view lisp/progmodes/ebnf-yac.el @ 69478:e8bb5df2ba7a

Add index entries around each paragraph rather than depend on entries from beginning of node. Doing so ensures that index entries are less likely to be forgotten if text is cut and pasted, and are necessary anyway if the references are on a separate page. It seems that makeinfo is now (v. 4.8) only producing one index entry per node, so there is no longer any excuse not to. Use subheading instead of heading. The incorrect use of heading produced very large fonts in Info--as large as the main heading. (From Bill Wohler): MH-E never did appear in Emacs 21--MH-E versions 6 and 7 appeared *around* the time of these Emacs releases.
author Bill Wohler <>
date Wed, 15 Mar 2006 00:26:12 +0000
parents dc49655f57ae
children 8c9e156de392 4b3d39451150
line wrap: on
line source

;;; ebnf-yac.el --- parser for Yacc/Bison

;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
;; Free Sofware Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Vinicius Jose Latorre <>
;; Maintainer: Vinicius Jose Latorre <>
;; Time-stamp: <2004/04/03 16:50:46 vinicius>
;; Keywords: wp, ebnf, PostScript
;; Version: 1.3

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; This is part of ebnf2ps package.
;; This package defines a parser for Yacc/Bison.
;; See ebnf2ps.el for documentation.
;; Yacc/Bison Syntax
;; -----------------
;; YACC = { YACC-Definitions }* "%%" { YACC-Rule }* [ "%%" [ YACC-Code ] ].
;; YACC-Definitions = ( "%token" | "%left" | "%right" | "%nonassoc" )
;;                    [ "<" Name ">" ] Name-List
;;                  | "%prec" Name
;;                  | "any other Yacc definition"
;;                  .
;; YACC-Code = "any C definition".
;; YACC-Rule = Name ":" Alternative ";".
;; Alternative = { Sequence || "|" }*.
;; Sequence = { Factor }*.
;; Factor = Name
;;        | "'" "character" "'"
;;        | "error"
;;        | "{" "C like commands" "}"
;;        .
;; Name-List = { Name || "," }*.
;; Name = "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_.]*".
;; Comment = "/*" "any character, but the sequence \"*/\"" "*/"
;;         | "//" "any character, but the newline \"\\n\"" "\\n".
;; In other words, a valid Name begins with a letter (upper or lower case)
;; followed by letters, decimal digits, underscore (_) or point (.).  For
;; example:, Another_EXAMPLE, mIxEd.CaSe.
;; Acknowledgements
;; ----------------
;; Thanks to Matthew K. Junker <> for the suggestion to deal
;; with %right, %left and %prec pragmas.  His suggestion was extended to deal
;; with %nonassoc pragma too.
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;; Code:

(require 'ebnf-otz)

(defvar ebnf-yac-lex nil
  "Value returned by `ebnf-yac-lex' function.")

(defvar ebnf-yac-token-list nil
  "List of `%TOKEN' names.")

(defvar ebnf-yac-skip-char nil
  "Non-nil means skip printable characters with no grammatical meaning.")

(defvar ebnf-yac-error nil
  "Non-nil means \"error\" occurred.")

;; Syntactic analyzer

;;; YACC = { YACC-Definitions }* "%%" { YACC-Rule }* [ "%%" [ YACC-Code ] ].
;;; YACC-Code = "any C definition".

(defun ebnf-yac-parser (start)
  "yacc/Bison parser."
  (let ((total (+ (- ebnf-limit start) 1))
	(bias (1- start))
	(origin (point))
	syntax-list token rule)
    (goto-char start)
    (setq token (ebnf-yac-lex))
    (and (eq token 'end-of-input)
	 (error "Invalid Yacc/Bison file format"))
    (or (eq (ebnf-yac-definitions token) 'yac-separator)
	(error "Missing `%%%%'"))
    (setq token (ebnf-yac-lex))
    (while (not (memq token '(end-of-input yac-separator)))
       (/ (* (- (point) bias) 100.0) total))
      (setq token (ebnf-yac-rule token)
	    rule  (cdr token)
	    token (car token))
      (or (ebnf-add-empty-rule-list rule)
	  (setq syntax-list (cons rule syntax-list))))
    (goto-char origin)

;;; YACC-Definitions = ( "%token" | "%left" | "%right" | "%nonassoc" )
;;;                    [ "<" Name ">" ] Name-List
;;;                  | "%prec" Name
;;;                  | "any other Yacc definition"
;;;                  .

(defun ebnf-yac-definitions (token)
  (let ((ebnf-yac-skip-char t))
    (while (not (memq token '(yac-separator end-of-input)))
      (setq token
	     ;; ( "%token" | "%left" | "%right" | "%nonassoc" )
	     ;; [ "<" Name ">" ] Name-List
	     ((eq token 'yac-token)
	      (setq token (ebnf-yac-lex))
	      (when (eq token 'open-angle)
		(or (eq (ebnf-yac-lex) 'non-terminal)
		    (error "Missing type name"))
		(or (eq (ebnf-yac-lex) 'close-angle)
		    (error "Missing `>'"))
		(setq token (ebnf-yac-lex)))
	      (setq token               (ebnf-yac-name-list token)
		    ebnf-yac-token-list (nconc (cdr token)
	      (car token))
	     ;;  "%prec" Name
	     ((eq token 'yac-prec)
	      (or (eq (ebnf-yac-lex) 'non-terminal)
		  (error "Missing prec name"))
	     ;;  "any other Yacc definition"

;;; YACC-Rule = Name ":" Alternative ";".

(defun ebnf-yac-rule (token)
  (let ((header ebnf-yac-lex)
	(action ebnf-action)
    (setq ebnf-action nil)
    (or (eq token 'non-terminal)
	(error "Invalid rule name"))
    (or (eq (ebnf-yac-lex) 'colon)
	(error "Invalid rule: missing `:'"))
    (setq body (ebnf-yac-alternative))
    (or (eq (car body) 'period)
	(error "Invalid rule: missing `;'"))
    (setq body (cdr body))
    (ebnf-eps-add-production header)
    (cons (ebnf-yac-lex)
	  (ebnf-make-production header body action))))

;;; Alternative = { Sequence || "|" }*.

(defun ebnf-yac-alternative ()
  (let (body sequence)
    (while (eq (car (setq sequence (ebnf-yac-sequence)))
      (and (setq sequence (cdr sequence))
	   (setq body     (cons sequence body))))
    (ebnf-token-alternative body sequence)))

;;; Sequence = { Factor }*.

(defun ebnf-yac-sequence ()
  (let (ebnf-yac-error token seq factor)
    (while (setq token  (ebnf-yac-lex)
		 factor (ebnf-yac-factor token))
      (setq seq (cons factor seq)))
    (cons token
	  (if (and ebnf-yac-ignore-error-recovery ebnf-yac-error)
	      ;; ignore error recovery
	    (ebnf-token-sequence seq)))))

;;; Factor = Name
;;;        | "'" "character" "'"
;;;        | "error"
;;;        | "{" "C like commands" "}"
;;;        .

(defun ebnf-yac-factor (token)
   ;; 'character'
   ((eq token 'terminal)
    (ebnf-make-terminal ebnf-yac-lex))
   ;; Name
   ((eq token 'non-terminal)
    (ebnf-make-non-terminal ebnf-yac-lex))
   ;; "error"
   ((eq token 'yac-error)
    (ebnf-make-special ebnf-yac-lex))
   ;; not a factor

;;; Name-List = { Name || "," }*.

(defun ebnf-yac-name-list (token)
  (let (names)
    (when (eq token 'non-terminal)
      (while (progn
	       (setq names (cons ebnf-yac-lex names)
		     token (ebnf-yac-lex))
	       (eq token 'comma))
	(or (eq (ebnf-yac-lex) 'non-terminal)
	    (error "Missing token name"))))
    (cons token names)))

;; Lexical analyzer

;;; Name = "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_.]*".
;;; Comment = "/*" "any character, but the sequence \"*/\"" "*/"
;;;         | "//" "any character" "\\n".

(defconst ebnf-yac-token-table
  ;; control character & 8-bit character are set to `error'
  (let ((table (make-vector 256 'error)))
    ;; upper & lower case letters:
     #'(lambda (char)
	 (aset table char 'non-terminal))
    ;; printable characters:
     #'(lambda (char)
	 (aset table char 'character))
    ;; Override space characters:
    (aset table ?\n 'space)		; [NL] linefeed
    (aset table ?\r 'space)		; [CR] carriage return
    (aset table ?\t 'space)		; [HT] horizontal tab
    (aset table ?\  'space)		; [SP] space
    ;; Override form feed character:
    (aset table ?\f 'form-feed)		; [FF] form feed
    ;; Override other lexical characters:
    (aset table ?<  'open-angle)
    (aset table ?>  'close-angle)
    (aset table ?,  'comma)
    (aset table ?%  'yac-pragma)
    (aset table ?/  'slash)
    (aset table ?\{ 'yac-code)
    (aset table ?\" 'string)
    (aset table ?\' 'terminal)
    (aset table ?:  'colon)
    (aset table ?|  'alternative)
    (aset table ?\; 'period)
  "Vector used to map characters to a lexical token.")

(defun ebnf-yac-initialize ()
  "Initializations for Yacc/Bison parser."
  (setq ebnf-yac-token-list nil))

(defun ebnf-yac-lex ()
  "Lexical analyzer for Yacc/Bison.

Return a lexical token.

See documentation for variable `ebnf-yac-lex'."
  (if (>= (point) ebnf-limit)
    (let (token)
      ;; skip spaces, code blocks and comments
      (while (if (> (following-char) 255)
		   (setq token 'error)
	       (setq token (aref ebnf-yac-token-table (following-char)))
		((or (eq token 'space)
		     (and ebnf-yac-skip-char
			  (eq token 'character)))
		((eq token 'yac-code)
		((eq token 'slash)
		((eq token 'form-feed)
		 (setq ebnf-action 'form-feed))
		(t nil)
       ;; end of input
       ((>= (point) ebnf-limit)
       ;; error
       ((eq token 'error)
	(error "Invalid character"))
       ;; "string"
       ((eq token 'string)
	(setq ebnf-yac-lex (ebnf-get-string))
       ;; terminal: 'char'
       ((eq token 'terminal)
	(setq ebnf-yac-lex (ebnf-string " -&(-~" ?\' "terminal"))
       ;; non-terminal, terminal or "error"
       ((eq token 'non-terminal)
	(setq ebnf-yac-lex (ebnf-buffer-substring "0-9A-Za-z_."))
	(cond ((member ebnf-yac-lex ebnf-yac-token-list)
	      ((string= ebnf-yac-lex "error")
	       (setq ebnf-yac-error t)
       ;; %% and Yacc pragmas (%TOKEN, %START, etc).
       ((eq token 'yac-pragma)
	 ;; Yacc separator
	 ((eq (following-char) ?%)
	 ((cdr (assoc (upcase (ebnf-buffer-substring "0-9A-Za-z_"))
		      '(("TOKEN"    . yac-token)
			("RIGHT"    . yac-token)
			("LEFT"     . yac-token)
			("NONASSOC" . yac-token)
			("PREC"     . yac-prec)))))
	 ;; other Yacc pragmas
       ;; miscellaneous

(defun ebnf-yac-skip-spaces ()
   (if ebnf-yac-skip-char
       "\n\r\t !#$&()*+-.0123456789=?@[\\\\]^_`~"
     "\n\r\t ")
  (< (point) ebnf-limit))

;; replace the range "\177-\377" (see `ebnf-range-regexp').
(defconst ebnf-yac-skip-chars
  (ebnf-range-regexp "^{}/'\"\000-\010\013\016-\037" ?\177 ?\377))

(defun ebnf-yac-skip-code ()
  (let ((pair 1))
    (while (> pair 0)
      (skip-chars-forward ebnf-yac-skip-chars ebnf-limit)
       ((= (following-char) ?{)
	(setq pair (1+ pair)))
       ((= (following-char) ?})
	(setq pair (1- pair)))
       ((= (following-char) ?/)
       ((= (following-char) ?\")
       ((= (following-char) ?\')
	(ebnf-string " -&(-~" ?\' "character"))
	(error "Invalid character"))

(defun ebnf-yac-handle-comment ()
   ;; begin comment
   ((= (following-char) ?*)
   ;; line comment
   ((= (following-char) ?/)
   ;; no comment
   (t nil)

;; replace the range "\177-\237" (see `ebnf-range-regexp').
(defconst ebnf-yac-comment-chars
  (ebnf-range-regexp "^*\000-\010\013\016-\037" ?\177 ?\237))

(defun ebnf-yac-skip-comment ()
   ;; open EPS file
   ((and ebnf-eps-executing (= (following-char) ?\[))
    (ebnf-eps-add-context (ebnf-yac-eps-filename)))
   ;; close EPS file
   ((and ebnf-eps-executing (= (following-char) ?\]))
    (ebnf-eps-remove-context (ebnf-yac-eps-filename)))
   ;; any other action in comment
    (setq ebnf-action (aref ebnf-comment-table (following-char))))
  (let ((not-end t))
    (while not-end
      (skip-chars-forward ebnf-yac-comment-chars ebnf-limit)
      (cond ((>= (point) ebnf-limit)
	     (error "Missing end of comment: `*/'"))
	    ((= (following-char) ?*)
	     (skip-chars-forward "*" ebnf-limit)
	     (when (= (following-char) ?/)
	       ;; end of comment
	       (setq not-end nil)))
	     (error "Invalid character"))

(defun ebnf-yac-eps-filename ()
   (let ((chars (concat ebnf-yac-comment-chars "\n"))
     (while (not found)
       (skip-chars-forward chars ebnf-limit)
       (setq found
	     (cond ((>= (point) ebnf-limit)
		   ((= (following-char) ?*)
		    (skip-chars-forward "*" ebnf-limit)
		    (if (/= (following-char) ?\/)


(provide 'ebnf-yac)

;;; arch-tag: 8a96989c-0b1d-42ba-a020-b2901f9a2a4d
;;; ebnf-yac.el ends here