(vc-checkout): Added `-p' suffix in call to vc-make-version-backups-p;
use vc-make-version-backup to actually make the backup.
(vc-version-other-window, vc-version-backup-file): Handle both
automatic and manual backups.
(vc-revert-file): Use vc-delete-automatic-version-backups to get rid
of all of them.
/* Asynchronous timers. Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This file is part of GNU Emacs.GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)any later version.GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write tothe Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */#include <config.h>#include <lisp.h>#include <signal.h>#include <syssignal.h>#include <systime.h>#include <blockinput.h>#include <atimer.h>#include <stdio.h>#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H#include <unistd.h>#endif#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H#include <sys/time.h>#endif/* The ubiquitous min/max macros. */#define max(X, Y) ((X) > (Y) ? (X) : (Y))#define min(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))/* Free-list of atimer structures. */static struct atimer *free_atimers;/* List of currently not running timers due to a call to lock_atimer. */static struct atimer *stopped_atimers;/* List of active atimers, sorted by expiration time. The timer that will become ripe next is always at the front of this list. */static struct atimer *atimers;/* Non-zero means alarm_signal_handler has found ripe timers but interrupt_input_blocked was non-zero. In this case, timer functions are not called until the next UNBLOCK_INPUT because timer functions are expected to call X, and X cannot be assumed to be reentrant. */int pending_atimers;/* Block/unblock SIGALRM.. */#define BLOCK_ATIMERS sigblock (sigmask (SIGALRM))#define UNBLOCK_ATIMERS sigunblock (sigmask (SIGALRM))/* Function prototypes. */static void set_alarm P_ ((void));static void schedule_atimer P_ ((struct atimer *));static struct atimer *append_atimer_lists P_ ((struct atimer *, struct atimer *));SIGTYPE alarm_signal_handler ();/* Start a new atimer of type TYPE. TIME specifies when the timer is ripe. FN is the function to call when the timer fires. CLIENT_DATA is stored in the client_data member of the atimer structure returned and so made available to FN when it is called. If TYPE is ATIMER_ABSOLUTE, TIME is the absolute time at which the timer fires. If TYPE is ATIMER_RELATIVE, the timer is ripe TIME s/us in the future. In both cases, the timer is automatically freed after it has fired. If TYPE is ATIMER_CONTINUOUS, the timer fires every TIME s/us. Value is a pointer to the atimer started. It can be used in calls to cancel_atimer; don't free it yourself. */struct atimer *start_atimer (type, time, fn, client_data) enum atimer_type type; EMACS_TIME time; atimer_callback fn; void *client_data;{ struct atimer *t; /* Round TIME up to the next full second if we don't have itimers. */#ifndef HAVE_SETITIMER if (EMACS_USECS (time) != 0) { EMACS_SET_USECS (time, 0); EMACS_SET_SECS (time, EMACS_SECS (time) + 1); }#endif /* not HAVE_SETITIMER */ /* Get an atimer structure from the free-list, or allocate a new one. */ if (free_atimers) { t = free_atimers; free_atimers = t->next; } else t = (struct atimer *) xmalloc (sizeof *t); /* Fill the atimer structure. */ bzero (t, sizeof *t); t->type = type; t->fn = fn; t->client_data = client_data; BLOCK_ATIMERS; /* Compute the timer's expiration time. */ switch (type) { case ATIMER_ABSOLUTE: t->expiration = time; break; case ATIMER_RELATIVE: EMACS_GET_TIME (t->expiration); EMACS_ADD_TIME (t->expiration, t->expiration, time); break; case ATIMER_CONTINUOUS: EMACS_GET_TIME (t->expiration); EMACS_ADD_TIME (t->expiration, t->expiration, time); t->interval = time; break; } /* Insert the timer in the list of active atimers. */ schedule_atimer (t); UNBLOCK_ATIMERS; /* Arrange for a SIGALRM at the time the next atimer is ripe. */ set_alarm (); return t;}/* Cancel and free atimer TIMER. */voidcancel_atimer (timer) struct atimer *timer;{ int i; BLOCK_ATIMERS; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { struct atimer *t, *prev; struct atimer **list = i ? &stopped_atimers : &atimers; /* See if TIMER is active or stopped. */ for (t = *list, prev = NULL; t && t != timer; prev = t, t = t->next) ; /* If it is, take it off the its list, and put in on the free-list. We don't bother to arrange for setting a different alarm time, since a too early one doesn't hurt. */ if (t) { if (prev) prev->next = t->next; else *list = t->next; t->next = free_atimers; free_atimers = t; break; } } UNBLOCK_ATIMERS;}/* Append two lists of atimers LIST1 and LIST2 and return the result list. */static struct atimer *append_atimer_lists (list1, list2) struct atimer *list1, *list2;{ if (list1 == NULL) return list2; else if (list2 == NULL) return list1; else { struct atimer *p; for (p = list1; p->next; p = p->next) ; p->next = list2; return list1; }}/* Stop all timers except timer T. T null means stop all timers. */voidstop_other_atimers (t) struct atimer *t;{ BLOCK_ATIMERS; if (t) { struct atimer *p, *prev; /* See if T is active. */ for (p = atimers, prev = 0; p && p != t; p = p->next) ; if (p == t) { if (prev) prev->next = t->next; else atimers = t->next; t->next = NULL; } else /* T is not active. Let's handle this like T == 0. */ t = NULL; } stopped_atimers = append_atimer_lists (atimers, stopped_atimers); atimers = t; UNBLOCK_ATIMERS;}/* Run all timers again, if some have been stopped with a call to stop_other_atimers. */voidrun_all_atimers (){ if (stopped_atimers) { struct atimer *t = atimers; struct atimer *next; BLOCK_ATIMERS; atimers = stopped_atimers; stopped_atimers = NULL; while (t) { next = t->next; schedule_atimer (t); t = next; } UNBLOCK_ATIMERS; }}/* A version of run_all_timers suitable for a record_unwind_protect. */Lisp_Objectunwind_stop_other_atimers (dummy) Lisp_Object dummy;{ run_all_atimers (); return Qnil;}/* Arrange for a SIGALRM to arrive when the next timer is ripe. */static voidset_alarm (){#if defined (USG) && !defined (POSIX_SIGNALS) /* USG systems forget handlers when they are used; must reestablish each time. */ signal (SIGALRM, alarm_signal_handler);#endif /* USG */ if (atimers) { EMACS_TIME now, time;#ifdef HAVE_SETITIMER struct itimerval it;#endif /* Determine s/us till the next timer is ripe. */ EMACS_GET_TIME (now); EMACS_SUB_TIME (time, atimers->expiration, now);#ifdef HAVE_SETITIMER /* Don't set the interval to 0; this disables the timer. */ if (EMACS_TIME_LE (atimers->expiration, now)) { EMACS_SET_SECS (time, 0); EMACS_SET_USECS (time, 1000); } bzero (&it, sizeof it); it.it_value = time; setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &it, 0);#else /* not HAVE_SETITIMER */ alarm (max (EMACS_SECS (time), 1));#endif /* not HAVE_SETITIMER */ }}/* Insert timer T into the list of active atimers `atimers', keeping the list sorted by expiration time. T must not be in this list already. */static voidschedule_atimer (t) struct atimer *t;{ struct atimer *a = atimers, *prev = NULL; /* Look for the first atimer that is ripe after T. */ while (a && EMACS_TIME_GT (t->expiration, a->expiration)) prev = a, a = a->next; /* Insert T in front of the atimer found, if any. */ if (prev) prev->next = t; else atimers = t; t->next = a;}/* Signal handler for SIGALRM. SIGNO is the signal number, i.e. SIGALRM. */SIGTYPEalarm_signal_handler (signo) int signo;{ EMACS_TIME now; EMACS_GET_TIME (now); pending_atimers = 0; while (atimers && (pending_atimers = interrupt_input_blocked) == 0 && EMACS_TIME_LE (atimers->expiration, now)) { struct atimer *t; t = atimers; atimers = atimers->next; t->fn (t); if (t->type == ATIMER_CONTINUOUS) { EMACS_ADD_TIME (t->expiration, now, t->interval); schedule_atimer (t); } else { t->next = free_atimers; free_atimers = t; } EMACS_GET_TIME (now); }#if defined (USG) && !defined (POSIX_SIGNALS) /* USG systems forget handlers when they are used; must reestablish each time. */ signal (SIGALRM, alarm_signal_handler);#endif /* USG */ set_alarm ();}/* Call alarm_signal_handler for pending timers. */voiddo_pending_atimers (){ if (pending_atimers) { BLOCK_ATIMERS; alarm_signal_handler (SIGALRM); UNBLOCK_ATIMERS; }}/* Turn alarms on/off. This seems to be temporarily necessary on some systems like HPUX (see process.c). */voidturn_on_atimers (on) int on;{ if (on) { signal (SIGALRM, alarm_signal_handler); set_alarm (); } else alarm (0);}voidinit_atimer (){ free_atimers = atimers = NULL; pending_atimers = 0; signal (SIGALRM, alarm_signal_handler);}