(composite.o): Depends on frame.h and termhooks.h.
line source
;;; latin-post.el --- Quail packages for inputting various European characters -*-coding: utf-8;-*-
;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
;; 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
;; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
;; Registration Number H14PRO021
;; Copyright (C) 2003
;; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
;; Registration Number H13PRO009
;; Keywords: multilingual, input method, latin, i18n
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;; Author: TAKAHASHI Naoto <ntakahas@etl.go.jp>
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'quail)
"latin-1-postfix" "Latin-1" "1<" t
"Latin-1 character input method with postfix modifiers
| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> 叩
grave | ` | a` -> �
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> 但
diaeresis | \" | a\" -> 辰
tilde | ~ | a~ -> 達
cedilla | , | c, -> 巽
nordic | / | d/ -> 丹 t/ -> 綻 a/ -> 奪 e/ -> 脱 o/ -> 淡
others | / | s/ -> � ?/ -> 多 !/ -> 臓 // -> 属
| various | << -> 束 >> -> 損 o_ -> 尊 a_ -> 捉
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("A`" ?�)
("A'" ?�)
("A^" ?�)
("A~" ?�)
("A\"" ?�)
("A/" ?�)
("a`" ?�)
("a'" ?叩)
("a^" ?但)
("a~" ?達)
("a\"" ?辰)
("a/" ?奪)
("E`" ?�)
("E'" ?�)
("E^" ?�)
("E\"" ?�)
("E/" ?�)
("e`" ?竪)
("e'" ?辿)
("e^" ?棚)
("e\"" ?谷)
("e/" ?脱)
("I`" ?�)
("i`" ?狸)
("I'" ?�)
("i'" ?鱈)
("I^" ?�)
("i^" ?樽)
("I\"" ?�)
("i\"" ?誰)
("O`" ?�)
("o`" ?嘆)
("O'" ?�)
("o'" ?坦)
("O^" ?�)
("o^" ?担)
("O~" ?�)
("o~" ?探)
("O\"" ?�)
("o\"" ?旦)
("O/" ?�)
("o/" ?淡)
("U`" ?�)
("u`" ?湛)
("U'" ?�)
("u'" ?炭)
("U^" ?�)
("u^" ?短)
("U\"" ?�)
("u\"" ?端)
("Y'" ?�)
("y'" ?箪)
("y\"" ?耽)
("D/" ?�)
("d/" ?丹)
("T/" ?�)
("t/" ?綻)
("s/" ?�)
("C," ?�)
("c," ?巽)
("N~" ?�)
("n~" ?単)
("?/" ?多)
("!/" ?臓)
("<<" ?束)
(">>" ?損)
("o_" ?尊)
("a_" ?捉)
("//" ?属)
("A``" ["A`"])
("A''" ["A'"])
("A^^" ["A^"])
("A~~" ["A~"])
("A\"\"" ["A\""])
("A//" ["A/"])
("a``" ["a`"])
("a''" ["a'"])
("a^^" ["a^"])
("a~~" ["a~"])
("a\"\"" ["a\""])
("a//" ["a/"])
("E``" ["E`"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("E^^" ["E^"])
("E\"\"" ["E\""])
("E//" ["E/"])
("e``" ["e`"])
("e''" ["e'"])
("e^^" ["e^"])
("e\"\"" ["e\""])
("e//" ["e/"])
("I``" ["I`"])
("i``" ["i`"])
("I''" ["I'"])
("i''" ["i'"])
("I^^" ["I^"])
("i^^" ["i^"])
("I\"\"" ["I\""])
("i\"\"" ["i\""])
("O``" ["O`"])
("o``" ["o`"])
("O''" ["O'"])
("o''" ["o'"])
("O^^" ["O^"])
("o^^" ["o^"])
("O~~" ["O~"])
("o~~" ["o~"])
("O\"\"" ["O\""])
("o\"\"" ["o\""])
("O//" ["O/"])
("o//" ["o/"])
("U``" ["U`"])
("u``" ["u`"])
("U''" ["U'"])
("u''" ["u'"])
("U^^" ["U^"])
("u^^" ["u^"])
("U\"\"" ["U\""])
("u\"\"" ["u\""])
("Y''" ["Y'"])
("y''" ["y'"])
("y\"\"" ["y\""])
("D//" ["D/"])
("d//" ["d/"])
("T//" ["T/"])
("t//" ["t/"])
("s//" ["s/"])
("C,," ["C,"])
("c,," ["c,"])
("N~~" ["N~"])
("n~~" ["n~"])
("?//" ["?/"])
("!//" ["!/"])
("<<<" ["<<"])
(">>>" [">>"])
("o__" ["o_"])
("a__" ["a_"])
("///" ["//"])
"latin-2-postfix" "Latin-2" "2<" t
"Latin-2 character input method with postfix modifiers
| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> 叩
ogonek | , | a, -> �
diaeresis | \" | a\" -> 辰
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> 但
breve | ~ | a~ -> �
cedilla | , | c, -> 巽
caron | ~ | c~ -> �
dbl. acute | : | o: -> �
ring | . | u. -> 哲
dot | . | z. -> 甜
stroke | / | d/ -> �
others | / | s/ -> �
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("A'" ?�)
("A," ?�)
("A\"" ?�)
("A^" ?�)
("A~" ?�)
("C'" ?�)
("C," ?�)
("C~" ?�)
("D/" ?�)
("D~" ?�)
("E'" ?�)
("E," ?�)
("E\"" ?�)
("E~" ?�)
("I'" ?�)
("I^" ?�)
("L'" ?長)
("L/" ?�)
("L~" ?捗)
("N'" ?�)
("N~" ?�)
("O'" ?�)
("O:" ?�)
("O\"" ?�)
("O^" ?�)
("R'" ?�)
("R~" ?�)
("S'" ?�)
("S," ?�)
("S~" ?�)
("T," ?鄭)
("T~" ?鼎)
("U'" ?�)
("U:" ?徹)
("U\"" ?�)
("U." ?溺)
("Y'" ?�)
("Z'" ?店)
("Z." ?纏)
("Z~" ?貼)
("a'" ?叩)
("a," ?�)
("a\"" ?辰)
("a^" ?但)
("a~" ?�)
("c'" ?�)
("c," ?巽)
("c~" ?�)
("d/" ?�)
("d~" ?�)
("e'" ?辿)
("e," ?�)
("e\"" ?谷)
("e~" ?�)
("i'" ?鱈)
("i^" ?樽)
("l'" ?頂)
("l/" ?�)
("l~" ?直)
("n'" ?�)
("n~" ?�)
("o'" ?坦)
("o:" ?�)
("o\"" ?旦)
("o^" ?担)
("r'" ?�)
("r~" ?�)
("s'" ?�)
("s," ?�)
("s/" ?�)
("s~" ?邸)
("t," ?釘)
("t~" ?泥)
("u'" ?炭)
("u:" ?撤)
("u\"" ?端)
("u." ?哲)
("y'" ?箪)
("z'" ?添)
("z." ?甜)
("z~" ?転)
("A''" ["A'"])
("A,," ["A,"])
("A\"\"" ["A\""])
("A^^" ["A^"])
("A~~" ["A~"])
("C''" ["C'"])
("C,," ["C,"])
("C~~" ["C~"])
("D//" ["D/"])
("D~~" ["D~"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("E,," ["E,"])
("E\"\"" ["E\""])
("E~~" ["E~"])
("I''" ["I'"])
("I^^" ["I^"])
("L''" ["L'"])
("L//" ["L/"])
("L~~" ["L~"])
("N''" ["N'"])
("N~~" ["N~"])
("O''" ["O'"])
("O::" ["O:"])
("O\"\"" ["O\""])
("O^^" ["O^"])
("R''" ["R'"])
("R~~" ["R~"])
("S''" ["S'"])
("S,," ["S,"])
("S~~" ["S~"])
("T,," ["T,"])
("T~~" ["T~"])
("U''" ["U'"])
("U::" ["U:"])
("U\"\"" ["U\""])
("U.." ["U."])
("Y''" ["Y'"])
("Z''" ["Z'"])
("Z.." ["Z."])
("Z~~" ["Z~"])
("a''" ["a'"])
("a,," ["a,"])
("a\"\"" ["a\""])
("a^^" ["a^"])
("a~~" ["a~"])
("c''" ["c'"])
("c,," ["c,"])
("c~~" ["c~"])
("d//" ["d/"])
("d~~" ["d~"])
("e''" ["e'"])
("e,," ["e,"])
("e\"\"" ["e\""])
("e~~" ["e~"])
("i''" ["i'"])
("i^^" ["i^"])
("l''" ["l'"])
("l//" ["l/"])
("l~~" ["l~"])
("n''" ["n'"])
("n~~" ["n~"])
("o''" ["o'"])
("o::" ["o:"])
("o\"\"" ["o\""])
("o^^" ["o^"])
("r''" ["r'"])
("r~~" ["r~"])
("s''" ["s'"])
("s,," ["s,"])
("s//" ["s/"])
("s~~" ["s~"])
("t,," ["t,"])
("t~~" ["t~"])
("u''" ["u'"])
("u::" ["u:"])
("u\"\"" ["u\""])
("u.." ["u."])
("y''" ["y'"])
("z''" ["z'"])
("z.." ["z."])
("z~~" ["z~"])
"latin-3-postfix" "Latin-3" "3<" t
"Latin-3 character input method with postfix modifiers
| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> 叩
grave | ` | a` -> �
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> 但
diaeresis | \" | a\" -> 辰
dot | . | c. -> � i. -> 脹 I. -> 聴
cedilla | , | c, -> 巽
breve | ~ | g~ -> �
tilde | ~ | n~ -> 単
stroke | / | h/ -> 徴
others | / | s/ -> �
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("A`" ?�)
("A'" ?�)
("A^" ?�)
("A\"" ?�)
("C." ?�)
("C^" ?�)
("C," ?�)
("E`" ?�)
("E'" ?�)
("E^" ?�)
("E\"" ?�)
("G~" ?�)
("G." ?�)
("G^" ?�)
("H/" ?彫)
("H^" ?弔)
("I." ?聴)
("I`" ?�)
("I'" ?�)
("I^" ?�)
("I\"" ?�)
("J^" ?調)
("N~" ?�)
("O`" ?�)
("O'" ?�)
("O^" ?�)
("O\"" ?�)
("S," ?�)
("S^" ?�)
("U`" ?�)
("U'" ?�)
("U^" ?�)
("U\"" ?�)
("U~" ?適)
("Z." ?纏)
("a`" ?�)
("a'" ?叩)
("a^" ?但)
("a\"" ?辰)
("c." ?�)
("c^" ?�)
("c," ?巽)
("e`" ?竪)
("e'" ?辿)
("e^" ?棚)
("e\"" ?谷)
("g~" ?�)
("g." ?帖)
("g^" ?�)
("h/" ?徴)
("h^" ?張)
("i." ?脹)
("i`" ?狸)
("i'" ?鱈)
("i^" ?樽)
("i\"" ?誰)
("j^" ?諜)
("n~" ?単)
("o`" ?嘆)
("o'" ?坦)
("o^" ?担)
("o\"" ?旦)
("s," ?�)
("s/" ?�)
("s^" ?�)
("u`" ?湛)
("u'" ?炭)
("u^" ?短)
("u\"" ?端)
("u~" ?鏑)
("z." ?甜)
("A``" ["A`"])
("A''" ["A'"])
("A^^" ["A^"])
("A\"\"" ["A\""])
("C.." ["C."])
("C^^" ["C^"])
("C,," ["C,"])
("E``" ["E`"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("E^^" ["E^"])
("E\"\"" ["E\""])
("G~~" ["G~"])
("G.." ["G."])
("G^^" ["G^"])
("H//" ["H/"])
("H^^" ["H^"])
("I.." ["I."])
("I``" ["I`"])
("I''" ["I'"])
("I^^" ["I^"])
("I\"\"" ["I\""])
("J^^" ["J^"])
("N~~" ["N~"])
("O``" ["O`"])
("O''" ["O'"])
("O^^" ["O^"])
("O\"\"" ["O\""])
("S,," ["S,"])
("S^^" ["S^"])
("U``" ["U`"])
("U''" ["U'"])
("U^^" ["U^"])
("U\"\"" ["U\""])
("U~~" ["U~"])
("Z.." ["Z."])
("a``" ["a`"])
("a''" ["a'"])
("a^^" ["a^"])
("a\"\"" ["a\""])
("c.." ["c."])
("c^^" ["c^"])
("c,," ["c,"])
("e``" ["e`"])
("e''" ["e'"])
("e^^" ["e^"])
("e\"\"" ["e\""])
("g~~" ["g~"])
("g.." ["g."])
("g^^" ["g^"])
("h//" ["h/"])
("h^^" ["h^"])
("i.." ["i."])
("i``" ["i`"])
("i''" ["i'"])
("i^^" ["i^"])
("i\"\"" ["i\""])
("j^^" ["j^"])
("n~~" ["n~"])
("o``" ["o`"])
("o''" ["o'"])
("o^^" ["o^"])
("o\"\"" ["o\""])
("s,," ["s,"])
("s//" ["s/"])
("s^^" ["s^"])
("u``" ["u`"])
("u''" ["u'"])
("u^^" ["u^"])
("u\"\"" ["u\""])
("u~~" ["u~"])
("z.." ["z."])
"latin-4-postfix" "Latin-4" "4<" t
"Latin-4 characters input method with postfix modifiers
| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> 叩
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> 但
diaeresis | \" | a\" -> 辰
ogonek | , | a, -> �
macron | - | a- -> �
tilde | ~ | a~ -> 達
caron | ~ | c~ -> �
dot | . | e. -> �
cedilla | , | k, -> 跳 g, -> 庁
stroke | / | d/ -> �
nordic | / | a/ -> 奪 e/ -> 脱 o/ -> 淡
others | / | s/ -> � n/ -> � k/ -> 銚
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("A," ?�)
("A-" ?�)
("A'" ?�)
("A^" ?�)
("A~" ?�)
("A\"" ?�)
("A/" ?�)
("C~" ?�)
("D/" ?�)
("E/" ?�)
("E-" ?�)
("E'" ?�)
("E," ?�)
("E\"" ?�)
("E." ?�)
("G," ?帳)
("I~" ?懲)
("I," ?町)
("I'" ?�)
("I^" ?�)
("I-" ?暢)
("K," ?超)
("L," ?鳥)
("N/" ?�)
("N," ?�)
("O-" ?�)
("O^" ?�)
("O~" ?�)
("O\"" ?�)
("O/" ?�)
("R," ?�)
("S~" ?�)
("T/" ?摘)
("U," ?轍)
("U'" ?�)
("U^" ?�)
("U\"" ?�)
("U~" ?敵)
("U-" ?的)
("Z~" ?貼)
("a," ?�)
("a-" ?�)
("a'" ?叩)
("a^" ?但)
("a~" ?達)
("a\"" ?辰)
("a/" ?奪)
("c~" ?�)
("d/" ?�)
("e/" ?脱)
("e-" ?�)
("e'" ?辿)
("e," ?�)
("e\"" ?谷)
("e." ?�)
("g," ?庁)
("i~" ?挑)
("i," ?眺)
("i'" ?鱈)
("i^" ?樽)
("i-" ?朝)
("k/" ?銚)
("k," ?跳)
("l," ?勅)
("n/" ?�)
("n," ?�)
("o-" ?�)
("o^" ?担)
("o~" ?探)
("o\"" ?旦)
("o/" ?淡)
("r," ?�)
("s/" ?�)
("s~" ?邸)
("t/" ?擢)
("u," ?迭)
("u'" ?炭)
("u^" ?短)
("u\"" ?端)
("u~" ?滴)
("u-" ?笛)
("z~" ?転)
("A,," ["A,"])
("A--" ["A-"])
("A''" ["A'"])
("A^^" ["A^"])
("A~~" ["A~"])
("A\"\"" ["A\""])
("A//" ["A/"])
("C~~" ["C~"])
("D//" ["D/"])
("E//" ["E/"])
("E--" ["E-"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("E,," ["E,"])
("E\"\"" ["E\""])
("E.." ["E."])
("G,," ["G,"])
("I~~" ["I~"])
("I,," ["I,"])
("I''" ["I'"])
("I^^" ["I^"])
("I--" ["I-"])
("K,," ["K,"])
("L,," ["L,"])
("N//" ["N/"])
("N,," ["N,"])
("O--" ["O-"])
("O^^" ["O^"])
("O~~" ["O~"])
("O\"\"" ["O\""])
("O//" ["O/"])
("R,," ["R,"])
("S~~" ["S~"])
("T//" ["T/"])
("U,," ["U,"])
("U''" ["U'"])
("U^^" ["U^"])
("U\"\"" ["U\""])
("U~~" ["U~"])
("U--" ["U-"])
("Z~~" ["Z~"])
("a,," ["a,"])
("a--" ["a-"])
("a''" ["a'"])
("a^^" ["a^"])
("a~~" ["a~"])
("a\"\"" ["a\""])
("a//" ["a/"])
("c~~" ["c~"])
("d//" ["d/"])
("e//" ["e/"])
("e--" ["e-"])
("e''" ["e'"])
("e,," ["e,"])
("e\"\"" ["e\""])
("e.." ["e."])
("g,," ["g,"])
("i~~" ["i~"])
("i,," ["i,"])
("i''" ["i'"])
("i^^" ["i^"])
("i--" ["i-"])
("k//" ["k/"])
("k,," ["k,"])
("l,," ["l,"])
("n//" ["n/"])
("n,," ["n,"])
("o--" ["o-"])
("o^^" ["o^"])
("o~~" ["o~"])
("o\"\"" ["o\""])
("o//" ["o/"])
("r,," ["r,"])
("s//" ["s/"])
("s~~" ["s~"])
("t//" ["t/"])
("u,," ["u,"])
("u''" ["u'"])
("u^^" ["u^"])
("u\"\"" ["u\""])
("u~~" ["u~"])
("u--" ["u-"])
("z~~" ["z~"])
"latin-5-postfix" "Latin-5" "5<" t
"Latin-5 characters input method with postfix modifiers
| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> 叩
grave | ` | a` -> �
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> 但
diaeresis | \" | a\" -> 辰
tilde | ~ | a~ -> 達
breve | ~ | g~ -> �
cedilla | , | c, -> 巽
dot | . | i. -> 脹 I. -> 聴
nordic | / | a/ -> 奪 e/ -> 脱 o/ -> 淡
others | / | s/ -> �
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("A'" ?�)
("A/" ?�)
("A\"" ?�)
("A^" ?�)
("A`" ?�)
("A~" ?�)
("C," ?�)
("E'" ?�)
("E/" ?�)
("E\"" ?�)
("E^" ?�)
("E`" ?�)
("G~" ?�)
("I'" ?�)
("I." ?聴)
("I\"" ?�)
("I^" ?�)
("I`" ?�)
("N~" ?�)
("O'" ?�)
("O/" ?�)
("O\"" ?�)
("O^" ?�)
("O`" ?�)
("O~" ?�)
("S," ?�)
("U'" ?�)
("U\"" ?�)
("U^" ?�)
("U`" ?�)
("a'" ?叩)
("a/" ?奪)
("a\"" ?辰)
("a^" ?但)
("a`" ?�)
("a~" ?達)
("c," ?巽)
("e'" ?辿)
("e/" ?脱)
("e\"" ?谷)
("e^" ?棚)
("e`" ?竪)
("g~" ?�)
("i'" ?鱈)
("i." ?脹)
("i\"" ?誰)
("i^" ?樽)
("i`" ?狸)
("n~" ?単)
("o'" ?坦)
("o/" ?淡)
("o\"" ?旦)
("o^" ?担)
("o`" ?嘆)
("o~" ?探)
("s," ?�)
("s/" ?�)
("u'" ?炭)
("u\"" ?端)
("u^" ?短)
("u`" ?湛)
("y\"" ?耽)
("A''" ["A'"])
("A//" ["A/"])
("A\"\"" ["A\""])
("A^^" ["A^"])
("A``" ["A`"])
("A~~" ["A~"])
("C,," ["C,"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("E//" ["E/"])
("E\"\"" ["E\""])
("E^^" ["E^"])
("E``" ["E`"])
("G~~" ["G~"])
("I''" ["I'"])
("I.." ["I."])
("I\"\"" ["I\""])
("I^^" ["I^"])
("I``" ["I`"])
("N~~" ["N~"])
("O''" ["O'"])
("O//" ["O/"])
("O\"\"" ["O\""])
("O^^" ["O^"])
("O``" ["O`"])
("O~~" ["O~"])
("S,," ["S,"])
("U''" ["U'"])
("U\"\"" ["U\""])
("U^^" ["U^"])
("U``" ["U`"])
("a''" ["a'"])
("a//" ["a/"])
("a\"\"" ["a\""])
("a^^" ["a^"])
("a``" ["a`"])
("a~~" ["a~"])
("c,," ["c,"])
("e''" ["e'"])
("e//" ["e/"])
("e\"\"" ["e\""])
("e^^" ["e^"])
("e``" ["e`"])
("g~~" ["g~"])
("i''" ["i'"])
("i.." ["i."])
("i\"\"" ["i\""])
("i^^" ["i^"])
("i``" ["i`"])
("n~~" ["n~"])
("o''" ["o'"])
("o//" ["o/"])
("o\"\"" ["o\""])
("o^^" ["o^"])
("o``" ["o`"])
("o~~" ["o~"])
("s,," ["s,"])
("s//" ["s/"])
("u''" ["u'"])
("u\"\"" ["u\""])
("u^^" ["u^"])
("u``" ["u`"])
("y\"\"" ["y\""])
"danish-postfix" "Latin-1" "DA<" t
"Danish input method (rule: AE -> �, OE -> �, AA -> �, E' -> �)
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. aee -> ae
nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("AE" ?�)
("ae" ?脱)
("OE" ?�)
("oe" ?淡)
("AA" ?�)
("aa" ?奪)
("E'" ?�)
("e'" ?辿)
("AEE" ["AE"])
("aee" ["ae"])
("OEE" ["OE"])
("oee" ["oe"])
("AAA" ["AA"])
("aaa" ["aa"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("e''" ["e'"])
"esperanto-postfix" "Latin-3" "EO<" t
"Esperanto input method with postfix modifiers
A following ^ or x will produce an accented character,
e.g. c^ -> � gx -> � u^ -> 鏑.
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix,
e.g. a'' -> a'.
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("Cx" ?�)
("C^" ?�)
("cx" ?�)
("c^" ?�)
("Gx" ?�)
("G^" ?�)
("gx" ?�)
("g^" ?�)
("Hx" ?弔)
("H^" ?弔)
("hx" ?張)
("h^" ?張)
("Jx" ?調)
("J^" ?調)
("jx" ?諜)
("j^" ?諜)
("Sx" ?�)
("S^" ?�)
("sx" ?�)
("s^" ?�)
("Ux" ?適)
("U^" ?適)
("ux" ?鏑)
("u^" ?鏑)
("Cxx" ["Cx"])
("C^^" ["C^"])
("cxx" ["cx"])
("c^^" ["c^"])
("Gxx" ["Gx"])
("G^^" ["G^"])
("gxx" ["gx"])
("g^^" ["g^"])
("Hxx" ["Hx"])
("H^^" ["H^"])
("hxx" ["hx"])
("h^^" ["h^"])
("Jxx" ["Jx"])
("J^^" ["J^"])
("jxx" ["jx"])
("j^^" ["j^"])
("Sxx" ["Sx"])
("S^^" ["S^"])
("sxx" ["sx"])
("s^^" ["s^"])
("Uxx" ["Ux"])
("U^^" ["U^"])
("uxx" ["ux"])
("u^^" ["u^"])
"finnish-postfix" "Latin-1" "FI<" t
"Finnish (Suomi) input method
AE -> �
OE -> �
nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("AE" ?�)
("ae" ?辰)
("OE" ?�)
("oe" ?旦)
("AEE" ["AE"])
("aee" ["ae"])
("OEE" ["OE"])
("oee" ["oe"])
"french-postfix" "French" "FR<" t
"French (Fran巽ais) input method with postfix modifiers
` pour grave, ' pour aigu, ^ pour circonflexe, et \" pour tr辿ma.
Par exemple: a` -> � e' -> 辿.
�, 束, et 損 sont produits par C,, <<, et >>.
En doublant la frappe des diacritiques, ils s'isoleront de la lettre.
Par exemple: e'' -> e'
<e dans l'o> n'est pas disponible."
nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("A`" ?�)
("A^" ?�)
("a`" ?�)
("a^" ?但)
("E`" ?�)
("E'" ?�)
("E^" ?�)
("E\"" ?�)
("e`" ?竪)
("e'" ?辿)
("e^" ?棚)
("e\"" ?谷)
("I^" ?�)
("I\"" ?�)
("i^" ?樽)
("i\"" ?誰)
("O^" ?�)
("o^" ?担)
("U`" ?�)
("U^" ?�)
("U\"" ?�)
("u`" ?湛)
("u^" ?短)
("u\"" ?端)
("C," ?�)
("c," ?巽)
("<<" ?束)
(">>" ?損)
("A``" ["A`"])
("A^^" ["A^"])
("a``" ["a`"])
("a^^" ["a^"])
("E``" ["E`"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("E^^" ["E^"])
("E\"\"" ["E\""])
("e``" ["e`"])
("e''" ["e'"])
("e^^" ["e^"])
("e\"\"" ["e\""])
("I^^" ["I^"])
("I\"\"" ["I\""])
("i^^" ["i^"])
("i\"\"" ["i\""])
("O^^" ["O^"])
("o^^" ["o^"])
("U``" ["U`"])
("U^^" ["U^"])
("U\"\"" ["U\""])
("u``" ["u`"])
("u^^" ["u^"])
("u\"\"" ["u\""])
("C,," ["C,"])
("c,," ["c,"])
("<<<" ["<<"])
(">>>" [">>"])
"german-postfix" "German" "DE<" t
"German (Deutsch) input method
ae -> 辰
aee -> ae
oe -> 旦
oee -> oe
ue -> 端 (not after a/e/q)
uee -> ue
sz -> �
szz -> sz
nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("AE" ?�)
("ae" ?辰)
("OE" ?�)
("oe" ?旦)
("UE" ?�)
("ue" ?端)
("sz" ?�)
("AEE" ["AE"])
("aee" ["ae"])
("OEE" ["OE"])
("oee" ["oe"])
("UEE" ["UE"])
("uee" ["ue"])
("szz" ["sz"])
("ge" ["ge"])
("eue" ["eue"])
("Eue" ["Eue"])
("aue" ["aue"])
("Aue" ["Aue"])
("que" ["que"])
("Que" ["Que"])
"icelandic-postfix" "Latin-1" "IS<" t
"Icelandic (�slenska) input method with postfix modifiers
A' -> �
E' -> �
I' -> �
O' -> �
U' -> �
Y' -> �
AE -> �
OE -> �
D/ -> � (eth)
T/ -> � (thorn)
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("A'" ?�)
("a'" ?叩)
("E'" ?�)
("e'" ?辿)
("I'" ?�)
("i'" ?鱈)
("O'" ?�)
("o'" ?坦)
("U'" ?�)
("u'" ?炭)
("Y'" ?�)
("y'" ?箪)
("AE" ?�)
("ae" ?脱)
("OE" ?�)
("oe" ?旦)
("D/" ?�)
("d/" ?丹)
("T/" ?�)
("t/" ?綻)
("A''" ["A'"])
("a''" ["a'"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("e''" ["e'"])
("I''" ["I'"])
("i''" ["i'"])
("O''" ["O'"])
("o''" ["o'"])
("U''" ["U'"])
("u''" ["u'"])
("Y''" ["Y'"])
("y''" ["y'"])
("AEE" ["AE"])
("aee" ["ae"])
("OEE" ["OE"])
("oee" ["oe"])
("D//" ["D/"])
("d//" ["d/"])
("T//" ["T/"])
("t//" ["t/"])
"italian-postfix" "Latin-1" "IT<" t
"Italian (Italiano) input method with postfix modifiers
a` -> � A` -> � e' -> 辿 << -> 束
e` -> 竪 E` -> � E' -> � >> -> 損
i` -> 狸 I` -> � o_ -> 尊
o` -> 嘆 O` -> � a_ -> 捉
u` -> 湛 U` -> �
Typewriter-style italian characters.
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a`` -> a`
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("A`" ?�)
("a`" ?�)
("E`" ?�)
("E'" ?�)
("e`" ?竪)
("e'" ?辿)
("I`" ?�)
("i`" ?狸)
("O`" ?�)
("o`" ?嘆)
("U`" ?�)
("u`" ?湛)
("<<" ?束)
(">>" ?損)
("o_" ?尊)
("a_" ?捉)
("A``" ["A`"])
("a``" ["a`"])
("E``" ["E`"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("e``" ["e`"])
("e''" ["e'"])
("I``" ["I`"])
("i``" ["i`"])
("O``" ["O`"])
("o``" ["o`"])
("U``" ["U`"])
("u``" ["u`"])
("<<<" ["<<"])
(">>>" [">>"])
("o__" ["o_"])
("a__" ["a_"])
"norwegian-postfix" "Latin-1" "NO<" t
"Norwegian (Norsk) input method (rule: AE->� OE->� AA->� E'->�)
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. aee -> ae
nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("AE" ?�)
("ae" ?脱)
("OE" ?�)
("oe" ?淡)
("AA" ?�)
("aa" ?奪)
("E'" ?�)
("e'" ?辿)
("AEE" ["AE"])
("aee" ["ae"])
("OEE" ["OE"])
("oee" ["oe"])
("AAA" ["AA"])
("aaa" ["aa"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("e''" ["e'"])
"scandinavian-postfix" "Latin-1" "SC<" t
"Scandinavian input method with postfix modifiers
Supported languages are Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish.
ae -> 脱
oe -> 淡
aa -> 奪
a\" -> 辰
o\" -> 旦
e' -> 辿
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix:
aee -> ae o\"\" -> o\" etc.
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("AE" ?�)
("ae" ?脱)
("OE" ?�)
("oe" ?淡)
("AA" ?�)
("aa" ?奪)
("A\"" ?�)
("a\"" ?辰)
("O\"" ?�)
("o\"" ?旦)
("E'" ?�)
("e'" ?辿)
("AEE" ["AE"])
("aee" ["ae"])
("OEE" ["OE"])
("oee" ["oe"])
("AAA" ["AA"])
("aaa" ["aa"])
("A\"\"" ["A\""])
("a\"\"" ["a\""])
("O\"\"" ["O\""])
("o\"\"" ["o\""])
("E''" ["E'"])
("e''" ["e'"])
"spanish-postfix" "Spanish" "ES<" t
"Spanish (Espa単ol) input method with postfix modifiers
A' -> �
E' -> �
I' -> �
O' -> �
U' -> �
N~ -> �
!/ -> 臓
?/ -> 多
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix:
a'' -> a' n~~ -> n~, etc.
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("A'" ?�)
("a'" ?叩)
("E'" ?�)
("e'" ?辿)
("I'" ?�)
("i'" ?鱈)
("O'" ?�)
("o'" ?坦)
("U'" ?�)
("u'" ?炭)
("U\"" ?�)
("u\"" ?端)
("N~" ?�)
("n~" ?単)
("?/" ?多)
("!/" ?臓)
("A''" ["A'"])
("a''" ["a'"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("e''" ["e'"])
("I''" ["I'"])
("i''" ["i'"])
("O''" ["O'"])
("o''" ["o'"])
("U''" ["U'"])
("u''" ["u'"])
("U\"" ["U\""])
("u\"" ["U\""])
("N~~" ["N~"])
("n~~" ["n~"])
("?//" ["?/"])
("!//" ["!/"])
"swedish-postfix" "Latin-1" "SV<" t
"Swedish (Svenska) input method (rule: AA -> � AE -> � OE -> � E' -> �)
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. aee -> ae
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("AA" ?�)
("aa" ?奪)
("AE" ?�)
("ae" ?辰)
("OE" ?�)
("oe" ?旦)
("E'" ?�)
("e'" ?辿)
("AAA" ["AA"])
("aaa" ["aa"])
("AEE" ["AE"])
("aee" ["ae"])
("OEE" ["OE"])
("oee" ["oe"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("e''" ["e'"])
"turkish-postfix" "Turkish" "TR<" t
"Turkish (T端rk巽e) input method with postfix modifiers.
turkish-latin-3-postfix is an obsolete alias for turkish-postfix.
Note for I, 脹, 聴, i.
A^ -> �
C, -> �
G^ -> �
I -> I
i -> 脹
I. -> 聴
i. -> i
O\" -> �
S, -> �
U\" -> �
U^ -> �
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a^^ -> a^
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("A^" ?�)
("a^" ?但)
("C," ?�)
("c," ?巽)
("G^" ?�)
("g^" ?�)
("I." ?聴)
("i" ?脹)
("i." ?i)
("O\"" ?�)
("o\"" ?旦)
("S," ?�)
("s," ?�)
("U\"" ?�)
("u\"" ?端)
("U^" ?�)
("u^" ?短)
("A^^" ["A^"])
("a^^" ["a^"])
("C,," ["C,"])
("c,," ["c,"])
("G^^" ["G^"])
("g^^" ["g^"])
("I.." ["I."])
("i" ["i"])
("i.." ["i."])
("O\"\"" ["O\""])
("o\"\"" ["o\""])
("S,," ["S,"])
("s,," ["s,"])
("U\"\"" ["U\""])
("u\"\"" ["u\""])
("U^^" ["U^"])
("u^^" ["u^"])
;; Backwards compatibility.
(push (cons "turkish-latin-3-postfix"
(cdr (assoc "turkish-postfix" quail-package-alist)))
"british" "Latin-1" "贈@" t
"British English input method with Latin-1 character 贈 (# -> 贈)"
nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("#" [?贈 ?#])
;; The following are various quail packages for those who think
;; the above are too awkward. Supported languages and their
;; package name are:
;; French (frnch, azerty)
;; Icelandic (iclndc)
;; Denish (dnsh)
;; Norwegian (nrwgn)
;; Swedish (swdsh)
;; Finnish (fnnsh)
;; German (grmn)
;; Italian (itln)
;; Spanish (spnsh)
;; Dvorak (dvorak)
;;; 92.12.15 created for Mule Ver.0.9.6 by Takahashi N. <ntakahas@etl.go.jp>
;;; 92.12.29 modified by Takahashi N. <ntakahas@etl.go.jp>
"french-keyboard" "French" "FR@" t
"French (Fran巽ais) input method simulating some French keyboard
<e dans l'o> n'est pas disponible." nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; 棚1 辿2 竪3 担4 樽5 誰6 但7 短8 湛9 �0 -_ 谷+ `~
;; qQ wW eE rR tT yY uU iI oO pP 巽� 端&
;; aA sS dD fF gG hH jJ kK lL ;: '" \|
;; zZ xX cC vV bB nN mM ,( .) !?
("1" ?棚)
("2" ?辿)
("3" ?竪)
("4" ?担)
("5" ?樽)
("6" ?誰)
("7" ?但)
("8" ?短)
("9" ?湛)
("0" ?�)
("=" ?谷)
("[" ?巽)
("]" ?端)
("!" ?1)
("@" ?2)
("#" ?3)
("$" ?4)
("%" ?5)
("^" ?6)
("&" ?7)
("*" ?8)
("(" ?9)
(")" ?0)
("{" ?�)
("}" ?&)
("<" ?\()
(">" ?\))
"french-azerty" "French" "AZ@" t
"French (Fran巽ais) input method simulating Azerty keyboard
Similaire au clavier fran巽ais de SUN.
pr辿fixes: ^ pour circonflexe, 即 pour tr辿ma.
<e dans l'o> n'est pas disponible." nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; &1 辿2 "3 '4 (5 則6 竪7 !8 巽9 �0 )属 -_ @~
;; aA zZ eE rR tT yY uU iI oO pP ^即 `$
;; qQ sS dD fF gG hH jJ kK lL mM 湛% *|
;; wW xX cC vV bB nN ,? ;. :/ =+
("1" ?&)
("2" ?辿)
("3" ?\")
("4" ?')
("5" ?\()
("6" ?則)
("7" ?竪)
("8" ?!)
("9" ?巽)
("0" ?�)
("-" ?\))
("=" ?-)
("`" ?@)
("q" ?a)
("w" ?z)
("e" ?e)
("r" ?r)
("t" ?t)
("y" ?y)
("u" ?u)
("i" ?i)
("o" ?o)
("p" ?p)
("[" ?^)
("]" ?`)
("a" ?q)
("s" ?s)
("d" ?d)
("f" ?f)
("g" ?g)
("h" ?h)
("j" ?j)
("k" ?k)
("l" ?l)
(";" ?m)
("'" ?湛)
("\\" ?*)
("z" ?w)
("x" ?x)
("c" ?c)
("v" ?v)
("b" ?b)
("n" ?n)
("m" ?,)
("," ?\;)
("." ?:)
("/" ?=)
("!" ?1)
("@" ?2)
("#" ?3)
("$" ?4)
("%" ?5)
("^" ?6)
("&" ?7)
("*" ?8)
("(" ?9)
(")" ?0)
("_" ?属)
("+" ?_)
("~" ?~)
("Q" ?A)
("W" ?Z)
("E" ?E)
("R" ?R)
("T" ?T)
("Y" ?Y)
("U" ?U)
("I" ?I)
("O" ?O)
("P" ?P)
("{" ?即)
("}" ?$)
("A" ?Q)
("S" ?S)
("D" ?D)
("F" ?F)
("G" ?G)
("H" ?H)
("J" ?J)
("K" ?K)
("L" ?L)
(":" ?M)
("\"" ?%)
("|" ?|)
("Z" ?W)
("X" ?X)
("C" ?C)
("V" ?V)
("B" ?B)
("N" ?N)
("M" ??)
("<" ?.)
(">" ?/)
("?" ?+)
("[q" ?但)
("[e" ?棚)
("[i" ?樽)
("[o" ?担)
("[u" ?短)
("{e" ?谷)
("{i" ?誰)
("{u" ?端)
("[[" ?^)
("{{" ?即)
"icelandic-keyboard" "Latin-1" "IS@" t
"Icelandic (�slenska) input method simulating some Icelandic keyboard
Dead accent is right to 脱." nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; 1! 2" 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) 旦� -_ `~
;; qQ wW eE rR tT yY uU iI oO pP 丹� '?
;; aA sS dD fF gG hH jJ kK lL 脱� 卒卒 +*
;; zZ xX cC vV bB nN mM ,; .: 綻�
("-" ?旦)
("=" ?-)
("[" ?丹)
("]" ?')
(";" ?脱)
("'" ?卒)
("\\" ?+)
("/" ?綻)
("@" ?\")
("_" ?�)
("+" ?_)
("{" ?�)
("}" ??)
(":" ?�)
("\"" ?卒)
("|" ?*)
("<" ?\;)
(">" ?:)
("?" ?�)
("'a" ?叩)
("'e" ?辿)
("'i" ?鱈)
("'o" ?坦)
("'u" ?炭)
("'y" ?箪)
("'A" ?�)
("'E" ?�)
("'I" ?�)
("'O" ?�)
("'U" ?�)
("'Y" ?�)
("''" ?卒)
"danish-keyboard" "Latin-1" "DA@" t
"Danish input method simulating SUN Danish keyboard"
nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; 1! 2" 3# 4造 5% 6& 7/ 8( 9) 0= +? 遜則 ~^
;; qQ wW eE rR tT yY uU iI oO pP 奪� 辿�
;; aA sS dD fF gG hH jJ kK lL 脱� 淡� '*
;; zZ xX cC vV bB nN mM ,; .: -_
("-" ?+)
("=" ?遜)
("`" ?~)
("[" ?奪)
("]" ?辿)
(";" ?脱)
("'" ?淡)
("\\" ?')
("/" ?-)
("@" ?\")
("$" ?造)
("^" ?&)
("&" ?/)
("*" ?\()
("(" ?\))
(")" ?=)
("_" ??)
("+" ?則)
("~" ?^)
("{" ?�)
("}" ?�)
(":" ?�)
("\"" ?�)
("|" ?*)
("<" ?\;)
(">" ?:)
("?" ?_)
"norwegian-keyboard" "Latin-1" "NO@" t
"Norwegian (Norsk) input method simulating SUN Norwegian keyboard"
nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; 1! 2" 3# 4造 5% 6& 7/ 8( 9) 0= +? |則 ~^
;; qQ wW eE rR tT yY uU iI oO pP 奪� 辿�
;; aA sS dD fF gG hH jJ kK lL 淡� 脱� '*
;; zZ xX cC vV bB nN mM ,; .: '?
("-" ?+)
("=" ?|)
("`" ?~)
("[" ?奪)
("]" ?辿)
(";" ?淡)
("'" ?脱)
("\\" ?')
("/" ?-)
("!" ?!)
("@" ?\")
("$" ?造)
("^" ?&)
("&" ?/)
("*" ?\()
("(" ?\))
(")" ?=)
("_" ??)
("+" ?則)
("~" ?^)
("{" ?�)
("}" ?�)
(":" ?�)
("\"" ?�)
("|" ?*)
("<" ?\;)
(">" ?:)
("?" ?_)
"swedish-keyboard" "Latin-1" "SV@" t
"Swedish (Svenska) input method simulating SUN Swedish/Finnish keyboard"
nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; 1! 2" 3# 4造 5% 6& 7/ 8( 9) 0= +? 則遜 ~^
;; qQ wW eE rR tT yY uU iI oO pP 奪� 辿�
;; aA sS dD fF gG hH jJ kK lL 旦� 辰� '*
;; zZ xX cC vV bB nN mM ,; .: -_
("-" ?+)
("=" ?則)
("`" ?~)
("[" ?奪)
("]" ?辿)
(";" ?旦)
("'" ?辰)
("\\" ?')
("/" ?-)
("@" ?\")
("$" ?造)
("^" ?&)
("&" ?/)
("*" ?\()
("(" ?\))
(")" ?=)
("_" ??)
("+" ?遜)
("~" ?^)
("{" ?�)
("}" ?�)
(":" ?�)
("\"" ?�)
("|" ?*)
("<" ?\;)
(">" ?:)
("?" ?_)
"finnish-keyboard" "Latin-1" "FI@" t
"Finnish input method simulating SUN Finnish/Swedish keyboard"
nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; 1! 2" 3# 4造 5% 6& 7/ 8( 9) 0= +? 則遜 ~^
;; qQ wW eE rR tT yY uU iI oO pP 奪� 辿�
;; aA sS dD fF gG hH jJ kK lL 旦� 辰� '*
;; zZ xX cC vV bB nN mM ,; .: -_
("-" ?+)
("=" ?則)
("`" ?~)
("[" ?奪)
("]" ?辿)
(";" ?旦)
("'" ?辰)
("\\" ?')
("/" ?-)
("@" ?\")
("$" ?造)
("^" ?&)
("&" ?/)
("*" ?\()
("(" ?\))
(")" ?=)
("_" ??)
("+" ?遜)
("~" ?^)
("{" ?�)
("}" ?�)
(":" ?�)
("\"" ?�)
("|" ?*)
("<" ?\;)
(">" ?:)
("?" ?_)
"german" "German" "DE@" t
"German (Deutsch) input method simulating SUN German keyboard"
nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; 1! 2" 3則 4$ 5% 6& 7/ 8( 9) 0= �? [{ ]}
;; qQ wW eE rR tT zZ uU iI oO pP 端� +*
;; aA sS dD fF gG hH jJ kK lL 旦� 辰� #^
;; yY xX cC vV bB nN mM ,; .: -_
("-" ?�)
("=" ?\[)
("`" ?\])
("y" ?z)
("[" ?端)
("]" ?+)
(";" ?旦)
("'" ?辰)
("\\" ?#)
("z" ?y)
("/" ?-)
("@" ?\")
("#" ?則)
("^" ?&)
("&" ?/)
("*" ?\()
("Y" ?Z)
("(" ?\))
(")" ?=)
("_" ??)
("+" ?{)
("~" ?})
("{" ?�)
("}" ?*)
(":" ?�)
("\"" ?�)
("|" ?^)
("Z" ?Y)
("<" ?\;)
(">" ?:)
("?" ?_)
"italian-keyboard" "Latin-1" "IT@" t
"Italian (Italiano) input method simulating SUN Italian keyboard"
nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; 1! 2" 3贈 4$ 5% 6& 7/ 8( 9) 0= '? 狸^ `~
;; qQ wW eE rR tT yY uU iI oO pP 竪辿 +*
;; aA sS dD fF gG hH jJ kK lL 嘆巽 �属 湛則
;; zZ xX cC vV bB nN mM ,; .: -_
("-" ?')
("=" ?狸)
("[" ?竪)
("]" ?+)
(";" ?嘆)
("'" ?�)
("\\" ?湛)
("/" ?-)
("@" ?\")
("#" ?贈)
("^" ?&)
("&" ?/)
("*" ?\()
("(" ?\))
(")" ?=)
("_" ??)
("+" ?^)
("~" ?~)
("{" ?辿)
("}" ?*)
(":" ?巽)
("\"" ?属)
("|" ?則)
("<" ?\;)
(">" ?:)
("?" ?_)
"spanish-keyboard" "Spanish" "ES@" t
"Spanish (Espa単ol) input method simulating SUN Spanish keyboard"
nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; 1! 2" 3揃 4$ 5% 6& 7/ 8( 9) 0= '? 臓多 鱈�
;; qQ wW eE rR tT yY uU iI oO pP 辿� 坦�
;; aA sS dD fF gG hH jJ kK lL 単� 叩� 炭�
;; zZ xX cC vV bB nN mM ,; .: -_
("-" ?')
("=" ?臓)
("`" ?鱈)
("[" ?辿)
("]" ?坦)
(";" ?単)
("'" ?叩)
("\\" ?炭)
("/" ?-)
("@" ?\")
("#" ?揃)
("^" ?&)
("&" ?/)
("*" ?\()
("(" ?\))
(")" ?=)
("_" ??)
("+" ?多)
("~" ?�)
("{" ?�)
("}" ?�)
(":" ?�)
("\"" ?�)
("|" ?�)
("<" ?\;)
(">" ?:)
("?" ?_)
"english-dvorak" "English" "DV@" t
"English (ASCII) input method simulating Dvorak keyboard"
nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; 1! 2@ 3# 4$ 5% 6^ 7& 8* 9( 0) [{ ]} `~
;; '" ,< .> pP yY fF gG cC rR lL /? =+
;; aA oO eE uU iI dD hH tT nN sS -_ \|
;; ;: qQ jJ kK xX bB mM wW vV zZ
("-" ?\[)
("=" ?\])
("`" ?`)
("q" ?')
("w" ?,)
("e" ?.)
("r" ?p)
("t" ?y)
("y" ?f)
("u" ?g)
("i" ?c)
("o" ?r)
("p" ?l)
("[" ?/)
("]" ?=)
("a" ?a)
("s" ?o)
("d" ?e)
("f" ?u)
("g" ?i)
("h" ?d)
("j" ?h)
("k" ?t)
("l" ?n)
(";" ?s)
("'" ?-)
("\\" ?\\)
("z" ?\;)
("x" ?q)
("c" ?j)
("v" ?k)
("b" ?x)
("n" ?b)
("m" ?m)
("," ?w)
("." ?v)
("/" ?z)
("_" ?{)
("+" ?})
("~" ?~)
("Q" ?\")
("W" ?<)
("E" ?>)
("R" ?P)
("T" ?Y)
("Y" ?F)
("U" ?G)
("I" ?C)
("O" ?R)
("P" ?L)
("{" ??)
("}" ?+)
("A" ?A)
("S" ?O)
("D" ?E)
("F" ?U)
("G" ?I)
("H" ?D)
("J" ?H)
("K" ?T)
("L" ?N)
(":" ?S)
("\"" ?_)
("|" ?|)
("Z" ?:)
("X" ?Q)
("C" ?J)
("V" ?K)
("B" ?X)
("N" ?B)
("M" ?M)
("<" ?W)
(">" ?V)
("?" ?Z)
"latin-postfix" "Latin" "L<" t
"Latin character input method with postfix modifiers.
This is the union of various input methods originally made for input
of characters from a single Latin-N charset.
| postfix | examples
acute | ' | a' -> 叩
grave | ` | a` -> �
circumflex | ^ | a^ -> 但
diaeresis | \" | a\" -> 辰
tilde | ~ | a~ -> 達
cedilla | , | c, -> 巽
ogonek | , | a, -> �
breve | ~ | a~ -> �
caron | ~ | c~ -> �
dbl. acute | : | o: -> �
ring | . | u. -> 哲
dot | . | z. -> 甜
stroke | / | d/ -> �
nordic | / | d/ -> 丹 t/ -> 綻 a/ -> 奪 e/ -> 脱 o/ -> 淡
others | / | s/ -> � ?/ -> 多 !/ -> 臓 // -> 属
| various | << -> 束 >> -> 損 o_ -> 尊 a_ -> 捉
Doubling the postfix separates the letter and postfix: e.g. a'' -> a'
" nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
;; Fixme: 側 則 即 息 測 足 速 俗 賊 族 続 卒 袖 其 揃 存 孫 村 遜 他 � 歎
(" _" ?�)
("!/" ?臓)
("//" ?属)
("<<" ?\束)
(">>" ?\損)
("?/" ?多)
("$/" ?贈)
("$/" ?造)
("A'" ?�)
("A," ?�)
("A-" ?�)
("A/" ?�)
("A\"" ?�)
("A^" ?�)
("A`" ?�)
("A~" ?�)
("A~" ?�)
("C'" ?�)
("C," ?�)
("C." ?�)
("C^" ?�)
("C~" ?�)
("D/" ?�)
("D/" ?�)
("D~" ?�)
("E'" ?�)
("E," ?�)
("E-" ?�)
("E." ?�)
("E/" ?�)
("E\"" ?�)
("E^" ?�)
("E`" ?�)
("E~" ?�)
("G," ?帳)
("G." ?�)
("G^" ?�)
("G~" ?�)
("H/" ?彫)
("H^" ?弔)
("I'" ?�)
("I," ?町)
("I-" ?暢)
("I." ?聴)
("I\"" ?�)
("I^" ?�)
("I`" ?�)
("I~" ?懲)
("J^" ?調)
("K," ?超)
("L'" ?長)
("L," ?鳥)
("L/" ?�)
("L~" ?捗)
("N'" ?�)
("N," ?�)
("N/" ?�)
("N~" ?�)
("N~" ?�)
("O'" ?�)
("O-" ?�)
("O/" ?�)
("O/" ?�)
("O:" ?�)
("O\"" ?�)
("O^" ?�)
("O`" ?�)
("O~" ?�)
("R'" ?�)
("R," ?�)
("R~" ?�)
("S'" ?�)
("S," ?�)
("S^" ?�)
("S~" ?�)
("T," ?鄭)
("T/" ?�)
("T/" ?摘)
("T~" ?鼎)
("U'" ?�)
("U," ?轍)
("U-" ?的)
("U." ?溺)
("U:" ?徹)
("U\"" ?�)
("U^" ?�)
("U`" ?�)
("U~" ?敵)
("U~" ?適)
("Y'" ?�)
("Y\"" ?展)
("Y=" ?促)
("Z'" ?店)
("Z." ?纏)
("Z~" ?貼)
("a'" ?叩)
("a," ?�)
("a-" ?�)
("a/" ?奪)
("a\"" ?辰)
("a^" ?但)
("a_" ?捉)
("a`" ?�)
("a~" ?達)
("a~" ?�)
("c'" ?�)
("c," ?巽)
("c." ?�)
("c^" ?�)
("c~" ?�)
("c/" ?蔵)
("d/" ?丹)
("d/" ?�)
("d~" ?�)
("e'" ?辿)
("e," ?�)
("e-" ?�)
("e." ?�)
("e/" ?脱)
("e\"" ?谷)
("e^" ?棚)
("e`" ?竪)
("e~" ?�)
("e=" ?��)
("g," ?庁)
("g." ?帖)
("g^" ?�)
("g~" ?�)
("h/" ?徴)
("h^" ?張)
("i'" ?鱈)
("i," ?眺)
("i-" ?朝)
("i." ?脹)
("i\"" ?誰)
("i^" ?樽)
("i`" ?狸)
("i~" ?挑)
("j^" ?諜)
("k," ?跳)
("k/" ?銚)
("l'" ?頂)
("l," ?勅)
("l/" ?�)
("l~" ?直)
("n'" ?�)
("n," ?�)
("n/" ?�)
("n~" ?単)
("n~" ?�)
("o'" ?坦)
("o-" ?�)
("o/" ?淡)
("o/" ?�)
("o:" ?�)
("o\"" ?旦)
("o^" ?担)
("o_" ?尊)
("o`" ?嘆)
("o~" ?探)
("r'" ?�)
("r," ?�)
("r~" ?�)
("s'" ?�)
("s," ?�)
("s/" ?�)
("s^" ?�)
("s~" ?邸)
("t," ?釘)
("t/" ?綻)
("t/" ?擢)
("t~" ?泥)
("u'" ?炭)
("u," ?迭)
("u-" ?笛)
("u." ?哲)
("u:" ?撤)
("u\"" ?端)
("u^" ?短)
("u`" ?湛)
("u~" ?滴)
("u~" ?鏑)
("y'" ?箪)
("y\"" ?耽)
("z'" ?添)
("z." ?甜)
("z~" ?転)
("!//" ["!/"])
("///" ["//"])
("<<<" ["<<"])
(">>>" [">>"])
("?//" ["?/"])
("$//" ["$/"])
("A''" ["A'"])
("A,," ["A,"])
("A--" ["A-"])
("A//" ["A/"])
("A\"\"" ["A\""])
("A^^" ["A^"])
("A``" ["A`"])
("A~~" ["A~"])
("C''" ["C'"])
("C,," ["C,"])
("C.." ["C."])
("C^^" ["C^"])
("C~~" ["C~"])
("D//" ["D/"])
("D~~" ["D~"])
("E''" ["E'"])
("E,," ["E,"])
("E--" ["E-"])
("E.." ["E."])
("E//" ["E/"])
("E\"\"" ["E\""])
("E^^" ["E^"])
("E``" ["E`"])
("E~~" ["E~"])
("G,," ["G,"])
("G.." ["G."])
("G^^" ["G^"])
("G~~" ["G~"])
("H//" ["H/"])
("H^^" ["H^"])
("I''" ["I'"])
("I,," ["I,"])
("I--" ["I-"])
("I.." ["I."])
("I\"\"" ["I\""])
("I^^" ["I^"])
("I``" ["I`"])
("I~~" ["I~"])
("J^^" ["J^"])
("K,," ["K,"])
("L''" ["L'"])
("L,," ["L,"])
("L//" ["L/"])
("L~~" ["L~"])
("N''" ["N'"])
("N,," ["N,"])
("N//" ["N/"])
("N~~" ["N~"])
("O''" ["O'"])
("O--" ["O-"])
("O//" ["O/"])
("O::" ["O:"])
("O\"\"" ["O\""])
("O^^" ["O^"])
("O``" ["O`"])
("O~~" ["O~"])
("R''" ["R'"])
("R,," ["R,"])
("R~~" ["R~"])
("S''" ["S'"])
("S,," ["S,"])
("S^^" ["S^"])
("S~~" ["S~"])
("T,," ["T,"])
("T//" ["T/"])
("T~~" ["T~"])
("U''" ["U'"])
("U,," ["U,"])
("U--" ["U-"])
("U.." ["U."])
("U::" ["U:"])
("U\"\"" ["U\""])
("U^^" ["U^"])
("U``" ["U`"])
("U~~" ["U~"])
("Y''" ["Y'"])
("Y\"\"" ["Y\""])
("Y==" ["Y="])
("Z''" ["Z'"])
("Z.." ["Z."])
("Z~~" ["Z~"])
("a''" ["a'"])
("a,," ["a,"])
("a--" ["a-"])
("a//" ["a/"])
("a\"\"" ["a\""])
("a^^" ["a^"])
("a__" ["a_"])
("a``" ["a`"])
("a~~" ["a~"])
("c''" ["c'"])
("c,," ["c,"])
("c.." ["c."])
("c^^" ["c^"])
("c~~" ["c~"])
("c//" ["c/"])
("d//" ["d/"])
("d~~" ["d~"])
("e''" ["e'"])
("e,," ["e,"])
("e--" ["e-"])
("e.." ["e."])
("e//" ["e/"])
("e\"\"" ["e\""])
("e^^" ["e^"])
("e``" ["e`"])
("e==" ["e="])
("e~~" ["e~"])
("g,," ["g,"])
("g.." ["g."])
("g^^" ["g^"])
("g~~" ["g~"])
("h//" ["h/"])
("h^^" ["h^"])
("i''" ["i'"])
("i,," ["i,"])
("i--" ["i-"])
("i.." ["i."])
("i\"\"" ["i\""])
("i^^" ["i^"])
("i``" ["i`"])
("i~~" ["i~"])
("j^^" ["j^"])
("k,," ["k,"])
("k//" ["k/"])
("l''" ["l'"])
("l,," ["l,"])
("l//" ["l/"])
("l~~" ["l~"])
("n''" ["n'"])
("n,," ["n,"])
("n//" ["n/"])
("n~~" ["n~"])
("o''" ["o'"])
("o--" ["o-"])
("o//" ["o/"])
("o::" ["o:"])
("o\"\"" ["o\""])
("o^^" ["o^"])
("o__" ["o_"])
("o``" ["o`"])
("o~~" ["o~"])
("r''" ["r'"])
("r,," ["r,"])
("r~~" ["r~"])
("s''" ["s'"])
("s,," ["s,"])
("s//" ["s/"])
("s^^" ["s^"])
("s~~" ["s~"])
("t,," ["t,"])
("t//" ["t/"])
("t~~" ["t~"])
("u''" ["u'"])
("u,," ["u,"])
("u--" ["u-"])
("u.." ["u."])
("u::" ["u:"])
("u\"\"" ["u\""])
("u^^" ["u^"])
("u``" ["u`"])
("u~~" ["u~"])
("y''" ["y'"])
("y\"\"" ["y\""])
("z''" ["z'"])
("z.." ["z."])
("z~~" ["z~"])
;; Derived from Slovenian.kmap from Yudit
;; attributed as: 2001-11-11 Roman Maurer <roman.maurer@amis.net>
"slovenian" "Slovenian" "Sl" t
"Slovenian postfix input."
nil t t t nil nil nil nil nil nil t)
("C<" ?�)
("C'" ?�)
("D;" ?�)
("S<" ?�)
("Z<" ?貼)
("c<" ?�)
("c'" ?�)
("d;" ?�)
("s<" ?邸)
("z<" ?転))
;; arch-tag: 170180fb-9617-4d58-9d51-65ca23c05d94
;;; latin-post.el ends here