\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-@comment %**start of header@setfilename inner-covers.info@settitle Inner Covers@smallbook@comment %**end of header@headings off@w{ }@sp 4@tex\center {\secfonts \rm Lay-Flat Binding}@end tex@sp 2We have bound this manual using a new @dfn{lay-flat} bindingtechnology. This type of binding allows you to open a soft cover bookso that it ``lays flat'' on a table without creasing the binding.In order to make the book lay flat properly, you need to ``crack'' thebinding. To do this, divide the book into two sections and bend it sothat the front and back covers meet. Do not worry; the pages aresewn and glued to the binding, and will not fall out easily.The outer cardboard binding itself is designed so that it will notbreak or crease as an ordinary paperback binding will. Bend the bookseveral times in this manner, dividing it in a different place eachtime and pressing the pages flat and open. With use, the binding willbecome flexible and the pages will lay flat without needing to bepushed or held down.@page@tex\center {\secfonts \rm Notes}@end tex@bye@ignore arch-tag: 9e03a1c7-6f62-4346-85d9-ed5b79386e07@end ignore