Include "composite.h".
(enum compisition_state): New enum.
(struct compisition_status): New struct.
(struct iso_2022_spec): New member cmp_status.
(struct emacs_mule_spec): New struct.
(struct coding_system): New members ctext_extended_segment_len and
embedded_utf_8. Change the union member
spec.emacs_mule_full_support to spec.emacs_mule.
Tasks needed before the next release.* TO BE DONE SHORTLY BEFORE RELEASE** Check for widow and orphan lines in manuals;make sure all the pages really look ok in the manual as formatted.** Regenerate the pdf versions of the reference cards in etc/refcards/.** Ask maintainers of refcard translations to update them.Emacs 22 translators:LANG Translator Statuscs Pavel Jan鱈k de Sven Joachim fr Eric Jacoboni pl W�odek Bzyl pt-br Rodrigo Real ru Alex Ott sk Miroslav Va邸ko ** Remove temporary +++/--- lines in NEWS.** Try to reorder NEWS: most important things first, related items together.* BUGS** Does deleting frames run Lisp code? If so, can we get rid of that?It is a dangerous design.** Why were the calls to x_fully_uncatch_errors commented out in eval.c?** rms: gnus-dired.el is a mistake. Those features should notbe part of Gnus. They should be moved to some other part of Emacs.rsteib: Gnus dependencies in `gnus-dired.el' (and `mailcap.el') have beenminimized. I don't know what is left to do here.** Check for modes which bind M-s that conflicts with a new global binding M-sand change key bindings where necessary. The current list of modes:1. Gnus binds `M-s' to `gnus-summary-search-article-forward'.2. Minibuffer binds `M-s' to `next-matching-history-element' (not useful any more since C-s can now search in the history).3. Shell mode binds `M-s' to `comint-next-matching-input'. This key binding can be changed later when we will implement incremental search through the shell history.4. `center-line' in Text mode was already moved to the text formatting keymap as `M-o M-s' (thus this binding is not necessary any more in `nroff-mode-map' too and can be removed now from the nroff mode because it can now use the global key binding `M-o M-s' `center-line').5. PCL-CVS binds `M-s' to `cvs-status', and log-edit-mode binds it to `log-edit-comment-search-forward'. Perhaps search commands on the global key binding `M-s' are useless in these modes.**, 30 Oct: ps-lpr-switches has no effect by this change?2007-11-09 Vinicius Jose Latorre <> * ps-print.el: [...] (ps-do-despool): If ps-lpr-switches is not a list, force it to be one.** In C, use EMACS_INT for variables and structure membersfor buffer/string positions. E.g. struct it, struct text_pos.* DOCUMENTATION** Clean up references in code and documentation.** Document new font backend** Document XEmbed support** Check the Emacs Tutorial.The first line of every tutorial must begin with text ending in aperiod (".", ASCII 0x2E) saying "Emacs Tutorial" in the respectivelanguage. This should be followed by "See end for copying conditions",likewise in the respective language.After each file name, on the same line or the following line, come thenames of the people who have checked it.SECTION READERS----------------------------------etc/TUTORIAL etc/ etc/TUTORIAL.cnetc/TUTORIAL.cs etc/ etc/TUTORIAL.eoetc/ etc/ etc/ etc/TUTORIAL.ja etc/TUTORIAL.koetc/ etc/ etc/TUTORIAL.pt_BR etc/TUTORIAL.roetc/ etc/ etc/ etc/ etc/ etc/TUTORIAL.zh** Check the manual.abbrevs.texi -- cydack.texi -- rgmanti.texiarevert-xtra.texibasic.texi -- cydbuffers.texi -- cydbuilding.texi -- cydcalendar.texi -- rgmcal-xtra.texi -- rgmcmdargs.texi -- cydcommands.texi -- cydcustom.texi -- cyddired.texi -- cyddired-xtra.texidisplay.texi -- cydemacs.texi -- cydemacs-xtra.texiemerge-xtra.texientering.texi -- cydfiles.texifixit.texi -- cydfortran-xtra.texi -- rgmframes.texi -- cydglossary.texihelp.texiindent.texi -- cydkilling.texi -- cydkmacro.texi -- cydmacos.texi -- contents need to be evaluated and see what is still relevant after the NS merge.maintaining.texi -- cydmajor.texi -- cydmark.texi -- cydmini.texi -- cydmisc.teximsdog.teximsdog-xtra.teximule.texim-x.texi -- cydprograms.texi -- cydregs.texi -- cydrmail.texi -- rgmscreen.texi -- cydsearch.texi -- cydsending.texitext.texi -- cydtrouble.texiwindows.texi -- rudalicsxresources.texi** Check the Lisp manual.abbrevs.texiadvice.texianti.texiback.texibackups.texibuffers.texicommands.texicompile.texicontrol.texi -- cydcustomize.texidebugging.texidisplay.texiedebug.texielisp.texierrors.texieval.texi -- cydfiles.texiframes.texifunctions.texihash.texi -- cydhelp.texihooks.texiindex.texiinternals.texiintro.texi -- cydkeymaps.texilists.texi -- cydloading.texilocals.teximacros.teximaps.teximarkers.teximinibuf.teximodes.texinonascii.texinumbers.texi -- cydobjects.texi -- cydos.texipositions.texiprocesses.texisearching.texisequences.texi -- cydstreams.texistrings.texi -- cydsymbols.texi -- cydsyntax.texitext.texitips.texivariables.texi -- cydwindows.texi* PLANNED ADDITIONS** CEDET (not for 23.1 due to paperwork issues, perhaps for 23.2)** js2-mode** pov-mode (probably not for Emacs-23: waiting for a Free POV-Ray).** gas-mode ?Local variables:mode: outlinecoding: utf-8end: