view lisp/emulation/mlsupport.el @ 22758:dbd9ecc9dbac

Added next-buffer/previous-buffer keybindings (bound to M-n/M-p). (crisp-unbury-buffer): New function. Fixed bogus XEmacs/Lucid string-match checking. Made modeline entry mouse2-able. (crisp-mode-map): Make this a sparse keymap parented from current-global-map. (crisp-mode-original-keymap): Don't copy the keymap. (crisp-last-last-command): Renamed from last-last-command. defvar it. (crisp-mode): Honor ARG. (crisp-kill-line, crisp-copy-line): When a region isn't highlighted, use the region from point to eol. Honor prefix argument. (crisp-submit-bug-report): New command, taken from cc-mode. Shortened the version numbering, removed the release-version tracking (crisp-version): New function. New keybindings `C-home', `C-end', `M-home', `M-end', `C-f', `M-l', `M-m'. (crisp-copy-line): No need to save point. Removed S-right and S-left bindings. Abstract the marking and selection interfaces so that we can be compatible with both Emacs and XEmacs. And try and make the behavior as close as possible under both environments so that there are no surprises.
author Karl Heuer <>
date Tue, 14 Jul 1998 22:17:35 +0000
parents 83f275dcd93a
children 5c72ae402660
line wrap: on
line source

;;; mlsupport.el --- run-time support for mocklisp code.

;; Copyright (C) 1985 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Maintainer: FSF
;; Keywords: extensions

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;; This package provides equivalents of certain primitives from Gosling
;; Emacs (including the commercial UniPress versions).  These have an
;; ml- prefix to distinguish them from native GNU Emacs functions with
;; similar names.  The package mlconvert.el translates Mocklisp code
;; to use these names.

;;; Code:

(defmacro ml-defun (&rest defs)
  (list 'ml-defun-1 (list 'quote defs)))

(defun ml-defun-1 (args)
  (while args
    (fset (car (car args)) (cons 'mocklisp (cdr (car args))))
    (setq args (cdr args))))

(defmacro declare-buffer-specific (&rest vars)
  (cons 'progn (mapcar (function (lambda (var) (list 'make-variable-buffer-local (list 'quote var)))) vars)))

(defun ml-set-default (varname value)
  (set-default (intern varname) value))

; Lossage: must make various things default missing args to the prefix arg
; Alternatively, must make provide-prefix-argument do something hairy.

(defun >> (val count) (lsh val (- count)))
(defun novalue () nil)

(defun ml-not (arg) (if (zerop arg) 1 0))

(defun provide-prefix-arg (arg form)
  (funcall (car form) arg))

(defun define-keymap (name)
  (fset (intern name) (make-keymap)))

;; Make it work to use ml-use-...-map on "esc" and such.
(fset 'esc-map esc-map)
(fset 'ctl-x-map ctl-x-map)

(defun ml-use-local-map (name)
  (use-local-map (intern (concat name "-map"))))

(defun ml-use-global-map (name)
  (use-global-map (intern (concat name "-map"))))

(defun local-bind-to-key (name key)
  (or (current-local-map)
      (use-local-map (make-keymap)))
  (define-key (current-local-map)
    (if (integerp key)
	(if (>= key 128)
	    (concat (char-to-string meta-prefix-char)
		    (char-to-string (- key 128)))
	  (char-to-string key))
    (intern name)))

(defun bind-to-key (name key)
  (define-key global-map (if (integerp key) (char-to-string key) key)
    (intern name)))

(defun ml-autoload (name file)
  (autoload (intern name) file))

(defun ml-define-string-macro (name defn)
  (fset (intern name) defn))

(defun push-back-character (char)
  (setq unread-command-events (list char)))

(defun to-col (column)
  (indent-to column 0))

(defmacro is-bound (&rest syms)
  (cons 'and (mapcar (function (lambda (sym) (list 'boundp (list 'quote sym)))) syms)))

(defmacro declare-global (&rest syms)
  (cons 'progn (mapcar (function (lambda (sym) (list 'defvar sym nil))) syms)))

(defmacro error-occurred (&rest body)
  (list 'condition-case nil (cons 'progn (append body '(nil))) '(error t)))

(defun return-prefix-argument (value)
  (setq prefix-arg value))

(defun ml-prefix-argument ()
  (if (null current-prefix-arg) 1
    (if (listp current-prefix-arg) (car current-prefix-arg)
      (if (eq current-prefix-arg '-) -1

(defun ml-print (varname)
  (interactive "vPrint variable: ")
  (if (boundp varname)
    (message "%s => %s" (symbol-name varname) (symbol-value varname))
    (message "%s has no value" (symbol-name varname))))

(defun ml-set (str val) (set (intern str) val))

(defun ml-message (&rest args) (message "%s" (apply 'concat args)))

(defun kill-to-end-of-line ()
    (if (eolp)
	(kill-region (point) (1+ (point)))
      (kill-region (point) (if (search-forward ?\n nil t)
			       (1- (point)) (point-max))))))

(defun set-auto-fill-hook (arg)
  (setq auto-fill-function (intern arg)))

(defun auto-execute (function pattern)
  (if (/= (aref pattern 0) ?*)
      (error "Only patterns starting with * supported in auto-execute"))
  (setq auto-mode-alist (cons (cons (concat "\\." (substring pattern 1)

(defun move-to-comment-column ()
  (indent-to comment-column))

(defun erase-region ()
  (delete-region (point) (mark)))

(defun delete-region-to-buffer (bufname)
  (copy-to-buffer bufname (point) (mark))
  (delete-region (point) (mark)))

(defun copy-region-to-buffer (bufname)
  (copy-to-buffer bufname (point) (mark)))

(defun append-region-to-buffer (bufname)
  (append-to-buffer bufname (point) (mark)))

(defun prepend-region-to-buffer (bufname)
  (prepend-to-buffer bufname (point) (mark)))

(defun delete-next-character ()
  (delete-char (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun delete-next-word ()
  (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-word (ml-prefix-argument)) (point))))

(defun delete-previous-word ()
  (delete-region (point) (progn (backward-word (ml-prefix-argument)) (point))))

(defun delete-previous-character ()
  (delete-backward-char (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun forward-character ()
  (forward-char (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun backward-character ()
  (backward-char (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun ml-newline ()
  (newline (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun ml-next-line ()
  (next-line (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun ml-previous-line ()
  (previous-line (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun delete-to-kill-buffer ()
  (kill-region (point) (mark)))

(defun narrow-region ()
  (narrow-to-region (point) (mark)))

(defun ml-newline-and-indent ()
  (let ((column (current-indentation)))
    (newline (ml-prefix-argument))
    (indent-to column)))

(defun newline-and-backup ()
  (open-line (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun quote-char ()
  (quoted-insert (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun ml-current-column ()
  (1+ (current-column)))

(defun ml-current-indent ()
  (1+ (current-indentation)))

(defun region-around-match (&optional n)
  (set-mark (match-beginning n))
  (goto-char (match-end n)))

(defun region-to-string ()
  (buffer-substring (min (point) (mark)) (max (point) (mark))))

(defun use-abbrev-table (name)
  (let ((symbol (intern (concat name "-abbrev-table"))))
    (or (boundp symbol)
	(define-abbrev-table symbol nil))
    (symbol-value symbol)))

(defun define-hooked-local-abbrev (name exp hook)
  (define-local-abbrev name exp (intern hook)))

(defun define-hooked-global-abbrev (name exp hook)
  (define-global-abbrev name exp (intern hook)))

(defun case-word-lower ()
  (ml-casify-word 'downcase-region))

(defun case-word-upper ()
  (ml-casify-word 'upcase-region))

(defun case-word-capitalize ()
  (ml-casify-word 'capitalize-region))

(defun ml-casify-word (fun)
   (forward-char 1)
   (forward-word -1)
   (funcall fun (point)
	    (progn (forward-word (ml-prefix-argument))

(defun case-region-lower ()
  (downcase-region (point) (mark)))

(defun case-region-upper ()
  (upcase-region (point) (mark)))

(defun case-region-capitalize ()
  (capitalize-region (point) (mark)))
(defvar saved-command-line-args nil)

(defun argc ()
  (or saved-command-line-args
      (setq saved-command-line-args command-line-args
	    command-line-args ()))
  (length command-line-args))

(defun argv (i)
  (or saved-command-line-args
      (setq saved-command-line-args command-line-args
	    command-line-args ()))
  (nth i saved-command-line-args))

(defun invisible-argc ()
  (length (or saved-command-line-args

(defun invisible-argv (i)
  (nth i (or saved-command-line-args

(defun exit-emacs ()
  (condition-case ()
    (error (kill-emacs))))
;; Lisp function buffer-size returns total including invisible;
;; mocklisp wants just visible.
(defun ml-buffer-size ()
  (- (point-max) (point-min)))

(defun previous-command ()

(defun beginning-of-window ()
  (goto-char (window-start)))

(defun end-of-window ()
  (goto-char (window-start))
  (vertical-motion (- (window-height) 2)))
(defun ml-search-forward (string)
  (search-forward string nil nil (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun ml-re-search-forward (string)
  (re-search-forward string nil nil (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun ml-search-backward (string)
  (search-backward string nil nil (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun ml-re-search-backward (string)
  (re-search-backward string nil nil (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defvar use-users-shell 1
  "Mocklisp compatibility variable; 1 means use shell from SHELL env var.
0 means use /bin/sh.")

(defvar use-csh-option-f 1
  "Mocklisp compatibility variable; 1 means pass -f when calling csh.")

(defun filter-region (command)
  (let ((shell (if (/= use-users-shell 0) shell-file-name "/bin/sh"))
	(csh (equal (file-name-nondirectory shell) "csh")))
    (call-process-region (point) (mark) shell t t nil
			 (if (and csh use-csh-option-f) "-cf" "-c")
			 (concat "exec " command))))

(defun execute-monitor-command (command)
  (let ((shell (if (/= use-users-shell 0) shell-file-name "/bin/sh"))
	(csh (equal (file-name-nondirectory shell) "csh")))
    (call-process shell nil t t
		  (if (and csh use-csh-option-f) "-cf" "-c")
		  (concat "exec " command))))
(defun use-syntax-table (name)
  (set-syntax-table (symbol-value (intern (concat name "-syntax-table")))))

(defun line-to-top-of-window ()
  (recenter (1- (ml-prefix-argument))))

(defun ml-previous-page (&optional arg)
  (let ((count (or arg (ml-prefix-argument))))
    (while (> count 0)
      (scroll-down nil)
      (setq count (1- count)))
    (while (< count 0)
      (scroll-up nil)
      (setq count (1+ count)))))

(defun ml-next-page ()
  (previous-page (- (ml-prefix-argument))))

(defun page-next-window (&optional arg)
  (let ((count (or arg (ml-prefix-argument))))
    (while (> count 0)
      (scroll-other-window nil)
      (setq count (1- count)))
    (while (< count 0)
      (scroll-other-window '-)
      (setq count (1+ count)))))

(defun ml-next-window ()
  (select-window (next-window)))

(defun ml-previous-window ()
  (select-window (previous-window)))

(defun scroll-one-line-up ()
  (scroll-up (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun scroll-one-line-down ()
  (scroll-down (ml-prefix-argument)))

(defun split-current-window ()
  (split-window (selected-window)))

(defun last-key-struck () last-command-char)

(defun execute-mlisp-line (string)
  (eval (read string)))

(defun move-dot-to-x-y (x y)
  (goto-char (window-start (selected-window)))
  (vertical-motion (1- y))
  (move-to-column (1- x)))

(defun ml-modify-syntax-entry (string)
  (let ((i 5)
	(len (length string))
	(datastring (substring string 0 2)))
    (if (= (aref string 0) ?\-)
	(aset datastring 0 ?\ ))
    (if (= (aref string 2) ?\{)
	(if (= (aref string 4) ?\ )
	    (aset datastring 0 ?\<)
	  (error "Two-char comment delimiter: use modify-syntax-entry directly")))
    (if (= (aref string 3) ?\})
	(if (= (aref string 4) ?\ )
	    (aset datastring 0 ?\>)
	  (error "Two-char comment delimiter: use modify-syntax-entry directly")))
    (while (< i len)
      (modify-syntax-entry (aref string i) datastring)
      (setq i (1+ i))
      (if (and (< i len)
	       (= (aref string i) ?\-))
	  (let ((c (aref string (1- i)))
		(lim (aref string (1+ i))))
	    (while (<= c lim)
	      (modify-syntax-entry c datastring)
	      (setq c (1+ c)))
	    (setq i (+ 2 i)))))))

(defun ml-substr (string from to)
  (let ((length (length string)))
    (if (< from 0) (setq from (+ from length)))
    (if (< to 0) (setq to (+ to length)))
    (substring string from (+ from to))))

(defun ml-concat (&rest args)
  (let ((newargs nil) this)
    (while args
      (setq this (car args))
      (if (numberp this)
	  (setq this (number-to-string this)))
      (setq newargs (cons this newargs)
	    args (cdr args)))
    (apply 'concat (nreverse newargs))))

(provide 'mlsupport)

;;; mlsupport.el ends here