view lisp/pgg-parse.el @ 111107:f3721a6253a8

Fix mouse highlight in bidi-reordered continued lines. xdisp.c (row_containing_pos): Don't return too early when CHARPOS is in a bidi-reordered continued line. Return immediately when the first hit is found in a line that is not continued, or when an exact match for CHARPOS is found. (mouse_face_from_buffer_pos): Rewrite to not assume that START_CHARPOS is always in mouse_face_beg_row. If necessary, swap mouse_face_beg_row and mouse_face_end_row so that the former is always above the latter or identical to it. Continued lines that begin or end outside of the visible region still don't work.
author Eli Zaretskii <>
date Sat, 02 Oct 2010 17:05:20 +0200
parents c0d13767677a
children 280c8ae2476d
line wrap: on
line source

;;; pgg-parse.el --- OpenPGP packet parsing

;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
;;   2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Daiki Ueno <>
;; Created: 1999/10/28
;; Keywords: PGP, OpenPGP, GnuPG

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:

;;    This module is based on

;;	[OpenPGP] RFC 2440: "OpenPGP Message Format"
;;	    by John W. Noerenberg, II <>,
;;          Jon Callas <>, Lutz Donnerhacke <>,
;;          Hal Finney <> and Rodney Thayer <>
;;	    (1998/11)

;;; Code:

  (unless (fboundp 'declare-function) (defmacro declare-function (&rest r)))
  (require 'cl))

(defgroup pgg-parse ()
  "OpenPGP packet parsing."
  :group 'pgg)

(defcustom pgg-parse-public-key-algorithm-alist
  '((1 . RSA) (2 . RSA-E) (3 . RSA-S) (16 . ELG-E) (17 . DSA) (20 . ELG))
  "Alist of the assigned number to the public key algorithm."
  :group 'pgg-parse
  :type '(repeat
	  (cons (sexp :tag "Number") (sexp :tag "Type"))))

(defcustom pgg-parse-symmetric-key-algorithm-alist
  '((1 . IDEA) (2 . 3DES) (4 . CAST5) (5 . SAFER-SK128))
  "Alist of the assigned number to the simmetric key algorithm."
  :group 'pgg-parse
  :type '(repeat
	  (cons (sexp :tag "Number") (sexp :tag "Type"))))

(defcustom pgg-parse-hash-algorithm-alist
  '((1 . MD5) (2 . SHA1) (3 . RIPEMD160) (5 . MD2) (8 . SHA256) (9 . SHA384)
    (10 . SHA512))
  "Alist of the assigned number to the cryptographic hash algorithm."
  :group 'pgg-parse
  :type '(repeat
	  (cons (sexp :tag "Number") (sexp :tag "Type"))))

(defcustom pgg-parse-compression-algorithm-alist
  '((0 . nil); Uncompressed
    (1 . ZIP)
    (2 . ZLIB))
  "Alist of the assigned number to the compression algorithm."
  :group 'pgg-parse
  :type '(repeat
	  (cons (sexp :tag "Number") (sexp :tag "Type"))))

(defcustom pgg-parse-signature-type-alist
  '((0 . "Signature of a binary document")
    (1 . "Signature of a canonical text document")
    (2 . "Standalone signature")
    (16 . "Generic certification of a User ID and Public Key packet")
    (17 . "Persona certification of a User ID and Public Key packet")
    (18 . "Casual certification of a User ID and Public Key packet")
    (19 . "Positive certification of a User ID and Public Key packet")
    (24 . "Subkey Binding Signature")
    (31 . "Signature directly on a key")
    (32 . "Key revocation signature")
    (40 . "Subkey revocation signature")
    (48 . "Certification revocation signature")
    (64 . "Timestamp signature."))
  "Alist of the assigned number to the signature type."
  :group 'pgg-parse
  :type '(repeat
	  (cons (sexp :tag "Number") (sexp :tag "Type"))))

(defcustom pgg-ignore-packet-checksum t; XXX
  "If non-nil checksum of each ascii armored packet will be ignored."
  :group 'pgg-parse
  :type 'boolean)

(defvar pgg-armor-header-lines
  '("^-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE\\(, PART [0-9]+\\(/[0-9]+\\)?\\)?-----\r?$"
    "^-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r?$"
    "^-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\r?$"
    "^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\r?$")
  "Armor headers.")

  (defalias 'pgg-char-int (if (fboundp 'char-int)

(defmacro pgg-format-key-identifier (string)
  `(mapconcat (lambda (c) (format "%02X" (pgg-char-int c)))
	      ,string "")
  ;; `(upcase (apply #'format "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
  ;;                 (string-to-number-list ,string)))

(defmacro pgg-parse-time-field (bytes)
  `(list (logior (lsh (car ,bytes) 8)
		 (nth 1 ,bytes))
	 (logior (lsh (nth 2 ,bytes) 8)
		 (nth 3 ,bytes))

(defmacro pgg-byte-after (&optional pos)
  `(pgg-char-int (char-after ,(or pos `(point)))))

(defmacro pgg-read-byte ()
  `(pgg-char-int (char-after (prog1 (point) (forward-char)))))

(defmacro pgg-read-bytes-string (nbytes)
    (point) (prog1 (+ ,nbytes (point))
	      (forward-char ,nbytes))))

(defmacro pgg-read-bytes (nbytes)
  `(mapcar #'pgg-char-int (pgg-read-bytes-string ,nbytes))
  ;; `(string-to-number-list (pgg-read-bytes-string ,nbytes))

(defmacro pgg-read-body-string (ptag)
  `(if (nth 1 ,ptag)
       (pgg-read-bytes-string (nth 1 ,ptag))
     (pgg-read-bytes-string (- (point-max) (point)))))

(defmacro pgg-read-body (ptag)
  `(mapcar #'pgg-char-int (pgg-read-body-string ,ptag))
  ;; `(string-to-number-list (pgg-read-body-string ,ptag))

(defalias 'pgg-skip-bytes 'forward-char)

(defmacro pgg-skip-header (ptag)
  `(pgg-skip-bytes (nth 2 ,ptag)))

(defmacro pgg-skip-body (ptag)
  `(pgg-skip-bytes (nth 1 ,ptag)))

(defmacro pgg-set-alist (alist key value)
  `(setq ,alist (nconc ,alist (list (cons ,key ,value)))))

(when (fboundp 'define-ccl-program)

  (define-ccl-program pgg-parse-crc24
	(read r0) (r1 ^= r0) (r2 ^= 0)
	(r5 = 0)
	 (r1 <<= 1)
	 (r1 += ((r2 >> 15) & 1))
	 (r2 <<= 1)
	 (if (r1 & 256)
	     ((r1 ^= 390) (r2 ^= 19707)))
	 (if (r5 < 7)
	     ((r5 += 1)

  (defvar pgg-parse-crc24)

  (defun pgg-parse-crc24-string (string)
    (let ((h (vector nil 183 1230 nil nil nil nil nil nil)))
      (ccl-execute-on-string pgg-parse-crc24 h string)
      (format "%c%c%c"
	      (logand (aref h 1) 255)
	      (logand (lsh (aref h 2) -8) 255)
	      (logand (aref h 2) 255)))))

(defmacro pgg-parse-length-type (c)
    ((< ,c 192) (cons ,c 1))
    ((< ,c 224)
     (cons (+ (lsh (- ,c 192) 8)
	      (pgg-byte-after (+ 2 (point)))
    ((= ,c 255)
     (cons (cons (logior (lsh (pgg-byte-after (+ 2 (point))) 8)
			 (pgg-byte-after (+ 3 (point))))
		 (logior (lsh (pgg-byte-after (+ 4 (point))) 8)
			 (pgg-byte-after (+ 5 (point)))))
    (t;partial body length
     '(0 . 0))))

(defun pgg-parse-packet-header ()
  (let ((ptag (pgg-byte-after))
	length-type content-tag packet-bytes header-bytes)
    (if (zerop (logand 64 ptag));Old format
	  (setq length-type (logand ptag 3)
		length-type (if (= 3 length-type) 0 (lsh 1 length-type))
		content-tag (logand 15 (lsh ptag -2))
		packet-bytes 0
		header-bytes (1+ length-type))
	  (dotimes (i length-type)
	    (setq packet-bytes
		  (logior (lsh packet-bytes 8)
			  (pgg-byte-after (+ 1 i (point)))))))
      (setq content-tag (logand 63 ptag)
	    length-type (pgg-parse-length-type
			 (pgg-byte-after (1+ (point))))
	    packet-bytes (car length-type)
	    header-bytes (1+ (cdr length-type))))
    (list content-tag packet-bytes header-bytes)))

(defun pgg-parse-packet (ptag)
  (case (car ptag)
    (1 ;Public-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet
     (pgg-parse-public-key-encrypted-session-key-packet ptag))
    (2 ;Signature Packet
     (pgg-parse-signature-packet ptag))
    (3 ;Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet
     (pgg-parse-symmetric-key-encrypted-session-key-packet ptag))
    ;; 4        -- One-Pass Signature Packet
    ;; 5        -- Secret Key Packet
    (6 ;Public Key Packet
     (pgg-parse-public-key-packet ptag))
    ;; 7        -- Secret Subkey Packet
    ;; 8        -- Compressed Data Packet
    (9 ;Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet
     (pgg-read-body-string ptag))
    (10 ;Marker Packet
     (pgg-read-body-string ptag))
    (11 ;Literal Data Packet
     (pgg-read-body-string ptag))
    ;; 12       -- Trust Packet
    (13 ;User ID Packet
     (pgg-read-body-string ptag))
    ;; 14       -- Public Subkey Packet
    ;; 60 .. 63 -- Private or Experimental Values

(defun pgg-parse-packets (&optional header-parser body-parser)
  (let ((header-parser
	 (or header-parser
	     (function pgg-parse-packet-header)))
	 (or body-parser
	     (function pgg-parse-packet)))
	result ptag)
    (while (> (point-max) (1+ (point)))
      (setq ptag (funcall header-parser))
      (pgg-skip-header ptag)
      (push (cons (car ptag)
		    (funcall body-parser ptag)))
      (if (zerop (nth 1 ptag))
	  (goto-char (point-max))
	(forward-char (nth 1 ptag))))

(defun pgg-parse-signature-subpacket-header ()
  (let ((length-type (pgg-parse-length-type (pgg-byte-after))))
    (list (pgg-byte-after (+ (cdr length-type) (point)))
	  (1- (car length-type))
	  (1+ (cdr length-type)))))

(defun pgg-parse-signature-subpacket (ptag)
  (case (car ptag)
    (2 ;signature creation time
     (cons 'creation-time
	   (let ((bytes (pgg-read-bytes 4)))
	     (pgg-parse-time-field bytes))))
    (3 ;signature expiration time
     (cons 'signature-expiry
	   (let ((bytes (pgg-read-bytes 4)))
	     (pgg-parse-time-field bytes))))
    (4 ;exportable certification
     (cons 'exportability (pgg-read-byte)))
    (5 ;trust signature
     (cons 'trust-level (pgg-read-byte)))
    (6 ;regular expression
     (cons 'regular-expression
	   (pgg-read-body-string ptag)))
    (7 ;revocable
     (cons 'revocability (pgg-read-byte)))
    (9 ;key expiration time
     (cons 'key-expiry
	   (let ((bytes (pgg-read-bytes 4)))
	     (pgg-parse-time-field bytes))))
    ;; 10 = placeholder for backward compatibility
    (11 ;preferred symmetric algorithms
     (cons 'preferred-symmetric-key-algorithm
	   (cdr (assq (pgg-read-byte)
    (12 ;revocation key
    (16 ;issuer key ID
     (cons 'key-identifier
	   (pgg-format-key-identifier (pgg-read-body-string ptag))))
    (20 ;notation data
     (pgg-skip-bytes 4)
     (cons 'notation
	   (let ((name-bytes (pgg-read-bytes 2))
		 (value-bytes (pgg-read-bytes 2)))
	     (cons (pgg-read-bytes-string
		    (logior (lsh (car name-bytes) 8)
			    (nth 1 name-bytes)))
		    (logior (lsh (car value-bytes) 8)
			    (nth 1 value-bytes)))))))
    (21 ;preferred hash algorithms
     (cons 'preferred-hash-algorithm
	   (cdr (assq (pgg-read-byte)
    (22 ;preferred compression algorithms
     (cons 'preferred-compression-algorithm
	   (cdr (assq (pgg-read-byte)
    (23 ;key server preferences
     (cons 'key-server-preferences
	   (pgg-read-body ptag)))
    (24 ;preferred key server
     (cons 'preferred-key-server
	   (pgg-read-body-string ptag)))
    ;; 25 = primary user id
    (26 ;policy URL
     (cons 'policy-url (pgg-read-body-string ptag)))
    ;; 27 = key flags
    ;; 28 = signer's user id
    ;; 29 = reason for revocation
    ;; 100 to 110 = internal or user-defined

(defun pgg-parse-signature-packet (ptag)
  (let* ((signature-version (pgg-byte-after))
	 (result (list (cons 'version signature-version)))
	 hashed-material field n)
     ((= signature-version 3)
      (pgg-skip-bytes 2)
      (setq hashed-material (pgg-read-bytes 5))
      (pgg-set-alist result
		     (cdr (assq (pop hashed-material)
      (pgg-set-alist result
		     (pgg-parse-time-field hashed-material))
      (pgg-set-alist result
		      (pgg-read-bytes-string 8)))
      (pgg-set-alist result
		     'public-key-algorithm (pgg-read-byte))
      (pgg-set-alist result
		     'hash-algorithm (pgg-read-byte)))
     ((= signature-version 4)
      (pgg-skip-bytes 1)
      (pgg-set-alist result
		     (cdr (assq (pgg-read-byte)
      (pgg-set-alist result
      (pgg-set-alist result
		     'hash-algorithm (pgg-read-byte))
      (when (>= 10000 (setq n (pgg-read-bytes 2)
			    n (logior (lsh (car n) 8)
				      (nth 1 n))))
	  (narrow-to-region (point)(+ n (point)))
	  (nconc result
		 (mapcar (function cdr) ;remove packet types
	  (goto-char (point-max))))
      (when (>= 10000 (setq n (pgg-read-bytes 2)
			    n (logior (lsh (car n) 8)
				      (nth 1 n))))
	  (narrow-to-region (point)(+ n (point)))
	  (nconc result
		 (mapcar (function cdr) ;remove packet types

    (setcdr (setq field (assq 'public-key-algorithm
	    (cdr (assq (cdr field)
    (setcdr (setq field (assq 'hash-algorithm
	    (cdr (assq (cdr field)

(defun pgg-parse-public-key-encrypted-session-key-packet (ptag)
  (let (result)
    (pgg-set-alist result
		   'version (pgg-read-byte))
    (pgg-set-alist result
		    (pgg-read-bytes-string 8)))
    (pgg-set-alist result
		   (cdr (assq (pgg-read-byte)

(defun pgg-parse-symmetric-key-encrypted-session-key-packet (ptag)
  (let (result)
    (pgg-set-alist result
    (pgg-set-alist result
		   (cdr (assq (pgg-read-byte)

(defun pgg-parse-public-key-packet (ptag)
  (let* ((key-version (pgg-read-byte))
	 (result (list (cons 'version key-version)))
     ((= 3 key-version)
      (pgg-set-alist result
		     (let ((bytes (pgg-read-bytes 4)))
		       (pgg-parse-time-field bytes)))
      (pgg-set-alist result
		     'key-expiry (pgg-read-bytes 2))
      (pgg-set-alist result
		     'public-key-algorithm (pgg-read-byte)))
     ((= 4 key-version)
      (pgg-set-alist result
		     (let ((bytes (pgg-read-bytes 4)))
		       (pgg-parse-time-field bytes)))
      (pgg-set-alist result
		     'public-key-algorithm (pgg-read-byte))))

    (setcdr (setq field (assq 'public-key-algorithm
	    (cdr (assq (cdr field)

;; p-d-p only calls this if it is defined, but the compiler does not
;; recognize that.
(declare-function pgg-parse-crc24-string "pgg-parse" (string))

(defun pgg-decode-packets ()
  (if (re-search-forward "^=\\([A-Za-z0-9+/]\\{4\\}\\)$" nil t)
      (let ((p (match-beginning 0))
	    (checksum (match-string 1)))
	(delete-region p (point-max))
	(if (ignore-errors (base64-decode-region (point-min) p))
	    (or (not (fboundp 'pgg-parse-crc24-string))
		(string-equal (base64-encode-string (pgg-parse-crc24-string
		  (message "PGP packet checksum does not match")
	  (message "PGP packet contain invalid base64")
    (message "PGP packet checksum not found")

(defun pgg-decode-armor-region (start end)
    (narrow-to-region start end)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (re-search-forward "^-+BEGIN PGP" nil t)
    (delete-region (point-min)
		   (and (search-forward "\n\n")
			(match-end 0)))
    (when (pgg-decode-packets)
      (goto-char (point-min))

(defun pgg-parse-armor (string)
    (unless (featurep 'xemacs)
      (set-buffer-multibyte nil))
    (insert string)
    (pgg-decode-armor-region (point-min)(point))))

  (defalias 'pgg-string-as-unibyte (if (fboundp 'string-as-unibyte)

(defun pgg-parse-armor-region (start end)
  (pgg-parse-armor (pgg-string-as-unibyte (buffer-substring start end))))

(provide 'pgg-parse)

;; arch-tag: 16c2eb82-1313-4a7c-a70f-420709b5b43e
;;; pgg-parse.el ends here