}{M-s}



\key{ulo�it oblast do registru}{C-x r s}
\key{vlo�it obsah registru do bufferu}{C-x r i}

\key{ulo�it pozici kurzoru do registru}{C-x r SPC}
\key{sko�it na pozici ulo�enou v~registru}{C-x r j}

\section{Kl�vesov� makra}

\key{{\bf zah�jit} definov�n� kl�vesov�ho makra}{C-x (}
\key{{\bf zakon�it} definov�n� kl�vesov�ho makra}{C-x )}
\key{{\bf vykonat} posledn� definovan� makro}{C-x e}
\key{p�ipojit k~posledn�mu kl�vesov�mu makru}{C-u C-x (}
\metax{pojmenovat posledn� makro}{M-x name-last-kbd-macro}
\metax{vlo�it do bufferu lispovou definici}{M-x insert-kbd-macro}

\section{P�kazy souvisej�c� s~Emacs Lispem}

\key{vyhodnotit {\bf v�raz} p�ed kurzorem}{C-x C-e}
\key{vyhodnotit {\bf funkci} pod kurzorem}{C-M-x}
\metax{vyhodnotit {\bf oblast}}{M-x eval-region}
\key{na蓁st a vyhodnotit v�raz v~minibufferu}{M-:}
\metax{na蓁st soubor ze syst�mov�ho adres癢e}{M-x load-library}

\section{Jednoduch� p�izp�soben�}

\metax{nastavit prom�nn� a faces}{M-x customize}

% The intended audience here is the person who wants to make simple
% customizations and knows Lisp syntax.

Definice obecn� kl�vesov� zkratky v~Emacs Lispu (p�klad):

(global-set-key "\\C-cg" 'goto-line)
(global-set-key "\\M-\#" 'query-replace-regexp)

\section{Z�pis p�kaz�}

(defun \<command-name> (\<args>)
  "\<documentation>" (interactive "\<template>")


(defun this-line-to-top-of-window (line)
  "Reposition line point is on to top of window.
With ARG, put point on line ARG."
  (interactive "P")
  (recenter (if (null line)
              (prefix-numeric-value line))))

Specifikace \kbd{interactive} �k�, jak interaktivn� na蓁st ar\-gu\-men\-ty.
V�ce se dozv�te po proveden� \kbd{C-h f interactive}.


% Local variables:
% compile-command: "csplain cs-refcard"
% End: